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MODERNIZED: THEK ING'ISN DIAN DEFENSE DejaBno jkov ETROPOLITAN ME TROPOLIANT CHESSP UB LISHING FirPsutb lisihnet dh eU Sb yM etropolCihteasnPs u blish2i0n1g4 Copyrig2ht0©1 D4e jan Bojkov FirEsdti tion Alrli ghrtess erveNdo.p arotf t hibso omka yb er eproduocret dr ansmiitnt ed anyf ormw ithowuritt tepne mrissifroonm t heP ublis.h er ISBN1-39:7 8-0-9881-506-29 ISBN1-00:9 85268130 Covebry E lenRao sDe adural EditbeydL awrenSctee vens Printientd h eU Sb yL oneS taPrr ses MetropolCihteasnPs u blishiisan ngi mprinotfM etropolCihteasnIs n,c MetropolCihteasnIs nc, .P,O Box2 5112,L osAn gelesC,A 900251-120 emaili:no@ fmetrohcesscloam. websi:wwt we .metreosclshao.mc METROPOLIATN CHESSP UBLISHING CommissiEodniitnAnokgri :tG upta Edi-toirnh-iCeLf:a wrenSctee vens AssisEtdainttAol rea:jn drRou iz,Jr . Contents Introduction 5 1 TheC lassiVcaarli ation 15 1aF lexibiilnit thyeC lassical Variatio1n7 1bT heG ligroiScy stem 67 1cT heE xcahngSey stem 91 1dT heP etrosiSayns tem 107 2 TheS amisVcahr iation 121 3 TheF ouPra wnsA ttack 189 4 TheA verbaSkyhs tem 213 5 TheB agiroLvi ne 237 6 TheFi anchetStyos tem 273 Solutitootn hseE xercises 307 IndeoxfV ariations 355 Symbols Goodm ove !! Excellmeonvte ? Badm ove ?? Blunder !? Deserveast tention ?! Dubious # Checkmate D Forcetdh;eo nlmyo ve oo Unclepaors ition = Equaplo sition ;!; Sligahdtv antafgoWerh ite + Sligahdtv antafgoeBr l ack ± Distiandcvta ntafgoWerh ite + Distiandcvta ntafgoeBr l ack +- Whities w inning -+ Blaciksw inning t witthh ei nitiative � witthh ea ttack insufficiceonmtp ensatfiootrnh em aterial 00 sufficiecnotm pensatfiootrnh em aterial witcho unterplay witthh ei de.a. . bettie.sr. . Novelty Timep ressure Introduction Dearr ead,ey roua reh olidngi ny ouhra ndas b oookn m y belovoepde ning, theK ings 'IndiaDne efnseI. s tartedy inptglh ailsi nien m y youthful dayasf terre aditnhgef amousb oko byD avidB ronstaebionu tth eI nterzonal tourmneanti nZ urich-Nuesuehn1a 95.3I tw ast het imewh ent hed eefnse appeareidne littoeu rneanmtasn dn evelre ft. I witensseGda rryK aspraov's SkembrisV an Wely · gloriocuasr eearn d followehdi s Ske1i993 finalm atcha gainhsits grreiavta l AnatoKlayr powvh enK asaprodvi d notfe art ou set heK IDa nde vewno n them atch. My passifoonrt heK ingI'ns dian remainsu ndiminisahleldt hsee year.sF or sopmeoep lieti sa r eilgion. Manyo fm y friendhsa ve tried toc ovnincmee thatt hiosp ening isp ostiionalulnys ounWdh.i tei s takinmgo res pacaen dc ontrtohles centbeert ter. I strodnigaslgyer e.T heK IDi s foundeodn s trofnugn dametnaltsh;e centeirst emporargiivleynu p but canl atebrea ttackaenddd estroyed,W hitien deheads mosrpea cbeu,t whilBel ackc'osn troofkl e ys quaresh isp ositiiossn t rategilcoaslHtli.ys canc ompensfaothre i lsa cokfs pace. gainof s pachea so peneudp some Havea looka t thef ollowingw eaknseseisn h isc amps,p ecifically examp:l e thed 4 squa.rA et thes amet ime, Introductio5n thea nalogosuqsu aroen d 5i sw ell 18R.he1f 61 9.Rd6K f72 0.dN2 coverbeydt heb lacpki ceesa ndi s Ke72 1.RdNe36 22.3g h52 3h.4 unreachabbyt lheew hitken ihgt. Nd42 4.Nf1b 62 5N.e3B b72 6.(3 14.ac35 / If26d.5N+t he2n6 . K.d.6 ,a nwser- This fitxheews h itpeaw nso nt he ing2 7N.xf6w ith2 7. R.f.8 28.dN5 coloofrB lacko'wsnb ishoapn,dp re­ Rxf2+. pareass tandakrndi ghmta neuver.2 6. R.g.8 27.Bd1 Kd6 28R.d2 15b.5N c71 6.Be2 Raf82 9.a4f 53 0.ex5fg xf53 14. ( Of no reliiesf1 6.Nxe5d uet o Probabmloyr es tubboirs3n l.4 g 16. R.e.6 1 7N.g4f5 18.eN3f 41 9.dN5 hxg43 2x.gf4f 43 3.fN5+R xf53 4g.xf5 Nxd52 0.xdc5R xe4++,w hil1e6 .Rdle 4+. Re61 7R.d8+o nlyh elpBsl actko 31. R.x.g 33 2N.c2 proceewdi thh isi dea:1 7. K.g.7 Bettwears 3 2x.ef5+w,h icihs a n­ 18.eB2R e7+. swerebdy3 2. K.e.6 3 3.fR2f 43 4.xBh5 16. R.e.6 1 7.0-0-R0e B+ f3 35B.g4+K xe5 36.f5N+ Kf4-.+ 32. B.e.4 3 3x.ef5K+x e53 4.Nxd4 cxd43 5B.xh5 Rh83 6.fB7R xh4 37.Kb2R hh33 8c.5b x5c 39a.5 Ra34 0a.6R a44 1B.e8c 44 2R.f2 Rb3+0- 1 Whitcea n ndoot hitnogf acet he establishomfet nhte black knight ond 4.A ftert hsi,B lack eciatnh er prepatrhee f 5 breakthororhu eg h, cane veno pent hep ositoinot nh e queenfl'asn ka tt hep ropmeorm ent. Probabnloyt f amiliawri tht his gamef rotm wo monbtehofsr eP,o lgar, with1 7. K.g.7 18.4 a a6r,u shed and threaww ayt hee dgeN.o wW hitues es theo pean- fitloer eleatsheep ressure. 19.bK2R e72 0.dR6N e82 l.dR5a xb5 22.xab5b 62 3.aRlR xal 24.xKalf6 25.dR8B b72 6.dN2f5 27.xf5e gxf5. Theg amew asl atderra wnH,u ebner­ PolgaBri,eI ln terzo1n9a9.l3 6 Introduction In ordetrob ettuenrd ersttahned Qh#l.)1 8. N.g.3+ 19h.xg3 Qxf8 KingI'nsd iDaenef nseo,n en eeds 20.fNlQ h6+2 1.hN2K g7-+ toa pprecitahteie m portaonfc e Blackd'asr -ksuqaredb ishoTph.i s mightpyi ecoen t he lodniagg onal ist hep ridaen dt hej yo ofa nyK ID playeTrh.e b lacskq uareasre t he territoofrt yh es ecnod playeyre,t theb ishompi ghti nf actn ote ven ben eedefdor thes econdp layetro demonstrtahsti:e Naumkin- Smirin Icshia 1995 Andn owi f2 2.fBlt hen2 2. Q.x.h 2+ 23.xKh2R h8m at.e 17.Q .x.g 51 8N.fl If1 8B.flt hen1 8. K.g.7! ?i ntend- ing. R.h.8 . 18. (.5�. Witht he attTahcke.o utcomoef Black's ivdeeraiy mpirse ss,ia vned thep ostiioonf hpiise coenst hek ing's flanki sq uitferi ghetning. 19.ex5f Not 19.QcNlf 4 20.3g Nh3+ Her,e IlySam iriinn troeddua c 21.gK2f 4+. fabulounso velbtays, eodn h isd eep 19. g.x.f 52 0.a3a 41 underasntdinogft hep ostiio:n Energeptliacoy n b otflha nk!s 15. B.f.6 l!1N6.B xh6 If2 0. N.f.4t he2n 1.3g. Rejetcintgh eo ffewro ulndo ts ave 21b.4 Whitef rom proebmls:1 6.a3B g5 Or2 1.bx!a?4 17B.f2?B xd21 8.xQd2N xb3+. 21. N.b.3 + 16. B.g.5 / Thep oitnb ehinBdl ackm'asne u­ verW.i thotuhte b la-cskuqarebdi sh­ op,Wh itcea nd on otihngt oc ontrol hidsa r-kqsuarepde rimeter. 17.Bxg5 Thee xchanigspe o isoansB, l ack willm ateo n thed ark squasr:e 17B.xf8?B e3+1 8.hKl( Alsmoa tgin is1 8K.flQ h41 9N.dlN g3+2 0h.xg3 Introduction7 Blaciksu sinogn ee xtra paitle ecaes t (thbei sh!oi)pn t hea ttacmka,k es his positrieosni gbnl.ae 31Q.e2 If atlhlew hitpea wnsle avteh e blacskq uasr,eW hitew ilhla ven o controovlet rh em:3 1b.3R c83 2.cK2 Rxc+4!3 3.bxcR4b 2+-+. 31. Q.a.7 3 2.RclR aB3 3b.3B f4 34.Kc2 Smirini'nss pirpeldahy a sg iven himt hea dvantawghei,c hhe later converitnetdaof ullpo inotnm ove4 7. As we haves eent,h ep ositional pawns acriifisco en eo f tshter ategi­ caild eatsop rove supeornit ohrei ty darskq uaers. Howevewre, alshoa vea nother stronwge apoinn o ura rseanlt,h e attawcikt ohp potsei-lcoorebdi sphso: 34. R.e.7 Kamsky- Kasparov Kaspaovr isn oti nteresitne d Manil(l)oa1 992 tradihnigbs i shfoorp rao o!k 35Q.d3Q c53 6.Rlb Re33 7.Qd4 Ra2+3 8K.dl It'msa tea fte3r8 .bR2 Rbx2+ 39.xQb2B e54 0.QaR2c 3+. 38. R.x.f3 Therwee reo thewri nsa sw ell, for exampl3e8. R.e.8 !? 3d93.Q Rb4 40.QcQ3x c34 1.xRc3R d2+4 2.Kcl Relm ate. 39Q.xf4R xf4 40.Rxa2 Qgl+ 41.cK2Q xh+2 0-1 Youw ilhla ven otictehda tt he attacwka s conductmeadin ly on thes quarest heoc fo loorft heb lack bish.o p Kamskyh asa ne xtrpaaw n,b ut itn'osc onsolaTthieoo np.e n fialneds diagaolnsa,n da bovael tlh efa ctt hat 8 Introduction Int heK IDp,l ayearrsen ota fraid tos acrimfiactee arlie,v efnor s trate­ gicpaulr peossY.o us aww hatS mirin didi nh igsa mea gainNsautm kin. Heries a ne xampolfea s uccsefsul blockade: Kotov- Gligoric CandidTaoutrensa m1e9n5t3 Thankst ot hep awns acri,fi ce Blackh asm anagedt ob uilds tar ong centrpaols iti.o Gnligordioce s not stospo s oont,ho ugh. 16.fN3 Qe7 17.Nxe5 Qxe5 180.-0-N0f 61 9.3hB d7 Anotheprl ains .1a.96.! ?2 0B.d3 (20a.4!B?d 72 1R.elN h5t) 20. b.5. 2l.cxba5x b25 2.xBb5B a6-.. Also1 9. b.5.! 2?0 .xcb5a 6 2l.4 a SvteozaGrl igowraisco neo ft he axb52 2.xBb5B d7 23.hRelB xb5 leadifnorgc ebse hind KtIhDe ahlils 24.xNb5 Nh5t. lief. tIhni s ghaemd ee monstraa te2d 0.Bd3a 62 1N.bl(!3! ? remarkaibdelae. ll. e.4.!1 2x.ef4( 4!1 3B.f2 Nd7! 14.Ngl Not1 4.eN5x?e!5 1 5B.xh7+K h8t 160.-0-Q0g 51 7K.blQ xg21 8.eN4 Nf6 19.hRgl Qf3 20N.xf6 Rxf6 21.cN3Q h52 2.BeB4g 4+. 14. Q.g.5 1 5B.flN e5';. Kotowva st hreatentiobn rgi ng hiksn ighitn ttoh ea ctivoinad 2a nd f3, and Gliisng ootar firca oifds acri­ ficinagn othpeawrn ! Introductio9n

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