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Preview Modern Views on Desilicification: Biosilica and Abiotic Silica Dissolution in Natural and Artificial

4656 Chem.Rev.2010,110,4656–4689 Modern Views on Desilicification: Biosilica and Abiotic Silica Dissolution in Natural and Artificial Environments Hermann Ehrlich,*,† Konstantinos D. Demadis,*,‡ Oleg S. Pokrovsky,§ and Petros G. Koutsoukos| InstituteofBioanalyticalChemistry,DresdenUniversityofTechnology,D-01069Dresden,Germany,CrystalEngineering,GrowthandDesign Laboratory,DepartmentofChemistry,UniversityofCrete,VoutesCampus,GR-71003Heraklion,Crete,Greece,LaboratoryofMechanismsand TransferinGeology,ObservatoryMidi-Pyrenees(OMP),UMR5563,CNRS,14AvenueEdouardBelin,31400Toulouse,France,andFORTH-ICEHT andLaboratoryofInorganicandAnalyticalChemistry,DepartmentofChemicalEngineering,UniversityofPatras,GR-26504Patras,Greece[007f] Received October 7, 2009 Contents recentlyreviewedbyEhrlichetal.2canbestbedemonstrated by the existence of approximately 128000 species of 1. Introduction 4656 molluscs, about 800 species of corals, 5000 species of 2. Biosilica: Diversity in Structure and Composition 4657 sponges(including550speciesofglasssponges),700species 2.1. Biosilica at the Microlevel: Protozoa and 4658 of calcareous green, red, and brown algae, more than 300 Diversity of Siliceous Structures speciesofdeep-seabenthicforaminifera,and200000diatom 2.2. Biosilica at the Macrolevel: Marine Glass 4660 species.3 Sponges Thereisnodoubtthatforthecompleteanddetailedstudy 2.3. Pathological Silicification: Silica Calculi and 4661 of the role of organic matrices (frameworks or templates) Stones involvedinbiomineralization,theymustbefirstisolated(in 3. Biodegradation and Silica Utilization in Nature 4662 a “pristine”, undamaged form, ideally) from biocomposites 3.1. Silica Bioleaching: Bacteria and Fungi 4663 using appropriate demineralization techniques. Therefore, 3.2. Silica Bioleaching: Diatoms 4665 demineralization as a tool is an inevitable step in most 3.3. Silica Bioleaching: Sponges (Porifera) 4665 modernstrategiesrelatedtoinvestigationsofbiomineraliza- 3.4. Silica Bioleaching: Worms (Annelida) 4666 tion mechanisms. The isolation of an organic component fromanynaturallybiomineralizedmaterial,whethermineral- 4. Possible Mechanisms of Biologically Mediated 4666 Desilicification izedwithcalcium-orsilica-containingcompounds,isindis- pensable.Themostefficientandeffectivetechniqueshould 4.1. Interaction between Silica and Cells and 4666 Tissues be not based upon fast dissolution of the inorganic compo- nent;itisaslowandgentle,biomimeticallyinspiredprocess 4.2. Enzymatic Degradation of Silica 4668 that enables the preservation of the organic component in 5. Mechanism and Kinetics of Silica Dissolution 4669 thebiomineral-basednaturallyoccurringcompositeswithout 5.1. Dissolution of Inorganic Silica and Quartz 4669 artifacts.2,4 5.2. Dissolution of Biogenic Silica: Diatoms and 4675 Thebuildingofdiscreteorextendedorganicarchitectures Their Frustules inbiomineralizationofteninvolveshierarchicalprocessing. 5.3. Dissolution of Biogenic Silica: Plants and Their 4678 In these reactions, the molecularly based construction of Phytoliths organic assemblies is used to provide frameworks for the 6. Desilicification and Isolation of Organic Templates 4681 synthesis of organized inorganic materials, which, in turn, 6.1. Alkali versus Hydrofluoric Acid 4681 are exploited as prefabricated units in the production of 6.2. Isolation of Protein-Based Templates 4682 higherordercomplexmicrostructures.5-10Animalskeletons 6.3. Isolation of Polysaccharide-Based Templates 4683 appear to have been optimized by natural selection to 7. Epilogue, Conclusions, and Outlook 4684 physicallysupportandphysiologicallymaintaindiversetissue 8. Acknowledgments 4684 types encompassing a variety of functions.11,12 Increased 9. References 4684 understanding of biomineralization has initiated develop- ments in biomimetic synthesis with the production of 1. Introduction synthetic biomimetic materials fabricated according to biologicalprinciplesandprocessesofself-assemblyandself- Of the intriguing topics that are receiving renewed organization.13 attention nowadays, the study of the “triangle” biomineral- Among different biominerals, silicon dioxide (silica) in ization/demineralization/remineralizationisamongthemost its different amorphous (and occasionally porous) forms is fascinating.Biomineralsmaybedepositedwithinthetissues probablythemostintriguingone,forthefollowingreasons: of biota, as well as within the corresponding immediate (a)itisdefinitelythefirstandtheoldestnaturalbioskeleton; surroundings or environment, as a result of the metabolism (b)ithasuniquemechanicalproperties;(c)ithasextremely of the living organism.1 The variety of biomineralizers highspecificsurfaceareaand,therefore,adsorptionproperties with respect to dissolved components of external milieu. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail addresses: These properties made silica the most widely distributed [email protected];[email protected]. †DresdenUniversityofTechnology. biomineral. ‡UniversityofCrete. Although biomineralization/demineralization/remineral- §ObservatoryMidi-Pyrenees(OMP). |UniversityofPatras. ization phenomena are probably among the most widely 10.1021/cr900334y 2010AmericanChemicalSociety PublishedonWeb05/04/2010 ModernViewsonDesilicification ChemicalReviews,2010,Vol.110,No.8 4657 HermannEhrlichreceivedhisPh.D.degreefromtheUniversityofLemberg Oleg S. Pokrovsky was born in 1972 in Moscow, Russia. He studied in1984.HermannservedasapostdoctoralresearcheratMax-Bergmann geology and geochemistry at the Geochemistry Department in Moscow Centre of Biomaterials and Institute of Materials Science in Dresden, State University where he received his Ph.D. in 1994. After two Germany,andcurrentlyholdsapositionasaStaffScientistattheInstitute postdoctoralstaysatFloridaStateUniversity(Laboratoryoff-elements) ofBioanalyticalChemistryattheDresdenUniversityofTechnology.His and Laboratoire de Ge´ochimie of Toulouse, he entered CNRS in 1999. researchisfocusedonthephenomenaofbiomineralization-demineraliza- Since2004,hehasbeenseniorCNRSresearcherattheObservatoryof tion-remineralization,aswellasonbiologicalmaterialsofmarineorigin. Midi-Pyreneesworkingonmineraldissolutionandprecipitation,weathering, Usingbiochemical,cellular,molecular,andanalyticalapproaches,heand speciation and migration of trace elements, and metal-microorganism hisco-workershaveforthefirsttimediscoveredandcharacterizedchitin interactionandbiomineralization.Hehaspublishedover80peerreviewed andnovelhydroxylatedcollageninskeletalformationsofmarinesponges. articlesininternationalandRussianjournalsandseveralbookchapters. During last five years, he has published over 30 peer reviewed articles andthreebookchapters,andheholdsthreepatents. Petros Koutsoukos is a Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Patras, Director of the Laboratory of KostasDemadiswasbornin1967inKomotiniofThraceinGreece.Hereceived InorganicandAnalyticalchemistry.HereceivedthePtichionofchemistry aB.S.DegreefromtheNationalUniversityofAthens,Greece,in1990.Hethen fromtheUniversityofPatras(1972),DiplomaofSpecializationinBusiness movedtotheUniversityofMichigan,AnnArbor,whereheearnedhisPh.D.Degree Administration (1974) from the Athens School of Economics, and Ph.D in1995,workingwithProf.DimitriCoucouvanis.HethenjoinedProf.TomMeyer’s from the State University of New York at Buffalo (1980) under the researchgroupattheUniversityofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill.In1998,he supervision of Prof. G. H. Nancollas. During 1980-1981, he was a movedtotheChicagolandareaandjoinedtheResearch&DevelopmentDivision postdoctoral fellow in the Physical and Colloid Chemistry Laboratory at ofthe(then)NalcoChemicalCompanyasaSeniorChemist.In2003,hewas theAgriculturalStateUniversityofWageningen(TheNetherlands),under electedAssistantProfessorattheChemistryDepartment,UniversityofCrete, theguidanceofProf.J.Lyklema.In1981,hejoinedtheDepartmentof Greece,whereheiscurrentlyAssociateProfessor.Hiscurrentresearchinterests ChemistryoftheUniversityofPatras(chairofphysicalchemistry)where extendoverarangeofscientificareasandincludecrystalgrowthandinhibition, hewasawardedthetitleofIfigesia(D.Sc.)andwasgraduallypromoted bioinspiredmaterialsscience,metalphosphonatechemistry,materialscorrosion totherankoftheAssociateProfessor.In1989,hejoinedtheDepartment control,andtechnologyofpolymersandcolloids.Kostasisamemberofthe ofChemicalEngineeringasafullprofessor.Researchinterestsinclude AmericanChemicalSociety,theNationalAssociationofCorrosionEngineers,and the crystallization of inorganic salts from aqueous solutions, physico- theAssociationofGreekChemists.Hehaspublished∼100peerreviewedpapers chemicalphenomenaatinterfacesbetweensolidsandwater,andmetal and8bookchapters,andheholds2patents. corrosion.Over160publicationsinrefereedinternationaljournals,more than 10 book chapters, and six patents have resulted from this work. studied topics in modern geochemistry, materials science, Betweentheyears1994and2004,heservedasapresidentandCEO biomedicine, and biomimetics, a review relating to modern of the board of the Patras Science Park S.A. and during 2006-2007 views on biosilica and abiotic silica in ViVo as well as in served as Deputy Director of the Institute of Chemical Engineering and Vitro with the basic information on principles of desilicifi- High Temperature Chemical Processes (ICEHT) of the Foundation of ResearchandTechnologyHellas(FORTH). cation has been lacking up to now. 2. Biosilica: Diversity in Structure and dimensional siliceous skeletons of marine glass sponges Composition (Figure2),areobserved.Basedonthoroughanalysisofthe Biogenicsilicaexhibitsdiversityinstructure,density,and literature, numerous examples of siliceous structures de- composition and can exist in several structural forms, scribed in plants, bacteria, yeast, fungi, protists, sponges, including sheet-like, globular, fibrillar, helical, tubular, and molluscs,ascidians,crustaceans,brachiopods,fishes,mam- folded sheets. Different levels of structural organization of mals,andhumansaresummarizedinTable1.Alsoexamples biosilica, from nanogranules in bacteria (Figure 1) or in of pathological biosilicification observed in animal and mitochondria to up to 2 m high and 70 cm wide three- human organisms are included and discussed below. 4658 ChemicalReviews,2010,Vol.110,No.8 Ehrlichetal. A common secretory mechanism has been reported in testateamoebae,heliozoaandheliozoon-likeamoebae,and radiolariansasfollows.86Silicadepositionvesicles(SDVs), either situated in the cell cytoplasm (as in testate amoebae andheliozoansandrelatives)orwithinanexpandedportion of the peripheral cytoplasm known as a cytokalymma (in radiolaria), are the site of silicification. Moreover, in some testate amoebae Golgi-derived vesicles fuse with the mem- brane surrounding silica deposition sites. These vesicles possibly contribute to additional incorporation of silica- secreting membrane into the surface of the SDV while increasing the membrane surface area. Silica products of testateamoebaeandheliozoaaredepositedonthecellsurface by exocytosis. The cytokalymma of radiolaria, while con- tainingasilica-secretingvacuolarspace,isdecidedlydifferent Figure1. TEMmicrographofacyanobacterialcellencrustedin in form and activity from the intracellular secretory spaces silicacolloids.C)cell;S)polysaccharidesheath;arrow)layer ofcolloidalamorphoussilica.Scalebar)5µm.Reproducedwith of testate amoebae and heliozoa. The cytokalymma is a permissionfromref14,copyright2006,Wiley. dynamicstructureexhibitingcytoplasmicflowingactivityand in a mold-like manner determines the remarkable species- specific shape of the skeleton. Consequently, the deposited silicate product of the radiolarian is an endoskeleton and is not released on the surface by exocytosis. Further research is needed to determine whether Golgi-derived vesicles, designated Golgi-fibrillar vesicles (GFV) in some testate amoebae, are also the source of SDV membranes in other silicate-secreting sarcodines. To date, none of the various SDVs have been isolated. NormalRaphidiophrysambiguacellshavearoundedbody formthatextendsasmallnumberofstiffradiatingaxopodia that are used in food capture. Around the cell body lies a periplastoflooselyadheringboat-shapedscales(Figure3). The scales (1.5 µm × 4 µm) are constructed as a thin, flat mesh of siliceous material, with the edges curved over to Figure2. Uniquehierarchicallystructuredskeletonsofupto2m form a rim. high and 70 cm wide of Aspidoscopulia sp. (Hexactinellida, Testateamoebae(ortestaceans),whichoccurabundantly Porifera)deep-seaglassspongeshavenotbeeninvestigated.Image and ubiquitously from the tropics to polar soils, contribute courtesyofK.R.Tabachnick,copyright2010. considerablytotheterrestrialsilicacycleassilicaaccumula- tors.Siliceoustestsareformedinoneoftwoways:theyare 2.1. Biosilica at the Microlevel: Protozoa and composed either of ingested and subsequently agglutinated Diversity of Siliceous Structures siliceous material such as sand grains and diatom frustules orfromingesteddissolvedsilicathatisinternallymetabolized Siliceous products deposited at the cell surface of amoe- into uniformly shaped plates and held together by organic boid protists include a wide variety of species-specific cement.87,88 structures:spicules,scales,solidplates,granules,meshwork Testateamoebaeareclassifiedintotwotypesbytheirtest frustules,andotherelaborategeometricforms(Table1).The morphology, idiosomes and xenosomes. The test of idio- siliceous nature of certain protozoan plates was first noted somesiscomposedofself-secretedsiliceousscales,andthat byDujardinin1841.77Siliceousprotistscalescanpersistin of xenosomes is composed of exogenous materials. Idio- marine and fresh water sediments once the organism has somes, in particular, absorb dissolved silica from the perished, leaving a record of their presence. The siliceous environmenttoproducetheirsiliceousscales.Thescalesare scales can be preserved over time as subfossils or as very small (ca. 10 µm) and thin (ca. 1 µm) and probably microfossilsinsedimentsoffreshwaterandmarinehabitats, dissolvereadilyinthesoilsolutions.Siliceousplate-bearing providing a window into modern and, potentially, ancient generaincludeEuglypha,Assulina,Placocista,Sphenoderia, protistcommunities.78,79Theroleoftheseunicellularorgan- Tracheleuglypha,Cyphoderia,Campascus,Heleopera,Les- ismsinthesilicacycleanddistributionintheworldoceans quereusia, Nebela, Quadrullela, Paulinella, Trinema, and isverysignificant.Forexample,radiolariansarethesecond Corythion.87 (after diatoms) major producers of suspended (dispersed) Recently, Aoki et al.,89 found that testate amoebae Eug- amorphous silica in waters. They occur from the Arctic to lypharotundaandTrinemaenchelysconsumed55%ofsilica the Antarctic, being most abundant in the equatorial zone. absorbed by microbes in the incubation experiments. Al- In waters of the equatorial Pacific, there are about 16000 thoughbiosilicapreservedbylivingtestateamoebaewasas specimens per cubic meter.80 Because the diversity of smallas0.45-1.57kgofSiO ha-1month-1perhapsdueto 2 structuralformsobservedindiatomsiswelldocumentedin the fast turnover of amoebean silica in the terrestrial silica the literature,40,41,81-85 we took the initiative to present in cycle,invariousforestsoilsitwasestimatedtorangefrom this review silica-based representatives of unicellular Pro- 10to227kgSiO ha-1year-1.Theseauthorsconcludedthat 2 tozoa, other than diatoms. testate amoebae have a high potential as silica consumers ModernViewsonDesilicification ChemicalReviews,2010,Vol.110,No.8 4659 Table1. StructuralDiversityofBiosilica organism structureandformofbiosilica ref Bacteria cyanobacteria siliceous“geysereggs” 15 filamentousmicroorganisms siliceousshrubs 16 hyperthermophilicmicroorganisms siliceoussinters 17 siliceousoncoids 18,19 Nostoc-typecyanobacteria “biospeleotherms”andshrubs 20 biofilmcommunity siliceousmicrostromatolitelaminae 21 ThermusthermophilusTMY silicascalefromgeothermalpowerplant 22 Thermusspp.,Hydrogenobacterspp. 23,24 Phormidium,Fischerella lilypadstromatolites(upto3mlongand1.5mwide) 25 Cyanidium,Alicyclobacillus siliceousspicules(upto3cmhighandupto5mmindiameter) 26 Cyanidiumcaldarium granularsilicaspherules 27 Yeast silicifiedcellwalls 28,29 Fungi siliceouscoatedgrains 30 desertvarnish 31 Protozoa sarcodines 32 Gymnamoebae siliceousboat-shapedscales 33 testateamoebae siliceouscurvedrods 34 siliceousbodyplates siliceousparticles heliozoa siliceousneedles,spines radiolaria siliceousspicules siliceousporousshells siliceousspongioseshells flagellates stomatocysts,scales,spines,bristles 35 chrysophytes,synurophytes 36 choanoflagellates siliceousloricae dinoflagellates siliceousskeletons,cysts,granules,externalskeleton,scales ebridians statosphores(siliceousrestingcysts) 37 silicoflagellates silicifiedcellwalls(quartz-cellulose-calcitecomposite) 38 thaumatomastigids silicifiedcellwalls chlorophytes xanthophytes Foraminifera Silicosigmoilinafutabaensis siliceouscement 39 Diatoms frustule 40 spines 41 heavilysilicifiedrestingspores 42 nanogranulesinmitochondria 43 Sponges Hexactinellida skeletalframeworksand 44 Demospongiae spicule(macrosclerae)microsclerae 45,46 Mollusca Patellaceaspp.(Gastropoda) silicainradulateeth 47 Onchidiellaceltica siliceousspiculesandpenialspines 48-51 Ascidians StyelaclaVa intracellulargranules 52 Crustaceans (Copepoda) opalandwillemite-basedteeth 53,54 Aeartiatonsa 55,56 Neocalanusspp. Calanuspacificus Brachiopods Disciniscatenuis siliceoustablets 57 Fishes Psammobatisextenta(Rajidae) chalcedonyinelectrocytesandcholinergicnerves 58-60 Mammals dog silicacalculiandstones 61 cattle silicacalculiandstones 62 monkey(Macacafuscata) dentalcalculi 63 ratlivermitochondria silicananogranules 64 65 Human cerebralcortex chalcedony 59,66 urinarybladderandurethra silicacalculiandstones(urolithiasis) 67 kidney renalsilicacalculi 68 humanglialmalignanttumors chalcedony 69 Plants Chaetocerosgracilis(Bacillariophyceae) siliceoussetae 70 canarygrass(Phalariscanariensis) silicafiber 71 foxtailmillet(Setariaitalica) inflorescencebristles 72 Pleioblastuschino(Poaceae,Bambusoidea) silicacells 73 heathgrass(Sieglingiadecumbens) silicabodies(phytoliths) 74 Bambusoideae tabasheer 75 higherplants siliceousnodulardeposits 76 4660 ChemicalReviews,2010,Vol.110,No.8 Ehrlichetal. Figure 5. TEM image (left) of Acanthoeca spectabilis siliceous loricashowingtheleft-handedorientationofcostaecomprisingthe loricachamberandthecontinuityofindividualhelicalcostaewith thecostalstripssubtendingthespines(bar)2µm).SEMimage (right)ofaloricashowingthearrangementofhelicalcostaeforming thechamberincontinuitywithbasesofthespines(bar)2µm). Theinnerlayerofcostalstripswithinthelanternofspinesisalso apparent(arrow).Figurereproducedwithpermissionfromref92, copyright2008,Elsevier. Figure3. SiliceousscaleoftheR.ambigua(Protista,Centrolhe- lates,theAcanthoecidaenorris,areexclusivetomarineand liozoa).Patterncenter(1),isthmus(2),sternum(3),ribs(4),mesh (5), rim (6). Figure reproduced with permission from ref 33, brackishwater environments and are distinguished by the copyright1988,TheCompanyofBiologistsLtd. possessionofabasket-likeloricacomprisinganarrangement of siliceous costae. The lorica typically contains an outer arrangementoflongitudinalcostaewithaninnerarrangement ofhelicalortransversecostae;thecombinedpositioningof these structures gives the lorica its overall mechanical stability.Individualcostaearemadeupofrod-shapedcostal strips attached to each other end-to-end. Each costal strip is deposited within the cell in a membrane-boundvesicleand,whencomplete,isexocytosed totheexterior.93-95Costalstripsareaccumulatedoutsidethe cell until a sufficient number has been produced to form a lorica. Assembly of the lorica occurs as a single, discrete movement that lasts 2-5 min after which no further adjustments can be made. While all loricate species adhere tothesebasicprinciples,thereare,nevertheless,twodistinc- tivetypes.96Inonevariant,thenudiformcondition,alorica- bearingcelldividestoproducea“juvenile”flagellatedcell, which swims away from the parent lorica, settles onto a substratum, accumulates costal strips on its surface, and, Figure4. PeriplastofPolyplacocystisambigua:(1)fusiformscales; when a complete set have been produced, assembles a (2)naviculoidscales;(3)ovalscales.Scalebar10µm. lorica.97 In the second variant, the tectiform condition, a lorica-bearing cell produces a complete set of costal strips and suppliers and play a role comparable to that of higher priortocelldivisionandstoresthematthetopofthecollar. plants in the terrestrial silica cycle. Whenacompletesetofstripshavebeenproduced,thecell Heliozoa are ubiquitous unicellular phagotrophs with divides and the resulting “juvenile” is inverted and pushed slender radiating axopodia for trapping prey.90 In most out backward from the parent lorica taking with it the centrohelids, the axopodia (bearing numerous kinetocysts accumulated strips. Within minutes of the “juvenile” being used for prey capture) project through a thick coat, often liberated from the parent a new lorica is assembled.94,97 double, of silica scales, which are well characterized by electron microscopy. Recently, Gaponova and Dovga91 2.2. Biosilica at the Macrolevel: Marine Glass reportedaboutdiversityofthesiliceousscalemorphologies Sponges withinonespecies,Polyplacocystisambigua(Protista,Cen- trohelida). A scanning electron microscopy image (Figure Sponges(Porifera)arethesimplestandoldestmulticellular 4) showed strong evidence of the presense of the fusiform, animals on earth and live attached to the seabed or another naviculoid,andovalformsoftheP.ambiguaperiplastscales. substratum.Spongesdivergedfromotheranimalsearlierin Thebasicstructureofthechoanoflagellateloricacomprises evolutionary history than any other known animal group, a pattern of siliceous costae arranged in longitudinal and extantorextinct,withthefirstsponge-relatedrecordinearth transverse (or helical) arrays (Figure 5). history found in 1.8 billion year old sediments.98 The huge Theabundanceofloricatechoanoflagellatesintheoceans diversitywithrespecttotheirnaturalhabitatisprobablythe today can be directly related to the enormous scope for reason for the estimated number of approximately 15000 variation as is illustrated from the basic structure of the different sponge species.99 The phylum Porifera is divided siliceous lorica.92 For example, one group of choanoflagel- into three classes, Hexactinellida and Demospongiae that ModernViewsonDesilicification ChemicalReviews,2010,Vol.110,No.8 4661 comprise a siliceous skeleton and the Calcarea with a 2.3. Pathological Silicification: Silica Calculi and calcareous skeletal network.100 In contrast to the high Stones diversity of spicules, there are relatively few basic types of Silica has been recognized as an essential trace element skeletal frameworks in demosponges. Six elemental types in the metabolism of mammals.114 Silicon deficiency gives of skeletons with intermediate forms can be differentiated: risetodisordersofbone,cartilageformation,andconnective hymedesmoid, plumose, axial, radiate, reticulate, and ar- ranged in strength confusion.44 Hexactinellida Schmidt tissuemetabolism.Silicon,assilicate,ispresentinvegetables and the husks of whole grains. The blood-plasma level is (Porifera)aremainlydeep-watermarinespongesdefinedby approximately 1 mg per 100 mL and usually does not rise theirproductionofsiliceousspiculesofhexactinic,triaxonic since any excess is rapidly excreted in the urine.115 In (cubic)symmetryorshapesclearlyderivedfromsuchforms humans, silica is also a normal metabolite, absorbed from byreductionofprimaryraysorterminalbranchesaddedto the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, and present in the the ends of primary rays. Hexactinellids include about 600 urine in concentrations of about 10 mg/day116 in normal describedspecies,7%ofallPorifera,distributedin5orders, subjects. It is present in urine in amounts proportional to about 17 families, and about 118 genera (as reviewed by Ehrlich4).Thespiculesofmosthexactinellidsarelarger(see that in a silica-rich diet such as vegetables, whole grains, and seafood. Figure 2) and more luxuriously architectured than those in demosponges.101Forexample,Antarcticgianthexactinellids, According to Keeler,117 urinary pH, urinary silicate concentration, and the concentration of matrix constituents suchasRossellanudaandScolymastrajoubini,whichmay have an influence on the formation mechanism of silica be up to 2 m tall, 1.4 m in diameter, and up to 600 kg wet weight, contain up to 50 kg biogenic silica each.102 They urinary stones. Many patients have received silicate in the form of antacids without resulting stone formation in the are extremely slow-growing and seemingly reproduce only atlongtimeintervals103andbecomeold,probablymorethan urinarytract.Nosignificantdifferenceintheurinarysilicate 1500years.104,105Whiletheirlivingtissuesrepresentonlya concentration and the daily urinary excretion of silicate is foundbetweensilicatestoneformersandcontrols.Although modest biomass, the silicious spicules of hexactinellids urinary silicate levels were within the normal range in become an important ecological factor. After the death of described cases, a siliceous fragment and other matrices thesponges,themegascleresdonotdissolvebutaccumulate existedsimultaneously.Thesefactssuggestthattheurinary on the bottom and over large areas to form spicule mats concentrationofmatrixconstituentshasthegreatestinfluence. commonly about 50 cm thick but occasionally exceeding 2 m.104,106 The silica stone was first described by Herman and Goldberg118 in the USA and was attributed to the ingestion Sponges seem to be important players in numerous ofmagnesiumtrisilicatefortreatmentofesophagitis.Silica geobiological processes including the silica demineraliza- tion-biomineralization-remineralization cycle.107 For ex- occursincalculiintheopalinestate,whichisnoncrystalline, butonheating,itcanbetransformedintovariouscrystalline ample, siliceous sponge reefs had a wide distribution in formsdependingonthetemperatureofignition.68However, prehistoric times and once constructed the largest reefs silicacalculiinhumansareknowntobeextremelyrare.119-121 knownonearth,reachinganacmeintheUpperJurassicwhen Inaseriesofelectronmicroscopicstudiesofhumanurinary a deep-water reef belt on the northern Thetis shelf existed that was 7000 km long.108 In present times, hexactinellid stones,discretesiliceousdepositswereencounteredin3out sponges of the order Hexactinosida have constructed reefs of 180 stones. The deposits differred in their morphology atseverallocalitiesoffthecoastofBritishColumbia,Canada. from any other components of urinary stones.122 Three urinarybladderstonescomposedofpuresilicondioxidewere Thereefsoccuronrelictglaciatedseafloorareaswithalow foundinapatientwhohadbeentakingmagnesiumtrisilicate sedimentationrateandahighdissolvedsilicaconcentration in the Queen Charlotte Basin and in Georgia Basin,109,110 compound three times a day for 40 years.67 and the reefs represent stable communities that have been Long-term oral intake of silica-containing antacids (e.g., growingforupto9000years.Themainbuildersofthereef magnesium trisilicate) is thought to be a causative factor frame include the hexactinosidan species Aphrocallistes inducing silicate urolithiasis.122,123 Briefly, when a silicate Vastus, Farrea occa, and Heterochone calyx in Queen reacts with acid in the alimentary tube, especially in the Charlotte Basin and A. Vastus and H. calyx in Georgia stomach, part of the silica is precipitated as a gel and part Basin109Theframeworkofthesereefsisconstructedthrough remainsasasolutionintheformofacolloid.Thebreakdown several processes of framebuilding, and the reef matrix is products can be readily absorbed across the intestinal wall derived from trapping of suspended sediments.108 Similar and excreted rapidly in the urine. Alkalization by the gut framebuilding processes are thought to have contributed to fluid changes a silica colloid into a more soluble and the formation of the ancient reefs.111 Upwelling and down- absorbable compound. Part of the silica can be reabsorbed wellingoceanographicprocessesinabiologicallyproductive andeliminatedintheurine.Urinaryexcretionrisesdramati- coastalseahavecontributedtothedevelopmentoflargereef cally in proportion with the increase in silicate intake. complexes. The reefs form as bioherms (mounds) and Syntheticmagnesiumtrisilicate(2MgO·3SiO ·nHO),which 2 2 biostromes(bedsorsheets)thatmayriseupto21mabove isawhiteinsolublepowder,wasshownnottobeabsorbed the seafloor, and they cover around 1000 km2 on the from the intestine and to have absorbent and antacid continentalshelf.Individualreefcomplexesmaycoverareas properties of particular value in the treatment of gastric of more than 300 km2 and occur in the 90-240 m depth acidity and chronic peptic ulceration.124,125 The value of range.110,112,113 Trapping fine-grained siliciclastic sediments magnesium trisilicate and the silica resulting from the in suspension in near-bottom currents is an important part reaction with gastric hydrochloric acid apparently depends of the mound-forming process, because it prevents the reef onthefactthatbothareactivehydratedcolloids.Although frameworkfromcollapsingunderitsownincreasingweight. the chemical reaction can be represented as 4662 ChemicalReviews,2010,Vol.110,No.8 Ehrlichetal. 2MgO·3SiO ·nH O + 4HCl f 2MgCl + 3SiO + contain several kinds of minerals.130 Rocks and minerals 2 2 2 2 (n + 2)H O (1) represent a vast reservoir of elements, many of which are 2 essential to life and which must be released from their inanimate prison into forms that may be assimilated by the the conditions of interaction are complex and are not biota.Silicateiswidelydistributedinnature:inadditionto completely understood. Page et al.126 suggested that more the 28% of the Earth’s land surface formed by quartz, an complex end-products than silicon dioxide (or silica) were estimated49%ofsurfaceisoccupiedbyothermineralswith produced,namely,variouscombinationswithwatertoform asilicatestructure.131Thefollowingformsofsolidsilicaare differentsilicicacidsandsilicates.Theyconsideredthatthese encountered in nature.132 productscouldincludesolubleorthosilicicacid(H SiO ,that 4 4 (a) R-quartz, the most abundant single mineral in sedi- is,SiO +2H O),partiallysolublemetasilicicacid(H SiO , thatis,2SiO +2H O),partiallysolubletrisilicicacid(H2Si O3, ments that is, 3Si2O +22H O), and nearly insoluble disilici4c a3ci8d (b) opal,oropalinesilica,adisorderedhydratedformof (H Si O , th2at is, 22SiO + H O). The variation in the silica 2 2 5 2 2 (c) amorphous silica, a term used to describe materials hydration of the SiO molecule thus induces changes in 2 whosecompositionisrelativelypureSiO thatarein solubility. This factor, as well as the physicochemical state 2 the mesomorphous state. of the silica (which may remain in solution as a colloidal sol or may partially separate as a gel) probably determine Under the classification of amorphous silica, the various its absorption from the intestine. kinds of hydrated and dehydrated silica gels, silica glass, Literaturedealingwithsilicaurolithiasiswithouttheintake siliceous sinters, powders from the condensation of vapor ofsilica-containingantacidisscant.Onlytwocasesofsilica phases, and skeletal materials of numerous silica-secreting calculi without oral intake of magnesium trisilicate were organismsareincluded.Allformsofsolidsilicalistedabove reported.125 andrepresentedinFigure6areinvolvedintothesilicacycle Siliceousurinarycalculiarecommonamongherbivorous on the Earth. animals such as cattle and sheep.117,127 Silica calculi are Through the weathering process, silicate minerals con- reported also in dogs.61,128 As many as 4% of range steers tribute to the dissolved silica in surface waters and may be wintered in the northwestern plains of North America concomitantly altered to colloidal aluminosilicates (clays). develop silica calculi with urethral obstruction. The high In the ocean, via the biochemical precipitation by siliceous incidence of silica in these animals has been attributed to organisms, silica is precipitated as amorphous silica or theconsumptionofforagewithahighcontentofSiO2.The opalinesilica.Duringdiagenesis,amorphoussilicadeposited grassincertainareasmaycontainupto8%ofsilicaondry intheoceansrecrystallizestoquartzandthesilicainsolution weight basis and a large number of steers in these areas in formation waters gradually comes to equilibrium with develop silica calculi.62 Precipitation of silica in the urine quartzbyprecipitationofsecondaryovergrowths,authigenic of these animals tends to occur when their urine level of crystals,etc.Hotspringswatersprecipitatesilicaastheycool siliconexceeds70-80ppm.However,followinganexperi- at the surface and become supersaturated, forming opaline mentalincreaseofsiliconinsteerurine,silicacalculifailed or siliceous sinters through intermediate stages of gel to develop, and therefore, it has been postulated that formation. proteinaceous matrix plays a role in silica calculi forma- Fromabiologicalperspective,siliconcanbeaccumulated tion.117 by diatoms and other living organisms such as silicoflagel- Localized silicon distribution was also found in both lates, some xanthophytes, radiolarians, actinopods, plants fracture and oral surfaces of the dental calculi in Macaca suchasgrasses,ferns,horseradish,sometrees,andflowers, fuscatamonkeys.63Theseauthorshavesuggestedthatsilicon- somesponges,ascidians,molluscs,andbacteriaandfungi.134 rich areas containing opal as well as clay minerals may regulate the formation also of human dental calculi. Tothebestofourknowledge,therearenoworksrelated to demineralization of silica stones and calculi with res- pect to isolation of organic matrix. However, the presence of organic macromolecules (including fibrin) as nucleators ofthesebiomineralformationswassuggested.Forexample, Lagergren122 considered that the structure of the calculi in his cases and the finely crystalline form of the silica supportedtheviewthatthesilicawasprecipitatedinthegel form apparently mixed with fibrin. Also Bailey129 reported results that suggested that urine protein contributes to the formation of siliceous urinary calculi, by affecting the solubility of polymerized silicic acid. He suggested that the reaction involves the silanol groups of the silicic acid polymers and the secondary amide groups of the protein. 3. Biodegradation and Silica Utilization in Nature Mineralsarenaturallyoccurringinorganicsolidsofdefinite chemical composition and possessing an ordered internal Figure6. Classificationofsiliconcompoundsinthesoil.Figure structure; rocks can be considered to be any solid mass of reproduced with permission from ref 133, copyright 2006, mineral or mineral-like material and may therefore often Springer. ModernViewsonDesilicification ChemicalReviews,2010,Vol.110,No.8 4663 Given these roles in living organisms, it is reasonable to activities that involve fungi, bacteria, and actinomycetes. analyze here the peculiarities of silica biodegradation in Thus, plants and microbes, through their intricate interplay Nature. withsoilminerals,contributeappreciablytotheglobalsilicon cycle.142 3.1. Silica Bioleaching: Bacteria and Fungi Bacteria(andpossiblyarchaea)acceleratesilicadissolution in the sea by colonizing and enzymatically degrading the Microorganisms are intimately associated with global phe- organic matrix of diatom frustules.143 The resolubilization nomenasuchasbioweathering,soilformation,andthebiode- and internal recycling of the silica in diatom frustules can terioration of rocks and minerals. The biologically mediated providethesolublesilicathatisessentialforfurthergrowth destruction of silicate minerals to liberate limiting inorganic ofdiatoms.144Empiricalevidencefromanumberofoceanic nutrientsisafundamentalobservationofsubsurfacemicrobial systemshasrevealedthatSiregenerationintheuppermixed ecology.135,136Interactionsbetweenmicrobiotaandsilicatesmay layer,viadissolutionofbiogenicsilica,isacriticalSisupply beclassifiedintothefollowingreactions:137 mechanism to diatoms. These regions, where diatom silica (1) Dissolution and destruction of the silicate crystal is recycled more rapidly, possess a regenerating source of lattice therequiredSiinadditiontotheexchangewithnew,nutrient- (2) Uptake and utilization of silicon richsubsurfacewater.Ithasbeenestimatedthatanatomof (3) Releaseofsiliconandsedimentationintheenvironment. Si is cycled 39 times before burial to the seabed,145 which Thecycleofbiologicaldegradation(Figure7)ofpolymeric illustrates that silicon regeneration is robust and efficient. silicates is completed by an abiotic polymerization and Moreover, the extent of Si regeneration within the upper separation.Therearenumerouswaysofinteractionbetween water column is quite substantial and sustains significant thebiosphereandsiliconinitsvariousformsandmaintaining diatom production.143 thiscycleisofvitalimportanceforaplethoraoflowerand higherorganisms.138Becauseofitsgreaterchemicalmobility Why do bacteria utilize silicon and silica? It was shown than crystalline silica phases, biogenic opal plays a major that silicic acid increased numbers of both aerobic and role in the cycling of silica in soils as well as in aquatic facultative anaerobic bacteria in ultrapure water incubated environments.139 understrictoligotrophicconditions.146Soilextractsactedas Plantscontributesignificantlytothebiogeochemicalcycle thebacterialinoculum.Theseauthorsspeculatedthatsilicic of silicon.140 Alexandre et al.,141 reported that 92% of the acid, produced by the hydrolysis of silicates on the early biogenic silica in the soil is recycled by plants and is the Earth,couldhavestimulatedthegrowthofthefirstbacterium, mainsourceofthisnutrient.Theytakeupsiliconfromsoil thereby allowing it to become established in the then water in the form of water-soluble silicic acid, which is prevailing conditions (presumed to be oligotrophic). It was polymerizedandprecipitatedasamorphoussilica,frequently reported that addition of Si in culture media showed a in close proximity to the transpiration conduit. After plant remarkable growth accelerating effect on Staphylococcus death, silica returns to the soil, and plant decay generates aureus147 and in Nocardioform microorganisms.148 Silicon humic acid, which increases weathering activity in soils. is also known to enhance the growth and pathogenicity of Biocycling of silica in soil also occurs through microbial Mycobacterium tuberculosis.149 Figure7. Biodegradationofpolymersilica,andtherelease,uptake,andrepolymerizationofmonomersilicabyvariousorganisms,leading toacyclingbetweenthepolymerandmonomerformsofsilica. 4664 ChemicalReviews,2010,Vol.110,No.8 Ehrlichetal. Theactionofbacteriaonsilicate-basedmineralshasbeen treatment. The bacterial action was connected with the characterized as nonenzymatic.150 Microorganisms capable formationofmucilaginouscapsulesconsistingofexopolysac- of growing on the silicates in the absence of organic charides. Chemoorganoheterotrophic bacteria Bacillus cir- substances may have developed autotrophically and have culansJordanandB.circulansCHBC-1wereusedinorder been proposed to be categorized as “silicate microorgan- to eliminate silicates from oil shale organic matter.165 This isms”.151 The existence of “silicate bacteria”, defined as processwasexpectedtosubstitutethedrasticHF-treatment chemolitho-autotrophicbacteriathatgaintheirenergybreak- in the kerogen concentrate preparation procedure. The ingSi-Obondsinsilicates,hasbeensuggestedbyVernad- desilicification efficiency of the zymogenous strain B. sky.152 Brussoff153 has isolated a thermophilic Bacillus circulans CHBC-1 was about 70%. These experiments siliceous, which abundantly deposited silica in its cells. B. indicated that siliceous bacteria may have potential as an siliceousiscapableofbreakingdowntheinsolublepotassium alternative, biochemical agent for the isolation of native aluminosilicates in the soil and may even be cultured in a kerogen from the silicified oil shales. Tests showed that granitebowlorinamediumofpowderedglass.154Further- bacteriawerenotusingtheshaleorganicmatterasasource more,aplatemethodforstudyingthebreakdownofsynthetic of carbon.166 andnaturalsilicatesbysoilbacteriawasestablished.155Also, Inmostofthepreviousstudiesconcernedwiththeeffect silicatesthatcontainsulfidemineralscanbepresentduring of bacteria on silicate dissolution, the action of media heapbioleachingformetalextraction.Weatheringofsilicates acidification and organic acid excretion due to bacterial is catalyzed by heterotrophic bacteria and fungi via the metabolism was the main factor responsible for element productionofacidicmetabolites,aswellasbytheactionof release from the solid via metal-O-Si bond breakage. In acidophilic microorganisms.156,157 Acidophilic microorgan- addition, it was very difficult to separate the effect of live isms preferentially attach to sulfide over silicate minerals, bacteriaandtheirexometabolitesfromthatofthechemical andtheirattachmentisattributedtotheirabilitytogrowon components of nutrient solution. Thus, experiments on live theFe2+releasedfromoxidationofthemineralsulfidebond. anddeadculturesofrhizosphericsoilbacteriaPseudomonas However,thesemicroorganismsdonotcleavetheSi-O-Si aureofaciensinteractionwithcalciumsilicate(wollastonite, bond. CaSiO ) revealed that the release rates of both Ca and Si 3 Heinen158 was able to show that silicon is actively were only weakly affected by the presence of live or dead metabolized by certain bacteria. The same author reported bacterial cells in inert electrolyte solution and in nutrient that incubation of Proteus mirabilis in media containing media: there is only ∼20% increase of dissolution rate in silicate instead of phosphate, lead to the formation of experimentswithliveculturescomparedwithdeadcultures. carbohydrate-silicate esters.159 It was shown that these Therefore,theeffectofextracellularorganicproductsonthe bacteria possess an energy-dependent silicon uptake from weathering rate of Ca-bearing minerals is expected to be quartzinitsnaturalenvironment.138OberliesandPohlmann160 weak,andtheaccelerationof“basic”silicaterockdissolution alsoprovedthatbacteriathathadattachedtofeldsparorglass in natural settings in the presence of soil bacteria is most producedetchingsinthesurfacestructuresthatcorresponded likely due to the pH decrease alone.167 insize,shape,anddepthtothedimensionsofthesebacterial In contrast to alumosilicates and other multiple oxides cells. The mechanisms by which they act may involve requiringfordissolutionthebreakingofAl-O-SiorMg-, productionofmetabolicproductssuchasorganicacidsthat Ca-,orFe-O-Sibonds,promotedbybothpHchangeand can act as acidulants or ligands, base in the form of NH3, ligandattackonpositivelychargedmetalsites,thetSi-O-Sit andspecificcapsularslimefrombacteria.Amongtheacids, bondsinquartzoramorphoussilicacanbepolarizedmostly 2-ketogluconicacidformedbysomebacteriahasbeenshown byprotons(tSiOH°ftSiOH+)orhydroxylions(tSiOH° 2 veryeffectiveinthedissolutionofsilicates.155,161Theyfurnish ftSiO-).Indeed,Heinenetal.168reportedonleachingof protons that help in breaking Si-O bonds through proton- silicainathermalhotspring.Theformationofsiliceousgels ationandcatalysis.Atthesametime,someoftheacidsmay facilitatedsettlingofmicroorganismsandwasaccompanied also act as ligands that pull cations from the framework of by leaching of silica from the underlying rock, resulting in thecrystallattice,facilitatingsubsequentbreakageofframe- destruction of rock material to a fine-grained dust beneath workbondsormechanicalframeworkcollapse.Bacterialacid microbial mats. The mean silicon concentration was 34.6 polysaccharide-based slimes have been reported to form µg of Si/mL in the thermal spring water as opposed to a complexeswithsilicatethatleadtosilicatesolubilization.162 mean value of 2.9 µg of Si/mL in the cold waters. Silica- Recently,Brehmetal.163reportedontheroleofmicroorgan- leachingbacteriaarehighlytolerantwithrespecttodissolved ismsandbiofilmsinthebreakdownanddissolutionofquartz. silica. For example, Bacillus licheniformis, an indigenous Theydescribedmicroenvironmentalphotosynthesis-induced strain from high silica-containing magnesite ore was found alkaline leaching of quartz by cyanobacteria-containing to tolerate 250 µg of Si/mL in the medium. During growth biofilms. Due to their photosynthesis, microorganisms can the bacterium was capable of accumulating about 21 µg of create a local shift in the pH from 3.4 to evidently higher Si/mLwithin8h.169TheapplicationofThiobacillusthiooxy- than9(necessaryforquartzdissolution).Thequartzcovered dans,whichformedasaresultofmicrobialsulfuroxidation withabiofilmispartiallyperforatedtoadepthofmorethan sulfuricacidandstronglyacidifiedleachingmedium,brought 4 mm. 131 mg of Si/L into solution after 45 days. In the absence Differentstrainsof“silicate”bacteriawereusedtoleach ofthemicroorganismandwithadditionofsulfuricacid,65.7 silicon from low-grade bauxite ores in which the silica mg of Si/L were leached.137 connectedwithaluminaintheformofaluminosilicateswas Bacteria are also involved in the transformation between themainimpurity.164Thestrainswereisolatedfromsoiland thedifferentformsofsilicon.Singhetal.170recentlyreported rocksamplesandweretaxonomicallyrelatedtothespecies on the formation of silicon/silica nanocomposites using Bacillus circulans and B. mucilaginosus. The leaching of Actinobacter sp. bacterium that was exposed to K SiF 2 6 siliconbythesebacteriagreatlydependedonthemethodof precursor under ambient conditions. The authors hypoth- ModernViewsonDesilicification ChemicalReviews,2010,Vol.110,No.8 4665 Figure8. SEMimagesofunidentifiedfungi(arrows)thatdissolvezirconiumsilicatecollectedattheseabottom. esizedthatthisbacteriumsecretesreductasesandoxidizing observed.Itseemsthatbioerosionofthisveryancientmineral enzymes,whichleadtotheSi/SiO nanocompositesynthesis. is also of correspondingly ancient origin. 2 Thesynthesisofsilicananoparticlesbybacteriademonstrates Therefore,microorganismshavebeenshowntoaccelerate the versatility of the organism. the dissolution of silicate-based minerals by the production Endolithic and epilithic microbial communities pruduce of excess proton and organic ligands and in some cases by polyols as osmotic protectants in response to desiccation. theproductionofhydroxylanion,extracellularpolysaccha- Low molecular weight polyols and polysaccharides bind to rides, enzymes, and proteins135,142,174 or, in the special case the siloxane layers within layered siliceous minerals, such of nitrogen-rich systems, from the creation of alkaline as micas and soapstone, by hydrogen bonding.171 These environments.175 interlaminar complexes cause expansion of the crystalline layer, weakening the structure, and may allow entry of 3.2. Silica Bioleaching: Diatoms chelatingagentsthatmobilizetheionsstabilizingthecrystal structure.Duringperiodsofdesiccation,thepolyolsbecome The marine biogeochemical cycle of silicon largely concentrated, forming nonaqueous systems. Basic catalysis depends upon the balance between biological precipitation in such water-deficient ecosystems favors the formation of ofamorphoussilicabysiliceousorganisms(mainlydiatoms) water-solubleorganosiliconcompounds,principallyorganic andpostmortemdissolutionoftheirskeletons.176Priortothe siloxanes.Polyolsandcomplexorganicacidscanalsoattack diatom appearance, biogenic silica burial was probably siliceous minerals under alkaline conditions. Extracellular equitablydividedbetweenradiolariansandsiliceoussponges carbohydrate polymers released by fungi and bacteria can asmoreancientorganisms.177Dissolutionbeginsinthewater react with organic siloxanes to form water-soluble organic columnwhenthesilicaskeletonisexposedtoundersaturated siloxanes.171 seawater and can continue after deposition at the seafloor. Recently, Penna et al.178 reported in Vitro investigations Biocorrosion of historical and optical glasses is often of the influence of particulate silica sources on growth and linkedtothegrowthoffungi.172Fungiprovokedremarkable siliconuptakeofdifferentdiatomspecies.Eachdiatomstrain etching rates due to their ability to synthesize ligands wasincubatedincontrolledconditionswithmineral(quartz (siderophores)specificforferricandothermetalions.Initial sand and two pure quartz dusts with variable degree of symptomsofglassbiodeteriorationcompriseofetching,pit hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity)andbiogenic(diatomaceous corrosion, and leaching.173 earth and sponge spicules) silica substrates. It was shown Recently, Bansal et al.174 have shown a Fusarium ox- that investigated species grew much better with crystalline ysporumfungus-basedbioleachingapproachforthesynthesis than amorphous substrates, free from their solubility in of hollow silica nanospheres from sand. The formation of artificial seawater. Furthermore, diatom biomass increased thesilicananoparticlesisbelievedtoproceedbyatwo-step when the pure hydrophilic quartz was converted into the process. The first step involved leaching of silica from the hydrophobic one; this may be due to an enhancement of sandgrainsintheformofsilicicacidbyproteinspresentin diatomadhesionontothesilicaparticles,probablymediated fungalbiomass,whileinthesecondstepthesilicatecomplex by protein-surface adsorption. The authors suggested a ishydrolyzedbyotherspecificproteinsinthefungustosilica. hypothetical surface driven uptake mechanism as follows. The silica is in the form of nanoparticles capped by Marinediatomsmightbeabletomakebioavailabledissolved stabilizing proteins from 2 to 5 nm in size and is released silicon from particulate silica by excretion of some com- intosolutionbythefungus.Anapproachwasalsoreported142 pounds,whichfacilitatesiliconreleaseintheformofsilicic thatinvolvestheuseofthesameplantpathogenicfungusin acid, either by cell-particle contact for benthic diatoms or thebiotransformationofnaturallyoccurringamorphousplant by diffusion into the medium for pelagic species. biosilicaintoquasi-sphericalcrystallinesilicananoparticles anditsextracellularleachingintheaqueousenvironmentat 3.3. Silica Bioleaching: Sponges (Porifera) roomtemperature.Thesilicabiotransformationisfairlyrapid and occurs within 1 day of reaction of the fungal biomass According to Maldonado and co-workers,102 our current with the rice husk. understanding of the silicon cycle in the ocean is based on Bioerosion of very hard silica-based minerals also takes the presumption that diatoms dominate not only the uptake place in natural environments. Recently, bioleaching trails of silicic acid but also the production and recycling of made by fungi that are responsible for dissolution of biogenic silica and also that other organisms with siliceous zirconiumsilicateinmarineenvironment(Figure8A,B)were skeletons, including sponges, radiolarians, and silicoflagel-

The most efficient and effective technique should . Oleg S. Pokrovsky was born in 1972 in Moscow, Russia. Literature dealing with silica urolithiasis without the intake From a biological perspective, silicon can be accumulated . bacteria possess an energy-dependent silicon uptake from quartz in
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