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Modern Psychotherapies: A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal PDF

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Acknolewdmgents 7 Introdutcion 9 ITh e 17 Christian 2A View ofP erso ns 19 TheDynam ic Psychologies 63 3 ClasPssyicch oalnysais 65 4 ContemporaPrsyy chodyna micPs y chothraepies Mic/welM ongis writwtietnh l-'! 92 5.1ungi 119 anT herapy TheB ehavPsycihoorlaolg ies 14J 6 Beba\�Thoerrapy 145 7 RatiaolEn motiTvhee rapy 17J 8 Cognitvie-BeihoarvaTlh er",py 196 9 Adlerina andR ealtyi Theraieps 226 Psychologies The Humanistic 251 10P erson-CentTehreerda py 255 IIE xsitenltT ihaerapy 278 12 GestTahJetr apy ]0] Analsys i 1STr ansactionaJ 124 FmailyS �mPsy chologies The 147 14F amiTlhye rapy 149 Toward Psychologies I:hris l;an 177 15R esnposbielE clecticism 179 16C hrsitainP sychotherAPY 401 SubejctI ndex 419 AuthQr Index 422 Acknowledgments RcfonCnherdi stthiiannko efrtascs ns erti npt uhrastut irnuwgte h , attetmoMpt th GionkdtJlO 'usg hatfst heir�m ,W eca nnboest oc on6dent toc latihm..a ..ta .r peer esen�tGiondgL' hso ugihntlS h�i s buitt book, habse eenx cittopi unrgst uhega oi ailnt ishp rojNte wcetw .r Owtee. weraec utaewlaoyrft eh owsheoh avbee emne ntorisns omfeo nn to us ora notahleortn hge poafot uhdrse velopImnse onmstce. n msuec,h ofw hamti gbhet gionalol dt hfaotl liodswu tseot heiinrfl uence-we havbee etnh inMktihnteghi oru gah.s'te.. ls.al�s G o'dst hougWhhtaists. inadcqiunwa htafeto lliods u teo o uorwn weaknesses. ..s.. . Ourt hksa ng oou itna s pecwiatayol C. S tephen EAlanv ans and Tjelt¥wchiort c,a d ftihrdcsr !ao fftt h miasn uscirnii tepsnt t irety, evetnh ouigth inv erryo usghha pTIel.csi ru ggeswteiroen sa l­ ..a..s. W"dYS helptfhuolu,g ahntdhf ounle asntd, tihnesiihrga hvsteis g nifi­ cantlya dvanocuetrdh inaknisdno mg a dteh aib se tbtoeork , Wea rdt.e.-e pltyh anfkoftruh lhe e lopff erbeyMd i chMaaenlgo ifs WheatCoonl lwehgode i,d itnhiedt riaaoflfct h apte(rC ofnotuerm ­ por'aP Js1ychodPysnyacmhioct hfeoruras Wp.ei .. ee..sr.o)e u otfo ur deptohnms a nayr eoafcs u rrpesnytc hodtyhnianmkiaicnn dhg i,! experitnti hsaiers c iaos u tstanding. DennOiksh ohnF,r ancWehsi]tS.ei ,a ngT aYnaR,no gbe rRto berts, H.N e...0.-1nM aoln)KirFka rnS\'.'OnDho,nB osch, LDorie7.weB arianu x, � VaDnr aangdtJ oPne tel1cloOnnt risubbsUclmetidt alooly u wro rbyk olIercirnigti oqfuie nsd i"cKhlaupataiet vn> a risotaugsoe fs develop­ ment. iWned ebttome adno yfo ucro lleaatWg hueeastC oonl lege are who mwaakte ar icphl atcote h iannk\-.,!od r kW.e w istho in$tinllioll thank Mid\Maaeuld loiunfir,r setd itaotIr n terVPresas,r ..s..h.i otse} ' initiealm husiaansdem n couramgeeamnae ltnot. t Fi nally,we thank ouprr i...n.,Jc i<.ap'dtIi nttcorrV arsiteyyC, l apwph,os ceo mmiunent Rodn tJoe sus hQaubesie snts oe vidaenndwth .ose s kialsalt sh inaknedr wriatreaerl waiynse "\�dcllce. Ourse creatatWr hieeastC oonl legleB ,l auwkaanmdp Caro Geral­ dinCea rlhsao\"Cnb ,e eonft erraisfisci sitnta hnpecr eo coeffs isn ish­ intgh pirso jase tchteso, y o ftaree ni lallo lt haerre (}a,s',le hryeane, an umboefrr c seaasrscihs htaavcneot nsu ibtuogt reedao trJe ers ser , , 8 degltoe ethsi psr oj.e..c..t ;e liwtoko eue lxdt eonudrt hanekspse citaoll y KarenC roBwl ankenasnhdi Jp.oe lA rpR.o seB uieDra,v i.Ddo dd, to MichaGeill KlaitsHh.oy bso n, TodKdq lock.Ka,t hleLeant teSat,e phen MoronGerayc.e An n RobertSOnL,a w-eSnni ck1Terru,dWal ylc. , Eliza.. bethW atsonD, onW orkmaann dC hrliasn gSpe.ci all hantoks D avid WIlcoxf OTp repariinngd aetnxhd e proofrtehameda innugscri pt. Figu1r.e1p ,i ctutrhiehn igs torroioctsa olf t hem ajoprs ychother­ apayp proacifhsre ostm.h mea nufaoltr h "'eT heoarnidePs r inciples ofCounseElxitnegn�s5 iIoUndc ioeusr "'shee,a tCoonl lGergaed uate by Schocooply.rig htSt ant on L.JanesPh..D1. 9 8U6s.e d permission. . Thifsi guirsbe a st.'CI anoc na rlcihearrb tyD avBee nnenro,wo f RedeemCoelrelg e. Portioonfcs h aptseinax n de igahrtbc a seodnS .J ones (1988), �Ar eligicoruist ioqfubceh a\ilohcrr apy�,i n W.M illaenrd ].M anin (EdsBe.h)aviur. therapy arenlidgi o(np p1.3 9-17N0e)w.b uParrk,y CA: Sagues:e bdype rmissni.Po ortioofcn hasp ters evweenr baseed on S.Jo ne(s 198*9R)a,t ional-etmhoetirvdeinp yC hristpiears npe ctive,� JooN/oaPl)'f[c hologya wiT htology. 17(21)1,0- 12u0s;eb dype rmission. Figu7r,e1u ,s e"'di tph ennisissfri oomn&aw ,l! andpsy cluJlhmlftJ. by Albert (0 EllPihs,,D , 196b2y t he insftiotRrua ttieo nLailvi ng. Incp.u:b lisbh)arrane'd gemem witCh arol PubGlriosuhapCii ;tan ­g dePlr eBsoso k). Ourt hanks tog oD oOnB UrIo wnainngdt hef acuolftt hyUe ni ­ vemtyo fC hicaDgio\i nScithyo oflo re xtendnig toS taJno nes the statoufps o sdto-ctofreallla onwdu seo fth eimra rvelloiubsr ary (heaven-on-eafrotarhb ookworm) for trheea1 r9 a8c8a-d8e9m,i c Our thanalksos go outto H.N ewtoMna lonayn dth e faculstyt,u ­ dentasn ds taffo ft heG raduate oSfPc ShYoCohlo allFo uglylT heero ­ logiSecmailn arfyo rho sting RicBhu lmanf Ofa very rewarding sabbatidcualr iInhge£al lo f1 987. Handling thei ssoufeg enderwriti nign i sa ne ver-troublesome matteWre. havceh oseton use inclutseirvmwesh ereivdteri dno t torturet helan guag e1 0d oso . Inp lacwehse rietwas nOts tylisticaUy pleasto iunsgen eutetreerdmw sehave, auempttcoad l ternraetfee r­ enc1e0sf emalesm alaenWsde. w erneo tc omuplsivei nt hper ocess, so someu nintenitneiquiotineasmayl remabiunwt,e h opneo t. To our", iveBsr,e nnaan dD ebv.,'f! offerO UTa pprciaetoin and mosptr ofogurantdtui def otrh eisru ppolrotva,en den couragement. withouwt hicthh ibso owko ulndev ehra vbee end onTeh.a nk)" ouf or beinge xcelline naltlt hayto duo . INTRODUCTION hisbo ok attemptots a pp� eacho ft hec urremnatj or psychothetrhaepoyr iinet sh em eotaJ-hefiaelltfrdho m the "dialbe­og� pers�ctoifve ev angelCihcrails tianIiti[}' s.a c tweenm e 5UpposendoJnyr eligthieorupeas uti pS)'ocholoagnidet sh e is religiCohuriss tiatrand itionB.u ti t a dialwohge reo nesi de othfe conversatitohna,otf t heC hristifaani tihs,p resumetdo h avet he ultimatSet andiasn rrugt h.N everthewlee psrse,s umteha tt hevari Ola psycholohgaiveems u chto tnchu s,a ndm ayin factl eausd to see certatirnu tohfst heC hristitarand itiinao d ni fferelnitg ht. In1 97o7n.e o fu sw asi ng raduastceh ooaln dc amea croasbo so k. writtenin the1 950sre latiCnhgr istifaaint ht ot hefi elodf p sychology. Itw asa uthorbeydo neo ft hem oste minen$Cth olani nt hefi eldo f dinical psycholAno geyn tthoudsaiyla.es tttiecr swoaoswn r itttoe tnh is scholar.a skinhgi mif heh adw riuemno rein thiasr eaH.e graciously 10 repliseady.it nhgah tewas no lonaChg risetianr; hewas nost urweh ere hes toroedl igibouuitswast l yp,r obabcllyo se(s0Zte nB uddhiBsumt. healso addetdh awth ihleen ol onghearda pe rsonal commtiou nent thep resupposfirtiowomhn isc hhew rotine t he1 950sh,en evertheless feltth atth ee arlier book swoaus ntdlh;oa gitist c,ha efl olmy}a nd content aonfa lhysistsio sode vetnh oughhen ol ongbeerl ietvheed foundatifoonwrsh ahte w rotaelth att ime. Becauofs oeu rp resumpatifotnUh "eu otfht hoer thodCohxr istian IntdiLiotnh,ib so omka yb ep erceived as Mparoacsih ti ar by some, represoennltoysn er eligtriaoduisti oOnU.Ti ntendaeudd ienisc e srndenptass,[() �m,e ntal-hperaolftehs siaonndia nltse.r easntdie nd· fonnedl apeyr sonisnt heev angeClhiriscatianl traditBiUolni .n line witthhe s tory of tshceh oalbaorv wee,w ouladr guteh atIh efO fmo f ouarn alsytansdisse veinof n ein s ota�nYdJ1g eliCcharli stCiharni.s tians of otshterri apneds ,p erhaptsh oC\'so�efon t henro,n -Chrifsatiitahn traditwiiol"'n'els ,h, o pefi,n dt hibso ohke lpifunol u tlitnhinerg e li­ gio implicaotifot nhsev ariopussy chothtreafd<liptiyo annsdi n us suggeshtionwrg e ligfaiitOhU mSi ghitn terwaicthat n dr evitshewe a yi n whicwe ht hianbko upte rsonaanldi typ sychotherapy. We arec ertainnoltty h ef irtsot wriintht iesv ein. VKaenmdpe (1984h)a sc ompilaed de taialnedad n notaltieosdftb ookrse lating religtihoouusg ahntdp sychopluobglyi sbheetdw e1e6n7 a2n d1 965. Among thesmea nyath raett ooskp ecipfsiycc holaongdei xepsl ored theirre lationwsihtrihep l igbeilioefu.Ts h ew orkbsyB rowni(n1g9 87) andH urdi(ng1 98a5r)ee xcellreenctee nxta mploefs suwcohr ks. Funheirne, a cchh aplweerc ,i tree celnitt eratwhraeetx amintehse particiuslsauaren dsp sychotihe�sraawrpeae d dresIsnic nogm.p osing this bookw eha \'e beenab lteo b uiludp ont hew orokf m anya ble scholatrosw ,h omw e arhee aviinldye bted. Befoermeb arking ouurps otnu dwye,"'i ll brieefxlaym itnhee natuorfep sychothaenrdac poyu nselsiinngci,eti s\ ilalt oh avae generpailc toufrt ehn ea tuorfwe h awte a raep praibseifno..gr.. fe.o ceu s ont hdee tails. Psych WhaIst otherapy and Counseling? Thet opi..c..ws.i leelx a miinnet hibso ok gaernen atnoet hceo ncerns notjoufspl r ofessiposnyaclh ologito satlmsle, n tbault- hweoarlktehr s, pastocroauln sealnodrp sa stoarnsd, indetehdec otnoc eornfsi n­ formeldypeoa plewh od esitroeb ee ffectiinvt eh eiinrt erpersonal , fNTHODVCTIO.V 11 ministBruited se.sp ittheen umbeorfp eopilnev olivnet dh iesn ­ deavodre,fin ipnsgr chothaenrdca opurn seliiqsnu gi ctoem plic.ued. The ?iob lt:m ofDi vtnity ps)'diolhcuP1 i5 ag enetreinctD h acto veawr isd varieety oflheoarnide s techniqaulelws ho,if c hha \"aer ticuslpaotkee spearnsodsn usp porters, andm akclaime so fs ucceTshsev. a ritehde oraineds lfihnare iques derivefdo,tr h em ospta rftr,o mc liniecxaple rieanncdre e flection rathtehra sny stemeamtpiicr ircaels eaTrhcihs. hteole pxsp latihne prolifeorfta hteiraopanpy p roacThheesey.m erge efarcothmh eorist's uniqueex perieonfct ehse toyfpp eeo plheeo rs heh ass eefno r counseltihntegy ,po efsp robletmhsem ya niftehscetu ,l tucroanlt ext oft hteh erahpiiossr th e.ra ssumptaibocn.hs)Uo fwp eopclhea ngaen,d thceo rbee litehfassth apteh teh erapliisfte' s philosoTphhiuysn. d er­ standablleya vweisd e rfooodrmi vearpsper oatoc hpeeso phleel ping. And threeraela lryea n i ncredairbrloaefya pproacNhoetos n.l y are there numetrhoeuosrb iumeetas ja.oc srhe emtsoh avaen umber ofv ariatiaoswn esl Al r.e cewnotr ikd entifi2�60d d istisncchto oolfs psychoth(eSrtarpuaypn pdB inde1r9,8 4C)e.rt aimnalnyoy,f t heares e �k.issicnogu sirnast�ht ehratr nu ly unique approaches. Sincmea nayp proacthope ssy chothcleaimr aipmyp rciiSirvees ults, iti sd ifficut1oet va luactrei tictahleul lyt imwoartht eo fa p articular theoorrty e chniOqnueem .u sgte tth ber oapde rspewchtievasnese ss­ intgh ev aloufea s pecifics ystWheom :i sw orkiwnigtw hh omu,n der whacto nditainodna ss sumptainodno sn.w hapta rticpurloabrl ems andc oncernTsh?e rieas n C\ 'er-prdeasnegnoetfrt h{)\e' ertlmsiasen tic extrapoloafati t ohne oorryt echniqculei epnotp ulatoirpo rnosb ­ to lemfso r whiwasit c hn eveirn tendoerfd o,r whicihs lt ihtoetrlrn eeo reastoons uggeisttes ff ective(nseeGseos l denbe1r9g8, 3F)o.re xam­ plet.h eu nquestioneaffbelceti veonfei sJsh avmioodri ficwaittiho n autisticch ild(rl.e.o\n.. .as1,9 8h7a)s lbearinittlgeo ni tuss wei tahd ults strugglwiintgth h em eanionfgl ifLei.k e",;scc:o.u nseslhoorusbl ed approprihautmeblliyent hepirro nouncemaebnotuLsth etihre ories andt echniqthuoeuswg,eh d onk'n, oowf sai ngcloeu nsealpipnrgo ach thahla s'tni ns omfeo rcml aimteobd e t hter uaen dbe stway. Defining PsydIothn-apy and Couns�ing Inl igohftal lt hidsi veristiit sny o.ts urpritshianatgc ademicians. cliniacinadnr se searchahvefero su niddt i fficult toon a sa pgerceief ic definitoifco onu l'Utlinpgsyacnhd. othemfrJAs. Londo(n1 964)h anso ted, , 12 MODI;RN PSYCHOTH£RAPl£S many finitde asiteorp r actitcheean ands cienocfpe e ople-helping thant od escriibte. StillaCf,OM theoriaensdt echniqutehse,ra ep peatro b es ome commonf eaturIenfas c.t ,m anyt heorcianse ti and researchers today arguteh atth esec ommonrac oon influenocre .e vdeent ermitnhee, liuHhoodo fa sucemulc therapeuotuitcc omTeh.e c ommont ech­ niquetsh aalt lp sychotbersaepeims u utsoe ( thougwhi tdhi ffering (1) (2) frequenciiensc)l udeo fferirnega ssuraanncdse u pport.d esen­ sitizitnhgec lietnodt i str(e3ses)n. c ouraging afduanpctitivoen ainndg (4)off erinugn derstandaindni gn Sig(hGtarfi eld,1 980)(,T heries [0 evidenhc�"e\'e, ert, hasiu ggesttsh esfea ctoarrsen Ola Ut heries 19881.) effectivpes ychotheUraanpeysC ,u mminga,n dH orowitz, Un­ derstanditnhge sceo mmonf eaturcan esb eh elpfual� onem est o defincoeu nseling. We wouldde scriibned ividcuoauln seloirnp gsy chotheraaspa y dyadi(ct wo-",-i"nyt)e racbettwieoenn ac liewnhto is distre!SCda.n d perhapcso nfusaendd f righteannedda, p rofessihoenlaplew rh ose helping sakrierl elcso gniaznedda cceptbeydt he cliTehnett wo engagien a no ngoinpgri.\ 'actoel,l abo,detnicvoeu nttehra itss truc· tureads t ot imep.l acaen do veraplurposel ina way thiantf ormal friendsahrienp ost T.h er elationisslh iikpet lory e lhye aviolnvy e rbal communicatoifto hne c lientth'osu ghftese.l inagtsti.r udaensdb eha¥­ iOTS. Tchlei ecnotm est ob elieivnea ndd evelohpo pef romw hat happenins t henpyi.np arbte cautshee t herapaipspte atrosh avea theorfyo ru nderstanadnidne gx plaintihnecg l iendti'sstr eassws e l�l havinign ter.·entitoenc hniqfuoers reduictIi.nn a gs upportiavuen o.­ spherwei tahn e mpathetic caanrdin gt herapitshte.c liebnetg intso disclaonsdere-evaJ uatef �linagnsd b ehavipoaru emst,ou nderstand anda ccepptr eviously raesjpeeccottsfe d hersteoltake f , risktos , becommeo re opaennd h onesatb ouhte rseltof ,l earn newm ethods ofl iviwnigt she lafn do therasn dto gainne ws atisfac tionfsr oml ife. Witht hec liehnatv inlge snse edfor thep sychothetrhaeppy r.o ceisss usualtleyr minabtyemdu tucaoln senwti tthh et herapi(Satd aptferdo m Frank, 197Garfi3; eld1.9 80a;n dp articuGloalrdleyn be1r98g,3 ,pp . 172£f.). Givetnh acto unselainndgp sychotheirssoa piyn tenspeelrys onal, andy etr eigsa t.r.,(!da sa p rofess ionaralt hetrh apne rsonarle lationship, howis psychothearnadpyc ounseldiinffge refnrto mf riendsAsh iips? commonloyb serveda, loot fgo od counselgionegso n ovecru pso f in coffeet,h eb arbesrh opo.r ovaeb ra ck-yfaerndc pee;r haapl so mto re f.v17lODlJCT10.V JJ thang oeso n In anyg ivedna yi n tohffiec eso fp sychotherapiSts 1972). (MataiZrZoOa ndW iens, Theran:e somei mportadnitf feretnhcoeusg,h I.d ealtlhyet, h era­ pisitsa blteo a voiudn dueem otionailn volvemwietnhtt h ec liesnoast to be moreo bjectiavlel.o witnhgec lieton tm oref reecloym municate 1978). hist houghatsn df eeli(nCgosp aru; Sainndg er. Thet herapist's personqaula litiaensdt hee nvironmsehnect r eateensc ourargies k-tak­ inga ndf acilitthaeat ceq uisiotfsi koinal nldss ensititvhiatwtii elfslo ster thed evelopmoefn th ealtwhh oalnedn ePsesr.h atphsem ositm portant distincbteirwoene n psychotahnedfrr iaepnyd shiistp h atth ef ormeirs by definiato inoen- wraeyl ationsehmiopt ionaanldlp ys ychologically­ ili st hec lie..nh..to. i ss uppostoe dd erigvoe9<t fromt he interchange. Theg r..ot.. h.a ndh ealionfgt het herapinsott t ihsep urposoef this k1 976). limilaenddp urposerfeulla tion(sKhoirpc hi Friendshoinp s, theo thehra nda,r ei deamlultyu albleyn eficeimaolt ionaanldlp ys ycho­ logicaalnlday r,e n otS lructuirnctde ntiofnoartl hleyb enefoifto nly oneo ft hep artiiensv olvIetid s.o bvioust.h ougthh,a .t... .c aen nOl say thapts ychotherdaepriisnvtoesb enefiftr omt het heraperuetliact ion­ shipa,sfi nanciaanlds ocibaeln efictesr tainclayna ndd oa ccrutoet he psychother..ha..op. i seitffs e ctive. hydtotJterapy ing Diffnv:nt1 An! and Cowud An importaanntdo ftehno tldye batqeude stiioshn o. ...p.s ychotherapy 1974). andc ounselairnetg ob ed ifferenti(aMtceLde more, Thet radi­ tiondails tinchtaisbo ene nt hacto unseliinsdg o neb yl ess comprchen­ sh'ea!nyd i ntensitvrealiyn perdo fessio(nea.lgps.a ,s torssc,h ool guidanccoeu nseloarnsd)b y paraprofess(iloancyao lusn seloorr s mental-hevaolltuhn teeIrtsi )sd. o new ithl essse rioudsilsyt urbed grouposf p ersonssu,c ha st hosset rugglwiintghd ecisioofnw sh at careetorp ursuweh.e theorrn OlLOg etm arrieadn,ds of ortCohun.­ selihnagso ftebne en regardreedl yiahnseg a violny tghiev ionfgw ise advice aa msa jor moodfie n tervention. HisLOricpaslylcyh.o the..r.. a"aSt phyo ugthotb em orea pproprifaotre �deept:prr�o bleamnsd w asm osto ftedno neb ym oreh ightlry ained and/ocre rtifietdh erapiTsItlsfe.o cuwass ons ignifipcearnsto nalit), changrea thtehra na djusuntconst i tuationLifeal praonbdl emItsi .s sometimseasit dh apts ychOlheartdtpeym pstisg nificaLnOct hlayn gteh e personaolfci ltiye notfst,ep na yinlge sast tenttioso pne cifciucr rellilfte problewmhsi.l ceo unselwionrgkw si the ixilntl inpge rsonasltirtuyc tures to helppe oplaed juLsOtt hec urrednetm andosn t hem.

First Christians feared and avoided the modern practice of psychotherapy. Then many uncritically embraced it. This book represents an emerging third stage in the complicated relationship between faith and psychology. That stage is the critical, theologically informed appropriation of psychotherapy.
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