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Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives PDF

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MOoDERN POWER PAO OSU ONTOS AND AC. DrRIvEs BIMAL K. BOSE Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives Bimal K. Bose: Condra Chair uf Exvellence in Power Hleeteies The University of Tenuesice. Knoxville | paaoi09 « \ || Prentice Hall PTR Uppor Sixkdle River, NINTADS vewa:phpe:eoin MN il 1shrary of Congress Catlugsgin Publication Pan Boss line & % ve est ass an AG ve 2 Bow saa ins T.elecroninifors Storing stacra datas eon, hen dicge 3 2emesebstna. U1 I Re 2381 (eae skal rv bob ta Dorr pao 7: Micaels Sass spe Mesa sth slg ime Sle feat Yona BaD Pentse tl ype Salts thea, SSE Ab rights ale Sieur alah ok ray cencamane eps an pag eer wns peor ng fey tema ae che le pets is nat cs snl sh gant Foe emer tat apr. Ss [epi Fetes Il 28 ve deceesas renac.com so Sides Rees NI payne see 2H SEN EL 0a Peano bd ex ioe ETE Fears: Saltese Ba a-liy FY. Lite Fesioar flteatina Singspore, Pls Li. Pears alucatnn Nout Sse Ts sano: ucativn Covad, Pecesua Telucacion de Moses S.A, de G9, Pevsian fusaton fp esse Fuca Bll venison Fonsition. pot aa se Rives. New bse Pepe es] 27 ae eprinsl wi.scrmsion tem Vy swe Phas Comeaod ere ets oan ey & Se, He legures 15 BOUT AR et Lets aye ide Were, L661 AIL $6 re tegen] sith permis " About the Author holds te Condsa Chair ul Excelence in Pow Hlectonies at dhe Thversity 9f Teunessoe, Knasviile singe 1997, Prior ¢ this, he was a vesecuch engi Gonzral Electie B-& D Center in Sehenectadly, NY fat UL years (1976-871 amd faculty: mera cl Renysskir 5 1971-36, 1 hes been in the power elecuatics acu for mors than Polytechnic Instuce, Tray, NY fer 5 yea AU years amd contributed widely that iaeludes moore chan 180 papers, 21,178, Pacts, & hooks sinauding this cone) and invited presentations. Lulorials and xesnots acdhesses throughet the winle, He is si recipienc ot 4 mnmbec of awards ane biviors kat inelade HEE Millennitur Medl (2000, ULM Continusng Education Awatd (1997), TERE Lamene Geld Mevtal (1998), LEE, Industrial Electronics Socieiy Eugene Mitel:nmn Award (for life-time ucbievemenr}(1991), IBEE Region 3 Outstunding Engineer Award 2M HEHE Ludust-y Applications Seeicty Outstanding Achievement Awd (L993), Genera Electric Silve~ Pateat Modal! 61 ancl Publieacion Awsnt (1987, and Caloutte University Mouet Grd Medal (1974), Contents Preface avi six Chapter 1 Power Semiconductor Devices 1 1.1 tomduction 1 12 Diuwtes 2 1.3. Thycistors 4 1.3L Volt-Ampere Characteristics 5 1.3.2 Switching Characteristics 6 1.3.3 Power Loss and Thermal Impedance 6 134 Curent Rating x Le Triues K 15 Gate Turn -O1F Thytistors «G3 TOsi 10 S.1 Switching Characteristics 1 1.8.2 Regenerative Snuhhers je 1.6 Bipolar Power o¢ Junction Transistors (BE 1s ur BITS) Power MOSFETs LBL Vel Characteristics 1.7.2. Sufe Operating, Atea (SOA) 1.8 Static Induction Transistors (SITs) 19° Insulated Gate Bapotsr ‘Transistors IGBTS) 19.1 Switching Characteristics and Thertnal Impedance 1.0) MO8-Controtled Thytistors (MCT) LAT Integraud Gate-Conmmetated Phyristors IGCTS) 1.12. Large Band-Ciap) Materials tor Devices 113 Power Tntegrated Circuits (PICS 114 Summary Chapter 2 AC Machines for Dri 2.1 Tmuoduetion 2.2 Induction Machines 3 4 5 4 Variuble Relucl Rotating Magnet: Mick ‘orgie Producticin Hyuivalecn Cirouct 22.1 Cquivalent Ciccuit Analysis Torqre-Speed Curve NEMA Chasilication of Machines Variubie-Wultage, Cunstent-lrequen'y Operation Variuble-lrequency Operation Constant Volts Tz Operaon Dive Overating Regions Variable Staror Current Operation The Effect of Hurmimics 1.1 Harmonic Healing 11.2. Machine Parameter Variation Losque Pulsacien 12.1 Axes Transformation 12.2 Syncbroncurly Rotating Reference Ueame—Dynannic Model (kro: Euston Scatiomary Frame—Dynamie Medel iStarley Eyystiom 121 Dynamic Model Seare-Spece Equations Synchronous Machines Wonnd Fick Machine Vquivalent Circuit Developed Torque Salient Pole Machine Characteristics Dynamic d*-g° Machine Model (Pack Mudel) Synchronous Relustance Machine Permanent Magnet Materials Siousoidal Surface Magnet Machine (SPM 3 Sinusoidal (otetior Magnet Muchire (LPM 34 Trapezvidal Surlace Mamet Maciine wee Machine 1VRM1 2.5 Suns Chapter 3 Diodes and Phase-Controllod Converters 3.1 Inteoxhuetion 32 Diode Rectifiers 321 Single-Phase Bridge AR. RL ond of Source Induclams: 3.2.3 Single Phase Bridge — AL CME Load B24 Single-Phase Bridge ~ OR Loud 3.2.5 Ristortion, Displacement, and Power Factors 22.6 Distortion Facunr ky 2.2.7 Drplacemeat Power Vactor (DPF) 32.6 Power Kavtor (PF 2.2.9. Thoec-Phase Full Bridge - AL |.oul E2IV- Theee-Plise Bridge ~ CF Load 33. Thyristor Converters 33.1 Single-Phase Bridge RE, CEMF Load 4.32. Discontinunws Cooduetiom \ B33 This Phase Converter RL, CEME Ted 4 Thrce-Phuss, Half-Wave Converter S Analysis for Line Leakage Inductance i) 6 Three-Phese Bridys Converter 7 Disenrtiowous Conduction 8 three-Phase Dual Couverler { Sis-Pubse, Center-Tap Converter A10 L2-Paise Converter 3.3.11 Comcursent and Sequential Control af Bridge Converters 34. Conwonter Control 3A Linear Firing Angle Cunt 34.2 Cosine Wave Crossing Control 3A.2_ Phase-Locked Occillatr Principle 35 PMLand Line Poser Quality Problems 35.1 EMIProblems 35.2. Line Harmonie Problems 341 Summary Chapter 4 Cyelocanverters 4.1 Introduction 4.2. Phise-Controlked Cyeloconverrers 421 Operation Principles 12.2 A ‘Three-Phase Dual Camentor asa Cyelnconverter vi 42.4 Cycloconverter Circaits 423.1 Three-Pkase, Ialf-Wave Cyclocanverter 4.23.2 Three-Pkase Bridge Cyeloconverter 42.3.2. Modulation Ractor 4.24 Circulating vs, Non-Cireulati 4241 Circulating Currest Mode 4242 Blocking Mode 4.2.5 Load and Live Harmonies 4.25.1 Load Vohage Harmonies Line Current Harmonies 4.2.6. Line Displacement Power Favtur 2.6.1 Theoretical Derivation of Line DPE 23 Control of Cycluconverter 2.8 DPE Improvemert Methedls 42.8.1 Squate-Wave Operation 4.28.2 Asymmetrical Firing Angle Control 4.2.83 Circulating Current Control 43° Matis Converters 44 High Frequstey Cycloconverters 44.1 High-Trequency, Phase-Coatrolled Cycioconverrer 4A2 Tiigh-Trequency. Intesre]-Palse Cycleconverter 4A. Sinusoidal Supply 442.2 Quisi-Square-Wave Supply 43° Summary 4. References Chapter 5 Valtage-Fed Canyerters 1 totroduction 2 Single-Ptuse hverters 2.21 Ilalf ridge and Centes-Tapped Inverters $2.2 Fall. ar M-Bridge. Inverter Phase-Shift Voltage Control Inverts Square-Wave, or Sit-Step, Operation ‘Motoring and Regenerative Maes Input Ripoke Devier Voliage and Current Ratings Phase Shill Voltage Control Volage and Liequency Control

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