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Modern Housing for America: Policy Struggles in the New Deal Era (Historical Studies of Urban America) PDF

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Preview Modern Housing for America: Policy Struggles in the New Deal Era (Historical Studies of Urban America)

= == = = == MODERN HOUSING FOR AMERICA = == = == = = = == = = = = == = == = = = = == = = ~ A serieseditedbyJamesR. GrossmanandKathleenN.Conzen SmolderingCity: ChicagoansandtheGreatFire, 1871-1874 KarenSawislak ParishBoundaries: TheCatholicEncounterwithRaceintheTwentieth,Century UrbanNorth JohnT. McGreevy == = == MODERN HOUSING FOR AMERICA Policy Struggles in the New Deal Era == ~ Gail Radford == == == == == == == == == ~ The Universityof Chicago Press • Chicago and London GAIL RADFORD isassistantprofessorofhistoryattheStateUniversityofNew York-Buffalo. TheUniversityofChicagoPress,Chicago60637 TheUniversityofChicagoPress,Ltd.,London ©1996byTheUniversityofChicago Allrightsreserved.Published1996 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 2 3 4 5 ISBN0,226,70222,7(cloth) 0,226,70223,5 (paper) LibraryofCongressCataloging,in,PublicationData Radford,Gail. ModernhousingforAmerica: PolicystrugglesintheNewDealera /GailRadford. p. em.- (HistoricalstudiesofurbanAmerica) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-226-70222-7(alk.paper).- ISBN0-226-70223-5 (pbk.: alk.paper) 1. Housingpolicy-UnitedStates-History-20thcentury. 2. New Deal,1933-1939. I. Title. II.Series. HD7293.R28 1996 363.5'8'0973-dc20 96,21155 CIP @ThepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstheminimumrequirementsoftheAmerican NationalStandardforInformationSciences-PermanenceofPaperforPrintedLibrary Materials,ANSI239.48-1984. ~ For Stephen Hart ~ CONTENTS = == == ~ Acknowledgments ix Introduction 1 American Housing before the Depression 7 2 The Politics of Housing in the 1920s 29 3 Catherine Bauer and the Plan for "Modern Housing" 59 4 The PWA Housing Division 85 5 The Hosiery Workers' Model Development 111 6 The Harlem River Houses 147 7 The Struggle to Shape Permanent Policy 177 Conclusion 199 Notes 211 Index 259 vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS = = = ~ W riting this book has been a rewarding experience, not least because of the chance to meet many talented and public.. spirited people. A number of them appear in the following pages, as they played a part in developing the modem housing policy initia.. tive. WhilemostwerenotlivingwhenIbeganthiswork, Ineverthelessrelish the hoursspent intheircompanyas Isat inlibrariesand archivesresearching their work. There were two principals in this story who were alive when I began, and IdeeplyregretthatWilliamJeanes, Sr.,whohelpedplanand later managedtheCarlMackleyHouses, andJohnLewisWilson, the lastsurviving member of the architectural team that designed the Harlem River Houses, will not be able to see this project in its completedform. Itwas aprivilege to meetandtalkwithbothofthem. Iwouldalsolike toacknowledgethe invalu.. able help ofthe many residents and supporters ofthe two developments who spoke with me at length, sometimes on several occasions, particularly Irene and Bernard Cohan, Vincent Hammond, William Jeanes, Jr., Helen Jeanes, PriscillaReed, Isadore Reivich, and LarryRogin. KennethT.Jackson, mydissertationadvisoratColumbia,hasbeena loyal mentorand friend overmany years. He introduced me to key issues in urban andpolicyhistory, helpedmemaneuvertheshoalsofgraduateschooland the jobmarket,andhasimmenselyimprovedthisbookbyadvicewhentheproject was beingformulated andclose readings ofthe manuscriptsince. Ialso owe a debttoRichardAbramsandPaulaFassfor inspiringmetopursuemygraduate educationandsupportingmyefforttodoso. Iwant toacknowledge Elizabeth BlackmarandJoshua Freeman for their efforts before, during, and after their service onmydissertationcommittee.GwendolynWrightandRichard Plunz provided important inputduringearlystages ofwork. A greatmanycolleagues andfriends have helped invarious waysoverthe years. Many thanks to: Henry Binford, Eugenie Birch, Charles Byler, Mary AnnClawson,RogerDaniels,GaryDymski, MichaelEbner,RobertFishman, Deborah Gardner, Tim Gilfoyle, Howard Gillette, Scott Henderson, Susan Henderson, Charles Hoch, Clifton Hood, Janet Hutchison, Ann Keating, Judy Kramer, Gene Lewis, Carolyn Loeb, Stanley Mallach, Margaret Marsh, Jon Peterson, Wendy Plotkin, Susan Rugh, Eric Sandeen, Ron Schatz, Joel Schwartz, PaulaSchwartz, PaulaSilver,FrankStricker,KristinSzylvian, Marc ix

In an era when many decry the failures of federal housing programs, this book introduces us to appealing but largely forgotten alternatives that existed when federal policies were first defined in the New Deal. Led by Catherine Bauer, supporters of the modern housing initiative argued that governmen
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