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buchcover_fungizides18-8-2011 18.08.2011 9:51 Uhr Seite 1 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:de:0294-sp-2011-Reinh-8 Spectrum Phytomedizin Spectrum Phytomedizin ) s. si,Ed Gi( U. yr g, H. L Proceedings of the 16th International Reinhardsbrunn Deisinssell, Symposium on Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Com- B. Ru H.E. pounds, 2010 e, P. hnk, ec The Proceedings of the 16th International Reinhardsbrunn DKu W. H. Symposium on Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Com- H.K. H.W. Dehne, H.B. Deising, U. Gisi, K.H. Kuck, P.E. Russell, H. Lyr (Eds.) pounds uphold the tradition of all previous Symposium Proceedings in this series by bringing you research reports on the increasingly complex discipline of fungicide science. Modern Fungicides and As technology develops and new priorities are set for the control of plant diseases, the research undertaken to Antifungal Compounds VI provide the tools for disease control expands. In order to I V ds use these tools efficiently, information must be available nd an s u on the biological and chemical properties of the disease eo dp control agents. The present Proceedings provide a unique giciom nC insight into current research and are an invaluable source Fual of reference for students and established scientists. odern ntifung MA n i z i d e m o t y h P m u r t c e 16th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium p S April 25 – 29, 2010 Friedrichroda, Germany ISBN: 978-3-941261-10-5 Probedruck Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:de:0294-sp-2011-Reinh-8 DPG Spectrum Phytomedizin H. W. DEHNE, H. B. DEISING, U. GISI, K. H. KUCK, P. E. RUSSELL, H. LYR (EDS) Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds VI th Proceedings of the 16 International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium April 25 -29, 2010, Friedrichroda, Germany Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:de:0294-sp-2011-Reinh-8 ISBN: 978-3-941261-10-5 Das Werk einschließlich aller Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwendung innerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung der Deutschen Phytomedizinischen Gesellschaft e.V. unzulässig und strafbar. Das gilt insbesondere für Vervielfältigungen, Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. © 2011 DPG Selbstverlag Messeweg 11-12, 38104 Braunschweig Email: [email protected] Internet: www.phytomedizin.org Production: Ingrid Sikora, INRES, Bonn Cover-Design: Corinna Senftleben, Braunschweig Satz: Christian Carstensen, InterKulturIntern, Edenkoben Foto (book cover): Infection structures of Phytophthora infestans on tomato leaves (Confocal Laser Scan Microscopy; Ulrike Steiner, 2010) Printed in Germany by Lebenshilfe gGmbH, Braunschweig II Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:de:0294-sp-2011-Reinh-8 Contents Page Contents III List of Participants X Preface XVII OVERVIEW ARTICLES The Impact of the New European Regulations on the Management of 1 Crop Diseases A. Leadbeater Crop Protection Markets in a Changing World 11 D. Sozzi, R. De Vivo, M. Titterington Climate Change and Arable Crop Disease Control: Mitigation and 17 Adaptation B.D.L. Fitt, N. Evans, P. Gladders, D.J. Hughes, J.W. Madgwick, M.J. Jeger, J.A. Townsend, J.A. Turner, J.S. West Breeding for Resistance as a Component of Integrated Crop Disease 27 Control and Sustainable Food Production J.K.M. Brown Fungicide Resistance in Rice 35 H. Ishii Disruption of Botrytis cinerea Genome Highlights the Possibility that 41 Non-Protein Coding Regions may be Involved in Controlling Infection and Sporulation D.W. Hollomon, P.M. Wood III Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:de:0294-sp-2011-Reinh-8 NEW FUNGICIDES AND NEW MODES OF ACTION New Fungicides and New Modes of Action 47 H. Walter Initium® - A New Innovative Fungicide for the Control of Oomycetes 55 in Speciality Crops R.E. Gold, H. Schiffer, J. Speakman, G. Stammler, K. Klappach, H.D. Brix, S. Schlehuber Xemium® - The BASF Fungicide Innovation 63 M. Semar, D. Strobel, S. Strathmann, U. Groeger Bixafen - The New Cereal Fungicide with Yield Boosting Effects 69 A. Suty-Heinze, R. Dunkel, U. Krieg, H. Rieck Fluopyram: Efficacy and Beyond on Problematic Diseases 75 G. Labourdette, H. Lachaise, H. Rieck, D. Steiger Effects of the New SDHI-Fungicide Bixafen on the Physiology and 81 Yield of Wheat Plants C.A. Berdugo, U. Steiner, E.-C. Oerke, H.-W. Dehne Studies on the Heterologous Expression of Dihydroorotate 85 Dehydrogenase from Stagonospora nodorum G. Gustafson FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE - MOLECULAR ASPECTS AND GENETICS Molecular Approaches to Elucidate Pathways and Sites of Fungicide 91 Resistance in Oomycetes S.C. Whisson, R. Fonné-Pfister, M. Csukai Sensitivity to CAA Fungicides and Frequency of Mutations in 103 Cellulose Synthase (Ces A3) Gene of Oomycete Pathogen Populations H. Sierotzki, M. Blum, G. Olaya, M. Waldner-Zulauf, C. Buitrago, J. Wullschleger, Y. Cohen, U. Gisi Fenhexamid Resistance in Botrytis pseudocinerea: Target 111 Modifications and Fungicide Detoxification A. Billard, S. Fillinger, P. Leroux, P. Solignac, H. Lachaise, R. Beffa, D. Debieu Fitness Measurements of Fenhexamid Resistant Strains in Botrytis 117 cinerea A. Billard, P. Leroux, S. Fillinger, H. Lachaise, R. Beffa, D. Debieu IV Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:de:0294-sp-2011-Reinh-8 Functional Characterisation of Mycosphaerella graminicolaSterol 123 14α-Demethylase Variants Resistant to Azole Fungicides H.J. Cools, J.E. Parker, D.E. Kelly, J.A. Lucas, S.L. Kelly, B.A. Fraaije Molecular Mechanisms of Altered Triazole Sensitivity in 129 Rhynchosporium secalis N.J. Hawkins, H.J. Cools, M.W. Shaw, H. Sierotzki, B.A. Fraaije Exploring the Molecular Basis of Azole Resistance in Powdery 135 Mildew Fungi F.J. López-Ruiz, L. Chartrain, A. Pérez-Garcia, C.J. Ridout, J.A. Tóres, J.K.M. Brown A Group I Intron Located Downstream of the G143 Position of the 143 Cyt b Gene in Monilinia fructicola is Present in Genetically Diverse Populations from China M.J. Hu, L.F. Yin, Y. Chen, S.N. Chen, X.L. Liu, F.G. Chen, C.X. Luo Comparison of Cellulose Synthase 3 (Ces A3) Gene Structure in 151 Different Oomycetes M. Blum, H. Sierotzki, U. Gisi Assessment of G143A Mutation and Type I Cyt bIntron Frequencies 155 in Botrytis cinerea Isolates from Strawberry in Greece S. Samuel, T. Veloukas, G.S. Karaoglanidis COMPLEX II INHIBITORS – MODE OF ACTION AND RESISTANCE SDH-Inhibitors: History, Biological Performance and Molecular 159 Mode of Action A. Glättli, T. Grote, G. Stammler SDHIs and the Fungal Succinate Dehydrogenase 171 G. Scalliet, M. Boehler, J. Bowler, P.S. Green, P.M. Kilby, R. Fonné-Pfister Sensitivity of Fungal Pathogens to SDHI Fungicides 179 H. Sierotzki, R. Frey, M. Morchoisne, G. Olaya, M. Mösch, G. Scalliet Resistance to QoIs and SDHIs in Populations of Botrytis cinerea 187 A.S. Walker, M. Gredt, P. Leroux Mutations in the Target Protein Conferring Resistance to SDHI 195 Fungicides G. Stammler, A. Glättli, A. Koch, S. Schlehuber V Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:de:0294-sp-2011-Reinh-8 Development of QoI Resistance in Ramularia collo-cygni Populations 199 J.M. Fountaine, F.J. Burnett, B.A. Fraaije SENSITIVITY MONITORING AND RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT Phakopsora pachyrhizi: The Performance of Soybean Rust Fungicides 203 over Years and Regions in Brazil C.V. Godoy Sensitivity Monitoring of Phakopsora pachyrhizi Populations to 211 Triazoles in Brazil L.J. Koga, I.O.N. Lopes, C.V. Godoy Analysis of Azole Fungicide Resistance in Mycosphaerella fijiensis, 217 Causal Agent of Black Sigatoka P. Chong, R. Arango, I. Stergiopoulos, M. Guzmán, P.W. Crous, G.F. da Silva, P.J.G.M. De Wit, G.H.J. Kema Evolution of Resistance to Fungicides in Populations of 223 Mycosphaerella graminicola: Emergence of New Phenotypes Highly Resistant to DMIs A.-S. Walker, M. Gredt, P. Leroux New Findings on the Sensitivity of Mycosphaerella graminicola to 231 DMI Fungicides G. Stammler, M. Semar, D. Strobel, A. Koch, S. Schlehuber Sensitivity of European Mycosphaerella graminicola Populations to 237 DMI Fungicides H. Sierotzki, R. Frey, C. Buitrago, J. Wullschleger, U. Gisi Mycosphaerella graminicola: Relevance of in vitro Sensitivity and 245 Cyp51 Mutations for the Field Performance of DMI Fungicides A. Mehl, U. Krieg, A. Suty-Heinze Outliers or Shifts? Sensitivity of the Irish Mycosphaerella graminicola 251 Population to Triazole Fungicides S. Kildea, J. Spink, E. Mullins, P.C. Mercer, L.R. Cooke, E. O’Sullivan Sensitivity of Mycosphaerella graminicola to DMI Fungicides across 255 Europe and Impact on Field Performance D. Strobel, G. Stammler, M. Semar Fungicide Use and Resistance in Broad Acre Cropping in Australia 259 R. Oliver, K. Rybak, E. Antoni, M. Tucker, N. Clarke, M. McLean, J. Davidson VI Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:de:0294-sp-2011-Reinh-8 Location-Specific Fungicide Resistance Profiles Aid Peach Growers 263 in Managing Fungicide Resistant Strains of Monilia fructicola G. Schnabel, A. Amiri, P.M. Brannen CAA, Phenylamide and QoI Resistance Assessment in Plasmopara 267 viticola Oospores S.L. Toffolatti, L. Serrati, A. Vercesi Sensitivity to Boscalid of Stemphylium vesicarium and Botrytis cinerea 273 in Italy G. Alberoni, A. Ciriani, M. Banorri, M. Collina, A. Brunelli Effects of Iprovalicarb on the Development and Morphology of 279 Various Phytophthora and Pythium Species A.-K. Mahlein, E.-Ch. Oerke, H.-W. Dehne, U. Steiner Powdery Mildew of Cucurbits: Fungicide Resistance in Pathogen 285 Populations of Southern Spain D. Bellón, F.J. López-Ruiz, J.M. Sánchez-Pulido, C. Jousseaume, A. Pérez-García, J.A. Toréz Mechanisms of Fungicide Resistance in the Apple Powdery Mildew 289 Fungus Podosphaera leucotricha C. Kröling, O.Krieghoff, H.B. Deising Poor Fungicide Control of Cercospora Leaf Spot on Sugar Beet in 295 Switzerland: Sensitivity Monitoring of C. beticola Isolates S. Schürch Determination of the Potato Sprout Inhibitor Chlopropham and its 297 Metabolite 3-Chloroaniline in Potato Samples N.S. Mohammed, T.H. Flowers, H.J. Duncan Azole Resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus: Collateral Damage of 301 Fungicide Use? P.E. Verweij, W.J.G. Melchers, and G.H.J. Kema PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES INFLUENCING FUNGICIDE EFFICACY Impact of Physicochemical Parameters on Fungicide Activity 307 R. Pontzen, P. Baur New Approaches to Optimize Spray Efficacy and Foliar Uptake 317 H. Auweter, R. Berghaus, T. Levy, M. Nolte VII Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:de:0294-sp-2011-Reinh-8 NATURAL ANTIFUNGAL COMPOUNDS Allicin from Garlic, Effective in Controlling Several Plant Diseases, is 325 a Reactive Sulfur Species (RSS) that Pushes Cells into Apoptosis M.C. Gruhlke, I. Nwachwukwu, M. Arbach, A. Anwar, U. Noll, A.J. Slusarenko A Putative Pathway of Apoptosis-Induction by Allicin from Garlic 331 (Allium sativum L.) M.C. Gruhlke, D. Portz, A.J. Slusarenko A Transposon Mutagenesis Strategy to Investigate Resistance Against 335 Allicin in a Garlic-Associated Pseudomonad I.D. Nwachukwu, D. Portz, A.J. Slusarenko Biological Activity and Mode of Action of Serenade® 339 I. Siepe, J.-B. Speakman, K. Klappach, M. Scherer, D. Manker, S. Schlehuber Antifungal and Herbicidal Activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. and 347 Pelargonium odoratissimum (L.)L'Her. Essential Oil A. Salamone, S. Lazzara, M. Verdeguer, H. Boira, M.A. Blázquez Influence of Cotton Plant Antifungal Compounds on Verticillium 355 dahliae T.A. Vlasova Application of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Improve 361 Productivity of Vicia faba (L.) E.V. Yurina, T.P.Yurina Influence of Fungitoxic Plants on Formation Arbuscular Mycorrhizal 363 Fungi and Development of Wheat T.P. Yurina Bacterial Blight Disease on Fennel Plants in Egypt 365 M.A. Ismail Response of Sunflower Hybrids to some Antioxidants and Stem Rot 371 Caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum M.A. Ismail Fluorescent Characteristics and Yield Structure of Barley Treated 377 with Supercritical Fluid Extracts from Reynoutria sachalinensis V.A. Karavaev, L.E. Gunar, A.G. Myakinkov, S.A. Glazunova, M.K. Solntsev VIII Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:de:0294-sp-2011-Reinh-8 Effect of Supercritical Fluid Extracts from Reynoutria sachalinensis 379 on Photosynthetic Apparatus of Bean Leaves M.K. Solntsev, S.A. Glazunova, O.I. Pokrovskiy, O.O. Parenago, L.E. Gunar, V.A. Karavaev The Action of 3-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole on Early Developmental Stages 381 of the Wheat Powdery Mildew Pathogen A.V. Babosha, G.A. Avetisyan, A.S. Ryabchenko, T.V. Avetisyan Regularities of Direction Relative to the Axis of Wheat Leaf for 385 Growth of Wheat Powdery Mildew Infection Structures A.S. Ryabchenko, A.V. Babosha ,T.V. Avetisyan CONTROL OF MYCOTOXIN-FORMING PATHOGENS AND MYCOTOXIN CONTAMINATION Role of Resistance and Fungicide Use in Preventing Mycotoxin 389 Contamination of Cereal Commodities Á. Mesterházy, S. Lehoczki-Krsjak, A. Szabó-Hevér, B. Tóth, M. Varga, L. Farády, Cs. Kótai Patterns of Fusarium Head Blight and Mycotoxin Contamination in 401 Wheat C. Sommer, S. Zühlke, U. Steiner, E.-C. Oerke, H.-W. Dehne The Role of Innovative Formulation Technology in the Reduction of 405 Mycotoxin Levels on Wheat D. Strobel, P. Miller, H.D. Brix, R. Berghaus, M. Nolte, M. Semar The Cyp51c Gene, a Novel and Useful Phylogenetic Marker to 413 Distinguish Different Fusarium Species on Cereals D. Fernández-Ortuño, E. Loza-Reyes, S.L. Rogers, B.A. Fraaije New Insights in the Mode of Action of Thiophanate-Methyl 417 T. Hirschfeld, F. Ellner, H. Buschhaus, M. Goßmann Fitness of Thiophanate-Methyl-Resistant Isolates of Botrytis cinerea 423 J. Derpmann, U. Steiner, H. Buschhaus, H.W. Dehne Fungicide Sensitivity, Fitness and Mycotoxin Production of 429 Penicillium expansum Field Isolates from Apple G.A. Bardas, E.G. Doukas, S. Konstantinou, I. Kalampokis, A.N. Markoglou, G.S. Karaoglanidis Index 434 IX

Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds VI, DPG-Verlag, Braunschweig,
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