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Preview Modern Fourier Analysis, Third Edition [3rd Ed] (Instructor Solution Manual, Solutions)

Loukas Grafakos Modern Fourier Analysis, Third Edition Solutions of all the exercises March20,2014 Springer Για την Iωα´ννα,την Kωνσταντ´ινα,και την Θεoδω´ρα vi Iwouldliketoexpressmydeepgratitudetothefollowingpeoplewhohelpedinthepreparationofthesolutionsofthebooks ClassicalFourierAnalysis,3rdedition,GTM249andModernFourierAnalysis,3rdedition,GTM250. Iremainsolelyresponsibleforanyerrorcontainedintheenclosedsolutions. Mukta Bhandari, Jameson Cahill, Santosh Ghimire, Zheng Hao, Danqing He, Nguyen Hoang, Sapto Indratno, Richard Lynch,DiegoMaldonado,HanhVanNguyen,PeterNguyen,JessePeterson,SharadSilwal,BrianTuomanen,XiaojingZhang, Contents vii 1 Smoothness and Function Spaces 1.1Smoothfunctionsandtempereddistributions Exercise1.1.1 Givenmultiindicesα,β showthatthereareconstantsC,C(cid:48)suchthat ρ (ϕ)≤C ∑ ∑ ρ(cid:48) (ϕ), α,β γ,δ |γ|≤|α||δ|≤|β| ρ(cid:48) (ϕ)≤C(cid:48) ∑ ∑ ρ (ϕ). α,β γ,δ |γ|≤|α||δ|≤|β| forallSchwartzfunctionsϕ. (cid:2)Hint: The first inequality follows by Leibniz’s rule. Conversely, to express ξα∂βϕ in terms of linear combinations of ∂β(ξγϕ(ξ)), proceed by induction on |α|, using that ξj∂βϕ =∂β(ξjϕ)−∂βϕ−(βj−1)∂β−ejϕ if βj ≥1 and ξj∂βϕ = ∂β(ξ ϕ)ifβ =0.Hereβ =(β ,...,β )ande =(0,...,1,...,0)with1inthe jthentry.(cid:3) j j 1 n j Solution. Firstofall,wenoticethat∂β(ξαϕ)isequaltoasumoftermsoftheformc ξγ∂β−γϕ,soanyρ (ϕ)isboundedbyafinite γ α,β sumofseminormsρ(cid:48) (ϕ). γ,δ Conversely,wefirstverifytheidentity ξ ∂βϕ =∂β(ξ ϕ)−∂βϕ−(β −1)∂β−ejϕ j j j ifβ ≥1byinductiononβ .Indeed,saythatitholdsforβ .Then j j j ∂β+ej(ξ ϕ)=∂ ∂β(ξ ϕ)=∂ (ξ ∂βϕ)+∂ (∂βϕ−(β −1)∂β−ejϕ) j j j j j j j =∂βϕ+ξ ∂β+ejϕ+∂β+ejϕ+(β −1)∂βϕ j j =ξ ∂β+ejϕ+∂β+ejϕ+β ∂βϕ j j fromwhichitfollowsthattheclaimedidentityholdsforβ +1. j Having verified the preceding identity, we conclude that ξ ∂βϕ can be expressed as a linear combination of terms of the j form∂γ(ξ ϕ)and∂γ(ϕ).Thenξ ξ ∂βϕcanbeexpressedasalinearcombinationoftermsoftheformξ ∂γ(ξ ϕ)andξ ∂γ(ϕ). j k j k j k Applying the preceding conclusion, we deduce that ξ ξ ∂βϕ can be expressed as a linear combination of terms of the form k j ∂γ(ξ ξ ϕ),∂γ(ξ ϕ),∂γ(ξ ϕ),and∂γϕ.Continuinginthisway,weconcludethatanyξα∂βϕ isalinearcombinationofterms k j k j oftheform∂δ(ξγϕ(ξ)),thusanyρ(cid:48) (ϕ)isboundedbyafinitesumofseminormsρ (ϕ). (cid:4) α,β γ,δ 1 2 Contents Exercise1.1.2 Supposethatafunctionϕ liesinC∞(Rn\{0})andthatforallmultiindicesα thereexistconstantsL suchthatϕ satisfies α lim∂αϕ(t)=L . α t→0 Thenϕ liesinC∞(Rn)and∂αϕ(0)=L forallmultiindicesα. α Solution. By assumption we have that lim ϕ(t)=L , and thus setting ϕ(0)=L , we have a continuous extension of ϕ on Rn. t→0 0 0 Supposethatforall|α|≤N wehaveaCN extensionofϕ onRnforsomeN∈Z+.Wehave ∂αϕ(te )−∂αϕ(0) ∂αϕ(te )−L ∂ ∂αϕ(0)=lim j =lim j α =lim∂ ∂αϕ(ce ) j j t j t→0 t t→0 t t→0 bythemeanvaluetheorem,wherec ∈(−t,t)\{0}.Theapplicationofthemeanvaluetheoremisallowedsincethefunction t s(cid:55)→∂αϕ(se ) is continuous on the closed interval [−t,t] and differentiable on the open interval (−t,t). By assumption the j precedinglimitexistsandisequaltoL .Thisisvalidforall j=1,...,nandthusϕ hasaCN+1extensiononRn. (cid:4) α+ej Exercise1.1.3 Letthatu ∈S(cid:48)(Rn).Supposethatu →uinS(cid:48)/P andu →vinS(cid:48).Thenprovethatu−visapolynomial. N N N (cid:2) (cid:3) Hint:UseProposition1.1.3ordirectlyProposition2.4.1in[161]. Solution. GivenaϕinS (Rn)wehave(cid:104)u ,ϕ(cid:105)→(cid:104)u,ϕ(cid:105)and(cid:104)u ,ϕ(cid:105)→(cid:104)v,ϕ(cid:105)byassumption.Then(cid:104)u−v,ϕ(cid:105)=0forallϕinS (Rn). 0 N N 0 PassingtotheFouriertransform,itfollowsthat(cid:104)u(cid:100)−v,ψ(cid:105)=0forallfunctionsψ with∂αψ(0)=0forallα.Inparticular,this holds for all Schwartz functions that are supported in Rn\{0}. Then the distribution u(cid:100)−v is supported at the origin and it followsthatithastobealinearcombinationofderivativesofDiracmasses(Proposition2.4.1in[161]).Thenu−vmustbea polynomial. (cid:4) Exercise1.1.4 Suppose thatΨ is a Schwartz function whose Fourier transform is supported in an annulus that does not contain the origin andsatisfies∑j∈ZΨ(cid:98)(2−jξ)=1forallξ (cid:54)=0.Showthatforfunctionsg∈L1(Rn)withg(cid:98)∈L1(Rn)wehave∑j∈Z∆Ψj (g)=g pointwiseeverywhere. Solution. Wewriteforeveryx∈Rn (cid:90) (cid:90) (cid:90) g(x)= g(cid:98)(ξ)e2πix·ξdξ = g(cid:98)(ξ)e2πix·ξ ∑Ψ(cid:98)(2−jξ)dξ = ∑ g(cid:98)(ξ)e2πix·ξΨ(cid:98)(2−jξ)dξ Rn Rn j∈Z j∈Z Rn wherethelaststepisjustifiedbytheLebesguedominatedconvergencetheoremsincegisintegrable.Butthelastexpressionis (cid:98) equalto∑ ∆Ψ(g),hencetheconclusionfollows. j∈Z j Contents 3 Exercise1.1.5 LetΘ andΦ beSchwartzfunctionswhoseFouriertransformsarecompactlysupportedandletΨ,Ω beaSchwartzfunctions whoseFouriertransformsaresupportedinannulithatdonotcontaintheoriginandsatisfy ∞ Φ(cid:98)(ξ)Θ(cid:98)(ξ)+∑Ψ(cid:98)(2−jξ)Ω(cid:98)(2−jξ)=1 j=1 forallξ ∈Rn.Thenforevery f ∈S(cid:48)(Rn)wehave ∞ Φ∗Θ∗f+∑∆Ψ∆Ω(f)= f j j j=1 wheretheseriesconvergesinS(cid:48)(Rn). (cid:4) Solution. ItsufficestoshowthattheconvergenceholdsinS.Sowefixϕ inS.Weneedtoprovethat N sup (cid:12)(cid:12)∂ξβ(cid:2)(cid:8)1−Φ(cid:98)(ξ)Θ(cid:98)(ξ)−∑Ψ(cid:98)(2−jξ)Ω(cid:98)(2−jξ)(cid:9)ϕ(cid:98)(ξ)ξα(cid:3)(cid:12)(cid:12)→0 ξ∈Rn j=1 Thefunctioninsidethesquarebracketissupportedinasetoftheform|ξ|≥c2N forsomeconstantc.Moreover,thefunction inside the curly brackets is bounded and all of its derivatives are bounded. But for any γ ≤β, ∂γ(ϕ(cid:98)(ξ)ξα) is a Schwartz functionandthusithasrapiddecayatinfinity.Itfollowsthattheprecedingsupremumovertheset|ξ|≥c2N tendstozeroas N→∞byLeibniz’srule. (cid:4) Exercise1.1.6 (a)Showthatforanymultiindexα onRnthereisapolynomialQ ofnvariablesofdegree|α|suchthatforallξ ∈Rnwehave α ∂α(e−|ξ|2)=Q (ξ)e−|ξ|2. α (b)Showthatforallmultiindices|α|≥1andforeachkin{0,1,...,|α|−1}thereisapolynomialP ofnvariablesofdegree α,k atmost|α|suchthat |α|−1 1 (cid:18)ξ ξ (cid:19) ∂α(e−|ξ|)= ∑ P 1,..., n e−|ξ| |ξ|k α,k |ξ| |ξ| k=0 foreveryξ ∈Rn\{0}.Concludethatfor|α|≥1wehave (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12)(cid:12)∂α(e−|ξ|)(cid:12)(cid:12)≤Cα 1+|ξ1|+···+|ξ||1α|−1 e−|ξ| forsomeconstantC andallξ (cid:54)=0. α (cid:2) Hint:Forthetwoidentitiesuseinductionon|α|.Part(b):usethatthe∂ derivativeofahomogeneouspolynomialofdegreeat j most|α|isanotherhomogeneouspolynomialofdegreeatmost|α|+1times|ξ|−1.(cid:3) Solution. Toprove ∂α(e−|ξ|2)=Q (ξ)e−|ξ|2 α startwiththecaseα =0whichisobviouslyvalid.Ifitisalsovalidforacertainα,lete =(0,...,0,1,0,...,0)andconsider j α+e .Wehave j 4 Contents ∂ ∂α(e−|ξ|2)=(cid:2)(∂ Q )(ξ)−2ξ Q (ξ)(cid:3)e−|ξ|2 j j α j α andnotethattheexpressioninthesquarebracketisapolynomialofdegree|α|+1. Nextweprovethat |α|−1 1 (cid:18)ξ ξ (cid:19) ∂α(e−|ξ|)= ∑ P 1,..., n e−|ξ|, |ξ|k α,k |ξ| |ξ| k=0 where the polynomials P have degree at most |α|. This identity is certainly valid for any multiindex α with |α|=1 by a α,k simplecalculation.Assumingthatitholdsforagivenα,thendifferentiatein∂ .Wefirstnoticethatforanymonomialwehave j ξβ 1 (cid:20) ξβ−ej ξβ+ej (cid:21) ∂ = β −|β| j|ξ||β| |ξ| j|ξ||β|−1 |ξ||β|+1 ifβ isamultiindex,thus (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) ξ ξ 1 ξ ξ ∂ P 1,..., n = P(cid:93) 1,..., n j α,k |ξ| |ξ| |ξ| α,k |ξ| |ξ| whereP(cid:93) ispolynomialofdegreeatmost|α|+1. α,k Theinductionhypothesisgives ∂ ∂α(e−|ξ|) j (cid:20)|α|−1 1 (cid:18)ξ ξ (cid:19) (cid:21) =∂ ∑ P 1,..., n e−|ξ| j |ξ|k α,k |ξ| |ξ| k=0 =|α∑|−1(cid:20)− k ξj P (cid:18)ξ1,..., ξn(cid:19)+ 1 1 P(cid:93) (cid:18)ξ1,..., ξn(cid:19)− ξj 1 P (cid:18)ξ1,..., ξn(cid:19)(cid:21)e−|ξ| |ξ|k+1|ξ| α,k |ξ| |ξ| |ξ|k |ξ| α,k |ξ| |ξ| |ξ||ξ|k α,k |ξ| |ξ| k=0 =|α∑|−1 1 (cid:20)− ξj kP (cid:18)ξ1,..., ξn(cid:19)+P(cid:93) (cid:18)ξ1,..., ξn(cid:19)(cid:21)e−|ξ|−|α∑|−1 1 ξj P (cid:18)ξ1,..., ξn(cid:19)e−|ξ| |ξ|k+1 |ξ| α,k |ξ| |ξ| α,k |ξ| |ξ| |ξ|k |ξ| α,k |ξ| |ξ| k=0 k=0 = ∑|α| 1 (cid:20)− ξj ((cid:96)−1)P (cid:18)ξ1,..., ξn(cid:19)+P(cid:93) (cid:18)ξ1,..., ξn(cid:19)(cid:21)e−|ξ|−|α∑|−1 1 (cid:20)ξj P (cid:18)ξ1,..., ξn(cid:19)(cid:21)e−|ξ| |ξ|(cid:96) |ξ| α,(cid:96)−1 |ξ| |ξ| α,(cid:96)−1 |ξ| |ξ| |ξ|k |ξ| α,k |ξ| |ξ| (cid:96)=1 k=0 |α|+1−1 1 (cid:18)ξ ξ (cid:19) = ∑ P 1,..., n e−|ξ|. |ξ|m α+ej,m |ξ| |ξ| m=0 Weexaminethedegreesofthepolynomialsinsidethesquarebrackets.Theyallhavedegreeatmost|α|+1.ThusP α+ej,m hasdegreeatmost|α|+1=|α+e |. j ThelastassertionfollowsfromtheboundednessofP ontheunitsphere. (cid:4) α,k

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