Description:Mallgrave has integrated and consolidated an enormous body of literature, thought and imagery on the emergence of "modern" architectural theory.
If you want to know WHY our cities and buildings look the way they do, it is because architects explored their intentions in theoretical exercises. Mallgrave offers the most compelling depiction of the changing fortunes of these intentions in this magisterial survey.
The scope and sweep of his effort is breathtaking, and the story is FINALLY being told without the pedantic hectoring of advocate-historians like Pevsner and Geidion and their minions.
Mallgrave's insight and wit are in evidence upon each an every page. This is an epochal study and worthy of a major academic award.
Mallgrave has written the first comprehensive treatment on a subject that has been explored without much nuance for nearly a century and a half. He deserves our unending gratitude.