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Index to Volume 46 “Aaron Wildavsky: Facts, Policies, Banerjee, Maria Nemcova, “Nikolai Morals,” Irving Louis Horowitz, p. 98. Berdiaev and Spiritual Freedom,” p. Agacinski, Sylvaine; Jody Gladding, 210. trans., Time Passing: Modernity and Bertonneau, Thomas F., “Ayn Rand’s Nostalgia, reviewed by Bryce Atlas Shrugged: From Romantic Christensen, p. 121. Fallacy to Holocaustic Imagination,” Alexander, Benjamin B., reviewer, p. 296. Flannery O'Connor: A Life, Jean Cash, Bertonneau, Thomas F., “Satanic p. 369. Arrogance,” p. 167. “The Alienated Moralist in An Enemy of “The Birds at Dawn,” Jack Flavin, p. 194. the People,” Mordecai Roshwald, p. Birnbaum, Milton, reviewer, Public 227. Intellectuals: A Study of Decline, Allan, George, “The Decline & Fall of Richard A. Posner, p. 117. the Anglican Regime,” p. 172. Bishirjian, Richard J., “Origins and End Allen, Wayne, “The Two and the Many: of the New World Order,” p. 195. Or, Lovers and Politics,” p. 23. Black, Jeremy, reviewer, American Amis, Martin, The War Against Cliché: Empire: The Realities and Conse- Essays and Reviews, 1971-2000, quences of U. S. Diplomacy, Andrew J. reviewed by Richard K. Cross, p. 154. Bacevich, p. 356. Attarian, John, “Dostoevsky vs. the Bobb, David J., reviewer, Aleksandr Marquis de Sade,” p. 342. Solzhenitsyn: The Ascent from Ideol- “Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged: From ogy, Daniel J. Mahoney, p. 113. Romantic Fallacy to Holocaustic Imagination,” Thomas F. Bertonneau, Caiazza, John, “Dr. Robert Coles, Chil- p. 296. dren, and the Sacred,” p. 3. Carey, George W., “Conservatism, Bacevich, Andrew J., American Empire: Centralization, and Constitutional The Realities and Consequences of U. Federalism,” p. 48. S. Diplomacy, reviewed by Jeremy Carlson, Allan, The New Agrarian Mind: Black, p. 356. The Movement Toward Decentralist Bambach, Charles, Heidegger's Roots: Thought in Twentieth-Century Nietzsche, National Socialism, and the America, reviewed by Thomas E. Greeks, reviewed by Russell Woods, Jr., p. 143. Winslow, p. 135. Cash, Jean, Flannery O'Connor: A Life, Modern Age 189 reviewed by Benjamin B. Alexander, Seaton, p. 151. p. 369. Champ, Robert, “The Long Drink,” p. 226. Flavin, Jack, “The Birds at Dawn,” p. 194. Champ, Robert, “The Poet’s Room,” p. “Forgiveness, Education, Public Policy: 93. The Road Not Yet Taken,” John Christensen, Bryce, reviewer, Time Rodden, p. 333. Passing: Modernity and Nostalgia, Frohnen, Bruce, “The Passion’s Severe Sylvaine Agacinski, Jody Gladding, Mercy,” p. 374. trans., p. 121. Clark, T. J., Farewell to an Idea: Episodes “George Grant: Intimations of Deprival, from a History of Modernism, re- Intimations of Beauty,” Neil G. viewed by James F. Cooper, p. 359. Robertson, p. 74. “Conservatism, Centralization, and Gottfried, Paul, “Current American Constitutional Federalism,” George Polity,” p. 162. W. Carey, p. 48. “Great Teachers in Our Lives: A Prefa- Cooper, James F., reviewer, Farewell to tory Note,” George A. Panichas, p. 94. an Idea: Episodes from a History of Guerra, Marc, reviewer, Christian Faith Modernism, T. J. Clark, p. 359. and Modern Democracy: God and Corrie, Daniel, “Thomas Carper: Minia- Politics in the Fallen World, Robert P. turist of the Grand Scale,” p. 246. Kraynak, p. 139. Cross, Richard K., reviewer, The War Guldager, Carl, reviewer, The Victorians, Against Cliché: Essays and Reviews, A.N. Wilson, p. 366. 1971-2000, Martin Amis, p. 154. Gutzman, Kevin R. C., reviewer, Alexan- “Current American Polity,” Paul dria: City of the Western Mind, Gottfried, p. 162. Theodore Vrettos, p. 157. Curtler, Hugh Mercer, reviewer, 7he Feel-Good Curriculum: The Dumbing Hamburger, Joseph, John Stuart Mill On Down of America’s Kids in the Name Liberty and Control, reviewed by of Self-Esteem, Maureen Stout, p. 268. Barry Alan Shain, p. 130. Harrigan, Anthony, “Deep Time: The “The Decline & Fall of the Anglican Realms of Discovery,” p. 177. Regime,” George Allan, p. 172. Hollander, Paul, reviewer, Rotten “Deep Time: The Realms of Discovery,” Foundations: The Conceptual Basis of Anthony Harrigan, p. 177. the Marxist-Leninist Regimes of East Deupi, Victor, reviewer, Timeless Cities: Germany and Other Countries of the An Architect’s Reflections on Renais- Soviet Bloc, Peter W. Sperlich, p. 109. sance Italy, David Mayernik, p. 261. Horowitz, Irving Louis, “Aaron Domitrovic, Brian, “Nathan Marsh Wildavsky: Facts, Policies, Morals,” p. Pusey: An Appreciation,” p. 278. 98. “Dostoevsky vs. the Marquis de Sade,” John Attarian, p. 342. Kalkavage, Peter, reviewer, Surprised by Dougherty, Jude P., “Socialist Man: A Beauty: A Listener’s Guide to the Psychological Profile,” p. 15. Recovery of Modern Music, Robert R. “Dr. Robert Coles, Children, and the Reilly, p. 125. Sacred,” John Caiazza, p. 3. Karetzky, Stephen, Not Seeing Red: American Librarianship and the Soviet Edmondson, Henry T., Return to Good Union, 1917-1960, reviewed by Mary and Evil: Flannery O’Connor’s Re- E. Slayton, p. 105. sponse to Nihilism, reviewed by James Kinneging, A. A. M., “Loyalty in the 190 Spring 2005 Modern World,” p. 66. “Origins and End of the New World Kraynak, Robert P., Christian Faith and Order,” Richard J. Bishirjian, p. 195. Modern Democracy: God and Politics “Ortega y Gasset’s ‘Revolt’ and the in the Fallen World, reviewed by Marc Problem of Mass Rule,” E. Robert Guerra, p. 139. Statham, Jr., p. 219. “The Long Drink,” Robert Champ, p. 226. Panichas, George A., “Great Teachers in “Loyalty in the Modern World,” A. A. M. Our Lives: A Prefatory Note,” p. 94. Kinneging, p. 66. Panichas, George A., “The School of Fish,” p. 291. Mahoney, Daniel J., Aleksandr Panichas, George A., “Virginia Woolf's Solzhenitsyn: The Ascent from Ideology, Mrs. Dalloway: ‘A Well of Tears’,” p. reviewed by David J. Bobb, p. 113. 234. Mayernik, David, Timeless Cities: An “The Passion’s Severe Mercy,” Bruce Architect's Reflections on Renaissance Frohnen, p. 374. Italy, reviewed by Victor Deupi, p. Pezzimenti, Rocco, The Political Thought 261. of Lord Acton: The English Catholics in McAleer, Graham, reviewer, The Mean- the Nineteenth Century, reviewed by ing of Conservatism, Roger Scruton, p. John M. Vella. p. 255. 264. “The Poet’s Room,” Robert Champ, p. 93. “The Memorial Dimension in Conserva- “Politics and the Intellectual World: tive Life,” Steven Skultety, p. 317. Changes in Europe,” Virgil Molnar, Thomas, “The Next Area of Nemoianu, p. 32. Unrest: East-Central Europe,” p. 43. Posner, Richard A., Public Intellectuals: Montgomery, Marion, “Toward A Study of Decline, reviewed by Grasmere: A Prospect from Natland- Milton Birnbaum, p. 117. Green,” p. 290. “Reality and Contemplation,” Mordecai “Nathan Marsh Pusey: An Apprecia- Roshwald, p. 60. tion,” Brian Domitrovic, p. 278. Reilly, Robert R., Surprised by Beauty: A “Nature’s End: The Theological Mean- Listener’s Guide to the Recovery of ing of the New Genetics,” Richard Modern Music, reviewed by Peter Sherlock, p. 84. Kalkavage, p. 125. Nemoianu, Virgil, “Politics and the Richer, Matthew, “The Ongoing Cam- Intellectual World: Changes in paign of Alger Hiss: The Sins of the Europe,” p. 32. Father,” p. 307. “The Next Area of Unrest: East-Central Robertson, Neil G., “George Grant: Europe,” Thomas Molnar, p. 43. Intimations of Deprival, Intimations “Nikolai Berdiaev and Spiritual Free- of Beauty,” p. 74. dom,” Maria Nemcova Banerjee, p. Rodden, John, “Forgiveness, Education, 210. Public Policy: The Road Not Yet Taken,” p. 333. “On Leisure and Culture: Why Human Roshwald, Mordecai, “The Alienated Things Exist and Why They Are Moralist in An Enemy of the People,” ‘Unimportant’,” James V. Schall, S. J., p. 227. p. 326. Roshwald, Mordecai, “Reality and “The Ongoing Campaign of Alger Hiss: Contemplation,” p. 60. The Sins of the Father,” Matthew “Satanic Arrogance,” Thomas F. Richer, p. 307. Bertonneau, p. 167. Modern Age Schall, James V., S. J., “On Leisure and reviewed by Hugh Mercer Curtler, p. Culture: Why Human Things Exist 268. and Why They Are ‘Unimportant’,” p “A Stroll With Albert Jay Nock,” Robert 326. M. Thornton, p. 272. Schoenwald, Jonathan M., A Time for Choosing: The Rise of Modern Ameri- Teachout, Terry, The Skeptic: A Life of can Conservatism, reviewed by H. L. Mencken, reviewed by James Edward S. Shapiro, p. 147. Seaton, p. 352. “The School of Fish,” George A. “Thomas Carper: Miniaturist of the Panichas, p. 291. Grand Scale,” Daniel Corrie, p. 246. Scruton, Roger, The Meaning of Conser- Thornton, Robert M., “A Stroll With vatism, reviewed by Graham McAleer, Albert Jay Nock,” p. 272. p. 264. “Toward Grasmere: A Prospect from Seaton, James, reviewer, Return to Good Natland-Green,” Marion Montgomery, and Evil: Flannery O’Connor’s Re- p. 290. sponse to Nihilism, Henry T. “The Two and the Many: Or Lovers and Edmondson, p. 151. Politics,” Wayne Allen, p. 23. Seaton, James, reviewer, The Skeptic: A Life of H. L. Mencken, Terry Valis, Noél, The Culture of Cursileria Teachout, p. 352. (Bad Taste, Kitsch, and Class in Shain, Barry Alan, reviewer, John Stuart Modern Spain), reviewed by Mill On Liberty and Control, Joseph Alexandra Wilhelmsen, p. 362. Hamburger, p. 130. Vella, John M., reviewer, The Political Shapiro, Edward S., reviewer, A Time for Thought of Lord Acton: The English Choosing: The Rise of Modern Ameri- Catholics in the Nineteenth Century, can Conservatism, Jonathan M. Rocco Pezzimenti, p. 255. Schoenwald, p. 147. “Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway: ‘A Well Sherlock, Richard, “Nature’s End: The of Tears’,” George A. Panichas, p. 234. Theological Meaning of the New Vrettos, Theodore, Alexandria: City of Genetics,” p. 84. the Western Mind, reviewed by Kevin Skultety, Steven, “The Memorial Dimen- R. C. Gutzman, p. 157. sion in Conservative Life,” p. 317. Slayton, Mary E., reviewer, Not Seeing Wilhelmsen, Alexandra, reviewer, The Red: American Librarianship and the Culture of Cursileria (Bad Taste, Soviet Union, 1917-1960, Stephen Kitsch, and Class in Modern Spain), Karetzky, p. 105. Noél Valis, p. 362. “Socialist Man: A Psychological Pro- Wilson, A. N., The Victorians, reviewed file,” Jude P. Dougherty, p. 15. by Carl Guldager, p. 366. Sperlich, Peter W., Rotten Foundations: Winslow, Russell, reviewer, Heidegger's The Conceptual Basis of the Marxist- Roots: Nietzsche, National Socialism, Leninist Regimes of East Germany and and the Greeks, Charles Bambach, Other Countries of the Soviet Bloc, p.135. reviewed by Paul Hollander, p. 109. Woods, Thomas E., Jr., reviewer, The Statham, E. Robert, Jr., “Ortega y New Agrarian Mind: The Movement Gasset’s ‘Revolt’ and the Problem of Toward Decentralist Thought in Mass Rule,” p. 219. Twentieth-Century America, Allan Stout, Maureen, 7he Feel-Good Curricu- Carlson, p. 143. lum: The Dumbing Down of America’s Kids in the Name of Self-Esteem, 192 Spring 2005 T E S

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