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Developments in Environmental Modelling Series Editor: S.E. Jtfrgensen Langkaer Vaenge 9, 3500 Vaerl0se, Copenhagen, Denmark 1. ENERGY AND ECOLOGICAL MODELLING edited by WJ. Mitsch, R.W. Bosserman and J.M. Klopatek 1981 839 pp. 2. WATER MANAGEMENT MODELS IN PRACTICE: A CASE STUDY OF THE ASWAN HIGH DAM by D. Whittington and G. Guariso 1983 xxii + 246 pp. 3. NUMERICAL ECOLOGY by L. Legendre and P. Legendre 1983 xvi +419 pp. 4A. APPLICATION OF ECOLOGICAL MODELLING IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, PART A edited by S.E. J0rgensen 1983 viii + 735 pp. 4B. APPLICATION OF ECOLOGICAL MODELLING IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, PART B edited by S.E. Jorgensen and WJ. Mitsch 1983 viii+ 438 pp. 5. ANALYSIS OF ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: STATE-OF-THE-ART IN ECOLOGICAL MODELLING edited by W.K. Lauenroth, G.V. Skogerboe and M. Flug 1983 992 pp. Developments in Environmental Modelling, 6 Modelling the Fate and Effect of Toxic Substances in the Environment Edited by Professor S.E. J0RGENSEN Langkaer Vaenge 9, 3500 Vaerldse, Copenhagen, Denmark Proceedings of a Symposium held from 6 to 10 June 1983 in Copenhagen, Denmark Sponsored by the International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM) ELSEVIER Amsterdam - Oxford - New York - Tokyo 1984 ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V. Molenwerf 1 P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, NY 10017 ISBN 0-444-42386-9 (Vol. 6) ISBN 0-444^1948-9 (Series) © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1984 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other- wise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., P.O. Box 330, 1000 AH Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Printed in The Netherlands vii INTRODUCTION During the past decade an increased interest in modelling the fate and effect of toxic substances in the environment has been observed. The problem related to toxic substances in the environment was already recognized centuries ago, but during the past decades the world has experienced several environmental catastrophies due to toxic substan- ces . The best known are the Minamata disease (mercury), the itai-itai disease (cadmium) the bioaccumulation of DDT in songbirds as described in The Silent Spring by Rachel Carson and the Seveso accident (dioxin), but many more could be mentioned and the complete list would need many pages to be more or less complete. When the application of models for environmental management started 12-15 years ago, the first problems which were approached were not related to toxic substances, probably mainly because our knowledge of the fate of toxic substances at that time was very limited. During the past years the processes of toxic substances in the envi- ronment have been studied intensely, and today several models on this important issue have been developed and used for environmental manage- ment. This development has been further enhanced by two major factors. First- ly, environmental agencies have raised questions in this relation which would be difficult to answer without models. Secondly, OECD has set up a list of information needed for evaluation of new chemicals. The list covers many different aspects, but the environmental aspect in- cludes: toxicological data (LCr e.g. for fish and Zooplankton), in- n formation on persistence (decomposition rate) and bioaccumulation. An assessment of the environmental consequences requires, however, that this information is structured by use of a model. With this development in mind, ISEM has decided to devote a conferen- ce to "Modelling the Fate and Effect of Toxic Substances in the En- vironment" June 6-10, 1983. The papers presented at this conference are published in this volume. It contains a wide spectrum of papers focusing on this important issue, such as parameter estimation for these models, theoretical considerations, models of a wide variety of toxic compounds in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. A number of good papers in this special field of ecological modelling were presented at the conference. ISEM therefore decided to have the proceedings published as a special issue of Ecological Modelling to enable a wider audience to become acquainted with what could be cal- led the state of the art in modelling the fate and effect of toxic substances in the environment. Ecological Modelling would furthermore like to invite more papers in this interesting field to be able to follow up the development. S.E. J0RGENSEN Royal Danish School of Pharmacy, Department of Chemistry AD 2 Universitetsparken, Copenhagen, Denmark Ecological Modelling, 22 (1983/1984) 1-11 1 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam — Printed in The Netherlands PARAMETER ESTIMATION IN TOXIC SUBSTANCE MODELS S.E. J0RGENSEN Royal Danish School of Pharmacy, Department of Chemistry AD, 2 Universitetsparken, Copenhagen (Denmark) ABSTRACT J^rgensen, S.E., 1984. Parameter estimation in toxic substance models. Ecol. Modelling, 22: 1-11. The enormous amount of parameters needed in modelling the fate of all relevant toxic substances in the environment, makes it necessary to use general parameter estimation methods. A method based upon the size of the organisms is considered and the partition coefficient presented. Based upon the method, uptake and excretion rates and concentration factors can be estimated. The theoretical background for the estimation method is discussed. INTRODUCTION The experience gained during the past decade shows clearly that a general model of ecosystems or types of ecosystems do not exist. It is not possible to develop a general eutrophication model for lakes to be used whenever a new case study appears. Not only will the para- meters differ from case to case, but also the importance of different state variables and processes. In some cases the exchange processes for sediment-water will, for instance, be significant, in other case studies the grazing of Zooplankton must be modelled in more detail as this particular process is of importance. However, the need for some general lines became clear in the mid seventies, when some modellers started to model the fate and effect of toxic substances in ecosystems, see e.g. Thomann (1978), J0rgensen (1979), Hill etal.(1976). The overwhelming amount of parameters needed for a general application of such models makes it impossible to find these parameters in the literature or by own laboratory experiments. Mankind uses as much as 30.000 different chemicals in industries or in everyday life, and if we were to model the fate and effect of all these chemicals knowledge would be required of uptake rates, effi- ciencies from feed and direct contact influence on growth rates, excretion rates, decomposition rates etc. - totally perhaps 30 para- meters. This information is needed for at least, let us say, 1000 different species of animals and plants representing the more than 1 million different species on earth. Consequently we are talking about 1 billion pieces of information, if we are to have a good para- meter estimation for all possible toxic substances, which might harm the environment. How can we come out of this dilemma? One attempt would be to find some basic scientific principles to make a holistic approach to eco- logical modelling. It is generally accepted that ecology still lacks a theoretical basis, but when it becomes available it might be pos- 0304-3800/84/$03.00 © 1984 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 2 sible to apply it to ecological modelling, as we also today use the laws of mass- and energy conservation. Physics and chemistry have already their theoretical basis, which is widely used to simplify the constructions of models. However, also these two scientific disciplines need a knowledge of parameters, e.g. specific weight, boiling point at 1 atm pressure, specific heat of evaporation etc. and when we consider that we ask for at least 30 pieces of information for about 2 million known compounds it is understandable that physics and chemistry are facing the same pro- blems as ecology. Physics and chemistry have attempted to solve this problem by setting up some general relationships between the properties of the chemical compounds and their composition. If needed data cannot be found in the literature such relationships are widely used as the second best approach to the problem. If we draw a parallel to ecology, we need, in other words, not only a good theoretical basis for the further development in ecological modelling, but also some general relationships which give us some good first estimations of the needed parameters. The application of such general relationships in chemistry gives a quite acceptable estimation in many cases. In many ecological models used in environmental context the required accuracy is not very high. In many toxic substance models we need, for instance, only to know whether we are far from or close to the toxic levels. It is, there- fore, understandable that the relationships presented below are al- ready in use in such models, but a wider application of these re- lationships must be foreseen in the nearest future, although they only will give a first approximation of the parameters. However, more experience with the application of such general relationships are needed before a more general use can be recommended. In this context it should be emphasized that in chemistry such general relationships are used very carefully. This paper will introduce some general principles for parameter esti- mation in modelling the fate of toxic substances in the environment. The principles will be demonstrated by use of examples and biological considerations by the use of such general princples will be presented, but before that we will dwell on the characteristic properties of ecological parameters. PROPERTIES OF ECOLOGICAL PARAMETERS Although biological sciences only lately might be considered exact sciences, measurements and determinations of such important parame- ters as growth rate, respiration rate, feeding rate, etc. have been carried out for several decades. Such determinations are not different from what can be found in phy- sics and chemistry, although the discrepancy between the value in the laboratory and in nature is most often much greater than that recorded in physics and chemistry. The reasons for this can be sum- marized in the following points: 3 Biological parameters are generally more sensitive to environmen- tal factors. An illustrative example would be: a small concentra- tion of a toxic substance would be able to change growth rates significantly. Biological parameters are influenced by a great number of environ- mental factors, of which some are very variable. For instance, the growth rate of phytoplankton is dependent on the nutrient concentration, but the local nutrient concentration is again very dependent on the water turbulence, which again is dependent on the wind stress, etc. The example in point 2 shows, furthermore, that the environmental factors influencing biological parameters are interactive, which makes it almost impossible to predict an exact value for a para- meter in nature from measurements in the laboratory, where the environmental factors are all kept constant. On the other hand if the measurements are carried out in situ it is not possible to interpret under which circumstances the measurement is valid, because that would require the determination, at the same time, of too many interactive environmental factors. Often, determinations of biological parameters or variables can- not be carried out directly, but it is necessary to measure an- other quantity which cannot be exactly related to the biological quantity in focus. For instance, the phytoplankton biomass cannot be determined by any direct measurement, but'it is possible to obtain an indirect measurement by use of the chlorophyll concen- tration, the ATP concentration, the dry matter 1-70 μ etc. How- ever, none of these indirect measurements give an exact value of the phytoplankton concentration, as the ration of chlorophyll or ATP to the biomass is not constant, and the dry matter 1-70 μ might include other particles (e.g. clay particles). Consequently, it is recommended in practice to apply several of these indirect determinations simultaneously to assure that a reasonable estimate is applied. Correspondingly, the growth rate of phytoplankton might be deter- mined by the oxygen method or the C-14-method. Neither method de- termines the photosynthesis, but the net production of oxygen, respectively the net uptake of carbon - that is, the result of the photosynthesis and the respiration. The results of the two methods are therefore corrected to account for the respiration, but obviously the correction cannot be very accurate, unless it is measured in each individual case which, however, is difficult to do accurately. Biological parameters are finally influenced by several feedback mechanisms of a biochemical nature. The past will determine the parameters in the future. For instance, the growth rate of phyto- plankton is dependent on the temperature - a relationship which can easily be included in ecological models. The maximum growth rate is obtained by the optimum temperature, but the past tem- perature pattern determines the optimum temperature. A cold period will decrease the optimum temperature and a warm period will in- crease the optimum temperature. To a certain extent, this can be taken into account by the introduction of variable parameters (see Straskraba, 1980). In other words, it is an approximation to consider parameters as constants. An ecosystem is a soft, flexible system, which only with approximations can be described as a rigid system with constant parameters (see J0rgensen, 1981). 4 These 5 points reflect an uncertainty whenever parameters from the literature are used in ecological models. Parameters found in the literature should therefore be considered as intervals (the values - the uncertainties or variations), which are convenient first ap- proximations. It is essential to know an approximate value of the most sensitive parameters before the calibration starts. THE THEORETICAL BASIS FOR A GENERAL PARAMETER ESTIMATION Modern molecular theory provides a sound basis for the predictions of reliable quantitative data on the chemical, physical and thermo- dynamic properties of pure substances and mixtures. The biological sciences are not based upon a similar comprehensive theory, but it is, to a certain extent, possible to apply basic physical and chemi- cal laws on ecology. Furthermore, the basic biochemical mechanisms are the same for all plants and all animals. The spectrum of bio- chemical compounds is of course wide, but considering the number of species and the number of possible chemical compounds it is, on the other hand, very limited. The number of different protein molecules is significant, but they are all constructed from only 24 different amino acids. This explains why the elementary composition of all species is simi- lar. All species need, for their fundamental biochemical function, a certain amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fat and other compounds, and as these groups of biochemical substances are constructed from a relatively few simple organic compounds, it is not surprising that the composition of living organisms is varying very little. The biochemical reaction pathways are also general, which is demon- strated in all textbooks on biochemistry. The utilization of the chemical energy in the food components is basically the same for microorganisms and mammals. It is, therefore, possible to calculate the energy, E-, , released by digestion of food, when the composition is known: ^ _ fat% , ,(carbohydrates + proteins) % n 100 100 The law of energy conservation is also valid for a biological system, see Fig. 1. The chemical energy of the food components is used to METABOLISM NON DIGESTED FEED NDF(F-NUF) ENERGY USED FOR ASSIMILATION ALG NON UTILIZED iiir_ FEED NUF dW GROWTH Tr- at Fig. 1. The principle of the model of fish growth is shown. The feed is used for respiration, is non-digested, is used for the assimilation processes, is not utilized and is used for growth. Notice that ALG is equal to (F-NUF)(l-NDF)ALC and only (F-NUF)(1-NDF)(1-ALC) is available for respiration and growth. ALC is a parameter (see J^rgensen (1976)). 5 cover the energy needs for growth, respiration, assimilation, repro- duction and losses. As it is possible to set up relations between these needs on the one side,with some fundamental properties of the species on the other, it is possible to put number on the items on Fig. 1 for different species. This is a rather general but valid approach to parameter estimation in ecological modelling. The surface area of the species is a fundamental property. The sur- face area indicates quantitatively, the size of the border to the environments. Loss of heat to the environment must be proportional to this area and to the temperature difference, in accordance with the law of heat transfer. The rate of digestion, the lungs, hunting ground etc. is on the one side determining a number of parameters, on the other side they are all dependent on the size of the animal. It is therefore, not surprising that a number of parameters for plants and animals are highly related to the size, which implies that it is possible to get a very good first estimate for a number of parameters only based upon the size. Naturally, the parameters are also dependent on a number of characteristic features of the species, but their influence is minor compared with the size and furthermore - it should be stressed - we are considering a first good estimate, which is valuable in many models, at least as a starting value in the calibration phase. The conclusion of these considerations must therefore be that there should be a number of parameters which might be related to simple properties, such as size of the organisms, and that such relations are based upon fundamental biochemistry and thermodynamics. SIZE AND PARAMETERS A number of extremely significant bionomic characters are closely linked with the size of an organism. There is first of all a strong positive correlation between size and generation time, Tg, ranging from bacteria to the biggest mam- mals and trees (Bonner 1965). The relationship is illustrated in Fig. 2. This relationship can be explained by use of the above men- tioned relationship between size (surface) and total metabolic ac- tion per unit of body weight. It implies that the smaller the orga- nisms the greater their metabolic activity. The per capita rate of increase, r, defined by the exponential or logistic growth equations: dN/dt = rN respectively: dN/dt = rN(l-N/K) is again inversely proportional to the generation time. This is shown in Fig. 3 where r and T are plotted on a log/log scale. The relationship falls as seen, into a narrow straight band with the slope -1. 6 J1 100 m - m • k L • • 10 m j / 1m - h/ 9 /· f / 10cm - / : c/ lern _ 1mm - 100/im - 10/im - Q/ • 1 i/m 1 , ,_ ' L_ l 1 ^ 1h 1day 1 week 1 month 1 year 10 year 100 year Fig. 2. Lenth and generation time plotted on log-log scale: (a) pseudomonas; (b) daphnia; (c) bee; (d) house fly; (e) snail; (f) mouse; (g) rat; (h) fox; (i) elk; (j) rhino; (k) whale; (1) birch; (m) fir. This implies that r is related to the size of the organism, but as shown by Fenchel (1970) falls into three groups: unicellar, poikilo- therms and homeotherms, see Fig. 4. Thus the metabolic rate per unit of weight is related to the size as shown in Fig. 5. The same basis is expressed in the following equations, giving the respiration, feed consumption and ammonia excretion for fish when the weight, W, is known: Respiration = constant-W 0.65 Feed Consumption = constant-W 0.72 Ammonia Excretion constant'W This is also expressed in Odum's equation (Odum, 1959, p. 56) m = K W-1^3 where K is roughly a constant for all species equal to about 1.4 kcal/g^/-^ day, and m is the metabolic rate per weight unit. Similar relationships exist for other animals. The constants in these equations might be slightly different due to differences in shape, but the equations are otherwise the same.

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