DF/IST-1.2009 LPT/09-06 Modelling non-Gaussianity from foreground 9 0 contaminants 0 2 n C.S. Carvalho1,2,3 a J 1Astrophysicsand Cosmology Research Unit, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of 3 KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,4041, South Africa 2 2Laboratoire de PhysiqueTh´eorique, Bˆatiment 210, Universit´e Paris-Sud,91405 Orsay Cedex, France ] 3InstitutoSuperior T´ecnico, Departamento deF´ısica, AvenidaRovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, O Portugal C E-mail: [email protected] . h p Abstract. We introduce a general class of models for charaterizing the non-Gaussian - o properties of foreground contaminants in the cosmic microwave background with view towards r the removal of the non-primordial non-Gaussian signal from the primordial one. This is t s important not only for treating temperature maps but also for characterizing the nature and a origin of the primordial cosmological perturbations and thus establishing a theory of the early [ universe. 4 1 v 3 1 6 1. Introduction 3 . Cosmology is presently a very active field because of the large number of observations that are 1 becoming available and that will allow us to characterize with great precision the nature and 0 9 physical origin of the primordial cosmological perturbations. A key question is whether these 0 primordial perturbations were Gaussian. : v The currently favoured best-fit cosmological models, as supported by the recent Wilkinson i Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data, are in agreement with the primordial cosmological X perturbations being Gaussian to great accuracy [1]. With the WMAP data there has been a r a claimed detection of primordial non-Gaussianity that is currently disputed [2]. However, even the conservative official analysis hints at something, the value of f lying within 1.9σ from the NL null value. Eitheradetection oramorestringentconstraint off wouldhaveprofoundimplications for NL ourunderstandingofthephysicsoftheearlyUniverse. Inparticular,itwouldbeanobservational discriminantamongcompetingmodelsforthegenerationofprimordialfluctuations. Anf 6= 0 NL would be a very interesting challenge for cosmology since it would require an extensive revision of the standard cosmological model. Present observations have ruled out a great number of cosmological models already. All currently favoured models would be ruled out by such a 1 Present address 4 This manuscript is based on a talk delivered by theauthor at theNEB XIII,Thessaloniki, June 2008 detection. A non-detection of f with an improved constraint on the allowed values would NL strongly restrict the fluctuation generation mechanisms. Due to the great improvement in sensitivity of the European Space Agency’s Planck satellite overWMAP,understandingthenatureandinparticularnon-Gaussianpropertiesofforegrounds will be indispensable for the Planck f analysis. For WMAP, foregrounds were not an issue NL because no signal was detected. Currently estimators exist [3, 4] that are proven optimal in the absence of foreground contamination and much work has been devoted to their efficient implementation [5]. However, to date there has been no comprehensive study of the impact of foregrounds. Foreground sources distributed in an anisotropic way are susceptible of being misidentified as primordial non-Gaussianity. In order to extract from the data an accurate and significant measure of f , new estimators are needed that divide the data and are designed NL to mask possible contaminants. First, however, it is required to characterize the statistical properties of these spurious sources of non-Gaussianity, which requires understanding the non- linear properties of foregrounds. Thiscontributionreportsonworkinprogresswhereweformulateageneralclassofmodelsfor characterizing the non-Gaussian properties of foregroundcontaminants in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) [6]. 2. Measuring non-Gaussianity In linear perturbation theory, the temperature anisotropy of the CMB is derived from metric perturbations by the relation ∆T/T ∝ g ∆Φ, where the radiation transfer function g depends T T onthescaleconsidered.5 Linearperturbationtheoryisavalidapproximationbecausethephysics of the pertubations generated during inflation is extremely weakly coupled. In the simplest models of inflation, metric perturbations are produced by quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field. If the physics that governs the evolution of the metric perturbations is linear, since quantum fluctuations are Gaussian then so will temperature fluctuations be Gaussian. However, non-linear coupling between long and short wavelength fluctuations of the inflaton can generate weak non-Gaussianities. These will propagate into the metric perturbations and consequently into the temperature anisotropy. The primordial metric perturbations Φ can be characterized approximately by a non-linear coupling parameter, f , NL such that [7] Φ(x) = Φ (x)+f Φ2(x)− Φ2(x) , (1) L NL L L (cid:2) (cid:10) (cid:11)(cid:3) where Φ (x) are Gaussian linear perturbations with hΦ (x)i = 0. In many models (e.g. single- L L field slow roll inflation [8, 9]), the non-linear corrections are too small to be detected. Other models (e.g. multiple field inflation [10, 11]) can generate stronger and potentially detectable non-linearity. A Gaussian distribution is characterized by vanishing odd-order moments and even-order moments defined only by the variance. Non-Gaussianity can thus be measured by correlations among an odd number of points. Here we shall use the angular three-point correlation function or bispectrum as our statistical tool since it is sensitive to weakly non- Gaussian fluctuations. Expanding the temperature anisotropy in momentum space ∆T(Ω) = a Y (Ω), (2) lm lm T l,m X 5 For temperature fuctuations on super-horizon scales the Sachs–Wolfe efect dominates and gT is a function of theparameterωoftheequationofstate. AtthedecouplingepochitreducestogT =−1/3inthecaseofadiabatic fluctuations. Onsub-horizonscales, however,gT oscillates andweneedtosolvetheBoltzmann photontransport equationscoupled to theEinstein equations for gT, which is found to haveas parameter thedecoupling time. where the harmonic coefficients are d3k a = 4π(−i)l Φ(k)g (k)Y (Ω), (3) lm (2π)2 Tl l∗m Z the bispectrum is defined as Bm1m2m3 ≡ ha a a i =Gm1m2m3b . (4) l1l2l3 l1m1 l2m2 l3m3 l1l2l3 l1l2l3 Here Gm1m2m3 = dΩY (Ω)Y (Ω)Y (Ω) (5) l1l2l3 l1m1 l2m2 l3m3 Z is the Gaunt integral and 3 2 b = dx dk dk dk (xk k k )2B (k ,k ,k ) l1l2l3 π 1 2 3 1 2 3 Φ 1 2 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) Z ×j (k x)j (k x)j (k x) g (k )g (k )g (k ) (6) l1 1 l2 2 l3 3 Tl1 1 Tl2 2 Tl3 3 is the reduced bispectrum defined in terms of the radiation transfer functions g , the Bessel Tl functions of fractional order j and the primordial bispectrum B (k ,k ,k ). In the flat-sky l Φ 1 2 3 approximation, which amounts to (l,m) → ℓ, where ℓ is a two-dimensional wave vector in the sky, the bispectrum reduces to ha(ℓ )a(ℓ )a(ℓ )i = (2π)2δ2(ℓ +ℓ +ℓ )B(ℓ ,ℓ ,ℓ ) (7) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 which is non-vanishing only for closed triangle configurations in momentum space. Since in this approximation Gm1m2m3 → (2π)2δ2(ℓ +ℓ +ℓ ), then b → B(ℓ ,ℓ ,ℓ ) [12]. l1l2l3 1 2 3 l1l2l3 1 2 3 The signal-to-noise squared for the bispetrum gives us an indication of the dominant triangle configuration to the non-Gaussian signal. We assume a scale invariant power spectrum P(ℓ) ∝ ℓ 2 in the flat sky approximation and B(ℓ ,ℓ ,ℓ ) = − 1 2 3 f [P(ℓ )P(ℓ )+P(ℓ )P(ℓ )+P(ℓ )P(ℓ )] as a result of the local non-Gaussianity ansatz. NL 1 2 2 3 3 1 Then S 2 B2(ℓ ,ℓ ,ℓ ) ∝ d2ℓ d2ℓ d2ℓ δ2(ℓ +ℓ +ℓ ) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 N P(ℓ )P(ℓ )P(ℓ ) 1 2 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) Z Z Z 2 1 + 1 + 1 ∝ f2 d2ℓ d2ℓ d2ℓ δ2(ℓ +ℓ +ℓ ) ℓ21ℓ22 ℓ22ℓ23 ℓ13ℓ21 NL 1 2 3 1 2 3 (cid:16) 1 (cid:17) Z Z Z ℓ21ℓ22ℓ23 dℓ ∝ f2 < d2ℓ . (8) NL ℓ > < Z Z For squeezed triangles, where the length of the two large sides is of order ℓ and that of the max smaller side ℓ , we find that min 2 S ∝ f2 dℓ< d2ℓ ∝ f2 ln ℓmax ℓ2 . (9) N NL ℓ< > NL ℓmin max (cid:18) (cid:19) h i R R For equilateral triangles with the length of the sides of order ℓ max 2 S ∝ f2 ℓ2 . (10) N NL max (cid:18) (cid:19) Comparing the two results we observe that the dominant contribution to the signal comes from the squeezed triangles, which introduce the logarithmic boost factor and thus couple the small- scale with the large-scale anisotropies. Should only equilateral triangles be considered, then the description of the signal would be equivalent to the separate description from different patches in the sky, which would mean losing most of the signal. The squeezed triangle configurations correspond to the local case where the non-Gaussianity was created primarily on super-horizon scales, as opposed to the equilateral case where the non-Gaussianity is primarily created at horizon-crossing. Qualitatively an f 6= 0 can be understood as a modulation of the small- NL scalepower(onscalesneartheresolutionofthemap)bythelarge-scale signal. Exploringfurther thisidea,wecanconstructacubicestimatoroff byfilteringthesignalintotwocontributions, NL namely T and T , and considering the integral lowℓ highℓ E = dΩ T T2 . (11) lowℓ highℓ Z ThisisbutacaricatureoftheoptimalestimatorgiveninRef.[13]withtheidealweighting, which here serves illustration purposes. The large-scale variation in T2 reflects spatial dependence highℓ in the power spectrum P(ℓ,Ω) where ℓ is large and the variation in Ω is slow. In a Gaussian model, such perceived spatial dependence is simply noise from the cosmic variance and thus fortuituous. In a model with f 6= 0, however, it is correlated with the large-scale temperature NL anisotropy. Astronomical microwave sources as well as instrumental effects can produce spurious non- Gaussian signals which would bemeasured together with theprimordialsignal by thebispetrum andthussusceptibleofbeingconfusedforprimordialnon-Gaussianity. Examples ofsuchsources are [14]: the synchroton emmision, which results from the acceleration of cosmic ray electrons in magnetic fields; the free-free emission, which is produced by electron-ion scattering and is thus correlated with Hydrogen emission lines; and thermal galactic dust emission. The separation of the CMB and foreground signal components has relied on their differing spectral and spacial distribution. However, correlations at different scales of the power of non-primordial foreground signals could not be separated from the CMB by the canonical methods. Here we aim to show that a detectable non-Gaussian signal could be mimicked by such correlations. 3. Faking non-Gaussianity Since the a ’s are random quantities for the same sky realization, we must devise a way of lm generating maps of the sky with built-in non-linear foregrounds. We use motifs of a fixed shape anddistributedinaprobabilisticmannerintheskytomodelforegroundsources. Thisresembles the galaxy counting method for the study of the large-scale structure formation [15]. Foreground realizations are generated in two steps. First a point ξ for the centre of a motif is randomly selected according to a probability density function Q(ξ) in the simplest case in an uncorrelated Poissonian manner. Then to each point θ we assign a conditional probability P(θ,ξ) of finding the point θ for a motif centered at ξ. This probability is independent of how many points are already inside the motif. We assign the value one to the motif interiors and zero to the regions between motifs. Assuming that the foregrounds are optically thin, i.e. that they do not mask the effects of each other, we take overlapping motifs to add. We also need to properly normalize these quantities so as to relate to the foreground maps. Measuring the mean number density of motifs, the probability density Q(ξ) is such that when integrated over the entire sky it yields the average number of motifs hNi d2ξ Q(ξ)= hnumber of motifsi. (12) Z The conditional probability P(θ,ξ) yields the temperature at a point θ given that a motif is centred at ξ. Thus correlations among the ξ’s as encoded in Q will model the large-scale structure, while correlations among the θ’s in the same motif as encoded in P will model the small-scale structure. We calculate the two and three-point correlation functions of the statistical map in a perturbative manner using Feynman diagrams. These correlation functions are interpreted respectively as the power spectrum and the bispetrumby assigning a temperatureto the motifs. This temperature is contrained: from below by the minimum temperature that a foreground distribution must have to account for the remaining signal after removal of the astrophysical sourcesdescribedpreviously; andfrom aboveby themaximumvalue ofthepower spectrumthat a spurious source could have so as not to overshadow the background radiation. We define the two-point correlation function of the final map P(θ ,θ ) by the sum over the 1 2 two contributions to the probability that θ and θ are within a motif 1 2 P(θ ,θ ) = p (θ ,θ )+p (θ ,θ ), (13) 1 2 1,1 1 2 2 1 2 where 1 p = d2ξ d2ξ P(θ ,ξ )Q(ξ )P(θ ,ξ )Q(ξ ) 1,1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2! Z Z 1 p = d2ξ P(θ ,ξ )P(θ ,ξ )Q(ξ ). (14) 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2! Z Herep (θ ,θ )istheprobabilitythatthepointsθ andθ arewithindifferentmotifscentredat 1,1 1 2 1 2 ξ and ξ , and p (θ ,θ ) is the probility that the points are within the same motif. Analogously 1 2 2 1 2 wedefinethethree-point correlation function B(θ ,θ ,θ )by thesumof thethree contributions 1 2 3 B(θ ,θ ,θ ) = p (θ ,θ ,θ )+p (θ ,θ ,θ )+p (θ ,θ ,θ ) (15) 1 2 3 1,1,1 1 2 3 2,1 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 where 1 p = d2ξ d2ξ d2ξ P(θ ,ξ )Q(ξ )P(θ ,ξ )Q(ξ )P(θ ,ξ )Q(ξ ) 1,1,1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3! Z Z Z 1 1 p = d2ξ d2ξ P(θ ,ξ )P(θ ,ξ )Q(ξ )P(θ ,ξ )Q(ξ )+(two permutations) 2,1 2!2! 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 Z Z 1 p = d2ξ P(θ ,ξ )P(θ ,ξ )P(θ ,ξ )Q(ξ ) (16) 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 3! Z are defined analogously. The combinatorial factors preceding the integrals are the number of equivalent motif configuration for indistinguishable patches in the ξ–space which must be introduced to avoid multiple counting. We introduce a factor 1/n ! where n is the number of Q Q Q’s, and a factor 1/n ! for each ξ where n is the number of P’s shared by the same ξ. For P P convenience we also define the one-point function p (θ )≡ d2ξ P(θ ,ξ )Q(ξ ). (17) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Z 4. A Simple Model: Uniform Distribution For concreteness we assume the motifs to be circles of radius θ , with sharp edges P(θ,ξ) = circ N Θ[θ − |ξ − θ|] and uniformly distributed in the sky Q(ξ) = const = N . Thus N = P circ Q Q hNi/A and N = T , which in this case are constant inside the motif and independent sky P motif of the position of the motifs in the sky. [To be dimensionally correct, we must have T motif normalized to the average temperature of the sky T .] We will also discuss a non-uniform sky distribution of the motifs in the sky, motivated by the variation of the distribution of the large- scale structure along the latitude. This will be the working case for introducing dependence of the temperature on the position of the motifs as encoded in the distribution probability. [For a refinement of the functional form see Ref. [6].] We compute the two and three-point correlator functions in real space for the statistical ensemble just described. The one-point function becomes p (θ ) = N N d2x Θ[θ −|x |] = N N A (18) 1 1 P Q 1 circ 1 P Q motif Z where A = πθ2 . For the power spectrum we must calculate p and p , which can be motif circ 1,1 2 written as 1 1 p (θ ,θ ) = N2N2 d2x Θ[θ −|x |] d2x Θ[θ −|x |]= p2 (19) 1,1 1 2 2! P Q 1 circ 1 2 circ 2 2! 1 Z Z 1 p (θ ,θ ) = N2N d2x Θ[θ −|x |]Θ[θ −|x +θ |]. (20) 2 1 2 2! P Q 1 circ 1 circ 1 12 Z Here x = ξ −θ and θ = θ −θ . For the bispectrum we observe that both p and p i i i ij i j 1,1,1 2,1 can be expressed in terms of p and p as follows 1 2 1 p (θ ,θ ,θ ) = N3N3 d2x Θ[θ −|x |] d2x Θ[θ −|x |] 1,1,1 1 2 3 3! P Q 1 circ 1 2 circ 2 Z Z × d2x Θ[θ −|x |] 3 circ 3 1Z = p3 (21) 3! 1 1 1 p (θ ,θ ,θ ) = N3N2 d2x Θ[θ −|x |] Θ[θ −|x +θ |] 2,1 1 2 3 2!2! P Q 1 circ 1 circ 1 12 Z × d2x Θ[θ −|x |]+(two permutations) 3 circ 3 1Z = p [p (θ ,θ )+p (θ ,θ )+p (θ ,θ )], (22) 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 2! so we have in addition to compute p only 3 1 p (θ ,θ ,θ )= N3N d2x Θ[θ −|x |] Θ[θ −|x +θ |] Θ[θ −|x +θ |]. (23) 3 1 2 3 3! P Q 1 circ 1 circ 1 12 circ 1 13 Z These quantities describe the probability that one, two or three points, denoted by θ , θ and 1 2 θ , are within the same motif centred at points ξ’s which are distributed in the sky according to 3 Q. These probabilities can also be interpreted as the measure of the overlap of motifs centred at each of these points θ’s. The integrals of the step functions about the distance from the centres at ξ’s can thus be visualized as the area of the intersection of motifs centred at the θ’s. [For more details see Ref. [6].] We find that 1 p (θ ,θ ) = p2 (24) 1,1 1 2 2! 1 1 p (θ ,θ ) = N2N A (25) 2 1 2 2! P Q 1∩2 where A is the area of intersection between the motifs centred at θ and θ 1 2 1 2 ∩ 4θ2 |θ |2 4θ2 A = 2θ2 arctan circ −1 − 12 circ −1 Θ[2θ −|θ |]. (26) 1∩2 circ s|θ12|2 2 s|θ12|2 circ 12 These contribute to the power spectrum. Moreover, we find that 1 p (θ ,θ ,θ ) = p3 (27) 1,1,1 1 2 3 3! 1 1 p (θ ,θ ,θ ) = p [p (θ ,θ )+p (θ ,θ )+p (θ ,θ )] (28) 2,1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 2! 1 p (θ ,θ ,θ ) = N3N A (29) 3 1 2 3 3! P Q 1∩2∩3 where A is the area of intersection among the three motifs 1 2 3 ∩ ∩ 1 1 A = (|θ |2+|θ |2+|θ |2)2−2(|θ |4+|θ |4+|θ |4)− A 1 2 3 12 23 13 12 23 13 motif ∩ ∩ 4 2 (cid:20) q (cid:21) ×Θ[2θ −|θ |]Θ[2θ −|θ |]Θ[2θ −|θ |] circ 12 circ 23 circ 13 1 + A Θ[2θ −|θ |]Θ[2θ −|θ |] 1 2 circ 23 circ 13 2 ∩ 1 + A Θ[2θ −|θ |]Θ[2θ −|θ |] 2 3 circ 12 circ 13 2 ∩ 1 + A Θ[2θ −|θ |]Θ[2θ −|θ |]. (30) 1 3 circ 12 circ 23 2 ∩ These contribute to the bispectrum. It follows that 1 P(θ ,θ ) = p2+p (θ ,θ ) (31) 1 2 2! 1 2 1 2 1 1 B(θ ,θ ,θ ) = p3+ p [p (θ ,θ )+p (θ ,θ )+p (θ ,θ )]+p (θ ,θ ,θ ). (32) 1 2 3 3! 1 2! 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 We now proceed to compute the value of f produced. The parameter f characterizes NL NL the amplitude of the temperature non-Gaussianity since it couples to the quadratic term of the expansion of the temperature fluctuation T ≡ ∆T/T about a Gaussian distribution T . L Assuming the Sachs–Wolfe approximation (∆T)/T = −(1/3)∆Φ/c2 on all scales and for an infinitely thin surface of last scattering, we have in real space that T(θ)= T (θ)+3f T2(θ)−hT (θ)i2 . (33) L NL L L h i Here the Gaussian distribution has zero mean, hT (θ)i = 0, from which it follows to leading L order that P(θ ,θ )≡ hT(θ )T(θ )i = hT (θ )T (θ )i. (34) 1 2 1 2 L 1 L 2 Since a Gaussian distribution has vanishing odd-order momenta, we find for the three-point correlation function that B(θ ,θ ,θ ) ≡hT(θ )T(θ )T(θ )i 1 2 3 1 2 3 = 6f [P(θ ,θ )P(θ ,θ )+P(θ ,θ )P(θ ,θ )+P(θ ,θ )P(θ ,θ )]. (35) NL 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 Wedistinguishthreecasesforthethreepossiblerelationsamongthedistancesbetweenthepoints θ s, namely 1) θ ,θ ,θ > 2θ ; 2) θ < 2θ and θ ,θ > 2θ ; 3) θ ,θ ,θ < 2θ . ′ 12 13 23 circ 12 circ 13 23 circ 12 13 23 circ Let us fix the size of the motif and for concreteness take the radius to be of the size of the resolution of the map, i.e. θ ∼ 10 6. circ − 4.1. Case θ ,θ ,θ > 2θ 12 13 23 circ This is the case where each point θ is within a different motif and consequently only the i one-point function p and the contributions to the two and three-point functions which can be 1 expressed in terms of p , i.e. p and p , do not vanish. We find that 1 1,1 1,1,1 1 P(θ ,θ ) = P(θ ,θ ) = P(θ ,θ )= p = p2, 1 2 1 3 2 3 1,1 2 1 1 B(θ ,θ ,θ ) = p = p3, (36) 1 2 3 1,1,1 6 1 from which it follows that 1 B(θ ,θ ,θ ) 1 1 1 2 3 f = = , p > 1. (37) NL 1 63P(θ ,θ )P(θ ,θ ) 27p 1 2 2 3 1 4.2. Case θ < 2θ and θ ,θ > 2θ 12 circ 13 23 circ Thisis the case wheretwo points, here for concreteness θ andθ ,are within thesame motif. In 1 2 addition to the one-point function and the contributions derived from it, we have p (θ ,θ ) 6= 0 2 1 2 and p (θ ,θ ,θ ) 6= 0 from the contribution to the three-point function of the two-point 2,1 1 2 3 function between θ and θ only. Hence 1 2 1 1 P(θ ,θ ) = p +p (θ ,θ )= p2+p , P(θ ,θ ) = P(θ ,θ ) = p = p2, 1 2 1,1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 1,1 2 1 1 1 B(θ ,θ ,θ ) = p +p (θ ,θ ,θ ) = p3+ p p (θ ,θ ), (38) 1 2 3 1,1,1 2,1 1 2 3 6 1 2 1 2 1 2 and f = 1 B(θ1,θ2,θ3) = 1 16p31+ 12p1p2(θ1,θ2) . (39) NL 62P(θ1,θ2)P(θ2,θ3)+P(θ1,θ3)P(θ2,θ3) 62 12p21+p2(θ1,θ2) 21p21+ 14p41 We note that p2 ∝ N2A2 and p ∝ N A < N A (cid:0) , where N is(cid:1)the mean number 1 Q motif 2 Q 1 2 Q motif Q ∩ densityofmotifsinthesky. Therelativemagnitudeofp2 andp dependsontherelationbetween 1 2 the mean number of motifs hNi and the area of the motif A . For convenience we define motif α≡ N A = hNiA /A .We mustfurtherdistinguishbetween thefollowing two cases. Q motif motif sky If α < α2, i.e. hNi > A /A ∼ 1013, then p < α < p2. This suggests that a minimum sky motif 2 1 density of motifs is requiredin order for the one-point function to dominate, i.e. in order for two points which are close enough to be within the same motif to be also within a second, and thus necessarily overlapping, motif. On the other hand if α > α2, i.e. hNi < A /A ∼ 1013, sky motif then both p2,p <α. Here in order to discriminate the relative magnitude, we need in addition 1 2 toprecise therelation between A andA ,which dependson θ .If θ is sufficiently small 1 2 motif 12 12 so that A ∼ A , then p ∼∩α and consequently p > p2. However, if θ is very close to 1 2 motif 2 2 1 12 2θ , then∩A ≪ A and consequently p ≪ α, so that if p < α2 then p < p2. This is circ 1 2 motif 2 2 2 1 equivalent to th∩e case α < α2. Hence, if hNi> 1013, or hNi < 1013 and θ ∼ 2θ , then 12 circ 1 1p3 1 1 f ∼ 6 1 = , p > 1, (40) NL 6 3p4 27p 1 4 1 1 whereas if hNi < 1013 and θ ≪ 2θ , then 12 circ f ∼ 1 12p1p2(θ1,θ2) = 1 1 , p < 1. (41) NL 6 p (θ ,θ )p2 12p 1 2 1 2 1 1 4.3. Case θ ,θ ,θ < 2θ 12 13 23 circ This is the case where the three points are within the same motif. All the terms contribute to the two and three-point functions. In order to determine which contribution dominates for a mean number of motifs hNi distributed in the sky according to Q, we do an analysis similar to that above. Thus if hNi > 1013 1 1p3 1 1 f ∼ 6 1 = , p > 1. (42) NL 6 3p4 27p 1 4 1 1 However, if hNi< 1013 we find for θ < θ ,θ that 12 13 23 fNL ∼ 1 p3(θ1,θ2,θ3) = 1 −12Amotif + 32A1∩2, (43) 62p (θ ,θ )p (θ ,θ ) 18 N N A A 2 1 2 2 2 3 P Q 1 2 2 3 ∩ ∩ while for θ ∼ θ ∼ θ we find that 12 23 13 fNL ∼ 613p (pθ3(,θθ1,)θp2,(θθ3),θ ) = 217 √43θ122−N21ANmoAtif2 + 32A1∩2. (44) 2 1 2 2 2 3 P Q 1 2 ∩ For small θ the term ( 3/4)θ2 is subdominant, so for both cases we need only compare 12 12 A with A . We present the results for the former case, with those for the latter following 1 2 motif ∩ p straighfowardly. For θ < θ , where θ is the distance such that (3/2)A = (1/2)A , we eq eq 1 2 motif ∩ find that (3/2)A > (1/2)A and hence that 1 2 motif ∩ 1 A 1 1 1 2 fNL ∼ ∩ = . (45) 18N N A A 18N N A P Q 1 2 2 3 P Q 2 3 ∩ ∩ ∩ For θ < θ < 2θ the contribution of ( 3/4)θ2 becomes more important but the dominant eq 12 circ 12 contribution is that of (1/2)A . Moreover since A is a decreasing function of θ except motif 1 2 12 for θ very close to 2θ , then A A p> A2 and∩consequently −1/A A > −1/A2 . 12 circ 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 3 Thus ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ fNL >∼ 118N −N12AAmotiAf > 118N−12NAmAot2if . (46) P Q 1 2 2 3 P Q 2 3 ∩ ∩ ∩ A similar calculation would follow for the case θ ∼ θ ∼θ . 12 23 13 Since these distances must be such that 0 ≤ θ ,θ ,θ ≤ 2θ , then −∞ ≤ f < ∞, i.e. 12 13 23 circ NL we can generate arbitrary non-Gaussianity. We need, however, to be able to constrain f to a NL finite interval. This requires the use of the foreground maps to constrain the parameters for the case of the uniform model, as well as the functional form of the probability functions for more realistic models. 5. Constraining the Model Constraints on the parameters of the model can be extracted from the properties of foreground maps. Spatial templates from the WMAP data produced for synchroton, free-free and dust emissionshowatemperaturedistributionstronglydependentonthelatitute. Inordertoaccount for this observation we must consider a non-uniform probability density that can capture the qualitative aspects of these dependence. The simplest case of a non-uniform distribution of motifs in the sky is that where Q(θ) is a slowly varying function acroos the scale of the motif, so that the probabilities are changed to 1 p (θ ,θ ) = N2A2 Q(θ )Q(θ ) (47) 1,1 1 2 2! P motif 1 2 1 θ +θ p (θ ,θ ) = N2A Q 1 2 (48) 2 1 2 2! P 1∩2 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) and to 1 p (θ ,θ ,θ ) = N3A3 Q(θ )Q(θ )Q(θ ) (49) 1,1,1 1 2 3 3! P motif 1 2 3 1 p (θ ,θ ,θ ) = N A 2,1 1 2 3 P motif 2! × p (θ ,θ )Q(θ )+p (θ ,θ )Q(θ )+p (θ ,θ )Q(θ ) (50) 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 θ +θ +θ p (θ ,θ ,θ ) = N3A Q 1 2 3 . (51) 3 1 2 3 3! P 1∩2∩3 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) The changes in the two and three-point correlation functions, as well as in f , are NL straightfoward. Assumingthatthecontribution of theoverlapping motifs addintheintersection region (what we called the “optically thin” approximation), then the value of Q in the mid distance between the centres of two overlapping motifs is the sum of the value of Q at the centre of each motif, i.e. θ +θ i j Q = Q(θ )+Q(θ ). (52) i j 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) Since the scale on which Q(ξ) varies is large compared to A , then motif hT (ξ)i 1 Q(ξ) = (53) T A motif sky so that the same normalization condition holds. Possible functional forms for Q(ξ) will be explored in Ref. [6]. For the purpose of this section, however, we will not need to be more specific. The conditional probability becomes P(θ,ξ) = T(θ)Θ[θ −|ξ−θ|] which will be circ simply the average temperature at the point ξ where the motif on which θ lies is centred. By quantifying the clean regions of these maps, we can also set bounds on the foreground temperature. From a carefull examination of the five-year data maps [5] we extracted the minimumtemperatureT thataforegroundsourceshouldhaveinordertosaturatethemapwith 0 as close toasingle temperaturevalueas possible. Takingtheminimumvalueof thetemperature ofthethreeforegroundsforeachofthefivefrequencybandsanalysed,wefoundbyeyeinspection that saturation of the maps was achieved for T a few µK. Hence the temperature at each point 0 of the motif distribution must be such that T(ξ) > T . On the other hand, the temperature of a 0 single spot must be highly constrained so as not to stand out. This observation is captured by the condition that the power spectrum generated by the motif distribution does not outshine the background radiation. If the motif distribution produced a large power spectrum, as that produced by small and bright sources, then non-Gaussianity would be obvious. We thus set P(θ ,θ )< (T /T )2. i j 0 sky The three cases discriminated in the previous section will now be combined with the constraints on the temperature obtained from the foreground maps. Apart from factors of order O(1), the results will be the same for both a uniform and a non-uniform probability distribution of motifs in the sky. For simplicity we will analyse the results from the uniform distribution.