MNRAS000,1–12(2015) Preprint12April2016 CompiledusingMNRASLATEXstylefilev3.0 Modelling Dust Scattering in our Galaxy Jayant Murthy,1(cid:63) 1Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560 034 AcceptedXXX.ReceivedYYY;inoriginalformZZZ 6 1 ABSTRACT 0 2 I have used Monte Carlo models with multiple scattering to predict the dust r scattered light from our Galaxy and have compared the predictions with data in two p UV bands from the GALEX spacecraft. I find that 90% of the scattered light arises A from less than 1000 stars with 25% from the 10 brightest. About half of the diffuse 1 radiation originates within 200 pc of the Sun with a maximum distance of 600 pc. 1 Multiple scattering is important at any optical depth with 30% of the flux being multiply scattered even at zero reddening. I find that the global distribution of the ] scattered light is insensitive to the dust distribution with grains of 0.3<a<0.5 and A g<0.6. There is an offset between the model and the data of 100 and 200 ph cm−2 G s−1 sr−1 ˚A−1 in the FUV and NUV, respectively, at the poles rising to 200 — 400 ph h. cm−2 s−1 sr−1 ˚A−1 at lower latitudes. p The Monte Carlo code and the models of diffuse radiation for different values of - the optical constants are available for download. o r Key words: surveys - dust - local interstellar matter - ultraviolet: general - ultravi- t s olet: ISM a [ 4 v 1 INTRODUCTION al.2001;Seon2015).Theavailabilityoftheall-skyGALEX 0 data provides a powerful incentive to revisit the nature of 3 The diffuse ultraviolet (UV) background was first detected the diffuse background with a consistent set of data and a 4 byHayakawaetal.(1969)butitsfaintnessandtheneedfor unifiedmodellingapproach.Suchdeviationsfromdustscat- 0 space-borneobservationsrenderedprogressslowforthenext tered predictions may have important consequences for our 0 few decades (reviewed by Bowyer (1991) and Henry (1991) . understanding of the evolution of galaxies and the dynami- 1 with a recent review by Murthy (2009)). There have been calhistoryoftheUniverse(Overduin&Wesson2004).Iwill 0 three large scale surveys of the diffuse ultraviolet sky over describehereanewmodelofthedustscatteredbackground 6 the last two decades. The first was the NUVIEWS (Nar- and its application to the GALEX observations in its two 1 rowband Ultraviolet Imaging Experiment for Wide-Field ultraviolet bands. : Surveys) rocket flight (Schiminovich et al. 2001) which ob- v i servedabout25%oftheskyandnotedthestrongenhance- X menttowardtheGalacticplanewithotherbrightspotsnear r star forming regions such as Ophiuchus. More recently, the 2 DATA a SPEAR/FIMS mission carried out a spectroscopic UV sur- The GALEX spacecraft and its mission has been described vey of the sky (Edelstein et al. 2006) and the Galaxy Evo- by Martin et al. (2005) and Morrissey et al. (2007). The lutionExplorer(GALEX)observedabout75%oftheskyin spacecraftwasoperationalfrom2003June7until2013June two ultraviolet bands (Murthy 2014b). 28andobservedmostoftheskywitharesolutionof5–10(cid:48)(cid:48) Thegreatestpartofthediffusebackground,particularly in two UV bands. The FUV (1521 ˚A) detector was plagued at low latitudes, is thought to be due to starlight scattered with intermittent failures of the high voltage power supply by interstellar dust grains (Draine 2003) and models of the (HVPS) and finally ceased to work after 2009 May while backgroundhavetakentheincomingstarlightandscattered theNUV(2361˚A)instrumenttookdatauntilthespacecraft itfromthegrainswithdifferentassumptionsforthedistribu- wasshutdown.Mostoftheobservationsweremadeathigh tionoftheexcitingstarsandthescatteringdust(Jura1979; Galacticlatitudestoavoiddamagetothedetectorsfromthe Murthy &Henry 1995; Gordonetal.2001; Schiminovichet bright diffuse background but there was a concerted effort tomapbrighterregions,includingatlowGalacticlatitudes, (cid:63) E-mail:[email protected] neartheendofthemission.Unfortunately,theFUVdetector (cid:13)c 2015TheAuthors 2 Jayant Murthy 3.0 pro F it T R IA L version 2.0 V) B - E( el d o M 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Observed E(B - V) Figure 2.ThecorrelationbetweentheE(B-V)fromSchlegelet al.(1998)andthemodelledE(B-V)isshownasadensityplotfor Model1(redlines)andModel2. Figure 1.ObservedfluxesintheFUV(top)andNUV(bottom) GALEXbands.Thebrighteststarsareplottedas+symbolswith the grains scatter isotropically and g=1 implies fully for- thewidthofthesymbolproportionaltothelogofthebrightness ward scattering grains. Draine (2003) has pointed out that at the respective wavelength. Black areas were not observed by thescatteringmaybemorecomplexwithapossiblereverse GALEX. scattering component but the data have not yet been good enoughtosupportaddedcomplexityinthescatteringfunc- had already failed by this time so there are very few FUV tion. observations at low latitudes. Henry(1977)showedthattheinterstellarradiationfield Murthy (2014b) used the GALEX data to construct in the UV could be calculated through an integration over maps of the diffuse background in both the FUV and NUV the stars in a standard catalog. In this work, I have used bandsat0.1◦spatialresolutionwiththeforegroundemission the Hipparcos catalog (Perryman et al. 1997) which con- (airglow and zodiacal light) subtracted (Fig. 1). The 1000 tains over 100,000 stars with the spectral type, B and V brighteststarsareoverplottedontheimagesas+signswith magnitude and distance of each star. I modelled the spec- the size of the symbol proportional to the log of the bright- trum of each star using template spectra from Castelli & ness. Gould’s Belt is prominent in both bands as are halos Kurucz (2004) with the translation from spectral type to around a number of bright stars (Murthy & Henry 2011). model number as per their instructions2. I then calculated A full description of the methodology in the production of the observed E(B - V) from the cataloged B and V magni- thesemapsisgiveninthepaperandthemapsareavailable tudes and the intrinsic (B - V) and finally the unreddened from the High Level Science Products (HLSP) data reposi- fluxfromeachstarassumingtheMilkyWayextinctioncurve tory1 at the Space Telescope Science Institute. of Draine (2003). This is the source function in my model: the number of photons from each star at the wavelength of interest. 3 MODELLING I have tried two dust distributions in order to explore their effects on the scattered light. In the first (Model 1), Theradiativetransferproblemingalaxieshasbeenreviewed I have assumed that the gas density at the Galactic plane by Steinacker et al. (2013) with the much simpler problem (n[H])is1atomcm−3,independentoflongitude.Inthesec- of scattering only addressed in their Section 5.1. The prob- ond(Model2),IscaledthedusttomatchtheobservedE(B lem can be broken into three parts: the stellar distribution; - V) fromSchlegel et al.(1998) inModel 2. Inbothcases, I the dust distribution; and the scattering function. Photons assumedthattherewas acavity of radius 80pcaroundthe areemittedbythestarsandarescatteredbytheinterstellar Sun,correspondingtotheLocalBubble(Welshetal.2010), dust to the detector. The scattering function is commonly and that the dust fell off from the Galactic plane with a assumed to be the Henyey-Greenstein function (Henyey & scale height of 125 pc (Marshall et al. 2006). I have plot- Greenstein 1941) which is dependent on two free parame- ted the correlation between the observed and the modelled ters: the albedo or reflectivity (a) and the phase function E(B - V) for the two models in Fig. 2. My purpose in im- asymmetry factor (g≡<cos(θ)>), where g=0 implies that 1 2 kurucz atlas.html MNRAS000,1–12(2015) Diffuse Galactic Light 3 pathffleeemcdAteiisnnttfgruiindbllguurtstahtiodesnsicaeaottdiftvieieffnretitnrerergansntrteasmlftleharoerdrmdetluohssdatwen.latsiostoaccoecmxuprplaoletrexelytbhreeecpafaruecssteeonristt 1.5×1010 pro Fit TRIAL version aaaaaa ====== 000000......774447;;;;;; ggggg g ===== = 00000 0......360360 is non-linear, non-local and multiwavelength in its formu- s) a = 0.1; g = 0.0 nit 1.0×1010 a = 0.1; g =0.3 lation (reviewed by Steinacker et al. 2013). However, I am n u a = 0.1; g =0.6 onlyconcernedwiththescatteringofphotonsatsinglewave- oto h lengths which is a much simpler problem (Steinacker et al. s (P 2013, Section 5.1). I have written a set of routines in ANSI xe u C which are available from the ASCL (Murthy 2015). The Fl 5.0×109 programisintendedforuseintheUVwherethesourcedis- tribution is well characterized and the volume of space is limited because of the high optical depth to UV radiation. However, the code is modular and documented and may be 0.0×100 0 20 40 60 80 100 freely modified for other purposes. Number of Scatters MycodeisverysimilartootherMonteCarloprograms 300 tGooprdreodnicetttahle.s(c2a0t0t1e)r)e.dIliwghiltl(ilelgu.stWraotoedt&heRperyongroaldms(fl1o9w99i)n; pro Fit TR aaa === 000...111;;; ggg === 000...036 mmyulitmipplelesmcaetntteartiinogns.bIygfeonlleorwaitnegaanseiwngrlaenpdhoomtonnutmhrboeurgfhroimts 250IAL version aaa === 000...444;;; ggg === 000...136 a = 0.7; g = 0.1 a uniform distribution in each step below except in Steps a = 0.7; g = 0.3 a = 0.7; g = 0.6 2 and 5 where two numbers are needed to determine the s) direction of the photon. I have used the genunf (generate a me ( 200 randomnumberfromauniformdistribution)functionfrom Ti the randlib library3 to generate the random numbers and, if necessary, weighted the distribution to match the desired probabilities. 150 (i) A photon is emitted from a random star, where the probability of selecting a given star is weighted by the rel- 100 ative number of photons from that star, in a random direc- 0 20 40 60 80 100 tion. Each photon begins with a unit weight which will be Number of Scatters reduced at each scattering. (ii) Two random numbers are generated to calculate the Figure3.Thetotalflux(phcm−2s−1sr−1˚A−1)inthesimulation direction of motion, one for theta (in the range from 0 — is shown on the top and the amount of time per 10 million in- π, measured from the z axis) and one for phi (in the range putphotons(ona3.7GHzQuad-CoreIntelXeonE5MacPro)is from 0 — 2π). The position of the star is known (from the shownonthebottom.Inboth,themaximumnumberofscatter- Hipparcoscatalog)inCartesiancoordinates(x,y,z)andthe ingsperinputphotonbeforeterminatingtherunisplottedonthe anglesareconvertedintoadirectionvectorassumingastep x axis. Each point represents a run of 10 million input photons size of 1 bin. withdifferentvalueofaandg. (iii) Another random number is generated to determine the optical depth the photon travels. I have divided the Galaxy into 1000 x 1000 x 1000 cells with a side of 1 pc step2.Thezdirectionisnowtheoriginaldirectionofmotion and filled each cell with dust as per the individual model. with the change of reference back to the original Cartesian Thecross-sectionofthedustwastakenfromDraine(2003), coordinates using a rotation angle matrix. whichisaparametrizationofthecanonicalextinctioncurve (vi) Theprocedureisrepeatedfromstep3untiltheeffec- with R (=AV/E(B−V))=3.1, the so-called Milky Way dust. tiveweightofthephotondropsbelowapredeterminedfactor I then follow the photon along until the cumulative optical orthenumberofscatteringsexceedsaspecifiedlimit(nscat- depthalongthepathexceedsthepredeterminedvalue.This ter). Note that single scattering corresponds to nscatter=0. yieldstheCartesiancoordinatesx,y,andzofthescattering Inthatcase,thephotonstopsatthefirstinteractionbutthe location. effective peeling method results in a flux at the detector. (iv) I use the“effective peeling”technique (Yusef-Zadeh et al. 1984) to send a fraction of the photon back to the detectorandsubtractthis(small)amountofenergyfromthe effective weight of the photon. The detector in this case is 4 RESULTS assumedtoobservetheentireskywithanangularresolution of 0.1◦ per square bin. I have plotted the total flux in the Galaxy at 1500 ˚A as a function of the number of scatterings for different values (v) The effective weight of the photon is reduced by the of the optical constants along with the time taken for each albedo and a new scattering direction is determined as in run in Fig. 3. The flux saturates at about 5 scatterings per photon and I have therefore capped the number of scatters 3 at that level leading to a significant savings in execution 1.3/readme.html time without affecting the total flux. These numbers are MNRAS000,1–12(2015) 4 Jayant Murthy 1.5 2.0×1010 ggg === 000...012 pro Fit TR 1.4 units)1.5×1010 ggggg ===== 00000.....34567 IAL version n g = 0.8 1.3 oto o h Rati x (p1.0×1010 u Fl 1.2 al Tot 5.0×109 1.1 0.0×100 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 1 2 3 4 Albedo E(B – V) Figure5.Thetotalfluxovertheentireskyisshownas Figure4.Ratiobetweenmultipleandsinglescatteringasafunc- afunctionofalbedoforarangeofg.Thelinerepresents tionofE(B-V)witha=0.4andg=0.3. a quadratic fit to the g=0 points and is shown for comparisononly. 1.00 a=0.1 from runs at 1500 ˚A with the dust distributed as in Model a=0.2 2; similar results are obtained at 2300 ˚A and for Model 1. a=0.3 a=0.4 Itistemptingtoassumethatsinglescatteringprovides a=0.5 0.95 a=0.6 a reasonable estimate of the diffuse flux, especially in re- a=0.7 gions of low optical depth (Murthy & Henry 1995; Henry a=0.8 x u et al. 2015) because the solution may be derived exactly Fl e wthiethroauttiorebceotuwreseentothMeotnwtoe fCoarrlao=m0e.4thoandds. gI=ha0v.3e pinlotFtiegd. elativ0.90 R 4. Even at the lowest reddening, multiple scattering gives about25%morefluxrisingtoabout40%morebyE(B-V) =1.5,althoughtheexactvaluewilldependonthelocalge- 0.85 ometrybetweenthestarsandthedust.Muchofthisexcess is simply because the photon still carries energy after the firstinteractionwhichisdisregardedinthesinglescattering 0.80 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 assumption. g Ihaveaddedthefluxovertheentiremodelskyforeach combinationoftheopticalconstantsinFig.5and6.Unlike the single scattering case where the total flux should rise Figure 6. The flux over the entire sky is shown as linearlywiththealbedo,thetotalfluxrisesasapproximately a function of g for different values of the albedo (see the square of the albedo when multiple scattering is taken legend). The fluxes for each albedo have been divided into account. The flux decreases with increasing g as the bythefluxatg=0. photonismorelikelytostaywithintheGalaxyforisotropic scattering and there are more scatterings per photon. Table 1.FiveBrightestStars The above results depend little on the distribution of the dust. On the other hand the distance of the scattering StarName HIPNo. PercentageofTotalFlux locationsfromtheSundependsonthedustdistributionbut notontheopticalparameters.Ihaveplottedthepercentage Model1 of flux originating in 10 pc bins as a function of distance βCen 68702 3.5 fromtheSuninFig.7.Abouthalfoftheobservedradiation ζ Ori 26727 3.1 originates within 100 - 200 pc from the Sun and none from (cid:15) Ori 26311 2.8 cells more than 600 pc away. The average distance between αCru 60718 2.7 ζ Pup 39429 2.0 scatters is also dependent on the dust distribution (Fig. 8). Model2 About 60% of the photons are scattered within 200 pc of αCru 60718 5.6 their origin in Model 1 and more than 90% in Model 2. βCru 62434 4.2 Virtuallyallthephotonstravellessthan500pcbeforebeing ζ Ori 26727 2.7 scattered. The optical depth per bin is higher in Model 2 ζ Oph 81377 2.6 (Fig. 2) and most photons will not travel more than one (cid:15) Ori 26311 2.3 optical depth before interacting with a dust grain. The diffuse flux from our Galaxy is dominated by a MNRAS000,1–12(2015) Diffuse Galactic Light 5 10 Model 1 Model2 8 al of Tot 6 e g a nt e erc 4 P 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Distance from Sun (pc) Figure 7. The percentage of the flux in each 10 pc bin is shown as a function of distance from the Sun for a=0.4 and g=0 for the two models. Both models includeacavityof80pcradiusaroundtheSun. 1.0 Model 1 Model 2 0.8 n o Fracti0.6 e ativ ul m0.4 u C 0.2 0.0 0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 Distance between Scatterings (pc) Figure8.Thepercentageofthetotaldiffusefluxasa functionofdistancebetweenscatteringsisshown. 100.0 Model 1 Model 2 80.0 e g a nt e erc 60.0 Figure 10. Model 2 predictions at 1500 ˚A for a=0.4 and g=0 e P (top), g=0.4 (middle), and g=0.8 (bottom). The brightest stars v ati are plotted as circles with the radius proportional to the log of mul 40.0 thebrightnessat1500˚A.Similarresultsareobtainedat2300˚A Cu andforModel1. 20.0 handfulofstars(Table1)with23%and27%ofthetotalflux coming from only 10 stars for Models 1 and 2, respectively, and 90% of the total observed flux (Fig. 9) from the 1000 0.0 0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1000.0 brightest stars. I have plotted the predictions from Model Number of Stars 2 at 1500 ˚A in Fig. 10 for a=0.4 and g=0 (isotropic scat- tering),g=0.5andg=0.8.Thediffuselightisconcentrated Figure 9. The cumulative contribution of the brightest stars is in Gould’s Belt following the stars, plotted as circles with shownforModels1and2. a radius proportional to the log of the star brightness. As thegrainsbecomemoreforwardscattering,thediffuselight becomes more localized near the stars. MNRAS000,1–12(2015) 6 Jayant Murthy Table 2.BestFitParameters Model a g y0 χ2 r FUV Model1(allτ) 0.3 0.0 -68 3.91 0.750 Model1(τ<1) 0.2 0.1 253 2.75 0.721 Model1(τ>1) 0.25 0.0 978 14.96 0.591 Model2(allτ) 0.36 0.0 391 2.99 0.861 Model2(τ<1) 0.50 0.3 224 1.91 0.888 Model2(τ>1) 0.30 0.1 1026 13.64 0.681 NUV Model1(allτ) 0.40 0.3 356 4.48 0.810 Model1(τ<1) 0.30 0.1 367 2.74 0.733 Model1(τ>1) 0.40 0.2 732 14.81 0.699 Model2(allτ) 0.39 0.2 859 4.89 0.769 Model2(τ<1) 0.50 0.4 627 2.10 0.857 Model2(τ>1) 0.31 0.4 1818 16.74 0.592 20.0 g = 0.0 g = 0.1 g = 0.2 g = 0.3 g = 0.4 FMiogduerle21(b1o.ttSocmat)tearted15l0i0gh˚At pforredai=ct0io.3n6safnodr Mg=od0.e5l.1 (top) and V Model 1)15.0 gggg ==== 0000....5678 U F 2Reduced χ( 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Albedo (a) 10.0 g = 0.0 g = 0.1 g = 0.2 g = 0.3 g = 0.4 UV Model 2) 8.0 ggggg ===== 00000.....56789 F 2 Reduced χ( 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Albedo (a) Figure 13.Reducedχ2 plottedasafunctionoftheopticalcon- stantsintheFUVbandforModel1(top)andModel2(bottom). NUV:r=0.360)wheretheopticaldepthislowandthescat- tered light is dependent on the dust distribution. The total output from the Galaxy is dominated by the low latitude Figure 12.FUV(top)andNUV(bottom)plottedversusmodel dust and hence will not be sensitive to the details of the predictionsforModel1(red)andModel2(blue). dust distribution in the Galaxy. Alsosuperficiallysimilararethecalculateddiffuseback- 5 COMPARISON WITH DATA groundsovertheentireskyforeachoftwodustdistributions (Fig.11)withbothshowingagoodcorrelationwiththedata The main motivation for this study was the availability of (Fig.12).Thecorrelationbetweenthetwomodelsisbestat theall-skyGALEXdatawhichallowstestsofthescattering low latitudes (FUV: r = 0.841; NUV: r= 0.808) where the onbothsmall andlarge scales. Ihave comparedthe output opticaldepthishighandthescatteredlightisconcentrated oftheMonteCarlomodelsforbothdustdistributionsfora nearthestarsandispoorathighlatitudes(FUV:r=0.441; rangeofopticalconstantsintheFUVband(Fig.13)andin MNRAS000,1–12(2015) Diffuse Galactic Light 7 20.0 g = 0.0 5000 g = 0.1 g = 0.2 g = 0.3 g = 0.4 4000 2 Reduced χ(NUV Model 1)1105..00 gggg ==== 0000....5678 FUV (photon units) 23000000 5.0 1000 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Albedo (a) 00.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 20.0 g = 0.0 E(B - V) g = 0.1 g = 0.2 g = 0.3 Figure 15. Observed FUV flux plotted versus E(B - V) for UV Model 2)15.0 gggggg ====== 000000......456789 |rGbe|As<pLo3En0◦Xd.sTbtahonedassno.lTiodphtleiincNaeUlreVdperppetlsohetnoitsfss1aimniniEla(brBoatn-hdVtI)hheoafFv0eU.1nV5otwasnhhdiochwNncUoiVrt-. N 2Reduced χ (10.0 feuvseenbmaockregraopupnadreinstdautesttiolltshheorstteerllwaravdeilsetnrgibthustio(Mn.uTrthhiys &is 5.0 Sahnow 2004) where there are many fewer bright stars. I will look more closely at the distribution of the back- ground in different sections of the Galaxy in the following 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Albedo (a) paragraphsbutwillfocusonModel2,wherethedustdistri- butionismorecloselyreproduced.Thesignal-to-noiseofthe Figure 14.Reducedχ2 plottedasafunctionoftheopticalcon- MonteCarlorunsisalimitingfactorathighlatitudesandI stantsintheNUVbandforModel1(top)andModel2(bottom). haveusedasinglelongrunof8×109 photonswithfixedop- ticalconstantsof(a=0.36;g=0.5).Thesevaluesfallnearthe χ2 minimum and are consistent with other determinations Table 3.LatitudinalFits(a=0.36;g=0.5) in the literature (reviewed by Draine (2003)). I have found thebestfitofthemodeltothedatainthedifferentlatitude Range Slope y0 χ2 r intervals and tabulated these in Table 3. I have allowed for aslopeandanoffsetbetweenthemodelandthedatawhere FUV |b|<30;τ<1 1.24 741 5.03 0.846 the slope may indicate either differences in the albedo from |b|<30;τ>1 0.72 1430 13.74 0.724 a=0.36oranadditionalcomponentwiththesamedistribu- 30<b<60;τ<1 1.79 359 1.93 0.917 tion as the scattered light. The offset represents additional −60<b<−30;τ<1 1.01 457 2.17 0.856 contributorstothediffusebackgroundperhapsincludingan 60<b 1.15 325 1.26 0.468 airglow component and will be discussed further below. −60>b 0.92 313 1.09 0.592 NUV |b|<30;τ<1 1.57 895 5.75 0.822 5.1 Mid and Low Latitudes |b|<30;τ>1 0.63 2241 17.43 0.589 30<b<60;τ<1 1.85 592 1.53 0.890 The range of E(B - V) is greatest at low latitudes with the −60<b<−30;τ<1 1.12 717 3.52 0.592 expected areas of high extinction near the plane but with 60<b 1.20 590 1.12 0.437 surprisingly low values even short distances away from the −60>b 0.54 637 1.29 0.266 plane. I have plotted the observed FUV as a function of E(B-V)inFig.15anddividedtheobservationsintotwore- gions:E(B−V)<0.15andE(B−V)>0.15,approximatelycor- theNUV(Fig.14).Ineachcase,therewasanoffsetbetween responding to an optical depth of 1 inbothGALEXbands. the modelandtheobservationsrepresentingcomponentsof Thereisacorrelationbetweentheobservedbackgroundand the diffuse background other than dust scattered light and the reddening for τ<1 (FUV: r = 0.583; NUV: r = 0.489) Iaddedtheseoffsetstothemodeloutputbeforecalculating andthemodeldoesagoodjobofpredictingthebackground the reduced χ2 of the fit between the models and the data with correlations of 0.846 and 0.822 in the FUV and NUV (Table 2). These tests were carried out assuming a 500× (Fig. 16). The better correlations of the model to the data 500×500 grid for the Galaxy with each run incorporating arebecausethediffusebackgroundisdependentonthedis- 5×108 photons. tributionofthedustandofthestars,whichisaccountedfor The predictions of both models for the dust distribu- by the modelling. tion are generally consistent with the data suggesting that, The slope in both bands is somewhat greater than 1 atleastonaglobalscale,anaccurateknowledgeofthedust suggesting that the albedo was underestimated by a factor distribution may not be critical in determining the diffuse equal to the square root of the slope (Fig. 5) implying that background. Rather, much of the structure seen in the dif- a=0.4 in the FUV and a=0.45 in the NUV. There is an MNRAS000,1–12(2015) 8 Jayant Murthy 10000 τ < 1 2000 North τ > 1 South UV (photon units) 68000000 UV (photon units) 11050000 F F Observed 4000 Observed 500 2000 00 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 00 200 400 600 800 1000 Model FUV (photon units) Model FUV (photon units) 10000 τ < 1 2000 North τ > 1 South UV (photon units) 68000000 UV (photon units) 11050000 N N Observed 4000 Observed 500 2000 00 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 00 200 400 600 800 1000 Model NUV (photon units) Model NUV (photon units) Figure16.ObservedfluxatlowGalacticlatitudesplottedversus Figure 17. Observed flux at mid-latitudes plotted versus pre- predictedfluxforτ<1(red)andτ>1(blue)forFUV(top)and dicted flux for FUV (top) and NUV (bottom). The Northern NUV(bottom)bands.Theredlinerepresentsthebestfitbetween hemisphere points are plotted in blue and the Southern hemi- the model and the data. I have not plotted the best fit line for sphereinred.Theblueandredlinesrepresentlinearfitstoboth τ>1becauseofthescatterinthedata. hemispheres. offset of 740 and 900 ph cm−2 s−1 sr−1 ˚A−1 in the FUV spheres in both bands, this is largely because the model under-predicts the brightest points in the Northern hemi- and the NUV bands, respectively, of which Murthy (2014a) attributed 200 — 300 ph cm−2 s−1 sr−1 ˚A−1 to unresolved sphere. The reason for this is unclear and I will defer an explanation pending further modelling. airglow.Othercontributorstothediffusebackgroundatlow latitudesmayincludemolecularhydrogenfluorescenceinthe FUV (Hurwitz 1994; Lim et al. 2013) or other more exotic 5.2 High Latitudes sources(Henryetal.2015).Ihavenotincludedthesesources in my model but will do so in a future version. Thedustscatteredlightathighlatitudesisduetotheback There is considerable scatter between the observations scatteringoflightfromGalacticplanestars(Jura1979)and and the reddening for τ>1 (FUV: r = -0.001; NUV: r = would be expected to be proportional to the reddening at 0.120) because only the front layers of the dust contribute these low column densities. However, there is considerable to the observed background (Fig. 15). The models fit the scatter in a plot of the observed background as a function data reasonably well (FUV: r = 0.724; NUV: r = 0.589) of the reddening (Fig. 18) perhaps due to uncertainties in but with considerable scatter although the models should the Schlegel et al. (1998) reddening derivation. This must include self-extinction by the dust. This is because the dis- be added to the scatter in the Monte Carlo models because tribution of dust in these line of sight is likely to be more of the relatively small number of photons at high latitudes complexandlocaleffectsmaydeterminetheobservedback- andtothesmallrangeinthefluxestobefitted.Giventhese ground. One example of this was seen in the vicinity of the uncertainties, it appears that the data are consistent with CoalsackNebulawhereMurthyetal.(1994)foundthatthe an a=0.36 and g=0.5 but a better understanding of the intensediffuseemissionwasduetothescatteringofthelight statistics is needed before a firm conclusion may be drawn. of only three bright stars by a thin layer of dust in front of The offset between the model predictions and the data the dense molecular cloud. is much better defined at a level of about 300 and 600 ph There is much less dispersion in E(B - V) at mid- cm−2 s−1 sr−1 ˚A−1 in the FUV and the NUV, respectively latitudes (30<|b|<60) and there is a good correlation be- (Fig. 19). The offsets are consistent between both poles at tweenthemodelledandtheobservedfluxes(Fig.17)inboth both bands. There have been a number of measurements the FUV and the NUV (Table 3) with an offset of 350 — of the diffuse Galactic light at high latitudes which have 450 and 600 — 700 ph cm−2 s−1 sr−1 ˚A−1 in the FUV and determined the offset at zero reddening to be about 300 ph NUVbands.Althoughthereisadifferenceintheslopeofthe cm−2s−1sr−1˚A−1(Andersonetal.1979;Paresceetal.1979, best fit lines between the Northern and the Southern hemi- 1980; Zvereva et al. 1982; Joubert et al. 1983; Jakobsen et MNRAS000,1–12(2015) Diffuse Galactic Light 9 800 North al.1984;Tennysonetal.1988;Onakaetal.1989;Hamdenet South al. 2013), which is generally thought to be due to an extra- galactic background (see Bowyer (1991); Henry (1991) for UV (photon units) 460000 3dco5isn0ctuprsihbsiucotmnio−an2nssd−o1fre2sfr2e−r01enp˚Ach−e1sc)mi.n−(2Mthsue−r1NthsUyr−V210u˚A1s4i−na1g)inadedtrhiiffveeeFdreUnaVtir(gealomnwd- F pirical)methodofanalysisoftheGALEXdata,whichwould Observed 200 ilneatvheeaFrUesVidaunadl oNfUaVbo,urtes1p0e0ctaivnedly2.5I0tipshdciffimc−u2lts−t1ossre−p1ar˚Aa−te1 airglow from the other contributors without spectral diag- nosticsandIwilldeferaself-consistentdeterminationofthe 0 offsets for a future work. 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 E(B – V) 1000 North South V (photon units) 680000 6IduhsatSvesUcapMtrteMesreenAdtResdYtaarliMghotntoeveCratrhloemenotdireel fGoralacaxlyc.uTlahtiengmtahine U conclusions are as follows: N Observed 400 flu(xi)byAambouulttip3l0e%scoavtetrertihnegsimngoldeelsciantctreerainsegsatphperosxciamttaetrioend 200 regardless of the optical depth. (ii) Thetotalscatteredfluxisproportionaltothesquare 00.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 of the albedo and is greatest for isotropically scattering E(B – V) grains. Figure 18. Observed flux for FUV (top) and NUV (bottom) (iii) 90%ofthediffusefluxoriginatesfromlessthan1000 at high latitudes plotted versus the reddening. The red points stars and 25% from only 10 stars. areSouthernhemisphereandthebluepointsareNorthernhemi- (iv) AbouthalfofthediffuseradiationseenattheEarthis sphere. scatteredwithin200pcoftheSunwithnoradiationarising fromfurtherthan600pcaway.Mostphotonstravellessthan 800 200 pc before another interaction. North South (v) Theall-skydiffuseradiationisfitwellwith0.3<a<0.5 andg<0.6.Thealbedoisconstrainedbythetotalfluxwhile UV (photon units) 460000 gsuteai(ssrvasci.t)onloTswthreaainmndeodmdebidly-pltarheteditiaucmdtieoosnufsnotraroloefwscclooapstettiectraoinltgdheefpaotrhbfsrs.oeTrmvhebedrfiivgtahilst- F Observed 200 pcoomorpelrexa.t larger optical depths where the geometry is more (vii) There is reasonable agreement between the model (a=0.36;g=0.5) and the data at high latitudes but with considerable scatter. 0 0 50 100 150 200 (viii) There is an offset of 300 — 700 ph cm−2 s−1 sr−1 Model FUV (photon units) 1000.0 ˚A−1 inbothbandsandatalllatitudeswhichcannotbedue North South to dust scattered radiation. Murthy (2014a) estimated that the residual airglow was 220 ph cm−2 s−1 sr−1 ˚A−1 in the V (photon units) 680000..00 stFhrU−a1Vt˚Atha−ne1doinff3s5te0htepaFthUhciVmgh−a2lnasdt−it1NuUsdreV−s1ibs˚Aa1−n01d0si,narnetdhspe2e5Nc0tUivpVehlyci.mmTp−hl2yisisn−ig1s NU the component that is usually identified with extragalactic Observed 400.0 lliogwhtla(tBitouwdeyseran1d99m1;ayHbeenrdyue19to91u)n.aTcchoeuonfftesdetssoaurrecelsasrugechr aast 200.0 molecularhydrogenemissionorasyetundeterminedsources (Henry et al. 2015). (ix) I have tabulated results from the literature in Table 0.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 Model NUV (photon units) 4.Inmostcases,Ihavetakentheresultsasspecifiedbythe authors which are difficult to translate into the 1σ results Figure 19. Observed flux at high latitudes plotted versus pre- moreoftenseen.Inallcases,thereisenoughuncertaintyin dictedflux.ColoursarethesameasFig.17. the data and the modelling that the formal limits are sug- gestiveratherthandefinitive.Therearearangeofpreferred values for the optical constants and the offset but I hope MNRAS000,1–12(2015) 10 Jayant Murthy Table 4.Opticalconstantsandoffsetsintheliterature. References Wavelength a g Offset ˚A phcm−2 s−1 sr−1 ˚A−1 Witt&Lillie(1973) 1500 >0.6 <0.5 - Lillie&Witt(1976) 3000 0.7±0.1 0.6–0.9 - 2200 0.35±0.05 0.6–0.9 - 1550 0.6±0.05 0.6–0.9 - Morganetal.(1976) 2740 0.65±0.1 0.75 - Morganetal.(1978) 2740 0.68 0.5 - 2350 0.51 0.5 - 1950 0.53 0.5 - 1550 0.5 0.5 - Andersonetal.(1979) 1230–1680 - - 285±32 Paresceetal.(1980) 1350–1550 0.5 0.5 <300 Feldmanetal.(1981) 1200–1670 - - 150±50 Henry(1981) 1565 >0.5 >0.7 - Wittetal.(1982) 1400 0.6 0.25 - 2000 0.42 0.4 - Joubertetal.(1983) 1690–2200 - 0.6–0.7 - Holberg(1986) 500–1200 - 100–200 Tennysonetal.(1988) 1700–2850 - - 300±100 Fixetal.(1989) 1500 - >0.9 530±80 Hurwitzetal.(1991) 1415–1835 0.13–0.24 <0.4 50 Murthyetal.(1991) 912–1216 <0.1 >0.95 - Onaka&Kodaira(1991) 1500 ≥0.32 ≥0.5 200–300 Wittetal.(1992) 1400–2200 0.65 0.75 - Henry&Murthy(1993) 1500 0.5 0.7 300±100 Wittetal.(1993) 1000–1600 0.42±0.04 0.75 - Murthyetal.(1993a) 912–1150 >0.3 <0.8 - Murthyetal.(1993b) 1100–1860 0.5–0.7 - - Gordonetal.(1994) 1362 0.47–0.7 <0.8 - 1769 0.55–0.72 <0.8 - Hurwitz(1994) 1600 0.6±0.1 0.5±0.15 - Witt&Petersohn(1994) 1500 0.5 0.9 - Calzettietal.(1995) 1200–1600 0.7–0.8 0.75±0.05 - 2300 0.4 0.6 - Murthy&Henry(1995) 1250–2000 0.3–0.6 - 100–400 Sasseen&Deharveng(1996) 1400–1800 0.3 0.8 - Wittetal.(1997) 1400–1800 0.45±0.05 0.68±0.1 160±50 Schiminovichetal.(2001) 1740 0.45±0.05 0.77±0.1 200±100 Burghetal.(2002) 900–1400 0.2–0.4 0.85 Henry(2002) 1500 0.1 - - Mathisetal.(2002) 1300 ≥0.5 0.6–0.85 - Gibson&Nordsieck(2003) <2600 0.22±0.07 0.74±0.06 - Weller(1983) 1220–1500 - - 200–300 Shalima&Murthy(2004) 1100 0.4±0.2 - - Sujathaetal.(2005) 1100 0.4±0.1 0.55±0.25 - Shalimaetal.(2006) 900–1200 0.3–0.7 0.55–0.85 - Sujathaetal.(2007) 900–1200 0.28±0.04 0.61±0.07 - Leeetal.(2008) 1370–1670 0.36±0.2 0.52±0.22 Sujathaetal.(2009) 1350–1750 0.4 0.7 - 1750–2850 Puthiyaveettiletal.(2010) 1400–1900 0.6 0.8 500 Sujathaetal.(2010) 1350–1750 0.32±0.09 0.51±0.19 30±10 1750–2850 0.45±0.08 0.56±0.10 49±13 Murthy&Henry(2011) 1521 - 0.58±0.12 - 2320 0.72±0.06 Joetal.(2012) 1350–1750 0.39±0.45 0.45±0.2 - Choietal.(2013) 1330–1780 0.38±0.06 0.46±0.06 - Hamdenetal.(2013) 1344–1786 0.62±0.04 0.78±0.05 300 Limetal.(2013) 1360–1680 0.42±0.05 0.20–0.58 - Jyothyetal.(2015) 1521 0.6–0.7 0.2–0.4 - 2317 MNRAS000,1–12(2015)