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Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.kep38 (cid:13)c ESO2014 January30,2014 Modelling Circumbinary Planets: The case of Kepler-38 WilhelmKley1 andNaderHaghighipour1,2 1 Institutfu¨rAstronomieundAstrophysik,Universita¨tTu¨bingen,AufderMorgenstelle10,D-72076Tu¨bingen,Germany. e-mail:[email protected] 2 InstituteforAstronomyandNASAAstrobiologyInstitute,UniversityofHawaii-Manoa,Honolulu,HI96825,USA. e-mail:[email protected] Received;accepted ABSTRACT 4 Context.Recently,anumberofplanetsorbitingbinarystarshavebeendiscoveredbytheKeplerspacetelescope.Inafewsystems 1 theplanetsresideclosetothedynamicalstabilitylimit.Duetothedifficultyofformingplanetsinsuchcloseorbits,itisbelievedthat 0 theyhaveformedfurtheroutinthediskandmigratedtotheirpresentlocations. 2 Aims.Ourgoalistoconstructmorerealisticmodelsofplanetmigrationincircumbinarydisks,andtodeterminethefinalpositionof theseplanetsmoreaccurately.Inourwork,wefocusonthesystemKepler-38wheretheplanetisclosetothestabilitylimit. n Methods.Theevolutionofthecircumbinarydiskisstudiedusingtwo-dimensionalhydrodynamicalsimulations.Westudylocally a isothermal disks as well as more realistic models that include full viscous heating, radiative cooling from the disk surfaces, and J radiativediffusioninthediskmidplane.Afterthediskhasbeenbroughtintoaquasi-equilibriumstate,a115Earth-massplanetis 9 embeddedanditsevolutionisfollowed. 2 Results.Inallcasestheplanetsstopinwardmigrationneartheinneredgeofthedisk.Inisothermaldiskswithatypicaldiskscale heightofH/r = 0.05,thefinaloutcomeagreesverywellwiththeobservedlocationofplanetKepler-38b.Fortheradiativemodels, ] thediskthicknessandlocationoftheinneredgeisdeterminedbythemassinthesystem.Forsurfacedensitiesintheorderof3000 P g/cm2at1AU,theinnergapliesclosetothebinaryandplanetsstopintheregionbetweenthe5:1and4:1mean-motionresonances E withthebinary.Amodelwithadiskwithapproximatelyaquarterofthemassyieldsafinalpositionveryclosetotheobservedone. . Conclusions. For planets migrating in circumbinary disks, the final position is dictated by the structure of the disk. Knowing the h observedorbitsofcircumbinaryplanets,radiativedisksimulationswithembeddedplanetscanprovideimportantinformationonthe p physicalstateofthesystemduringthefinalstagesofitsevolution. - o Keywords.circumbinarydisks–hydrodynamics–planetformation r t s a [ 1. Introduction quence of sticking collisions with subsequent gas accretion for themoremassiveobjects(Armitage2010).Inabinarystarsys- 1 Aninterestingdevelopmentinexoplanetarysciencehasbeenthe tem,thepresenceofthebinaryinthemiddleoftheprotoplane- v 8 recent discovery of circumbinary planets (CBPs) by the Kepler tarydiskwillalterthisprocessandmakeplanetformationmore 4 space telescope. In contrast to systems where a planet revolves complicated. The perturbation of the binary and its (eccentric) 6 around onestar of abinary, herethe planet orbitsthe entire bi- diskwilldynamicallyexcitetheorbitsofplanetesimalsandhin- 7 narysystem.Currentlyknownmainsequencebinarieswithcir- dertheirgrowthtolargerobjects(Scholletal.2007;Meschiari . cumbinary planets are: Kepler-16 (Doyle et al. 2011), Kepler- 2012;Marzarietal.2013).Becauseinacircumbinarydisk,the 1 0 34 and 35 (Welsh et al. 2012), Kepler-38 (Orosz et al. 2012a), outer edge of the central cavity, that is created due to the ef- 4 Kepler-47 (Orosz et al. 2012b) and Kepler-64 (Schwamb et al. fect of tidal forces from the binary on the disk material, coin- 1 2013). In all these systems, the binary is close with an orbital cides with the boundary of the planetary stability, the previous : periodof7to41days.Theorbitalperiodsoftheirplanetsrange statementimpliesthattheinsituformationofCBPsclosetothe v from50to300days. stability limit may not be possible (Paardekooper et al. 2012). i X Since the discovery of the first circumbinary planet in the However, because of the small separations of CBP-hosting bi- r Kepler 16 system, it has been noted that in some of these sys- naries (each of the above-mentioned systems fits into the orbit a tems, the innermost planet is very close to the boundary of the of Mercury), their effects on the formation of planets at large dynamical stability (Dvorak 1986; Holman & Wiegert 1999). distances will be negligibly small suggesting that these planets Given that, as indicated by the observations, the orbital planes couldhaveformedfartheroutandmigratedtotheircurrentorbits of these binaries are perfectly aligned with those of their plan- (Dunhill&Alexander2013;Marzarietal.2013). ets,thisimpliesthattheplanetsareformedinflat,circumbinary Planetmigrationisanaturalconsequenceofplanet-diskin- disks.TheproximityoftheorbitsoftheseCBPstothestability teraction (Nelson et al. 2000; Kley & Nelson 2012). To study limitthenraisesthequestionastowhethertheseplanetsformed the migration of planets in circumbinary disks, the structure of intheircurrentorbits,oratfartherdistancesfromthebinaryand the disk has to be analyzed and compared to those around sin- migratedtotheirpresentlocations. glestars.Themostimportantdynamicaldifferencebetweenthe Althoughnotallaspectsofplanetformationarefullyunder- formerandlatterdisksistheexistenceofacentralcavityinthe stood,itiswidelyacceptedthatplanetsformaroundsinglestars circumbinarydisks.AsshownbyArtymowicz&Lubow(1994), throughabottom-upprocesswheregrowthisachievedviaase- the radial extent of this cavity is a function of the binary semi- 1 WilhelmKleyandNaderHaghighipour:ModellingCircumbinaryPlanets:ThecaseofKepler-38 major axis, eccentricity, and mass-ratio as well as the disk vis- 2. Thehydrodynamicmodel cosity. As indicated by these authors, for typical values of the As mentioned above, we consider Kepler-38 to be our test bi- diskviscosity,anddependingonthebinaryeccentricity,thelo- nary star and carry out simulations for that system. To model cationoftheinneredgeofthediskwillbeabout2to3timesthe the evolution of a disk around a binary star, we consider a cir- separationofthebinary. cumbinary disk around Kepler-38, and assume that the disk is The migration of planets in circumbinary disks was first vertically thin and the system is co-planar. The assumption of studied by Nelson (2003) for massive, Jupiter-type planets. He co-planarityiswelljustifiedasthemutualinclinationofKepler- found that for small values of the binary eccentricity, the mi- 38 and its planet is smaller than 0.2 degrees. We then perform gratingplanetwillbecapturedina4:1mean-motionresonance two-dimensional(2D)hydrodynamicalsimulationsintheplane (MMR) with the binary whereas in more eccentric systems ofthebinary. (ebin (cid:38)0.2),theplanetwouldbecapturedinastableorbitfurther To simulate the evolution of the disk, the viscous hydrody- out (see also Pierens & Nelson 2008b). Subsequent studies by namic equations are solved in a polar coordinate system (r,φ) Pierens&Nelson(2007)extendedtheseanalysestoplanetswith with its origin at the center of mass of the binary. In our stan- massesassmallas20 MEarth showingthattheseplanetsusually dard model, which we use as a basis for comparing the results stop near the edge of the cavity, and they suggested that plan- of our subsequent simulations, we consider the radial extent of etsincircumbinarydisksshouldbepredominantlyfoundinthat thedisk(r)tobefrom0.25to2.0AU,andφtovaryinanentire area. As the inner edge of the disk roughly coincides with the annulus of [0,360◦]. This domain is covered by an equidistant boundaryofplanetarystability,thepredictionsoftheseauthors grid of 256×512 gridcells. For testing purposes, we have also turned out to be in a very good agreement with the orbital ar- usedagridtwiceasfine.Inallmodelsweevolvethevertically chitectureofseveralKeplerCBPs.Moregeneralcasesinwhich integrated equations for the surface density Σ, and the velocity accretion and multiple planets were also considered were later components(v ,v ). r φ studiedbythesameauthors(Pierens&Nelson2008a,b). Whensimulatinglocallyisothermaldisks,wedonotevolve the energy equation, and instead use an isothermal equation of In a recent paper Pierens & Nelson (2013) revisited planet stateforthepressure.Whenconsideringradiativemodels,aver- migration in circumbinary disks and developed models to ex- ticallyaveragedenergyequationisused,whichevolvesthetem- plaintheorbitsoftheplanetsaroundbinariesKepler-16,Kepler- perature of midplane (Mu¨ller & Kley 2012). Radiative effects 34 and Kepler-35. Similar to the majority of the simulations of are include in two ways. First, a cooling term is considered to thiskind,theseauthorsconsideredalocallyisothermalapproxi- account for the radiative loss from the disk surface (D’Angelo mationwherethediskthermodynamicsismodeledbyprescrib- et al. 2003). Second, we include diffusive radiative transport in ing a given temperature profile. They also considered a closed the midplane of the disk using flux-limited diffusion (Kley & boundaryconditionattheedgeofthecavityassumingzeromass Crida 2008). The use of a flux-limiter is required because near accretionontothecentralbinary.AlthoughtheworkbyPierens itsinneredge,thediskisveryopticallythin,whichwouldleadto &Nelson(2013)representssignificantresults,theirapplicability anunphysicalhighenergyfluxinthediffusivepartofradiative maybelimitedduetothesimplifyingassumptionsofanisother- transport equations. For more details on the implementation of maldiskwithaclosedboundaryconditionsforthecentralcav- thisdiffusivetransport,seeMu¨ller&Kley(2013).Inourradia- ity.NumericalsimulationsbyArtymowicz&Lubow(1996)and tivesimulations,weconsiderthefull,verticallyaverageddissi- Gu¨nther&Kley(2002)haveshownthatdespitetheappearance pation(Mu¨ller&Kley2012).However,stellarirradiationisnot of the above-mentioned cavity in the center of a circumbinary takenintoaccount. disk, material can still flow inside and onto the central binary. TocalculatethenecessaryheightofthediskH ataposition Inotherwords,amorerealisticboundaryconditionwouldallow r,wefirstnotethatinacircumstellardisk(aroundasinglestar forthein-flowofthematerialthroughtheinneredgeofthedisk atthepositionr ),theverticalheightofthediskisgivenby intothediskcavity. ∗ Here,wepresentanimprovedandextendeddiskmodelthat (cid:32)|r−r |3(cid:33)−21 allowsformuchmorerealisticsimulations.Weconsiderthesys- H(r)=c ∗ . (1) s GM tem of Kepler-38 as this system represents one of the binaries ∗ in which the circumbinary planet is in close proximity to the Inthisequation,M isthemassofthecentralstar,c isthespeed stabilitylimit.Wehavedevelopedanimprovedapproachwhich ∗ s ofsoundinthediskatthelocation r,andG isthegravitational includesdetailedbalanceofviscousheatingandradiativecool- constant. In a binary star system, H(r) has to be calculated by ingfromthesurfaceofthedisk(D’Angeloetal.2003),aswell as additional radiative diffusion in the plane of the disk (Kley taking the contributions of both stars into account (Gu¨nther & Kley2002).Thatis, & Crida 2008). For a planet embedded in disks, this improved thermodynamicscanhavedramaticeffectsontheplanetorbital  −1  −1 ddyirneacmtioicnsosfucmhigthraattifoonrl(oKwle-yma&ssCprliadnaet2s0,0it8c;aKnleevyenetreavl.er2s0e0t9h)e. H(r)=(cid:88) c2√G|rM−ir|3 2 =(cid:88)Hi−2(r) 2 , (2) Also,unlikePierens&Nelson(2013),weallowfreein-flowof i=1,2 s i i=1,2 materialfromthediskintothecentralcavityandconstructmod- whereM = M andM arethemassesofthestarsofthebinary. elswithnetmassin-flowthroughthedisk. i 1 2 Equation2indicatesthatinacircumbinarydisk,thetotalheight Thispaperisorganizedasfollows.InSection2,wepresent HisalwayssmallerthantheindividualheightsH. i thephysicalsetupofourdiskmodels.InSection3,westudylo- The equation of state of the gas in the disk is given by the cally isothermal disks and in Section 4, we present the results ideal gas law using a mean molecular weight, µ = 2.35 (in of our full radiative models and compare them to the results atomic mass units), and an adiabatic exponent of γ = 1.4. For from standard isothermal cases. Section 5 concludes this study theshearviscosityweusetheα-parametrizationwithα = 0.01 bysummarizingtheresultsanddiscussingtheirimplications. forourstandardmodel,andwesetthebulkviscositytozero.For 2 WilhelmKleyandNaderHaghighipour:ModellingCircumbinaryPlanets:ThecaseofKepler-38 Table 1. The binary parameter and the observed planetary pa- density at 1 AU. Such a radial profile for Σ corresponds to that rameter of the Kepler-38 system used in the simulations. The usuallyadoptedfortheminimumsolarmassnebula.Asthetotal massoftheprimarystaris0.949M .Thevalueshavebeentaken stellarmassintheKepler-38systemisapproximately1.2solar- (cid:12) fromOroszetal.(2012a). masses, one can assume that, to a first order of approximation, the mass of the circumbinary disk would lie in the same range a)BinaryParameter as that of the disk around the protosun. Assuming that the ob- Massratio Period abin ebin servedcircumbinaryplanetshavereachedtheircurrentpositions q=M2/M1 [days] [AU] in the late phase of their evolution, such a disk surface density 0.2626 18.6 0.1469 0.1032 may be on the high side. However, together with the relatively large value of the viscosity parameter (α = 0.01), it allows for b)PlanetParameter asufficientlyfastevolutionofthesysteminourstandardmodel Mass Period a e p p such that it can be numerically simulated. We will vary these M [days] [AU] Jup parametersfortheradiativemodelsbelow. 0.34 105.6 0.46 <0.03 We choose the initial temperature of the disk to vary with r as T(r) ∝ r−1 such that, assuming a central star of M , the bin verticalthicknessofthediskwillalwaysmaintainthecondition the Rosseland opacity, we use analytic formula as provided by H/r =0.05.Theinitialangularvelocityofthediskatadistance Lin&Papaloizou(1985),andtheflux-limiterasinKley(1989). rischosentobeequaltotheKeplerianvelocityatthatdistance, To calculate the gravitational potential of the binary-planet andtheradialvelocityissettozero. system at a position r in the disk, we use, for all 3 bodies, a Theparametersofthecentralbinaryhavebeenadoptedfrom smoothedpotentialfunctionoftheform Oroszetal.(2012a)andcanbefoundinTable1,togetherwith Ψ (r)=− GMk , (3) theplanetarydata.Duetotheinteractionofthebinarywiththe k [(r−r )2+((cid:15)H)2]1/2 disk (and planet), these parameters will slowly vary during a k simulation. For the models with an embedded planet, we con- where M denotes the masses of the objects (stars and planet), k sider the planet to have a mass of m = 3.63×10−4M which r−r isthevectorfromapointinthedisktoeachobject,andHis p 1 k isequivalenttom = 0.34M orabout115Earth-masses(see calculatedusingeq.(2).Thequantity(cid:15) ineq.(3)isasmoothing p Jup Table1).Atthebeginningofeachsimulation,westartthebinary parameterthataccountsfortheeffectofthefinitethicknessofthe atitsperiastron. disk.Inoursimulations,weassume(cid:15) =0.6or0.7(Mu¨lleretal. Theboundaryconditionsofthesimulationsareconstructed 2012).Wenotethatfortheplanet,thesmoothinglengthcannot such that at the outer boundary of the disk, r = 2.0 AU, the besmallerthan(cid:15)r ,wherer =a (m /3M )1/3istheradiusof max H H p p bin surface density remains constant. This is achieved by using a theHillspherearoundtheplanet,a isthesemi-majoraxisofthe p dampingboundaryconditionwherethedensityisrelaxedtoward planetsorbit,and M = M +M .Theindirecttermsaretaken bin 1 2 itsinitialvalue,Σ(r ) = 2121g/cm2,andtheradialvelocityis intoaccountthroughashiftofthepositionsoftheobjectssuch max damped toward zero. For this, we use the procedure specified thatthebinary’sbarycenteralwayscoincideswiththeoriginof bydeVal-Borroetal.(2006).Theangularvelocityattheouter thecoordinatesystem. boundary is also kept at the initial Keplerian value, and for the Thehydrodynamicalequationsareintegratedusingamixed, temperatureweuseareflectingconditionsothattherewillbeno explicit/implicit, scheme. The standard hydrodynamical terms artificialradiativefluxthroughtheouterboundary.Thesecondi- areintegratedexplicitlyusingastandardCourantconditionwith tionsattheouterboundaryleadtoadiskwithzeroeccentricityat Courantnumber f = 0.66.Theviscousandthediffusiveradia- C r .Hence,r hastochosenlargeenoughsuchthattheinner tivepartsareintegratedimplicitlytoavoidinstabilities.Forthe max max regionsarenotinfluenced. time-integrationofthehydrodynamicalequations,weutilizethe At the inner boundary (r ), we consider a boundary con- RH2D-codewiththeFARGO(Masset2000)upgrade. min dition such that the in-flow of disk material onto the binary is Themotionsofthestellarbinaryandtheplanetareintegrated allowed. This means, for the radial boundary grid cells at r , usinga4thorderRunge-Kuttaintegrator.Allobjects,including min we choose a zero-gradient mass out-flow condition, where the thetwostars,feelthegravityofthediskaswellastheirmutual material can freely leave the grid and flow onto the binary. No gravitation.Theself-gravityofthediskisnotconsidered. mass in-flow into a grid is allowed at r . The zero-gradient Tocalculatetheforcefromthediskactingontheplanet,we min condition is also applied to the angular velocity of the material exclude parts of the Hill sphere of the planet using a tapering since due to the effect of the binary, no well-defined Keplerian function (cid:34) (cid:32) d/r −p(cid:33) (cid:35)−1 velocitycanbefoundwhichcouldbeusedotherwise.Thiszero- f(d)= exp − H +1 . (4) gradient condition for the angular velocity implies a physically p/10 morerealisticzero-torqueboundary. Inthisequation,disthedistancefromthegridcelltotheplanet, Withtheseboundaryconditions,thediskcanreachaquasi- and p is a dimensionless parameter that is set to 0.6 for the stationary state in which there will be a constant mass-flow isothermal models and 0.8 for the radiative runs. We calculate throughthedisk. theorbitalparametersoftheplanetusingJacobiancoordinates, assumingtheplanetorbitsastarwithmass M = M +M ,at bin 1 2 3. Thelocallyisothermalcase thebinarybarycenter. Inthissectionwedonotevolvetheenergyequationbutinstead leavethetemperatureofthediskatitsinitialvalue.Thisproce- 2.1. Initialsetupandboundaryconditions dure has the advantage of making the simulations much faster In all models, the disk initial surface density is chosen to have asnoheatingandcoolingofthediskhastobeconsidered.This a Σ(r) = Σ r−1/2 profile where r is the distance from the cen- isanapproximationthathasoftenbeenusedinplanetdisksim- 0 ter of mass of the binary, and Σ = 3000g/cm2 is the surface ulations and gives the first order results, but it also has its lim- 0 3 WilhelmKleyandNaderHaghighipour:ModellingCircumbinaryPlanets:ThecaseofKepler-38 Table2.Propertiesforthelocallyisothermaldiskmodelswith- 1.5e-05 outaplanet.Model1isourreferencemodelthatisdescribedin r = 0.31 r = 0.68 detail in Sect. 2.1. In the other two models certain (numerical) 1e-05 Mean parametervariationsthathavebeenappliedinordertocompare tTohepyreavrieoudsesmcroibdeedls,ininthpeaqrtuiocuteldarsbecytiPoinesr.ens & Nelson (2013). M/yr]sun 5e-06 e [ at 0 Name Characterization Section n R o MMooddeell12 sctlaonsdedaridnnmeordbeolundary i3n.22.1 ccreti -5e-06 Model3 differentinnerradii 3.3 A -1e-05 0.0038 -1.5e-05 3950 3950.5 3951 3951.5 3952 0.0037 Time [Years] 0.0036 ass [M]sol 0.0035 Fm−i8og.d.6e28l.×1Gr1ma0pe−ha7s,ouifrsetdahlesaotratptwelooottfdeidmffefaorsersnratcd=cirset0tai.no6cn8estAh.UrTo.huAeghsmttehhaeendcviesanklturiaenl, M 0.0034 k binary accretes material, the mass flow is directed inward and s al Di 0.0033 becomesnegative.However,inthemaintext,wereporttheac- ot cretionrateinformofpositiveabsolutevalues. T 0.0032 0.0031 6000 0.003 tt == 00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 tt == 330000 Time [Years] 5000 tt == 664400 Fig.1. Graph of the total mass of the disk (without the planet) 2cm] 4000 tttt ==== 1111282850500000 inourlocallyisothermalstandardmodel(model1).Afterafew y [g/ tt == 33775500 thousand years, the disk reaches equilibrium and a nearly con- nsit 3000 e stantmassisestablished. e d c a 2000 urf S itations when planetary migration is concerned (Kley & Crida 1000 2008).Wewillfirstshowtheresultsofourstandardcase(model 1), and then compare these results to those recently obtained 0 byPierens&Nelson(2013)whoalsousedalocallyisothermal model.Table2givesaverybriefoverviewofthemodelsandcan 0.25 serveasareference. We begin by discussing models without a planet where we y 0.2 bring the disk into equilibrium and analyse its structure. This cit equilibration process is required because the disk structure is ntri ce 0.15 determinedbytheactionofthebinaryforwhichnosimpleana- Ec lyticmodelcanbeprescribed.Additionally,theevolutionofthe sk Di 0.1 planetinthediskoccurssoslowlythatthediskalwaysremains nearequilibrium. 0.05 3.1. Thestructureofthecircumbinarydisk 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Toanalysethedisk’sowndynamics(i.e.,withoutaplanet)due Radius [AU] totheeffectofthecentralbinary,wesimulatedthedynamicsof thediskinourstandardmodelwithazero-massplanet.Dueto Fig.3.Azimuthallyaveragedsurfacedensityanddiskeccentric- the fact that the disk inner boundary is open, and at the outer ityformodel1.Displayedaretheprofilesatdifferentevolution- boundary, its surface density is considered to be constant, the arytimes(inyrs),wheretheredcurvedenotestheinitialsetup. disksettlesintoafinalquasi-stationarystateinwhichthemass ofthediskisconstantandthereisaconstantmassaccretionrate ontothecentralbinary.ThishasbeenshowninFig.1wherethe Thesmallremainingoscillationsarecausedbytheeccentricmo- totalmassinthecomputationaldomainisplottedvs.timeforthe tion of the inner binary which induces variations of the disk locallyisothermalmodelwithnoplanet.Afterabout2000-3000 structure. In this simulation where we have been interested in yrs a quasi-stationary state has been reached at which state the the structure of the disk without the planet, the disk does not outflow through the inner boundary is exactly balanced by the affect the motion of the binary. Nevertheless, the motion of the ’inflow’fromoutsideasestablishedbykeepingthevalueofthe binaryhasbeennumericallyintegratedtoexaminetheaccuracy densityconstantatr .Duringthisprocess,thediskmasshas ofthenumericalmethod.Wefindthatduringthetotalevolution max decreasedbyabout20%from3.8×10−3M to3.04×10−3M . timeofabout4000years,whichcorrespondstoover80,000bi- (cid:12) (cid:12) 4 WilhelmKleyandNaderHaghighipour:ModellingCircumbinaryPlanets:ThecaseofKepler-38 naryorbitsand4.5million(!)timesteps,thesemi-majoraxisof thebinaryhasonlyshrunkby0.014%,avaluesufficientlysmall forourpurposes. At equilibrium, the rate of the mass-flow through the disk, M˙ , becomes on average nearly constant. Fig. 2 shows this disk where M˙ ,measuredattwodifferentdistances,isplottednear disk the end of the simulation. The resulting accretion rate equals approximately M˙ = 8.7 × 10−7M /yr. The oscillations are disk (cid:12) much larger in the inner parts of the disk due to the perturba- tion from the binary, and they occur at the binary’s orbital pe- riod.Thisvaluemaybecomparedtothetypicaltheoreticalequi- librium disk accretion rate, M˙ = 3πΣν. At the outer bound- th ary, where the mass density has been kept constant, we find M˙ =5.4×10−7M /yr. th (cid:12) During time, the surface density slowly evolves away from its initial profile until it settles in a new equilibrium state. This isshownintheupperpanelofFig.3wheretheazimuthallyav- eragedradialsurfacedensityprofileisshownatdifferentevolu- Fig.4.Twodimensionaldensitystructureofanisothermaldisk tionary times. In agreement with Fig. 1, the equilibration time (model1)aroundthecentralbinarystar.Thegraphshowsalocal takes about 2000 yrs. At this state, the surface density profiles view around the binary. The computational grid extends from will no longer change with time. Because of the tidal action of r = 0.25 AU to r = 2.0 AU. The white inner region lies inside the binary on the disk, a central gap is formed with a surface the computational domain and is not covered by the grid. The density many orders of magnitude smaller than inside the disk. positionsoftheprimaryandsecondaryareindicatedbythegray Theinneredgeofthedisk,whichwecandefine,veryapproxi- dots.ThetheRoche-lobeofthesecondaryisalsoshown. mately,asthatradiusatwhichthesurfacedensityisabouthalf the maximum value, lies here at around r ≈ 0.45AU. This is slightlylargerthan3a andinagoodagreementwiththefind- bin ings of Artymowicz & Lubow (1994). We note that for the bi- simulationsusingtheirboundaryconditions.InFig.5,weshow narysystemconsideredhere,thestabilitylimitforplanetaryor- thesurfacedensityanddiskeccentricityfortwosimulations;our bits is about 0.4 AU (Dvorak 1986; Holman & Wiegert 1999). standardmodelwithanopeninnerboundary,anddiskmodel2 Outsideofthegapbeyond r = 0.6AU,thesurfacedensitypro- (seeTable1)withreflectingconditionsatrminasusedbyPierens file becomes relatively flat. One can notice that the mass-flow &Nelson(2013).Becauseinthelattermodel,materialisnotal- ratesshowninFig.2correspondtoaregiondeepinsidethegap lowedtoleavethediskthroughtheinnerboundary,itwillaccu- (r=0.31≈2a ),andimmediatelyoutsideofit(r=0.68). mulateneartheouteredgeofthegap,asseenbythespikeinthe bin As was shown by Pierens & Nelson (2013), circumbinary densityatr=0.8AUinthetoppanelofFig.5.Atthesametime, diskscanattainsignificanteccentricities.Wecalculatetheeccen- theeccentricityofthediskinthismodelbecomessubstantially tricityofthediskbytreatingeachgridcellasanindividualpar- largerthanthatinthemodelwiththeopenboundarycondition. ticlewithamassandvelocityequaltothemassandvelocityof Our results of the simulations with the closed inner boundary thecell(Kley&Dirksen2006).Tocalculatearadialdependence are very similar to those reported by Pierens & Nelson (2013), forthediskeccentricity,e (r),weaverageovertheangulardi- although these authors did not model the system of Kepler-38, disk rection.Inoursimulations,thediskeccentricityremainssmall, butsomerelatedones. asshowninthelowerpanelofFig.3.Intheregionsoutsideof thecentralgap(beyondr = 0.6),thediskeccentricityisalways 3.3. Varyingthelocationoftheinnerradius belowe < 0.07.Atradialdistancesr > 1.0,thiseccentricity disk becomes smaller than about 0.01. These values of the disk ec- In this section, we examine the effect of the location of the in- centricityareincontrasttothosereportedbyPierens&Nelson nerboundaryonthediskstructure(model3).Pierens&Nelson (2013), who found, on average, larger values. We attribute this (2013) found that, at least in the case of a closed inner bound- differencetotheassumptionofanopeninnerboundary,andwe ary,theamplitudeofthediskeccentricitydependsontheloca- willanalysethisinmoredetailinthenextsection. tion of r . In particular, if r is chosen so large that some min min In Fig. 4, we show a the two-dimensional surface density MMRs between the binary and the disk fall outside the com- distributionforourisothermaldiskmodels.Notethatthefigure putationaldomain,theeccentricityofthediskwillremainvery shows only the inner part of the computational domain around small.Toexaminewhetherthediskwillbehavesimilarlyforan thecentralbinary.TheRochelobeofthesecondarystarisshown openinnerboundary,wecarriedouttwoadditionalsimulations aswell.Asshownhere,aneccentriccentralbinarystronglyper- with slightly smaller inner radii, r = 0.22 AU and 0.20 AU. min turbsthediskandproducestimevaryingpatterns.Asindicated Giventhebinary’ssemi-major,a =0.1469AU,theseradiicor- bin bytheflatsurfacedensityprofile,outsideofthecentralgap,the respondto1.5and1.36a ,respectively. bin diskshowslessstructureandisrelativelyhomogeneous. AsshowninFig.6(toppanel),forsmallvaluesofr ,the min densityofthediskincreasesoutsideofthegap,andatthesame time, the flow of the mass onto the binary is slightly reduced 3.2. Aclosedinnerboundary (to about 8 × 10−7M /yr). The profile of the edge of the gap, (cid:12) Inthissection,westudytheeffectofdifferentboundarycondi- where the slope of the density is positive, is hardly affected by tionsattheinneredgeofthecomputationaldomainonthefinal the choice of r . However, the gap is slightly wider. The ec- min results. Inspired by the work of Pierens & Nelson (2013), who centricityinthemainpartofthedisk(outsider = 0.7)doesnot focusedonmodelswithclosedinnerboundaries,wecarriedout vary with the location of r (lower panel of Fig. 6). At r = 1 min 5 WilhelmKleyandNaderHaghighipour:ModellingCircumbinaryPlanets:ThecaseofKepler-38 3000 6000 OOppeenn CClloosseedd 2500 5000 2m] 2m] g/c 4000 g/c 2000 y [ y [ ensit 3000 ensit 1500 d d e e c c urfa 2000 urfa 1000 S S 00..2255 AAUU 1000 500 00..2222 AAUU 00..2200 AAUU 0 0.4 05 0.3 0.4 0.25 0.35 y y 0.3 cit 0.2 cit ntri ntri 0.25 e e Ecc 0.15 Ecc 0.2 k k s s Di 0.1 Di 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Radius [AU] Radius [AU] Fig.5.Azimuthallyaveragedsurfacedensityanddiskeccentric- Fig.6. Azimuthally averaged surface density and eccentricity ityprofilesfortwomodelswithdifferentinnerboundarycondi- profilesforthreediskmodelswithdifferentlocationsofthein- tions.Theredcurvecorrespondstothestandardmodelwithan ner boundary, r . The red curve shows the standard model rmin openinnerboundaryandthebluecurverepresentsasystemwith (model1)withr =0.25AU,thebluecurveisforadiskwith min areflectinginnerboundary(model2).Inbothmodels,thedisk r = 0.22 AU, and the green curve represents the disk model min isatequilibrium. withr =0.20AU(model3).Inallthreemodels,thediskisat min equilibrium. thediskeccentricityisaboute =0.1andbeyondr =1.0itis disk alwaysbelow0.01.Withinthegapregion,wherethedensityis (A.Pierens,privatecommunication).Foroursystem,Kepler-38, small,e risestoamaximumof0.4attheinnerboundaryfor themoddeislkswiththesmallerr .Thediskswithr = 0.2AU wefoundtheoppositebehaviour;areduceddiskeccentricityfor min min andr =0.22AUshowverysimilarbehaviour.Forthesakeof anopeninnerboundary.Thisfollowsfromthefactthatanopen min innerboundaryreducesthestrengthofaglobaleccentricmode. comparison,wealsoransimulationswithhigherspatialresolu- Becauseinthispaperwearemoreinterestedintheevolutionof tion.Theresultswereverysimilartothosedepictedbythetwo planets in circumbinary disks, we do not study this interesting panelsoffigure6. behaviourofthediskanyfurtheranddeferthattoafuturetime. Overall, results of our simulations indicate that in a model We note that among the three models shown in figure 6, withanopeninnerboundary,thediskeccentricitye remains disk the model with the smaller inner radii can have a considerably small in a large portion of the disk and independent of the smaller numerical time step. In addition to the smaller size of location of the inner boundary. This is unlike the findings of thegridcells,thiseffectiscausedbythelargerdeviationfroma Pierens & Nelson (2013) who showed that in cases with close uniformkeplerianvelocityasinducedbythebinarystar,which boundaries, the disk eccentricity will rise to much larger val- makes the FARGO-algorithm less effective. Therefore, to save ues(Pierens&Nelson2013).Thelattercanbeattributedtothe computationaltimeandresources,intheremainderofthisstudy, factthatareflectinginnerboundarycreatesacavitywhichsus- wewillusefortheinnerradiusofthedisk,astandardvalueof tainstheeccentricglobalmodeofthedisk.Ourfindingsarealso r =0.25AU,althoughwewillpresentsomecomparisonsim- inagreementwithKleyetal.(2008)whofoundaneccentricity min ulationsusingr =0.22AUaswell. reduction for circumstellar disks in close binary systems when min using outflow boundary conditions. In our opinion, open inner boundaries are more realistic because they allow for the accre- 3.4. Planetsinisothermaldisks tion of material onto the binary stars. However, we would like tocautionthatinthecaseofmoreeccentricbinaries,ithasbeen To study the evolution of the system with an embedded planet, foundthatanopeninnerboundarymaycausethecentralcavity we start our simulations with a planet initially at different dis- to be very large since disk material cannot re-enter the compu- tances(semi-majoraxes,a )fromthecenterofmass(barycen- 0 tational domain once it has been lost through r (see Marzari ter)ofthebinaryandinacircularorbit.Theplanet’sevolutionis min et al. (2009)). This situation occurs primarily in highly eccen- determined by the gravitational action of the disk and the cen- tricbinariessuchasKepler-34whichhasaneccentricityof0.52 tral binary. As mentioned earlier, during the evolution of the 6 WilhelmKleyandNaderHaghighipour:ModellingCircumbinaryPlanets:ThecaseofKepler-38 1.8 the disk and the planet evolve simultaneously. In the other two initial disk: a0=1.75 simulations, the planet is started in a disk that is already in an 1.6 rreellaaxxeedd ddiisskk:: aa00==11..7050 equilibrium. The blue line corresponds to the planet starting at 0.47 a = 1.75 AU and the green line is when the planet starts at 0 AU] 1.4 0.46 a=1.0AU.Wehaveshiftedthelastmodelintimetoensurean major axis [ 1.2 0.45 overAlaspswhoitwhnthienfitrhsettFwiog.. 7, the semi-major axis of the planet Planet Semi- 0 .18 000...444234 cbToihnneatirsnytu)roounungstliydlrsiothprrieniankcshth(eies.edt.h,isethkeinspnulerafrnaeccteavmditieygnrscairtteeysatwteodiwthbairyndttthhheeebcceeinnnattrrraayll. 6000 6500 7000 cavityandtheresultingpositivedensitygradientactasaplanet 0.6 trap(Massetetal.2006).HerethenegativeLindbladtorquesare balanced by positive corotation torques. As a result, the planet 0.4 stopsitsinwardmigrationinthisregion.Asshowninthefigure, 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Time [Years] in all runs, the planet stops at approximately the same distance from the binary. The semi-major axis of the planet in the three Fig.7. The evolution of the semi-major axis of the planet in runs has an average value of a = 0.436 AU (blue line in inset an isothermal disk (model 1). In two simulations, the planet is p ofFig.7).Theresultsindicatethatinallsimulations,thesystem started in a circular orbit at a distance of a = 1.75 AU from 0 evolvestothesamefinalstate.Atthisstate,theplanetresidesin thecenterofmassofthecentralbinary.Inthesimulationshown anorbitwithaperiodofabout100dayswhichisslightlyoutside in red, the planet is included in the disk from the very begin- ofitsobservedorbit(seeTab.1).Thisimpliesthattheoutcome ningofthesimulationanditevolvesasthediskevolvesstarting of the migration process does not depend on the history of the fromitsinitialdensityprofile.Inthesimulationshowninblue, system and is determined solely by the physical parameters of thediskisfirstrelaxedtotheequilibriumandthentheplanetis the disk. In an isothermal system and for a given binary, these embedded in it. In the simulation shown in green, the planet is parametersaredeterminedbythevaluesofH/randviscosity. started at a = 1.0 AU in a relaxed disk. The inset shows the 0 Fig. 8 shows the evolution of the eccentricity of the planet results near the end of the simulation for the first model. The correspondingtotheredmodelinFig.7.Asshownhere,during dashedblacklineintheinsetcorrespondstothemeanvalueof theplanetsinwardmigration,itseccentricityincreasescontinu- theplanetsemi-majoraxisata =0.436AU. p ously until at t = 4500 when it reaches a constant value close to0.05andoscillatesaroundthatvalueforapproximately1000 0.25 years. At time (t ∼ 5700), the planet is temporarily captured inamean-motionresonancewiththebinaryanditseccentricity undergoesasuddenjump(Murray&Dermott1999)whereitos- 0.2 cillatesbetween0.15and0.20.Wewilldiscussedthisresonant city captureinmoredetailinthenextsection. ntri 0.15 Fig. 9 shows four two-dimensional snapshots of the evolu- e c tion of the disk surface density during the inward migration of c e net 0.1 an embedded planet in one of our models. One can clearly see Pla thespiraldisturbancescreatedbytheplanetduringitsmigration. Thelastpanel,correspondingtot = 7417,showsthefinalposi- 0.05 tionoftheplanetinanorbitwithasemi-majoraxisofa =0.436 p AU(seeFig.7).InFig.10,weplottheazimuthallyaveragedsur- 0 facedensityofthediskcorrespondingtothesametimesasinthe 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 snapshots of Fig. 9. The colored circles in this figure represent Time [Years] theplanetinitsactualradialdistancefromthecenterofmassof thebinary.Aplanetofthismassdoesnotproduceafullgap,but Fig.8.Graphoftheevolutionoftheeccentricityoftheplanetin onlyclearsoutaboutathirdofthesurfacedensity.Astheplanet anisothermaldiskshowninredinFig.7(model1).Theplanet moves inward, the surface density of the inner part of the disk wasembeddedinthediskpriortothestartofthediskevolution atasemi-majorofa =1.75AU. isstronglydistorted.However,itregainsitsunperturbedprofile 0 aftertheplanethasreacheditsfinalposition,(seeFig.3). planet, its orbital elements are calculated using Jacobian coor- 3.4.1. CaptureinResonance dinateswithrespecttothebarycenterofthecentralbinary.The planetmassisfixedto115Earthmasses,andthereisnoaccre- Theevolutionofthesemi-majoraxisoftheplanetandinpartic- tion onto the planet. As a reference, we present in Tab. 1, the ular,thesuddenincreaseinitseccentricityattimet≈5700seem orbital parameters of the planet of Kepler-38, as inferred from topointtoatemporarycaptureinamean-motionresonancewith theobservations. thecentralbinary.Tofurtheranalyzethis,weplottedthevaria- Fig. 7 shows the evolution of planet through the disk. We tions of the period-ratio of the planet and binary, P /P , planet bin present here the results of three simulations that were carried duringtheinwardmigrationoftheplanet.Fig.11showsthere- outfordifferentinitialsetupstoexaminethedependenceofthe sults.Asshownhere,astheplanetmigratesinward,thisperiod- outcome on the initial state of the disk and planets orbital ele- ratio continuously decreases until it reaches a constant value at ments. In the first model (red line) the planet is started directly t≈5000.TheinsetinFig.11showstheevolutionofthesystem intheinitialdiskwhichhasnotbeenbroughtintoanequilibrium neartheendofthesimulationforonethousandyears.Theblack (i.e. using the initial disk setup of model 1). In this simulation, dashedlineinthisinsetdenotesthearithmeticaveragedvalueof 7 WilhelmKleyandNaderHaghighipour:ModellingCircumbinaryPlanets:ThecaseofKepler-38 45 40 5.7 35 5.6 5.5 30 P/Pplanetbin 2205 5555....1234 5 15 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800 8000 10 5 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Time [Years] Fig.11.Theevolutionoftheperiodratiooftheplanetandbinary forthemodelwheretheplanetisembeddedintheinitialdiskat a =1.75AU.Theinsetshowstheperiodratioforthefinalstage 0 ofitsevolution.Thedashedlineintheinsetcorrespondstothe meanvalueofP /P =5.22. planet bin Fig.9. Two dimensional snapshots of the evolution of the disk surface density with an embedded planet. The snapshots corre- spondtothetimes449,729,2807,and7414years.Theplanet, shownasthegraydotwiththeRocheradius,wasembeddedin thediskataninitialdistanceofr = 1.75AU.Thedashedgray 150 linearoundthecentralbinaryshowstheapproximateboundary 100 ofstabilityforplanetaryorbits.Amovieofthesimulationshown herecanbefoundinthesupplementaryonlinematerial. 50 hi1 0 P 3000 -50 2500 -100 2m] c 2000 -150 g/ y [ nsit 1500 e d 150 e c urfa 1000 100 S t = 449 500 t = 729 50 t = 2807 0 t = 7414 Phi2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Radius [AU] -50 Fig.10. Graph of the averaged radial surface density of a disk -100 withanembeddedplanet.Thecolorscorrespondtothetimesof thesnapshotsshowninFig.9.Thebigcircleineachgraphrep- -150 resentstheradialpositionoftheplanetatthetimecorresponding 5620 5640 5660 5680 5700 5720 5740 5760 5780 5800 tothegraph.Forillustrativepurposes,wehavemovedthecircles Time [Years] closetotheircorrespondingcurves. the period ratio, P /P = 5.22, suggesting a possible cap- Fig.12.GraphsoftheresonantanglesΦ1andΦ2(seeEqs.6and planet bin 7)duringthecapturephaseina5:1mean-motionresonance. tureintoa5:1MMRwiththebinary. To determine whether the planet is truly captured in a 5:1 MMR, its corresponding resonant angles have to be analyzed. anglesaredefinedas Thecaptureinaresonancebetweentwobodiesoccurswhenat leastoneoftheresonantanglesofthesystemlibratesarounda Φ = pλ −qλ −p(cid:36) +q(cid:36) +k((cid:36) −(cid:36) ), (5) k p b p b p b certain value and does not cover the full range of 0 to 2π (see Murray & Dermott (1999) for details). For a general p:q com- whereλ ,λ ,(cid:36) and(cid:36) denotethemeanlongitudesandlongi- b p b p mensurability with p > q and in a planar system, the resonant tudeofperiapsefortheinnerbinary(b)andouterplanet(p).The 8 WilhelmKleyandNaderHaghighipour:ModellingCircumbinaryPlanets:ThecaseofKepler-38 1 1 Model 1: a0=1.00 rmin = 0.25, closed U] 0.9 00..5205 DDiisskk MMaassss U] 0.9 rrmmiinn == 00..2252,, ooppeenn A A xis [ 0.8 xis [ 0.8 a A major 0.7 major 0.7 mi- mi- 0.6 net Se 0.6 net se 0.5 a a Pl Pl 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Time [Years] Time [Years] Fig.13.Theevolutionofthesemi-majoraxisofaplanetembed- Fig.14.Theevolutionofthesemi-majoraxisofaplanetembed- ded in an isothermal disk for different values of the disk mass. dedinanisothermaldiskfordifferentlocationsofthediskinner Thegraphinredcorrespondsthesimulationofthestandarddisk boundary. The graph in red corresponds to the standard model modelwiththeplanetinitiallystartingata =1.0AU.Thegraph withanopeninnerboundaryat0.25AU.Thegraphinbluerep- 0 in blue shows a similar simulation but with half the disk mass. resents a model with a closed inner boundary at 0.25 AU, and The graph in green corresponds to a simulation with a quarter thegraphingreenis foradiskwithanopeninnerboundary at oftheinitialdiskmassandcontinuedfromthemodelinblueat 0.22AU. t=4300. integer k in this equation satisfies the condition q ≤ k ≤ p and thatdiskswithreducedsurfacedensityshowsimilardensityevo- has p−q+1possiblevalues.Ofthe p−q+1resonantangles,at lutionasthoseshownbythetoppanelofFig.3,butonlyscaled mosttwoarelinearlyindependent.Thatmeans,inaactualreso- down by an appropriate factor. This identical density evolution nantconfiguration,atleastoneoftheseanglewilllibrate(Nelson can be attributed to the fact that in an isothermal disk with an &Papaloizou2002).Asournumericalsimulationsindicatethe α-type viscosity and no self-gravity, the surface density of the possibility of a capture in the 5:1 MMR, we studied the time- disk is scaled out of the normalized equations of state making variationsofallresonantanglesofoursystem.Notethatinthis thediskevolutionindependentoftheactualdensity. case p = 5, q = 1, and k runs from 1 to 5. Fig. 12 shows the Inadiskwithasmallermassandsurfacedensity,theinward evolutionofthefollowingtworesonantanglesfor180yrsfrom migration of the planet will be slower. Fig. 13 shows the evo- t=5620tot=5800, lution of a planet in an isothermal disk with different masses. The red line in this figure represents the inward migration of a Φ1 =5λp−λb−4(cid:36)p, (6) planet started at a0 = 1.0 AU in our standard disk model. The blue line corresponds to the migration of the same planet in a and disk with half the mass of our standard model. As shown here Φ =5λ −λ −3(cid:36) −(cid:36) . (7) 2 p b p b andasexpected,theinwardmigrationisabouttwotimesslower As shown here, before t = 5670, the evolution of these angles thaninthestandardcase.Westartedourthirdsimulations(green is rather irregular confirming that the planet was not in a reso- line)withaquarterofthediskmassandtosavecomputational nance.Afterthistime,Φ showsaregularcirculatingbehaviour, time, continued it from the 2nd mode (blue line) at time 4300. 1 whereastheangleΦ beginstolibratearoundzerowithanam- Theplanetmigrationrateisagainreducedbyafactoroftwo.As 2 plitude of less than 40 degrees. This librating evolution of Φ pointedout,forinstance,byPierens&Nelson(2013)whenan- 2 indicates that the planet is indeed captured in a 5:1 MMR with alyzingthesystemofKepler-16,inasystemwithaslowerrate the binary star. Our analysis of all other resonant angles of the ofmigration,acaptureinhigherorderMMRsismoreexpected. system, Φ , Φ , and Φ showed that these all have circulating These authors found that Kepler-16b could have undergone a 3 4 5 behavioursaswell,sometimesprograde(asΦ )andsometimes temporarycaptureina6:1MMRwiththecentralbinary.Inour 1 retrograde.ForallcasesshowninFig.7,theplanetremainscap- simulations,theplanetisalwayscapturedina5:1resonanceand turedinthe5:1resonanceforthedurationofthesimulations.We inthesameconfiguration,whereonlyΦ2librates.Theeccentric- also studied the behaviour of the longitude of periastron of the ityofthediskalsoreachesthesamevalueinallthreecases. binarystar,(cid:36) ,duringtheslowinwardmigrationoftheplanet. bin Ouranalysisindicatedthatpriortothecaptureoftheplanetina 3.4.3. Planetsindiskswithdifferentinnerboundary 5:1 MMR, (cid:36) was precessing in a prograde sense. After cap- bin conditionsatr tureintothe5:1resonance,thisprecessionbecameretrograde. min Totestthesensitivityofoursimulationstothechoiceofthedisk boundary conditions at r , we ran three different models. In 3.4.2. VariationofDiskmass min twomodelsweconsideredr =0.25AUandonceweassumed min Up to this point, the presented results and analyses were based the inner boundary to be closed to mass in-flow, and once we onsimulationsinwhich,asshowninFig.1,thediskhadagiven considered it to be open (see model 2 in section 3.2). We also mass.Toexaminewhethertheresultswilldependonthemassof ran a third model for which we moved r to a different inner min thedisk,wecarriedoutsimulationswherethedisksurfaceden- radiusat0.22AU(seemodel3insection 3.3).Fig.14showsthe sity was reduced by a factor of two and four. Results indicated evolution of the planets semi-major axis for these three cases. 9 WilhelmKleyandNaderHaghighipour:ModellingCircumbinaryPlanets:ThecaseofKepler-38 0.147 Model 1: a0=1.00 6000 0.50 Disk Mass 0.1468 0.25 Disk Mass 5000 iinniittiiaall axis [AU] 0.1466 2y [g/cm] 4000 iiss oorraatthhddeeiiaarrmmttiivvaaeell major 0.1464 densit 3000 mi- ce 2000 ary Se 0.1462 Surfa 1000 n Bi 0.146 300 00 2500 0.1458 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Time [Years] e [K] 2000 ur Fig.15.Theevolutionofthesemi-majoraxisofthebinaryina erat 1500 system with an isothermal disk for different values of the disk mp e 1000 mass.ThegraphsusesthesamemodelsandcolorsasinFig.13 T fortheevolutionoftheplanets. 500 0 0.3 The planet was started at a = 1.0 AU in an already relaxed 0 0.25 disk in all three cases. See Figs. 5 and 6 for the density and y eccentricitydistributionofmodels2and3. ntricit 0.2 Due to the higher density in the simulation with a closed cce 0.15 inner boundary (shown in blue), the planet migrates inward at k E amuchfasterspeed.Similartotheprevioussimulations,inthis Dis 0.1 casetheplanetiscapturedina5:1MMRwiththebinary.Atthis 0.05 state,theplanetsresonanceangleΦ begantolibratearoundzero 2 and its other resonance angles start circulating. In contrast to 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 theprevioussimulations,thefastinwardmigrationoftheplanet Radius [AU] causes its orbital eccentricity to be slightly higher (e = 0.25) p thaninthecasewhenthediskhadanopeninnerboundary.This Fig.16.Graphsofthesurfacedensity(ing/cm2,toppanel),tem- largervalueofeccentricityleadstoorbitalinstabilityasaresult perature (in K, middle panel) and eccentricity (bottom panel) ofwhichtheplanetleavestheresonanceattimet ≈2300andis ofaradiativediskintheinitialmodel(red),anisothermalcase scatteredoutintoanorbitwithmuchlargersemi-majoraxisand with H/r = 0.05(model1,blue),andaquasi-equilibriumstate veryhigheccentricity. (green). In the simulations where the open inner boundary has been shifted to r = 0.22AU, the planet migrates inward at a re- min ducedspeedandreachesa =0.47AUattheendofthesimula- diskandtheplanet.InFig.15,weplottheevolutionofthesemi- p tion.Thisisinanexcellentagreementwiththeobservedorbitof majoraxisofthecentralbinaryinthreesystemswithdiskswith Kepler-38b.Theeccentricityoftheplanetatthisstateoscillates masses as in Fig. 13. One can see from this figure that during between 0.01 and 0.06 with an average around 0.03. These re- theevolutionofthesystem,thesemi-majoraxisofthebinaryre- sultsconfirmtheexpectationthatthefinalpositionoftheplanet duceswithtime.Thiscanbeexplainednotingthatwhilethedisk is determined by the location of the outer edge of the central interactswiththebinary,angularmomentumistransferredfrom cavity. thebinarytothediskmaterialcausingtheorbitofthebinaryto Insummary,inthemodelinwhichtheouteredgeofthecen- shrink.Asexpected,diskswithsmallermassesleadtoaslower tralcavityisatafartherdistanceandhastheunrealisticbound- declinein theorbit ofthe binary.At thepoint wherethe planet aryconditionofbeingclosedtomassin-flow,theplanetcrosses iscapturedintoresonance,thebinarylosesangularmomentum the5:1MMRandeventuallybecomesunstable.Whentheouter morerapidly. edgeofthecentralcavityisatacloserdistance(e.g.,0.22AU) and has the more realistic boundary condition of being open to 4. Theradiativecase massin-flow,theplanetstopsitsinwardmigrationoutsideofthe 5:1 MMR and maintain its orbital stability for a long time. We As mentioned earlier, although the study of a locally isother- willreturntothispointwhenwediscussradiativemodelsinthe mal disk can portray a general picture of the evolution of the nextsection. system and its planet, it does not present a realistic model. For instance,inanisothermaldisk,despitethestrongheatingaction ofthespiralwavesthatareinducedbythebinarystar,thetem- 3.4.4. Theorbitalelementsofthebinary perature does not vary and is held constant. However, because Asmentionedearlierinthedescriptionofourmodelsandtheir the migration of the planet and the evolution of its eccentricity setups, the motions of all objects (including the stars of the bi- depend on the disk temperature (Ward 1988), a more realistic nary)areaffectedbythegravityofthedisk.Asaresult,theorbit modelshouldallowthedisktemperaturetovary,aswell.Inthis ofthecentralbinarywillchangeintimeasitinteractswiththe section, we consider the latter. Because the evolved quantity in 10

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