Modélisation comportementale en ALM bbancaiire : applliicatiion aux ddéépôôts àà vue CCoonnfféérreennccee sscciieennttiiffiiqquuee PPRRMMIIAA PPaarriiss eett AAFFGGAAPP Finance comportementale et risques 29 avril 2009 Jean-Paul LAURENT hhttttpp::////llaauurreenntt.jjeeaannppaauull.ffrreeee.ffrr Alexandre ADAM, BNP Paribas Asset and Liability Management MMohhamedd HHOOUUKKAARRII, BBNNPP PPariibbas AALLMM andd IISSFFAA, UUniiversiittéé dde LLyon, UUniiversiittéé LLyon 11 Jean-Paul LAURENT, ISFA, Université de Lyon, Université Lyon 1 Presentation related to: (cid:132) Hedggingg Interest Rate Marggins on Demand Depposits (cid:133) Working paper available on SSRN (to be updated soon) (cid:132) PPrreesseennttaattiioonn OOuuttllooookk (cid:132)(cid:132) Modeling framework (cid:133) ccuussttoommeerr rraatteess (cid:132)(cid:132) deposit amounts (cid:132) IInntteerreesstt rraattee mmaarrggiinnss (cid:132) Optimal strategies (cid:133) TThhee bblliinnkkeerreedd iinnvveessttoorr (cid:132)(cid:132) Integrated risk management (cid:132) CCoonncclluussiioonn (cid:133)(cid:133) 2 PPrroolleeggoommeennaa Demand Deposits involve huge amounts (cid:132) (cid:133) Bank of America Annual Report – Dec. 2007 Averagge Balance (Dollars in millions) 2007 2006 Assets Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell $ 155,828 $ 175,334 TTraddiing accountt assetts 118877,228877 114455,332211 Debt securities 186,466 225,219 Loans and leases, net of allowance for loan and lease losses 766,329 643,259 All other assets 306,163 277,548 Total assets $$ 1,,602,,073 $$ 1,,466,,681 Liabilities Deposits $ 717,182 $ 672,995 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 253,481 286,903 Trading account liabilities 82,721 64,689 Commercial paper and other short-term borrowings 171,333 124,229 Long-term debt 169,855 130,124 All other liabilities 70,839 57,278 Total liabilities 1,465,411 1,336,218 Shareholders’ equity 136,662 130,463 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity $ 1,602,073 $ 1,466,681 Demand deposits involve both interest rate and liquidity risks (cid:132) 3 Modelingg Depposit Rate – Exampples We assume the customer rate to be a function of the market rate. (cid:132) (cid:133) Affine in general (US) / Sometimes more complex (Japan) (( )) (( )) {{ }} ( ) g L = α+ β⋅ L ⋅1 L ≥ R g L =α+ β⋅ L T T T T T United States Japan 3.00% 0,9 M2 Own Rate JPY Libor 3M 0,8 2.50% Japanese M2 Own Rate 0,7 0,6 2.00% Affine Dependance 0,5 1.50% 0,4 00,33 Quasi Zero Rates ! 1.00% 0,2 0.50% 0,1 USD 3M Libor Rate 0 00.0000%% 99 99 00 00 1 1 22 22 33 33 44 44 55 55 66 66 77 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% ars- ept- ars- ept- ars- ept- ars- ept- ars- ept- ars- ept- ars- ept- ars- ept- ars- m s m s m s m s m s m s m s m s m 44 LL Dynamics for Market Rate : forward Libor rate t MMaarrkkeett MMooddeell ffoorr ffoorrwwaarrdd LLiibboorr rraattee((ss)) (cid:132)(cid:132) dL t = μμ ddtt ++σσ ddWW ((tt)) L L L L t μμ ≠≠ 00 LLoonngg--TTeerrmm IInnvveessttmmeenntt RRiisskk PPrreemmiiuumm L Coefficient specification assumptions: (cid:132) μ ,σ Our model: constant (cid:133) L L Assumptions can be relaxed: (cid:133) Time dependent coefficients (cid:133) CEV type Libor models (cid:133) 55 DDeeppoossiitt AAmmoouunntt DDyynnaammiiccss Diffusion process for Deposit Amount (cid:132) dK = K ⎡⎡μ dt +σ dW (t)⎤⎤ ⎣ ⎦ t t K K K (US marketplace) SSensiittiiviitty off ddeposiitt amountt tto (cid:133) 668800 44 market rates 660 3,5 640 3 (cid:132) Moneyy transfers between depposits 620 22,,55 and other accounts 600 2 580 Interest Rate partial contingence. 1,5 (cid:133) 560 1 554400 Business risk, … (cid:132) 520 US Demand Deposit Amount 0,5 US M2 Own Rate Incomplete market framework (cid:132) 500 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oct- anv- avr- juil- oct- anv- avr- juil- oct- anv- avr- juil- oct- anv- avr- juil- oct- anv- avr- juil- oct- anv- avr- juil- oct- anv- avr- juil- j j j j j j j dW (t) = ρdW (t) + 1− ρ2 dW (t) −1< ρ< 0 K L K 6 Depposit Amount Dyynamics – Exampples ( ) ( ) dK = K μ dt +σ dW t t t K K K US and Euro Zone Emerging Markets 33550000 880000 30000 400 700 3000 350 25000 600 2500 300 500 20000 250 UR bln. 2000 400 SD bln. Y Bln.15000 200 H Bln. E 1500 U R A T U 300 150 10000 1000 200 100 500 5000 100 50 00 00 0 0 1997-109998-109198-109598-109999-109199-109599-200900-200100-200500-200901-200101-200501-200902-200102-200502-200903-200103-200503-200904-200104-200504-200905-200105-200505-200906-200106-200506-200907-200107-200507-09 sept-97 janv-98mai-98 sept-98janv-99 mai-99 sept-99 janv-00mai-00 sept-00janv-01 mai-01 sept-01 janv-02mai-02 sept-02janv-03mai-03 sept-03 janv-04 mai-04sept-04 janv-05mai-05 sept-05 janv-06 mai-06sept-06 janv-07mai-07 sept-07 Euro Overnight Deposits US Demand Deposits Turkey - M1-M0 Ukraine - M1-M0 EuroZone − μˆ =10.19%,σˆ = 6.56% Turkey − μˆ = 51.74%,σˆ = 37.38% K K K K 77 Demand Deposit Interest Rate Margin (cid:132) For a given quarter T (cid:133) Income generated by: (cid:133) Investing Demand Deposit Amount on interbank markets (cid:132) while paying a deposit rate to customers (cid:132) ( ) ( ( )) Interest Rate Margin IRM K , L = K L − g L ⋅ ΔT g T T T T T Deposit Amount at T Investment Market Rate duringg time interval [T,T+ΔT] Customer rate at T 8 WWee nneeeedd ttoo ffooccuuss oonn IInntteerreesstt RRaattee MMaarrggiinnss ( ) ( ( )) IRM K , L = K L − g L ⋅ ΔT gg T T T T T According to the IFRS (International accounting standards) : (cid:132) The IFRS recommend the accounting of non maturing assets and (cid:133) lliiaabbiilliittiieess aatt AAmmoorrttiizzeedd CCoosstt // HHiissttoorriiccaall CCoosstt Recognition of related hedging strategies from the accounting (cid:132) viewpoint IInntteerreesstt MMaarrggiinn HHeeddggee ((IIMMHH)).. (cid:133)(cid:133) The fair value approach does not apply to demand deposits (cid:132) 9 (( )) (( (( )))) Risks in interest rate margins IRM K , L = K L − g L ⋅ ΔT (cid:132) g T T T T T IInntteerreesstt rraattee rriisskk (cid:132) ( ) L − g L Direct interest rate risk on unit margins (cid:133) T T KK LL Indirect interest rate risk due to correlation between and (cid:133) T T Business risk (cid:132) Deposit amounts are not fully correlated to interest rates (cid:133) Hedging tools (cid:132) Interest rate swaps (FRA’s) (cid:133) L three months forward Libor at date t for quarter T (cid:133) t ddLL :: iinnccrreemmeennttaall ccaasshh-ffllooww aatt ttiimmee TT aassssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthh aa uunniitt FFRRAA (cid:133)(cid:133) t 10