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Modeling with Words. Learning, Fusion and Reasoning within a Formal Linguistic Representation Framework PDF

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Foreword Scientific progress is driven, in large measure, by questioning the validity of axioms,dogmasandtraditions.Oneofthemostdeep-seatedtraditionsinscience is that of according much more respect to numbers than to words. The essence of this tradition was articulated succinctly by Lord Kelvin in 1883: In physical science the first essential step in the direction of learning any subject is to find principles of numerical reckoning and practicable methods for measuring some quality connected with it. I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it,whenyoucannotexpressitinnumbers,yourknowledgeisofameager and unsatisfactory kind: it may be the beginning of knowledge but you havescarcelyinyourthoughts,advancedtothestateofscience,whatever the matter may be. Adherencetothetraditionofprimacyofnumbersoverwordshasledtobrilliant successes that are visible to all. But does it follow that the tradition should be accorded this status of immutable truth? No, certainly not. The reality is that alongside brilliant successes we see sobering failure. We have sent men to the Moon but we cannot build a robot that can play tennis. We canbuild computers thatcanexecute billions ofinstructions per secondbut cannotcreateprogramsthatcansummarizeanon-stereotypicalstory,muchless abook.We cannotautomatedrivingincitytrafficandwecannotconstructma- chinetranslationprogramsthatcanperformatthelevelofahumaninterpreter, and so on. Does this reality suggest that the tradition of primacy of numbers over words may be a part of the problem? In a sense, ‘Modelling with Words’ may be viewed as an affirmative answer to this question. Inretrospect,my1973paper,‘Outline ofaNewApproachtotheAnalysisof Complex Systems and Decision Processes,’may be seen as an initial step in the direction of enhancing the power of words through the use of words as objects of computation. A basic concept that was introduced in that paper is that of a linguistic variable, that is, a variable whose values are words or phrases drawn from a naturallanguage.The concept of a linguistic variable is closely linked to the concept of granulation and forms the basis for the concept of a linguistic if – then rule. Reflecting the depth of the tradition of the primacy of numbers over words, the initial reaction to the concept of a linguistic variable ranged from mixed to skeptical and hostile. Commenting on my first presentation of the concept of a linguistic variable in 1972, Professor Rudolf Kalman, a brilliant mind, had this to say: I would like to comment briefly on Professor Zadeh’s presentation. His proposals could be severely, ferociously, even brutally criticized from a VI Foreword technical point of view. This would be out of place here. But a blunt questionremains:IsProfessorZadehpresentingimportantideasoris he indulging in wishful thinking? No doubt Professor Zadeh’s enthusiasm for fuzziness has been reinforced by the prevailing climate in the U.S. – oneofunprecedentedpermissiveness.‘Fuzzification’isakindofscientific permissiveness;it tends to resultin socially appealing slogansunaccom- panied by the discipline of hard scientific work and patient observation. Today, almost all applications of fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory involve the concept of a linguistic variable. Underlying these applications are two principal rationales.Thefirst,andmostobvious,isrelatedtoproblemsinwhichthevalues of variables and their interrelations are not known with sufficient precision to justifytheuseofnumbers.However,itshouldbenotedthatitiscommonpractice to employ numbers, even when their use is not justified, for the simple reason thatnumberscarrymorerespectthanwords.Thesecondrationalerelatestothe useofwords–sincewordsareintrinsicallylessprecisethannumbers–toexploit the tolerance for imprecision to achieve tractability, robustness and, above all, low solution cost. It is this rationale that underlies the extensive use of fuzzy logic in consumer products and industrial systems. Seenagainstthis backdrop,‘Modelling with Words’maybe viewedas a pre- sentation of a persuasive ease for the development and adoption of the method- ology of linguistic modelling – a methodology that is an extension and gen- eralization of conventional, numerically-based approaches to modelling. In this perspective, the machinery of modelling with words is an important addition to the armamentarium of modelling methodologies. ‘Modelling with Words’is animpressive collectionofauthoritative contribu- tions that relate to a wide range of issues in modelling and systems analysis, extending from conceptual graphs and fuzzy quantifiers to humanist computing and self-organizing maps. There is much that is new in Modelling with Words, and numerous examples add significantly to the value of the information. A basic issue, which is addressed by some of the contributors, is the rela- tionship between fuzziness and randomness. This issue has been an object of discussion and debate since the early days of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic. The crux of the issue is the question:‘Is fuzziness distinct fromrandomness?’A historyofdiscussionsofthisissuemaybefoundinmy1995paperinTechnomet- rics entitled ‘Probability Theory and Fuzzy Logic Are Complementary Rather than Competitive.’ It was pointed out by Robbins in 1965, Loginov in 1966, Orlov in 1980, and many others since then that a fuzzy set may be generated by a random set. A physical analogy that is described in my 1995 paper is the following. A fuzzy shadow on the base of an enlarger may be generated by dodging, that is, by a pattern of randomly moving an opaque planar object under the lens of the enlarger. However, the same shadow can also be generated in a non- random way by placing under the lens a stack of partially translucent sheets shaped like the α-cuts of the fuzzy shadow. Thus, what can be said is that a fuzzy set may be generated from a family of crisp sets by various operations, Foreword VII some randomand some not.Furthermore,anything thatcanbe done with crisp random sets can be done with convex combinations of crisp non-random sets. The mathematical linkage between fuzzy sets and random sets may be used to obtain useful results, as was done in the books by Orlov and Goodman, and by the authors in ‘Modelling with Words.’ However, the mathematical linkage between fuzzy sets and random sets does not suggest that fuzzy set theory is a part of probability theory or vice-versa. It may be argued, as I have done in my 1995 paper, that the two theories are complementary, but my more recent andmore radicalview is thatprobability theoryshouldbe basedonfuzzy logic, rather than on the bivalent logic that it has been based on since its inception. AnotherissuethatIshouldliketocommentonisthe relationbetweenMod- elling with Words (MW) and Computing with Words (CW). Asitslabelsuggests,inComputingwithWordstheaccentisoncomputation rather than on modelling. Thus, in CW the objects of computation are words, phrases or propositions drawn from a natural language. A major focus of at- tention in CW is computation with perceptions, with the understanding that perceptionsaredescribedbypropositionsdrawnfromanaturallanguage.Akey component of CW is Precisiated Natural Language (PNL). TherelationshipbetweenModellingwithWordsandComputingwithWords is close and is likely to become evencloser with the passageof time. In the final analysis, both are aimed at enlarging the role of natural languages in scientific theories and, especially, in knowledge management, decision and control. ‘Modelling with Words’ is an important contribution to the conception, de- sign and utilization of intelligent systems. It is informative, authoritative and reader-friendly.The editors,J.Lawry,J.ShanahanandA. Ralescu,the contrib- utorsandthepublisher,Springer-Verlag,havedoneanexcellentjobanddeserve our thanks and congratulations. July 2003 Lotfi A. Zadeh Berkeley, CA VIII Foreword Preface The development of high-performance computers and the corresponding ad- vances in global communications have lead to an explosion in data collection, transmissionandstorage.Large-scalemultidimensionaldatabasesarebeinggen- erated to describe a wide variety of systems. These can range from engineering applications such as computer vision, to scientific data such as that from the genome project, to customer and price modelling in business and finance. In all of these cases the data is useless without methods of analysis by which we can discover the important underlying trends and relationships, integrate other backgroundinformation,and then carryout inference on the learntmodels. For a number of reasons we argue that in order to fulfill these requirements we should move towards a modelling paradigm that is as close to natural language as possible. Inrecentyearsthe areaof machine learning has focusedon the development of induction algorithms that is maximize predictive accuracy. However, since there has been little emphasis on knowledge representation the models derived are typically ‘black box’and therefore difficult to understandand interpret. For many applications a high level of predictive accuracy is all that is required. However,in a largenumber ofcases,including many criticalapplication,a clear understanding of the prediction mechanisms is vital if there is to be sufficient confidenceinthemodelforittobeusedasadecision-makingtool.Modeltrans- parency of this kind is best achievedwithin a natural-language-basedmodelling framework that allows for the representation of both uncertainty and fuzziness. Wemustbeaware,however,ofaninherenttrade-offbetweenmodelaccuracyand transparency. Simple models, while the most transparent, are often inadequate to capture the complex dependencies that exist in many practical modelling problems.Alternatively, more complex models are much more difficult to repre- sent in a clear and understandable manner. This trade-off is best managed by close collaboration with domain experts who can provide the modeller with an unbiased assessment of the transparency of their models while also establishing what level of accuracy is necessary for the current problem. Another important justification for learning models at a linguistic level is that it facilitates their fusion with backgroundknowledge obtained from domain experts. In any data modelling problem there is almost certain to be some expert knowledge available, derived from either an in-depth understanding of the un- derlying physical processes or from years of practical experience. In expert sys- tems the emphasis is placed almost entirely on this expert information, with data being used only to optimize the performance of the model. On the other hand,inmachinelearning,backgroundknowledgeislargelyignored,exceptper- haps in the limited roleofconstrainingpriordistributions inBayesianmethods. As part of modelling with words we propose that there should be a high-level fusion of expert- and data-derived knowledge. By integrating these two types X Preface of information it should be possible to improve on the performance of models thatarebasedsolelyononeorthe other.Furthermore,theeffectiveuseofback- ground knowledge can allow for the application of simpler learning algorithms, producing simpler, and hence more transparent, models. Given a model of a data problem it is highly desirable that practitioners be able to interrogate it in order to evaluate interesting hypotheses. Since these hypotheses are most likely to be in natural-language form, to achieve this a high-levelinferencemechanismonlinguistictermsisrequired.Suchaninference process is, in essence, what Zadeh calls ‘computing with words.’ The nature of any reasoning mechanism at this level will depend on the nature of the data models.Forexample,ifthemodelstaketheformofafuzzyrulebasethenmeth- ods similar to those proposed by Zadeh may be appropriate. Alternatively, if the model consists of conceptual graphs then graph matching and other similar methodsfromconceptualgraphtheorywillneedtobeused.However,nomatter what methodology is applied it must be formally well defined and based on a clearunderlyingsemantics.Inthisrespectmodellingwithwordsdiffersfromnat- urallanguagesincewerequireamuchmoreformalrepresentationandreasoning frameworkfortheformerthanforthelatter.Infactthishighlevelofformalrigor is necessary if we are to obtain models that are sufficiently transparent to sat- isfy practitioners of their validity in critical applications. Certainly, a modelling processcannotbe truly transparentif there aresignificantdoubts regardingthe meaning of the underlying concepts used or the soundness of the learning and reasoning mechanisms employed. This formal aspect of modelling with words is likely to mean that some of the flexibility and expressiveness of natural lan- guage will need to be sacrificed. The goal, however, is to maintain rigor within a representationframeworkthatcaptures manyofthe importantcharacteristics of natural language so as to allow relative ease of translation between the two domains. This is very similar to the idea behind Zadeh’s ‘precisiated natural language.’ Modelling with words can be defined in terms of the trilogy,learning, fusion andreasoningascarriedoutwithinaformallinguisticrepresentationframework. As such this new paradigm gives rise to a number of interesting and distinct challenges within each of these three areas. In learning, how can the dual goals ofgoodpredictiveaccuracyandahighleveloftransparencybereconciled?Also, how can we scale our linguistic algorithms to high-dimensional data problems? In fusion, what are the most effective methods for integrating linguistic expert knowledgewithdata-derivedknowledge,andhowdoesthisprocessconstrainthe representationofboth types ofknowledge?In reasoning,what soundand useful rules of inference can be identified and what type of queries can they evaluate? In general, how can we effectively integrate fuzzy and probabilistic uncertainty indatamodellingandwhattypeofknowledgerepresentationframeworkismost appropriate? This volume contains a collection of papers that begin to address someoftheseissuesindepth.PapersbyE.Hernandezetal.andA.Laurentetal. investigatethe useoffuzzy decisiontreesto derivelinguistic rulesfromdata.H. Ishibuchietal.andR.Alcalaetal.describehowgeneticalgorithmscanbe used Preface XI toimprovetheperformanceoffuzzymodels.Theareaoffuzzyconceptualgraphs is the topic of papers by T. Cao and P. Paulson et al. Linguistic modelling and reasoningframeworksbasedonrandomsetsarediscussedinpapersbyJ.Lawry and F. Diaz-Hermida et al., and Q. Shen introduces an algorithm according to which rough sets can be used to identify important attributes. The application of fuzzy sets to text classification is investigated by Y. Chen, and J. Rossiter discussesthe paradigmofhumanistcomputing andits relationshiptomodelling with words. June 2003 Jonathan Lawry Jimi Shanahan Anca Ralescu XII Preface Author Index Alcala´, Rafael ...................44 Ishibuchi, Hisao ...............209 Barro, Sen´en .....................1 Laurent, Anne .................102 Bouchon-Meunier, Bernadette .102 Lawry, Jonathan ...............186 Bugar´ın,Alberto .................1 Marsala,Christophe ...........102 Cao, Tru H. .....................80 Paulson, Patrick ...............168 Carin˜ena, Purificacio´n ............1 Recasens, Jordi .................26 Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe .........153 Rossiter, Jonathan .............124 Cordo´n, Oscar ..................44 Shen, Qiang ....................64 D´ıaz-Hermida, Felix ..............1 Tzanavari,Aimilia .............168 Herna´ndez, Enric ...............26 Herrera, Francisco ..............44 Yamamoto, Takashi ............209

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