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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed31January2011 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Modeling the angular correlation function and its full covariance in Photometric Galaxy Surveys 1 Mart´ın Crocce1, Anna Cabr´e2 & Enrique Gaztan˜aga1 1 0 2 1 Institut de Ci`enciesde l’Espai, IEEC-CSIC, Campus UAB, Facultat de Ci`encies, Torre C5 par-2, Barcelona 08193, Spain 2 Centerfor Particle Cosmology, Universityof Pennsylvania, 209, South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, USA n a J 8 31January2011 2 ] ABSTRACT O C Nearfuturecosmologywillseetheadventofwideareaphotometricgalaxysurveys, . likethe DarkEnergySurvey(DES), thatextenttohighredshifts(z ∼1−2)butwith h poor radial distance resolution. In such cases splitting the data into redshift bins and -p using the angular correlation function w(θ), or the Cℓ power spectrum, will become o the standard approach to extract cosmological information or to study the nature r of dark energy through the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) probe. In this work st we present a detailed model for w(θ) at large scales as a function of redshift and a bin width, including all relevant effects, namely nonlinear gravitational clustering, [ bias,redshiftspace distortionsandphoto-z uncertainties.We alsopresenta modelfor 2 the full covariance matrix characterizing the angular correlation measurements, that v takes into accountthe same effects as for w(θ) and also the possibility of a shot-noise 0 componentandpartialskycoverage.ProvidedwithalargevolumeN-bodysimulation 4 from the MICE collaboration we built severalensembles of mock redshift bins with a 6 skycoverageanddepthtypicalofforthcomingphotometricsurveys.Themodelforthe 4 angular correlationand the one for the covariance matrix agree remarkably well with . 4 the mock measurements in all configurations. The prospects for a full shape analysis 0 of w(θ) at BAO scales in forthcoming photometric surveyssuch as DES are thus very 0 encouraging. 1 : 1 INTRODUCTION pling of baryon and photons prior to recombination known v astheBaryon AcousticOscillations (BAO).TheBAOhave i X The statistical analysis of the distribution of structure at alreadybeendetectedinthespectroscopicsamplesofLumi- largeastronomical scaleshasplayedakeyroleinadvancing nousRedGalaxies(LRGs)inbothSDSSand2dFGRS(Cole r a the field of Cosmology over the last 20 years. From shap- etal. 2005;Eisensteinetal. 2005),andstudiedintheearly ing our understanding of complex processes driving galaxy imagining data of SDSS(Padmanabhan et al. 2007). formation and evolution to constraining the energy density Buttheobservationalquesthasonlystarted.Severalof content of the Universe. the next-generation surveys will gain in area and depth, in The completion of large extra-galactic surveys such at exchange for a poorer determination of radial positions. In the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, York et al. 2000) turnthisimposestheneedforangularclusteringanalysisin and the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS, Colless redshiftbinsofwidthfewtimeslargerthatofthephotomet- et al. 2003) have bolstered our general knowledge in the ricerroruncertaintyatthegivenredshifts.Thedifficultylies field. Particularly more so when combined with the precise in that the projection in redshift bins lowers the clustering measurements of theCosmic Microwave Background or the amplitude,erasinganyparticularfeatureandincreasingthe increasingly reach data from Supernova data (S´anchez et noise-to-signal ratio. The achievable precision of our pho- al. 2009; Percival et al. 2010; Reid et al. 2010; Komatsu tometrically estimated redshift will play a crucial role. We et al. 2010) . One of the most promising, and eventually thusneedtounderstandwhataffectstheangularclustering rewarding,challengesforthefieldoflargescalestructureto- pattern more severely. dayistheprospectfordeterminingwhatdrivesthelatetime The aim of our work is to tackle this problem, pro- acceleration of the Universe (Riess et al. 1998; Perlmutter viding a well calibrated model for the clustering signal at et al. 1999). This isprobed bythepresence, in thecluster- large-scales as a function of angle, radial distance and bin ing pattern of galaxies, of remanent features from the cou- width,deepeningtheavailableliteratureinthesubject(e.g. (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 Crocce et al. Padmanabhanetal. 2007,Blakeetal. 2007andreferences whereθ istheanglebetweendirectionsnˆ andnˆ+θˆ,related therein). We put particular effort in stressing the most rel- to thepair-separation through evanteffects,redshift distortions andphoto-zuncertainties, r (θ)= r(z )2+r(z )2 2r(z )r(z )cos(θ) 1/2 (3) and how they interplay. 12 1 2 − 1 2 (cid:8) (cid:9) Anequallyimportantproblemistohavethecapability and r(z) is the co-moving distance toredshift z given by of estimating the full errors of the measurements. We thus z c provideawelltesteddescriptionofthecomplexerrormatrix r(z)= du, (4) Z H(u) characterizingthemeasurementsofthecorrelation function 0 in real situations, i.e. including effects of partial sky cover- where H(z)/H0 = Ωm(1+z)3+ΩDE(1+z)3(1+w) is the age, photo-z,redshift distortions, bias and shot-noise. Hubble parameter,pΩm and ΩDE = 1 Ωm are the matter − Both, themodelforthecorrelation andtheonefor the and dark energy densities respectively, and w is the dark error matrix, will be extensively tested against a very rich energy equation of state 6. Since we are interested in red- set of mocks redshift bins. This work should therefore be shift binsandnot in extendedselections wecan neglect the relevant for ongoing projects that use photometric redshift growthevolutionwithinthebinandsimplyevaluatethe3-d estimates liketheDarkEnergy Survey1 (DES),thePhysics correlation in some fiducial redshift z¯ (e.g. the mean red- of the Accelerating Universe collaboration2 (PAU) and the shift of the bin,weighted by φ).In addition we will assume the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response Sys- a local and linear bias relation between fluctuations in the tem3 (PanStarrs).Butalsoforupcomingimagingproposals tracer (e.g. galaxies) and matter density field, δg = b(z)δ such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope4 (LSST) and (see Sec. 5.2 for a justification). Under these assumptions theESA/Euclid5 survey. Eq.(2) is converted to This paperis organized as follows. In Sec.2 and Sec. 3 w(θ)= dz f(z ) dz f(z )ξ(r(z ),r(z ),θ,z¯) (5) wediscussthemodelsproposedinthisworkfortheangular Z 1 1 Z 2 2 1 2 correlation function and its full error matrix respectively. where f(z) b(z)φ(z) and ξ is the matter 3-d correlation In Sec. 4 we describe the set of ensembles of mock redshift ≡ function. bins implemented using a large volume N-body simulation. Hence,inordertopredictw(θ)weneedamodelforthe In Sec. 5 and 6 we test the models against the mocks, un- spatial clustering accurate in a sufficiently large range of der different regimes and assumptions. Section 7 contains scales to allow theprojection in Eq. (5),in particular when ourconclusionsandfuturelinesofresearch.Wealsoinclude photo-zerrorsbroadenstheextentoftheradialdistribution several appendixes. In AppendixA we give a description of (see (S´anchez et al. 2010) for a empirical parametric fit ourmodelforthe3-dnonlinearmattercorrelationfunction. suited for BAO scales). In Appendix B we study the limitations of the widely used Inwhatfollowswediscusshowtoincludephoto-zeffects Limber approximation. Finally, Appendix C gives a brief andthemodelforspatialclusteringinrealandredshiftspace note on the covariance of the angular power spectrum in- that we will use throughout this paper. duced bypartial sky coverage. 2.1 Photo-z Weincorporatethewayuncertaintiesinthetrueredshiftpo- 2 AN ANALYTIC MODEL FOR THE sitions obtained from photometric estimates affect angular ANGULAR CORRELATION FUNCTION clustering by means of the radial selection function, follow- Let us start by considering the projection of the spatial ing Budavariet al. 2003 (see also Ma et al. 2006). galaxy fluctuations δ (x,z) along a given direction in the The radial selection φ is the probability to include a g sky nˆ galaxyinourredshiftbin.Iftheselection ofobjects isdone accordingtotheirtrueredshifts, thenφisequaltothetrue δ(nˆ)= dzφ(z)δ (nˆ,z), (1) numberofgalaxiesperunitredshifttimesawindowfunction g Z W encoding selection characteristics (e.g. redshift cuts), where φ is the radial selection function. The angular corre- dN φ(z)= g W(z). (6) lationfunctionisthenobtainedasasimpleprojectionofthe dz 3-d correlation function ξ (Peebles 1973), Instead, if the selection is done according to photomet- w(θ) δ (nˆ)δ (nˆ+θˆ) = ric redshift estimates, one must incorporate the probability g g ≡ h i P(zz ) for the true redshift to be z when the photomet- p | = dz1φ(z1) dz2φ(z2)ξgg(r(z1),r(z2),θ) (2) ric one is zp. The ending result is theproduct (Budavari et Z Z al. 2003), dN φ(z)= g dz P(zz )W(z ), (7) dz Z p | p p 1 www.darkenergysurvey.org 2 www.pausurvey.org 3 pan-stars.ifa.hawaii.edu 6 Theseexpressions explicitlyassume aflat cosmology and con- 4 www.lsst.org stantw,formoregeneralcasessee(Matsubara 2004)andrefer- 5 www.euclid-imaging.net encestherein (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Modelingthe angularcorrelationfunction and its full covariancein Photometric GalaxySurveys 3 where W(z ) is the photometric redshift window function. thegrowth factor squared D2(z).The second term arises p ∼ Throughout this paper we will only consider top-hat win- from leading order mode-mode coupling and thus scales as dow functions both in true and photometric redshifts (i.e. D4(z). In turn the damping of BAO is proportional to ∼ W = 1 within a given redshift range, and 0 otherwise). In theamplitudeoflarge-scale velocityflows,Eq.(A1),andso addition we will only consider the idealized case where the s D(z).Puttingtheseconsiderations togetherwescale bao ∼ photometric estimate is Gaussianly distributed around the ourparametric model with redshift as, true redshift (e.g. Ma et al. 2006). Although this might befar from reality,it servesas an interesting starting point ξ(r,z) = D2(z)[ξ (r) e−(r/D(z)sbao)2](r) formorerealisticscenarios(Hearinetal. 2010;Bernstein& Lin,0 ⊗ Huterer 2010).Lastly,werecallthatφshouldbenormalized + AmcD4(z)ξL(1in),0(r)ξL′in,0(r) (10) to unitywithin the redshift range of interest. where sub-script 0 means (linear) quantities evaluated at z = 0. The values for s and A can be taken from a bao mc 2.2 Spatial clustering and redshift evolution best-fit analysis to ξ(r) at any given redshift (or to w(θ) We now turn into the discussion of the 3-d matter corre- in any given redshift bin, after the projection in Eq. (5)). lation model accounting for nonlinear gravitational effects, In our case will be those from the best-fit at z = 0.3, redshiftspacedistortions,andthewayweevolveitwithred- sbao = 6.37h−1Mpc and Amc = 1.55. This is detailed in shift.WepostponetoAppendixAthetestingofthismodel AppendixA,wherewepresentadetailedcomparisonofour against measurements of 3-d matter clustering in N-body model against numerical simulations, with particular em- simulations. phasis on thescaling introduced in Eq. (10). Thelinearevolution oftheclusteringpatternpreserves Lastly, we move to the inclusion of redshift space dis- its shape but increases the overall amplitude. The main ef- tortions. The true distance to a galaxy differs from the one fectsduetononlineargravitationalclusteringatlargescales derivedfromitsredshiftthroughtheHubblelawbecauseof areasmoothingoftheBAOwigglesandariseinclustering theradialpeculiarvelocityofthegalaxyontopoftheHub- amplitudeabovelinearvaluestowardssmaller scales dueto bleflow(Kaiser 1987).Atlargescales,thecoherentinfallof mode-couplingeffects(Seo&Eisenstein 2005;Eisensteinet galaxiesintolargeoverdensities,suchasclusters,maketheir al. 2007; Crocce and Scoccimarro 2008). Although these observed radial separation smaller, squashing the structure processes can be modeled from first principles (Crocce and along theline-of-sight and boosting theamplitudeof the3- Scoccimarro 2006a; Matarrese & Pietroni 2008; Matsub- d two point correlation. In this way for separations along ara 2008; Taruya et al. 2009), it is also possible and de- theline ofsight π < 40h−1Mpcthecorrelation (ornumber sirable to find simpler parametric approximations. In the ofpairs) increases∼dramatically, whilefor larger separations correlation function these two effects can be parameterized thecorrelation becomes negativein suchaway that theto- as (Crocce and Scoccimarro 2008), talnumberofpairsalong thel.o.sispreserved(e.g.Fig.A1 in Gaztan˜aga et al. 2009). This implies that, by dividing ξ(r)=[ξLin(r)⊗e−(r/sbao)2](r)+AmcξL(1in)(r)ξL′in(r) (8) the data in redshift bins, one is discarding the leverage of large radial separations effectively increasing the (angular) wheres andA arefittingparameters,ξ isthelinear bao mc Lin correlationwithinthebin(seeNocketal. 2010forarecent correlation function at thegiven redshift,ξ′ itsderivative Lin and detailed discussion of this effect). and Thelinear redshift distortions discussed above,namely ξ(1) 4π P (k,z)j (kr)kdk. (9) the Kaiser effect, can be easily described assuming the Lin≡ Z Lin 1 plane-parallel approximation. We will incorporate it into our modeling of the angular correlation function by writ- InEq.(8),thesymbol denotesaconvolution.Thismodel have been already used⊗in the analysis of matter, halo and ing ξ(r1,r2)=ξ(σ,π) in Eq. (2), with (Hamilton 1992), galaxyclustering(S´anchezetal. 2008;S´anchezetal. 2009). However the standard approach for analyzing cluster- ingdatainaphotometricredshiftsurveycoveringfrom low ξ(σ,π)=ξ0(s)P0(µ)+ξ2(s)P2(µ)+ξ4(s)P4(µ), (11) (z 0.2)tohighredshift(z 1.4)istodividethedatainto ∼ ∼ several redshift bins (whose minimum width are ultimately determined by the photo-z accuracy, e.g. Padmanabhan et whereπ=r r andσ2=2r r (1 cosθ)(toyields=r ) 2 1 1 2 12 − − al. 2007). If one then performs a joint analysis of all these are the pair-separation along and transverse to the line-of- binsit isdesirable tohavetheleast numberofnuisancepa- sight, µ = π/s and P are the Legendre polynomials. The ℓ rameterspossibleinordertooptimizeconstraintsonderived double integrals in Eq. (2) are still performed in the r , r , 1 2 cosmological parameters.Fromthispointofviewitisinter- variablesleaving theevaluation of theradial selection func- esting to investigate to what extent a single set of best-fit tions unchanged.The monopoles of theanisotropic correla- parameters can be used to describe the 3-d clustering from tion ξ (s) are given in Appendix B2 (Eqs. B10,B11,B12) in i low to high redshift, and hence the angular clustering after termsofthe3-dmonopolecorrelationξ(s),thatwewilltake theprojection in Eq. (5). astheoneincludingnonlineargravitational effectsgivenby Weimplementthisasfollows.ThefirstterminEq.(8)is Eq.(10).In AppendixB2 we discuss thiseffect in more de- proportionaltothelinearcorrelation,thereforeitscaleswith tail, also in thecontext of theLimber approximation. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 Crocce et al. 3 ANALYTICAL MODELING OF THE to those in C as, ℓ COVARIANCE MATRIX OF W(θ) 2l+1 2 Anequallyimportantaspecttotheunderstandingofthesig- Covθθ′ = (cid:18) 4π (cid:19) Pℓ(cosθ)Pℓ′(cosθ′)Covℓℓ′ (15) nalin clustering analysis of galaxy surveysisthecapability ℓ,Xℓ′≥0 to estimate the corresponding errors in the measurements. where This is of particular importance for analysis that use cor- relation functions in Configuration space because the mea- Covθθ′ ≡hw˜(θ)w˜(θ′)i, Covℓℓ′ ≡hC˜ℓC˜ℓ′i, (16) surements are highly correlated. andw˜(θ)andC˜ denotetheestimatorsusedforw(θ)andC ℓ ℓ Notablythereisscarceworkintheliteratureaimingat respectively. In a full sky situation, and assuming the a ℓm developing analytical estimates of the covariance matrix of spectra are Gaussianly distributed, the C˜ measurements ℓ angularcorrelationfunctionsbesidestheearlyworkofBern- areuncorrelated,Covℓℓ′ =Var(Cℓ)δℓℓ′.Inaddition,onecan stein 1994, who developed an error estimate for theLandy estimate each ℓ power using the2ℓ+1 available modes, & Szalay estimator in terms of higher order correlations. Most “data analysis” papers have relied on sub- 1 ℓ C˜ a2 (17) sampling techniques of the data itself , such as jack-knife, ℓ ≡ 2ℓ+1 ℓm bootstrapandfield-to-fieldvariations(e.g.Rossetal. 2007; mX=−ℓ Meneux et al. 2009; Sawangwit et at. 2009). However as thus, Var(C ) = 2C2/(2ℓ + 1). Replacing these relations ℓ ℓ noted in the comprehensive work of Norberg et al. 2009 backintoEq.(15)leadstothefinalexpressionforCovθθ′ in all theseapproaches havefailings, at least in 3-dclustering, a full sky survey. dependingonthewaytheyareimplementedandtheregime Howeveramorerealisticandinterestingscenarioisone of scales of interest. On the other hand, projection along inwhich theskycoverage ispartial.InCabr´eetal. 2007 it the line-of-sight alleviates this tension leading to a good was shown, using Gaussian realizations of the a spectra, ℓm agreementwiththeoreticalestimates, asshownbyCabr´eet thaterrorsinconfigurationsspacescaleas1/ f (which, sky al. 2007inthecontextofcross-correlations betweengalaxy in turn, is the scaling of the available numbepr of harmonic and CMB maps. modes). In what follows we will assume this scaling, and In what follows we try to revert the lack of analytical compute the covariance matrix as (Dodelson 2003; Cabr´e workprovidedthatweareinterestedonlargeangularscales, et al. 2007) where nonlinear (i.e. non-Gaussian) effects are weaker and 2 2ℓ+1 tthraattewinekdnisocwushsoinwgthoomwotdoelmthodeesligenxapleicttseedlf.eWrreortshuinscaonngcuelnar- Covθθ′ = fsky Xℓ≥0 (4π)2Pℓ(cosθ)Pℓ(cosθ′)(Cℓ+1/n¯)2 clustering, including the effects of sampling variance, shot- (18) noise,partialskycoverage,photo-zandredshiftdistortions. where we have also included the standard shot-noise con- We put particular emphasis on the description of the full tribution arising in the variance of the C estimates (Pee- ℓ error matrix, and not only the diagonal components, and bles 1973) (n¯ is the number of objects per steradian). We leaveforfurtherworktheassessment ofpossible systematic remark that the assumption leading to Eq. (18) is not that effects. the C covariance remains diagonal in a partial sky survey ℓ Let us start by decomposing the fluctuations in the butinsteadthatCov(θ,θ′)canbeobtainedfromitsfullsky number of objects “per pixel” in the sky into spherical co- expression by the scaling 1/f . We discuss this further in sky ordinates (Peebles 1973), AppendixC. To proceed further wethusneed amodel for theangu- ℓ lar spectra. In real space the C spectra are given by (see δ(nˆ)= a Y (nˆ), (12) ℓ ℓm ℓm AppendixA) Xℓ≥0mX=−ℓ 1 wcahlehrearnˆmoisnitchs.eTlihnee-coof-esffiigchitendtisreicntitohnisaenxdpaYnℓmsiontheforsmphetrhie- Cℓ,Exact = 2π2 Z 4πk2dkP(k)Ψ2ℓ(k) (19) angular power spectrum, where P(k) is the real space matter power spectrum and, haℓmaℓ′m′i≡δℓℓ′δmm′Cℓ (13) Ψℓ(k)= dzφ(z)D(z)jℓ(kr(z)). (20) Z thatcanberelatedtotheangularcorrelationfunctionusing theAddition theorem 7 yielding, Throughout this paper we will use the linear theory power spectrum in Eq. (19). We have tested that the inclusion of 2ℓ+1 w(θ)= P (cosθ)C (14) small scale nonlinear effects (or the damping of the baryon Xℓ≥0(cid:18) 4π (cid:19) ℓ ℓ acoustic features) havenoimpact in ourpredictions for the errors at the(large) angular scales we are interested in. where Pℓ are the Legendre polynomials of degree ℓ. The Redshift space distortions are accounted for by follow- covarianceinthemeasurementsofw(θ)canthenberelated ing the same procedure that leads to the C expression in ℓ Eq. (19) but starting from a power spectrum that includes theKaisereffectdiscussedinSec.2.2andEq.B8.Thefinal 7 Pℓ(nˆ·nˆ′)= 2ℓ4+π1Pℓm=−ℓ=Yℓm(nˆ)Yℓ⋆m(nˆ) result is simply the following additive contribution to the (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Modelingthe angularcorrelationfunction and its full covariancein Photometric GalaxySurveys 5 kernelin Eq. (20) (Padmanabhan et al. 2007), spacingalongtwocartesianaxisequaltor¯+∆r/2,whilethe third to √2r¯∆r. Thus we defined N as the integer part of (2ℓ2+2ℓ 1) z Ψrℓ(k)=βZ dzφ(z)D(z)(cid:20)(2ℓ+3)(2ℓ−−1)jℓ(kr) Ltoboixts/√ne2ar¯r∆es,twihnitleegNerx9a.nNdotNicyeatshathterorouunnddin-ogff-offofirn¯s+te∆adr/o2f ℓ(ℓ 1) (ℓ+1)(ℓ+2) takingtheintegerpartcouldleadtoasligthvolumeoverlap −(2ℓ 1)−(2ℓ+1)jℓ−2(kr)− (2ℓ+1)(2ℓ+3)jℓ+2(kr)(cid:21) (21) inthosedirections.Howeverwehaveexplicitlycheckedthat − volumeoverlap neverexceeds 1% in any of themocks. wherer=r(z).Inturn,photo-zeffectsareincludedthrough Note that the very large size of MICE7680 is a critical theradial selection function φ(z),as discussed in Sec. 2.1. pointinordertohavearobuststatisticsinthewholeredshift Notice however that the expressions in Eqs. (19,20,21) range of the assumed survey. arenumerically expensivetoevaluateduetotheoscillatory Inordertohaveaclearerunderstandingofthedifferent behavior of j (x) for x 1. In Appendix B1 we discuss ℓ ≫ components of the model we built ensembles of mocks in our own approach to perform these integrals, valid at large increasing “layers of reality”. We first selected dark-matter scales and involving thenatural cut-off s in Eq. (8). bao particles directly from real space assuming a radial distri- bution as expected in DES. We also tested, and dismissed, effectsduetobiasedtracersbyrepeatingthisexercisestart- 4 N-BODY SIMULATION AND MOCK ingfromhalocatalogues.Nextwemovedparticlestoredshift SURVEY CATALOGUES space before doing the selection. Alternatively, we imposed As discussed previously, we aim at developing and test- a random radial uncertainty in the position of each parti- ing analytical expressions for the signal, variance and co- cle before selection to mimic photometric error. Finally we variance of the angular correlation function w(θ) against imposed the radial distribution in addition to redshift dis- measurements in simulated upcoming photometric surveys. tortions and photometric error to build mocks which are Hence, in order to have a robust statistics but at the closest to a real survey. same time be representative of such future surveyswe used Oncetheparticles were selected webuilt angular num- partitions of a very large N-body simulation, provided by ber density maps in the Healpix format with Nside = 256 the MICE collaboration8, to build survey mocks. The sim- (G´orski et al. 1999)10. This Nside corresponds to 98304 ulation, named MICE7680, tracked the gravitational evo- pixels in 1/8 of sky with an angular resolution of 13.75 lution of 20483 dark-matter particles within an unprece- arc-min. In this way, and given our mass resolution mp = dented comoving volume of Lbox = 7680h−1Mpc using 3.65×1012h−1M⊙, we obtained mocks with ∼ 0.1−0.5 the Gadget-2 code (Springel 2005). Initial conditions were galaxies per squared arc-min (depending on the bin-width) set at z = 150 using the Zeldovich dynamics and assum- in the low redshift bins (z = 0.3) and 1 4 galaxies per i ∼ − ing a flat LCDM cosmology with parameters Ω = 0.25, squared arc-min at high redshift (z = 1.1). Once the den- m Ω = 0.75, Ω = 0.044 and h = 0.7. The spectral tilt was sityfieldwaspixelizedwemeasuredthecorrelationfunction Λ b setton =0.95andtheinitialamplitudeoffluctuationsset using the standard estimator (Barriga & Gaztan˜aga 2002; s to yield σ =0.8 at z =0. The resulting particle mass was Eriksen et al. 2002) 8 3.65×1012h−1M⊙ (see Fosalba et al. 2008 and Crocce et 1 al. 2010 for furtherdetails). wˆ(θ)= N δiδj, (22) Without loss of generality we next assumed a survey pairs Xij covering a continuous 5000deg2 of sky (i.e. a sky fraction where δ =(n n )/ n is the density fluctuations in the i i f = 1/8), and redshift coverage in the range 0.2 < z < −h i h i sky i-th pixeland N is the numberof pixelpairs. pair 1.4.Inbroadterms,thismatchesthespecificationsforDES. In what follows we give a more detailed discussion of In turn, the fact that redshifts are estimated photo- the different cases considered, while Table 1 contains a de- metrically implies that much of the “small-scales” radial scriptivesummaryofthefinalsuiteofmockensemblesused information is lost. In such scenario the best approach is throughout this paper. to study angular clustering in redshift bins of width larger or comparable to the mean photo-z error (e.g. Simpson et al. 2009).Wethusbuiltphoto-zsurveymocksbyextracting 4.1 Real Space Mocks spherical shells of varying width from “comoving” outputs of MICE7680. Each shell is restricted to span only one oc- Let us start by describing our mocks in real (or configu- tant in angular size and its radius r¯(z) is set to match the ration) space. To fairly sample the range 0.2 < z < 1.4 comoving distance to theredshift of theoutput. we select comoving outputs of MICE7680 at the redshifts Toplacethesphericalshellswithinthesimulationbox- z¯ = 0.3, 0.5, 0.73 and 1.1. In each output we extract all sizewedefinedobserversin aregulargrid and setthenum- the particles within spherical shells of radius equal to the berofgrid-pointsineachdirectionN inordertohavenone i or minimal volume overlap between different mocks (while placing the shells in the positive octant of the observer). 9 Exceptwhenweincluderedshiftdistortionsand/orphotomet- Strictlynon-overlapingmockscanbeachievedbysettingthe ric error where take Nx = Ny = Nz and round off Lbox/r(z⋆) instead, withz⋆ the redshiftat which the true redshiftdistribu- tioninEq.(7)isnegligible(seeFig.2) 8 http://www.ice.cat/mice 10 http://healpix.jpl.nasa.gov (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 6 Crocce et al. comoving distance to thegiven redshift. In turn, to be rep- Real Space Mocks resentative of typical photo-z errors we set 4 different bin widthforeachz¯,namely∆z/(1+z)= 0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15. z¯ ∆z r¯ ∆r n¯ Mocks The comparison of these 16 mock configurations with the (1+z) approximate σ (z) expected for DES (Banerji et al. 2008) z 0.3 0.03 845.7 102.65 0.11 1344 is shown in Fig. 1. 0.3 0.10 843.3 342.14 0.33 441 Translated to comoving distance these bins range from 0.3 0.15 839.8 513.20 0.47 392 100 to 500h−1Mpc in width. These spherical shells are re- stricted tohaveright ascension anddeclination in 0◦ 90◦, 0.5 0.05 1345.8 178.23 0.48 324 therefore covering 1/8 of sky. Lastly, by randomly s−elect- 0.5 0.10 1343.2 356.50 0.88 175 ingparticles within each binwe imposethefollowing radial 0.5 0.15 1338.7 534.83 1.21 150 distribution 0.73 0.05 1859.7 181.50 0.92 104 0.73 0.10 1856.5 363.10 1.68 96 dN/dz (z/0.5)2exp (z/0.5)1.5 , (23) ∝ − 0.73 0.15 1851.1 544.88 2.30 80 (cid:2) (cid:3) which is also what is expected in DES (we thank DES LSS 1.1 0.10 2558.2 360.07 2.60 36 working group for providing this). 1.1 0.15 2551.9 540.56 3.90 36 The resulting number of mocks depends on z¯ and ∆z/(1+z), but it ranges from tens to thousands, making Real Space Halo Mocks thesesetof ensemblesverysuitableforerrorstudiesaswell asfor testingmodels andsystematics. Thetop panelofTa- z¯ (1∆+zz) Mhalo bias n¯ Mocks ble 1 includes the main characteristics for 11 of these bins, whicharetheonesthat forconcretenesswefocuson inthis 0.3 0.15 1013 2.35 4.010−4 392 paper, although our conclusions extend to thefull set. 0.5 0.10 2×1013 2.95 3.210−4 175 0.5 0.10 1014 4.40 2.910−4 175 Redshift Space Mocks 4.2 Real Space Mocks for biased tracers z¯ ∆z f ≡ ∂lnD Mocks (1+z) ∂lna Inordertostudydifferentialfeaturesintheangularcluster- ingofbiasedtracersascomparedtothatofdark-matterwe 0.5 0.05 0.705 125 also built mocks starting from halo catalogues. 0.5 0.15 0.705 125 We concentrated in two characteristic redshifts and built mocks in exactly the same manner as described in Photo-z Space Mocks Sec. 4.1. We note however that from the numerical point ofviewitisveryhardtoresolvehalosof1012−13h−1M⊙ in z¯ (1∆+zz) σz Mocks avolumeaslarge astheoneweareconsideringhere, 450 ∼ cubic Gpc/h. Thus, to be able to reproduce the mass-scale 0.5 0.05 0.06 125 ofLRGhaloswechoosepoorlyresolvedhalos(orgroups)as 0.5 0.15 0.06 125 tracers. Note that, although poorly resolved, these groups have the same clustering amplitude and abundance of real Photo-z + Redshift Space Mocks LRGgalaxies (Cabr´e and Gaztan˜aga 2009). At z = 0.3 we consider groups of M > 1013h−1M⊙ z¯ (1∆+zz) f σz Mocks (i.e. 5 or more particles) and bin width ∆z/(1 + z) = 0.15. The spatial abundance of these tracers is n¯ = 1.7 0.5 0.05 0.705 0.06 125 10−4h3Mpc−3. × 0.5 0.15 0.705 0.06 125 Atz =0.5weconsiderhaloswithM >2 1013h−1M⊙ (8 or more particles) with n¯ = 0.49 1×0−4h3Mpc−3. × With these selections we try to mimic LRG halos of M 1013h−1M⊙.Atz=0.5 wealso considerclustermass-sca≥le sThaifbtlesh1el.lSsuuibteteonfdiMngoc1k/c8atoaflosgkuyesa.tEaacrhadmiaolcckomcoonvsiinstgodfisatarnecde- halos of M > 1014h−1M⊙ (35 particles or more), their and width as listed in the top panel. All mocks corresponds to abundancegiven by n¯ =0.64 10−5h3Mpc−3. dark-matterparticles(exceptrealspacehalomocks)witharadial × These mocks are summarized in the second panel of distributiongiveninEq.(23).Themeandistancer¯andwidth∆r Table 1. Wedonot consider binsat higherredshifts, as the arein h−1Mpc.Thesurfacedensityn¯inparticlespersquarearc- galaxy bias is expected to be closer to linear and local. In min(and for agiven binis similarforreal, redshiftand photo-z addition,sincethelinearlocalbiasmodelholdsvalidtothe space).Halo-massesarein h−1M⊙ andDisthe“linear”growth extent we are able to investigate, see Sec. 5.2, we will next factor.Thephoto-zerrorσz equals 140h−1Mpcforour cosmol- ogy. The bias reported was obtained from the ratio of angular concentrateontheeffectsofphoto-zandredshiftdistortions correlationfunctions(seeSec.5.2,alsoforassociatederrorbars). on thematter field itself. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Modelingthe angularcorrelationfunction and its full covariancein Photometric GalaxySurveys 7 4.3 Redshift Space Mocks To understand the importance of redshift distortions, and theaccuracy of themodeling, we built mockswhere we im- posetheradialdistributioninEq.(23)butdisplacethepar- ticles to redshift space prior to thetop-hat selection. Weconcentrated inthecomovingoutputof MICE7680 at z = 0.5 since this redshift is the typical mean z for up- coming photometric surveyssuch as DES or PanStarrs. We thenidentifiedredshiftbinsofwidth∆/(1+z)=0.05(thin) and∆/(1+z)=0.15(thick).Ineachredshiftshellthemap- pingfromrealrtoRedshiftSpacepositionssisgivenbythe transformation s=r+v (1+z)/H(z)ˆr (24) r whereH istheHubbleparameterandv thepeculiarveloc- r ity of the object along the line of sight from the observer. Thereforegiventheobserveratpositionr (thecenterofthe 0 sphericallredshiftshell)wefirstfindtheparticle’sprojected velocity along the l.o.s. to the observer, Figure 1. Mocks configurations We built several ensembles of mock redshift bins covering 1/8 of sky (5000 sq deg) and with v (r r ) vr = ·r −r 0 , (25) mean redshifts z¯ = 0.3,0.5,0.73,1.1 (shown by the inset ver- | − 0| tical arrows). For each z¯ we set four different redshift width then displace it by δr=v (1+z)/H(z) along thel.o.s., ∆z/(1+z)= 0.03,0.05,0.1,0.15(dashedlines,bottomtotopre- r spectively).Amoredetaileddescriptionoftheensembleofmocks δr=δr(r−r0) (26) for each configuration is given in Table I. The aim is to resem- r r blewithhighstatisticalaccuracythegeometryoflargeareaand 0 | − | deep photometry galaxy surveys, such as the Dark Energy Sur- and finally do the top-hat selection. It total, we built 125 vey(DES).Theexpectedphoto-zerrorinDES(usinggrizbands) mockssubtendingoneoctantofangularsizeforeachofthese is shown by the long dashed line, while the solid line shows the two bin widths (see Table 1). resulting photo-z after adding the JHKs filters from the Vista HemisphereSurvey(fromBanerjietal.2008). 4.4 Photo-z Space Mocks Setsofmocksincluding(Gaussian) Photo-zerrorswerealso previousmocks.Dashedlineshowsinsteadthetruedistribu- produced in almost the same manner, except that the dis- tionofobjects(i.e.asafunctionoftheirtrueredshifts)that placement along thel.o.s was random with a probability in our photo-z mocks entered the (top-hat) photo-z bins of ∆z/(1+z)=0.15 (left panel)and∆z/(1+z)=0.05(right 1 δr2 panel). f(δr)= exp (27) √2πσr (cid:20)−2σr2(cid:21) These radial selection functions were obtained from Eq. (7) using the underlying distribution from Eq. (23) where σ = σ c/H(z), and σ is the survey photometric r z z (shown by the solid line) and a Gaussian P(zz ) of width uncertainty at the given z. We only considered σz = 0.06, | p σ = 0.06, Eq. (27), and have been normalized to unity which is the nominal value for DES at z = 0.5 using the z when integrated over redshift. Their importance lies in the grizphotometricbands(Banerji etal. 2008) as reproduced factthatthisisalloneneedsinordertocomputethemodel ourinFig.1.Thisisalsotheexpectedphoto-zaccuracyfor correlation function, as discussed in Sec. 2. In addition, no- the3πall-skysurveyofthePan-Starrscollaboration(Caiet. ticethatwehavechosenmockbinwidthssuchthat∆z σ al 2009)atthisredshiftusinggrizybandsalone.Inaddition, ∼ z (i.e.a“narrow bin”of widthcomparable tothephoto-z)or it is the approximately photo-z precision obtained for the ∆z 4σ (a“broad bin”). opticalsampleofLRGsselectedfromtheSDSSimagingdata ∼ z (Padmanabhanetal. 2005;Padmanabhanetal. 2007).This isthusaveryrepresentativevalueforσ .Forourcosmology z 4.5 “Survey” Mocks : dNdz, RSD and Photo-z it translates to an uncertainty in the radial distance of 140h−1Mpc(seeTable1fordetails).Oncethephotometr∼ic Finally we built mocks that include all the aforementioned errorwasaddedweselectedtheparticlesusingtop-hatcuts effects:arealistic radialdistributionEq.23,redshift distor- inphotometricredshiftofwidth∆z/(1+z)=0.05and0.15. tions and photometric redshift with uncertainty σ =0.06. z The net effect of selecting a sample according to their We again concentrated in the mean redshift z = 0.5 and photometricredshift,e.g.withatop-hatcriteria,istohavea two bins of width ∆z/(1+z) = 0.05 σ (“narrow”) and z ∼ broaderdistributionoftrueredshiftsoftheselectedgalaxies. ∆z/(1 + z) = 0.15 4 σ (“wide”). Therefore, these z ∼ × ThisisdepictedinFig. 2wherethesolidlinecorrespondsto are the closest to an actual photo-z survey such as DES thestandardtop-hatselectionintrueredshiftasdoneinthe or PanStarrs. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 8 Crocce et al. tionfunction.TheresultingcorrelationsareshowninFig.3 compared with measurements in the mocks at the 4 differ- ent mean redshifts, z = 0.3, 0.5, 0.73, 1.1 (top to bottom). Ineachcaseforabinwidthofthesizeofthetypicalphoto- metricerrorachievableatthegivenredshiftinasurveylike DES (Banerji et al. 2008). The agreement between our theoretical model and the meanofthemeasurementsisexcellentforallconfigurations tested,seeTable1,inparticularthoseshowninFig.3.And we recall that we are using only two parameters obtained from a best-fit to ξ at z =0.3 11. Hence the evolution with redshiftisacomponentofthemodel.Ineachcasedisplayed error bars correspond to the error on the mean of the en- semble (i.e. σ/√N ), that given the large number of mocks Figure2.Radial distributionof galaxies vs.trueredshift inour ensemble memberwe count on is remarkably small. redshift distortions and photo-z mocks. Solid lines arethe radial The importance of nonlinear effects in front of projec- distribution of objects for a top-hat selection in true redshift of tiononesareminorifweconsiderthelargeerrorbarsachiev- width ∆z/(1+z) = 0.15 (left panel) and ∆z/(1+z) = 0.05 ablein onesinglemock measurement.It ishoweverencour- (right panel), both centered at z =0.5and assumingaconstant aging that one is able to model accurately a large range of spatial density. Dashed lines shows instead the distribution of objectsasafunctionoftrueredshiftifthesametop-hatselection angular scales, given the mixing of all the distance scales isnowdoneinphotometricredshifts.InthislatercaseaGaussian involved in the redshift bin projection. We note that the photometricredshifterrorofσz =0.06isassumed. second term in Eq. (8) does not impact the shape and po- sition of the BAO, but it does bring theory and mocks in betteragreement for smaller angular separations. One interesting result would be to have an estimate of Before moving on we want to stress that our mocks are obtained from comoving outputs of an N-body simula- theminimalanglethemodelisabletoreproduce.Aconser- vative approach to investigate this is to match the smaller tion and thuscontain all correlations inducedbynon-linear comovingscaler involvedintheprojectionofagalaxypair gravitational evolution as well as projection effects, partial s subtending an angle θ within a redshift bin (where r (z) skycoverageand realistic radial selection function.Inaddi- min is thelower limit of theredshift range), tionsomeaccountforphoto-zand/orRSDeffects.However, since we do not use light-cone outputs they do not include r =r (z)(2 2cosθ)1/2 (28) s min evolutionaryeffectsofthesamplewithintheredshiftbin.We − argue that, for the narrow bins under consideration, light- with the minimum scale one is capable of modeling in the cone effects are negligible in front of photo-z and RSD (in 3-d clustering. thesameway nonlineargravitational effectsare,seeSec5). Interestinglywehavefoundthat,ifwedefiner asthe nl To leading order, light-cone effects will introduce a linear scale where themodel departs from the data by some fixed evolution,whichcanbeestimatedfromEq.(5)byweighting percentage, then our minimum scale satisfies, theselectionbythecorrespondinglineargrowth(i.e.defined r (z) r (z=0) D(z) (29) withrespecttothemeanredshfit),f =D(z,z¯)b(z)φ(z).By nl ∼ nl × doing this, we have found no difference with the same cal- and r (0) 20h−1Mpc for a 15% error in ξ. This en- nl culation that instead evaluates the growth a the mean red- sures the fol∼lowing minimal angles above which the model shift of the bin.Nonetheless, thisis certainly an interesting should perform well for the4 cases shown in Fig. 3,θ = min subjet that needs to be addressed more properly (i.e. with 1.3◦, 0.7◦, 0.5◦, 0.4◦, in agreement with Fig. 3. But again, light-cone vs comoving outputs). We leave that for further thisisaconservativelimitbecausetherelativecontribution work. of scales r to thefull redshift bin projection is minor. s ∼ 5.2 Biased tracers 5 MODEL VS. MOCKS I : THE CORRELATION SIGNAL Wenowrevisittowhatextentthepossiblepresenceofscale dependentbias inthespatial correlation function oftracers In Sec. 2 we discussed in detail our model for the angular (Smith et al. 2008; Manera and Gazatana˜ga 2009; Des- correlation function. We now proceed to show how it per- jacquesandSheth 2010; Desjacquesetal. 2010) translates forms against clustering measurements in the ensembles of intotheangularcorrelation function,dependingonthebin- mock redshift binsdescribed in Sec. 4. width and mean redshift. Or equivalently, to what extent theassumptionoflinearbiasholdsintheangularclustering 5.1 Nonlinear Gravity and evolution Using the model for ξ(r,z) in Eq. (10) we now project into 11 The level of matching does not change if we use instead the redshiftbinsaccordingtoEq.(5)tofindtheangularcorrela- theoreticalexpectationsfortheseparameterdiscussedinSec.2.2 (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Modelingthe angularcorrelationfunction and its full covariancein Photometric GalaxySurveys 9 of halos. For this exercise we thus use the suite of mocks described in Sec. 4.2. The top panel of Fig. 4 shows the ratio of correlation functions(i.e.thebias)measuredinthe392mocksofz=0.3 and ∆z/(1+z)=0.15 for halos M >1013h−1M⊙. Middle and bottom panels shows the same ratio but from the 175 mocks bins at z = 0.5 and ∆z/(1+z) = 0.1 for masses M > 2 1013h−1M⊙ and M > 1014h−1M⊙ respectively. × For reference the vertical blue arrow shows the position of theBAO peak in each case. In all cases the bias is scale independent well within error bars (corresponding to the standard deviation of the meanof theensemble) andat the2 3% levelfor thecases mimickinggalaxyclustering(M 10−13h−1M⊙).Forcluster ∼ mass-scale the shot-noise of the sample is much larger and consequentlysotheerrorbars.Nonetheless,thereisnotclear tendency with scale. We recall that our galaxy-type halos arepoorly resolved.Howeverwehavefoundthat increasing the resolution (i.e. the minimum number of particles per halo) and so the typical halo-mass, does not alter the scale independenceof thebias shown in thetop panels of Fig. 4. The error bars displayed in the top and middle panels of Fig. (4) were obtained from the r.m.s of the mocks and correspond to themean of the ensemble. For cluster mass-scale halos (bottom panel) it was not possible to obtain thebias ratio (w (θ)/w(θ))1/2 for every hh single mock and angular separation due to the large shot- noise dominated errors that led to w < 0 in some cases. hh Wehavethenestimated thebiasas( w / w )1/2 andthe hh h i h i errors propagating the r.m.s. ensemble errors in the halo angular auto-correlation w and the matter angular auto- hh correlation w as, δb/b=(1/2) (δw /w )2+(δw/w)2 1/2 (30) hh hh (cid:2) (cid:3) andconvertingtoerrorsonthemeanbyδb δb/√N . mocks → We have tested using the lower mass-scale halos that this approach of the purely ensemble average leads to the same bias and errors. In summary, we conclude that there is no evidence of scale dependentbiasforthesetracerswithin theerror bars. 5.3 Redshift Distortions and Photo-z Let us now discuss the impact of redshift distortions and photometricerrorsin w(θ).Figure5correspondstothean- Figure 3. Angular Correlation Function measured in 4 ensem- gular correlation measured in the mocks in configuration bles of mocks z-bins inReal Space compared with our nonlinear space from Sec. 4.1 (middle green symbols), redshift space model(solidblue)andlineartheory(reddashedline).Errorbars from Sec. 4.3 (top red symbols) and photo-z space from correspond to the uncertainty in the mean, the actual r.m.s. is Sec. 4.4 (low blue symbols). In solid green, red and blue N1/2 larger(which isspecifiedinthe insetlabel).We haveex- mock lines we show the corresponding analytical predictions ob- ploredmanymoreconfigurationsthanthoseshown(seedetailsin tainedfromEqs.(5,7,10,B8).Blackdashedlineandsymbols Table1andSec.4.1)andthesamelevelofagreementwasfound. depictthemodelandmeasurementswhenaccountingforall effects at once, with mocks introduced in Sec. 4.5. For red- shift distortions we used that β = f(z = 0.5) = 0.7047 for our cosmology (since b = 1) while for photo-z we used the selection functions shown in Fig. 2. Error bars displayed in Fig. 5 are true ensemble errors corresponding to the standard deviation of the mean (i.e. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 10 Crocce et al. Figure 4. Large Scale Halo Bias (Real Space), in the angular correlation function for bins at z = 0.3 (top panel) and z = 0.5 (middle and bottom). The bias is linear within few percent, and well within error bars. Except perhaps in the lower panel, thatcorrespondstocluster-scalemasshaloswithlargeerrorsfully dominatedbytheirlowabundance. Seetextformoredetails. σ/√N ,whereσ is ther.m.svarianceof w(θ)measure- mocks ments).Theyincreasefrom 1% 2% at2◦ to 3% 4% Figure 5.Redshift Distortions vs. Photo-z effects:Weshowthe at 4◦ (theangular BAOscal∼e). He−nce,Fig. 5 cle∼arly s−hows mean correlation over 125 mock measurements, and the corre- sponding predictions, in configuration (middle green line and thatthemodeldescribedinthispaperperformsremarkably symbols), redshift (top red lineand symbols) and photo-z space well for both thin and thick bins, in configuration, redshift, (lowbluelineandsymbols).Blacklineandsymbolscorresponds and/or photo-z spaces. In redshift space it tends to under- tomocksmeasurementsandmodelwhenalleffectsarecombined estimate themeasurements for θ<3◦ at the 2% level. together. Redshift distortions (RD) depend on the parameter ∼ Redshift space distortions produce a strong enhance- β = f/b = 0.7047 in our cosmology, while photo-z errors were ment of the clustering signal (see (Nock et al. 2010) who settoσz =0.06.Hence,toppanelcorresponds toabinofwidth findsimilarresultsfortheprojectedcorrelation).Thiseffect ∆z ∼ σz while bottom to ∆z ∼ 4σz. RD induces a strong and is also a strongfunction of scale, becoming moreimportant scaledependentenhancementofthecorrelation,counteractedby for larger separations. Indeed, it increases the amplitude of thesmearingduetothephoto-z uncertainties. Errorbarsshown correspondtothestandarddeviationofthemeanoftheensemble. the BAO bump by as much as a factor of 2.3 for the thin bin of ∆=0.05(1+z) 180h−1Mpc (top panel of Fig. 5) and 1.5 for thethick on∼e of ∆=0.15(1+z) 530h−1Mpc ∼ (bottom panel of Fig. 5). amplitudeofw(θ)decreasesby 60%whengoingfromtrue ∼ In turn, photo-z errors have the opposite effect to that to photometric redshifts (green to blue lines in the figure). of redshift distortions, decreasing the overall amplitude of Inthecaseofawidebin(bottompanelinFig.5),although angular correlations. This is simply because the projection its width is approximately 4 times the photo-z there is still in Eq. (5) extends over a much larger range of scales (e.g. a reduction in amplitudeof 30%. ∼ see Fig. 2). Notably, this effect is not far from being scale Thetotalangularcorrelation,includingredshiftdistor- independent. For the thin bin the impact is a bit stronger tions,photo-z,nonlinearevolutionandbinprojectioneffects (toppanelofFig.5).Ifweonlyconsiderphoto-zeffects,the is depicted by the dashed line in Fig. 5. In the case of bin (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000

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