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Preview Modeling Porous Dust Grains with Ballistic Aggregates. II. Light Scattering Properties

DRAFTVERSIONJANUARY21,2009 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.05/04/06 MODELINGPOROUSDUSTGRAINSWITHBALLISTICAGGREGATES.II. LIGHTSCATTERINGPROPERTIES YUESHEN,B.T.DRAINE,ANDERICT.JOHNSON PrincetonUniversityObservatory,Princeton,NJ08544 DraftversionJanuary21,2009 ABSTRACT 9 We studythelightscatteringpropertiesofrandomballistic aggregatesconstructedin Shenetal. (PaperI). 0 Usingthediscrete-dipole-approximation,wecomputethescatteringphasefunctionandlinearpolarizationfor 0 randomaggregateswithvarioussizesandporosities,andwithtwodifferentcompositions: 100%silicateand 2 50%silicate-50%graphite.Weinvestigatethedependenceoflightscatteringpropertiesonwavelength,cluster n size and porosity using these aggregatemodels. We find that while the shape of the phase functiondepends a mainly on the size parameter of the aggregates, the linear polarization depends on both the size parameter J andtheporosityoftheaggregates,withincreasingdegreeofpolarizationastheporosityincreases.Contraryto 5 previousstudies,wearguethatmonomersizehasnegligibleeffectsonthelightscatteringpropertiesofballistic 1 aggregates, as long as the constituentmonomer is smaller than the incidentwavelength up to 2πa /λ∼1.6 0 ] where a0 is the monomer radius. Previous claims for such monomer size effects are in fact the combined P effects of size parameter and porosity. Finally, we present aggregate models that can reproduce the phase E function and polarization of scattered light from the AU Mic debris disk and from cometary dust, including the negative polarization observed for comets at scattering angles 160◦ .θ <180◦. These aggregateshave . h moderateporosities,P ≈0.6,andareofsub-µm-sizeforthedebrisdiskcase,orµm-sizeforthecometcase. p Subjectheadings:dust,extinction–polarization–scattering–circumstellarmatter–comets–interplanetary - o medium–stars: individual(AUMic,GJ803) r t s a 1. INTRODUCTION ature (e.g., West 1991; Kozasaetal. 1992, 1993; Ossenkopf [ 1993; Kimuraetal. 2006; Bertinietal. 2007; Lasueetal. Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected in the 2009),thenewly-introducedBAM1andBAM2clustershave 1 Earth’s stratosphere by high-flying aircraft (Brownlee 1985; geometriesthatarerandombutsubstantiallyless“fluffy”than v Warrenetal. 1994) usually have irregular shapes and theBA clusters. TheeffectiveporosityP (eq.12inPaperI) 7 fluffy structures. Similar structures have been pro- 7 duced in laboratory and microgravity experiments of dust increases from BAM2→BAM1→BA and covers a wide dy- 1 particle interactions (Wurm&Blum 1998; Blum&Wurm namicalrange,allowingustoinvestigatetheeffectsofporos- 2 2000; Krause&Blum 2004). It has also been sug- ityontheopticalpropertiesoftheaggregatesinasystematic . way. Using these aggregation rules, we can construct grain 1 gested that interstellar dust grains may consist primarily modelswith varioussizes and compositions. In Paper I, we 0 of such aggregate structures (e.g., Mathis&Whiffen 1989; computedtotalscatteringandabsorptioncrosssectionsforthe 9 Dorschner&Henning1995),withamixtureofvariouschem- threetypesofaggregates(BA, BAM1andBAM2), forthree 0 icalcompositionsandvacuum. : Porous,compositeaggregatesareoftenmodeledasaclus- differentcompositions(50%silicate and50%graphite;50% v silicate and50%amorphouscarbonAC1,Rouleau&Martin terofsmallspheres(“spherules”or“monomers”),assembled Xi under various aggregation rules. The optical properties of 1991,and100%silicate),andforwavelengthsfrom0.1µmto 4µm. Thepurposeofthispaperistoinvestigatethedetailed r these aggregatescan be calculated using numericalschemes a such as the generalized multisphere Mie (GMM) solution lightscatteringpropertiesofthese aggregates,i.e., the phase functionandthelinearpolarization. (Mackowski 1991; Xu 1997) or the discrete dipole approx- The paper is organized as follows: in §2 we recapitulate imation (DDA) method (e.g., Purcell&Pennypacker 1973; our aggregatemodels; the scattering phase functionand lin- Draine&Flatau 1994). These methods have been used to earpolarizationforvariousballisticaggregatesarepresented study the optical properties of different kinds of aggregates in §3, where we explore the dependence of light scattering during the past decade (e.g., West 1991; Lumme&Rahola properties on aggregate properties; we present examples of 1994; Petrovaetal. 2000; Kimuraetal. 2006; Bertinietal. aggregates that can be applied to circumstellar debris disks 2007;Lasueetal.2009); mostofthosestudiesarededicated and cometarydust in §4, and we show that moderate poros- to interpretthe phase functionandpolarizationof lightscat- ityaggregatescanreproducetheobservedscatteringandpo- teredbycometarydust. larizationpropertiesofdustin bothsolarsystem cometsand Inacompanionpaper(Shenetal.2008,hereafterPaperI), extrasolardebrisdisks. Wesummarizeourresultsin§5. we constructed aggregates using three specific aggregation rules: ballistic agglomeration (BA), ballistic agglomeration 2. AGGREGATEMODELS withonemigration(BAM1)andballisticagglomerationwith A detailed description of the target generation algorithms twomigrations(BAM2).Wedevelopedasetofparametersto and resulting geometric properties of the BA, BAM1 and characterizetheirregularstructureoftheseaggregates.While BAM2clusterscanbefoundinPaperI.Herewereviewsome the BA clusters are essentially the Ballistic Particle-Cluster of the basic conceptsthat will be used in the following sec- Agglomeration(BPCA) clusters frequentlyused in the liter- tions. 2 SHEN,DRAINE&JOHNSON In the present paper we study the scattering properties of TABLE1 aggregateswithtwocompositions:100%silicate,or50%sil- CLUSTERGEOMETRIES icate+50%graphite(volumefractions). InPaperIwefound thataggregatesconsistingof50%silicate+50%AC1amor- cluster P R/aeff Ndip ndip Figs. phouscarbonhadscatteringpropertiesintermediatebetween BA.256.1 0.8598 1.9249 115656 451.8 6 the100%silicateand50%silicate+50%graphiteaggregates. BA.256.2 0.8525 1.8925 105855 413.5 6 Calculations are performed using DDSCAT version 7.0 BA.256.3 0.8553 1.9050 102725 401.3 6 BAM1.32.4 0.6188 1.3791 13903 434.5 4ab (Draine&Flatau 2008). DDSCAT is a code based on the BAM1.256.1 0.7060 1.5038 103921 405.9 6 discretedipoleapproximation(Purcell&Pennypacker1973; BAM1.256.2 0.7412 1.5693 107160 418.6 6 Draine&Flatau 1994), designed to compute scattering and BAM1.256.3 0.6980 1.4904 107047 418.2 6 absorptionofelectromagneticwavesbytargetswitharbitrary BAM2.256.1 0.5632 1.3179 113696 444.1 1,3,4cd,5,6,7 BAM2.256.2 0.5781 1.3333 103509 404.3 1,3,4cd,5,6,7 geometry and composition, for targets that are not too large BAM2.256.3 0.5818 1.3372 107332 419.3 1,3,4cd,5,6,7 comparedtothewavelengthλ. Foreachclustertype(defined BAM2.512.14 0.6127 1.3719 211211 412.5 4ab by N, aggregation rule, and composition) we generally av- BAM2.1024.1 0.6386 1.4039 414977 405.3 4cd,8 erage over three random realizations and 54 orientationsfor BAM2.1024.2 0.6476 1.4158 412077 402.4 4cd,8 BAM2.1024.3 0.6387 1.4041 430184 420.1 4cd,8 eachrealization.2 DDSCAT7.0allowsustotreatthegraphite NOTE. —Namingconvention: “BA.256.1”meansrealization 1of monomersasrandomly-orientedsphereswiththeanisotropic theN=256BAclusters. dielectrictensorofgraphite. EachaggregateiscomposedofNsphericalmonomerswith radius a . We define the “effective radius” of a cluster, a , 3. SCATTERINGPHASEFUNCTIONANDPOLARIZATION 0 eff to be the radius of an equal-volume solid sphere; thus our The phase function and linear polarization of the scat- aggregateshave tered light as functions of scattering angle θ can be re- aeff=N1/3a0. (1) trieved from the elements of the 4×4 Muller matrix Sij (e.g., Bohren&Huffman 1983). For unpolarized incident The structure of the cluster is characterized by a porosity light, the scattered light phase function is proportional to parameterP (seeeq.12ofPaperI)andacharacteristicradius S =(4π2/λ2)dC /dΩ (where dC /dΩ is the differential R≡aeff/(1- P)1/3(seeeq.11ofPaperI),whichdependson sc1a1ttering cross sseccation for unpolarsiczaed incident light) and P andis typically1- 2timesaeff. Tables1 and2of PaperI the linear polarizationparameteris p=- S21/S11. By defini- givetabulatedmeanvaluesofP andR/aeffforthethreetypes tion,thepolarizationisperpendicular/paralleltothescattering ofaggregateswith23≤N≤216. ForagivenvalueofN,the planewhen pispositive/negative. BAclustershavethehighestP,whiletheBAM2clustershave We have obtained S (θ) and p(θ) for our realization- 11 thelowestP. Informationforthespecificclustergeometries and orientation-averaged aggregates for wavelengths 0.1 ≤ employedinthispapercanbefoundinTable1,includingthe λ/µm≤4. For illustrative purposes, in most cases we will porosityP, thenumberNdip ofdipolesrepresentingthereal- presentthe results for the BAM2 aggregates– the aggregate ization,andthenumberofdipolespersphere,ndip=Ndip/N. geometrywiththelowestporosity.Orientation-averagedscat- Theactualgeometry(includingimages)oftheseandotherre- teringpropertiesfortheclustersstudiedinthispaper(includ- alizationsofBA,BAM1,andBAM2clusterscanbeobtained ing wavelengths not shown in the figures) are available on- online.1 line.3 InPaperIweconsideredthreedifferentcompositions:50% silicate+50%graphite,50%silicate+50%AC1,and100% 3.1. WavelengthDependence silicate. Silicatematerialaccountsforperhaps2/3ofthetotal mass of interstellar dust, and it is naturalto assume that sil- We first show the wavelength dependence of S11 and lin- icateswillalso providethe bulkoftherefractorymaterialin ear polarization for N =256-monomer BAM2 clusters with comets or debris disks. Interstellar silicates are amorphous; monomerradiusa0=0.02µminFigure1,forselectedwave- andamorphoussilicatesarebelievedtodominatethesilicate lengths. For the N =256 BAM2 case, aeff =0.127 µm, the masseveninthecaseofcometsorcircumstellardiskswhere porosityP ≈0.58(seeTable1),andthecharacteristicradius crystallinesilicateshavebeendetected.Weusethe“astrosili- R≈1.334aeff=0.17µm . The phase function shows a rela- cate”dielectricfunction(Draine&Lee1984;Draine2003). tively smooth dependenceon wavelength λ: for λ.0.5µm Carbonaceousmaterialprovidesasignificantfractionofthe (x≡2πR/λ>2),itshowsastrongpeakintheforwardscat- total mass of interstellar grains, and this may also be true teringandamildbackscatteringenhancement,withtheover- of dust in comets and debris disks. The smallest carbona- all forward-backward asymmetry decreasing monotonically ceous particles in the ISM consist primarily of polycyclic as the incident wavelength increases. For linear polariza- aromatic hydrocarbon material, but the form of the carbon tion,thesituationismorecomplicated. Thepolarizationnear in the larger grains (where most of the carbon resides) re- θ≈90◦ firstdecreasesasλincreases,reachesaminimumat mains uncertain: Pendleton&Allamandola(2002) conclude λ≈R, and then rises again with increasing λ, approaching that the hydrocarbonmaterial is ∼85% aromatic (ring-like) p(90◦)=100%intheRayleighlimit. Thewavelengthλmin.pol and15%aliphatic(chain-like),butDartoisetal.(2004)claim where p(90◦) is minimum is well-defined for the pure sili- thataliphaticmaterialpredominates,withatmost15%ofthe cate, with λmin.pol ≈0.17µm. For the graphite-silicatecom- carbon in aromatic form. To explore the effect of material positionitis less well-defined, with minimanear ∼0.17µm thatisstronglyabsorptiveinthevisible,weusethedielectric tensor of graphite for the carbon in our mixed-composition 2 9valuesoftheangleΘbetweentheclusterprincipalaxisˆa1andˆx(the direction oftheincident light), and6values oftherotation angleβ ofthe aggregates. clusteraroundˆa1.WeuseasinglevalueoftherotationangleΦofˆa1around ˆxbecauseweaverageover4scatteringplanes. 1 http://www.astro.princeton.edu/∼draine/agglom.html 3 http://www.astro.princeton.edu/∼draine/SDJ09.html AGGREGATESASPOROUSDUSTGRAINS.II. 3 and ∼ 0.45µm. The increase of polarization with increas- I showed that EMT-Mie calculations can be used to obtain ingwavelengthin the opticalbandis knownasthe polariza- moderatelyaccuratetotalextinctionandscatteringcrosssec- tioncoloreffectincometaryscatteredlightobservations(e.g., tions, Figure 3 shows that the scattering phase function and Chernovaetal.1996;Levasseur-Regourd&Hadancik2001). polarizationestimatedusingEMT-Miecalculationsdonotac- Thereversebehaviorofincreasingpolarizationwithdecreas- curatelyreproducethescatteringpropertiesofirregularclus- ingwavelengthintheUVband,however,ismorecomplicated ters. tointerpret. Itcouldbecausedbythechangeinthesize pa- rameterx≡2πR/λ,orchangesinthedielectricfunctionasλ 3.2. DoesMonomerSizeMatter? varies,orboth. Wewillreturntothispointin§3.3. There is another parameter that might affect S and po- 11 ItwasshowninPaperIthattheEMT-Miemodelprovides larization: the monomer size. There have been claims that a good approximation for the total extinction cross section large monomer size is crucial in decreasing the polarization as a function of λ, providedthat the vacuum fraction f is andinproducingthenegativepolarizationbranchobservedin vac set to f ≈P. We now test to see if the EMT-Mie model cometary dust (e.g., Petrovaetal. 2000; Bertinietal. 2007). vac reproducesthescatteringphasefunctionS (θ)andpolariza- However, in these previous studies, variations of monomer 11 tion p(θ). For the EMT-Mie calculationswe use an optimal size were always coupled with changes in porosity P and valueofvacuumfraction f =0.55andthesameamountof clustersizeR,henceeffectsattributedtovaryingthemonomer vac solid material as in the N =256 BAM2 clusters. For the ef- size mayin factbe dueto variationsin P orR. We haveal- fectivedielectricpermittivityǫ weusetheBruggemanrule readyseeninPaperIthattheapparenteffectsofmonomersize eff (seeBohren&Huffman1983) ontotalcrosssectionsareessentiallytheeffectsofvaryingP ǫ - ǫ orR. f i eff =0, (2) X iǫ +2ǫ Toisolatetheeffectofmonomersize,wecompareclusters i eff i with the same a and very similar P (thus R is also com- eff where f andǫ arethevolumefractionanddielectricpermit- parable), but different monomer size a . Thus the effect of i i 0 tivity of each composition, including vacuum. There is al- monomersize,ifthereisany,isdecoupledfromothereffects. ways only one solution of ǫ that is physically meaningful. Wefirstconsiderthesameexampleusedinfigure8ofPaperI: eff Forgraphite,wemaketheusual 1- 2 approximation,andtake theN=32BAM1clusterrealizationBAM1.32.4(P=0.619, 3 3 ǫ=ǫ(Ekc)for f = 1f ,ǫ=ǫ(E⊥c)for f = 2f . R/aeff =1.379) with monomer size a0 =0.0504µm and the 3 graphite 3 graphite N=512BAM2clusterrealizationBAM2.512.14(P =0.613, The EMT-Mie results are shown in Fig. 2 for the silicate- R/a =1.372)with a =0.02µm. Both clusters have a = graphite and the pure silicate cases, in parallel to Fig. 1. eff 0 eff 0.160µm and R = 0.220µm. The orientation-averaged re- The EMT calculations at fixed wavelength show resonances sultsare shown in Fig. 4a,b fortwo wavelengthsandforthe that arise from the use of spheres, but these should be silicate-graphitecompositiononly. Althoughthereareslight smoothed out when modeling nonspherical particles, which differences, the two cases have similar phase functions and are randomly-oriented and will not show such well-defined polarizations:atconstantRandP,varyingthemonomersize resonances.ThereforewehavesmoothedtheEMTresultsus- a hadlittleeffectonthephasefunctionandpolarization. ingaGaussiankernel 0 Theaboveexampleemployedmoderate-sizedclusters(x= S¯ = Rdlnaexph- (cid:2)ln(a/a¯)(cid:3)2/2σ2iSij(a) (3) 2FπigR./4λc,.d c3o.9m)pcaormespothseedscoaftstemrianllgmporonpoemrteierss(o2fπ2a0l/aλrg.e c0l.u9s)-. ij dlnaexp - ln(a/a¯) 2/2σ2 ters (R≈1.4µm, x=11.1 and 13.9) with similar porosities R h (cid:2) (cid:3) i P ≈0.6butdifferentmonomersizes. Forλ=0.631µmand whereσ=a¯/(a¯+λ/2π)anda¯=(1- f )- 1/3a istheradius 0.794µm,clusterswitha =0.10µmand0.16µmshowsim- vac eff 0 of the Mie sphere. The phase function and polarization are ilar (though not identical because of the slight difference in ¯ thencomputedusingthesmoothedS . porosity of the two clusters; see §3.4) polarization p(θ), de- ij BydirectlycomparingFig.1andFig.2itisevidentthatthe spitethesubstantialdifferenceinmonomersize. EMT-Mie results for S (θ) and linear polarization p(θ) do 11 3.3. DependenceonClusterSize sharethesametrendswesee intheDDAcalculations. Nev- ertheless,therearesubstantialdifferencesbetweentheEMT- As we have discussed in §3.1 for fixed-size clusters, the MieresultsandourDDAresults. Oneobviousfeatureisthat dependenceof the phase function and linear polarization on the EMT-Mie model tends to underestimate the backscatter- wavelength λ is likely caused by the changes in both the ingforshortwavelength(λ.0.6µm,x&1.8),afeatureal- size parameteranddielectricfunction. To investigatethe ef- ready revealed by the behavior of the asymmetry parameter fectsofclustersize atfixedincidentwavelength(i.e.,theef- g≡hcosθidiscussedinPaperI(fig. 12). Forexample,con- fectsofsize parameteralone),we use N =256,BAM2 clus- sider the forward-backwardasymmetryS (0)/S (180◦) for ters with monomer size a = 0.02,0.025,0.03µm, or R ∼ 11 11 0 λ=0.168µm: the DDAcalculationsforthemixedgraphite- 0.169,0.212,0.254µm. Theseclustershavethesameporos- silicateBAM2clustergive∼450,whiletheEMT-Miecalcu- ity, andas arguedin theprevioussection, monomersize has lationgives∼7000. negligible effects, hence any difference must be caused by To compare the EMT-Mie results and our DDA calcula- changesinR.TheresultsareshowninFig.5forbothcompo- tions in detail we plot the relative differences in Fig. 3, for sitions. Wepresentresultsattwowavelengths: λ=0.126µm the silicate plus graphite case (upper) and the pure silicate (< R) and λ = 0.631µm (> R). In both cases the back- case (bottom). The differencecanbe substantialforspecific ward/forwardscatteringasymmetryincreaseswithincreasing wavelengths or scattering angles. For example, for θ ≈90◦ thesizeparameter2πR/λ. scatteringatλ≈0.50µm,theEMT-Miecalculationunderes- In general, we expect p(90◦)→1 in the Rayleigh scatter- timatesthepolarizationbyafactor∼2,forboththegraphite- inglimitR/λ≪1,withthepeakpolarizationdecreasingwith silicateclustersandthepuresilicateclusters. AlthoughPaper increasingR/λ. Thisdecline with increasingR/λis seen in 4 SHEN,DRAINE&JOHNSON Figure 5b,d. However, the results in Figure 5a,c show that featureswillbepresentedin§4.2. the variation of p with increasing R is not monotonic: at max λ=0.126µm when R&λ and when the dielectric function 4. APPLICATIONSOFBALLISTICAGGREGATES is very absorptive, for both the 100% silicate and 50% sili- The light scattering properties of our ballistic aggregates cate+50%graphiteN=256BAM2clusters,thepolarization can be applied to various observations. Here we focus isanincreasingfunctionofRovertherange1.3.R/λ.2. on debris disks and cometary dust, where single scattering Thus for these cases the polarization at λ=0.126µm has a dominates in the optically thin regime. We show exam- minimumatsomesizeR <1.3λ. ples of aggregates that can reproduce qualitative and quan- crit However, the dependenceof polarizationon R/λ depends titative features observed in the scattered light from the de- onthedielectricfunction(andthereforeonbothcomposition bris disk around AU Mic (Grahametal. 2007) and from andwavelength). Forλ=0.631µmthe100%silicateBAM2 cometary dust (e.g., Lumme&Rahola 1994; Petrovaetal. clusterswithP≈0.6havethepolarizationdecliningwithin- 2000; Kimuraetal. 2006; Lasueetal. 2009). Due to com- creasingRouttoR/λ=2.2(thelargestvaluecomputed,see putationallimits,wecannotprobeasufficientlylargeparam- §4.2andFigs.7dand8)–withoutshowinga reversalin the eter space to claim that our models are unique; nor do we polarizationbehavior.Thesituationisevenmorecomplicated attempt to fit a sophisticated model to the observations of a forthesilicateplusgraphitecase,wherethereisnocoherent specificcomet. Nevertheless,ourexamples(inparticularthe trend when R≈λ (see Figs. 1a, 7a and 7b). Based on the moderate-porosityBAM2 clusters) nicelyreproducemostof casesinvestigatedthusfar,itappearsthatwhenthedielectric thefeaturesobservedinlightscatteredbydebris-diskdustand function has only weak absorption (e.g., 100% astrosilicate cometarydust. at λ=0.631µm), for fixed porosity P the polarization is a monotonicallydecreasingfunctionofclustersizeRfromthe 4.1. DebrisdiskaroundAUMic RayleighlimitR≪λuptoR/λ.2.Ontheotherhand,when Polarizationmapsofthedebrisdisksurroundingthenearby the dielectric function is strongly absorptive (e.g., materials Mstar AUMicroscopiihavebeenobtainedbyGrahametal. atλ=0.126µmorsilicate-graphiteclustersatλ=0.631µm), (2007) using HST ACS in the F606W optical band (λ = c forfixedporositythepolarizationdeclineswithincreasingR 0.590µm,∆λ = 0.230µm). The scattered light is polar- from the Rayleigh limit until it reaches a local minimum at ized perpendicular to the disk plane. Grahametal. (2007) R≈λ (the transition is less distinct for the silicate-graphite adopted the form for the phase function introduced by case than for the pure silicate case), and then rises as R is Henyey&Greenstein(1940): furtherincreased, atleast outto R/λ≈2 (e.g., Figs. 5a and 7a,b). 1 1- g2 S = , (4) 11 4π(1+g2- 2gcosθ)3/2 3.4. DependenceonPorosity assumedthatthepolarizationvs. scatteringanglevariesas We nowinvestigatetheeffectofporosityonthescattering phase function and linear polarization. Previous studies on S sin2θ p(θ)=- 21 =p , (5) theporosityeffectusingonlytheBPCAand/ortheevenmore S max1+cos2θ 11 porous“ballisticcluster-clusteragglomeration(BCCA)”clus- and simultaneously fitted the phase function and linear po- ters were quite limited in the dynamical range of porosity, larizationasfunctionofscatteringangletotheobservational and changes in porosity were coupled with changes in clus- data, obtaining g ≈ 0.68 and p ≈ 0.53. Grahametal. ter size. To decouplefrom the cluster size effect we choose max (2007) suggestthat very porous(P ≈0.91- 0.94)µm-sized clusters with comparable sizes, but different porosities. We spherical grains or aggregates can produce these features use N =256BA, BAM1 andBAM2 clusters, with monomer based on Mie theory and DDA calculations for BA clusters size a = 143,170,200Å respectively; hence these clusters 0 (Kimuraetal.2006). have comparable size R ∼ 0.17µm, but different porosities Here we will show that random aggregates with a much P =0.85,0.74,0.58. lower porosity (P ≈0.6) can, in fact, better fit the observa- Weconsidertworegimes:λ<Randλ>R.Theresultsare tionsof the AU Mic debrisdisk. To reproducethe observed showninFig. 6fortwo examplewavelengths,λ=0.126µm features,werequirethatthe phasefunctionandlinearpolar- andλ=0.447µm,andforthetwocompositions.Itisevident izationarebothclosetothefunctions(4)and(5)withthethe thatinbothregimes,porosityhaslittleeffectontheshapeof thephasefunction4. Ontheotherhand,higherporositytends best-fit values of g and pmax found by Grahametal. (2007). In particular, the intensity of scattered lightat θ=0◦ should toincreasethelinearpolarizationforbothR>λandR<λ. be approximatelya factor of 150 larger than the intensity at Most of the cases shown in this section have large linear polarization fraction [p(90◦) & 50%]. Cometary θ=180◦,andthemaximumpolarizationshouldbe≈0.5,al- dust typically has p(90◦) . 40% and a negative branch thoughp(θ)neednotnecessarilypeakatθ=90◦. of polarization at scattering angle ∼ 160◦ - 180◦ (e.g., Dustgrainsindebrisdiskswillhaveadistributionofsizes. Much of the interstellar grain mass can be approximatedby Levasseur-Regourd&Hadancik 2001), observed at optical a power-lawsize distributiondn/dR∝R- α forR.0.25µm wavelengths. From the results of §3.1-§3.4 we expect that, withα≈3.5(Mathisetal.1977). Sizedistributionswithα≈ in general, a reduced peak polarization and appearance of a negativepolarization branch for 160.θ<180◦ can be ob- 3.5 can be obtained from models with coagulation and col- lisional fragmentation (Dohnanyi 1969; Tanakaetal. 1996; tainedby(1)increasingtheclustersizeRand(2)makingthe Weidenschilling1997). clustermorecompact(lowerporosityP). Examplesofballis- For modelingcomets and debris disks, we will consider a ticaggregatesthatareabletoreproducethesecometarydust size distribution dn/dR∝R- 3.5. For a fixed porosity (i.e., a om4etTryheofsltihgehtBdAif,fBerAenMc1eainndS1B1A/SM112(0c)luisstelriks.elycausedbythedifferentge- ptiaornticisuljaursttydpen/odfaa0gg∝reag0-a3t.e5,wwithhearefixae0disN)th,tehimsosinzoemdeisrtrsiibzue-. AGGREGATESASPOROUSDUSTGRAINS.II. 5 Hence the averaged phase function S (θ) and polarization Levasseur-Regourdetal. 1996), although gas contam- 11 are: ination in polarimetric measurements with wide-band amaxda (dn/da )S (a ,θ) filters might depolarize the observed scattered light S¯ (θ)= Ramin 0 0 11 0 , (6) (Kiselevetal.2004). 11 amaxda (dn/da ) Ramin 0 0 • Within the 4000–7000Å window, the polarization p¯(θ)= Raamminaxda0(dn/da0)S11(a0,θ)p(a0,θ) , (7) increases with wavelength, which is the so-called amaxda (dn/da )S (a ,θ) polarization color effect (e.g., Chernovaetal. 1996; Ramin 0 0 11 0 Levasseur-Regourd&Hadancik2001). where a and a are the minimumand maximumvalues min max • Manycometsshowanegativebranchofpolarizationat ofmonomersizeinoursizedistribution. scatteringanglelargerthan150- 160◦,withaminimum WeconsiderN=256BAM2clusters(P =0.58),witha = 0 of&- 2%(e.g.,Dollfusetal.1988;Eatonetal.1992). 0.02,0.03,0.04,0.05,0.06,0.07,0.08µm,whichcorrespond to R ≈ 0.169,0.254,0.339,0.424,0.508,0.593,0.678µm. Most of these features, in particular the negative polariza- We show the calculated phase function and polarization for tion branch, have been successfully reproduced using vari- each of these clusters (averaged over orientations and 3 re- ous aggregates which differ in geometry, composition and alizations) in Fig. 7, at two wavelengths λ = 0.501 and porosity (e.g., Lumme&Rahola 1994; Petrovaetal. 2000; 0.631µm. For comparison with the scattering propertiesin- Kimuraetal. 2006; Bertinietal. 2007; Lasueetal. 2009). ¯ ferredforthedustaroundAUMic,wecalculateS11(θ)andpo- Theaggregatesstudiedherearecapableofproducingallthese larizationp¯(θ)averagedoverasizedistributiondn/dR∝R- 3.5 features as well. In addition, we have demonstrated the ef- withamin=0.015µmandamax=0.065µm(Rmin=0.127µm, fects of grain size and porosity, and pointed out that the Rmax = 0.551µm), which are shown as dashed lines. The monomer size effect claimed by previous authors is in fact best-fit Henyey-Greenstein phase function (4) and polariza- due to changes in cluster size R and/or porosity P. For ex- tionfittingfunction(5)fromGrahametal.(2007)areshown ample, in Petrovaetal. (2000) and Bertinietal. (2007), the as solid black lines. We plot the comparison for both the differenceoftheprominenceofthenegativebranchiscaused silicate-graphitecomposition(upperpanels)andthepuresil- by the effect of grain size when they increase the monomer icatecomposition(bottompanels). sizeforthesameconfiguration/porosity. As we can see from Fig. 7, the size-averaged silicate- Thereasonthatthoseauthorsdidnotfindanegativebranch graphite clusters produce close matches to the Henyey- of polarization for small monomer size (a .0.1 µm) and 0 Greenstein model at these optical wavelengths for both the moderatenumberofmonomers(afewtens)isthatcomputa- phase function and linear polarization. These clusters have tional limits prevented them from using a sufficient number porosityP ≈0.6andoverallsizeR∼0.2- 0.5µm,i.e.,they ofmonomers. Totest this, we havecomputeda few realiza- aresub-µm-sizedclusterswithmoderateporosity. tions of BAM2 clusters with N =1024, composed of small Asdiscussed in §3.4, increasingporositywillincrease the monomers (a = 0.08 µm). The results are shown in Fig. 0 polarization of scattered light. Our highest-porosityclusters 8 for optical wavelength λ=0.631 µm, where the negative arethoseBAclusters,whicharecommonlyusedintheliter- branch is evident for both compositions (it is more promi- ature, referred to as “ballistic particle-cluster agglomeration nent at the usually observed red band λ=0.55µm). In Fig. (BPCA)”clusters(e.g.,West1991;Kozasaetal.1992,1993; 8, we have also computed for the N =1024 BAM2 clusters Ossenkopf 1993; Kimuraetal. 2006; Bertinietal. 2007; using monomer size a = 0.1µm, shown as open squares; 0 Lasueetal. 2009). We found that if we replace the BAM2 the dashed lines are the average of the results of the two clusters in Fig. 7 with BA clusters with the same number monomersizes,forasizedistributiondn/dR∝R- 3.5running of monomers and monomer sizes, we can reproduce simi- fromR =0.98µmtoR =1.54µm. min max lar phase function features but over-predictthe polarization. Theseclustersareµm-sizegrains,whichisconsistentwith This is already seen in Grahametal. (2007) (e.g., their fig. the values found by other authors (e.g., Lumme&Rahola 8). ThusweconcludethatcompactBAM2clustersfittheob- 1994; Petrovaetal. 2000; Kimuraetal. 2006), although the servationsofAUMicbetterthanthemoreporousBAclusters exact values depend on composition as well as porosity. thathavebeenconsideredpreviously. We find that the N = 1024, a = 0.08,0.1 µm BAM2 clus- 0 ters composed of silicate and graphite (Fig. 8a) with R ≈ 4.2. CometaryDust 1.1- 1.4µmandP ≈0.6,reproduceabackscatteringalbedo Thephasefunctionandlinearpolarizationofscatteredlight A=[S11(180◦)λ2]/(4π2R2)∼0.04andasmallnegativepolar- have been observed in a variety of comets. Though differ- izationforscatteringangles∼155–180◦peakingat(∼- 1%), entcometsshowquantitativedifferencesinthephasefunction representative of the typical values found in cometary ob- andpolarization,therearesomecommonfeatures: servations, although the maximum polarization (∼45%) is a little higher than observed. We may need somewhatmore • The phase function shows strong forward scattering compactaggregates,ordifferentcomposition(e.g.,moresil- withaweakenhancementinthebackscattering;thege- icate, see the right panel of Fig. 8) to lower the peak polar- ometric albedo [defined as A ≡ (S [180◦]λ2)/(4πG) ization. Alternatively,onemayconsiderthemixtureoffluffy 11 where G ≈πR2 is the averaged geometric cross sec- aggregatesandcompactsolidgrains(e.g.,Lasueetal.2009). tionofthegrain]ofbackscatteredlightislessthan0.06 In their study, a larger fraction of porous BCCA aggregates (e.g.,Hanner&Newburn1989). is needed to produce a higher peak polarization for comet C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp than for comet 1P/Halley, consistent • The linear polarization p(θ) is a bell-shaped curve withourargumentthathighporosityhelpsincreasethepolar- as function of scattering angle, with typical max- ization. Since only very porous BCCA clusters were used imum value of 10- 30% (Dobrovolskyetal. 1986; in their modeling, it will be interesting to see if our more 6 SHEN,DRAINE&JOHNSON compact BAM1 and BAM2 clusters will provide better fits ing, increasing R/λ results in decreasing polarization, forthesecometsinmodelingthemixtureoffluffyaggregates at least for R/λ.2 (e.g., Figure 7c,d, showing100% andcompactsolidgrains. silicateBAM2clustersatλ=0.501µmand0.631µm); however,atvacuumUVwavelengthswherethemateri- 5. CONCLUSIONS alsarestronglyabsorbing,increasingR/λcanincrease We have studied the phase function and linear polariza- thepolarization(e.g.,Figure5a,c,showingscatteringat tionpropertiesoflightscatteringbyballisticaggregates. We λ=0.126µm). studiedthewavelengthdependence,clustersizedependence, andporositydependenceofthelightscatteringpropertiesus- 5. Thedegreeofpolarizationdependsonthesizeparame- ingthediscrete-dipole-approximation,andcomparedwiththe teraswellasporosity,buthighporosityhelpsincrease EMT-Miemodel.Ourmainconclusionsare: polarizationinboththeR.λandR&λregimes. 1. ItisshownthatthoughtheEMT-Miemodelreproduces 6. WepresentaggregateswithBAM2geometry,moderate similar trends in these dependences, it differs quanti- porosity P ≈0.6, and sub-µm sizes which can repro- tatively from the DDA calculations. We recommend ducethescatteredlightphasefunctionandpolarization usingDDAcalculationsifaccurateresultsaredesired. observedintheAUMicdebrisdisk. 2. Monomer size has negligible effects on the scattered light properties as long as monomers are small com- 7. We present aggregate models with BAM2 geometry pared with the incident wavelengthλ. Even when the andmoderateporosityP ≈0.6 thatcanreproducethe monomers are no longer small (e.g., 2πa /λ∼ 1.6), albedo and polarization p(θ) observed for cometary 0 monomer size appears to be of secondary importance dust, including the negative polarization observed at forthephasefunctionandpolarizationp(θ). scattering angles 160◦ .θ <180◦. These aggregates arecomposedofsilicateandgraphite,andareof&µm 3. The phase function is mainly determined by R/λ; in- size. Suchmoderatelyporousaggregatesarepromising creasing R/λ decreases the backscattering relative to candidatesforcometarydust. forwardscattering. 4. WhenR/λ≪1(e.g.,intheRayleighlimit),increasing R/λdecreasesthepolarization. ForR&λ, thedepen- This research was supported in part by NSF grant AST dence of polarization on R/λ depends on the dielec- 04-06883. Computations were performed on the Della and tricfunction:formaterialsthatarenotstronglyabsorb- ArtemiscomputerclustersatPrincetonUniversity. 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Upper:thesilicate-graphitecase;bottom:the100%silicatecase. 8 SHEN,DRAINE&JOHNSON FIG. 2.—SameasFig.1,butfortheEMT-Mieresults(smoothedasineq.3)computedfor fvac=0.55andsameamountofsolidmaterialasintheN=256 BAM2clustersinFig.1. AGGREGATESASPOROUSDUSTGRAINS.II. 9 FIG.3.—DifferenceinthephasefunctionandpolarizationfortheDDAresultsfortheN=256BAM2clustersfromFig.1andEMTresultsfromFig.2. 10 SHEN,DRAINE&JOHNSON FIG.4.—Testsfortheeffectofmonomersize.(a)Comparablephasefunctionandpolarizationfortwosilicate-graphiteclusters–BAM1.32.4andBAM2.512.14 –withsimilarporositiesP∼0.619,0.613andclustersizeR∼0.221,0.220µm,butdifferentmonomersizea0=0.0504,0.02µm,forλ=0.355µm(x≡2πR/λ= 3.9).(b)Sameas(a),butforλ=0.631µm(x=2.2).(c)Comparablephasefunctionandpolarizationatλ=0.631µmfortwolargesilicateclusterswithsimilar porosity P ∼0.57and0.64, andsizeR∼1.4µm (x=13.9), butdifferent monomersizea0 =0.10,0.16µm (2πa0/λ=1.0,1.6). (d)Sameas (c), butfor λ=0.794µm.Theclustersin(c)and(d)areeachrepresentedby3realizations(BAM2.256.1-3andBAM2.1024.1-3)and54orientationsperrealization. These fourexamplesshowthatforfixedsizeRandporosityP,themonomersizea0 isunimportantif2πa0/λ<1,andofonlysecondaryimportanceevenwhen 2πa0/λ≈2.

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