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Modeling Phenomena of Flow and Transport in Porous Media PDF

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Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media Jacob Bear Modeling Phenomena of Flow and Transport in Porous Media Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media Volume 31 Series editor S.MajidHassanizadeh,DepartmentofEarthSciences,UtrechtUniversity,Utrecht, The Netherlands Founding series editor Jacob Bear More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/6612 Jacob Bear Modeling Phenomena of Flow and Transport in Porous Media 123 JacobBear Department ofCivil andEnvironmental Engineering Technion—Israel Institute of Technology Haifa Israel ISSN 0924-6118 ISSN 2213-6940 (electronic) Theory andApplications of Transportin PorousMedia ISBN978-3-319-72825-4 ISBN978-3-319-72826-1 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72826-1 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2017961494 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2018 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland To Siona, Eitan and Jennifer, Alon, Lior, Yoav, and Ido, Iris and Moshe, Sharon, Efrat, and Gilad, with love. Preface The objective of this book is to present and discuss the construction of mathe- matical models that describe phenomena offlow and transport in porous media as encountered in many disciplines, e.g., civil and environmental engineering, soil mechanics,groundwaterhydrology,petroleumengineering,drainageandirrigation in agricultural engineering, reactors in chemical engineering, and geothermal engineering. The book can also serve as a text for courses on modeling in these disciplines. Soil, sand, fissured and fractured rock, cemented sandstone, Karstic limestone, ceramics, filters, foam rubber, bread, wood, concrete, and kidneys, are just a few examples of the large variety of natural and man-made porous materials encoun- tered in these disciplines. Phenomena of transport of extensive quantities, like mass offluid phases, mass of chemical species dissolved in fluid phases, momentum and energy of the solid matrix and offluid phases, as well as electric charge, in porous medium domains, are encountered in the disciplines mentioned above and in others not mentioned. For example, civil engineers deal with the movement of moisture through con- crete walls and with water flow through and under hydraulic structures. They also deal with the movement of heat in structures, and with stresses under building foundations.Hydrogeologistsdealwiththeflowofwaterinaquifers.Environmental engineers deal with the transport of contaminants in the subsurface. Agricultural engineers deal with the movement of water and solutes in the root zone during irrigation and drainage. Heat and mass transport in packed bed reactors are encountered in chemical engineering. Petroleum engineers deal with the flow of (liquidandgaseous)hydrocarbonsandwaterinpetroleumreservoirs.Themovement of fluids and chemical species in lungs and kidneys is studied in biomedical engineering. Partofthevoidspaceinthesubsurfacemaybeoccupiedbyanonaqueoustoxic liquid phase. Components of such a liquid may dissolve in and move with per- colating water, thus constituting a source for groundwater contamination. Often, dissolved chemical species interact with each other and with the soil, especially withtheclayandorganicfractionsofthelatter.Phenomena,suchasadsorption,ion vii viii Preface exchange, dissolution, volatilization, and biological decay, continuously affect the concentration of chemical constituents in the water. The solid matrix itself may be porous, with tiny pores. Obviously, modeling all these phenomena is essential in any effort to understand and combat subsurface contamination, or to produce hydrocarbons from petroleum reservoirs. Landsubsidence,asaconsequenceofpumping,orupheavalasaconsequenceof fluid injection, are examples involving solid matrix deformation as a result of changes inpressure distributioninthesubsurface. Non-isothermal flowoccurs and the solid matrix may undergo deformation when hot or cold water is injected into thesubsurfaceforenergystoragepurposes,whenCO ,capturedfrompowerplants’ 2 emissions, is injected for disposal in depleted petroleum reservoirs, or in deep brine-containing formations, and when compressed air or gas is injected into anticlinal geological formations for short or long term storage purposes. In all the above examples, extensive quantities (mass, momentum, energy, or electric charge) are transported through porous material domains. The term trans- port is used here to describe the movement, storage, and transformation of a considered extensive quantity. To investigate all these phenomena, as encountered when solving problems in practice, mathematical models have to be constructed. By solving the latter, fore- casts are obtained of the response of the considered system to excitations in the form of changes in controllable source terms, or in boundary conditions. Pressure, stress,strain,velocity,soluteconcentration,temperature,etc.,foreachphaseinthe system,andfortheporousmediumasawhole,serveasexamplesofstatevariables. In this way, models serve as an essential step in the solution of real-life problems. In this book, we present and discuss various phenomena offlow, transport, and transformation that take place in porous medium domains, and the construction of conceptual and well-posed mathematical models that describe them. The objective istodevelopmodelsofphenomenaoftransportinporousmediumdomainsthatare based on visualizing such domains as continua. Analytical solutions of the mathematical models considered here are seldom possibleforproblemsofpracticalinterest.Theusualwayofsolvingmodelsofsuch cases is to transform the mathematical model into a numerical one, and then use computerprogramstosolvethelatter.Thus,themathematicalmodelsdevelopedin this book should serve as the background to computer codes such as TOUGH (developed at LBNL), NUFT (developed at LLNL), PFLOTRAN (open source, multi-institution code), and many other freely available or commercial codes. Numerical models and computer codes are not discussed in this book. The book is divided into nine chapters: Chapter1startswiththequestion“Whatisaporousmedium?”.Wethenpresent the continuum approach, define microscopic, macroscopic, and megascopic levels ofdescriptionofporousmediaandphenomenaoftransportthattakeplaceinthem. The continuum description is obtained by employing the phenomenological approach,orbyimplementinganaveragingorhomogenizationapproach.Wealso mention the molecular (or nano-), microscopic (or pore-), macroscopic (or labo- ratory,field-),andmegascopic(orformation-)scalesofdescriptionandtheissueof Preface ix upscaling. Finally the role, content and construction of transport models are presented. Chapter 2 introduces some fundamentals of thermodynamics of phases and chemical species that are required for the presentation in this book. Among the concepts defined and discussed are the pressure, density, chemical and other potentials, Gibbs function, internal energy, enthalpy and capillary pressure. Equations of state and their role in modeling are discussed. InChap.3,westartbypresentingthegeneralbalanceequationforanyextensive quantity, such as mass momentum and energy, of phases and chemical species encountered in porous medium domains. The equation is stated at the microscopic level,i.e.,atapointwithinafluidphasepresentinthevoidspace,andatapointin the solid matrix. We make use of the phenomenological approach to present this balance equation at the macroscopic level. The macroscopic balance equation can alsobeobtainedbyvolumeaveraging,orbyhomogenization.Theseapproachesare briefly described. We then derive equations for mass, momentum and energy. Chapter 4 is devoted to the macroscopic fluid motion equation, emphasizing its origin as a momentum balance equation. We start with the momentum balance equation of a phase. Then, under certain simplifying assumptions, this equation is reduced to the well known (linear) Darcy’s law. Other forms of the motion equa- tion, e.g., which take into account also inertial effects, are also presented. Chapter5isdevotedtomodelingmasstransportofasinglefluidphase,liquidor gas, that completely occupies the void space. The core of such model is the mass balance equation of the phase. The specific storativity is introduced to account for fluid and solid matrix compressibility. Boundary and initial conditions are pre- sented, leading to a well-posed flow (= mass transport) model. InChap.6,weconstructmasstransportmodelsforthecaseofmultiple(i.e.,two or three) fluid phases that occupy the void space simultaneously. Again, the objective is to lead to complete, well-posed mathematical models, taking into account the coupling that takes place between the phases. Chapter7isdevotedtothetransportofchemicalspeciesdissolvedinfluidphases thatoccupythevoidspace,withorwithoutchemicalreactions.Thephenomenonof dispersionisintroducedandsolutefluxesduetodiffusion,dispersion,andadvection, are discussed. Like any other model of transport, the core of the solute transport model is the balance of mass of the considered chemical species. Various sources andsinks,aswellaschemicalreactionsandinterphasetransfersarepresented.The discussion leads to awell-posed model of thesolute transport problem. Chapter8dealswithnon-isothermalsituations.Thisrequirestheconstructionof a model that also describes the transport of energy, or heat, together with appro- priate initial and boundary conditions. InChap.9,wedealwithcasesoftransportofmassandenergyinwhichthesolid matrix, as the entire porous medium domain, undergoes deformation. Models of consolidationasaconsequenceofconstruction,andmodelsoflandsubsidencedue toheavypumping,aredevelopedandpresented.Also,thepropagationofwavesin a porous medium domain, in which soil deformability plays an essential role, is briefly discussed. x Preface Three appendices, written by appropriate experts, are added at the end of the book.AppendixA,writtenmainlybyProf.RaphaelSemiat(ChemicalEngineering, Technion) demonstrates how the material presented in the book is applied in Chemical Engineering, especially in the design of reactors. Appendix B, by Dr. JonathanAjo-FranklinandDr.MarcoVoltolini(LBNL)dealswithmodelingatthe microscopic level, while Appendix C, by Dr. David Trebotich (LBNL), discusses the advent of supercomputing. Thebookiswrittenasatextsuitableforgraduateandupperlevelundergraduate students,andfor practitioners.Althoughoneofthemainobjectivesofthisbookis toconstructmathematicalmodels,theamountofmathematicalknowledgerequired is kept minimal. The emphasis is on understanding the physical and chemical phenomenathattakeplaceinporousmediumdomains.Mathematicsisusedonlyas a compact language for expressing these phenomena. Much of the material included in this book has been developed in the period 2009–2017, during which I have been an active researcher in three projects: MUSTANG. PANACEA and TRUST, conducted and funded by the European Commissionwithinthe7thprogramoftheEuropeanUnionFrameworkProgramme for Research and Innovation. I wish to acknowledge the support I received from these three projects which dealt with CO disposal in deep saline water containing 2 geological formations. Obviously, an important part of these research programs, conductedbyateamofexpertsandresearchersfrommorethan20universitiesand industries,hasbeenthedevelopmentandextensiveuseofmodelsthatdescribethe transport of mass–energy and momentum, as well as chemical reactions, encoun- tered in such projects. These models can be used for predicting the spreading and trapping of CO injected into geological formations. Many of these developments 2 are incorporated in this book. Finally, I wish to thank Prof. Dr. S. Majid Hassanizadeh (Utrecht University, NL), Prof. George J. Moridis (LBNL), Prof. Brian Berkowitz (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel), and Prof. Henry Power (Nottingham University, UK) for their important suggestions and contributions. Special thanks are due to Dr. Peter Lichtner of OFM Research for his expert advice and for devoting many days to review parts of the book. Thanks are also due to Dr-Ing. Patrick Kurzeja (TU Dortmund), Dr. Hui-Hai Liu (ARAMCO), Dr. Ehsan Nikooee (Shiraz University), Yin Xiaoguang (Utrecht University), Dr. Vahid Joekar-Niasar (University of Manchester), Dr. Chaozong Qin (Eindhoven Technical University), Prof. Alex Cheng (University of Mississippi), Prof. Alex Furman (IIT, Israel), and Prof. Dr. Ing.JenniferNiessner(HeilbronnUniversity)fortheirimportantcomments.Thanks are also due to Diana Swantek (LBNL) for her devoted and meticulous work on some of the figures presented in this book. Haifa, Israel Jacob Bear 2017

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