MODELING OF FOREST ABOVE-GROUND BIOMASS AND EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DYNAMICS Xin Tian Examining committee: A. Veldkamp University of Twente Prof.dr. A.K. Skidmore University of Twente Prof.dr. H-J Hendricks Franssen Forschungszentrum Juelich Prof. E. Chen Chinese Academy of Forestry ITC dissertation number 270 ITC, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands ISBN 978-90-365-3882-4 DOI 10.3990/1.9789036538824 Cover designed by Benno Masselink Printed by ITC Printing Department Copyright © 2015 by Xin Tian MODELING OF FOREST ABOVE-GROUND BIOMASS AND EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DYNAMICS DISSERTATION to obtain the degree of doctor at the University of Twente, on the authority of the rector magnificus, prof.dr. H. Brinksma on account of the decision of the graduation committee, to be publicly defended on Thursday 23 April 2015 at 13.45 hrs by Xin Tian born on 26/02/1979 in Tianzhu, Guizhou, P.R.China This thesis is approved by Prof.dr. Zhongbo Su, promotor Prof.dr. Zengyuan Li, promotor Christiaan van der Tol, co-promotor Dedicated to my late parents. Acknowledgements Sitting in my chair and viewing some homing birds in the sky at dusk, I was reminded of the following verse: “I leave no trace of wings in the air, but I am glad I have had my flight”, from Fireflies by Rabindranath Tagore (1928). I recently realized that I must soon say “goodbye” to some of the people I know after finalizing this thesis for my PHD work at ITC. To acknowledge the help I have received from people who have faithfully supported me during my PHD study, here, on this Thanksgiving Day, I express sincere thanks. Ten years ago, I met Prof. Bob Su on the beautiful island of Gulangyu in Xiamen City, China, during the kickoff symposium of the “Dragon Programme”, the largest international cooperation platform for Earth observation between the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the P.R.China and the European Space Agency (ESA). I was impressed by his enthusiasm, his persistence in scientific interests, his humor, and his humility during conversion. One year later, I met Prof. Su again, on another island, Santorini in Greece, when I was still a symposium tea boy. After discussions with Prof. Zengyuan Li, the supervisor of my Master’s work, Prof. Su decided to provide a chance to me to study for my PHD at ITC. First and foremost I offer my sincerest gratitude to my promoter Prof. Bob Su and co-promoter Prof. Zengyuan Li, for their extraordinary support throughout my PHD study and for their patience and knowledge whilst allowing me the room required to work in my own way. They gave me the opportunity to undertake this study and also extended my view of scientific research. Every time I was inundated by “hydrology” or suspended in the “atmosphere”, Prof.Su knew how to draw me back the right way. His deep insights into the scientific issues and his broad knowledge of science directed me to undertake a study with scientific significance. As a result of his invaluable guidance and advice, I am now finally finishing my PHD study. Prof. Li has been tolerant to my mistakes and, since I joined his research team, has inspired me to do my work (and my job) with scientific exactitude. He provided much support during my work. The manner and attitude of both of my mentors motivated me to be ingenuous and humble in life, as well as penetrating, enthusiastic and serious in science. I attribute the skill of my doctoral degree to their encouragement and efforts. I feel indebted to my two co-promotors, Dr. Christiaan van der Tol and Prof. Xin Li. Christiaan taught me much regarding eco-hydrological processes and helped clarify my manuscripts and my thesis. From him, I was able to learn how to find scientific gaps and then how to write scientific manuscripts. His elaborate and everlasting i help and guidance made this study valuable. He is also a close friend of mine and many fruitful discussions between the two of us improved my study. His office door was always open without an advanced appointment. To him I am ever grateful. Great appreciation is also given to Prof. Xin Li for his excellent organization of the Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research (WATER) experiment, which provided the required data for running the models. Prof. Li eventually taught me how to fish rather than just giving me a fish. He directed me in the types of studies that had previously been undertaken and suggested studies for my work on the Heihe River Basin (HRB). My study also benefited from his countless instruction and support. He examined each manuscript I wrote and provided invaluable suggestions for them. Our first email exchange often recurs to me; in the email I asked for help with the study area and asked some scientific questions. Although he did not know me at the time, he replied to me immediately with much kindness and modesty. I am deeply grateful to Prof. Erxue Chen at my institute (Research Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques (IFRIT), Chinese Academy of Forestry) for patient and constructive suggestions and guidance during my study, as well as during my job. His willingness to motivate me contributed tremendously to my study and work. On several occasions, he even helped me with some of my daily work at IFRIT so I would have time for this study. Without their kind and scientific direction and instruction, this thesis would not have been completed! My study would also have been impossible without the support of the ITC and I owe a great deal to various administrative departments including the education and research affairs department, the financial and economic affairs department, the library and archive service center, the ICT service center, and the reception and international hotel of ITC for their timely and intense help. I also thank Ms. Loes Colenbrander, Ms. Anke Koning and Ms. Tina Butt-Castro, who provided administrative support for my study. Special thanks are given to Prof. Tom Veldkamp (the Dean of ITC), Prof. Martien Molenaar, and other managers at ITC who provided excellent research organization and management. I also owe thanks to colleagues in water resource department (WRS) at ITC and at IFRIT who shared interesting and meaningful talks and seminars. Special thanks are given to the director, Prof. Hongbo Ju, and the deputy directors, Prof. Hong Wang and Prof. Huiru Zhang of IFRIT, for allowing me to leave my job temporally for studying abroad. Many thanks are given to colleagues, including Zhihai Gao, Lina ii Bai, Yong Pang, Shiming Li, Qingwang Liu, Fengyu Wang, Bingxiang Tan, Honggan Wu, Ying Lu, Yingzhi Bao, Haisheng Xu, Dan Liu, Yaxin Wang, who helped during my absence from IFRIT. Colleagues in the Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, particularly Prof. Mingguo Ma, Dr. Xufeng Wang, Dr. Xiaoduo Pan, Dr. Shuguo Wang and Dr. Tangtang Zhang are thanked for their hospitality and help during experiments, as well as for data and models. I owe gratitude to Mr. Guocheng Zhang, Dr. Xiaohan Liao, Dr. Jiahong Li, from the National Remote Sensing Center of China (NRSCC), and Dr. Yves-Louis Desnos, Dr. Andrew Zmuda, from European Space Research Institute (ESRIN), for their efforts to the “Dragon Programme”, during which I was able to get to know Prof. Su and next to study at ITC. I am grateful to my football buddies at ITC, Donghai Zheng, Alain P. Frances, Mustafa Gokmen and Cesar Cisneros Vaca, who let me enjoy an interesting life with them in the Netherlands. In my daily life in the Netherlands, I have been blessed with a friendly and cheerful Chinese community that is like a big family and I never felt homesick. Special thanks go to Longhui Li, Guangyi Wang, Yijian Zeng, Qiuju Zhang, Wei Ouyang, Xuelei Wang, Changbo Qin, Lei Zhong, Zhenshan Yang, Xia Li, Teng Fei, Meng Bian, Shi Pu, and Xiaojing Wu for hospitable receptions and their friendly compotation of beers, wines, and whiskies. Special thanks are given to Xuelong Chen for timely help and conversations regarding my thesis. I also owe appreciation to Tina Tian, Yanqiu Xing, Lichun Wang, Guofeng Wu and Tiejun Wang who shared useful experiences regarding study and life in the Netherlands. I thank my housemate Peng Wang for sharing meals and his fantastic piano playing; and new alumni, Xiaoling Wang, Cunbo Han, Xiaolong Yu, Xu Yuan, and Peiqi Yang for their accompaniment and help. I am thankful to the Masters and PHD students at IFRIT, among them Min Yan, Mei Li, Chunmei Li, Wenwu Fan, Qi Feng, and Lei Zhao, who assisted me in conducting experiments, in data preparation, and in running models. Finally, I feel deeply indebted to my late parents who passed away during the period of my study. As the old Chinese saying goes, “Tree prefer calm while wind not subside; Son choose filial while parents died”. I am deeply appreciative to my senior brothers for taking care of my family during my stay in the Netherlands. I also owe much to my wife, Dongying Fu, for accompanying me during the toughest iii period of my life. She has often had to bear the first brunt of my frustration against the world with equanimity and love; but she has been never hesitated to fully support my study and my work with encouragement and trust. iv