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Modeling and simulation of transport during acupuncture Yannick Deleuze To cite this version: Yannick Deleuze. Modeling and simulation of transport during acupuncture. Numerical Analysis [math.NA]. Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI; National Taiwan University (Taipei), 2015. English. ￿NNT: 2015PA066372￿. ￿tel-01218388v2￿ HAL Id: tel-01218388 https://theses.hal.science/tel-01218388v2 Submitted on 9 Feb 2016 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. Modeling and simulation on transport phenomena during acupuncture Yannick Deleuze (cid:1)(cid:19) Under the supervision of Marc Thiriet Tony W.H. Sheu and ÉCOLE DOCTORALE SCIENCES MATHÉMATIQUES DE PARIS CENTRE UNIVERSITÉ PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND OCEAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Modeling and simulation of transport during acupuncture Yannick DELEUZE By: Advisors : MarcTHIRIET,M.D.,Ph.D.andTonyW.H.SHEU,Ph.D. Submittedinpartialfulfillmentoftherequirementfor thedegreeofDoctorofPhilosophy specializedinEngineeringScience atNationalTaiwanUniversity and thedegreeofDoctorofscience, specializedinAppliedMathematics atUniversityPierreandMarieCurie Reviewers: HUANG Huaxiong YorkUniversity MAURY Bertrand UniversitéParis-Sud Defendedpubliclyonthe22/09/2015inTaipeiinfrontofaCommitteecomposedof: THIRIET Marc UPMC Advisor SHEU TonyW.H NTU Advisor PIRONNEAU Olivier UPMC Examiner MAURY Bertrand UniversitéParis-Sud Reviewer LIN Jaung-Geng ChinaMedicalUniversity Examiner TSAI Wu-Ting NTU Examiner CHU Yeh-Shiu NationalYang-MingUniversity Examiner PERTHAME Benoit UPMC Examiner LaboratoireJacques-LouisLions UniversitéPierreetMarieCurie Boîtecourrier187 Scientific Computing and Cardiovascular 75252ParisCedex05France SimulationLaboratory Department of Engineering Science and OceanEngineering École Doctorale de Sciences Mathé- NationalTaiwanUniversity matiquesdeParisCentre(ED386) No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Daan UniversitéPierreetMarieCurie District,TaipeiCity106 Boîtecourrier290 Taiwan 4,PlaceJussieu 75252ParisCedex05 France À mes parents, mon frère, et ma femme "Ceuxquivivent,cesontceuxquiluttent." VictorHugo 4 Acknowledgements I am heartily thankful to my supervisors, Tony Sheu and Marc Thiriet, for allowing me to work on this exciting subject and giving me the opportunity to be part of this international project. Their enthusiasm, encouragement, understanding, guidance, and supporthavemadethisworkathoughtfulandrewardingjourney. IowemydeepestgratitudetoHuaxiongHuangandBertrandMaurytohaveaccepted to read and review my thesis. I would like to thank Olivier Pironneau, Bertrand Maury, Benoit Perthame, Jaung-Geng Lin, Wu-Ting Tsai, and Yeh-Shiu Chu to have accepted to bepartofmydissertationCommittee. I thank the UPMC for the funding of my doctoral studies. I thank the FSMP, the CASTS, the "Bureau de Représentation de Taipei en France”, and the Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering for the several partial fundings during my masteranddoctoralstudies. Myworkhasbeenmadepossiblethankstotheeffortsandscientificexcellencyofthe researchers and professors in the LJLL, SCCS, and CASTS that generously shared their time and ideas. A special thanks to Nadine Foucart, Salima Lounici, Danielle Boulic, Liliane Ruprecht, Christian David, Khashayar Dadras, and Antoine Le Hyaric for their help both in France and during my stay in Taiwan. Thanks also to Ms Huang and Ms WangfortheprecioushelpandcounselsduringmystayintheNTU. Iwouldliketothanktheteacherswholedmetotheworldofresearchthroughtheirin- spirationalteaching. IwouldliketociteinparticularYvonMaday,Jean-PierreFrançoise, PascalFrey,FrédéricHecht,AlbertGoldbeter,AlessandraCarbone,DavidHolcman,and OlivierPironneau. IalsowouldliketoshowmygratitudetoBenoitPerthamewhohasin- troduced me to the world of interactions between mathematics and biology. I would also liketothankBenoitforhiscollaborationandproofreadingforpartsoftheworkpresented inchapter4andhispreciousadvicesduringourencountersbothinFranceandTaiwan. ThankstoFrédéricHechtforgenerouslysharinghistimeandideaswiththeuseofthe softwareFreeFem++. I also would like to thank Hiroshi Suito for inviting me to share my work in Japan. I reallyenjoyedtherewardingexperience. Duringtheseveralconferencesandeventsalong my doctoral studies, I met remarkable researchers that had the kindness to interact with meandwhoseworkhaveinspiredme. Iwouldliketocite,amongothers,NorikazuSaito, 5 OlivierPironneau,PascalFrey,KenjiTakizawa,BertrandMaury. The dual degree project between France and Taiwan has been made possible with the great help of the International Relations Department in UPMC and the Office of Interna- tional Affairs in NTU. I would like to thank in particular Patricia Zizzo for her help and advicesduringtheelaborationoftheproject. I don’t forget the students and post-doctors of UPMC and NTU with who I had friendly, helpful, and productive discussions: Juliette, 承佑, 育瑋, 聖宗, Lise-Marie, Nicole, Charles, Vincent, Mamadou, Pierre, Marie, Paul, Jean-Paul, Grégoire, Claire, Maxim,Céline,仕超,燿宇,向成,豫潔,林樂,日陽,聖鋒,禹鑫,哲安,嘉敏,倫語. I’m very grateful for the unconditional support of my wife Camille, my parents, my brother,andfamilyduringthecompletionoftheproject. Andfinally,thankstomyallmyfriendsandespeciallytoGuillaume,Thibault,Thibault, Sébastien,andtheOrryteamfortheirfriendshipduringalltheseyears. 6 Abstract The objective of this thesis is to comprehend the complexity of the underlying basis of acupuncture. Acupuncture needling is investigated in order to establish a multiscale model that takes into account the complexity of biology but is mathematically simple enoughtorunsimulations. Acupunctureisoneoftheoldestpracticesinthehistoryofmedicineandisthecoreof TraditionalChineseMedicine. Onceneedlesareinsertedintherightlocations,calledacu- points,theyaremanipulatedviamanualneedling,suchasliftingandthrustingorrotating, to stimulatethe acupoint. The sameacupoints can alsobe stimulated byother techniques such as moxibustion, acupressure, electroacupuncture, and more recently, laser acupunc- ture. Growingpublicinterestforacupuncturetreatmentshasledthescientificcommunity to investigate the underlying physiological basis of acupuncture. The physiological re- actions of acupuncture needling lead to therapeutic effects which can be explained by a series of interactions between the skin and the nervous, the endocrine, and the immune systems. In the present work, the thrusting and lifting of an acupuncture needle inserted in subcutaneous connective tissue is modeled. This loose connective tissue is composed of cells and an extracellular matrix of collagen and elastic fibers embedded in gel made of glycoproteins and proteoglycans. A porous media model is used to run simulations and compute the pressure and shear stress affecting the organization of fibers and of isolated cells in their matrix. The predicted pressure and shear stress show that the implantation ofaneedlecanproducelocalmechanicalstimulationinitsenvironment. A mathematical model was conceived to take into account cell signaling. There is ampleevidencethatneedlemanipulationinacupuncturecancausedegranulationofmas- tocytes directly through a physical stress to occur. Activated mastocytes rapidly release granules containing chemical mediators. These chemical mediators play a key role re- cruiting mastocytes in their environment and are known to affect the excitability of nerve endings as well as local microcirculation permeability and size for the appropriate trans- fer of long-term acting endocrine signals. The process is sustained by the recruitment of mastocytesthroughchemotaxis. The mathematical model of the mastocyte response to acupuncture needling relies on the macroscopic description of chemotaxis. Its simplest form describes the evolu- tionofthe densityofmastocytesand theconcentrationofa chemoattractant emittedonly 8 by mastocytes when activated by the mechanical stress induced by needle manipulation. Blow-upofthesolutioninfinitetimeisproventooccurforlargeinitialdataconcentrated around the acupoint in a simplified model. A numerical study infers the theoretical re- sults and the observed blow-up is interpreted as a self-sustained response of stimulation andrecruitmentofmastocytesattheacupoint. Keywords : acupuncture; mastocyte; chemotaxis ; fluid-structure interaction; fluid- fibrousporousmediuminteraction;chemotaxis-fluidmodel;numericalsimulation;finite elementmethod;FreeFem++ 9

2.11 Mesh and numerical solutions of the heat equation . The domain of a PDE is in general denoted by Ω, which is a bounded open set in Rd.
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