1 Modeling and Simulation of Molecular Communication Systems with a Reversible Adsorption Receiver Yansha Deng, Member, IEEE, Adam Noel, Member, IEEE, Maged Elkashlan, Member, IEEE, Arumugam Nallanathan, Senior Member, IEEE, and Karen C. Cheung. 6 Abstract—Inthispaper,wepresentananalyticalmodelforthe ofencodinginformationontophysicalmolecules,sensing,and 1 diffusivemolecularcommunication(MC)systemwithareversible decoding the received information molecules, which could 0 adsorptionreceiverinafluidenvironment.Thewidelyusedcon- 2 enable applications in drug delivery, pollution control, health, centration shift keying (CSK) is considered for modulation. The and environmentalmonitoring [3]. n time-varying spatial distribution of the information molecules u under the reversible adsorption and desorption reaction at the Based on the propagation channel, molecular communi- J surface of a receiver is analytically characterized. Based on cation (MC) can be classified into one of three categories: 2 the spatial distribution, we derive the net number of adsorbed 1) Walkway-based MC, where molecules move directionally informationmoleculesexpectedinanytimeduration.Wefurther 2 alongmolecularrails using carrier substances, such as molec- derive the net number of adsorbed molecules expected at the ular motors [4]; 2) Flow-based paradigm, where molecules steadystatetodemonstratetheequilibriumconcentration.Given ] T the net number of adsorbed information molecules, the bit propagateprimarilyvia fluid flow. An exampleof this kind is E error probability of the proposed MC system is analytically the hormonal communication through the bloodstream in the approximated. Importantly, we present a simulation framework human body [1]; 3) Diffusion-based MC, where molecules . s for the proposed model that accounts for the diffusion and propagate via the random motion, namely Brownian motion, c reversible reaction. Simulation results show the accuracy of our [ caused by collisions with the fluid’s molecules. In this case, derived expressions, and demonstrate the positive effect of the adsorption rate and thenegative effect of thedesorptionrate on molecule motion is less predictable, and the propagation is 3 the error probability of reversible adsorption receiver with last often assumed to follow the laws of a Wiener process. Exam- v 1 transmit bit-1. Moreover, our analytical results simplify to the ples include deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) signaling among specialcasesofafulladsorptionreceiverandapartialadsorption 8 DNA segments [5], calcium signaling among cells [6], and receiver, both of which do not include desorption. 6 pheromonalcommunication among animals [7]. 0 IndexTerms—Molecularcommunication,reversibleadsorption AmongtheaforementionedthreeMCparadigms,diffusion- 0 receiver, time varying spatial distribution, error probability. based MC is the most simple, general and energy efficient . 1 transportation paradigm without the need for external energy 0 orinfrastructure.Thus,researchhasfocusedonthemathemat- 6 I. INTRODUCTION icalmodelingandtheoreticalanalysis[8–12],receptiondesign 1 Conveying information over a distance has been a problem : [13], receiver modeling [14], and modulation and demodula- v for decades, and is urgently demanded for multiple distance tion techniques [15–17], of diffusion-based MC systems. i X scales and variousenvironments.The conventionalsolution is In diffusion-based MC, the transmit signal is encoded on to utilize electrical- or electromagnetic-enabled communica- r the physical characteristics of informationmolecules (such as a tion, which is unfortunately inapplicable or inappropriate in hormones, pheromones, DNA), which propagate through the very small dimensionsor in specific environments,such as in fluid mediumvia diffusionwith the help of thermalenergyin salt water, tunnels, or human bodies. Recent breakthroughsin theenvironment.Theinformationcanbeencodedontothethe bio-nanotechnologyhavemotivatedmolecularcommunication quantity, identity, or released timing of the molecules. In the [1,2]tobeabiologically-inspiredtechniquefornanonetworks, domain of timing channel, the first work on diffusion based where devices with functional components on the scale of 1– MC was pioneered by Eckford [8], in which the propagation 100 nanometers (i.e., nanomachines) share information over timing channel is ideally characterized as an additive noise distanceviachemicalsignalsinnanometertomicrometerscale channel. In the domain of concentration-based encoding, the environments.Thesesmallscalebio-nanomachinesarecapable concentration level of information molecules represents dif- ferent transmit signals. Since the average displacement of an Y. Deng and A. Nallanathan are with Department of Informatics, information molecule is directly proportional to the square King’s College London, London, WC2R 2LS, UK (email:{yansha.deng, arumugam.nallanathan}@kcl.ac.uk). root of diffusion time [5], long distance transmission requires A. Noel is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer much longer propagation times. Moreover, the randomness Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5, Canada (email: of the arriving time for each molecule makes it difficult for [email protected]). K.C.CheungiswithDepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering, the receiver to distinguish between the signals transmitted University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada (email: in different bit intervals, because the number of received [email protected]). molecules in the current symbol depends on the molecules M.ElkashlaniswithQueenMaryUniversityofLondon,LondonE14NS, UK(email: [email protected]). emitted in previous and current symbols. This is known as 2 intersymbol interference (ISI). From a theoretical perspective, researchers have derived In most existing literature, some assumptions are made in the equilibrium concentration of A&D [29], which is insuf- order to focus on the propagationchannel. One assumption is ficient to model the time-varying channel impulse response that each molecule is removed from the environment when it (andultimatelythe communicationsperformance)of anA&D contributes once to the received signal. As such, the informa- receiver. Furthermore, the simulation design for the A&D tion molecule concentration near the receiver is intentionally process of molecules at the surface of a planar receiver was changed [18]. Another widely-used idealistic assumption is also proposed in [29]. However, the simulation procedure for to consider a passive receiver, which is permeable to the a communication model with a spherical A&D receiver in a information molecules passing by, and is capable of counting fluid environmenthas never been solved and reported. In this thenumbermoleculesinsidethereceivervolume[13,19].The model,informationmoleculesarereleasedbythetransmission passive receiver model easily encounters high ISI, since the of pulses, propagate via free-diffusion through the channel, same molecule may unavoidably contribute to the received and contribute to the received signal via A&D at the receiver signal many times in different symbol intervals. surface. The challenges are the complexity in modeling the In a practical bio-inspired system, the surface of a receiver coupling effect of adsorption and desorption under diffusion, is covered with selective receptors, which are sensitive to a as well as accurately and dynamically tracking the location specifictypeofinformationmolecule(e.g.,specificpeptidesor and the number of diffused molecules, adsorbed molecules calcium ions).The surface of the receivermay adsorbor bind and desorbed molecules (which are free to diffuse again). with this specific information molecule [20]. One example is Despite the aforementionedchallenges, we consider in this thattheinfluxofcalciumtowardsthecenterofareceiver(e.g. paper the diffusion-basedMC system with a point transmitter cell) is induced by the reception of a calcium signal [21,22]. and an A&D receiver. The transmitter emits a certain number Despite growing research efforts in MC, the chemical re- ofinformationmoleculesatthestartofeachsymbolintervalto action receiver has not been accurately characterized in most represent the transmitted signal. These information molecules of the literature except by Yilmaz [14,15,17] and Chou [23]. can adsorb to or desorb from the surface of the receiver. The Theprimarychallengeisaccommodatingthelocalreactionsin number of information molecules adsorbed at the surface of the reaction-diffusionequations. In [14] and [24], the channel the receiver is counted for information decoding. The goal of impulse response for MC with an absorbing receiver was this paper is to characterize the communicationsperformance derived.The MolecUlar CommunicatIoN(MUCIN) simulator of an A&D. Our major contributions are as follows: was presented in [15] to verify the fully-absorbing receiver. Theresultsin[14,15]werethenextendedtotheISImitigation 1) We present an analytical model for the diffusion-based problemforthefully-absorbingreceiver[17].In[23],themean MC system with an A&D receiver. We derive the and variance of the receiver output was derived for MC with exact expression for the channel impulse response at a a reversible reaction receiver based on the reaction-diffusion sphericalA&Dreceiverinathreedimensional(3D)fluid master equation (RDME). The analysis and simulations were environmentduetooneinstantaneousreleaseofmultiple performed using the subvolume-based method, where the molecules (i.e., single transmission). transmitter and receiver were cubes, and the exact locations 2) We derive the net number of adsorbed molecules ex- orplacementofindividualmoleculeswerenotcaptured.They pected at the surface of the A&D receiver in any time considered the reversible reactions only happens inside the duration. To measure the equilibrium concentration for receiver (cube) rather than at the surface of receiver. a single transmission, we also derive the asymptotic Unlike existing work on MC, we consider the reversible number of cumulative adsorbed molecules expected at adsorption and desorption (A&D) receiver, which is capable the surface of A&D receiver as time goes to infinity. of adsorbing a certain type of information molecule near its 3) Unlikemostliteraturein [19],wherethe receivedsignal surface, and desorbing the information molecules previously is demodulated based on the total number of molecules adsorbed at its surface. A&D is a widely-observed process expected at the passive receiver, we consider a simple for colloids [25], proteins [26], and polymers [27]. Within demodulator based on the net number of adsorbed the Internet of Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT), biological cells are moleculesexpected.Whenmultiplebitsaretransmitted, usually regarded as the substrates of the Bio-NanoThings. thenetnumberismoreconsistentthanthetotalnumber. Thesebiologicalcellswill becapableofinteractingwith each 4) WeapplytheSkellamdistributiontoapproximatethenet other by exchanging information, such as sensed chemical number of adsorbed molecules expected at the surface or physical parameters and sets of instructions or commands of the A&D receiver due to a single transmission of [28]. Analyzing the performance characteristics of MC sys- molecules. We formulate the bit error probabilityof the tems using biological cells equipped with adsorption and A&DreceiverusingtheSkellamdistribution.Ourresults desorption receptorsallows for the comparison,classification, show the positive effect of adsorption rate and negative optimization and realization of different techniques to realize effectofdesorptionrateontheerrorprobabilityofA&D the IoBNT. The A&D process also simplifies to the special receiver with last transmit bit-1. case of an absorbing receiver (i.e., with no desorption). For 5) We propose a simulation algorithm to simulate the consistency in this paper, we refer to receivers that do not diffusion, adsorption and desorption behavior of infor- desorb, but have infinite or finite absorption rates, as fully- mation molecules based on a particle-based simulation adsorbing and partially-adsorbing receivers, respectively. framework. Unlike existing simulation platforms (e.g., 3 Smoldyn [30], N3sim [31]), our simulation algorithm the transmitter and the receiver as in most literature [9– captures the dynamic processes of the MC system, 11,13–17,19]. The system includes five processes: emission, which includes the signal modulation, molecule free propagation, reception, modulation and demodulation, which diffusion, molecule A&D at the surface of the receiver, are detailed in the following. and signal demodulation. Our simulation results are in close agreement with the derived number of adsorbed A. Emission molecules expected. Interestingly, we demonstrate that the error probability of the A&D receiver for the last The point transmitter releases one type of information transmitted bit is worse at higher detection thresholds molecule (e.g., hormones, pheromones)to the receiver for in- but better at low detection thresholds than both the formationtransmission. The transmitter emits the information full adsorption and partial adsorption receivers. This is molecules at t = 0, where we define the initial condition as becausetheA&Dreceiverobservesalowerpeaknumber [24, Eq. (3.61)] of adsorbed molecules but then a faster decay. 1 The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section C(r,t 0 r )= δ(r r ), (1) → | 0 4πr 2 − 0 II, we introduce the system model with a single transmis- 0 sion at the transmitter and the A&D receiver. In Section whereC(r,t 0 r )isthemoleculedistributionfunctionat 0 → | III, we present the channel impulse response of information time t 0 and distance r with initial distance r . 0 → molecules, i.e., the exact and asymptotic number of adsorbed We also define the first boundary condition as moleculesexpectedatthesurfaceofthereceiver.InSectionIV, we derive the bit error probabilityof the proposedMC model rl→im∞C(r,t|r0)=0, (2) due to multiple symbol intervals. In Section V, we present the simulation framework. In Section VI, we discuss the such that at arbitrary time, the molecule distribution function numericalandsimulationresults. InSectionVII,we conclude equals zero when r goes to infinity. the contributions of this paper. B. Diffusion II. SYSTEMMODEL Oncetheinformationmoleculesareemitted,theydiffuseby We consider a 3-dimensional (3D) diffusion-based MC randomly colliding with other molecules in the environment. system in a fluid environment with a point transmitter and a This random motion is called Brownian motion [5]. The sphericalA&Dreceiver.Weassumesphericalsymmetrywhere concentration of information molecules is assumed to be thetransmitteriseffectivelyasphericalshellandthemolecules sufficiently low that the collisions between those information are released from random points over the shell; the actual moleculesareignored[5],suchthateachinformationmolecule angle to the transmitter when a molecule hits the receiver is diffuses independently with constant diffusion coefficient D. ignored, so this assumption cannot accommodate a flowing The propagation model in a 3D environment is described by environment. The point transmitter is located at a distance r0 Fick’s second law [5,14]: fromthecenterofthereceiverandisatadistanced=r r 0 r from the nearest point on the surface of the receiver −with ∂(r·C(r,t|r0)) =D∂2(r·C(r,t|r0)), (3) radius r . The extension to an asymmetric spherical model ∂t ∂r2 r that accounts for the actual angle to the transmitter when a where the diffusion coefficient is usually obtained via experi- molecule hits the receiver complicates the derivation of the ment [34]. channelimpulseresponse,andmightbesolvedfollowing[32]. We assume all receptors are equivalent and can accommo- dateatmostoneadsorbedmolecule.Theabilityofamolecule C. Reception to adsorb at a given site is independent of the occupation of We consider a reversible A&D receiver that is capable of neighboring receptors. The spherical receiver is assumed to countingthe net numberof adsorbedmolecules at the surface have no physical limitation on the number or placement of of the receiver. Any molecule that hits the receiver surface receptorsonthereceiver.Thus,thereisnolimitonthenumber is either adsorbed to the receiver surface or reflected back of molecules adsorbed to the receiver surface (i.e., we ignore into the fluid environment, based on the adsorption rate k saturation).Thisisanappropriateassumptionforasufficiently (length time−1). The adsorbed molecules either desorb o1r low number of adsorbed molecules, or for a sufficiently high × remain stationary at the surface of receiver, based on the concentration of receptors. desorption rate k−1 (time−1). Once an information molecule binds to a receptor site, Att=0,therearenoinformationmoleculesatthereceiver a physical response is activated to facilitate the counting surface, so the second initial condition is of the molecule. Generally, due to the non-covalent nature of binding, in the dissociation process, the receptor may C(r ,0 r )=0,andC (0 r )=0, (4) r 0 a 0 releasetheadsorbedmoleculetothefluidenvironmentwithout | | changing its physical characteristics, e.g., a ligand-binding whereC (t r )istheaverageconcentrationofmoleculesthat a 0 | receptor[33].Wealsoassumeperfectsynchronizationbetween are adsorbed to the receiver surface at time t. 4 Forthesolid-fluidinterfacelocatedatr ,thesecondbound- (and our results will demonstrate) that our approach is more r ary condition of the information molecules is [29, Eq. (4)] appropriate for a simple demodulator. Here, we write the net numberofadsorbedmoleculesmeasuredbythereceiverinthe ∂(C(r,t r )) D ∂r | 0 (cid:12)(cid:12)r=rr+ =k1C(rr,t|r0)−k−1Ca(t|r0)(,5) jntuhmbbietrinotferrveacleaivseNdnmRexwol[ejc]u,laensdisthNetdhe.cUissioinngththrereshshooldldf-obrasthede (cid:12) demodulation,the receiverdemodulatesthe receivedsignal as (cid:12) which accounts for the adsorption and desorption reactions bit-1 if NRx [j] N , and demodulates the received signal new ≥ th that can occur at the surface of the receiver. as bit-0 if NRx [j]<N . new th Most generally, when both k1 and k−1 are non-zero finite constants,(5)istheboundaryconditionfortheA&Dreceiver. III. RECEIVEROBSERVATIONS Whenk1 →∞andk−1 =0,(5)istheboundaryconditionfor In this section, we first derive the spherically-symmetric thefulladsorption(orfully-adsorbing)receiver,whereaswhen spatial distribution C(r,t r ), which is the probability of k1 isanon-zerofiniteconstantandk−1 =0,(5)isthebound- finding a molecule at dista|nc0e r and time t. We then derive aryconditionforthepartialadsorption(orpartially-adsorbing) the flux at the surface of the A&D receiver, from which we receiver. In these two special cases with k−1 = 0, the lack derivetheexactandasymptoticnumberofadsorbedmolecules of desorption results in more effective adsorption. Here, the expected at the surface of the receiver. adsorption rate k is approximately limited to the thermal 1 velocity of potential adsorbents (e.g., k < 7 106µm/s for 1 a 50 kDa protein at 37 ◦C) [29]; the desorpt×ion rate k−1 is A. Exact Results typically between 10−4s−1 and 104s−1 [35]. The time-varying spatial distribution of information The surface concentration C (t r ) changes over time as a 0 moleculesatthesurfaceofthereceiverisanimportantstatistic | follows: forcapturingthemoleculeconcentrationinthediffusion-based ∂Ca(t|r0) = D∂(C(r,t|r0)) , (6) MC system. We solve it in the following theorem. ∂t ∂r (cid:12)r=rr+ Theorem 1. The expected time-varyingspatialdistributionof (cid:12) which shows that the change in the adsorb(cid:12)ed concentration an information molecule released into a 3D fluid environment (cid:12) over time is equal to the flux of diffusion molecules towards with a reversible adsorbing receiver is given by the surface. 1 (r r )2 Combining (5) and (6), we write C(r,t r )= exp − 0 0 ∂C (t r ) | 8πr0r√πDt (− 4Dt ) a∂t| 0 =k1C(rr,t|r0)−k−1Ca(t|r0), (7) 1 (r+r0 2rr)2 + exp − which is known as the Robin or radiation boundarycondition 8πr0r√πDt (− 4Dt ) [36,37] and shows that the equivalent adsorption rate is ∞ 1 proportional to the molecule concentration at the surface. − 2πr e−jwtϕ∗Z(w)+ejwtϕZ(w) dw, Z0 (cid:0) (cid:1) (8) D. Modulation and Demodulation where In this model, we consider the widely applied amplitude- based modulation—concentrationshift keying (CSK) [13,15, 2 1 + k1jw ϕ (w)=Z(jw)= rr D(jw+k−1) 17,38,39], where the concentration of information molecules Z (cid:16) (cid:17) is interpreted as the amplitude of the signal. Specifically, we r1r + D(jkw1+jwk−1) + jDw utilizeBinaryCSK,wherethetransmitteremitsN molecules (cid:18) q (cid:19) 1 1 jw at the start of the bit interval to represent the transmit bit- exp (r+r 2r ) , 0 r 1, and emits N2 molecules at the start of the bit interval to × 8πr0√Djw (− − rD ) representthetransmitbit-0.Toreducetheenergyconsumption (9) andmakethereceivedsignalmoredistinguishable,weassume and ϕ∗ (w) is the complex conjugate of ϕ (w). that N =N and N =0. Z Z 1 tx 2 We assumethatthereceiverisabletocountthenet number Proof: See Appendix A. of information molecules that are adsorbed to the surface of Our results in Theorem 1 can be easily computed using thereceiverinanysamplingperiodbysubtractingthenumber Matlab. We observe that (8) reduces to an absorbing receiver of molecules bound to the surface of the receiver at the end [24, Eq. (3.99)] when there is no desorption (i.e., k−1 =0). of previous sampling time from that at the end of current To characterize the number of information molecules ad- sampling time. The net number of adsorbed molecules over sorbed to the surface of the receiver using C(r,t r ), we 0 | a bit interval is then demodulated as the received signal for definetherateofthecoupledreaction(i.e.,adsorptionanddes- thatbitinterval.Thisapproachisincontrastto[17],wherethe orption)atthesurfaceoftheA&Dreceiveras[24,Eq.(3.106)] cumulative number of molecule arrivals in each symbol dura- ∂C(r,t r ) tion was demodulated as the received signal (i.e., cumulative K(t r )=4πr2D | 0 . (10) | 0 r ∂r counter is reset to zero at each symbol duration). We claim (cid:12)r=rr (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 5 Corollary 1. The rate of the coupling reaction at the surface B. Asymptotic Behavior: Equilibrium Concentration of a reversible adsorbing receiver is given by ∗ ∞ jw In this section, we are interested in the asymptotic number K(t|r0)=2rrDZ0 e−jwt"rD ϕZ(w)# dw otof aindfisonritbye,di.me.,oltehceulceosndcueentrtoatiaonsionfgleadesmoribsesidonmaosleTcublegsoeast ∞ jw the steady state. Note that this asymptotic concentration of +2r D ejwt ϕ (w) dw, (11) r D Z adsorbed molecules is an important quantity that influences Z0 "r # the number of adsorbed molecules expected in subsequentbit where ϕZ(w) is as given in (9). intervals, and we have assumed that the receiver surface has infinite receptors. Thus, in the remainder of this section, we Proof: By substituting (8) into (10), we derive the cou- derivethecumulativenumberofadsorbedmoleculesexpected pling reaction rate at the surface of an A&D receiver as (11). at the surface of the A&D receiver, the partial adsorption receiver, and the full adsorption receiver, as T . From Corollary 1, we can derive the net change in the b →∞ number of adsorbed molecules expected for any time interval 1) Reversible A&D Receiver: in the following theorem. Lemma 1. As T , the cumulative number of adsorbed Theorem 2. With a single emission at t =0, the net change b → ∞ molecules expected at the A&D receiver simplifies to in the number of adsorbed molecules expected at the surface oftheA&D receiverduringthe interval[T,T+T ] isderived s as N r E[N (Ω ,T r )]= tx r E[N (Ω ,T,T +T r )]=2r N D A&D rr b →∞| 0 2r A&D rr s| 0 r tx 0 ∞ e−jwT e−jw(T+Ts) jw ∗ ∞ 1 jw ×"Z0 −jw hrD ϕZ(w)i dw −4NtxrrDZ0 wIm"rD ϕZ(w)#dw. (15) ∞ ejw(T+Ts) ejwT jw + − ϕ (w) dw , (12) Z jw D Z0 hr i # Proof: We express the cumulative fraction of particles where ϕZ(w) is given in (9), Ts is the sampling time, and adsorbed to the surface of the A&D receiver at time Tb in Ω represents the spherical receiver with radius r . (13) as rr r Proof: The cumulative fraction of particles that are ad- sorbed to the receiver surface at time T is expressed as R (Ω ,T r ) T A&D rr b| 0 R (Ω ,T r )= K(t r )dt ∞ ejwTb 1 jw A&D rr | 0∞ 1Z0e−jwT| 0 jw ∗ =Re"4rrDZ0 jw− rD ϕZ(w)!dw# =2rrD"Z0 −jw "rD ϕZ(w)# dw =4rrD ∞ sinwwTbRe jDwϕZ(w) dw ∞ ejwT 1 jw Z0 "r # +Z0 jw− "rD ϕZ(w)#dw#. (13) +4rrD ∞ coswwTb−1Im jDwϕZ(w) dw Z0 "r # Based on (13), the net change in adsorbed molecules ∞ ∞ sinz z cosz expectedat the receiver surface duringthe interval[T, T+Ts] =4rrD z Re q T dz+4rrD z is defined as Z0 (cid:20) (cid:18) b(cid:19)∞(cid:21) Z0 z 1 Im q dz 4r D Im[q(w)]dw, (16) E[NA&D(Ωrr,T,T +Ts|r0)]= (cid:20) (cid:18)Tb(cid:19)(cid:21) − r Z0 w N R (Ω ,T +T r ) N R (Ω ,T r ). tx A&D rr s| 0 − tx A&D rr | 0 (14) where Substituting (13) into (14), we derive the expected net changeofadsorbedmoleculesduringany observationinterval as (12). 1 + k1jw Note that the net change in the number of adsorbed q(w)= rr D(jw+k−1) 1 moleculesin eachbitintervalwill berecordedatthe receiver, 1 (cid:16)+ k1jw + (cid:17)jw 4πr0D whichwillbeconvertedtotherecordednetchangeofadsorbed rr D(jw+k−1) D moleculesineachbitinterval,andcomparedwiththedecision (cid:18) q (cid:19) jw itnhtreersvhaolldisNsmthatloledretmhaonduolnaetebtihteinretecreviavle)d. signal(thesampling ×exp(−(r0−rr)rD ). (17) 6 As T , we have the following: k , and decreases with increasing diffusion coefficient D and b 1 →∞ ∞ increasing distance between the transmitter and the center of sinz E[NA&D(Ωrr,Tb →∞|r0)]=4rrDNtx z Re[q(0)] the receiver r0. ∞ ∞ hZ0 3) FullAdsorptionReceiver: Inthefulladsorptionreceiver, cosz 1 dz+ Im[q(0)]dz Im[q(w)]dw allmoleculesadsorbwhentheycollidewithitssurface,which z − w (b) Z0 ∞ sinz Z0 ∞ 1 i corresponds to the case of k1 →∞ and k−1 =0 in (5). =4rrDNtx Re[q(0)]dz Im[q(w)]dw Proposition2. Thecumulativenumberofadsorbedmolecules z − w (=c)N rr hZ∞0 sinzdz 4r D ∞Z10Im[q(w)]dw i exp,eicstedderaivtetdheasfull adsorption receiver by time Tb, as Tb → tx r πr z − w ∞ = Ntxhrr 0 4ZN0 r D ∞ 1Im Z0jwϕ (w) dw, i (18) E[NFA(Ωrr,Tb →∞|r0)]= Nrtxrr. (22) tx r Z 0 2r0 − Z0 w "rD # Proof: We note that the exact expression for the net where (b) is due to the fact thatIm[q(0)]=0, and(c) is due numberof adsorbedmoleculesexpectedat the fulladsorption to q(0)= 1 . receiver during [T, T+T ] has been derived in [14,24] as 4πr0D s 2) Partial Adsorption Receiver: The partial adsorption re- E[N (Ω ,T,T +T r )]= ceiveronlyadsorbssomeofthemoleculesthatcollidewithits FA rr s| 0 surface, correspondingto k1 as a finite constant and k−1 =0 N rr erfc r0−rr erfc r0−rr . (23) in (5). txr0" ( 4D(T +Ts))− (cid:26)√4DT (cid:27)# Proposition 1. The number of molecules expected to be The fraction ofpmolecules adsorbed to the full adsorption adsorbed to the partial adsorption receiver by time T , as b receiver by time T was derived in [24, Eq. (3.116)] and [14, b T , is derived as b Eq. (32)] as →∞ N k r2 E[NPA(Ωrr,Tb →∞|r0)]= r0(kt1xrr1+rD). (19) RFA(Ωr,Tb|r0)= rrr erfc √r04−DTrr . (24) 0 (cid:26) b(cid:27) Proof: We note that the exact expression for the net By setting T and taking the expectation of (24), we b number of adsorbed molecules expected at the partial ad- →∞ arrive at (22). sorption receiver during [T, T+T ] can be derived from [24, s Alternatively,withthehelpofintegrationbyparts,theresult Eq. (3.114)] as in (15) reduces to the asymptotic result in (22) for the full E[NPA(Ωrr,T,T +Ts|r0)]=Ntxrrrα−α 1 adsTohreptaiosynmrepctoetivicerrebsyultseftotrintghekf1u=lla∞dsoarnpdtiokn−r1e=cei0ve.rin(22) 0 reveals that the cumulative number of adsorbed molecules r r r 0 ×"erf( 4D(−T +Ts))−exp{(r0−rr)α cexopefeficcteiedntb,yanindfidniirteecttliymeprTopboirstioinndaelpteontdheentraotifothbeetwdiefefunsitohne +D(T +pT )α2 erfc r0−rr +2Dα(T +Ts) radiusofreceiverandthedistancebetweenthetransmitterand s the center of receiver. ( 4D(T +Ts) ) (cid:9) r r erf r − 0 +exp (r0 prr)α+DTα2 IV. ERROR PROBABILITY − √4DT − (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:8) (cid:9) Inthis section,we proposethatthe netnumberofadsorbed r r +2DαT erfc 0− r , (20) molecules in a bit interval be used for receiver demodulation. × (cid:26) √4DT (cid:27)# We also derive the error probability of the MC system using the Poisson approximation and the Skellam distribution. where α= k1 + 1. D rr To calculate the error probability at the receiver, we first Thecumulativefractionofmoleculesadsorbedatthepartial need to model the statistics of molecule adsorption. For a adsorptionreceiverbytimeT wasderivedin[24,Eq.(3.114)] b singleemissionatt=0,thenetnumberofmoleculesadsorbed as during[T,T+T ] is approximatelymodeledas the difference b r α 1 r r r r 0 between two binomial distributions as R (Ω ,T r )= − 1+erf − PA r b 0 | r α √4DT 0 (cid:18) (cid:26) b(cid:27) NRx B(N ,R (Ω ,T +T r )) exp (r r )α+DT α2 erfc r0−rr +2DαTb . new ∼ tx A&D rr b| 0 − − 0− r b (cid:26) √4DTb (cid:27)(cid:19) B(Ntx,RA&D(Ωrr,T|r0)), (25) (cid:8) (cid:9) (21) wherethe cumulativefractionofparticlesthatareadsorbedto By setting T and taking the expectation of (21), we the A&D receiver R (Ω ,T r ) is given in (16). Note b →∞ A&D rr | 0 arrive at (19). that the number of molecules adsorbed at T + T depends b The asymptotic result in (19) for the partial adsorption re- on that at T, however this dependence can be ignored for ceiverrevealsthatthenumberofadsorbedmoleculesexpected a sufficiently large bit interval, and makes (25) accurate. at infinite time T increases with increasing adsorption rate The number of adsorbed molecules represented by Binomial b 7 distributioncanalso beapproximatedusingeitherthePoisson in the jth bit is given as distributions or the Normal distributions. The net number of adsorbed molecules depends on the Pe[sˆj =1|sj =0,s1:j−1] emission in the current bit interval and those in previous =Pr NnRexw[j]≥Nth sj =0,s1:j−1 ∞ bit intervals. Unlike the full adsorption receiver in [17,40, 41] and partial adsorption receiver where the net number (cid:0) exp (Ψ1+(cid:12)(cid:12)Ψ2) (Ψ1/Ψ2)n(cid:1)/2In 2 Ψ1Ψ2 , ≈ {− } of adsorbed molecules is always positive, the net number n=XNth (cid:16) p (cid:17) (30) of adsorbed molecules of the A&D receiver can be nega- tive. Thus, we cannot model the net number of adsorbed where Ψ and Ψ are given in (28) and (29), respectively. 1 1 molecules of the reversible adsorption receiver during one Thus,theerrorprobabilityoftherandomtransmitbitinthe bit interval as NRx B(N ,R(Ω ,T,T +T r )) with jth interval is expressed by R(Ω ,T,T +Tnerw)∼= T+TtbxK(t rrr)dt, whichb|w0as used tomordrelthatoffbu|ll0adsorTptionreceiv|e0randpartialadsorption Pe[j]=P1Pe[sˆj =0|sj =1,s1:j−1] receiver [40,41]. R +P0Pe[sˆj =1 sj =0,s1:j−1], (31) | For multipleemissions, the cumulativenumberofadsorbed where P and P denotes the probabilityof sending bit-1 and 1 0 moleculesismodeledasthesumofmultiplebinomialrandom bit-0, respectively. variables. This sum does not lend itself to a convenient Forcomparison,wealsopresenttheerrorprobabilityofthe expression. Approximations for the sum were used in [42]. transmit bit-1 signal in the jth bit and error probability of Here, the binomial distribution can be approximated with the transmit bit-0 signal in the jth bit for the full adsorption the Poisson distribution, when we have sufficiently large receiver and the partial adsorption receiver using the Poisson Ntx and sufficiently small RA&D(Ωrr,T|r0) [43]. Thus, we approximation as approximate the net number of adsorbed molecules received in the jth bit interval as Nth−1[N Γ]n tx Pe[sˆj =0 sj =1,s1:j−1] exp NtxΓ , | ≈ { } n! n=0 j X (32) NRx [j] P N s R (Ω ,(j i+1)T r ) new ∼ tx i A&D rr − b| 0 ! and i=1 X j Nth−1[N Γ]n −P NtxsiRA&D(Ωrr,(j−i)Tb|r0)!, Pe[sˆj =1|sj =0,s1:j−1]≈1−exp{NtxΓ} tnx! . Xi=1 (26) nX=0 (33) In (32) and (33), we have where s is the ith transmitted bit. The difference between i twoPoissonrandomvariablesfollowstheSkellamdistribution j [44]. For threshold-based demodulation, the error probability Γ= siRFA(Ωrr,(j−i)Tb(j−i+1)Tb|r0) (34) of the transmit bit-1 signal in the jth bit is then i=1 X for the full adsorption receiver, and Pe[sˆj =0 sj =1,s1:j−1] j | =Pr NnRexw[j]<Nth sj =1,s1:j−1 Γ= siRPA(Ωrr,(j−i)Tb(j−i+1)Tb|r0) (35) Nth−(cid:0)1exp (Ψ1+(cid:12)(cid:12)Ψ2) (Ψ1/Ψ2)n(cid:1)/2In 2 Ψ1Ψ2 , for the pXia=rt1ial adsorption receiver. ≈ {− } n=X−∞ (cid:16) p (cid:17) (27) V. SIMULATION FRAMEWORK This section describes the stochastic simulation framework where for the point-to-point MC system with the A&D receiver j described by (5), which can be simplified to the MC system Ψ = N s R (Ω ,(j i+1)T r ), (28) withthepartialadsorptionreceiverandfulladsorptionreceiver 1 tx i A&D rr − b| 0 Xi=1 bysetting k−1 =0 andk1 =∞, respectively.Thissimulation frameworktakesintoaccountthesignalmodulation,molecule free diffusion, molecule A&D at the surface of the receiver, j−1 and signal demodulation. Ψ = N s R (Ω ,(j i)T r ), (29) To model the stochastic reaction of molecules in the fluid, 2 tx i A&D rr − b| 0 i=1 two options are a subvolume-based simulation framework X or a particle-based simulation framework. In a subvolume- sˆj is the detected jth bit, and In() is the modified Bessel based simulation framework, the environment is divided into · function of the first kind. many subvolumes, where the number of molecules in each Similarly, the error probability of the transmit bit-0 signal subvolume is recorded [23]. In a particle-based simulation 8 framework [45], the exact position of each molecule and the The time is divided into small simulation intervals of size number of molecules in the fluid environment is recorded. ∆t, and each time instant is t = m∆t, where m is the m To accurately capture the locations of individual information current simulation index. According to Brownian motion, the molecules, we adopt a particle-based simulation framework displacement of a molecule in each dimension in one sim- with a spatial resolution on the order of several nanometers ulation step ∆t can be modeled by an independent Gaussian [45]. distributionwithvariance2D∆tandzeromean (0,2D∆t). N Thedisplacement∆S ofamoleculeina3Dfluidenvironment in one simulation step ∆t is therefore A. Algorithm WepresentthealgorithmforsimulatingtheMCsystemwith ∆S = (0,2D∆t), (0,2D∆t), (0,2D∆t) . (36) {N N N } anA&DreceiverinAlgorithm1.Inthefollowingsubsections, In each simulation step, the number of molecules and their we describe the details of Algorithm 1. locations are stored. Algorithm 1 The Simulation of a MC System with an A&D Receiver C. Adsorption or Reflection Require: N , r , r , Ω , D, ∆t, T , T , N tx 0 r rr s b th According to the second boundary condition in (6), 1: procedure INITIALIZATION molecules that collide with the receiver surface are either 2: Generate Random Bit Sequence {b1,b2,··· ,bj,···} adsorbed or reflected back. The NC collided molecules are 3: Determine Simulation End Time identified by calculating the distance between each molecule 4: For all Simulation Time Step do and the center of the receiver. Among the collided molecules, 5: If at start of jth bit interval and bj =“1” the probability of a molecule being adsorbed to the receiver 6: Add Ntx emitted molecules surface, i.e., the adsorption probability, is a function of the 7: For all free molecules in environment do diffusion coefficient, which is given as [46, Eq. (10)] 8: Propagate free molecules following (0,2D∆t) 9: Evaluate distance dm of molecule toNreceiver P =k π∆t. (37) A 1 10: if dm <rr then r D 11: Update state & location of collided molecule The probability that a collided molecule bouncesoff of the 12: Update # of collided molecules NC receiver is 1 PA. − 13: For all NC collided molecules do It is known that adsorption may occur during the simu- 14: if Adsorption Occurs then lation step ∆t, and determining exactly where a molecule 15: Update # of newly-adsorbed molecules NA adsorbed to the surface of the receiver during ∆t is a non- 16: Calculate adsorbed molecule location trivialproblem.Unlike[29](whichconsideredaflatadsorbing 17: xA,yA,zA surface),we assumethatthemolecule’sadsorptionsite during m m m 18: else (cid:0) (cid:1) [tm−1,tm] is the location where the line, formed by this 19: Reflect the molecule off receiver surface to molecule’s location at the start of the current simulation step 20: xBmo,ymBo,zmBo (xm−1,ym−1,zm−1) and this molecule’s location at the end 21: For all p(cid:0)reviously-adsor(cid:1)bed molecules do ofthecurrentsimulationstepafterdiffusion(xm,ym,zm),in- 22: if Desorption Occurs then tersectsthe surfaceofthereceiver.Assumingthatthelocation 23: Update state & location of desorbed molecule ofthecenterofreceiveris(xr,yr,zr),thenthelocationofthe 24: Update # of newly-desorbed molecules ND intersection point between this 3D line segment, and a sphere 25: Displace newly-desorbed molecule to with center at (xr,yr,zr) in the mth simulation step, can be 26: xD,yD,zD shown to be m m m 222789::: AinCwdteadhrlivcncauhellt(cid:0)aiontsefuNmjntAebhte−brniuotNmfiDnab(cid:1)tdeesrrovorabfleatdodsmdooerbtleeercdmulmiensoelienNceuRalxecsh[,js]imulation xyAmmA ==xymm−−11++yxmm−−ΛΛyxmm−−11gg,, ((3398)) new 30: Demodulate by comparing NnRexw[j] with Nth zmA =zm−1+ zm−Λzm−1g, (40) where B. Modulation, Emission, and Diffusion Λ= (xm xm−1)2+(ym ym−1)2+(zm zm−1)2, In our model, we consider BCSK, where two different − − − q (41) numbers of molecules represent the binary signals “1” and “0”. At the start of each bit interval, if the current bit is “1”, then N molecules are emitted from the point transmitter at b √b2 4ac tx g = − − − . (42) a distance r from the center of the receiver. Otherwise, the 2a 0 point transmitter emits no molecules to transmit bit-0. 9 In (42), we have besufficientlyaccurateduetothelackofconsiderationforthe coupling effect of A&D and the diffusion coefficient in (48). 2 2 2 a= xm−xm−1 + ym−ym−1 + zm−zm−1 , Unlike [29], we have a spherical receiver, such that a Λ Λ Λ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) molecule after desorption in our model must be displaced (xm xm−1)(xm−1 xr) (ym ym−1)(ym−1 yr)differently. We assume that the location of a molecule after b=2 − − +2 − − Λ Λ desorption xD,yD,zD , based on its location at the start of m m m +2(zm−zm−1)(zm−1−zr), (43) the current(cid:0)simulation s(cid:1)tep and the location of the center of Λ the receiver (x ,y ,z ), can be approximated as r r r c=(xm−1−xr)2+(ym−1−yr)2+(zm−1−zr)2−rr2, xDm =xAm−1+sgn xAm−1−xr ∆x, (44) yD =yA +sgn yA y ∆y, m m−1 (cid:0) m−1− r (cid:1) where Λ is given in (41). zmD =zmA−1+sgn(cid:0)zmA−1−zr(cid:1)∆z. (49) Of course, due to symmetry, the location of the adsorption In (49), ∆x, ∆y, and ∆z are g(cid:0)ivenin (47)(cid:1), andsgn() isthe site does not impact the overall accuracy of the simulation. · Sign function. If a molecule fails to adsorb to the receiver, then in the reflection process we make the approximation that the molecule bounces back to its position at the start of the E. Demodulation current simulation step. Thus, the location of the molecule The receiver is capable of counting the net change in the after reflection by the receiver in the mth simulation step is number of adsorbed molecules in each bit interval. The net approximated as number of adsorbed molecules for an entire bit interval is xBmo,ymBo,zmBo =(xm−1,ym−1,zm−1). (45) compared with the threshold Nth and demodulated as the received signal. Note tha(cid:0)t the approxim(cid:1)ations for molecule locations in the adsorption process and the reflection process can be accurate VI. NUMERICAL RESULTS for sufficiently small simulation steps (e.g., ∆t < 10−7 s for In this section, we examine the channel response and the thesystemthatwesimulateinSectionV),butsmallsimulation asymptotic channel response due to a single bit transmission. steps result in poor computational efficiency. The tradeoff Wealsoexaminethechannelresponseandtheerrorprobability between the accuracy and the efficiency can be deliberately dueto multiplebittransmissions.Inallfiguresofthissection, balanced by the choice of simulation step. weuseFA,PA,“Anal.”and“Sim.”toabbreviate“Fulladsorp- tion receiver”, “Partial adsorption receiver”, “Analytical” and D. Desorption “Simulation”, respectively. Also, the units for the adsorption In the desorption process, the molecules adsorbed at the rate k1 and desorption rate k−1 are µm/s and s−1 in all receiver boundary either desorb or remain adsorbed. The figures, respectively. In Figs. 1 to 4, we set the parame- desorption process can be modeled as a first-order chemical ters according to micro-scale cell-to-cell communication1,2: reaction.Thus,the desorptionprobabilityofa moleculeat the N = 1000, r = 10 µm, r = 11 µm, D = 8 µm2/s, and tx r 0 receiver surface during ∆t is given by [29, Eq. (22)] the sampling interval T =0.002 s. s P =1 e−k−1∆t. (46) D − A. Channel Response The displacement of a molecule after desorption is an Figs. 1 and 2 plot the net change of adsorbed molecules at importantfactorforaccuratemodelingofmoleculebehaviour. thesurfaceoftheA&DreceiverduringeachsamplingtimeT If the simulation step were small, then we might place the s duetoasinglebittransmission.Theexpectedanalyticalcurves desorbedmolecule near the receiver surface;otherwise, doing areplottedusingtheexactresultin(12).Thesimulationpoints so may result in an artificially higher chance of re-adsorption areplottedbymeasuringthenetchangeofadsorbedmolecules inthefollowingtimestep,resultinginaninexactconcentration during [t,t+T ] using Algorithm 1 described in Section IV, profile. To avoid this, we take into accountthe diffusionafter s where t = nT , and n 1,2,3,... . In both figures, we desorption, and place the desorbed molecule away from the s ∈ { } average the net number of adsorbed molecules expected over surface with displacement (∆x,∆y,∆z) 10000 independent emissions of N = 1000 information tx (∆x,∆y,∆z)=(f(P ),f(P ),f(P )), (47) moleculesattime t=0. We see thatthe expectednetnumber 1 2 3 of adsorbed molecules measured using simulation is close where each component was empirically found to be [29, to the exact analytical curves. The small gap between the Eq. (27)] 0.571825P 0.552246P2 1The smallseparation distance between the transmitter and receiver com- f(P)=√2D∆t − . (48) paredtothereceiverradiusfollowsfromtheexampleofthepancreaticislets, 1 1.53908P +0.546424P2 wheretheaveragecellsizeisaround15micrometersandthecommunication − In (47), P , P and P are uniform random numbers rangeisaround1−15micrometers [14,15]. 1 2 3 2This diffusion coefficient value corresponds to that of a large molecule, between 0 and 1. Placing the desorbedmolecule at a random however,ouranalyticalresultsandsimulationalgorithmapplytoanyspecific distanceawayfromwherethemoleculewasadsorbedmaynot value. 10 10 16 sorbed Moleculesampling Time 56789 k = 40 ASinmal.. dsorbed MoleculesSampling Time1118024 ASSSSS iiiii n mmmmm a .. ...l . AAFP P AAA && DD k k 11 =kk = 11 3 ==2 0 0 220 00 ,, kk--11== 1200 Net Number of Ad during Each S 1234 1 2300 Net Number of A during Each 246 00 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0 10−2 10−1 100 Time (s) Time (s) Fig.1. Thenetnumberofadsorbed molecules forvarious adsorption rates Fig. 3. The net number of adsorbed molecules with the simulation step withk−1=5s−1 andthesimulation step∆t=10−5 s. ∆t=10−5 s. 10 Fig. 3 plots the net number of adsorbed molecules from es 9 1 bit transmission over a longer time scale. We compare the eculme 8 Anal. A&Dreceiverwithotherreceiverdesignsinordertocompare d Molng Ti 7 Sim. tthheeirAin&teDrsyremcbeiovleirn,tethrfeerpeanrcteia(lISaId)s.oTrphteioannarleycteicivalerc,uarvnedstfhoer bepli 6 full adsorption receiver are plotted using the expressions in soram 5 (12), (20), and (23), respectively. The markers are plotted dS of Aach 4 by measuring the net number of adsorbed molecules during et Number during E 123 k-1= 150 [Saotnue,dcrtt+ditohenerTivsIsV]eim.dfoWurreleasotusnieoletensb.acitculrionvsteeesr,mvwaalhtcuihcshibnecgtowAnefilegrnomrtsihtehthmaen1acloydrteriescccartlnicbeuesrdsvoeinsf N 20 0 It is clear from Fig. 3 that the full adsorption receiver and 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 the partial adsorption receiver with high adsorption rate have Time (s) longer “tails”. Interestingly, the A&D receiver in our model has the shorter tail, even though it has the same adsorption Fig.2. Thenetnumberofadsorbed molecules forvarious desorption rates withk1=20µm/sandthesimulationstep∆t=10−5 s. rate k1 as one of the partial adsorption receivers. This might be surprising since the A&D receiver would have more total adsorptioneventsthan the partial adsorptionreceiverwith the same k . The reason for this difference is that the desorption curvesresultsfromthelocalapproximationsintheadsorption, 1 behaviouratthesurfaceofthereceiverresultsinmoreadsorp- reflection, and desorption processes in (37), (45), and (49), tion events, but not more net adsorbed molecules; molecules which can be reduced by setting a smaller simulation step. that desorb are not counted unless they adsorb again. Fig. 1 examines the impact of the adsorption rate on the As expected, we see the highest peak net number of adsorbed molecules expected at the surface of E[N(Ω ,T,T +T r )] in Fig. 3 for the full adsorption the receiver. We fix the desorption rate to be k−1 = 5s−1. receiver,rrwhich is bse|ca0use all molecules colliding with the The expected net number of adsorbed molecules increases surfaceofthereceiverareadsorbed.Forthepartialadsorption with increasing adsorptionrate k , as predicted by (5). Fig. 2 1 receiver, the peak value of E[N(Ω ,T,T +T r )] shows the impact of the desorption rate on the expected net rr s| 0 increases with increasing adsorption rate k as shown in (5). number of adsorbed molecules at the surface of the receiver. 1 The net numberof adsorbedmoleculesexpectedat the partial We setk =20µm/s. Thenetnumberofadsorbedmolecules 1 adsorption receiver is higher than that at the A&D receiver expecteddecreaseswithincreasingdesorptionratek−1,which with the same k . This means the full adsorption receiver is as predicted by (5). From a communication perspective, 1 and the partial adsorption receiver have more distinguishable Fig. 1 shows that a higher adsorption rate makes the bit-1 received signals between bit-1 and bit-0, compared with the signalmoredistinguishable,whereasFig.2showsthatalower A&D receiver. desorptionratemakesthebit-1signalmoredistinguishablefor the decoding process. In Figs. 1 and 2, the shorter tail due B. Equilibrium Concentration to the lower adsorption rate and the higher desorption rate corresponds to less intersymbol interference.