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Modeling and optimization of parallel and distributed embedded systems PDF

510 Pages·2016·13.697 MB·English
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Table of Contents Cover Title Page Copyright Dedication Preface About This Book Highlights Intended Audience Organization of the Book Acknowledgment Part One: Overview Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Embedded Systems Applications 1.2 Characteristics of Embedded Systems Applications 1.3 Embedded Systems—Hardware and Software 1.4 Modeling—An Integral Part of the Embedded Systems Design Flow 1.5 Optimization in Embedded Systems 1.6 Chapter Summary Chapter 2: Multicore-Based EWSNs—An Example of Parallel and Distributed Embedded Systems 2.1 Multicore Embedded Wireless Sensor Network Architecture 2.2 Multicore Embedded Sensor Node Architecture 2.3 Compute-Intensive Tasks Motivating the Emergence of MCEWSNs 2.4 MCEWSN Application Domains 2.5 Multicore Embedded Sensor Nodes 2.6 Research Challenges and Future Research Directions 2.7 Chapter Summary Part Two: Modeling Chapter 3: An Application Metrics Estimation Model for Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks 3.1 Application Metrics Estimation Model 3.2 Experimental Results 3.3 Chapter Summary Chapter 4: Modeling and Analysis of Fault Detection and Fault Tolerance in Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks 4.1 Related Work 4.2 Fault Diagnosis in WSNs 4.3 Distributed Fault Detection Algorithms 4.4 Fault-Tolerant Markov Models 4.5 Simulation of Distributed Fault Detection Algorithms 4.6 Numerical Results 4.7 Research Challenges and Future Research Directions 4.8 Chapter Summary Chapter 5: A Queueing Theoretic Approach for Performance Evaluation of Low-Power Multicore-Based Parallel Embedded Systems 5.1 Related Work 5.2 Queueing Network Modeling of Multicore Embedded Architectures 5.3 Queueing Network Model Validation 5.4 Queueing Theoretic Model Insights 5.5 Chapter Summary Part Three: Optimization Chapter 6: Optimization Approaches in Distributed Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks 6.1 Architecture-Level Optimizations 6.2 Sensor Node Component-Level Optimizations 6.3 Data Link-Level Medium Access Control Optimizations 6.4 Network-Level Data Dissemination and Routing Protocol Optimizations 6.5 Operating System-Level Optimizations 6.6 Dynamic Optimizations 6.7 Chapter Summary Chapter 7: High-Performance Energy-Efficient Multicore-Based Parallel Embedded Computing 7.1 Characteristics of Embedded Systems Applications 7.2 Architectural Approaches 7.3 Hardware-Assisted Middleware Approaches 7.4 Software Approaches 7.5 High-Performance Energy-Efficient Multicore Processors 7.6 Challenges and Future Research Directions 7.7 Chapter Summary Chapter 8: An MDP-Based Dynamic Optimization Methodology for Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks 8.1 Related Work 8.2 MDP-Based Tuning Overview 8.3 Application-Specific Embedded Sensor Node Tuning Formulation as an MDP 8.4 Implementation Guidelines and Complexity 8.5 Model Extensions 8.6 Numerical Results 8.7 Chapter Summary Chapter 9: Online Algorithms for Dynamic Optimization of Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks 9.1 Related Work 9.2 Dynamic Optimization Methodology 9.3 Experimental Results 9.4 Chapter Summary Chapter 10: A Lightweight Dynamic Optimization Methodology for Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks 10.1 Related Work 10.2 Dynamic Optimization Methodology 10.3 Algorithms for Dynamic Optimization Methodology 10.4 Experimental Results 10.5 Chapter Summary Chapter 11: Parallelized Benchmark-Driven Performance Evaluation of Symmetric Multiprocessors and Tiled Multicore Architectures for Parallel Embedded Systems 11.1 Related Work 11.2 Multicore Architectures and Benchmarks 11.3 Parallel Computing Device Metrics 11.4 Results 11.5 Chapter Summary Chapter 12: High-Performance Optimizations on Tiled Manycore Embedded Systems: A Matrix Multiplication Case Study 12.1 Related Work 12.2 Tiled Manycore Architecture (TMA) Overview 12.3 Parallel Computing Metrics and Matrix Multiplication (MM) Case Study 12.4 Matrix Multiplication Algorithms' Code Snippets for Tilera's TILEPro64 12.5 Performance Optimization on a Manycore Architecture 12.6 Results 12.7 Chapter Summary Chapter 13: Conclusions References Index End User License Agreement List of Illustrations Chapter 2: Multicore-Based EWSNs—An Example of Parallel and Distributed Embedded Systems Figure 2.1 A heterogeneous multicore embedded wireless sensor network (MCEWSN) architecture Figure 2.2 Multicore embedded sensor node architecture Figure 2.3 Omnibus sensor information fusion model for an MCEWSN architecture Chapter 4: Modeling and Analysis of Fault Detection and Fault Tolerance in Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks Figure 4.1 Wireless sensor network architecture Figure 4.2 Byzantine faulty behavior in WSNs Figure 4.3 Various types of sensor faults [93]: (a) outlier faults; (b) stuck-at faults; (c) noisy faults Figure 4.4 A non-FT (NFT) sensor node Markov model Figure 4.5 FT sensor node Markov model [130] Figure 4.6 WSN cluster Markov model [130] Figure 4.7 WSN cluster Markov model with three states [130] Figure 4.8 WSN Markov model [130] Figure 4.9 The ns 2-based simulation architecture Figure 4.10 Effectiveness and false positive rate of the Chen algorithm: (a) error detection accuracy for the Chen algorithm; (b) false positive rate of Chen algorithm Figure 4.11 Effectiveness and false positive rate for the Ding algorithm: (a) error detection accuracy for the Ding algorithm; (b) false positive rate for the Ding algorithm Figure 4.12 Noise power levels in the Intel Berkeley sample Figure 4.13 Distribution of constant error occurrences Figure 4.14 Error detection and false positive rate for the Chen algorithm using real-world data Figure 4.15 Error detection and false positive rate for the Ding algorithm using real-world data Figure 4.16 MTTF in days for an NFT and an FT sensor node [130] Figure 4.17 MTTF in days for an NFT WSN cluster and an FT WSN cluster with [130] Figure 4.18 MTTF in days for an NFT WSN and an FT WSN with [130] Chapter 5: A Queueing Theoretic Approach for Performance Evaluation of Low-Power Multicore-Based Parallel Embedded Systems Figure 5.1 Queueing network model for the 2P-2L1ID-2L2-1M multicore embedded architecture Figure 5.2 Queueing network model for the 2P-2L1ID-1L2-1M multicore embedded architecture Figure 5.3 Queueing network model validation of the response time in ms for mixed workloads for 2P-2L1ID-1L2-1M for a varying number of jobs Figure 5.4 Flow chart for our queueing network model setup in SHARPE Figure 5.5 The effects of cache miss rate on response time (ms) for mixed workloads for 2P-2L1ID-2L2-1M for a varying number of jobs : (a) relatively low cache miss rates; (b) relatively high cache miss rates Figure 5.6 The effects of processor-bound workloads on response time (ms) for 2P-2L1ID-2L2-1M for a varying number of jobs for cache miss rates: L1-I = 0.01, L1-D = 0.13, and L2 = 0.3: (a) processor-bound workloads (processor-to-processor probability ); (b) processor-bound workloads (processor-to-processor probability ) Chapter 6: Optimization Approaches in Distributed Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks Figure 6.1 Embedded wireless sensor network architecture Figure 6.2 Embedded sensor node architecture with tunable parameters Figure 6.3 Data aggregation Figure 6.4 Directed diffusion: (a) interest propagation, (b) initial gradient setup, and (c) data delivery along the reinforced path Chapter 7: High-Performance Energy-Efficient Multicore-Based Parallel Embedded Computing Figure 7.1 High-performance energy-efficient parallel embedded computing (HPEPEC) domain Figure 7.2 Classification of optimization techniques based on embedded application characteristics Chapter 8: An MDP-Based Dynamic Optimization Methodology for Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks Figure 8.1 Process diagram for our MDP-based application-oriented dynamic tuning methodology for embedded wireless sensor networks Figure 8.2 Reward functions: (a) power reward function ; (b) throughput reward function ; (c) delay reward function Figure 8.4 Symbolic representation of our MDP model with four sensor node states Figure 8.3 Reliability reward functions: (a) linear variation; (b) quadratic variation Figure 8.5 The effects of different discount factors on the expected total discounted reward for a security/defense system. if , Figure 8.6 Percentage improvement in expected total discounted reward for for a security/defense system as compared to the fixed heuristic policies. if , Figure 8.7 The effects of different state transition costs on the expected total discounted reward for a security/defense system. , Figure 8.8 The effects of different reward function weight factors on the expected total discounted reward for a security/defense system. , if Figure 8.9 The effects of different discount factors on the expected total discounted reward for a healthcare application. if , Figure 8.10 Percentage improvement in expected total discounted reward for for a healthcare application as compared to the fixed heuristic policies. if , Figure 8.11 The effects of different state transition costs on the expected total discounted reward for a healthcare application. , Figure 8.12 The effects of different reward function weight factors on the expected total discounted reward for a healthcare application. , if Figure 8.13 The effects of different discount factors on the expected total discounted reward for an ambient conditions monitoring application. if , Figure 8.14 Percentage improvement in expected total discounted reward for for an ambient conditions monitoring application as compared to the fixed heuristic policies. if , Figure 8.15 The effects of different state transition costs on the expected total discounted reward for an ambient conditions monitoring application. , Figure 8.16 The effects of different reward function weight factors on the expected total discounted reward for an ambient conditions monitoring application. , if Chapter 9: Online Algorithms for Dynamic Optimization of Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks Figure 9.1 Dynamic optimization methodology for distributed EWSNs Figure 9.2 Lifetime objective function Figure 9.3 Objective function value normalized to the optimal solution for a varying number of states explored for the greedy and simulated annealing algorithms for a security/defense system where , , , Figure 9.4 Objective function value normalized to the optimal solution for a varying number of states explored for the greedy and simulated annealing algorithms for a healthcare application where , , , Figure 9.5 Objective function value normalized to the optimal solution for a varying number of states explored for the greedy and simulated annealing algorithms for an ambient conditions monitoring application where , , , Figure 9.6 Data memory requirements for exhaustive search, greedy, and simulated annealing algorithms for design space cardinalities of 8, 81, 729, and 46,656 Chapter 10: A Lightweight Dynamic Optimization Methodology for Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks Figure 10.1 A lightweight dynamic optimization methodology per sensor node for EWSNs Figure 10.2 Lifetime objective function Figure 10.3 Objective function value normalized to the optimal solution for a varying number of states explored for one-shot, greedy, and SA algorithms for a security/defense system where , , , and Figure 10.4 Objective function value normalized to the optimal solution for a varying number of states explored for one-shot, greedy, and SA algorithms for a security/defense system where , , , and Figure 10.5 Objective function value normalized to the optimal solution for a varying number of states explored for one-shot, greedy, and SA

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