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DEGREE PROJECT IN TECHNOLOGY, SECOND CYCLE, 15 CREDITS STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN 2016 Modeling ambulance dispatching rules for EMS- systems LORINDE KNOOPS TILDA LUNDGREN KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES Modeling ambulance dispatching rules for EMS-systems L O R I N D E K N O P P S T I L D A L U N D G R E N Degree Project in Applied Mathematics and Industrial Economics (15 credits) Degree Progr. in Industrial Engineering and Management (300 credits) Royal Institute of Technology year 2016 Supervisors at KTH: Krister Svanberg, Jonatan Freilich Examiner: Henrik Hult TRITA-MAT-K 2016:35 ISRN-KTH/MAT/K--16/35--SE Royal Institute of Technology SCI School of Engineering Sciences KTH SCI SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden URL: www.kth.se/sci Abstract Thisthesispresentsastudyonefficientdispatchingrulesinambulancedispatch- ing. By efficient dispatching rules, we mean such dispatching rules that lower responsetimesforpriority1callswhilekeepingresponsetimesforpriority2calls at an adequate level. A Markov process and a simulation model were developed in order to evaluate the performance of several existing and newly designed dis- patching rules. On four different response areas, five different dispatching rules were tested and their performances were compared. Particular focus was put uponthedispatchrulecurrentlyusedbytheSwedishemergencyserviceprovider SOS Alarm; the Closest rule. Our findings indicate that the four priority-based dispatchingrulesalloutperformtheClosestruleindecreasingthemeanresponse timeforcallsofprioritydegree1. Furthermore,implementingrestrictionsonthe traveltimeforpriority2callswasprovenanefficientwaytocontrolthetrade-off between the mean response time of priority 1 and 2 calls. The conclusion was drawn that the possibilities for more efficient ambulance dispatching are many and that SOS Alarm should consider implementing priority-based dispatching rules, alike the ones presented in this thesis, in their dispatching process. A study of the ambulance operator and controller profession, and the operator’s and controller’s interplay with the decision support system used by SOS Alarm in the ambulance dispatching process, was conducted in parallel. The properties of the interaction dynamics between operator and automation and the dangers linked to it were mapped out, described and analyzed. Keywords: Ambulance dispatching, Ambulance logistics, Emergency medical services, Priority-based dispatching rules, Markov process, Professional compe- tencies ii Modellering av dirigerings- strategier fo¨r EMS-system Sammanfattning Denna kandidatexamensuppsats behandlar effektiva dirigeringsstrategier inom ambulansdirigering. Effektiva dirigeringsstrategier ˚asyftar dirigeringsstrategier som lyckas s¨anka svarsstiden f¨or inkommande prioritet 1-samtal, samtidigt som svarstiden f¨or prioritet 2-samtal h˚alls p˚a en tillfredsst¨allande niv˚a. I syfte att utv¨arderaolikadirigeringsstrategierutveckladesb˚adeenMarkovskmodellochen simuleringsmodell. P˚afyraolikageografiskaomr˚adentestadesochj¨amf¨ordesfem olika dirigeringsstrategier, varav tv˚a existerande och tre nyutvecklade. S¨arskilt fokus riktades mot Closest rule, vilket ¨ar den dirigeringsstrategi som anv¨ands i SOS Alarms verksamhet idag. Fr˚an resultaten kunde utl¨asas att de prioritets- baserade dirigeringsstrategierna resulterade i en l¨agre genomsnittlig svarstid f¨or prioritet1-fall¨anClosestrule. Dessutomkonstateradesdetattenbegr¨ansningav svarstiderna f¨or prioritet 2-samtal var ett effektivt s¨att att kontrollera balansen mellandegenomsnittligasvarstidernaf¨orsamtalavprioritet1,respektive2. Slut- satsen drogs att m¨ojligheterna f¨or att utveckla nya effektiva dirigeringsstrategier ¨ar m˚anga och att SOS Alarm b¨or ¨overv¨aga att implementera prioritetsbaserade dirigeringsstrategier likt dem som presenterats i denna uppsats. Parallellt stud- erades ambulansoperat¨orens och -dirigentens yrkeskunnande, samt operat¨orens och dirigentens samspel med det beslutsst¨odssystem som anv¨ands i SOS Alarms dirigeringsverksamhet. Interaktionen mellan operat¨or och automatisering samt de relaterade riskerna kartlades, beskrevs och analyserades. Nyckelord: Ambulansdirigering, Ambulanslogistik, Prehospital sjukv˚ard, Prioritets-baserade dirigeringsstrategier, Markovprocess, Yrkeskunnande iii Acknowledgements We would like to thank Tobias Andersson Granberg for his guidance and en- couragement in carrying out this project work. He has been of great help in the developmentoftheproblemformulationandinitialmodelsetting. Wewouldalso liketoexpressourgratitudetowardsJohanWesterborn,whohelpedusrefinethe useofMarkoviantheoryinourmodelsetting. Finally, wethankKentRing, who receivedusattheSOSAlarmcentralinStockholmandputusinfurthercontact with SOS Alarm operators. iv

8.1 Structure of the interviews and data collection is a multi-user map display designed to be used in mission critical applications, such as Public including background maps, layer management, real-time presentation of resources, incidents and light of the findings of the literature review.
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