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Model Theory of Algebra and Arithmetic: Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Logic to Algebra and Arithmetic Held at Karpacz, Poland, September 1 – 7, 1979 PDF

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Preview Model Theory of Algebra and Arithmetic: Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Logic to Algebra and Arithmetic Held at Karpacz, Poland, September 1 – 7, 1979

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold and .B Eckmann 834 IIIIIIIII Model Theory fo Algebra dna citemhtirA Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Logic to Algebra and Arithmetic Held at Karpacz, Poland, September - 1 ,7 1979 Edited by .L Pacholski, .J Wierzejewski, and .A .J Wilkie galreV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg New York 1980 Editors Leszek Pacholski Instytut Matematyczny PAN Kopernika 18 51-617 wa/J.corW Poland Jedrzej Wierzejewski Instytut Matematyki Politechniki Wroc, t'aws kiej Wybrze~e Wyspiar~skiego 27 50-370 WrocYaw Poland Alec .J Wilkie Mathematical Institute University of Oxford 24-29 St. Giles Oxford OX1 3LB England AMS Subject Classifications (1980): 03 Cxx ISBN 3-540-10269-8 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork ISBN 0-387-10269-8 Springer-Verlag NewYork Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar and means, storage ni data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law wherec opies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee determined to be with agreement by the publisher. © by Spdnger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1980 Printed ni Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2141/3140-543210 FOREWORD The main part of this volume constitutes the Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Logic to Algebra and Arithmetic held at the mountain resort of Bierutowice - Karpacz in Poland, September I - 7 , 1979. The volume contains papers contributed by the invited speakers and a few by other participants. Some papers by mathematicians who were invited but could not come have also been included. The abstracts of all contributed papers will appear in the Journal of Symbolic Logic. The conference was the fourth in the series Set Theory and Hierarchy Theory organized by the Institute of Mathematics of the Technical University of Wroc~aw. The conference was attended by 80 registrated participants from 12 countries. The organizing committee consisted of A.Macintyre /Yale Univer- sity/, L.Pacholski /Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroc~aw/, Z.Szczepaniak /Technical University, Wroc~aw/ and J.Wierzejewski /Technical University, Wroc~aw; chairman/. On behalf of the organizing committee we wish to thank the Technical University of Wroc~aw and all the people who by their help contributed to the success of the conference and its good scientific and friendly atmosphere. L.Pacholski J.Wierzejewski A.Wilkie TABLE OF CONTENTS J.BECKER, J.DENEF and L.LIPSHITZ I Further remarks on the elementary theory of formal power series rings CHANTAL BERLINE !0 Elimination of quantifiers for non semi-simplm rings of characteristic p M.BOFFA, A.MACINTYRE and F.POINT 20 The quantifier elimination problem for rings without nilpotent elements and for semi-simple rings ELISABETH BOUSCAREN 13 Existentially closed modules : types and prime models GREGORY CHERLiN 44 Rings of continuous functions : decision problems PETER CLOTE 92 Weak partition relations, finite games, and independence results in Peano arithmetic FRAN~OISE DELON 108 Hensel fields in equal characteristic p >0 M.A.DICKMANN 117 On polynomials over real closed rings JEAN-LOUIS DURET 136 Les corps faiblement alg~briquement clos non s@parablement clos ont la propri~tS d'ind~psndance ULRICH FELGNER 163 Horn-theories of abelian groups PETR H~JEK and PAVEL PUDLAtK 174 Two orderings of the class of all countable models of Peano arithmetic ANGUS ~CINTYRE 186 Ramsey quantifiers in arithmetic IV KENNETH L.~L~NDERS 211 Computational complexity of decision problems in elementary number theory KENNETH McKENNA 228 Some diophantine Nullstellens~tze GEORGE MILLS 2~8 A tree analysis of unprovable combinatorial statements J .B. PARIS 312 A hierarchy of cuts in models of arithmetic C.SMORYNSKI and J .STAVI 338 Cofinal extension preserves recursive saturation J~OL VAN DEN DRIES ~6 Some model theory and number theory for models of weak systems of arithmetic A Jo .WILKIE 363 Applications of complexity theory to ~0 - definability problems in arithmetic GEORGE WILMERS 370 Minimally saturated models B.I.ZILBER 381 Totally categorical theories : structural properties and the non-finite axiomatizability FURTHER REMARKS ON THE ELEMENTARY THEORY OF FORMAL POWER SERIES RINGS J. Becker~:~ J. Denef "~;:~ and L. Lipshitz INTRODUCTION. |§ contains an elementary proof that the theory of the field F ((t)) P of formal power series over the p element field F with cross section is P undecidable, and some extensions of this. This result is due to J. Ax (unpublished). The authors learned it from B. Jacob who had independently rediscovered it. The previous proofs were not elementary making use of a norm form and properties of the norm residue symbol. §2 contains some results on the existential theories of power series rings in n ~ 2 variables and §3 contains a result on definability in the rings ~{X} of convergent power series. §|. Let F be a field of characteristic p and let K = F((t)), the field of formal power series over F . Define Sol(s) +-4 ~x,y],...,yp_| C K (~ p=-xx +ty~ +t2y2 p ""+ tP-lYPp-|)" + I.I. LEMMA. Suppose that F is perfect and let ~ = ~ t.~( i a. @ F . Then iE77 i~>n Sol(~) ++ 3x 0 ~ F (~0 = xP-xo)" PROOF. Since (I aitl) p = I aPtiP we certainly have that if Sol(s) then i. 0~( = x~-Xo ' where x = [ xitl . For the converse notice that Sol(cO is additive in ~ (i.e. Sol(CO, Sol(E) ÷ SoI(c~+8)) so it suffices to prove co (a) Sol( [ c~itl) and )b( S-okl (at ) for all a E F k , E ~, k > O. For (a) if i=! oo . 2 = i I]= ~'tll set x = -~ * (-CO p + (-(~)P + ..• and y! = Y2 .... = Yp-1 = 0. (b) Case .I p~k. Then k = pq-j with j E {l,2,...,p-l}. Since F is perfect there is a w ~ F such that p = w a . Hence at -k = (wt-q)Pt j so we can set := Supported in part by N.S.F. 8002789. ~=~: Supported by the National Science Foundation of Belgium. x = 0 , yj = wt -q and Yi = 0 for i # j. (b) General case. The proof is by induction on k . k = I follows from case .I Suppose Sol(wt -q) for all 0 < q < k , q ~ ~ , and w E F. We must prove Sol(at-k). If p ~ k we are in case ,1 so suppose that k = qp . Let p = w a . We have at = [(wt-q) p wt -q] + wt -q Now Sol[(wt-q) p - wt -q] (Set x = wt -q and Yi = OVi) and by the induction hypothesis Sol(wt -q) so the result follows by the additivity of Sol. | Define the following predicates (on F((t))) Cros(u) ~-+ u ~ {t,t-l,t2,t-2,t3,t-3,...} Con(x) +-+ x E F Zer(~) ~-+ the constant term of ~ is zero Int(x) +~+ x = ~ aitZ i ~ , a F (i.e. ord(x) >~ 0). i>~O We shall consider fields F which satisfy: I )I F is perfect of characteristic p ¢ 0. 1 2) F is not closed under Artin-Schreier extensions (i.e. 3~ E F such that p x -x = ~ has no solution in F ), 1.2. LEMMA. If F satisfies (x) then Zer(~) is definable in (F((t));Con,t>. PROOF. We have by Lemma 1.1 that Zer(~) ~+V6(Con(B) + Sol($~)). 1.3. LEMMA. Int is definable in F((t)). PROOF. See [2]. 1.4. LEMMA. F[t] is definable in (F((t));Zer,Cros>. PROOF. We have x @ Fit] ~-+ Int(x) A ~sVw[(Cros(w) A Int(~)) ÷ Zer(wx)]. Io5. LEMMA. If F satisfies (x) then (F((t));Cros,Con) is undecidable. PROOF. This follows immediately from Lenm~a 1.2 and 1.4 and the fact that F[t] is undecidable for any field F . (Notice that t is definable from Cros.) 1.6. THEOREM. If F is a finite field then <F((t));Cros) is undecidable. PROOF. Let q = the cardinality of F . Then Con(x) +-+ q x -x = 0. | Next we sharpen Lemma 1.5 to get the undecidability of (F((t));Cros) for any field F which satisfies (x). Define )x(rTg-z ~ V B[(Vw(Cros(w) ÷ sol(~w))) ÷ Sol(~x)]. 1.7. LEMMA. If F satisfies (~=) then )a( Zer(x) is definable in <F((t));Cros> , (b) Zer(x) + Zer(x), )c( [x e F ((t)) A Zer(x)] ÷ Zer(x). P PROOF. (b) Zer(x) ÷ VB(Con(~) ÷ Sol(Bx)). )c( Let x = ~ aitl i C , F a 0 = , a 0 and let B e F((t)) be such that P Sol(Bt i) for all i # .0 We must show that Sol(~x). Let ord(B) > -n. Then ord($ ~ aiti) > 0 and hence SoI(B ~ aiti). By the additivity of Sol we i~>n i~>n also have Sol( ~ ait3t~-), since a. ~ ~t , and hence So1(5 ~ aitl).| i~<n 1 p 1.8. LEMMA. Suppose F satisfies (x). Then F ((t)) is definable in P <F((t));Cros). PROOF. x E Fp((t)) +-+ Vw]c e Fp[(Cros(w) v w= )I ~ Zer(wx-c)]. | From Theorem 1.6 and Lemma 1.8 we have: 1.9. THEOREM. If F satisfies (x) then (F((t));Cros) is undeeidable. 1.I0. THEOREM. For any prime p there are two perfect fields I F and 2 F of characteristic p such that 2 ~ I F F but (Fl((t));Cros,Con) ~ (F2((t));Cros,Con). PROOF, If F satisfies (~:) then F [t] and Fit] are definable in P (F((t));Cros,Con) by a formula depending only on the characteristic p of F . The following formula ~ also depends only on p : Vx3P ~Q(Con(x) ÷ P @ F [t] A Q e F[t] A p = (t-x)Q). P F((t)) satisfies ~ iff F is algebraic over F . Let I F be an infinite P algebraic extension of F which is not closed under Artin-Schreier extensions. P Let 2 F be any field which is elementarily equivalent with F] but not algebraic over F . Then F ((t)) =] ~ and F2((t)) =] ~. p I REMARK. It is well known [3] that <F((t));Cros> is decidable when F is a decidable field of characteristic zero. QUESTION. Is F ((t)) (without crossseetion) decidable? P §2. In this section we shall extend some of the results of [6] and [5] about the existential theories of power series rings. £ will denote the complex numbers and F an arbitrary field. F~X~ is the local ring of formal power series in the variables X = ,)nX,...,]X( and )X( denotes the maximal ideal of F~X~ . F<X) is the subring of F~X~ of all power series algebraic over FIx]. If F is a valued field (eg. ¢) then F{X} is the ring of all convergent power series (i.e. convergent on some neighbourhood of 0 ). In §2 and §3 we will always assume that there are symbols for ...,2X,IX and Xn in the first order language. The following results follow immediately from the extension of the Artin Approximation Theorem given in §4 of [5]: )]( <F<X) ; F<X|>) ~ <F~X~;F~ F]~) i.e. if fi(X,Y), g(X,Y) ~ F<X)[Y], Y = )mY,...,IY( and ~ = 3Y],...,Ym{Aifi(X,Y) = 0 A g(X,Y) ¢ 0 A y1,...,yr depend only on X]} then F~X~ ~ ~ implies F<X) ~ ¢ . (2) (i) is also true with > < replaced by { } and F by { . This re- quires the results of §5 of [8]. (3) Let fi(X,Y) C FIx,Y], Y = (YI,...,Ym). If the system " fi(X,Y) = 0 A yl,...,y depend only on 1 X " r has a solution Y mod(X) k for all k , then it has a solution Y @ F~X~ . (4) If the existeztial theory of F is decidable then so is the positive existential theory of <F~X~ ;F[XI~> and hence by )I( and )2( also of <F<X);F<XI )) and (F{X};F{XI}) (if F is a valued field). See [5], §6, Remark (i). On the other hand it was shown in [6] and [9] that: (5) <¢<x1,x2>; ~<x1> , ¢<X2>> and (6[TXI,X2]]){~XIT] 7~X2~> have different positive existential theories, i.e. there is a system A.I )Y'X(1'f = 0 A lrY,...,]Y depend only on ]X A Y ... depend only on 2 X ' r1+! ,Yr2 (with fi(X,Y) @ FIx,Y] Y , = ))mY,...,IY( which has a solution in ¢~XI,X2]] but not in ~<X|,X2>. (The similar result is true with either ( ) or ~ ~ replaced by { } and can be easily established by the same method.) )6( <¢{X,Y};¢{Y})~ <~X,Y~ 7¢~X~) where X = (XI,X )2 and Y = .)4Y,-..,|Y( This uses a counter example of Gabrielov (see [6]). 2,1. PROPOSITION. Let F be an arbitrary field. )i( The existential theory of <F~X|,X2~ ;F~XI~ ~F~X2~) is undecidable, i,e. formulas of the form mY,..o,IY~ C F~X],X2~ (A fi(X,Y) = 0 g(X,Y) A # 0 A YI'""Yr e I F~XI~ A 2rY,...,l+lry E F~X2~ ) are undecidable (fi(X,Y),g(X,Y) E FIx,Y]). (ii) The existential theory of (F~ XI,X2,X3~ ;F~ X I~ jF~XI,X2~> si undecid- able i.e, formulas of the form )7( ~Y~ ..... Ym ~ F~XI'X2'X3~ (~ (x'Y) = 0 fi A g(X,Y) # 0 A Y|, ... ,Yrl ~ F~X|~ Yr1+l A 2r~ Y,,o,, F~ XI,X2~) are undecidable, (The same results hold with ~ ~ replaced by ( ) or { ).} PROOF. )i( We shall represent <~;+," ) in F~X]~- }0{ by the correspon- dence ~ n +---- [Xln] = {gXln I s si a unit in F~XI~ .} Addition in ~ corre- sponds to multiplication in F~X|~ and multiplication in ~ to exponentiation in . F[[X]]] Since multiplication si positive existentially definable from 2 squaring it is sufficient to show that from A = IX[ n] we can define B = IX[ n ] by a formula of the correct kind, The result will then follow from the undecid- ability of Hilbert's Tenth problem. Notice: )a( If A = [x1n] and m] B = IX2 and A ~ B mod(X I -X )2 then m =n (i.e. if A(X )2 = B then m=n). )b( If A E [xln] and ~] ~ B [X2 and C @ IX m I ] and ~ B C mod X 2-A then m=n 2 (i.e. if B(A) =C then m=n2). The only inequalities which we needed were of the form .Y # 0 because we represent ~ in F~XI~ - {0}. (ii) We shall do the same as )i( but using formulas of the required form.

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