EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Model independent constraints from vacuum and in-medium QCD Sum Rules 9 9 F. Klingl and W. Weise a 9 1 n Physik-Department,Theoretische Physik,Technische Universit¨at Mu¨nchen, D-85747 Garching, Germany a J 1 Received: date/ Revised version: date 2 1 v Abstract. WediscussQCDsumruleconstraintsbasedonmomentsofvectormesonspectraldistributionsin 8 5 thevacuumandinanuclearmedium.Sumrulesforthetwolowestmomentsofthesespectraldistributions 0 1 donotsufferfrom uncertaintiesrelated toQCDcondensatesofdimension higherthanfour.Weexemplify 0 9 these relations for the case of the ω meson and discuss the issue of in-medium mass shifts from this 9 h/ viewpoint. t - l c u PACS. 12.40.Vv Vector-meson dominance – 24.85.+p Quarks, gluons, and QCD in nuclei and nuclear n : v processes i X r QCD sum rules have repeatedly been used in recent four-quarkcondensatesintermsof q¯q 2,thesquareofthe a h i times to arrive at estimates for possible in-medium mass standard chiral condensate. The first objection is far less shiftsofvectormesons[1,7].Thevalidityofsuchestimates serious for the ω meson which may well have a chance to has been questioned, however, for several reasons. First, survive as a reasonably narrow quasi-particle in nuclear for broadstructuressuchas theρ mesonwhose largevac- matter [3,4]. The second objection, however, is difficult uum decay width is further magnified by in-medium re- to overcome:factorization of four-quark condensates may actions, the QCD sum rule analysis does not provide a indeed be questionable. reliableframeworkto extractanythinglike a“massshift” [3,5].Secondly,notoriousuncertaintiesexistatthelevelof In the present note we focus on the two lowest mo- factorizationassumptionscommonlyusedtoapproximate ments ( dssnR(s) with n = 0,1) of vector meson spec- R traldistributions,in vacuumas wellas in nuclear matter, Send offprint requests to: [email protected] a Work supported in part by BMBF and GSI andpointoutthatthesearesubjecttosumruleswhichdo 2 F. Klingl and W. Weise: Model independentconstraints from vacuumand in-medium QCD Sum Rules notsufferfromtheuncertaintiesintroducedbyfour-quark tor product (Wilson) expansion gives condensates.Thesesumrulesareshowntoprovideuseful, Q2 c c 12π2Π(q2 = Q2)= c Q2ln +c + 2 + 3 +... − − 0 (cid:18)µ2(cid:19) 1 Q2 Q4 modelindependentconstraintswhichweexemplifyforthe (3) case of the ω meson spectral distribution and its change Wespecifythecoefficientsc fortheisoscalarcurrentjµ = i in the nuclear medium. The sum rule for the second mo- 1(u¯γµu+d¯γµd), the case of the ω meson that we wish to 6 ment, dss2R(s),doesinvolvethefour-quarkcondensate. use here for explicit evaluations. In vacuum we have: R In fact it can be used in principle to determine this par- 1 α 1 c = 1+ S , c = (m2 +m2), (4) ticular condensate and test the factorization assumption. 0 6(cid:16) π (cid:17) 1 −2 u d π2 α 2π2 c = S µν + m uu¯+m dd¯, (5) The detailed analysis of this question will be defered to 2 µν u d 18h π G G i 3 h i a longer paper. In this short note we confine ourselves to while c involves combinations of four-quark condensates 3 conclusions that can be drawn without reference to four- of (mass) dimension 6. The quark mass term c is small 1 quark condensates. and can be dropped in the actual calculations. For the The starting point is the current-current correlation gluon condensate we use αS 2 = (0.36GeV)4 [9], and h π G i function the(chiral)quarkcondensateisgivenby m u¯u+m d¯d u d h i≃ m u¯u+d¯d = m2f2 (0.11GeV)4 throughthe Gell- Π (q)=i d4xeiq·x j (x)j (0) (1) qh i − π π ≃− µν µ ν Z hT i Mann, Oakes, Renner relation. where denotes the time-ordered product and the ex- In the nuclear medium with baryondensity ρ we have T pectation value is taken either in the vacuum or in the c (ρ) = c (ρ = 0)+δc (ρ) with c (0) given by eqs.(4,5), i i i i groundstate ofnuclear matter at rest.In vacuumthe po- and larizationtensor(1)canbe reducedto a singlescalarcor- π2 4 δc (ρ)= M(0)+2σ +A M ρ (6) 2 3 (cid:20)−27 N N 1 N(cid:21) relation function, Π(q2) = 1gµνΠ (q). In nuclear mat- 3 µν to linear order in ρ. The first term in brackets is the tertherearetwo(longitudinalandtransverse)correlation leading density dependent correction to the gluon con- functions which coincide for a meson at rest with respect densate and involves the nucleon mass in the chiral limit, to the medium (i.e. with qµ =(ω,q=0)). M(0) 0.75GeV[6].The secondpartproportionalto the Thereducedcorrelationfunctioniswrittenasa(twice N ≃ nucleon sigma term σ 45MeV is the first order cor- N subtracted) dispersion relation, ≃ rectionofthe quarkcondensate,andthethirdtermintro- q4 ImΠ(s) Π(q2)=Π(0)+Π′(0)q2+ ds . (2) duces the first moment of the quark distribution function π Z s2(s q2 iǫ) − − in the nucleon: whereΠ(0)vanishesinvacuumbutcontributesinnuclear matter. At largespacelike Q2 = q2 >0 the QCD opera- A1 =2 dxx u(x)+u¯(x)+d(x)+d¯(x) . (7) Z − (cid:2) (cid:3) F. Klingl and W. Weise: Model independentconstraints from vacuumand in-medium QCD Sum Rules 3 It represents twice the fraction of momentum carried by s0dss2R(s)= s30c +c . (12) 0 3 Z 3 0 quarks in the proton. We take A 1 as determined by 1 ≃ Note thatthe firsttwo sumrules arewelldetermined and deep-inelastic lepton scattering at Q 2GeV. Note that ∼ δc (ρ ) 4 10−3GeV4atρ=ρ =0.17fm−3,thedensity represent useful constraints for the spectrum R(s). Only 2 0 0 ≃ · the third sum rule (12) involves four-quark condensates of nuclear matter, and almost all of this correctioncomes which are uncertain. In this short paper we concentrate from the term proportional to A . 1 on eqs. (10,11). A detailed analysis of eq.(12) will be pre- Next we introduce the Borel transform of eq. (3): sented in a forthcoming longer paper. It is instructive to ∞ 12π2Π(0)+ dsR(s)e−s/M2 =c 2+c + c2 + c3 +... Z 0M 1 2 2 4 illustratethesumrules(10,11)fortheω mesoninvacuum 0 M M (8) using Vector Meson Dominance (VMD) for the resonant with R(s)= 12πImΠ(s) andΠ(0)= ρ/4M ,the vec- − s − N part of R(s). In this model we have tor meson analogue of the Thomson term in photon scat- m2 1 α R(s)=12π2 ω δ(s m2)+ 1+ S Θ(s s ). (13) tering. gω2 − ω 6(cid:16) π (cid:17) − o We separate the spectrum R(s) into a resonance part with g = 3g 16.8 (using the vector coupling constant ω ≃ with s s and a continuum R (s) which must approach ≤ 0 c g = 5.6). We can neglect the small quark mass term c1 the perturbative QCD limit for s>s : 0 and find from eq. (10): 1 α R (s)= 1+ S Θ(s s ). (9) 8π2m2 α c 6(cid:16) π (cid:17) − o ω =1+ S, (14) g2 s π 0 The factor 1 is again specific for the isoscalar channel. 6 whichfixes√s =1.16GeVusingα (s ) 0.4andm = 0 S 0 ω ≃ The Borel mass parameter must be sufficiently large M 0.78GeV. It is interesting to identify the spectral gap so that eq.(8) converges rapidly, but otherwise it is ar- ∆=√s with the scale for spontaneous chiral symmetry 0 bitrary. We choose > √s0 so that e−s/M2 can be ex- M breaking, ∆ = 4πf , where f = 92.4 MeV is the pion π π pandedinpowersofs/ 2fors<s .Theremaininginte- 0 M decayconstant.IntheVMDmodel,takingthezerowidth gral ∞dsR (s)e−s/M2 isevaluatedinsertingtherunning s0 c limit,eq.(14)holdsforboththeωandρmeson,withequal R couplingstrengthα (s )ineq.(9).Thentheterm-by-term S o mass m = m = m . Inserting s = 16π2f2 in eq.(14) V ρ ω 0 π comparison in eq.(8) gives the following set of sum rules one recovers the famous KSFR relation m =√2 gf up V π for the moments of the spectrum R(s) (see also refs. [7, to a small QCD correction. 8]) The sum rule (11) for the first moment gives s0 Zs00 dsR(s)= ss02c0+c1−12π2Π(0), (10) 8gπ22m4ω = s220 (cid:16)1+ απS(cid:17)−π32 hhαπSG2i+12hmuu¯u+mdd¯dii. dssR(s)= 0c c , (11) Z 2 0− 2 (15) 0 4 F. Klingl and W. Weise: Model independentconstraints from vacuumand in-medium QCD Sum Rules Inserting the values for the gluon and quark condensates – the in-medium case: wefindindeedperfectconsistency.Givenamodelfortheω now we have to match the moments of the density mesonspectralfunction inthe vacuumandin the nuclear dependent spectral distributions, medium, the sum rules (10,11) therefore provide useful s0 s α (s ) 3π2 0 S 0 dsR(s,ρ)= 1+ + ρ, (17) Z 6 (cid:18) π (cid:19) M constraints to test the calculated spectra. 0 N We nowcontinueonfromVMDtoamorerealisticap- together with proach.Inrefs.[3,4]wehaveusedaneffectiveLagrangian s0 s2 α (s ) dssR(s,ρ)= 0 1+ S 0 c (0) δc (ρ). 2 2 Z 12(cid:18) π (cid:19)− − based on chiral SU(3) SU(3) symmetry with inclusion 0 ⊗ (18) of vector mesons as well as anomalous couplings from Using our calculated spectrum [4] shown in Fig. 1b, the Wess-Zumino action in order to calculate the ω me- we find √s0 = 1.08GeV at ρ = ρ0 = 0.17fm−3, with son spectrum both in the vacuum and in nuclear mat- s0dsR(s,ρ ) = 0.26GeV2. Then s0dssR(s,ρ ) = 0 0 0 0 ter. The resulting vacuum spectrum reproduces the ob- R R 0.11GeV4 is to be compared with the right hand side served e+e− hadrons(I = 0) data very well [3] (see → of eq. (18) which gives 0.12GeV4, so there is again Fig. 1a). The predicted in-medium mass spectrum (for excellent consistency. ω excitations with q = 0) shows a pronounced down- Note again that these tests do not involve uncertain wardshiftoftheω-mesonpeakandasubstantial,butnot four-quarkcondensates.Furthermore,ifthein-medium overwhelmingincreaseof its width from reactionssuch as spectrumshowsareasonablynarrowquasiparticleex- ωN πN, ππN etc. (see Fig. 1b). At large s>s , both → 0 citation, the quantity m¯2 = s0dssR(s)/ s0dsR(s) 0 0 spectra should approach the QCD limit (9). The consis- R R canindeedbeinterpretedasthesquareofanin-medium tency test of these calculated spectral distributions with “mass”ofthisexcitation.Forourωmesoncasewefind the sum rules (10) and (11) goes as follows: m¯ =0.65GeVatρ=ρ ,asubstantialdownwardmass 0 – the vacuum case: shift as discussed in refs. [3,4]. (For the broad ρ me- the two sides of eq. (10), sonspectrum,ontheotherhand,theinterpretationof s0 s α (s ) m¯ as an in-medium mass is not meaningful as demon- 0 S 0 dsR(s)= 1+ , (16) Z 6 (cid:18) π (cid:19) 0 strated in ref. [3]). now match at √s0 = 1.25GeV, with 0s0dsR(s) = Amusingly, the spectral gap ∆ = √s0 decreases by R 0.29GeV2. The sum rule for the first moment gives about 15 percent when replacing the vacuum by nu- s0dssR(s)=0.19GeV4,tobecomparedwith 1s2(1+ clear matter. This is in line with the proposition that 0 2 0 R α /π) c =0.22GeV4, so there is consistency at the this gap reflects the order parameter for spontaneous s 2 − 10% level. chiral symmetry breaking and scales like the pion de- F. Klingl and W. Weise: Model independentconstraints from vacuumand in-medium QCD Sum Rules 5 cay constant f (or, equivalently, like the square root π of the chiral condensate q¯q ). h i In summary, we have shown that the combination of sum rules (10) and (11)for the lowestmoments of the spectraldistributionsdoesserveasamodel-independent consistency test for calculated spectral functions. References 1. T. Hatsudaand S.H. Lee, Phys. Rev. C 46 (1992) R34. 2. M.A. Shifman, A.I. Vainshtein and V.I. Zakharov, Nucl.Phys. B 147 (1979) 385. 3. F. Klingl, N. Kaiser and W. Weise, Nucl. Phys. A 624 (1997) 527 4. F. Klingl and W.Weise, preprint hep-ph/9802211, submit- ted to Nucl. Phys.A; ActaPhys. Pol. B 29 (1998) 3225 5. S. Leupold, W. Peters and U. Mosel, Nucl. Phys. 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