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Model-based software testing and analysis with C♯ PDF

367 Pages·2008·3.036 MB·English
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This page intentionally left blank P1:KNP cuny1215-book CUNY1215-Jacky 9780521886550 October2,2007 16:18 Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C# Thisbookteachesmodel-basedanalysisandmodel-basedtesting,importantnewways towriteandanalyzesoftwarespecificationsanddesigns,generatetestcases,andcheck the results of test runs. These methods increase the automation in each of these steps, makingthemmoretimely,morethorough,andmoreeffective. Using a familiar programming language, testers and analysts will learn to write modelsthatdescribehowaprogramissupposedtobehave.Theauthorsworkthrough severalrealisticcasestudiesindepthanddetail,usingatoolkitbuiltontheC#language andthe.NETframework.Readerscanalsoapplythemethodsinanalyzingandtesting systemsinmanyotherlanguagesandframeworks. Intended for professional software developers, including testers, and for university students,thisbookissuitableforcoursesonsoftwareengineering,testing,specification, orapplicationsofformalmethods. JonathanJackyisaResearchScientistattheUniversityofWashingtoninSeattle.He isexperiencedinembeddedcontrolsystems,safety-criticalsystems,signalprocessing, andscientificcomputing.HehastaughtattheEvergreenStateCollegeandhasbeena VisitingResearcheratMicrosoftResearch.HeistheauthorofTheWayofZ:Practical ProgrammingwithFormalMethods. Margus Veanes is a Researcher in the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) group at Microsoft Research. His research interests include model-based software de- velopment,validation,andtesting. Colin Campbell has worked on model-based testing and analysis techniques for a number of years in industry, for companies including Microsoft Research. He is a PrincipaloftheconsultingfirmModeledComputationLLCinSeattle(www.modeled- computation.com).Hiscurrentinterestsincludedesignanalysis,themodelingofreactive anddistributedsystems,andtheintegrationofcomponentsinlargesystems. Wolfram Schulte is a Research Area Manager at Microsoft Research, managing the FSEgroup,theProgrammingLanguagesandMethods(PLM)group,andtheSoftware DesignandImplementation(SDI)group. i P1:KNP cuny1215-book CUNY1215-Jacky 9780521886550 October2,2007 16:18 ii P1:KNP cuny1215-book CUNY1215-Jacky 9780521886550 October2,2007 16:18 Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C# Jonathan Jacky UniversityofWashington,Seattle Margus Veanes MicrosoftResearch,Redmond,Washington Colin Campbell ModeledComputationLLC,Seattle,Washington Wolfram Schulte MicrosoftResearch,Redmond,Washington iii CAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB28RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521886550 © Jonathan Jacky, Margus Veanes, Colin Campbell, and Wolfram Schulte 2008 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format 2007 ISBN-13 978-0-511-36784-7 eBook (NetLibrary) ISBN-10 0-511-36784-8 eBook (NetLibrary) ISBN-13 978-0-521-88655-0 hardback ISBN-10 0-521-88655-4 hardback ISBN-13 978-0-521-68761-4 paperback ISBN-10 0-521-68761-6 paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. P1:KNP cuny1215-book CUNY1215-Jacky 9780521886550 October2,2007 16:18 Contents Preface xi Acknowledgments xv I Overview 1 Describe, Analyze, Test 3 1.1 Modelprograms 4 1.2 Model-basedanalysis 5 1.3 Model-basedtesting 7 1.4 Modelprogramsinthesoftwareprocess 8 1.5 Syllabus 11 2 Why We Need Model-Based Testing 13 2.1 Clientandserver 13 2.2 Protocol 14 2.3 Sockets 15 2.4 Libraries 15 2.5 Applications 20 2.6 Unittesting 23 v P1:KNP cuny1215-book CUNY1215-Jacky 9780521886550 October2,2007 16:18 vi Contents 2.7 Somesimplescenarios 25 2.8 Amorecomplexscenario 27 2.9 Failuresinthefield 28 2.10 Failuresexplained 29 2.11 Lessonslearned 29 2.12 Model-basedtestingrevealsthedefect 30 2.13 Exercises 31 3 Why We Need Model-Based Analysis 32 3.1 Reactivesystem 32 3.2 Implementation 34 3.3 Unittesting 41 3.4 Failuresinsimulation 44 3.5 Designdefects 46 3.6 Reviewsandinspections,staticanalysis 47 3.7 Model-basedanalysisrevealsthedesignerrors 47 3.8 Exercises 52 4 Further Reading 53 II Systems with Finite Models 5 Model Programs 57 5.1 States,actions,andbehavior 57 5.2 Casestudy:userinterface 59 5.3 Preliminaryanalysis 61 5.4 Codingthemodelprogram 64 P1:KNP cuny1215-book CUNY1215-Jacky 9780521886550 October2,2007 16:18 Contents vii 5.5 Simulation 70 5.6 Casestudy:client/server 72 5.7 Casestudy:reactiveprogram 82 5.8 Otherlanguagesandtools 92 5.9 Exercises 93 6 Exploring and Analyzing Finite Model Programs 94 6.1 Finitestatemachines 94 6.2 Exploration 99 6.3 Analysis 106 6.4 Exercise 114 7 Structuring Model Programs with Features and Composition 115 7.1 Scenariocontrol 115 7.2 Features 117 7.3 Composition 121 7.4 Choosingamongoptionsforscenariocontrol 129 7.5 Compositionforanalysis 131 7.6 Exercises 136 8 Testing Closed Systems 137 8.1 Offlinetestgeneration 137 8.2 Tracesandterms 139 8.3 Testharness 142 8.4 Testexecution 146 P1:KNP cuny1215-book CUNY1215-Jacky 9780521886550 October2,2007 16:18 viii Contents 8.5 Limitationsofofflinetesting 147 8.6 Exercises 148 9 Further Reading 150 III Systems with Complex State 10 Modeling Systems with Structured State 155 10.1 “Infinite”modelprograms 155 10.2 Typesformodelprograms 157 10.3 Compoundvalues 157 10.4 Casestudy:revisioncontrolsystem 169 10.5 Exercises 181 11 Analyzing Systems with Complex State 183 11.1 Explorablemodelprograms 183 11.2 Pruningtechniques 186 11.3 Sampling 190 11.4 Exercises 190 12 Testing Systems with Complex State 191 12.1 On-the-flytesting 192 12.2 Implementation,modelandstepper 194 12.3 Strategies 199 12.4 Coverage-directedstrategies 203 12.5 Advancedon-the-flysettings 210 12.6 Exercises 218 13 Further Reading 219

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