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Preview Mode resolved travel time statistics for elastic rays in three-dimensional billiards

Mode resolved travel time statistics for elastic rays in three-dimensional billiards A. Ortega,1 K. Stringlo,2 and T. Gorin2 1Instituto de F´ısica, Universidad Nacional Auto´noma de M´exico, M´exico D. F. 01000, M´exico 2Departamento de F´ısica, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara 44840, Jal´ısco, M´exico (Dated: January 16, 2012) We consider the ray limit of propagating ultrasound waves in three-dimensional bodies made from an homogeneous, isotropic, elastic material. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we simulate the propagation and proliferation of elastic rays using realistic angle dependent reflection coefficients, takingintoaccountmodeconversionandray-splitting. Forafewsimplegeometries, weanalysethe long time equilibrium distribution focussing on the energy ratio between compressional and shear waves. Finally, we study the travel time statistics, i.e. the distribution of the amount of time a 2 giventrajectoryspendsasacompressionalwave,ascomparedtothetotaltraveltime. Theseresults 1 areintimatelyrelatedtorecentelastodynamicsexperimentsonCodawaveinterferometrybyLobkis 0 and Weaver[Phys. Rev. E 78, 066212 (2008)]. 2 PACSnumbers: 05.45.Mt,43.35.+d,43.40.+s n Keywords: Codawaveinterferometry,elasticrays,raysplitting,three-dimensionalbilliard a J 3 I. INTRODUCTION Thismakesitverydifficulttosimulateray-dynamicsover 1 longtimes. Oneofourmainachievementsconsiststhere- fore in the development of an efficient algorithm which ] Elastic rays are the fundamental building block of the D applies a Monte Carlo approach to deal with these diffi- theoryofCodawaveinterferometry[1]whichoverrecent C years has been developed into a well established method culties. Thebodiesemployedaresimilartotheonesused by Lobkis and Weaver but not identical. Still our sim- . for the analysis of seismological data [2], among oth- n ulations allow to verify certain assumptions made about ers[3]. Tothebestofourknowledge,onlylittleisknown i l aboutelasticraysasthe particlelimitoftheelasticwave the wave field and to analyse the effects of eventual vio- n lations. [ equation,eventhoughitispreciselythatlimitthetheory in Ref. [1] relies upon. The main difficulty with elastic Together with the introduction, this paper is divided 2 into 6 sections. The followingSec. II defines ourconcept rays is due to the phenomenon of “ray-splitting” which v ofanelasticray. Sec.IIIdescribestherandommodecon- causes the dynamics to become effectively statistical in 8 versionmodelintroducedinRef.[8]. Ourmainresultsare nature [4]. 7 describedinSec. IV,andtheir relationto experiments is 5 There is a close analogyin elastic raysandCoda wave discussedinSec.V.WeconcludethepaperwithSec.VI. 2 interferometry on the one hand and the orbits of clas- 0. sically chaotic quantum systems and semiclassical the- 1 ory in the diagonal approximation [5–7] on the other. 1 This analogy is crucial also for measurable quantities II. ELASTIC RAYS 1 such as the distortion (introduced in Ref. [8]) and scat- : v tering fidelity [9–12]. In Ref. [8] Lobkis and Weaver Rays are a well known concept from geometric optics, i started a series of experiments with reverberant ultra- where they are used to approximate the propagation of X sound in three-dimensional Aluminum samples. These electromagneticwaves in the limit where the wavelength r experiments could be described in terms of the Coda is small compared to the typical dimension L of the sys- a wave interferometry (based on the ray picture of a dif- tem. A single ray stands for a transversally concen- fuse wave field), but also in terms of scattering fidelity tratedelectromagnetic wavepacketwhich movesthrough and random matrix theory [11, 13]. So far the focus an optical system. In the propagation direction, the has been on the form of the fidelity decay [13], but not wavepacket may also be localized, but that need not be on the overall decay time of the fidelity signal. In or- so. Without localization one arrives at a stationary sit- der to explain their results Lobkis and Weaver assumed uation, where wave energy continuously flows along the that after a certain transient time, the elastic wave field ray path. settles on a equilibrium state, where the energy is dis- In the present case, we assume that the wavepacket tributed homogeneouslyandisotropicallyoverthe whole is finite, even in the longitudinal direction. It therefore Aluminum sample, with relative energy shares in shear- contains a finite amount of energy Q. Since we neglect andcompressionalwavescorrespondingtothe equiparti- any form of energy dissipation, that amount of energy is tion ratio [8, 14]. conserved for all times. However, due to mode conver- In this paper, we present numerical simulations of the sion and ray-splitting, the amount of energy Q is shared propagation of elastic rays in finite three-dimensional among an increasing number of branches of the elastic bodies. Due to ray-splitting an elastic ray spreads into ray. anexponentiallyincreasingnumberofdifferentbranches. Elastic wavesin a homogeneousandisotropic medium 2 come in two different modes: P-waves (compressional 1.5 waves) where the medium undergoes harmonic displace- ments in the longitudinal (propagation) direction, and 1 S-waves, where the medium undergoes harmonic dis- 0.5 placements in the transversal direction (shear waves). Both wave forms have different propagation speeds, c 0 d x y and cs respectively. For the Aluminum samples studied R -0.5 in [8, 11, 13]: -1 c =635cm/ms, c =315cm/ms. (1) -1.5 d s -2 Asweshallseebelow,bothwaveformsconvertaccording 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 tospecificrulesintoone-anotherwhentherayisreflected at the free surfaces of the body. In the classical ray pic- ϑ ture this is handled by providing the elastic ray with an additionalinternaldegreeoffreedom,aswillbeexplained FIG. 1. The different reflection coefficients as a function of in detail below, in Sec. IIB. the angle of incidence ϑ. RPP (red line), RSP (green line), One should be well aware of the fact that the ray pic- RSS (blue line), RPS (pink line). Note, Ryx means incident ture, when applied to propagating elastic waves in a fi- x-waveand reflected y-wave. nite solid, breaks down very soon. The transversal size of a localized wavepacket increases rapidly in time such Following [22], when a plane elastic wave hits a free that after a few reflections, it reaches the extention of surface, we first define a reflection plane. This is the the whole body. In quantum mechanics this time scale plane spanned by the surface normal and the propaga- would be called the Ehrenfest time [17]. However, this tion direction of the ray. An incident P-wave splits into doesnotmeanthattheraypicturebecomesuselesswhen an out-going P-wave and an out-going S-wave with po- longer times are involved. In the field of quantum chaos larization vector lying in the plane of reflection. The it is well established that one can construct semiclassi- reflection amplitudes for both waves are given by: cal approximations, on nothing else than these classical trajectories[18]. Theseapproximationsmayremainvalid 2 2 sin(2ϑ) sin(2Θ)−κ cos (2Θ) sinϑ formuchlongertimes–inthecaseofchaotictwodegree- RPP = sin(2ϑ) sin(2Θ)+κ2 cos2(2Θ) , κ= sinΘ of-freedomsystemsuptotimesoftheorderoftheHeisen- (2) berg time [19]. Ultimately, the present work might help to pave the way towards a similar semiclassical theory 2κ sin(2ϑ) cos(2Θ) R = , (3) for elastodynamic systems. SP sin(2ϑ) sin(2Θ)+κ2 cos2(2Θ) Forthenumericalsimulations,weusegeometries(rect- whereκ=c /c >1suchthatthe exitangleΘisalways angularblock,tetrahedron)withlongstraightedges,be- d s smaller than the entrance angle ϑ. These angles are al- cause similar bodies have been used in the experiments waysmeasuredwithrespecttothenormalofthesurface. by Lobkis and Weaver and also because of their simplic- The reflection amplitudes R and R determine the ity. These bodies however have the disadvantage that PP SP amplitudes of the two out-going waves. diffraction on the edges and corners may have consider- The case of an incident S-wave is more complicated. able effects [20, 21]. The inclusion of diffractive orbits Beforeconsideringthereflectionitself,wehavetodecom- will be left to a future work. pose the wave into one component with polarization in the reflection plane (SV-wave) and another with polar- ization perpendicular to it (SH-wave). For the SV-wave A. Reflection coefficients we then have similar reflection coefficients as for the P- wave: Ingeneral,raysareofahybridnature. Fromamacro- sin(2ϑ) sin(2Θ′)−κ2 cos2(2ϑ) sinΘ′ scopic perspective, the ray has negligible width and is R = , κ= regarded as a one-dimensional object, while, from a mi- SS sin(2ϑ) sin(2Θ′)+κ2 cos2(2ϑ) sinϑ croscopic perspective, the ray is seen as a plane wave (4) whichallowstouserelativelysimplerulestocalculateits −κ sin(4ϑ) R = , (5) behavior under reflections. Since the system is assumed PS sin(2ϑ) sin(2Θ′)+κ2 cos2(2ϑ) to be macroscopicinsize,the shape ofthe reflectingsur- face does not really matter. It is always approximated where now Θ′ > ϑ such that these equations only apply locallyasaplanesurface. Forourpurposesitistherefore as long as κsinϑ < 1. This introduces the critical angle sufficienttoconsiderthereflectionlawsofplanewavesat (of incidence) ϑcr =arcsin(κ−1). However, for SV-waves plane surfaces. For simplicity, we shall also assume that incident at larger angles, the reflected P-wave becomes all reflecting surfaces are free surfaces. a surface wave with negligible contribution to the wave 3 field, while the reflection amplitude for the SV-wave be- of the reflected ray is obtained solely from the SV com- comes ponent,wherasthe S-wavebranchisgivenasa superpo- sition of the reflected SH-wave and the S-wave branch cos2(2ϑ)−2iβ sinϑ sin(2ϑ) of the SV-component. These relations explain why it is R =− , (6) SS cos2(2ϑ)+2iβ sinϑ sin(2ϑ) necessary to keep track of the polarization direction of the S-mode rays. whereβ = sin2ϑ−κ−2. Theabsolutevaluesquaredof For the classical description of the secondary rays, we R is onepin that case, whichmeans that allthe energy need neither the wavepacket-widths nor the local inten- SS is transferred to the reflecting S-wave. sities,however,wedoneedthetotalenergyshareofeach SH-waves, i.e. shear waves with polarization direction branch. In principle, the calculation of the total en- perpendicular to the reflection plane, cannot convert to ergyshareisratherinvolvedsinceitrequirestheintegra- P-waves. They are reflected according to the standard tion of the energy flux across a surface perpendicular to law where the reflection angle is equal to the angle of the propagation direction, taking into account the vari- incidence. ation of the wavepacket intensity. Fortunately, for the reflected branch without mode conversion, neither the wavepacket’s intensity profile nor its propagation speed change. As a consecuence, the total energy contained in B. Classical ray limit that branch is simply proportional to the intensity cal- culated from the corresponding reflection coefficients: In order to define the classical ray limit, we consider a localized wavepacket of total energy Q. At any mo- • An incident P-wave carrying the energy Q will ment in time this wavepacket has a well defined posi- transfertheenergyR2 Qtothe reflectedP-mode PP tion ~r and propagation direction ~e . With respect to branch. v its momentary position ~r, the wavepacket has a certain • An incident S-wave of the same energy whose po- extension along the propagation direction and perpen- larization direction makes an angle θ with the re- diculartoit. Typically,wewouldimagineacigar-shaped flectionplanemustbesplitintotheSV-component wavepacket,orientedalongthe propagationdirection. In of energy Q = Q cos2θ and the SH-component the classical limit, we ignore the transversal extension V 2 of energy Q = Q sin θ. The total energy of the of the wavepacketand obtain thereby a one dimensional H reflected S-mode branch then is R2 Q +Q . object. For the studies to follow, the wavepacket’s ex- SS V H tension along the propagation direction does not mat- Energy conservation now implies that the respective ter. Sinceelasticwavespropagateintwodifferentmodes, mode-convertedbranchmustcarrytheremainingenergy. theclassicaldescriptionmustbeextendedbysomeinter- That this is indeed the case, is shownexemplarily for an nal variables: We need one binary variable to specify incident P-mode ray in the appendix. the mode of the wavepacket which may be longitudinal Returningtothepropagationoftheelasticray,wenote (P) or transversal (S). Moreover, if the wavepacket is that subsequent reflections lead to further subdivisions in transversal mode, we need to record the polarization into an exponentially increasing number of branches. direction by a unit vector~e , perpendicular to the prop- Topologically,anelasticraymaybeconsideredasatree, p agation direction. wheretheinitialenergyistransportedfromthetrunkto- The classicaldescriptionof elastic wavesruns into dif- wardstheouter(higherorder)branches. Evenformodest ficulties whenitcomestoreflections. The problemisray traveltimes, it is soonimpossible to keeptrackofallthe splitting [4], whichwillbetreatedasfollows: We assume branches of the elastic ray. that in the vicinity of the wavepacket center, an elastic We therefore employ a Monte Carlo method to sam- ray may be described as a plane wave. For that plane ple implicitely only over those branches which carry the wave, the reflection laws of the previous section IIA ap- largest amount of energy. For that purpose we trans- ply. Asexplainedthere,thereflectedwavewillingeneral late energy share into probability. Thus, we replace the besplitintoanS-modeandaP-modebranch,propagat- deterministic energy distribution model by a statistical ing into different directions. Accordingly, the reflected model, where we define an ensemble of rays which all ray splits in two, where the local intensities and polar- start in the same initial state corresponding to a wave izationdirectionsinthewavepacketcentermaybecalcu- packet with energy Q0. At each reflection, we choose at latedfromthereflectioncoefficientsofthecorresponding random,whethertherayfollowsonebranchortheother. plane waves. Finally,purely geometricconsiderationsal- Theprobabilitywithwhichoneoptionortheotherischo- low to determine the widths of those branches. In that sen, are simply given by the relative energy shares cal- way, we obtain the complete information about the two culatedfromthecorrespondingreflectioncoefficients. At reflected branches of the incident ray. Note that an inci- theend,theprobabilitytotravelthroughacertainhigher dentS-moderaymustbeconsideredasalinearcombina- order branch is given by the product of probabilities for tionofaSV-wave(polarizationdirectioninthereflection the choicesmadealongthe historyofthe givenray. This plane)andaSH-wave(polarizationdirectionperpendic- probability agrees with the energy ratio between the to- ular to the reflection plane). Hence, the P-wave branch tal energy of the wavepacket in that particular branch 4 and the energy of the initial wavepacket. Thus, in a nu- The authors obtain this from an analogy to room acous- merical simulation, the energy share of a higher order tics[15]andadetailedcalculationofthemodeconversion branchcanbeestimatedfromthenumberofmembersin probability during individual reflections [16]. The result the ensemble which terminate in that given branch. is: Our ensemble of rays may as well start in different S initial states also chosen at random. That is the case, β =0.59c . (9) d 4V when we intend to calculate the evolution of a statisti- cal ensemble of initial conditions. In what follows, we In order to explain the experiments performed on the will consider the following three different types of initial various Aluminum samples, one requires the statistics of conditions: tP, the accumulated amount of time a given ray of du- rationt spends in P-mode. As an estimate for the mean (i) Deterministic initial conditions, where we com- ht i and its variance var(t ) the authors find P P pletely specify one particularray,starting atacer- tain point, in a specific direction, either in S- or t 2t R2 ht i= , var(t )= . (10) P-mode, and in case with a specific polarization. P R+1 P β (1+R)3 (ii) Surface initial conditions, where we start P-waves The first equation is easily explained on the basis of er- at a particular point on the surface of the body, godicity. A more involved calculation is required for the while the direction of the ray is chosen at random second. within the half sphere pointing into the body. For Fig. 2 we performed numerical simulations for the randommodeconversionmodeldescribedabove. Weuse (iii) Homogeneousinitialconditions,wherewestartrays random numbers with exponential probability densities at random positions inside the body, with random togeneratesequencesofalternatingP-andS-modetime directions (isotropic on the whole unit sphere) in segments forming a random realisation of an elastic ray. S- or P-mode with probabilities chosen according With the total time t being fixed we can than measure to the equipartition ratio in Eq. (7) and in case the average P-mode occupation time ht i as well as its P random polarization direction. variance. These quantities areshownin Fig. 2 as a func- tion of t, for three different cases: When the trajectory starts with a P-mode segment, with a S-mode segment, III. RANDOM MODE CONVERSION MODEL or by choosing P-mode or S-mode at random acording to the equipartition ratio. We find that in all cases, ht i P In Ref. [8] the authors introduce a simple model, ig- and var(tP) quickly convergeto the theoreticalvalues as noring any geometric effects, where elastic rays undergo t becomes sufficiently large. random and statistically independent mode conversions according to the conversion rates α (S-to-P) and β (P- IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS to-S). Here,themeanfreetime betweentwoconversions is given by α−1 (for the S-mode segments) and β−1 (for theP-modesegments),respectively. Asanadditionalin- In our simulations we use bodies of two different gredient, the authors invoke the equipartition principle, shapes,arectangularblockofdimensions9cm×13cm× which states that energy should be distributed equally 7.6cm (giving rise to integrable or possibly pseudo- among the different degrees of freedom. Taking into ac- integrable dynamics) and a regular tetrahedron with countthedifferentwavespeedsforP-andS-modewaves, edges of length 10cm, where the dynamics is probably the ratio of the energy share between S- and P-mode ergodic. In addition, we study each of the two bod- waves is [14] ies with and without an internal sphere. That sphere is suposed to provide another free surface for the waves c 3 (rays)movinginsidethebody,whichrendersthedynam- d R=2 . (7) ics chaotic. The inner sphere for the rectangle is chosen (cid:18)c (cid:19) s to be relatively large in order to reduce bouncing ball This number also determines the ratio between the con- orbits. The bodies (including the inner spheres) are de- version rates, since the equilibrium condition of the cor- picted in Fig. 3. According to the random mode conver- responding rate equation demands that on average, the sionmodel,thevolumeandthesurfaceareaofthebodies numberofelasticraysinP-modeandS-modearerelated are important parameters. These are given in table I. by As explained earlier, the simulation of the classical rays is done by launching a large number of rays (up hN i β to 4×106) with different initial conditions. Those are S = =R. (8) hN i α chosen to be either of type (ii) (Surface) or of type (iii) P (Homogeneous). The formermight be consideredas cor- One last piece of information is necessary in order to responding to the experimental situation in Ref. [8, 13], be able to estimate the values of the conversion rates. but if at all this may be true only qualitatively. 5 Body Volume [cm3] Surface [cm2] 0.11 Rectangular block 889.2 568.4 ...with innersphere 709.6 722.3 Regular tetrahedron 117.8 173.2 0.09 ...with innersphere 110.6 191.3 t / i P ht 0.07 TABLE I. 0.05 1.2 t 0.0008 1.15 / ) 0.0006 P (t 0.0004 ar 1.1 v 0.0002 β / m 0 u n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 β 1.05 t/[ms] 1 FIG. 2. Mean and Variance of the P-mode travel time for theLobkis’andWeavers’srandomconversionmodel. TheP- 0.95 to-S-conversion rate was chosen as β = 162. The different 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 colors refer todifferent initial conditions: starting in S-mode t/[ms] (red), starting in P-mode (blue), starting randomly in S- or P-mode according to the equipartition ratio (green). In the FIG. 4. The conversion rate βnum divided by the travel time case of the equipartitioned initial condition, the solid green t, determined from the mean free P-mode occupation time, line shows the value of the theoretical expectation, Eq. (10). as a function of t, for homogeneous initial conditions, for all Othersolid lines (red and blue) show simple rational best fit fourdifferentgeometries. Tetrahedronwithsphere(redline), functions to guide theeye. withoutsphere(greenline),Rectanglewithsphere(blueline), and without sphere (pinkline). ray happened to travel in P-mode. The average over those periods over all rays is just the mean free P-mode travel time, and therefore equal to β−1. In Fig. 4 the so determinedconversionrateβnum is comparedto the the- oretical estimate (9) for all four geometries considered. Wefindthatassoonastislargeenough(fortherandom mode conversion model to become valid, there need to occur sufficiently many reflections), βnum is quite close to the theoretical estimate. In fact, as can be observed FIG. 3. On left a regular tetrahedron with length of 10 cm in Fig. 4, βnum never deviates more than 3% from the with inner sphere radius 1.2 cm on right a rectangular block theoretical estimate. Nevertheless, there are systematic withlengthof9cmwidthof13cmandheightof7.6cmwith innersphere radius 3.5 cm. differences for the different geometries. While βnum ends up about 2% above the theoretical estimate in the case ofthe rectangularblock withinner sphere, βnum ends up about 3% below, in the other three cases. We believe A. Conversion rates and equipartition ratio that this behavior is still acceptable in view of the fact that Eq. (9) relies on rather rough estimates. Toverifytheaccuracyoftherandomconversionmodel outlined above, we start by analysing the conversion rates. Forthatpurposeweperformsimulationswherethe 1. Equipartition ratio initial conditions of the rays are chosen according to the expected equilibrium state. Thus, we start rays at ran- dompositionsinsidethebody,withrandomdirections,in IntheFigs.5and6,westudytheenergysharebetween S- or P-mode according to the theoretical equipartition S- and P-mode rays. Since our simulations assume an ratio (7), and if in S-mode we choose the polarization equal amount of energy associated with each ray, that direction also at random. For each ray of pre-defined energysharecanbe computedfromthe relativefrequen- duration t, we then record all periods during which the cies with which we find a particular realization of the 6 50 20 40 15 o o ati 30 ati r r y y nerg nerg 10 Pe 20 Pe / / S S 5 10 0 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 t/[ms] t/[ms] FIG. 5. S-mode vs. P-mode energy ratio for samples of dif- FIG. 6. S-mode vs. P-mode energy ratio for the rectangular ferentgeometries. RaysarestartedonthesurfaceinP-mode blockwithandwithoutinternalsphere. Theinitialconditions withrandomdirections(Surfacetypeinitialconditions). The were chosen homogeneous and isotropic (blue and pink line) color coding for the different geometries is the same as in andstartingfromafixedpointonthesurface(alwaysstarting Fig. 4. The black horizontal line shows the equipartition ra- in P-mode) (red and green line). The black horizontal line tio R, according toEq. (7). shows the valueof theequipartition ratio R, Eq. (7). inner sphere, this is not the case, and the equilibrium rays in either one of the two possible modes. In Figs. 5 values a very different. and 6, we plot the ratio of these frequencies vs. t, the Extendingthesesimulationsuptotimesoftheorderof travel time. 5ms, we have confirmed that the S/P-energy ratio con- InFig.5thesimulationalwaysstartswithinitialcondi- verges to finite values in the limit of large times, except tionsonthesurface[initialconditionsoftype(ii)],where 5 for the rectangular block without inner sphere. Surpris- we applied the Monte Carlo sampling with 4×10 ran- ingly, we have found that these values do not depend on domrealizations,foreachofthefourdifferentgeometries. the type of initial conditions applied (Surface or Homo- Theoretically, we expect that the S/P energy ratio con- geneous). Concretely, we found the following values: verges to R = as given in Eq. (7). Since in the present case,theraysalwaysstartinP-mode,theenergyratioat 16.538 : Tetrahedron without sphere small times is close to zero. We observe that two tetra- 16.308 : Tetrahedron with sphere hedrons show a similar behavior, which is very distinct R= , (11)  14.685 : Rectangle with sphere from that of the two rectangular blocks. They approach 9.5/3.2 : Rectangle without sphere the theoretical value for R via damped irregular oscilla-  tions which are initially very strong. Comparingthe two while the theoretical value is R = 16.384. We can see tetrahedrons, the presence of the inner sphere, tends to that the rectangular block without inner sphere must be reduce the strength of the oscillations such that the the- considered separately. Only in that case does the equi- oretical value for R is reached faster. By contrast, the librium distribution of the energy share depend on the rectangularblocksshowalmostnooscillationsatall,and initial state (for homogeneous initial conditions we get quickly go over to a smooth approach of different limit R=9.5, otherwise R=3.2). values for the energy ratio. In doing so, the rectangle with inner sphere comes much closer to the theoretical value for R than the rectangle without inner sphere. B. P-mode occupation time statistics Fig.6showssimulationsforthetworectangularblocks with initial conditions of type (ii) (on the surface) and In this section, we restrict ourselves to homogeneous type (iii) (homogeneous). At small times, the energy initialconditions. Inoursimulations,everytrajectoryat ratio shown starts at zero for initial conditions on the each reflection makes a random choice whether to do a surface, and at the value of the equipartition ratio R, mode conversion or not. This results in different trajec- for homogeneous initial conditions. As t increases, the torypathsanddifferentamountsoftimes,therayspends curves first show some minor fluctuations and then start ineachmode. Inwhatfollows,westudy the distribution to converge to different equilibrium values – in all cases of the P-mode occupation time t ; obviously, the corre- P clearlybelowtheequipartitionratio. Fortherectangular spondingS-modeoccupationtimewouldprovideexactly block with inner sphere, we observe that independent of the same information. We have chosen this particular the type of initial conditions, the energy ratio converges quantity because it may be linked to experimental re- tothesameequilibriumvalue. Fortherectanglewithout sultsin[8,13]withthetheoreticalmodelsproposedin[1] 7 0.1 0.3 0.095 0.27 0.24 0.09 0.21 0.085 /t 0.18 i/t 0.08 )βP 0.15 htP 0.075 var(t 0.12 0.07 0.09 0.065 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.055 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 t/[ms] t/[ms] FIG. 8. For homogeneous initial conditions, the variance of FIG.7. Forhomogeneousinitialconditions,themeanP-mode the P-mode occupation times for the different geometries, occupation time htPi for the different geometries, divided by rescaledbyβ/t. Thecolorcodingforthedifferentgeometries thetotaltraveltimet. Wecomparewiththetheoreticalesti- isthesame asin Fig. 7. Wecompare with thetheoretical es- mate, Eq. (10), where we have inserted the numerical values timate, Eq. (10), where β has dropped out (black horizontal giveninEq.(11). Thecolorcodingisasbefore: Tetrahedron line). Correcting the theoretical expectation for the β-values with inner sphere (red points), without inner sphere (green observed in Fig. 4, leads to the blue horizontal line for the points), Rectangular block with inner sphere (blue points), rectangular block with innersphere. without inner sphere (pink points). The corresponding es- timates for the asymptotic value are depicted as horizontal lines of thesame color. (Coda wave interferometry) and [8] (random mode con- version model). We start with the average P-mode occupation time block with inner sphere. In the case of the rectangular ht i,forwhichtherandommodeconversionmodelmakes block without sphere, we find a steep linear increase of P the prediction (10). In Fig. 2(a) we have seen that this var(t )β/t, such that a comparison with a theoretical P predictionisindeedveryaccurate,providedtheensemble limit value makes no sense. ofraysis in the standardequilibriumstate. Fig. 7 shows ht i/t for homogeneous initial conditions which accord- P ingtotheoryshouldconvergeto(1+R)−1 atsufficiently In this last figure we find the largest deviations from large times. Indeed for the tetrahedron as well as the the random mode conversion model. The result for the rectangle with inner sphere, the prediction is fulfilled. tetrahedronwithsphereisabout25%belowthetheoreti- The ratio ht i/t converges to the predicted value, if we calvalue;withoutsphere,itisabout5%below,whilethe P replace the theoretical equipartition ratio with the one result for the rectangle with sphere is more than 100% obtained numerically from our simulations (these values above the theoretical value. The result for the rectangle are given in Eq. (11)). In the case of the rectangle with- without sphere is totally off the scale. outinnersphere(outofrange),theconvergenceofht i/t P ismuchslowerbutthelimitvaluestillconsistentwiththe numerical S/P energy partitioning. Finally, we show in Fig. 9 the distribution of P-mode Fig. 8 shows the variance of the P-mode occupation occupationtimest fortrajectoriesofdurationt=5ms. P times, divided by t/β with β calculated from Eq. (9). Inthecaseofthetetrahedrons,wefindthatthedistribu- The black solid horizontal line shows the theoretically tionsareclosetoGaussians,withthedistributionforthe expectedvalueaccordingtotherandommodeconversion tetrahedron with inner sphere being a bit narrowerthan model (10), where β drops out (black horizontal line): for the tetrahedron without. In the case of the rectan- gular blocks, the distributions are clearly non-Gaussian. β 2R2 For the rectangle with inner sphere the distribution is var(t ) → ≈0.1022. (12) P t (1+R)3 strongly asymmetric, while for the rectangle without in- ner sphere, the distributions is surprisingly close to a Correcting the theoretical expectation for the numeri- Lorentzian. This latter observation can explain the fact callydeterminedβ-values showninFig. 4doesnotmake that the variance of the P-mode occupation times scales 2 a noticeable difference in the case of the Tetrahedrons with t rather than t, since the variance of a Lorentzian and leads to the blue horizontal line for the rectangular distribution is infinite. 8 by β−1, which should then also give a unique value; see Eq. (12). For the Aluminum blocks of different shapes, analysed in Ref. [8], the result was a wide spreading of experimental values where, the smallest values roughly 20 agreedwiththetheoreticalexpectation,whilethelargest values where about four times larger [23]. On a qual- 15 itative basis, one could observe the tendency that less 30 1 chaotic geometries lead to larger values for the slope. × 10 nts u o c 5 B. Our results 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 The overall result of the present analysis, shown in tP/[ms] Fig. 8, is similar in this respect. We also find that the slopes can be very different for different geometries. It however shows that the relevant quantity is not really FIG. 9. For homogeneous initial conditions, the histograms chaos as measured by Lyapunov exponents but possi- for the tP statistics for t =5ms. The result for the tetrahe- bly rather ergodicity. From the four different geometries dronson theleft, with/without innersphere(red/green solid considered, the tetrahedron with inner sphere has the line); for the rectangular blocks on the right with/without innersphere (blue/pink solid lines). smallest slope. It is notable in that case, that the slope is about 25% below the theoretical value, which shows that the theory doesn’t provide a lower bound as one V. DISCUSSION might have been conjectured from the experimental re- sults. Next comes the tetrahedronwithout inner sphere. A. Related experimental results Because all its surfaces are plane, the Lyapunov expo- nentmustbe zeroinanycase. However,thetetrahedron has most likely ergodic dynamics. And we find indeed InRefs.[8,13],theauthorsmeasuredtheacousticlong that the slope is quite close to the theoretical expecta- timeresponseofshortinitialultrasoundpulsesappliedto tion. Onlyataconsiderabledistance,wefindtherectan- different Aluminum bodies. They studied the cross cor- gle with inner sphere. The inner sphere clearly leads to relationsbetweenthesesignalstakenatdifferenttemper- chaoticdynamicswithpositiveLyapunovexponents,but atures. Since the temperature change induces a change there are also regionsof integrable dynamics and bounc- ofthe propagationspeeds ofP-andS-wavesbydifferent ing ball orbits. That is apparently sufficient to increase amounts, a temperature change results in the distortion the slope to more than twice the theoretical value. The oftheacousticsignalandareductionofthecrosscorrela- rectangle without inner sphere is clearly the most reg- tions. The reduction of the cross correlations,which has ular body. For that geometry, the var(t ) curve rather alsobeenidentifiedasascatteringfidelity[9,10,12],can P shows a quadratic dependence on t. This is in line with be described quantitatively within the theory of Coda the probabilitydensity for the P-mode occupationtimes wave interferometry [1]. shown in Fig. 9. Its shape is almost a Lorentzian which As this theory shows, scattering fidelity (or “distor- would imply an infinite variance. tion”howthatquantityhasbeencalledinRef.[8])ises- Our simulations have shown that many of the as- sentiallygivenby the distribution ofP-mode occupation sumptionswithintherandommodeconversionmodelare times – the quantity studied in the previous Sec. IVB. rathernicely met. This is true for the P-to-S conversion AssumingGaussianstatisticsforthesetimes,thescatter- rate β (Fig. 4), andalso for the equipartitionratio if the ing fidelity or distortion may be related to the variance dynamics is ergodic(Fig. 5). We couldalso confirmthat of the P-mode occupation times as follows: the averageP-modeoccupationtime isalwaysrelatedto D(t)=2π2 (∆T f)2 (δ −δ )2 var(t ), (13) the S/P-energy ratio (Fig. 7). Thus, the weak point of p S p the randommode conversionmodelis clearlythe in gen- where f is the carrier frequency of the elastic wave, ∆T eralinaccurateorwrongpredictionofthevarianceofthe is the change in temperature, while δ = −1.685 × P-mode occupation times. This shows that the succes- P 10−4K−1, and δ = −2.9×10−4K−1 are the thermal sion of P-mode and S-mode segments is in general not S dilation coefficients for P-waves and S-waves, respec- well described by a Poissonian process. We believe that tively [8]. therearetwoeffectscomingintoplay. (i)Thedurationof In Ref. [8], Lobkis and Weaver measured the slope of the individual P-mode segments (these are the shortest D(t) scaled by ∆T2, f2 and β−1, which according to ones) cannot be really exponentially distributed because therandommodeconversionmodelshouldalwaysbethe the rays have to travel a certain distance before having same. For our simulations, this is equivalent to deter- the possibility to undergo a mode conversion. (ii) The mining the slope of var(t ) as a function of time, scaled durations of subsequent P-mode and S-mode segments P 9 b′ might be correlated. The first effect would lead to a smaller variance of the duration of the P-mode segments and thereby to a smaller variance of the total P-mode occupation times. Thus if the dynamics destroys correlations sufficiently rapidly, var(t ) should be smaller than expected theo- P retically. Our findings suggest that this is indeed the ϑ case for the tetrahedron with inner sphere. The tetra- d hedron without inner sphere is ergodic but needs more Θ time to destroy correlations. It thus seems that the sec- ondeffectrelatedtocorrelationstendstoenlargevar(t ). P For the rectangle with inner sphere, correlations are not efficiently destroyed and the variance of the P-mode oc- cupation times becomes much larger still. At last, we have the rectangle without inner sphere, where var(t ) P b scales with t2. FIG. 10. Transformation of the ray widths under mode con- VI. CONCLUSIONS version. Iftheexitangleisequaltotheangleofincidence(no modeconversion),thewidthofthereflectedrayisunchanged. Otherwise the widths are proportional to the cosines of the We presentedsimulations of the propagationof elastic angles ϑ and Θ. wavesinthree-dimensionalbodiesofdifferentgeometries inthe limitofclassicalrays. Becauseofmodeconversion at the reflections on the surface of the bodies, one has ofthedecayfunctionofscatteringfidelitywhichhasbeen to deal with an exponential proliferation of branches of showntofollowverycloselyuniversalrandommatrixpre- the elastic ray, which is dealt with using Monte Carlo dictions. However, our results indicate that the pertur- sampling. bationstrengthisanequallyinterestingquantity. Infact Our simulations have shown that there is no unique it reveals much more system specific information, which universalequilibriumdistributionforelasticrays,atleast may even have practicalapplications, for example in the not for bodies with a sufficiently simple geometry. This analysis and verification of the properties of mechanical is true even if the dynamics must be considered as com- components. It would be interesting to design new ex- pletelychaotic. Forthetetrahedronwithinternalsphere, periments, which allowed for a quantitative comparison the equilibrium limit of the S/P energy ratio was close between experiment and numerical simulations. but not exactly equal to the theoretical value. Even more surprisingly, we found that the homogeneous and isotropic distribution of elastic rays with an S/P energy ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ratioequaltothetheoreticalequipartitionrationeednot beanequilibriumdistributionatall. Whenchosenasthe We are grateful to discussions with O. I. Lobkis and initial condition of an ensemble of elastic rays, we found R. L. Weaver at an early stage of the project. We are thatinthecaseoftherectangularblocks,theS/P energy also grateful to the hospitality of the Centro Interna- ratio changes to a different value. cional de Ciencias (Cuernavaca, M´exico) where this dis- The main purpose of the present work was to analyse cussionstookplace. Finally,weacknowledgethesupport some of the conjectures made in Ref. [8] and to investi- by CONACyT under grant number 129309. gate, whether the observed deviations can be explained withamodelbasedonclassicalrays. Whilemanyconjec- turesandapproximationswereindeedjustified, themost problematic assumption was that of random mode con- Appendix A: Energy conservation during ray splitting versions with given conversion rates. There, we found two counteracting effects: One the one hand the length distribution of individual P-mode and S-mode segments InSec.IIB,wediscussthesplittingofthetotalenergy is not exponential due to the fact that mode conversions ofareflectedwavepacketintheraylimit. Inordertode- cantakeplaceonlyduringreflections. Ontheotherhand, termine the energy share of the mode-converted branch, there are correlations in time where the time scale de- we assumed energy conservation, which is an important pends on the dynamics. In comparison to the random issue for the self-consistencyofour raymodel. It implies mode conversion model, the former tends to reduce the that the reflection coefficients defined in Eqs. (2-6) are variance of the P-mode occupation time while the latter related. Here,weshowexemplarilyforanincidentrayin leads to an increase. P-mode that the total energy is indeed conserved. Previouspublications[11,13]havefocusedontheform Theamplitude ofanelasticrayis physicallyrelatedto 10 the displacement of infinitesimal volume elements in the conserved, the following relation must hold: solid. Therefore, amplitudes u or u (for P-mode and P S ̺w2 ̺w2 S-mode, respectively) have units of length. The period c u (~r)2 dσ(~r)= d P averaged energy density of the respective wave field is 2 ZS 2 then given by × c R2 u′ (~r)2dσ(~r)+c R2 u′′(~r)2dσ(~r) (cid:20) d PP ZS′ P s SP ZS′′ P (cid:21) ̺w2 (A4) 2 ε = u , (A1) P,S 2 {P,S} whereS isasurfaceperpendiculartotheincidentray,S′ isasurfaceperpendiculartothereflectedP-modebranch where ̺ is the density of the medium and w the angular andS′′isasurfaceperpendiculartothereflectedS-mode frequency of the wave (see Sec. 1.7 of [22]). To demon- branch. We have assumed that these surfaces are suffi- strate the energy conservation, we show that the energy ciently to the reflection point such that the wave ampli- flux is conserved in a quasi-stationary situation where a tudesmaybeconsideredconstantalongthelinesegments verylongwavepacketisreflectedata freeplane surface. towards and away from the reflection point. The reflec- It means that the energy flux along the propagation di- tionisschematicallydepictedinFig.10separatelyforthe rection of the incident P-mode ray must be equal to the P-mode branch (left hand side) and the S-mode branch sum of the fluxes along the reflectedP-mode andthe re- (right hand side). Without mode conversion, the geo- flected and mode-converted S-mode branch: In general, metrical properties of the ray do not change, such that the amount of energy flowing through a transversal sur- the amplitude u′ relative to S′ is just equal to u rela- P P face S is given by tive to S, which means that the corresponding integrals coincide. With mode conversion, the width of the ray increases by the factor cosΘ/cosϑ > 1. Thus, the inte- F = ε(~r)v (~r)dσ(~r), (A2) gral over S′′ must be scaled by that factor. Therefore, n ZS dividing by the common factor ̺w2/2, cosΘ 2 2 2 where v is the projectionof the ray velocity on the sur- c (1−R ) u (~r) dσ(~r)=c R n d PP Z P s SP cosϑ face normal. If we choose S to be normal to the propa- S gation direction: 2 × u (~r) dσ(~r) (A5) P Z S Now, since the integrals are the same, we arrive at ̺w2 2 FP/S = 2 cd/sZSuP/S(~r) dσ(~r). (A3) 1−R2 = cs R2 cosΘ , (A6) PP c SP cosϑ d Just as the propagation speed, also the energy flux de- which may be easily verified. Thus the energy flux is pendsonthewavemode. Now,iftheenergyfluxisreally indeed conserved. [1] R.Snieder, Pureappl. geophys. 163, 455 (2006) [12] T. Gorin, T. Prosen, T. H. Seligman, and M. Zˇnidariˇc, [2] R.Courtland, Nature453, 146 (2008) Phys. Rep.435, 33 (2006) [3] E. Larose, J. De Rosny, L. Margerin, D. Anache, [13] O.I.LobkisandR.L.Weaver,Phys. Rev.E78,066212 P. Gouedard, M. Campillo, and B. van Tiggelen, (2008) Phys.Rev.E 73, 016609 (2006) [14] R. L. Weaver,J. Acoust. Soc. 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