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Mobile Python: Rapid prototyping of applications on the mobile platform: Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the Mobile Platform PDF

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Preview Mobile Python: Rapid prototyping of applications on the mobile platform: Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the Mobile Platform

Mobile Python Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the Mobile Platform Ju¨rgen Scheible and VilleTuulos Reviewedby Panos Asproulis,Mal Minhas, TimOcock, Mark Shackman, Ian Weston HeadofSymbianPress FreddieGjertsen ManagingEditor Satu McNabb Copyright(cid:164)2007 JohnWiley&SonsLtd,TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester, WestSussexPO198SQ,England Telephone(+44)1243779777 Email(forordersandcustomerserviceenquiries):[email protected] VisitourHomePageonwww.wileyeurope.comorwww.wiley.com AllRightsReserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemor transmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,scanningor otherwise,exceptunderthetermsoftheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988orunderthetermsof alicenceissuedbytheCopyrightLicensingAgencyLtd,90TottenhamCourtRoad,LondonW1T4LP, UK,withoutthepermissioninwritingofthePublisher.RequeststothePublishershouldbeaddressedto thePermissionsDepartment,JohnWiley&SonsLtd,TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester,West SussexPO198SQ,England,[email protected],orfaxedto(+44)1243770620. 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OtherWileyEditorialOffices JohnWiley&SonsInc.,111RiverStreet,Hoboken,NJ07030,USA Jossey-Bass,989MarketStreet,SanFrancisco,CA94103-1741,USA Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH,Boschstr.12,D-69469Weinheim,Germany JohnWiley&SonsAustraliaLtd,42McDougallStreet,Milton,Queensland4064,Australia JohnWiley&Sons(Asia)PteLtd,2ClementiLoop#02-01,JinXingDistripark,Singapore129809 JohnWiley&SonsCanadaLtd,6045FreemontBlvd,Mississauga,Ontario,L5R4J3,Canada Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthatappears inprintmaynotbeavailableinelectronicbooks. AnniversaryLogoDesign:RichardJ.Pacifico BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN:978-0-470-51505-1 Typesetin10/12ptOptimabyLaserwordsPrivateLimited,Chennai,India PrintedandboundinGreatBritainbyBell&Bain,Glasgow Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaperresponsiblymanufacturedfromsustainableforestry inwhichatleasttwotreesareplantedforeachoneusedforpaperproduction. Contents Contributors ix About the Authors xi Authors’ Acknowledgments xiii Symbian Press Acknowledgments xvii Forewords xix 1 Introduction and Basics 1 1.1 WhyDoesPythonMakeaDifference? 3 1.2 HowtoUsethisBook 4 1.3 WhoIsthisBookFor? 5 1.4 WhatAreSymbianOS,S60andPythonforS60? 6 1.5 PythonTerminologyinthisBook 7 1.6 DemocratizingInnovationontheMobilePlatform 8 1.7 TheProcessofRapidPrototypingwithPythonS60 10 1.8 Summary 11 2 Getting Started 13 2.1 InstallingPythonforS60on3rdEditionDevices 14 2.2 InstallingPythonforS60on2ndEditionDevices 21 2.3 WritingaPrograminPythonforS60 27 2.4 WhiteSpaceinPythonCode 28 2.5 Troubleshooting 29 2.6 Summary 30 vi CONTENTS 3 Graphical User Interface Basics 31 3.1 UsingModules 31 3.2 NativeUIElements–Dialogs,MenusandSelection Lists 32 3.3 Messages 45 3.4 Summary 47 4 Application Building and SMS Inbox 49 4.1 Functions 49 4.2 ApplicationStructure 52 4.3 StringHandling 60 4.4 SMSInbox 64 4.5 SMSGameServer 70 4.6 Summary 76 5 Sound, Interactive Graphics and Camera 77 5.1 Sound 77 5.2 KeyboardKeys 84 5.3 Graphics 92 5.4 Camera 100 5.5 MobileGame:UFOZapper 104 5.6 Summary 110 6 Data Handling 111 6.1 FileBasics 112 6.2 ReadingandWritingText 117 6.3 LocalDatabase 121 6.4 GSMandGPSPositioning 123 6.5 Vocabulector:ALanguage-LearningTool 127 6.6 Summary 131 7 Bluetooth and Telephone Functionality 133 7.1 BluetoothPairing 134 7.2 OBEXandRFCOMM 134 7.3 Phone-to-PhoneCommunication 136 7.4 Phone-to-PCCommunication 141 7.5 CommunicationwithGPSandOtherDevices 148 7.6 TelephoneFunctionalityandContacts 151 7.7 SystemInformation 152 7.8 Summary 154 8 Mobile Networking 155 8.1 SimpleWebTasks 156 8.2 SettinguptheDevelopmentEnvironment 158 CONTENTS vii 8.3 CommunicationProtocols 166 8.4 ServerSoftware 172 8.5 PushingDatatoaPhone 177 8.6 Peer-to-PeerNetworking 183 8.7 UsingaPhoneasaWebService 193 8.8 Summary 197 9 Web Services 199 9.1 BasicPrinciples 200 9.2 MopyMaps!MobileYahoo!Maps 201 9.3 EventFu:FindingEventfulEvents 207 9.4 InstaFlickr:ShootandUploadPhotostoFlickr 215 9.5 Summary 224 10 Effective Python for S60 227 10.1 PowerfulLanguageConstructs 227 10.2 Introspection 231 10.3 CustomModulesandAutomaticUpdating 234 10.4 ProgramPatterns 239 10.5 Summary 241 11 Combining Art and Engineering 245 11.1 MobiLenin 245 11.2 ManhattanStoryMashup 252 11.3 MobileArtBlog–Image-CompositionTool 256 11.4 ArduinoBTMicro-ControllerBoard 261 11.5 ControllingMax/MSPwithaPhone 266 11.6 OpenSoundControl 273 11.7 Robotics 274 11.8 Summary 277 Appendix A: Platform Security 279 Appendix B: Bluetooth Console 289 Appendix C: Debugging 295 Appendix D: How to Use the Emulator 301 References 303 Glossary 305 Examples 309 viii CONTENTS Python Language Lessons 315 Python for S60 Modules 317 Index 321 Contributors Head of Symbian Press FreddieGjertsen Authors Ju¨rgenScheible VilleTuulos Symbian Press Editorial Managing Editor SatuMcNabb Reviewers and Additional Contributors PanosAsproulis JukkaLaurila JoeMcCarthy TimoOjala MarkShackman About the Authors Ju¨rgen Scheible Ju¨rgen Scheible is a designer, media artist and musician who holds a degreeintelecommunicationsfromKarlsruhe,Germany.Aftergraduating, heworked for eightyears atNokiain Finland pursuing various positions suchasprogrammer,productmanagerandcompetencetransfermanager. Besides his occupation, he performed and produced music as well as mediaartunderthepseudonymLenin’sGodson. In 2003, he left his engineering career to concentrate full-time on his creative career, because he felt his heart was much more in his artistic works than in engineering. In 2004, he became a doctoral student at the Media Lab at the University of Art and Design, Helsinki, where he established the Mobile Hub, a prototype development environment for mobile client and server applications. It has a strong focus on artistic approaches and creative design, and serves as a resource to art and design students who use mobile technology as part of their projects. His doctoral research focuses on designing multimodal user interfaces for creatingandsharinginteractiveartisticexperiences. Since 2004, he has been evangelizing Python for S60 as one of its pioneers. He is internationally active having given talks and taught innovation workshops in both academic and professional settings on morethan40occasions,inplacessuchasStanfordUniversity,MIT,NTU Taiwan, Yahoo Research Berkeley, Tsinghua University Beijing, Nokia and Nokia Siemens Networks, in more than 17 countries. His focus is on rapid mobile application prototyping using creative approaches for innovation. In2006,hespentseveralmonths asavisitingscientistatMIT,Boston in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). xii ABOUTTHEAUTHORS Ju¨rgen was recognized as a Forum Nokia Champion in 2006 and 2007 for his driving vision of building bridges between art, engineering and research.HewasoneofthewinnersoftheACMComputersinEntertain- ment Scholarship Award in 2006 and of the Best Arts Paper Award at ACMMultimedia2005conference. Thephilosophybehindhisworksistobringbackthedepthofhuman feelingsandemotionalaspectstothedigitalworldwhich,inhisopinion, werelostwiththearrivalofthefast-paceddigitalproductiontechnology. By inspiring others with his works, he gets inspired himself. This leads himtomanynewideasfordesigningnewkindsofinteractiveexperiences for people, especially in the area of mobile phone applications that fuse the real and the virtual worlds. He believes this era will change the way we live and communicate in the future and it will transform societies. Therefore it is important, in his opinion, to design for these coming applications. Ville Tuulos Ville Tuulos is currently a researcher in the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland. He has more than 15years’ experience ofcreativehacking,including datavisualization, websearch engines, and machine-learning algorithms. He has been an enthusiastic Pythonistasince2000andhehasbeenexploringandextendingthelimits ofPythonforS60since2005.Hehasusedittoimplement,amongothers, real-time image processing algorithms, various positioning techniques andanurbangamefor200playersinNewYorkCity.

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