Mob stocking effects on herbage nutritive value, herbage accumulation, and plant species composition Robert Benjamin Bauer Thesis submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science In Crop and Soil Environmental Science Benjamin F. Tracy Mark A. McCann John H. Fike April 24, 2015 Blacksburg, Virginia Keywords: Mob stocking, forage nutritive value, clover, esophageal cannulation Mob stocking affects herbage nutritive value, herbage accumulation, clover cover, and diet selected by beef cattle Robert Benjamin Bauer ABSTRACT Mob stocking is a variation of rotational stocking known for restricting a large number of animals to a small area before being moved to new grass after a few hours. This method allows a long (90-day) recovery period but was hypothesized to diminish the nutritional value of herbage relative to continuous and rotational stocking with lesser stocking density at similar stocking rates. This thesis summarizes two studies conducted in Blacksburg and Raphine, and in Steeles Tavern, VA, respectively, at a single beef cattle stocking rate of 12 animal unit months per hectare live body weight. The objectives were to: (1) compare the yield and nutritional value of herbage in pastures managed with three stocking methods, termed “mob”, “rotational”, and “continuous” stocking; (2) compare the abundance of seeded clover species among the stocking methods; and (3) estimate the nutritional value of herbage that is consumed by beef cattle during ʻmobʼ stocking using extrusa sampled from esophageally-cannulated animals. Analysis of standing herbage during two years produced several important findings. Although standing herbage mass was significantly greater in mob stocked pastures at Blacksburg and Raphine, aboveground net primary productivity in 2014 did not differ significantly among mob, rotational, and continuous stocking at any of the project locations. Herbage nutritive value did not differ significantly among stocking methods over two years at Blacksburg and Raphine; however, herbage from mob stocked pastures at Steeles Tavern contained significantly greater concentrations of crude protein in September and October relative to herbage from continuous- and rotationally-stocked pastures at those times. Differences in herbage mass likely contributed to significant differences in establishment of seeded clovers: red clover [Trifolium pratense L. ‘Cinnamon Plus’] establishment was similar among stocking methods but white clover [Trifolium repens L. ‘Will’] establishment was greater in continuously stocked pastures than mob and rotationally stocked pastures. Hand-clipped samples collected at Blacksburg in September 2014 significantly underestimated the crude protein content of the herbage selected by the steers, although the concentrations of fiber constituents in herbage did not differ significantly between clipped samples and esophageal samples. Although the nutritive value of the herbage on offer did not generally differ among stocking methods at this stocking rate, diet selected was at times less nutritious during mob stocking than continuous and rotational stocking methods. At this stocking rate, stocking method had less influence on pastures than seasonal variation in weather and plant maturity. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project was funded through grants from the United States Department of Agriculture Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) program and John Lee Pratt Animal Nutrition Program at Virginia Tech. I thank the Virginia Tech Department of Biological Systems Engineering for the use of the pasture facilities at Prices Fork Research Center. Thank you to the Virginia Tech Beef Center for use of beef cattle. Thank you to the staff of the Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Research and Extension Center (SVAREC) for management and collection of forages and livestock. My committee members: Ben Tracy, Mark McCann, and John Fike guided the experimental design, fieldwork, data analysis, and thesis writing. Thank you for your support and advice. Many Virginia Tech staff members, graduate students, and undergraduate students contributed to this work, especially David Fiske, Amy Tanner, Laura Lehman, Joao Flores, Gordon Jones, Fatou Fall, and Scott Neil. Thank you, all. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................... IV TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ V LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................... VII LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. VIII LIST OF EQUATIONS .............................................................................................................. IX ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................................... X CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1 1.1 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION ........................................................................................... 1 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND HYPOTHESES.............................................................................. 2 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................... 4 2.1 STOCKING METHODS .............................................................................................................. 4 2.1.1 Definition of grazing systems and stocking methods ..................................................... 4 2.1.2 Relationships between stocking methods and grazing systems ...................................... 6 2.1.3 Relationship between stocking methods and forage physiology .................................... 9 2.1.4 Forage accumulation response to stocking methods ................................................... 12 2.2 FORAGE NUTRITIVE VALUE RESPONSE TO STOCKING METHODS ............................................ 15 2.2.1 Definitions of forage nutritive value .......................................................................... 15 2.2.2 Effect of plant physiology on nutritive value of grazed forage .................................. 16 2.2.3 Forage nutritive value response to stocking methods ............................................... 19 2.3 LEGUME ESTABLISHMENT IN COOL-SEASON PASTURES ........................................................ 20 2.3.1 Role of legumes in pastures ......................................................................................... 20 2.3.2 Planting and persistence of red and white clovers ...................................................... 21 2.3.3 Legume establishment response to stocking methods .................................................. 23 2.3.4 Effect of legume establishment on forage nutritive value ............................................ 24 2.3 DIET SELECTION IN COOL-SEASON PASTURES ....................................................................... 25 2.3.1 Definition of diet selection, preference, and opportunity ............................................ 25 2.3.2 Patterns of diet selection .............................................................................................. 27 2.3.3 Effect of stocking methods on diet selection ................................................................ 28 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................. 31 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 33 CHAPTER 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS ....................................................................... 48 3.1 STUDY SITES ........................................................................................................................ 48 3.1.1 Blacksburg and Raphine, VA ....................................................................................... 48 3.1.2 Steeles Tavern, VA ....................................................................................................... 49 3.2 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN ........................................................................................................ 50 3.3 METHODS ............................................................................................................................. 51 3.3.1 Herbage mass............................................................................................................... 51 3.3.2 Herbage accumulation and disappearance ................................................................. 53 3.3.3 Plant species composition ............................................................................................ 55 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 3.3.4 Herbage nutritive value ............................................................................................... 56 3.3.5 Nutritive value of herbage selected by esophageally cannulated beef steers .............. 56 3.4 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 57 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 60 CHAPTER 4. RESULTS, DISCUSSION, AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................ 73 4.1 Results ............................................................................................................................. 73 4.1.1 Herbage mass............................................................................................................... 73 4.1.2 Herbage accumulation and disappearance ................................................................. 75 4.1.3 Plant species composition ............................................................................................ 77 4.1.4 Herbage nutritive value ............................................................................................... 78 4.1.5 Nutritive value of herbage from esophageal cannula of beef steers ............................ 80 4.2 DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................................... 81 4.2.1 Herbage mass............................................................................................................... 81 4.2.2 Herbage accumulation and disappearance ................................................................. 86 4.2.3 Plant species composition ............................................................................................ 90 4.2.4 Herbage nutritive value ............................................................................................... 93 4.2.5 Nutritive value of herbage sampled from esophageal cannula of beef steers ............. 97 4.3 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 100 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 103 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1: Mean soil pH, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and organic matter (OM) in April 2013 at Blacksburg, Raphine, and Steeles Tavern, VA. ....... 62 Table 3.2: Average monthly weather data between January 1 and December 31 for Blacksburg and Raphine, VA† (2013-2014), obtained from NOAA (2014).. ......................................... 63 Table 3.3: Herd characteristics and stocking management for 11 April 2013—14 Nov. 2014 at the Blacksburg and Raphine, VA locations. ......................................................................... 64 Table 3.4: Herd characteristics and stocking management 5 May—23 Dec. 2014 at the Steeles Tavern, VA location.............................................................................................................. 65 Table 3.5: Dates of herbage sampling at Blacksburg and Raphine, VA in 2013-2014. ............... 66 Table 3.6: Dates of herbage sampling in 2014 at the Steeles Tavern, VA location. .................... 67 Table 4.1: Least squares means of standing herbage biomass at Steeles Tavern, VA from May-Nov. 2014, averaged among stocking methods.......................................................... 107 Table 4.2: Least squares means of annual days of grazing at Blacksburg, Raphine, and Steeles Tavern, VA by stocking method, averaged among years and pasture replicates. .............. 107 Table 4.3: Rising plate meter (RPM) coefficients for May-Nov. 2014. ..................................... 108 Table 4.4: Least squares means of rates of herbage accumulation at Blacksburg and Raphine, VA during 5 May-8 Nov. 2014, averaged among locations and stocking methods. ................. 108 Table 4.5: Least squares means of rates of herbage accumulation at Steeles Tavern, VA during 22 July—22 Nov. 2014, averaged among stocking methods.............................................. 109 Table 4.6: Least squares means of percent cover of white clover, red clover, and bare ground by stocking method at Blacksburg and Raphine, VA during 9 April 2013—8 Nov. 2014, averaged among time and locations. ................................................................................... 109 Table 4.7: Least squares means of percent cover of grass, clover, weed, and dead material at Blacksburg and Raphine, VA during 30 April 2013—28 Sept. 2014, averaged among stocking methods and locations. ......................................................................................... 110 Table 4.8: Least squares means of percent cover of grass, legume, weed, and dead material at Steeles Tavern, VA during 27 May –19 Oct. 2014, averaged among stocking methods. .. 110 Table 4.9: Least squares means of acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and total digestible nutrients (TDN) summarized by stocking methods at Blacksburg and Raphine, VA during 2 May 2013—11 Oct. 2014, averaged among time and locations. .................................................................................................. 111 Table 4.10: Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients for complete observations (n = 554) of acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), herbage biomass, and cover of grass, white clover, red clover, dead material, and bare soil at Blacksburg and Raphine, VA during 15 May 2013-11 Oct. 2014...................................... 112 Table 4.11: Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients for complete observations (n = 463) of acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), herbage biomass, date of initiation of stocking, pasture rest period, 15-day soil temperature, and 15-day accumulated precipitation at Steeles Tavern, VA during 19 May-18 Nov. 2014. ............................................................................................................................................. 113 Table 4.12: Least-squares means of concentrations of acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude protein (CP), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) in herbage sampled by beef steers and hand clipped from continuous, mob, and rotationally stocked pastures at Blacksburg, VA during 28 Sept.—2 Oct. 2014. ............................................................................................................. 114 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1: Locations of the study sites in Virginia. ..................................................................... 68 Figure 3.2: Paddock arrangements, dimensions, and sizes for the stocking methods study in Blacksburg, VA..................................................................................................................... 68 Figure 3.3: Paddock arrangements, dimensions, and sizes for the stocking methods study in Raphine, VA. ........................................................................................................................ 69 Figure 3.4: Arrangement of the stocked pastures in Steeles Tavern, VA. .................................... 70 Figure 3.5: Herbage sampling points in Blacksburg, VA.. ........................................................... 71 Figure 3.6: Herbage sampling points in Raphine, VA.. ................................................................ 72 Figure 4.1: Mean standing biomass at Blacksburg and Raphine, VA during 9 April 2013—15 Nov. 2014 by stocking method averaged among sampling periods and locations ............ 115 Figure 4.2: Mean standing biomass at Blacksburg and Raphine, VA during 9 April 2013—15 Nov. 2014 by sampling period averaged among locations and stocking methods ............ 116 Figure 4.3: Mean standing biomass in paddocks within (A) mob-stocked pastures and (B) rotationally-stocked pastures, at Steeles Tavern, VA, respectively, averaged among samples harvested during 19 May—18 Nov. 2014, as a function of date of initiation of stocking in each paddock. ...................................................................................................................... 117 Figure 4.4: (A) Herbage accumulation and (B) herbage disappearance, respectively, during 2 May—15 Nov. 2014 at Blacksburg and Raphine, VA. ...................................................... 118 Figure 4.5: (A) Herbage accumulation and (B) herbage disappearance, respectively, during 22 July- 20 Nov. 2014 at Steeles Tavern, VA. ........................................................................ 119 Figure 4.6: Mean crude protein (CP) content of herbage at Blacksburg and Raphine, VA during 2 May 2013-11 Oct. 2014 by month of the study, averaged among locations and stocking treatments. ........................................................................................................................... 120 Figure 4.7: (A) Response of crude protein (CP) content of herbage harvested at Blacksburg and Raphine, VA during 15 May 2013—11 Oct. 2014, to the sum of red and white clover cover in sampled quadrats and (B) response of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content of sampled herbage to dead cover in sampled quadrats. ....................................................................... 121 Figure 4.8: (A) Crude protein (CP) content of herbage at Steeles Tavern, VA during 19 May—22 Oct. 2014 by stocking treatment and (B) by month and stocking treatment interaction on September 15 and October 22, 2014. .................................................................................. 122 Figure 4.9: (A) Acid detergent fiber (ADF) content of herbage at Steeles Tavern, VA during 19 May-22 Oct. 2014 by stocking treatment and (B) by month and stocking treatment interaction on 15 Sept. and 22 Oct. 2014. ........................................................................... 123 Figure 4.10: Crude protein (CP) content of clipped herbage and bovine esophageal extrusa harvested from mob stocked pasture strips at Blacksburg, VA during 28 Sept.—2 Oct. 2014, averaged among pasture strips and steers. .......................................................................... 124 Figure 4.11: Crude protein (CP) content of herbage harvested from esophageal cannulas of beef steers grazing in continuous, mob, and rotational stocking pastures at Blacksburg, VA during 28 Sept.—2 Oct. 2014 ............................................................................................. 125 Figure 4.12: Diurnal variation in crude protein (CP) content of herbage harvested from esophageal cannulas of beef steers grazing in mob stocked pastures at Blacksburg, VA during 28 Sept.—2 Oct. 2014.. ........................................................................................... 126 viii LIST OF EQUATIONS Equation 3.1: Harvest index (HI) .................................................................................................. 53 Equation 3.2: Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) .................................................... 55 Equation 3.3: Annual herbage disappearance ............................................................................... 55 Equation 3.4: Total digestible nutrients (TDN) ............................................................................ 56 Equation 3.5: Initial repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) model ............................ 58 Equation 3.6: One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) model ................................................... 59 ix ABBREVIATIONS ANPP aboveground net primary productivity ADF acid detergent fiber ADG average daily gain AIC Akaike Information Criterion ANOVA analysis of variance AUM animal unit month BW body weight Ca calcium CP crude protein CV coefficient of variation DE digestible energy DM dry matter F Fisher-Snedecor variance ratio FA forage allowance GPS global positioning system HI harvest index HSD Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference IACUC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee IS index of selectivity IVDMD in vitro dry matter digestibility K potassium LAI leaf area index LS least squares Mg magnesium N nitrogen NDF neutral detergent fiber NIRS near infrared reflectance spectroscopy NRC National Research Council OM organic matter P phosphorus P probability ρ Pearson’s correlation coefficient PET potential evapotranspiration R2 coefficient of determination RFQ relative forage quality RPM rising plate meter SE standard error SDC size density compensation TDN total digestible nutrients VT Virginia Tech WSC water-soluble carbohydrates 𝑥̅ population mean x