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Preview Mitt and Ann Romney's 2011 estimated 1040 form

£1040 Department ofthe Treasuy-Inlemal Revenue Seniesa) U.S. Individual Income Tax Return 20) he 2011, erg 2 ‘See separate instructions. ‘Your fst name and intel. WILLARD M Tasinane ‘Your social socufly number ROMNEY Tra fin retire, spouse a name ana aT Tastname and on line 8 ae coe. fr or pontameterteemn de core you hava Afoegn Sdleae, avo coilete space blow fue nahloreh Treat iaionGanoson BELMONT MA 02478 fore lrrorsuad Foreign cat wae Foreign provasa/enaiy Foam posi ade USA Filing Status + | Sinate 4 Ties of novsanci itn estas aon) 2 |X] atari ting jointly (even if only ene nad income) the ailing pene ew ia ye gendent, eter this check only one 3 |_| Marri fling separately. Enter spouse's SSN above chs name ner, box and fullname here. De 5 [J ovaiitying widower with depemaan? cil Exemptions ¢ |X] Yes. sooo can clin yuo dpe donot hack boxe % \auese, Bie POU al eee © Dependents: (2) Dependent. (dmpencants ofa coal” 6" ined win you fae tastnane | s2set secu number | editensinp to yoy Saarinen pope te tem ‘irate ard Z pol enrad shove o> Total number of owempions chimed ea Income 7 Wses, salaries, tos, ete, Alach Forms) W2 vay vg Ba Taxable interest. Alach Schedule Bifrequiced = _ 4,099, 156. Attach Form(s) Taxcexemptinteret. Do not include on line Ba Where AIS 84 Ordinary dividends, Altech Schedule B if rei veeertete++-| 9a] 3,168, 867. Wacsnd” ——b Qualified dividends... —_ - Le 11, 905, 753. 1089-8 ittex 40. Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of salé and vee ee SPMD, 2.40 352, 905. 44 Alimony received é..g. eeeeer 42 Business income or ors) Aach Sebel or Gita 111! ‘ 12 110, 500 teaver: 13 Capital gsin or (oss), Atiach Schedule D Hegre. not quired, check here 13 | 10,700,179. Eeomsivctos. 44 Other gains o (losses) Atach FOO" 47H... ve vv vv vp uve vveceeees 14 NONE 180 IRA distibutions . , asa | b Taxable amount»... , [18b. 16a Pensions and annuifés . . , 3, 18a bTexable amount... .. , [18b nce, butde 17 Rental ral estat erships, S coporations, wusla te Atach Schedule... ,{ 47 | 2,830, 078. hotatischany 18 Farm inconet6 se) tansScnedule F vee eee eee eee eee 18 bomen Aso, 49 Unemstoy ent ob BENSONON ee eee eee ence ees 48 Ferm Heiss. 208 Sociatseguilyboetis, , , , [208 bToxatio amount... , , [206 24 OtfBrincgine. Has type and amount _ 1 2 =352, 805. 22 _Cofibind!the amounts inthe far right column vough 21, Tiss vou total income | 22 | 20, 908, 680. ‘ PS nn Adjusted 7%, certain isiness ‘expenses of reservists, performing artists, and atoe asis government officials. Aaen Form 2108 or 108-62, | 24 Heath sevings account deduction, Attach Foem ase... . | 26 Moving expenses. Attach Form 3903 , ee -.. [26 Dedtuctible part of ee-employment tax Altach Schedule SE... || 27 7,805. 28 Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qvalfieg plane... . +. [28 29° Self-employed hestth insurance deduction : 29 30° Penalty on early withdrawalof savings... - 2... .... | 30 31a Alimony pale b Rocisien’s SSN aa 32 IRAdeduCION. ee wares toon oS 43. Student loan intrest deduction, |. : oe Er 34 Tultion and foes, Attach Form 8917, 2. [se 35 Domestic production actives deduction. Attch Form 8903, . | , [36 36° Addlines 23 through 35 ee + NS es : 36 7,805. 37 _Subirac ine 36 from line 2, This is your adjusted gross a sz] 20, 901, 075. For Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Pt s serwork Reduction Act Nof Fom 1040 (2011) a Form prepared based on best available estimates, wnich will be appropriately updated prior to filing, See Statement A Form ro4o20t1) WELLARD M ROMNEY & ANN D ROMNEY aoe 2 Tax and 38 Amount from ine 37 (adjusted gross income) ae onee 23.20 75. Credits 39a Check { YYou were born before January 2, 1947, Blind. | Total Boxes i ‘Spouse was born before Janvary 2, 1947, [| tind. J checked me 398 D It your spouse itemizes on a separate retun cx you were a dualsatusafen, check here De 390 Itemized deductions (trom Schedule A) or your standard deduction (see left margin) | | 41 Subliact tine 40 from EneS8 _ 42 Exemptions. Multiply $3,700 by the number on tne 6d, | | | | | 42 7,400. 43° Taxable income. Subtract line 42 from line 41, If line 42 is more than line 41, enter ¥ . £431 15,205, 496, 44 Tax (see insteuctions). Check it any from: a[_] Forms) aaie bL_]rommaa72 e[ _]oezetecton [44 | 2, 988, 626. 45° Alternative minimum tax (see instructions). Attach Form 6251 | | | 224,425. 46 Addlines 44 and45 .. 3813, 051. 47 Foreign tex credit tach Form 11161 equred 48 Credit for child and depandent care expenses, A‘lach Form 2 43 Ecucalion credits from Form 8863, ne 23. , beset 50. Retirement savings contributions ered. Attach Ferm 8680. |, 51 Child tax-rodit (seeinsvvctions), |... 52 Residential energy credits. Alen Form 8695... ss sss 53. Other credits from Form: al_|asoo wl |ssor | {401 5,688,179. 4115, 212, 896. 54 Addlines 47 through 53, These are your total credits... . NONE 55 Subtract line 54 from ine 48. I line $4 is more than line 45, enter 0. 3,213, 051, 56 Self-employment tax Attach Schadule SE, a 13,572. 57 Unreported social security and Medicare tax fom Form: a F 58. Asstonatxen Ras oer ui treme’ sas, le Ath FH en 59a Household employment taxes fram Sehecue H, a: b Fitstaime homebuyer eredit repayment. Atach Form 5406 i rewuied ag 80 Other taxes. Enter coset) from instructions _ % 61_Ad lines 56 through 60, This is your total tax. vs as Payments 62 Fedoral income tox withhels trom Farms Wie? and 1009, cng 83. 2071 estimated tax payments and amount appligg th 201a,euse | (63 | 3, 434, 441, S4a Earned income credit (EIC) . d % walt y Nontaxable combat pay election Stilo #1] 66 Addtional child tax credit Altach Foon 86 American opportunity credit rom Fer 67 fo 68 _ st] 3, 226, 623. ityoubaw a a7 | 3,434, 441 Refund 73. Ivline 72is qare tea lng 61, subtract fine 61 fom line 72. Tiss the amount you overpaid... . | 73 207,818 1¢ 2g you wart refunded to you. If Form 8888 is allached, check here >) [ras ic T]he tyre: [ Jehecking [| savings Da Accouii.ngt I Lf I a 15,, Amount Hine 73 you want applied to your 2012 estimated tex > [78] 207, 618. Amount 76 “Amount you owe. Subtract line 72 from Ine 61, For details on how to pay, sesinetructions . , , > | 76 See You Owe <e77-.,Eslimatod tax penalty (sce instructions). Lar | Third Paty @B0¥ Want Lo allow another person to cscuss ths rium vith the IRS (see mirucions) 71K ] Yes. Complete below No D as roe Peso ie ssionee “tyre DANIEL P,EEUSEEY ae soc | Sign Set ey are tt ead, and corpo Declaration of pene foborbion pain c based a al hemmorsn onion pronase yee iere Your sinh Das “Tou scepation Daye prove ember Joie? Se ECU eiE Spouses sijrawe Wa nt aah bow moe saa, Dae Spouse occupation Ia RAR RTT ROS OME MAKE: [tenet Prntliype prepare name Proper Sanatre Date col FIN DANIEL P. PENELEY seisen funsnane _) PRT CEWATERHOUS ECOOPERS LLP fans EN Fervs tues 125 HIGH STREET Pore no BOSTON ma 02110 sniee Fom 1040 (017) Form prepared based on best available estimates, which will be appropriately updated prior to filing, See Statement A SCHEDULE A i: (Fema 1080) Itemized Deductions OMB No. 1545.0074 2011 apace tie reas > attach to Form tue, > Soo nstructions for Schedule A (Farm 1040}, tach Internat Revenue Serdoe, Seeanoe he, 07 Name(s) shown on Form 1640 WILLARD M ROMNEY ¢ ANN D ROMNEY Medical ‘Caution. D0 not include expenses rmburead or paid by cers, 41 Medial and dental expenses (seo nstucton 1 and 2 Enter smamtem Form oe Dental a yi | Expenses 3 Wout ine 2 by'7.5% (075) 4 aida Taxes You § State and local (eneck only one box): Paid a |X| income tes, oF 7 vee [Ss 1,323,094. b ‘General sales taxes, & Real estate taxes (see instucions) . 6... |B 226, 356. Personal property taxes, 8 Other taxes. List ype and amount De eee [Z 146. | 8 Add ines § through 8 596. Interest 10 Home morigage interest snd points report ta you on Ferm 1098 [10 You Paid 11 Home morigageinterest not reported to you on Form 1088, I pal to the person from whom you bought the nome, soo instruction and show thal person's name, identiying ne, and aéess Note. 4 Your morgane intreot 12 Poin nt reported to you on Ferm 1098, See natuctongay Gesveion may forspecalnios ssn Belimtea (G50 413. engage nsurance prone ese nahucion) Investment interest, Ailach Form 4952 if required. ‘Sexifli 46,033. STMT 4 45 Add lines 10 through 14... sae a 15 46,033. Gifts to 18 Gis by cosh or chock Hfyou mos a Charity noe sosinsivaine . . SEE, SERTERENDS. [16 100,000. iyoumatea 17 Other than by ean or cheak. Hang gH dentate _—_seoinstuctons, You mit otagFom 8280 [an 920,572. | | srw 4 Eenerke 43. Carryover tom pioryoor 18 88 instructions. 4g Add lines 16 through 18. pees 419 4,920, 572. Casualty and Z Theft Losses 20 veeeeee dob Exponses 21 ge Change” joo wor ui oon, and cert gg, 2108 a 21062 i equa Soe Miscellaneous: A 2 Deductions 4, s 490,000. ae Adi lines rouge 490, 000. =Baornacentan ce 2,2 tp Hin 35 by 2660) 418,022. 7 Subtract 26 from line 24. If line 26 is more than line 24, enter -O- ean 127. 71,378. Biber 28 Other ro stm intratns List ype anc amount Hiscetaneous Deductions . Total 29 Add the amounts in the far right column for lines 4 through 28. Also, enter this amount Itemized ‘on Form 1040, line 40. — beeee wae [29 5,688,179. Deductions 39 ir you clect to itemize deductions even though they are less than your standard deduction, checkhere For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions, 158 ‘Schedule A (Form 1040) 2011 Form prepared based on best available estimates, which will be appropriately updated prior to filing, See Statement A (OMB Ne. 1545. 2011 Altochavert SCHEDULE B (Form 10404 or 1040) Interest and Ordinary Dividends > Attach to Form 40404 or 1040. mse eportment ft asin Instructions on back. [iba Revo Saree (9) 074 SqnencsN, 08 Hames} shown en velar WILLARD M ROMNEY § ANN D ROMNEY Part} 1 List name of payer. If any interest i from @ Selerfinanced mortgage and the Interest buyer used the property as a personal residence, see instructions on back and list interest ‘his interest frst, Also, show that buyer's social security number and address > (See instructions fon back and the Instructions for Form 1040A, or Form 1040, line 82.) Note. If you received a Form 1099-INT, Form 1099-010, or substitute statement from a brokerage firm, list the firm's name as the payer and enter the total interest» 33 The amounis on 2 | 4,099.2 56. shown on that form. 3. Excludable interest on series EE and | U.S. savings ran Attach Form 8815 4 Subtract line 3 from line 1040, fine 8a... = 4| 4,099,156. Nate, fine 4 is over $1,500, you must complete Pail’ ‘Amount Part 5 Listname of payer & i A 172 Ordinary M 2,122. Dividends M 579” (See instructions — W 88 on back andthe 1,463, 483. instructions for pie Form 10404, or 415, 623. Fou 1040, 2 5 [| 4.280, 800. line 92.) Note. Ifyou received a Form 4098-DIV or substitute statement from 8 brokerage firm, ft the f's name as the payer and enter the ordinary dividends shows 1049, 6 | 3,168,867. "palatal ine 6 is over $1,500, you must complete Par i “a You AVL comet spat t you te fas over 1,500 o ible wert o ordinary ddende HaTa YT Part Ill %,, Y9ean account; of (e} received a distribution from, or were a grantor of, ora transferor to, aforeign trust. |¥€S| NO Foreign“ 7a Atany time during 2011, did you have a financial interest in or signature authority over a financial Accounts account (such as a bank account, securities account, or brokerage account located! in a foreign country? Seoinstructions, 2... eerneees male SPe TONS res" ote jou requted We Form 1D 90921 @ renee ine Kamael Reema oF smratue vase ‘a authority? See Form TD F 90-22.1 and its instructions for filing requirements and exceptions to feck) those requirements... voveeeae _ x b If you are required to fle Form TD F 90-22.1, enler the name of the foreign country where the. financial account is located > . 8 During 2011, did you receve a disivbution from, or were you the grantor of or tansteror to, a foreign trust? It"Yes,” you may have to file Form 3520. See instructions on back . wee | [x For Paperwork Reduction Aet Noll, see your tax return Instructions Schedule For totoa or Toa 2071 sayeoo ore * INCLUDES, 639,021. OF US TREAS OBLIGATION INT. FROM SCH K-1 SOURCES Form prepared based on best available est lates, which will be appropriately updated prior to filing, See Statement A SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business (Form 1040) {Sole Proprietorship) > For information on Schedule € and its instructions, go to www.irs.gow/schedulec Department ofthe Treasury Artachmont Inveenal aovenue See 99) Attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, of 1041; partnerships generally must fe Form 1065. Sees. 09 ‘Name of propretor on urban WILLARD M_ ROMNEY ‘A Principal business or profession, Including preduct o: service (see instructions) a TE LNDEPENDENT ARTISTS, WRITERS, PERFORMERS b> 711519 © “Business name. If no seperate business name, leave blank D_ einployeriD RumBerEDY), jes nary AUTHOR/SPEAKING FEES E Business adores (ncusing sutoorroemno) Pe Cy. town oF post ofc, stale, and 219 code F Accounting moves: (4) EX] Cash (2)[_] Accrust (3) [_] Other fepociid S Did you "materially participate” inthe operation ofthis business ding 2011? Hf °No." see nstctons forint an H—Hyou started or acquired this business during 2011, check here, 1 Did you make sry payments in 2011 that woutd require you to fle Form(s) 1088? (see inetuctions). .. . . ~ hy Jat Ves," did you of will you file al eequired Eorme 10997. Income 12 Merchant card and third pany payments For20\fenterO-.,.. ss cases b Gross recsipts or sales nct entered online 1a (see instructions}... ss ss. € Income reported to you on Form W.2 ifthe "Statutory Emly” box on that form was checked. Caution. Ses instr, before completing this ine, . ss. 4 Total gross receipt. Add lines ta through ©. 2... , 110, 500. 2 Retumns and allowances plus ary olher adjustments (¢0@ insiuctions) 3 Subiractline 2fromline 1d... ey 110,500. 4 Gost of goods sold (fem ne 42). |. Gross profit Subtract ine 4 from lines. 110,500. & Other income inclusing federal and state gasoline of fel tax ered a 7__cross income. Add ines 5 and6. cesses - 10, 500. Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home only on line 30, & Adwaising,....... 18. E_|a87%, Grice expense (eve inatuctons).... | 18 | 9 Gar and truck’ expenses (one "149.7 Pension and profitsharing lane... . | 49 instructions), , sonnet HO” Rentor lento (200 instructions) 40 Commissions andiecs | | || [ 40 A} Vehicles, machinery, and equipment .. | 200 11 Contract labor (see instructions) [14 E |b otner business property, , - [zon 12 Depletion, . , ...[ 22 24 Repairs and maintenance ||| ||| | 24 43° Depreciaian are” seston 178" Fo 22 Supplies (not induded in Party 22 expense deduction (net |. ae eee ete ve PE Ineluded in Part oe instructions) 24° Travel, meals, and entertainment 14 Employes benefit eS 71 {other than on tine 19), Deductible meats anc 15 Insurance (other tha entertsinment (see instructions)... 48 ntorot: tities Other expenses (rom tne 48). , | “5 bb _Reserved for future use 28 “Giponses betore expenses for business use afhame. AdG lines 8 twoush 27a... , veeee 23 ‘Vesprofit oF (loss). Subtract line 28 fromline 7... a 110, 500 30 Eigeliggs Terbusiness use of your home, tach Form 8829. De not report euch expenses elsewhere 31. Net profitor (loss). Subiact line 30 trom ine 28 + Ifa profit. enter on both Form 1040, ine 12 (or Form 1040NR, line 13) and on Schedule SE, tne 2. It you entered an amount on line 1, see inst. Estates and trusts, enter on Form 1041, line 3 4 If oss, you must go to line 32. 4 110, 500. 32 I youhave a loss, check the box that describes your investment in this actvly (see instructions) '# Ifyou checked 32a, enter the loss on bath Form 1040, line 12, (ot Form 1040NR, line 43) and ‘on Schedule SE, line 2. If you entered an amount on line fc, see the insteuctlons for line 31 32a Estates and truss, enter on Form 1041, line 3. 32b + Ifyou checked 32b, you must attach Form 6198. Your loss may belie. For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return Instructions. ‘Scheaule © (Form 1040) 2071 Form prepared based on best avail = leest = which will be appropriately updated prior to filing, See Statement 4 (Form 1040)2011 WLLLARD M ROMNEY ep: Cost of Goods Sold (see instructions) 83 Mato) used Teor [Tower eostarmarct [J oter fattochexlontn) 24 Mate yee ain cuits cass whan eangantceungioeiny? 35 Inventory at beginning of veer. dierent fom lat you's clsinginverery, attach elaraon, [38 26 Purchases less costo temsithdrawn fr personause ceeeee a6 37. Cost of labor, Do not include any amounts paid to yourself 38 Materials and supplios | 39° Othercosts 40 Acdlines 25 through 29 41 Inventory at end of year , a 42 _ Cost of goods sold, Subtract line 41 from line 40. Enter the rocukhere andonlineé . sss hs « sin = «| 42 GEGEN Information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are claimffig Car or trick expenses on line 9 and are not required to file Form 4562 for this business. See the instquatfons for line 13 to find out if you must file Form 4562. £ 43. When old you ple your vehiclein senice fer business purposes? (month, cay, yest)“ 44 Of the total number of miles you drove your vehicle during 2011, enter 4 me. 4s .. Caves Ene 3 _. Loves ne 474 Do you have evidence lo suppor your daaucton. BS wee - Clves Tne tives isthemiimcewiior «fest, mae. wee [Tle [ne ‘Other Expenses. List below businéss expenses not included on lines 8-26 or line 30. ‘$8 Total other expenses. Enter here and on ine 27a 48 ‘Schedule ¢ (Form 1040) 2077 Form prepared based on best available estimates, which will be appropriately updated prior to filing, See Statement A SCHEDULE D Capital Gains and Losses | OM No. Teseso0rt — (Form 7040) | PrAttach to Form 1040 or Form 1040NR. Dr See Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1040) 2011 Litera Rave Soe 9, D Use Form 8949 to list your transactions for lines 1, 2, 3.8, 8, and 10. Name(s) shown on rem WILLARD M ROMNEY & ANN D ROMNEY Part Short-Term Capital Gains and Losses - Assets Held One Year or Less Complete Form 8949 before completing fine 1, 2, or 3, Je) Sales price tom | (1) Costor other basis. | (g) Adjusiments to (h) Gain oF (loss) This form may be easier to complete you round of cans to |? | Humromersee” | ASE | camer, tho dor ene [os 1 Short-term totals from all Forms 8949 with box A checked inPartl.... « ulna ( 1 2° Short-term totals trom all Fors 8949 with box 8 checked in Part I. eee wee ig i 3 Shorterm totals from all Forms 6949 with box C checked inPartl. vs es sees seca esse Ci 4 Short-term gain from Form 6252 and short-term gain or (loss) from Forms 4684, 6761, and 0624... <t. [4 166,224. 5 Net sortion gain or (ois) from partnerships, © covporatens, estes, ang wists tah Schedule(s) K-1 se... sees ee + SEE. STATEMENTS “Ree, | 6 923, 858. 6 Shortterm captal loss carryover. Enler the amount, any. from line 8 of your C Worksheet in the instructions. ren 6 ) 7 Not short-term capital gain or inrough long-term capital gains o losses, goto Part below. Otherwise, go to Part Iai 7 11,090, 082 EEE] Long-term Capital Gains and Losses - Assets Held More Than One-Year Complete Form 8949 before completing line 6,9, oF 10. | (alse prewtom | up Gaatoreierbess | tghAdustraniso | _ (}aim or oss) This form may be easier to complete it you round oft cents ta |! *™"LRhiency"es:| "i eritmrin | SPanmaeran | Combine cums a whole doliars sige ef) & Long-term totals from all Forms 8848 with box A checked inPart essa vase ssiceass ) 9 Long-term totals trom all Forms 8949 with box. checked inPart se seve ee 10 Long-term totais trom all Forms 8949 wit checked in Pare. : a 4 Gain rom Form 4787, Part long-term @aln fe fer Forms 2439 and 6252; and long-term gain oF (loss) from Forms 4684, 6781, and 8824,.=: . nee ow wee ss ey SE 250, 247 g STMT 8 42 Net long-term gain or (loss) ot ares 1s, S corporations, estates, and trusts from Schedule(s) K-1 | 12 | 9, 320, 634 13 Capital gain cistibutionsiee. thecigstucions cesses STME. 9. [13 39, 216. 44 Long-term capital loss:serridver. Enier the amount, it any, from tine 13 of your Capital Loss Carryover ee tenes vee [WE ) 45 Net fong-term capitalain or (oss). Combine lines & through 14 in column (f). Then go to Part Il on the back»... - eee pares sores 415 | 9,610,097, "Setidule D (Form 1040) 2073 Form prepared based on best available estimates, which will be appropriately updated prior to filing, See Statement A. WILLARD M ROMNEY & ANN D ROMNEY ‘Schedule D (Form 1040} 2011 Summary 48 Combine lines 7 and 15 and enter the result . 16 10700179. '* If line 16 is a gain, enter the amount from line 16 on Form 1040, line 13, or Form 1O40NR, line 14. Then go to line 17 betow. ‘If fine 16 is a loss, skip linas 17 through 20 below. Then go to line 21. Also be sure to complete line 22. If tine 16 is zero, skip lines 17 through 21 below and enter -0- on Form 1040, line 13, or Form |= 1040NR, line 14. Then go to line 22 417 Ase lines 15 and 16 both gains? X] Yes. Go to line 18, No. Skip tines 18 through 21, and go to tine 22. 18 19 Enter the amount, if any, from line 18 of the Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gai instructions 20 Are lines 18 and 19 both zero or blank? é e X] Yes. Complete Form 1040 through fine 43, of Form 1040NR thrdligh line.44. ‘then complete the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Workshect in tho instuctions fof Form 1040. line No. Complete Form 1040 through line 43, or Form 1040NR through line 41. Then complete the Schedule D Tax Worksheet in the instructions. Do not complete lies 21 and 22 below. e 24 Note. When figuring which amountisssmaliéy, treat both amounts as positive numbers. 22 Do you have qualified dividends @n Form 1040, ine db, or Form 1040NR, tine 1067 [7] Yes Complete Form 1041 ‘ucough tine 43, or Form 1040NR through line 41. Then complete the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet in the instructions for Form 1040 line 44 (or inthe ingtrucions for Form 1040NR, line 42) No, Complete.the. reafof Form 1040 or Form 1040NR. ‘Schedule D (Form 1040) 2011 Form prepared based on best available estimates, which will be appropriately updated prior to filing, See Statement A SCHEDULE E Supplemental Income and Loss | ove no. 1845-0674 (Form 1040) (From rentaf real estate, royalties, partnerships, 2011 epee ne rest 'S corporations, estates, trusts, REMICS, etc.) Pea Breyaeteplavey BN > Attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, oF Form 1044, De-See separate instructions. ecnment yy amet) show ene WILLARD M ROMNEY & ANN D ROMNEY ‘A. Did you make any payments in 2011 that would require you to fle Form(s) 1099? (see instructions) B If "Yes." did you or will you Tle all required Forms 1099? Income or Loss From Rental Real Estate and Royalties N: Schedule © or C.EZ (see instructions. If you are an individu, report farm rental income 0: loss from Form 4836 if you are in the business of renting personal property, use on page 2, line 40, Caution. For each rental property listed on line 1, check the box in the last column only if you owned that property as a member of a qualified joint venture (QJV) reporting income not subject to set-employment tax. 1 | Physical address of each property-street,ciy, state, zip | Type-from It [2 For each renial eal Fair Rental] ‘below | estate property listed, Dae alt ov report the number of pars Alt YY 1995 FA days rented at fair rental [A |” is ae value and days with ai | personal use. Soe = instructions, Type of Property: 4 ‘Single Family Residence 3 Vacation/Short-Term Rental 5 Land 7 Sali-Rental 2_MultiFamily Residence 4 Commercial 8 Royalties 8 Other (dosefiley Income: PT Prey € 3a_Merchant card and third party payments. For 2011, enter-0- [3a b Payments not reported to you online 3822. -sseess2s| 3b 4 Total not including amounts on line 3a thal are not Pr income (se instructions) 4 Expenses: 5 Advertising. estar 6 Auto and travel (see insiuctions) . 7 Glening and maintenance 8 Commissions se aoe 9 Insurance... 10 " 12 13. Other interest 14 Repais |, 16 Supplies | | 16 Tees... 47 Utiiies | | 48 Depreciation exoense or de 419° Other dist) 49 20 Total expenses. Addsifies § Pr [ze 21 Sublract line 20 ‘foi, instructions tafind out f Yau must le Form 6198... , . [2 6,848. 22 Deductible rerialreal estale loss afler limitation, if any, Ic ) 1 Total of ll aniBunts reported online 3a forall royaty prepares... ' ¢ Total of allmounts reported online 4 for alrental properties... : Total ofall amounts reported online 4 forall royaky properties... —_ 6, 648. «© Total ofall amounts reported online 12 forall properties : 1 Tolal ofall amounts reported online 18 fora propertios : {9 Total ofall amounts reported online 20 for al properties serene : 24 Income, Add positive amounts shown on line 21. Do notinclude any losses ok ee ee a G, 848. 25 Losses, Ads royalty losses from fine 24 and rental rest eslae losses fromline 22. Enter total lasses here... 2... [2B 26 Total rental real estate and royalty income or (loss). Combine lines 24 and 25, Enter the result here. 1 Parts HM, IW, and tine 40 on page 2 do not apply to you, also entar this amount en Ferm 1040, Ine 17, orForm 1040NR, tine 18. Otherwise, include this amountin the total on ine 44 on page 2 ...|2 6,848. For Paperwork Reduction Act Noilse, see your tax return Instructions. ‘Schedule E (Form 1040) 2017 Form prepared based on best available estimates, which will be appropriately updated prior to filing, See Statement A Schedule & Form 1040)2011 Altachenl Sequonca No. 13 Name(s) shown or reirn. Do nol enlername and sdal eazy number shown On Oe He ‘You soctal securiy num WILLARD M ROMNEY & ANN D ROMNEY Caution The IRS compares amounts reported on your tax return with amounts shown on Schedulb(s) K+ EEE income or Loss From Partnerships and S Corporations Note. If you report a loss from an at-risk activity for which any amount is not at risk, you must check the box in column (e) on line 28 and attach Form 6198. See instructions, 37 We ou reoerng ary lms ot alowed in = por yer on to Uw ai or bai misters @ pror yom Uunallowed loss from 2 passive activity (if tnat loss was not repertes on Form 8582), or unreimbursed Lives [K] No Darrsi Speses I you sneered Yas" seesrutens sere compltig he econ (ear Pt BICReaT] —— rena wry ra Name Mirwtee'’s ["lesr | Soames | Syancnta eS spain | "ete A|INTERCONTINENTAL REAL ESTATE INVEST - BIROB ROM ENTERPRISES LLC P 7 r o| Fa STMT 10 Passive Income and Loss. Nonpassive Income and Loss.4° cant Pormsee Frotneo) | AnEcwanores | Mm sthecuenct | alitowtameomg Wea &|, ty lon Sehecte a A 1,429. # B| NONE} cl 289 Tota 0 rot 30 Add columns (g} and () of ine 298 | .. [30 1,429. 31 Add columns (1), {h), and {i} ofline 296 . pitt d 32 Total partnership and § corperstion income or oss}. Combine hnes 30 and 31 Enter he resull here and include in the total on ling 41 below... - pee ee ee | 2 1,429. Income or Loss From Estates and Trusts memes, 33 (a) Name deniteation number A|_SEE STATEMENT 17 a B Z STMT 12 Passive Income and Loss “ass Nonpassive Income and Loss STMT 13. ‘assive deduction or = Pabtldincome {9} Deduction artoss ther Income (aca Form S582 Heegured) ergsenstute 1 ‘am Seneca Shed A 2 7 a 34a Totals a 2,625, 388. 197,624. b Totals fer as] 2,823, 012. 36 Add columns (@) and (of We 34 “ 36 1( 1,211.) 36 Add columns (c) and (e}afur eb 37 Total estate and trustincoite or figss) Include inthe total Gino below... .../37] 2,821, 801. Income or Lags From Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits (REMICs) - Residual Holder (c) Excess ndusion fom (Enso ewuteen eae eaen FR) Tawi coe tke) anaes y — See ne | Oe rmoraicene | scat as 39 Combiné.columas (¢) and (e) only. Enter the result here and include in te total on Ane 41 below... ET fzuad Summary 40 Nelo reral inca ofa fon Form 835. Aso,conpeieine #7 blow - a 41 Total income or 1os9). canine ines 26,32, 37, 36,2 4. Entre reut nae aon Fou 1085, ns FoF YOUN, 1 ai | 2,830, 078. 42 Reconciliation of farming and ishing Income, Enter your gross aiming and fishing income reported on Form 4835, line 7: Schedule K-t (Form 1085), box 14, code B, Schedule K-t (Form 1120S), box 17, code U; and Schedule K-1 (Form 1041} line 14, code F (se inettions) ws... 42 43. Reconellation for real estate professionals. If you were a real” estate professional (see instructions), enter the net income or (loss) you reported ‘anywhere on Form 1040 of Form 1040NR from all rental real estate activities In which you materially participated under the passive activly loss ules... a ‘Schedule & Form 1040) 2011, Form prepared based on best av: ble estimates, which will be appropriately updated prior to filing, See Statement A

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