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Mites (Acari) from nests of sea birds in New Zealand. II. Mesostigmata and Astigmata PDF

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I I BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE, ENTOMOLOGIE, 63:95-111, 1993 BULLETIN VAN HET KONINKLIJK BELGISCH INSTITUUT VOOR NATUURWETENSCHAPPEN, ENTOMOLOGIE, 63:95-111, 1993 Mites (Acari) from nests of sea birds 1n New Zealand II. Mesostigmata and Astigmat a by A. FAIN & T.D. GALLOWAY Abstract In addition to this new species we also found in this nest as well as in four other nests of sea birds from the same The acarofauna (Acari) of five nests of two species of Sea Birds area, a series of other mites including four new species, (Eudyptula minor albosignata and Pachyptila turtur) from New one new subspecies and a new genus. This paper is Zealand is studied. Four new species, one new subspecies and devoted to the study of this collection. one new genus of mites were found and are described: Sejus novaezealandiae n.sp., Liponyssoides eudyptulae n.sp., (Mesostigmata) and G/ycyphagodes spheniscico/a n.g., n.sp., Blomia thori novaezealandiae n.subsp. and Myianoetus Material and methods antipodus n.sp. (Astigmata). Key words: Acari, Marine Birds'Nests, New Zealand, Five nests were examined, all via Tullgren-Funnel Systematics method_ Nest no I: White-Flippered Penguin, Eudyptula minor albosignata, from Motunau Island, New Zealand. This Resume nest was situated on the plateau near the edges of the cliff (8_XL1991). Motunau is a small island (3,6 ha) about 60 Les auteurs etudient l'acarofaune (Acari) de cinq nids d'oiseaux marins (Eudyptu/a minor albosignata et Pachyptila turtur) de km north of Christchurch, New Zealand, and about 1 Nouvelle-Zelande. Quatre nouvelles especes, une nouvelle sous 1/2 km offshore. espece et un nouveau genre d'acariens furent decouverts et sont Nest no 2: Fairy Prion, Pachyptila turtur, also from decrits ici: Sejus novaezea/andiae n.sp.; Liponyssoides eudyp Motunau Island but on the plateau far from the cliff tu/ae n.sp., (Mesostigmata) et G/ycyphagodes spheniscicola n.g., (8-XL1991). The adult bird was still present on the nest. n.sp., Blomia thori novaezealandiae n.subsp. et Myianoetus Most of the nests of the Prions are located on the center antipodus n.sp. (Astigmata). of the plateau while the penguins'nests are mainly situated Mots cle: Acari, Nids d'oiseaux de Mer, Nouvelle-zelande, near the edges of the cliff. Taxonomie. Nest n ° 3: From an open cave at Otanerito Bay, at the far end of the Banks Peninsula, New Zealand Introduction (l.VII.l991); a nest of E. albosignata. This cave obviously had been home for the penguins for many As a result of research on the life history of the flea, generations. The floor of the cave was covered to a con Parapsy/lus /ongicornis (ENDERLEIN), associated with the siderable depth with moulted feathers and dandruff of Whlte-flippered Penguin, host nest material was col· the birds. lected. Along with the fleas, which were the major con Nest no 4: Same as for nest no 3 (J.VIII.l991). cern Of the project (GALLOWAY & CHALLIES, 1992), Nest no 5; Abandoned nest of E. albosignata on the mites were often abundant, and they become the focus Onawe Peninsula in Akaroa Harbour on the Banks of additional study. Peninsula (27.Yll.l991). This penguin colony had In a first note we described the life cycle of a new species, recently been decimated by introduced predators. P.sy!loglyphus parapsyllus FAIN & GALLOWAY, 1993 (Acari, Astigmata) found in the nest of the White Fiippered Penguin, Eudyptula minor albosignata, on Abbreviations: BMNH = British Museum of Natural Motunau Island, New Zealand (FAIN & GALLOWAY, History; IRSNB = Jnstitut royal des Sciences naturelles 1993). It was the first time that adults were described in de Belgique; NMNZ = National Museum of New the genus Psylloglyphus FAIN (1966), which was known, Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand. All the so far, only from its phoretic deutonymphal stage. measurements used herein are in micrometers. II 96 A. FAIN & T.D. GALLOWAY STUDY OF THE SPECIES Sejus novaezealandiae n.sp. MESOSTIGMATA This species is represented by 2 adult females, one con COHORT SEJINA taining an egg. FAMILY SEJIDAE Genus Sejus C.L. KocH, 1836 Female, holotype (figs 1-6): Idiosoma broadly oval, max imum length 630, maximum width 474. Length and width The mites of this group occur in humus and litter and in the paratype: 648 x 468. Dorsum carrying 3 large under the bark of rotting tree stumps. Most of the species median shields bearing numerous small rounded are tropical. There feeding habits are unknown (KRANTZ, tubercles. Podonotal shield 270 wide, with lateral margins 1978). almost straight and bearing about 25-30 pairs of setae. HIRSCHMANN (1991) and HIRSCHMANN et al. (1991 a Mesonotal shield rectangular with posterior margin and b) have revised this genus describing 26 new species. deeply notched in its middle and carrying 8 to 11 setae This genus currently includes 44 species. Among them (holotype and paratype), its maximum width and length 6 species are known by only their deutonymphal stage, 225 and 90 respectively. Pygidial shield 174long and 210 all other species are based on adult forms, either male wide, with anterior margin almost straight and and female or of both sexes. posterolateral margins rounded, it carries 8 pairs of setae In nest n ° 1, we found 2 females of a new species that of which 3 pairs lateral and 5 pairs paramedian. Soft cuti are described herein. cle with about 80-90 pairs of setae. In front of the 2 1 I M \ 1\,..,.. " ,, AA " fi ' 1 '' <'\_, '\;\"11\~1\ ,4 A /111 A A. II 111\fl A"l\.'.\ ,1 1 Figs 1-3 - Sejus novaezea/andiae n.sp. Female in dorsal view (1), base of gnathosoma ventrally (2) and dorsally (3). II Mites (Acari) from nests of sea birds in New Zealand 97 podonotal shield there are 4 to 5 pairs of pedunculate Gnathosoma: deutosternal grove with 4 to 6 transverse strong barbed setae. Most of the dorsal setae are curved, rows of 1 to 3 denticles, dorsal surface of gnathosoma rather thin, shortly pectinate and 35 to 60 long. They arise with 5 transverse rows of 5 to 22 small denticles. from short stalks. Posterior margin of body with, at each Chelicerae 160 long, the movable digit 51 long with 2 side, a sclerotized stripe bearing several rows of 15-20 parallel rows of inequal teeth, fixed digit with a single stalked setae similar to the dorsal setae except for two row of 16 to 18 teeth and a short pilus dentilis. Palptarsus pairs of stronger paramedian setae and which arise from with a two-tined apotele. larger and stronger peduncles. Tectum relatively long, Legs: All the legs ending in a pair of strong claws and triangular and with rounded denticulate apex. Venter: bear numerous rows of denticles variable in shape. The two anterior pairs of sternal setae are situated on small individual platelets Uugularia). The rest of the ster Habitat nigenital plate bears 5 pairs (or 4 + 5) of short simple Holotype and one paratype, females, from the nest setae. Ventrianal plate rounded, slightly wider (238) than no 1 of Eudyptula minoralbosignata from Motunau Is., long (195) bearing small rounded tubercles and 7 pairs New Zealand (Coli. T.G. 8.XI.l991). Holotype in of preanal barbed setae, 2 anal setae and a posterior anal NMNZ, paratype in IRSNB. seta. One pair of large oval metapodal plates covered with tubercles. Soft cuticle of venter with about 20 pairs of Remarks setae similar to the ventral setae but smaller. Tritoster S. novaezealandiae is distinguished from all the other num with a wide base and ending into two narrow species of the genus Sejus by the combination of the laciniae. Peritreme, at each side, situated along the inner following characters: movable digit with two rows of margin of a relatively large tuberculate shield. Peritremes teeth, dorsum with three median shields and without long narrow and long extending to the posterior half of coxa I. lateral setae, posterior margin of body with two pairs of / Figs 4-6 - Sejus novaezealandiae n.sp. Female in ventral view (4), chelicera! digits (5), apex of tarsus I (6). 'I 98 A. FAIN & T.D. GALLOWAY strong paramedian stalked barbed setae, tarsi I with a Gnathosoma: pedipalps with 5 free segments and a two pair of claws. The presence of two rows of teeth on the tined apotele. Deutosternal groove with a single movable digit of chelicera is observed in 8 species: S. longitudinal file of 9 denticles. Chelicera 434 long, very togatus, polonicus, hinangenis, geometricus, stebaevi, narrow except in its posterior part (90 long) where it is bugrovskii, insulanus and rafalskii (see HIRSCHMANN, dilated Chelicera! digits very short (10 long). 1991), however in all these species the dorsum bears only Legs: all tarsi end in a pair of normal claws. Chaetotaxy two median shields and not three as in our new species. of legs (number of setae): tibiae 13-10-9-10, genua 13-11-10-9, femora 13-11-6-6. COHORT GAMASINA Habitat FAMILY LAELAPIDAE Holotype female from the nest n° I (Eudyptula minor Androlaelaps pachyptilae (ZUMPT & TiLL, 1956) albosignata) from Motunau Is. (Coil. T. GALLOWAY, 8.XI.I991). Two paratypes female in rather poor condi This species was originally described from the Dove tions, with the same data as the holotype. Holotype in Petrel, Pachyptila desolata (GMELIN), on Heard Island NMNZ, paratypes in IRSNB. in the Antarctic area. Later, its was collected from three other islands, also Remarks situated in the Antarctic area, i.e. Campbell Island Including this new species, the genus Liponyssoides at (HUNTER, 1964a), Macquarie Island and Auckland present comprizes 7 species. L. eudyptulae differs from Island (HUNTER, 1964b). In Auckland Is. the mites were all the other species in this genus by the characteristic collected from nests of Pterodroma lessoni and from the shape of the sternal shield and the broad size of the Diving Petrel (Pelecanoides). DOMROW (1977), recorded scutum. In addition it is distinguished from these species this species from Tasmania, from the nests of the follow- by several other characters: ing marine birds: Eudyptula minor (FORSTER), Puffinus From L. sanguineus (HIRST, 1914): by the absence of a tenuirostris, Pachyptila turtur (KUHL) and Pelecanoides pygidial shield. urinatrix (GMELIN). From L. muris (HIRST, 1913): by the much smaller We have found very nutberous specimens of this species number of setae on the soft te~ument of the body dor- in the nests of Eudyptula minor albosignala (nest n° 1) sally and ventrally, and the broader aspect of the genital and of Pachypfila furfur (nest n° 2), both from Motunau ahd anal shields. Is., New Zealand. From L. warnikei DaMROW, 1963: by the shape of the genital shield (not tapering posteriorly), the broader shape or the scutum and the greater number of scuta! setae. FAMILY DERMANYSSIDAE From L. lukoschusi DOMROW, 1979: by the shape of the Liponyssoidcs cudypliii!lc n.sp. anal shi!;ld wider than long (longer than wide in this species), the non-tapering aspect of the genital shield, the Female, holotype (figs 7-8): ldiosoma 1020 long and 636 much shorter scuta! setae, the longer peritremes, the wide (at level of coxae IV). In a paratype the absence of a spur on anterior border of coxae II. length x width is 870 X 630. Dorsum: Scutum very broad, From L. beckei ALLRED, 1957: by the greater number 890 x 522, with a faint network of lines except in the mid of scuta! setae (only 13 pairs in that species), the longer dle of the shield where the lines become unconspicuous. peritremes (ending in posterior half of coxa II in this The scutum carries about 22 pairs of either smooth or species). shortly pectinate setae 30 to 90 long, their exact number From L. intermedius (EVANS & TILL, 1964): by the is difficult to ascertain because some are rubbed off. Soft greater number of scuta! setae (16 pairs in that species), cuticle with 16-18 pairs of setae. the narrower aspect of the genital shield, the smaller Venter: tritosternum with a narrow base 60 long and two number of setae on the soft cuticle of the dorsum (35 pairs long pectinate laciniae. Sternal shield in the shape of an in that species), the shape of the anal shield narrower in inverted U with long and broad, slightly divergent arms. its anterior half. This shield is well sclerotized, and it bears very distinct striations forming a network in its anterior part. Three pairs of sternal setae are on the shield, the 4th pair is on the soft cuticle, these setae are smooth and about 50 long, this shield also bears a pairs of lyrifissures. This shield is 51 long in midline and 160 wide at the level of st2. Genital shield relatively very broad its maximum width 150, in its posterior half. Anal shield much wider (234) than long (190). Soft cuticle of opisthogaster with 20 pairs of setae. Peritreme reaching coxa I. There is a pair os small metapodal shields. Peritremal shield fused posteriorly with the podal sclerites of coxae IV. I I Mites (Acari) from nests of sea birds in New Zealand 99 rs}zo )3 0 ?C3 j4 0 Jl7.3 ~ :tZ4 0 \ j5 z5o 0 0 .Ji z6 0 j6 0 0 f 0/ Zl /Jl { ~ ( J2 J! ;:3 l 0 J 0 J3 ~ J4 Figs 7-8 - Liponyssoides eudyptulae n.sp. Female holotype in dorsal view (7) and in ventral view (8). ASTIGMAT A FAMILY ACARIDAE Tyrophagus longior (GERVAIS, 1844) Tyrophagus palmarum OUDEMANS, 1924 Four females, two males, two protonymphs, all from the One female from the nest no 5. nest n° I. Tyrophagus simi/is VOLGIN, 1949 Thyreophagus sp. One female, one male and one tritonymph from nest One tritonymph from nest no 1. no 1: two females, one male and three tritonymphs from nest no 2. 100 A. FAIN & T.D. GALLOWAY FAMILY GLYCYPHAGIDAE posterior tarsi. In both sexes the tarsi bear only short and SUBFAMILY GLYCYPHAGINAE smooth setae. Tibiae I-ll with 2 setae. Genus Glycyphagodes n.g. Type species: Glycyphagodes spheniscico/a n.sp. Definition: Cuticle poorly sclerotized with very small and Remarks numerous triangular projections. These projections are FAIN (1986) divided the Glycyphaginae into 5 tribes on lacking at some places and replaced by fine striations (at the base of the presence or the absence of the setae ve. the anterior part of the dorsum and almost all the ven Glycyphagodes belongs to the Echimyopodini tral surface of the body) or by a pair of punctate characterized by the presence of the ve setae. This tribe longitudinal stripes flanking the setae vi. Crista absent. includes at present five genera: Blomia OUDEMANS, Dorsal setae long and pectinate, all ventral setae smooth. Echimyopus FAIN, Cometacarus ZACHV ATKIN, Supracoxal setae forked and smooth. Epimera I of the Austroglycyphagus FAIN & LOWRY and Murig/ycyp female forming a V which is fused posteriorly with the hagus FAIN. epigynium. In the male there is a short sternum which This new genus presents two longitudinal paramedian is very close to the sexual organ. In both sexes tarsi I and punctate stripes on the propodonotum as in the genera II with well-developed claws, tarsi Ill and IV lacking Austroglycyphagus and Muriglycyphagus. However in claws, but bearing a very small forked sclerite at their Austroglycyphagus the tarsi bear a long ventral pectinate apices. Setae ve present, setae vi distinctly behind the scale attached to the base. This scale is absent in anterior margin of the body. Legs elongate, especially the Glycyphagodes. Moreover in Austroglycyphagus and Figs 9-10 - Glycyphagodes spheniscicola n.sp. Male holotype in dorsal view (9) and in ventral view (10). '' Mites (Acari) from nests of sea birds in New Zealand 101 Muriglycyphagus the claws are vestigial or completely 295 x 203. Dorsum: cuticle as described for the genus. absent. Length of setae: ve 60, vi 180, sci 240, sc e 225, dl 70, Glycyphagodes differs from Echimyopus and Blomia by d2 430, d3 450, d4 400, d5 300, sh 135, h 200, I 1 250, the lateral position of the setae ve, the presence of two I 2 420, I 3 390, I 4 250, I 5 300. longitudinal punctate stripes on the propodonotum, the Venter: epimera I fused in midline in a very short ster anterior position of the genital organ, the absence of pec num. The anterolateral folds of the sexual organ are tinate setae on the tarsi and the presence of normal claws attached to the sternum. Coxal setae smooth and very on anterior tarsi. thin. Length of genital setae ga 72, gm 35, gp 90. Seta G/ycyphagodes differs from Cometa carus by the absence al very anterior, 40 long, ae 48, a3 120. Sexual organ of very long setae (more than twice the length of the body) well sclerotized. Genital papillae (?suckers) very small, in the posterior region of the body, the anterior position situated in front of genital sclerites. Gnathosoma very of the sexual organs, the presence of claws on tarsi I-II. large, 81 wide at its base, length including the palps 78. Legs: lengths of tarsi I-IV (ambulacrae excluded): 111-126-180-210. Posterior tarsi very narrow (width of Glycyphagodes spheniscicola n.sp. tarsus IV 4,5). tarsi I-II with normally formed claws, tarsi III-IV with vestigial claws represented by a very small not Male, holotype (figs 9-10; 12-15). Maximum length and curved sclerite; Chaetotaxy of legs (number of setae): width of idiosoma 345 x 250. Length and width in 5 tarsi 10-10-5-5, tibiae 2-2-1-1. Solenidions: tarsi 2-1-0-0, paratypes 380 x 282, 375 x 291, 332 x 243, 310 x 225 and tibiae 1-1-1-1, genua 2-1-1-0. 011 InfO Figs 12-15 - G/ycyphagodes spheniscico/a n.sp. Male: apical segments of legs I (12), leg II (13), leg III (14) and leg IV (15). Apices (enlarged) of leg I (12a), leg IV ventrally (15a) and dorsally (15b). \\ 102 A. FAIN & T.D. GALLOWAY 11 male, 1 female and 4 tritonymphs (all paratypes) in NMNZ. Other paratypes in the IRSNB. KEY TO THE TRffiE ECHIMYOPODINI FAIN, 1986 (Males and females) 1. Propodonotum with two paramedian longitu- nal punctate stripes ..................................... 2 Propodonotum lacking these longitudinal stripes ....................................................... 4 2. All tarsi with a long ventral pectinate scale attached to their base. Setae dl smooth ..... . genus Austroglyeyphagus FAIN & LOWRY, 1974 Tarsi Jacking such scale. Setae dl pectinate . ................................................................ 3 3. Claws of tarsi I to IV vestigial or absent. Setae sex pectinate. All tarsi with both pectinate and smooth setae ......... genus Muriglycyphagus FAIN, 1976 Tarsi I-II with well-formed claws, tarsi III-IV without claws. All tarsi with only short smooth setae. Setae s ex smooth ................. genus Glyeyphagodes n.g. 4. Some dorsal setae more than 3 times as long as the length of the body ........................... . ...... genus Cometacarus ZACHVATKIN, 1941 All dorsal setae not longer than the length of the body ................................................... 5 5. Genu I with 2 solenidions sigma ....... genus Fig. II - Glycyphagodes spheniscicola n.sp. Female in ven Eehimyopus FAIN, 1967 tral view. Genu I with only one solenidion genus Blomia OUDEMANS, 1928 Female (fig. II): Length and maximum width in 2 paratypes: 432 x 325 and 390 x 279. Dorsum as in male Blomia thori ZACHVATKIN, 1936 but the setae are longer. Venter: epimera I V-shaped, lacking a sternum, fused Blomia thori ZACHV ATKIN (1936) was described from with the epigynium. Genital papillae very small. Anus stored flax seed in Smolensk, Russia. Our specimens agree very long. Trochanters 1-111 with a long pectinate seta. with the general description of this species except for All ventral setae smooth and very thin. Copulatory some characters of the chaetotaxy, the shape of the papilla conical with apex truncate, total length 15. Bursa copulatory tube in the female and the size of the body copulatrix twisted, total length 85. in both sexes. Tritonymph: Three tritonymphs measure 330 X 230, In the typical description the copulatory tube is described 310 x 220 and 270 x 195. Chaetotaxy as in female but as more curved than in Blomia kulagini ZACHVATKIN shorter. Epimera I fused in a short sternum. Genital aper (1936), while in all our specimens this tube is only slightly ture very short flanked by 2 pairs of small genital papillae. curved and in some specimens it is straight. Moreover, Legs as in adults. in the original figures (see figs 22-23) of ZACHVATKIN some setae appear much shorter than in our specimens. Habitat this is the case for setae d3 which are shorter than dl while Holotype male from a nest of Eudyptula minor in our specimens the d3 are distinctly longer (80) than albosignata in an open cave at Otanerito Bay (nest no dl (50 long). In addition the setae a2 are about three times 3) (Coil. T. GALLOWAY l.VII.1991). as long as a!, while in our specimens both setae are equally Paratypes: 10 males, 2 females and 14 tritonymphs with long. Finally the size of the body is slightly different the same data as the holotype. Holotype and 2 paratypes in both specimens. In B. thori the female measures '' Mites (Acari) from nests of sea birds in New Zealand 103 Figs 16-18 - Blomia thori novaezea/andiae n. subsp. Female in ventral view (16), tarsus I in dorsal view (17), solenidion sigma of genu I (18). II 104 A. FAIN & T.D. GALLOWAY 21 1 r ( dl h ----- -- I ~ \ d2 J 20 0,2 mm Figs 19-21 - Blomia thori novaezealandiae n. subsp. Female in dorsal view (19), bursa copulatrix and external copulatory tube (20). Male: sexual organ (21).

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