The first volume of the Jason Striker series was a clunky Enter the Dragon
sort of riff with a few bizarre moments, but this second one is full-on
lurid pulp...already within the first several pages we have
hero/narrator Striker brutally kicked in the crotch by a towering black
Amazon; he wakes up in the hospital after groin surgery to find himself
being seduced by an already-nude 16 year-old girl named Amalita, but
they’re attacked by orange-eyed, drug-fueled "demons" who raid the
hospital room; a fight which sees a bedpan used as a weapon (complete
with gross descriptions of urine and feces splatting all over people),
after which our hero screws the 16 year-old girl! Did I mention he took
her virginity in the previous volume, back when she was only 15?? Man
these '70s men's adventure series knew no limits, and that’s just how I
like them.