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Missouri Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report 2019-2020 Influenza Season PDF

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Preview Missouri Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report 2019-2020 Influenza Season

Missouri Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report 2019-2020 Influenza Season1 Week 40: September 29, 2019 – October 5, 2019 All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received. Summary:  The estimated influenza activity in Missouri is Sporadic2.  During Week 40, a total of 46 laboratory-positive3 influenza cases (27 influenza A and 19 influenza B) were reported. No laboratory-positive cases of influenza were reported by the Missouri State Public Health Laboratory (MSPHL) during Week 40. The percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza in Missouri laboratories reporting to the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) remained low during Week 40 (Figure 6).  Influenza-like illness (ILI) activity was below baseline for both the Missouri Outpatient ILI Surveillance Network (ILINet) and the hospital emergency room visit chief complaint data reported through ESSENCE. The reported percentage of visits for ILI was 0.73% (Figure 5) and 1.36% (Figure 7) through ILINet and ESSENCE respectively.4 The ILI data from a small number of sites located in the Northwest Region of the state is currently unavailable in ESSENCE. Therefore, the ILI data for the Northwest Region should be interpreted with caution.  No influenza-associated deaths have been reported in Missouri as of Week 40.5  No influenza or ILI-associated outbreaks or school closures have been reported in Missouri as of Week 40.  National influenza surveillance information is prepared by CDC and is included in the weekly FluView report, which is available online at http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/fluactivitysurv.htm. 1The 2019-2020 influenza season begins CDC Week 40 (week ending October 5, 2019) and ends CDC Week 39 (week ending September 26, 2020). 2Sporadic is defined as: Small numbers of laboratory-confirmed influenza cases or a single laboratory-confirmed influenza outbreak has been reported, but there is no increase in cases of ILI. 3Laboratory-positive influenza includes the following test methods: rapid influenza diagnostic tests (antigen), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR) and other molecular assays, immunofluorescence antibody staining (Direct (DFA) or Indirect (IFA)), or viral culture. 4Influenza-like illness (ILI) is defined by ILINet as fever (temperature of 100oF [37.8oC] or greater) and a cough and/or a sore throat without a known cause other than influenza. ILI is defined by ESSENCE as Emergency Department chief complaints for Influenza or (FeverPlus and (Cough or SoreThroat) and not NonILIFevers). 5All influenza-associated deaths became reportable in Missouri in 2016. Page 1 of 7 Surveillance Data: Interactive Maps The jurisdiction-specific influenza data are provided though interactive maps available at http://bit.ly/moflu19. Click on the jurisdiction to view the influenza data specific to that jurisdiction.  Reported Laboratory-positive Influenza Cases by Influenza Type by Jurisdiction, CDC Week 40  Reported Week-specific Rate per 100,000 Population, CDC Week 40  Reported Laboratory-positive Influenza Cases by Influenza Type by Jurisdiction, Season-to-Date  Reported Rate per 100,000 Population, Season-to-Date Data Figures Figure 1. Number of Laboratory-positive† Influenza Cases by Influenza Type, Missouri, CDC Week 40 (September 29, 2019 - October 5, 2019)* 2019-2020* Influenza Type Week 40 Season-to-Date Influenza A 27 27 Influenza B 19 19 Influenza Unknown Or Untyped 0 0 Total 46 46 † Laboratory-positive influenza includes the following test methods: rapid influenza diagnostic tests (antigen), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and other molecular assays, immunofluorescence antibody staining (Direct (DFA) or Indirect (IFA)), or viral culture. *Influenza season begins week ending October 5, 2019 (CDC Week 40) Data Source: Missouri Health Information Surveillance System (WebSurv). Figure 2. Number of Laboratory-positive† Influenza Cases and Case Rates by Age Group, Missouri, CDC Week 40 (September 29, 2019 - October 5, 2019)*‡ Week 40 Week 40 2019-2020* 2019-2020* Age Group Cases Rate‡ Season-to-Date Season-to-Date Rate‡ 00-04 13 3.47 13 3.47 05-24 14 0.87 14 0.87 25-49 5 0.26 5 0.26 50-64 7 0.57 7 0.57 65+ 7 0.73 7 0.73 Total 46 0.76 46 0.76 † Laboratory-positive influenza includes the following test methods: rapid influenza diagnostic tests (antigen), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and other molecular assays, immunofluorescence antibody staining (Direct (DFA) or Indirect (IFA)), or viral culture. *Influenza season begins week ending October 5, 2019 (CDC Week 40) Data Source: Missouri Health Information Surveillance System (WebSurv) ‡ Incidence Rate per 100,000 population Page 2 of 7 Figure 3. Number of Laboratory-positive† Influenza Cases and Case Rates by Region, Missouri, CDC Week 40 (September 29, 2019 - October 5, 2019)*‡ Week 40 Week 40 2019-2020* 2019-2020* Region Cases Rate‡ Season-to-Date Season-to-Date Rate‡ Central 2 0.30 2 0.30 Eastern 15 0.66 15 0.66 Northwest 4 0.25 4 0.25 Southeast 17 3.60 17 3.60 Southwest 8 0.75 8 0.75 Total 46 0.76 46 0.76 † Laboratory-positive influenza includes the following test methods: rapid influenza diagnostic tests (antigen), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and other molecular assays, immunofluorescence antibody staining (Direct (DFA) or Indirect (IFA)), or viral culture. *Influenza season begins week ending October 5, 2019 (CDC Week 40) Data Source: Missouri Health Information Surveillance System (WebSurv) ‡ Incidence Rate per 100,000 population Figure 4. Number of Laboratory-positive† Influenza Cases by CDC Week, Missouri, 2016-2020* 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 C 0 u 8,iDOO n t 6,000 4,000 2,'IH>O 3 f i ! 2 ! : 1 3 3 i i I , I 3 i I 3 9 g 3 1 l 3 1 1 J 1 J I I 3 Week † Laboratory-positive influenza includes the following test methods: rapid influenza diagnostic tests (antigen), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR) and other molecular assays, immunofluorescence antibody staining (Direct (DFA) or Indirect (IFA)), or viral culture. *2019-2020 season-to-date through the week ending May 16, 2020 (Week 20).Data Source: Missouri Health Information Surveillance System (WebSurv). Page 3 of 7 Figure 5. Percentage of Outpatient Visits for Influenza-like Illness (ILI), Missouri Outpatient ILI Surveillance Network (ILINet) 2016-2020*† 12.0 • • • • • • Missouri Baseline* 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 ::::; 7.0 ... .E "' 6.0 ~ > .... 5.0 C <II :;::; s"-' 4.0 ::, 0 0 3.0 <II 00 ~C 2.0 :<:II <II 0.. 1.0 0.0 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CDC Week *The ILINet Region 7 (MO, IA, KS, NE) baseline is the mean percentage of patient visits for ILI during non-influenza weeks for the previous three seasons, plus two standard deviations. A non-influenza week is defined as periods of two or more consecutive weeks in which each week accounted for less than 2% of the season’s total number of specimens that tested positive for influenza. Data Source: U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). † 2019-2020 season-to-date through the week ending May 16, 2020 (Week 20). Figure 6. Season-to-Date PCR (+) Tests for Influenza in Missouri 600 45.00% ■ 40.00% "' C 500 <II ·E;:; 35.00% <II 0.. .".<> ,I,'I 400 30.00% ·;;; 0 25.00% Cl. ."..'. 300 C 20.00% :<:I,I :;::: -= 200 15.00% 0... .<cII 10.00% E ::, 100 z 5.00% 0 0.00% 40424446485052 2 4 6 8 10121416182022242628303234363840424446485052 2 4 6 8 101214161820 2018-2019 CDC Week 2019-2020 - Influenza A (H1Nl}pdm09 - Influenza A(H3N2} Influenza A Untyped - Influenza B --Percent Positivity Data Source: National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2019-2020 season-to-date through the week ending May 16, 2020 (Week 20). Page 4 of 7 Figure 7. Percentage of Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Influenza-like Illness (ILI) in ESSENCE Participating Hospitals, 2016-2020 Influenza Seasons*‡ 9 ~ 2016-2017 8 ~ 2017-2018 7 ~ 2018-2019 ~ 2019-2020 •,. • • • ESSENCE I LI Base I ine * 'o 2 1 0 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CDC week *The ESSENCE ILI Baseline is the mean percent of ILI visits for each week during the previous three years (2016-18) when percentage of ILI visits were less than 2% of total visits, plus two standard deviations. Data Source: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), Bureau of Reportable Disease Informatics, ESSENCE version 1.20. ‡ The ILI data from a small number of sites located in the Northwest Region of the state is temporarily unavailable in ESSENCE. Therefore, the ILI data for the Northwest Region should be interpreted with caution. Figure 8. Percentage of Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Influenza-like Illness (ILI) in ESSENCE Participating Hospitals, by Age Group, Region and Statewide, Week 40, 2019* 30 28 26 2~ 22 ... "' 20 ·;;; > 18 ■ 0-4 Yrs C .w... 16 ■ 5-24 Yrs .0.. 14 C: ■ 25-49 Yrs .au.., 12 a, ■ 50-64 Yrs Cl. 10 8 ■ 65 Yrs+ 6 4 2 0 CENTRAL EASTERN NORTHWEST SOUTHEAST SOUTHWEST STATEWIDE Data Source: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), Bureau of Reportable Disease Informatics, ESSENCE version 1.20. *The ILI data from a small number of sites located in the Northwest Region of the state is temporarily unavailable in ESSENCE. Therefore, the ILI data for the Northwest Region should be interpreted with caution. Page 5 of 7 Figure 9. Percentage of Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Influenza-like Illness (ILI) in ESSENCE Participating Hospitals, by Region and Statewide, 2019-2020 Influenza Season* 14 13 12 11 10 ...,. 9 ~ CENTRAL ·;;; > 8 ~ EASTERN :::; .... .0.. 7 ~ NORTHWEST C 6 ~ SOUTHEAST 4> 4~> 5 ~ SOUTHWEST Q. 4 • ~ STATEWIDE 3 2 • • 1 0 40414243444546474849505152 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 W111213M15ffiUIB1920 CDC Week Data Source: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), Bureau of Reportable Disease Informatics, ESSENCE version 1.20. *The ILI data from a small number of sites located in the Northwest Region of the state is temporarily unavailable in ESSENCE. Therefore, the ILI data for the Northwest Region should be interpreted with caution. Figure 10. Weekly Rate of Patients Hospitalized with Influenza and/or Pneumonia Syndromes in Missouri Hospitals, 2016-2020 Influenza Seasons 22 20 18 C .0:; 16 "' [ 14 0 gQ. 12 ~ 2016-2017 g0 ~ 2017-2018 ... 10 -e-2018-2019 oi 8 .C.. . ~ 2019-2020 4> 6 "' a: 4 2 0 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CDC Week Data Source: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), Bureau of Reportable Disease Informatics, HL7 Messaging Portal. Population data from Missouri Census Data Center 2017 (https://census.missouri.edu). Page 6 of 7 Figure 11. Number of Patients Hospitalized with Influenza and/or Pneumonia Syndromes in Participating Missouri Hospitals, by Age Group, Week 40, 2019-2020 Influenza Season - 0-4Yrs 350 14 - 5-14Yrs "' 300 12 C0: C: :;::; 0 <a - 15-64Yrs ~ I 111 250 10 ~... 0 - 65+Yrs 111 C. ·a 200 8 00 "' 0 - 0-4Yrs 0 o' .:.:.0:..c.. 150 6 0,.-. i. - 5R-a1te4 Yrs .aQ..I. Rate Qj .c 100 4 QI - 15-64Yrs E <a ::::, 0::: Rate z - 65+Yrs 50 2 Rate 0 0 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CDC Week Data Source: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), Bureau of Reportable Disease Informatics, HL7 Messaging Portal. Additional Influenza Data Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National Influenza Surveillance (FluView): http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/fluactivitysurv.htm The National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS): https://www.cdc.gov/surveillance/nrevss/ World Health Organization: International Influenza Surveillance: http://www.who.int/influenza/surveillance_monitoring/en/ Page 7 of 7 Missouri Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report Missouri 2019-2020 Influenza Season1 DHSS Oepor11ment ol Heolth and s,mlor Se,,,Jc~$ Week 41: October 6, 2019 – October 12, 2019 All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received. Summary:  The estimated influenza activity in Missouri is Sporadic2.  During Week 41, a total of 60 laboratory-positive3 influenza cases (30 influenza A, 29 influenza B and one untyped) were reported. A season-to-date total of 139 laboratory-positive influenza cases (72 influenza A, 66 influenza B, and one untyped) have been reported in Missouri as of Week 41. The influenza type for reported season-to-date cases includes 51.8% influenza, 47.5% influenza B, and 0.7% untyped. No laboratory-positive cases of influenza were reported by the Missouri State Public Health Laboratory (MSPHL) during Week 41. The percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza in Missouri laboratories reporting to the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) remained low during Week 41 (Figure 6).  Influenza-like illness (ILI) activity was above baseline the Missouri Outpatient ILI Surveillance Network (ILINet) and below baseline for the hospital emergency room visit chief complaint data reported through ESSENCE. The reported percentage of visits for ILI was 1.88% (Figure 5) and 1.61% (Figure 7) through ILINet and ESSENCE respectively.4 The ILI data from a small number of sites located in the Northwest Region of the state is currently unavailable in ESSENCE. Therefore, the ILI data for the Northwest Region should be interpreted with caution.  No influenza-associated deaths have been reported in Missouri as of Week 41.5 During Week 40, 42 deaths involving Pneumonia and Influenza (P&I) were reported to the Bureau of Vital Records.  No influenza or ILI-associated outbreaks or school closures have been reported in Missouri as of Week 41.  Seasonal influenza activity remains low overall across the United States. National influenza surveillance information is prepared by CDC and is included in the weekly FluView report, which is available online at http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/fluactivitysurv.htm. 1The 2019-2020 influenza season begins CDC Week 40 (week ending October 5, 2019) and ends CDC Week 39 (week ending September 26, 2020). 2Sporadic is defined as: Small numbers of laboratory-confirmed influenza cases or a single laboratory-confirmed influenza outbreak has been reported, but there is no increase in cases of ILI. 3Laboratory-positive influenza includes the following test methods: rapid influenza diagnostic tests (antigen), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR) and other molecular assays, immunofluorescence antibody staining (Direct (DFA) or Indirect (IFA)), or viral culture. 4Influenza-like illness (ILI) is defined by ILINet as fever (temperature of 100oF [37.8oC] or greater) and a cough and/or a sore throat without a known cause other than influenza. ILI is defined by ESSENCE as Emergency Department chief complaints for Influenza or (FeverPlus and (Cough or SoreThroat) and not NonILIFevers). 5All influenza-associated deaths became reportable in Missouri in 2016. Page 1 of 7 Surveillance Data: Interactive Maps The jurisdiction-specific influenza data are provided though interactive maps available at http://bit.ly/moflu19. Click on the jurisdiction to view the influenza data specific to that jurisdiction.  Reported Laboratory-positive Influenza Cases by Influenza Type by Jurisdiction, CDC Week 41  Reported Week-specific Rate per 100,000 Population, CDC Week 41  Reported Laboratory-positive Influenza Cases by Influenza Type by Jurisdiction, Season-to-Date  Reported Rate per 100,000 Population, Season-to-Date Data Figures Figure 1. Number of Laboratory-positive† Influenza Cases by Influenza Type, Missouri, CDC Week 41 (October 6, 2019 - October 12, 2019)* 2019-2020* Influenza Type Week 40 Week 41 Season-to-Date Influenza A 42 30 72 Influenza B 37 29 66 Influenza Unknown Or Untyped 0 0 0 Total 79 60 139 † Laboratory-positive influenza includes the following test methods: rapid influenza diagnostic tests (antigen), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and other molecular assays, immunofluorescence antibody staining (Direct (DFA) or Indirect (IFA)), or viral culture. *Influenza season begins week ending October 5, 2019 (CDC Week 40) Data Source: Missouri Health Information Surveillance System (WebSurv). Figure 2. Number of Laboratory-positive† Influenza Cases and Case Rates by Age Group, Missouri, CDC Week 41 (October 6, 2019 - October 12, 2019)*‡ Week 41 Week 41 2019-2020* 2019-2020* Age Group Cases Rate‡ Season-to-Date Season-to-Date Rate‡ 00-04 14 3.74 29 7.75 05-24 22 1.37 45 2.80 25-49 15 0.78 30 1.57 50-64 4 0.32 14 1.13 65+ 5 0.52 21 2.20 Total 60 0.99 139 2.28 † Laboratory-positive influenza includes the following test methods: rapid influenza diagnostic tests (antigen), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and other molecular assays, immunofluorescence antibody staining (Direct (DFA) or Indirect (IFA)), or viral culture. *Influenza season begins week ending October 5, 2019 (CDC Week 40) Data Source: Missouri Health Information Surveillance System (WebSurv) ‡ Incidence Rate per 100,000 population Page 2 of 7 Figure 3. Number of Laboratory-positive† Influenza Cases and Case Rates by Region, Missouri, CDC Week 41 (October 6, 2019 - October 12, 2019)*‡ Week 41 Week 41 2019-2020* 2019-2020* Region Cases Rate‡ Season-to-Date Season-to-Date Rate‡ Central 18 2.66 31 4.58 Eastern 15 0.66 33 1.46 Northwest 6 0.38 14 0.88 Southeast 7 1.48 31 6.57 Southwest 14 1.31 30 2.80 Total 60 0.99 139 2.28 † Laboratory-positive influenza includes the following test methods: rapid influenza diagnostic tests (antigen), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and other molecular assays, immunofluorescence antibody staining (Direct (DFA) or Indirect (IFA)), or viral culture. *Influenza season begins week ending October 5, 2019 (CDC Week 40) Data Source: Missouri Health Information Surveillance System (WebSurv) ‡ Incidence Rate per 100,000 population Figure 4. Number of Laboratory-positive† Influenza Cases by CDC Week, Missouri, 2016-2020* 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 C 0 u 8,000 n t 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Week † Laboratory-positive influenza includes the following test methods: rapid influenza diagnostic tests (antigen), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR) and other molecular assays, immunofluorescence antibody staining (Direct (DFA) or Indirect (IFA)), or viral culture. *2019-2020 season-to-date through the week ending May 16, 2020 (Week 20).Data Source: Missouri Health Information Surveillance System (WebSurv). Page 3 of 7

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