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Missouri TANF Caseload Reduction Report FY2019 PDF

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Preview Missouri TANF Caseload Reduction Report FY2019

R1ucijN FORM ACF-202-1 ANF lASELOAD REPORT i I I ! H --------·-·::-=-::-::::-:--:-:-----+-+---:---------+-+-+......i...-...-- +-+;---++'ji!- _'- _-_--_-_-_-_-_-_- -,_ _ - I--D_a_te_o_f_C_o_m_p_Ie~io_n_1~2_,0_4_12_0_1_8 __- ++'--t-l_ ___ -! State: Missouri ] Fiscal Yehr toJw#ich credit applies: :2019 I Overall Report X ! Apply thi lwerall di-edit to the two~parent __ yes Two-parent Report _ (check O 1~ > i participaqqn ratf? II _x__ no PART 1 -Eli ffiil ity 1Cllanges Made~ Jince FYjl2oos EACllch~ge~! (Complete this iection for 1 · ' I 't 1. Name of eligibility change: Change nvo I ent p' .ous:eholds to sdl ly state;funded program. p , l ,, ii J~=:i~,r: :y: 1 :: ::::::::::~: ~;n:::;::hchan ! ! :l: ttj Beginning October 20 06> Missouri opted! remhve n.vo~parent J~ µiiliei s11: ject to ;ork participation requirements fr.om TANF. Two-parent f~ n'ilics lkubject to work D~rticif,ati:on requirements are in a solely state I / ,j funded program. j 4. Descn_..· .ption o_f_ the methodology used to c_1 ~culat[he estimated illli .:.: ·pact bft,his eligibility change ! (attach supporting materials to this form~.1 'j in:r th! The impact of the change is shown on t .vo-p: - nt impact WO ,~heel art II of this report, which depicts the average tv.'o-parent household easel Id from October l, 201 >i)' to Se;pt err1ber 30l 2018. An average was 'I used to calculate the net impact. I I ll : I ·s. Estimated average monthly impact ofthif ~ligib,lity change on c~seloap ~ c~i_nparlson year: :J.21 , : I Otv1B Control No.: 0970..0338 Expiration Date: I )8/3 I /2020 Page 1 of 12 TA+ FORM ACF-2021 CASELOAD RED1CTION REPORT I I I Date of Completion 12/04/2018 fo State: Missouri Fiscal vear which credit applies: 2019 11 I J, ! 1. Name of eligibility change: Immediat! Engagement 2. Implementation date of eligibility chjgJ uary I, 2008 ! 3, Description of policy, including the chln~e from prior policy: Jh~ weje All Temporary Assistance applicants not exempt or ex:cluJed from work participation activities were required to begin the process to ehgage in work activities with the Division of Workforce Development (DWD) prior to approval of the T~mp~rary A}sistance ap~licat~·on. This policy :'as referred ~o as Immediate Engagement. All Temporary Ass1stanceiapphcants who did no meet an exempt10n or exclusmn from work participation activities were required t6 rn.eet ~th DWD and co plete an Individual Employment Plan prior to approval of the Temporary Assistanbe application or have good catise for not doing so. I : ! 4. Description of the methodology used to .,alculate the estimated impact of this eligibility change: (attach supporting materials to this forin) I : Note that effective December 6, 20 IO JhJ policy was ended and no ltjnger an eligibility factor for Temporary Assistance. i 5. Estimated average monthly impact of~hik eligibility change on caselbad in comparison year: No Impact I I I ' 0MB Control No.: 0970-0338 Expiration Date: 08/311'2020 i Page 2 of 12 I ! I . 1 I FORM ACF-202 -TA.NF !CASELOAD REDUC~I~j N REPORT I I : Date of Completion 12/04/2018 I I I ' td State: Missouri Fiscal Year which credit applies: 2019 I 11 1. Name of eligibility change: Implement tile Trarisitional E:mployinilent Beri"'fit (TEB) program as a separate ~~g~ I ! 2. Implementation date of eligibility chang~: !October 1, 2008 3. Description of policy, including the change froJ prior policy: . fkmls TEB is a fifty dollar ($50.00) payment to for up to six (J modth1:> when the family loses eligibility for Temporary Assistance benefits due to an i~crea~e in earned inco:n e, reino'.''al of an earnings disregard or an allowable expense deduction, or a house] old coinposition chan2e which ciuses ineligibility due to income guidelines for Temporary Assistance. Tl ~ hel~s to support wor:k~ng ffun1~ies during their transition into emplo~ment and the loss of eligi~ility fo1 !~mpprary Assistanc~ .. Pre~ioully families received no assistance followmg loss of Temporary Assistance hg1b1hty due to eamec 1:nco111e. _ c_ 1 i ! , I 4. Description of the methodology used to i •1culate the estimated i.11ipact !liof Ls eligibility change: I (attach supporting materials to this form) I i I ' i pJrr The impact of the change is shown on th: TEB impact workshe1 t in Ii of this report, which identifies the number of TEB fami•l i•e s each month frorii l OI cto ~I er 1, 2017 to S1 II tembIe r 3Ii o, 2018. An average was used to ! I calculate the impact. l j 1 ! ; ! i 5. Estimated average monthly impact ofthi;a ~ligi~ility change on 11, selo~d i~ comparison year: +854 i ' 0MB Control No.: 0970~0338 Expiration Date: IOS/31/21· 20 i Page 3 of 12 i I I 7 FORM ACF-202 ~AN" CASELOAD F DUfTION REPORT Date of Completion 12/04/2018 I to State: Missouri Fiscal 1 ear which credit applies: 2019 I 1. Name of eligibility change: Temporarl, tssis ance Recipient Dtug ~esting 2. Implementation date of eligibility chanlge: Mich 4, 2013 i ~ ! 3 . D escn.p t1. 0n o f po 1i· cy, m. el u d'm g th e c h aI ngI e 1roI m pn·o r po1 i· cy: i All applicants and participants for TeJpJrary ~ssistance (TA) ?enerits who are age eighteen (18) or older and are the head of household will completb ~ screening for illegal ~se ofja controlled substance. Individuals required to complete the screening muJt toopJrate with the scre;ening in order to receive or continue to receive Temporary Assistance (TA). The scre~ning d~termines ifan in, ivid4al applying for TA benefits must be referred for a drug test. Participants whol are rige eighteen (18) , r older and are the head of household and are receiving Temporary Assistance (TA) benefitJ are submitted quarterly to a match with the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP). This match sfJche~ law enforcement! records for participants that have an arrest or l conviction for a misdemeanor or felony l'rug 6ffense for the pr ~iou~ 12 months. Ifthere is a match, the I participant is referred for a drug test. 4. Description of the methodology used t, calculate the estimated mpali of this eligibility change: (attach supporting materials to this fonil)i I j There is no impact due to this eligibili& · hange as any individual that does not comply with the drug screening, drug testing, or tests positive rimy l:Je disqualified frotn rec:eiving Temporary Assistance for 1 themselves for three years, however th~ rihildrbn continue recei,•ing emporary Assistance benefits. 1 5. Estimated average monthly impact oft~i~ eligfbility change on basel9ad in comparison year: No Impact 0MB Control No.: 0970-0338 Expiration Date: bS/3 J/2020 ! ; : Page4 of 12 I i I i · I FORM ACF-202-11ANF !CASELOAD RJl:tDUC~IdN REPORT I i I Date of Completion 12/04/2018 I State: Missouri Fiscal Year td which credit applies: 2019 I I I I 1. Name of eligibility change: Temporary i~ssist]1 ce Orientation,'lP1ersoJat J~esponsibility Plan and On-line Job Registration Required ' I I 2. Implementation date of eligibility chang(: ~ug st 28, 2015 ! 3. Description of policy, including the chan~e froJ prior policy: A ll T emporary A ss1· stance app r1 cants are tr'TI lm· r9I d to comp1 e te :1 pn·e n~1a h· ?n tha t prov1· d es 1·n fio rmat·l on about the Temporary Assistance program rules la.lid requirements. Add t~onally, if the applicant is not otherwise exempt or excluded from Temporary As~'istanc9 work requiremi nts, th~y ~ust also complete a personal responsibility plan which lists the emplo nient and training acti ¥es ayailable to choose from and indicate 1 which activities they will take part in if ab~rovetl for Temporary 4\ssistandten. Finally applicants who are not an otherwise ex~mpt or ex~l~d~~ must co11_1: t{te on-line job regic;t~atiop. of these elements must be 1 completed pnor to an ehg1b1hty determu atlon for Temporary As~ 1stance. 1 I , Ii I 4. Description of the methodology used to 1-4culate the estimated :·mpact of this eligibility change: (attach supporting materials to this form) I I · ,: I The impact of the change is shown on thl <Drientation, PRP, Job ~eg. impact worksheet in Part II of this i, report, which identifies the number of faitnilies ciach month froni l[)cto~er 2017 to September 30, 2018. An average was used to calculate the impactl : 5. Estimated average monthly impact ofth~s ~ligi9ility change on ~selo~d i~ comparison year: -44 1 0MB Control No.: 0970-0338 Expiration Date: 08/31/2020 j I I Page 5 of 12 ' ! ' I I 7 FORM ACF-202 T ANJ? CASELOAD REDUfTION REPORT Date of Completion 12/04/2018 I j ro State: Missouri I Fiscal 1 ear which credit applies: 2019 I. Name of eligibility change: New SpoJscJ Incore and Resource Disr~gard 2. Implementation date of eligibility chan~J August 28, 2015 ; 3. D escn.p t1. on o f po 1i· cy, m. e lu d"m g the c ha I ngI e fr oI m pn· or po1 i· cy: :; .I Wh en a T emporary A ssi· stance reci· pi·e nIt mI arries; a 11 m· come am resoui rces o f t h e new spouse are d"1 sregard e d for six months when detennining contihJed eligibility for Tem:8orarYj Assistance. This income and resource arid disregard is provided for six months knovtable once in the, emporary Assistance recipients' lifetime. I ' ' 4. Description of the methodology used t0 calculate the estimateJmpact of this eligibility change: fonh)I I · (attach supporting materials to this The impact of the change is shown on le New Spouse Disreg ,d impact worksheet in Part II of this report, which identifies the nwnber offamilie,I e~ch rilonth from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018. An average was used to calculate the impact. ; 5. Estimated average monthly impact ofthl~ eligibility change on baseload in comparison year: +1 11 I I · - 0MB Control No.: 0970-0338 Expiration Date: b8/3 i/2020 Page 6 of 12 i I !I FORM ACF-202-1"A.NF !CASELOAD REDUC~IQN REPORT I I !1 I Date of Completion 12/04/2018 1 I ! State: Missouri Fiscal Year to1 w-rli ch credit applies: 2019 I I 1. Name of eligibility change: Sanction Po ic~ Ch mge for Non-C~,rapliaiice· with Work Activities 1 I 2. Implementation date of eligibility change: kugJst 28, 2015 :1 ! 3. Description of po Ii cy, including the chan froJ prior policy: The sanction applied to the Temporary Assistanbe benefit for noa• compliance.with work requirements changed from the 25% benefit reduction . o la tie~ed sanction, beg i min~ with a 50% reduction in benefits. ?nee this reduction is imposed, i.fnon-c~mpl~ance continues for up to 10 teeks, a full-family sanction is 9as'e I imposed and the Temporary Assistance 1s dlosed._ · I ;, I : i 4. Description of the methodology used to aalculate the estimated in,ipact:of 1his eligibility change: form)i (attach supporting materials to this I I : ·-1 The impact of the change is sho,.-.,rn on thf Sanction Non Compli mce WorR impact worksheet in Part II of this report, which identifies the nwnber of fa.triilies dach month from (I ctob:er ~. 2017 to September 30, 2018. An i : average was used to calculate the impact! 5. Esti· mated average mont hl y i' mpact o f thil'I '; T111· g1·L1.j.11• 1 1· ty c h ange on c,ase l o~ d l.l }1 compa' n•s on year: __2 _2 2 0MB Control No.: 0970-0338 Expiration Date: )8/31/2()20 '. ! Page 7 of 12 71 FORM ACF-202 ANf CASELOAD ElEDUf TION REPORT Date of Completion 12/04/2018 I I I j i State: Missouri Fiscal 1 ear to which credit applies: 2019 ! 11 I 1. Name of eligibility change: TA applictmks rej~cted due to Full :.-amil~ Sanctions I 2. Implementation date of eligibility chan~J Ajgust 28, 2015 3 . D escn.p tl. on o f po 11· cy, m. e1 u d.m g t he ch aI ngI e fir jIm pn·o r po 1i· cy: I1 bak In this eligibility change, a participant already lost their TA grant1 due to a full family sanction. When an individual re-applies for Temporary AJsi~tanck after the case was cloked due to a full-family sanction, the thirty applicant must complete a work activity for a tninimum average of hours for at least one week before becoming eligible for Temporary Assistahce. ! , I j i I i 4. Description of the methodology used to calculate the estimated rmpact of this eligibility change: forrh)I I (attach supporting materials to this ! . The impact of the change is shown on {he ApAS after Full Famil Sariction worksheet in Part II of this report, which identifies the number of familieJ detefjined ineligible each mpnth from October I, 2017 to September An 30, 2018 due to a Full Family Sanction a, erage was used t >c alcµlate the impact. 1• 1 5. Estimated average monthly impact of t~i~ eligf bility change on casel(?ad in comparison year: -10 0MB Control No.: 0970-0338 Expiration Date: 08/3 IA 020 : : FORM ACF-202-1h~ F CASELOAD REDUCTIC•N REPORT I : . 1 Date of Completion 12/04/2018 I 1 ! to: State: Missouri Fiscal Y;~;ar w~ich credit applies: 2019 f I I I I 1. Name o eligibility change: 45 Month Li "etime limit ! ' 2. Implementation date of eligibility change: 1anuJry 1, 2016 ! 3. Description of policy, including the chan ~e froJ prior policy: 15 Cash assistance from the Temporary Ass st~ce ~rogram is limi'. ed to months in the payee's lifetime 1 beginning January 1, 2016. From July 1, L 97 tlliough Decembfr 31, 20L, the lifetime limit was 60 months. iri Any month in which an adult receives a cash gdnt, from any st~te qr any amount, counts toward his/her i · lifetime limit, with few exceptions. I i 4. Description of the methodology used to calculatr the estimated ln pact bf1his eligibility change: j : (attach supporting materials to this form) I [ The impact of the change is shown on th € 45 Month Lifetime Ii~ 11t imp'act worksheet in Part II of this report, which identifies the number of families e:1c1n mo'nth from Octobl:r ( 2Ql 7 to September 30, 2018. An average was used to calculate the impact. ) irl 5. Estimated average monthly impact ofthb Jiigibility change on caseload comparison year: A7 I I .1. I I - 0MB Control No.: 0970-0338 Expiration Date: 081/3 I/2c'20 , 1 I i Page 9 of 12 i FORM ACF~ 202-TANF CASELOAD lt.ED~CTION REPORT ! Date of Completion 12/04/2018 State: Missouri Fiscal Year ~o which credit applies: 2019 11 I I . Name of eligibility change: Cash DivJ,Jlon ,,ogram 2. Implementation date of eligibility chadge: Jjuary I, 20 I 6 3. Description of policy, including the chUge from prior policy: : Th e Cas h D1. vers1· 0n 1· s a sr· ng l e lu mp suI mI b eneI fi1 t an app 11· cant rr ay opi t to recei.v e m. stea d of mont hl y * Temporary Assistance benefits. This pkytnentl is intended to resolve one-time financial need, and to prevent the EU from becoming dependent upol\ rhontJtly benefits. All other l.i'A eligibility factors must be met, including the lifetime limit. Previous!~ abplicants were not offe ed ~y cash assistance other than Temporary Assistance. I I 4. Description of the methodology used to calcu ate the estimated impact of this eligibility change: forin) · (attach supporting materials to this ~hl The impact of the change is shown on Di ersion impact wo ksheet in Part II of this report, which identifies 1 the number of families each month frotn bcto :>er 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018. An average was used to calculate the impact. ' 5. Estimated average monthly impact of¥i~ eli~ibility change on faseload in comparison year: :l 0MB Control No.: 0970-0338 Expiration Datb: 08/3 I1 '2020 : Page 10 of 12

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