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2004 Missouri Medicine Index A A Century of Excellence in Publishing, Excerpts Advertisers and Reflections, L Fleenor --. 96, 468, 572 AO CONOR RIG ss cicsasevesaccresseyveanserencoseazeneneonsnidtiosscbniacae tone a Emboldened By Our Golden Anniversary, J Hagan .. Classified Perrier rrrrrrrrrriirrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrerirriiiirrierer etre terrrerrrerrr errr tr Tir 2 35 Cyberknife CV 2 Jan/Feb, 93, 182, 262, 451, 540 Centennial Editors’ Perspective DeNovo 87, 150, 246, 457, 530 Missouri Medicine: A Century of Excellence, JT homas EdCare .... 235 What They're Talking About, D Sessions .........cccsessesseecseee csssseseesesasencaseacenceseneees ER Services .... a , 234 Serving its Membership Well, J Burkey : GE Medical Protective 595 The History of the Greatest Profession on Earth, CC Swarens .........:.c:ssscsseeeseees ASIN NIE os oo es coxa sessveseupnaszessians conve nessnssnitanlebiet ones atid enaadecaase topes 235 One-Century - One Pursuit, A Clark CV 3 Mar/Apr Intermed Insurance Co. .............0.:++5 . 36, 98, 171, 245, 443, 534 Centennial Congratulations and Reflections Medical Employment Directory . .. 69, 87, 234, 281, 448, A History of MSMA .. Missouri PRO .. 72, 83, 88, 152, 280, 439 Editors of Missouri Medicine ... MSMA Insurance Agency CV4 Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, CV3 May/June, Missouri Medicine Congratulations CV 4 July/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec Historical Excerpts and Reflections Missouri Physicians Health Program 432, 520, 620 Ovid Bell Press Perspective Missouri State Medical Foundation .................... .CV2 Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/June, July/Aug, SepYOct, Nov/Dec Continuing Medical Education Moneta Group 15, 84, 176, 359, 452, 544 Continuing Medical Education 72 RTE wpt iecr tnssrcsecsaiasiiccdcshseaaoged cs buikkaoah ead enbdire hans aeeiihunatonsnameesenrmoiaerne l . 117, 545 Missouri Medicine CMI 598 Primaris 596 284 ProAssurance , 174, 268, 467, 571 Socket .... 236, 360, 516, 614 Component Society Sossman .... 137 District & Component Society Map . United States Air Force , 283, 455. 537 Component Society Codes RIGO Se PIII sans ssivesunvasnstsegpaeedimisihneoscr ohuenenmnsneihpnnenavt escratped aoaniasa s 269 Component Society Listing Walter Green Pools . 235 Constitution and Bylaws 70, 253 Alliance Foundation Sharing Card .. 466, 611 Correspondenc e 12, 94, 183, 462, 551 Address to MSMA House of Delegates, L Jones 192 Prseeaiaeeaees aE Mrmr Dement cress <aesen cas eseniicenssnnitsreasenacanscsonasensnrstvigresebtiony . 196 Cover Art es ne SINR oe sic acics asenscececsnaas in chaconesbnsitgoamiastsoteh caroat anae a 281 Jan/Feb University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine WRA EY II oss isicass sinccnaacvesncs sear ubciicaucsensbpbesaeele meareaeramame aan Saint Louis University AMA Report - Missouri Delegation 449 MARIS oss. cor ieonscviiccinsiencimaearesaee Missouri Medicine, Volume 1, Number | July/Aug .. Paul Jackson Annual Convention Sept Oct Fecaancren Steve Parker, Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum 146th Annual Convention (2004) Nov/Dec MSMA Tort Reform Presidential Address - F DeFeo Exhibits Legislative Awards DeNovo 87, 150, 246, 457 Citizenship/Community Service Award Scholarship Presentations Directory of Authors MMPAC Awards Cc Anderson 50-Year Physician Pin J Anderson Inaugural Address - E Cabbabe Aesolutions/ Actions S Babbott Council Minutes Summary ] Batanian B Beasley Report of the EVP B Beckert Handbook-Referred Reports M Blunt I NOIRE Sa pccicoesccicse asmbaea ievaceostsnene D Bc ogart PMNIINIES caesar cxaea cus sa tiicioacouscsas cubes ed ed bines catevsaenacaen cueouebnes taco nmeariesepventeatt G Bohigian dh nn pO REE er REE rot oC Ee SRE OPE fyai nt Ren SPEIER OER ne ORT : E Borman-Shoap ... J Burkey As I See It C Bynum Lead, Follow - or Keep an Open Mind, C Bynum ..........::c:scecessesesesseseseeseneeneneaeens 21 E Cabbabe Future of American Medicine 2005-2010, G Bohigian SCM 5 esicn sce ssdcsvesesasinsisraextoencnacceen M Concannon .. J Copeland Cc J Crossett Centennial Articles F DeFeo A Century of Excellence in Publishing, J Hagan R Derman November/December 2004 @ Vol. 101 © No. 6 © Missouri Medicine © 617 W DePond A DeShields C Dinakar R Dresser K Dorssom SNE ar taasetrasSomeves ty susvis toon madd vodeestoamedoulites ide gestsbesetvaviessrpikdsactdivnneesnseayb eeirin auiminvaeo ne 24 K Edison K Zavieh R Eisen S Ellison S Eswaran Editor's Desk -John C. Hagan, III A Fiore Unicorns, Obstetricians, Neurosurgeons - C Frieden Three Things Hard to Find in Missouri M Fuller Payoff and Payback: The 2004 Legislative Session and Elections 76 M Gaudreault-Keener Emboldened By Our Golden Anniversary .. 148 Fight or Flight? Choices for Missouri's Beleaguered Physicians 240 G Gottesman .... The 2004 State Elections: Let Me Be Perfectly Blunt! ...........00.0:ccseceeseessesteeeeee 436 M Gratton Not So Fast - We Still Have to Close the Deal! ......00.00..00ccccccccccecseeeeceeeeeesseeseeeee 594 E Greer J Hagan Election 2004 C Hanaway .. Workable Medical Malpractice Solutions Brought MINI kiitos doaesiasdtesscdsbendidniivbedteaadssorclaniinpreiciwannaseneseuetneenees Forth By Experience, C McCaskill A Haskell A Prescription for Missouri, M Blunt M Hayden T Holloway .... R Johnson Financial Statements MSMA S Jureidini MSMF .. I Kodner Physicians Health W Keenan S Kornfeld ... S Lefrak Guest Editorial Women’s Medical Theme Issue, R Derman The Challenges of Medical Genetics and the Primary Care Practitioner, G Gottesman ... Physicians as Legislators, M Taylor K Morris ............ Medical Education in the Twenty-First Century: The Dean’s G Morrison Perspective, L Shapiro H Murrell Unique Medical Education and Curricular Reform at the Kansas City University T Partridge of Medicine and Biosciences, $ Willsie E Pearce .. ND canathwntnocipichladduscitscincss titactorriheebcacel Guide to Membership Benetits In the Next Missouri Medicine ... Missouri Medicine Index Information for Contributors snsidageraesers MO SEO In Memoriam Saseaduibebdinsnn shibunsdeVobacsisdacideagshooncedcce ala NUNS wee In the News GaSiipisinsuncactonslenstiwnpacaasein . 13, 95, 184, 464, Legislative D Sessions HB 1304 Voting Record 186 M Shab .. Political Action: Wagons Ho! A Clark ..0..........cccscssesessesseseeeeeeseeteseseerseesesseneseee 242 MSMA Looks Ahead to Active 2005 Legislative Session, ‘I Holloway 556 How to Contact Your Lawmakers & How to Get Involved 560 P Stahl What's a PAC Do? H Murrell .000000000.000000000ccceee 562 J Stephenson 2005 MMPAC Membership Listing ...................s:csccsssscssessssessessnesseseesssearersaeereees 563 J Strickland Critical Condition Tear-Out Poster: Back Cover ... July/Aug, SepOct, Nov/Dec G Storch B Sullivan CC Swarens Medical Specialty Organization Listing M Taylor ... J Thomas e Medical-Legal A Turnbaugh Suggestions to Avoid Discrimination Lawsuits, K Dorssom, J Yates .........0.00:00000++ 24 C Veremakis ................:0000000+ Can They Really Take Away My Hospital Privileges? D Peters J Vradenburg Sexual Harassment: The Whys and Wherefores, A Haskell Disolution of Marriage: A Practical Overview, J Ruth, R Fisen Missouri Physicians Health Program Information 618 ® Missouri Medicine © November/December 2004 ® Vol. 101 ® No. 6 Missouri Medicine CME The Manchester Procedure, E Pearce .... The Role of Ob/Gyns in the Prevention and Vulvar Pain, J Wall ‘Treatment of Osteoporosis, R Derman The Role of Ob/Gyns in the Prevention and Genetic Susceptibility to Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Risk Assessment, Treatment of Osteoporosis, R Derman .. Genetic Counseling, and Management Issues, M Shah Effective Management of Home Exacerbations Diverticular Bieeding: Novel ‘Treatment with Band Ligation, L Tucker (Yellow Zone) of Asthma, C Dinakar ... Prehospital Dispatch Assessment of Stroke, Stroke: A Cardiologist’s Perspective, D Bogart S Ellison, M Gratton, R Schwab, O Ma Melanoma Reporting in Missouri, R Weiner, C Anderson, K Edison, E Greer ... Enzyme Replac ement Therapy For Lysosomal Storage Disorders: Successful Transition From Concept To Clinical Practice, W Sly Neurocutaneous Syndromes, V Rose 112 Missouri State Medical Association The Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Challenges of Genetic Contact Guide 3, 75, 147, 239, 435, Testing: Implications for Primary Medical Care, L Waldman ... . 117 NIN IO occas ciguatussucsvnenden cibeieae ananatiesttmast saeccainssedleendaieunievecssia n Councilors/Vice Councilors, Pictoviall ...............0sc+sssecossossoesssesesevessecceonensasovsseess Prenatal Screening for Birth Defects: An Update, K Morris ..........0:::sscsesesseeseees 121 AMA Delegates/Alternates, Pictorial ............::::::sssssssessssessessencsseseessenerseneeneasenes Resources of Genetic Education for Non-Geneticists, J Batanian Constitution and Bylaws Genetic Susceptibility to Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Risk Assessment, NI crea, cetettads cocdeacocansn oon secshiddsecvsssh Heated Soabet ontnesnubatea rascesiencgnen aaa Genetic Counseling, and Management Issues, M Shah Committees and Commissions .. Ordering Errors by First-Year Residents: Evidence of RRR SEER cgS ER EE: SRE pene Re pe rn Re APO aN Learning from Mistakes, H Walling, C Veremakis Legislative oR ae nan et FANE rem NR eRe Ant wae LTA LI, Seasem ane Detection of Pathogenic Ehrlichia in Ticks Collected at Acquisition Sites of Human Membership Application Ehrlichiosis in Missouri, A DeShields, E Borman-Shoap, J Peters, M Gaudreault-Keener, M Arens, G Storch New Members Effective Management of Home Exacerbations Jan/Feb (Yellow Zone) of Asthma, C Dinakar DRIP OIE ivonencrsececccnsssnenanssacseasievenvesinsatenvantusnessbassesesseccenseespesonergnadioamerrannehoterass Analysis of Freshwater Pathogens: A Guide to Rational Empiric Nov/Dec Antibiotic Coverage, B Beckert, C Puckett, M Concannon .........s005 csesseeseseenees Lifestyle Modifications for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Policy Manual Disease: An Evidence-Based Approach, G Harris, R White .........0.:::0sseseseesesees The Prevalence of Diabetes and Related Services in Missouri and Missouri’s Perspective Progress Towards Meeting the Healthy People 2010 Goals C Chmidling, We Will Rescue Tort Reform This Session! C Hanaway T Veadderbeery, ff Antler: «. 0isscsosessenssqrseaenusianstovactagsetn ltensslaiaberoanensehoi hndee d The Future of Medical Education: A Crisis Brewing, R Smith Theme Issue: The Future of Medical Education Biomedical Education 2004 Shaping Up to be Another Busy Year for Civil Justice Reform, S Joyce in the 21“ Century J Russell, P Stahl, J Stephenson, A Whelan A Dangerous Prescription: ‘Trial Lawyers, Inc. The Clinical Experience in Medical Education-Past, ‘Takes on Missouri Medicine, | Copeland Present, Future, K Ludmerer .. Tort Reform in the Answer, G Morrison The Washington University Medical Scientist ‘Training Hospitals: Sharing Your Pain! J Crossett ... Program, B Sullivan, S Kornfeld, C Frieden, D Goldberg A Primary Care Clinician’s Observations Proteomics, Genomics and the Future of Medical Education, L Pike, J Sadler .. of the Problem-Based Learning Curriculum, M.R. Hayden Integrating Social and Ethics-Based Aspects of Medicine Into Physician Education, I Kodner, S Lefrak, R Dresser, R Rothbaum ... Physician Recognition Awards ...... Stroke: A Cardiologist’s Perspective, D Bogart Comparing Practice Differences of Residency Graduates: Practice Spec I 5 sicreas ckcpnninaveacicos menkahiaes 2 Implications for Curricular Change, B Beasley, S Babbott, T Partridge Melanoma Reporting in Missouri, R Weiner, CAnderson, K Edison, E Greer, .... President’s Page Cardiac Surgery in the Newborn: Improved Results in the Who is Willing to Step up and Try for Change? F DeFeo Current Era, A Fiore, S Jureidini, W Keenan, R Johnson, The Lord of the Rings Retlects Tort Reform Saga, F DeFeo Onchocerca Volvulus Breast Mass: Case Report from Cameroon Presidential Biography, E Cabbabe and Literature Review, K Zavieh, C McCarthur, § Eswaran, W DePond No Longer the Good Ole’ Boy Metnedtte, © CNG shciiciicescccnernneee While You Are Busy Practicing Medicine, EFC abbabe Statement of Ownership, Management, & Circulation Where Do We Go From Here? ........ Theme Issues Roster Jan/Feb University of Missouri-Kansas City Alphabetical Roster of Members School of Medicine Women’s Medical Theme Issue Membership Roster by Primary Specialties Maar ADF «..20.sssnevssssevesscsnedenvonsosavayedisvorinestanondoapeevenppevhteeensensnte Saint Louis University Roster of Members by Component Society School of Medicine Presents the Medical Genetics Issue Sept/Oct ... .. Washington University and the Future of Medicai Education PE EISE sesccissssicisn Siiphdicieer cceaaaieens Legislative/Tort Reform Scientific Articles Management of Abnormal Bleeding in Adolescents, J Stric kland The Adnexal Mass in Preggn ancy, D Schnee Women in Medicine November/December 2004 @ Vol. 101 © No. 6 ® Missouri Medicine ® 619

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