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Miscellaneous New Species of Maxillaria (Orchidaceae) PDF

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by  AtwoodJohn T
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Preview Miscellaneous New Species of Maxillaria (Orchidaceae)

LUER: NEW LEPANTHES FROM HISPANIOLA 29 Planta parva mediocrisve racemo congesto folio el ends more or less acute, the connectives broadly liptico-ovato breviter acuminato brevio re, sepalis ova cuneate, the body broad, connate to the base of tis acutis, petalis transverse bilobis, lobo superiore cu the column, the sinus obtuse, with a small, bifid, neiformi late truncato, lobo inferiore minore obtuso, long-ciliate appendix; column stout, 1 mm long, labelli laminis semilunatis, appendice bifida longicilia the anther and stigma apical. ta distinguitur. Etymology. From the Latin truncatipetalus, Plant small to medium in size, epiphytic, "with truncate petals," referring to upper lobes caespitose; roots slender. Ramicauls erect, slen of the petals. der, 5-7 cm long, enclosed by 7-8 microscopi This species is known only from a collection cally ciliate, lepanthiform sheaths. Leaf erect, by Dod. It is characterized by the medium-sized coriaceous, elliptical-ovate, acute, shortly acu habit with elliptical leaves more or less acumi minate, 22-36 mm long, 15 mm wide, the base nate at both the apex and base, and a congested obtuse, shortly acuminate into a petiole ca. 2 raceme borne along the back. The sepals are mm long. Inflorescence a congested, distichous, ovate and acute with the laterals connate below successively many-flowered raceme up to 5 mm the middle. The petals are transversely lobed, long, borne behind the leaf by a filiform pedun with upper lobe cuneate, broadly and sharply cle 10 mm long; floral bracts 1 mm long; pedi truncate. The connectives and body are broad cels 1 mm long; ovary 1 mm long; sepals entire, with a small, bifid, long-ciliate appendix. glabrous, subcarinate, ovate, acute, the dorsal se pal 3.75 mm long, 2.75 mm wide, 3-veined, con nate to the lateral sepals for 0.5 mm, the lateral LITERATURE CITED sepals oblique, 3.5 mm long, 2 mm wide, 2- Hespenheide, H.A. and D.O. Dod. 1989. El genero Le veined, connate 1 mm; petals glabrous, trans panthes (Orchidaceae) de la Espanola. I., Mos versely bilobed, 1 mm long, 2 mm wide, the cosoa 5: 250-264. upper lobe cuneate, broadly and Sharply trun ---. 1990. EI genero Lepanthes (Orchidaceae) de cate, the lower lobe smaller, oblong, round on la Espanola. II., Moscosoa 6: 167-195. the end; lip glabrous, bilobed with sharply de ---,. 1993. El genero Lepanthes (Orchidaceae) de marcated, semilunate blades, 1.5 mm long, the la Espanola. III., Moscosoa 7: 171-198. Selbyana 24(1): 30-43. 2003. MISCELLANEOUS NEW SPECIES OF MAXILLARIA (ORCHIDACEAE) JOHN T. ATWOOD Missouri Botanical Garden, Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. Mailing Address: P.O. Box Woodstock, VT 05091. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. Ten new species of Maxillaria are described, nine from Andean South America and one from Mexico. Floral details are based on camera lucida drawings of flowers rehydrated with ammonia. Each description contains comparison notes with hypothesized closely related species. Key words: Maxillaria, Orchid, Orchidaceae, Ornithidium INTRODUCTION Inflorescences apparently one per leaf axil; scapes ca. 2.5-3 cm, ovary with pedicel 20-24 A study of the complexes of species around mm subtended by a floral bract less than 2 mm. Maxillaria aggregata (Kunth) Lindl., M. aden Flowers gaping, the color described by collec drobium (Rchb. f.) Dressler, and M. graminifolia tors as red brown to purple streaked with green; (Kunth) Rchb. f. made apparent the lack of the lateral sepals reflexed and the petals ap names for nine species. In addition to providing pressed to the column. Sepals dissimilar; the names for these species, this article describes a dorsal 17 X 4-5 mm, lanceolate, acute; lateral tenth species from Mexico, thus legitimizing a sepals 16 X ca. 4 mm, somewhat falcate, re herbarium name. flexed and oblique at the base, acute. Petals 13- Floral details are based on camera lucida 16 X 4 mm, elliptic to elliptic-Ianceolate, rather drawings of flowers rehydrated with ammonia. falcate, appressed to the column, sharply acute. All original drawings have been reduced to 65% Lip 10-11 X 6-7 mm in natural position, hinged on acid free paper and mounted directly on their to the column foot, recurved at the base, some respective herbarium sheets. The number of what 3-lobate on the lower third, the lateral flowers analyzed per species is provided as a lobes high, broadly rounded; the midlobe round record of sample size. when spread, deeply emarginate apically, and with a conic mucro at the apex ca. 1.5-2 mm; callus a mere thickening centrally below the si TAXONOMIC TREATMENTS nuses. Column stout (probably pollinated), 6-7 mm, strongly arching; foot ca. 2 mm; anther un Maxillaria cachacoensis J.T. Atwood, sp. nov. known. Capsules unknown. TYPE: Ecuador: Provo Loja: Cachaco, km 24 Yangana to Valladolid, 2450 m, 24 July Etymology. Named for the place, Cachaco, 1985, Dodson et al. 16021 (Holotype: where the type was found. MO). FIGURE 1. Known from just two localities in the prov ince of Loja, Ecuador at 2450-2800 m in cold, Ex affinitate Maxillariae haemathodis (Ruiz & Pa wet, and windy cloud forests. Flowering at least von) Garay, sed labelo sine ungue et colore castaneo July to September. floris differt. Species haec M. brevifoUae (Lindl.) The rugose sheath, conic apicule of the mov Rchb. f. similis, sed vaginis foliarum rugosis, lamina able lip, and minute floral bract suggest that foliarum late lanceolata, labeloque ecalloso distingui Maxillaria cachacoensis is most closely related tur. to the Neourbania (Maxilla ria adendrobium Plant to ca. 1 m, terrestrial (probably oppor (Rchb. f.) Dressler) alliance including M. hae tunistically so and also epiphytic), straggly, ap mathodes (Ruiz & Pavon) Garay. The monopo parently monopodial and lacking pseudobulbs as dial plant habit of M. cachacoensis superficially adults; juveniles unknown; roots grayish, to ca. resembles some members of the M. graminifolia 1.5 mm in diameter, in part serving as props. alliance, and it has been identified as M. brevi Stems 4-6 mm in diameter, erect to decumbent, folia (Lindl.) Rchb. f., but the leaves are notice concealed by leaf sheaths, each branch forming ably broader than those of the latter species. The an acute angle with the main stem. Leaves dis floral bracts are minute as is typical of Neour tichous, sheaths coarsely rugose, with broadened bania (s. str.) and Omithidium (s. str.). Number hyaline margins; blade 3.5-6 X 1-1.7 cm, lack of flowers analyzed: 2. ing a petiole, probably coriaceous, with veins Paratype. ECUADOR: Provo Loja: km 12-14, emerging beneath, broadly lanceolate to narrow near top of pass on road to Zamora, 2800 m, 28 ly ovate, acute, the margin denticulate apically. Sep. 1961, Dodson & Thien 774 (MO). 30 ATWOOD: NEW SPECIES OF MAXILLARIA 31 8 ! ~ '/';/ ; r~P· ;:;:?)/ J -;/"/ ~/ ;/ FIGURE L Maxillaria cachacoensis. A. Flower oblique view (petal partly missing). B. Dissected perianth; sepals ventral surface. C. Lip and column profile view. Drawing based on the holotype (scale bar = 10 mm). MaxiUaria canarensis J.T. Atwood, sp. nov. genta. Sepals 6-8 X 3-3.5 mrn, ovate-oblong, TYPE: Ecuador: Provo Cafiar: near the vil obtuse, fleshy-mucronate, the laterals somewhat lage of San Marcos, 5-8 kIn northeast of oblique. Petals 5-6 X 2-2.25 mrn, elliptic, Azogues, 13 April 1945, Prieto 2605 (Ho oblique at the base, apex obtuse, fleshy-mucro lotype: SEL, Isotype: AMES). FIGURE 2. nate. Lip ca. 5 mm long in natural position, 5.5 X 3 mrn when spread; hinged to the column Species haec a Maxillaria aggregata (Kunth) Lindl. foot, cuneate at the base and lacking a distinct similis, sed floribus albidis et columna sine iugo trans claw, somewhat 3-lobate on the upper fourth, verso differt. lateral lobes rounded, embracing the column; Plant poorly known, probably epiphytic but midlobe suborbicular; callus a fleshy ligule con known to be terrestrial; stems elongate, decum necting the lateral lobes. Column ca. 3 mrn bent, with leaves clustered at the shoot apices; without anther, stout, without transverse ridge pseudobulbs unknown in adults; juveniles un but with a knob at the rudimentary column foot; known; roots to 1.25 mrn in diameter, often rath anther ca. 1 mrn wide, viscidium less than 0.5 er straight perhaps to serve as props. Leaves 10 mrn. Capsules unknown. to many per shoot, tightly congested; sheaths strongly rugose with broad hyaline margins; Etymology. Named for the province of blade 3-7 cm X 6-9 mrn, fleshy, elliptic-oblong, Cafiar from which the species is known. keeled beneath near the apex, rather striate; apex Maxillaria canarensis is known only from Ec acute and remaining rather conduplicate. Inflo uador in the provinces of Caiiar and Loja at rescences several per leaf; scapes ca. 1 cm; ova 2610 m. Flowering April and June. ry 5-7 mrn subtended by a floral bract ca. 1 mrn. This species is odd for the Maxillaria aggre Flower campanulate, white or white turning ma- gata complex in that the lip is variously hinged 32 SELBYANA Volume 24(1) 2003 8 A FIGURE 2. Maxillaria canarensis. A. Dissected flower; sepals, and petal ventral surface. B. Lip and column profile view. Drawing based on the holotype (scale bar = 10 mm). (some more flexible than others), the column Ex affinitate Maxillariae mapiriensis (Kraenzl.) lacks a transverse ridge, and the flowers are L.O. Williams, sed foliis teretibus et fioribus minori white turning magenta. One collector states that bus, hypochilo brevio re differt. the flowers are cleistogamous. It is possible that Plant to ca. 30 cm, epiphytic, erect to decum M. canarensis is a selfing form of M. aggregata bent, conspicuously rhizomatous with each rhi with reverted hinged lip, assuming the fixed lip zome segment ending in a tuft of leaves; pseu is an autapomorphy for the complex. Specimens dobulbs apparently absent; juveniles unknown; of M. aggregata from southern Ecuador have roots to 1 mID in diameter, grayish. Stems 2-4 white flowers initially according to collector's mID in diameter, apparently decumbent, con notes. Those specimens examined have both cealed by remote bladeless sheaths, each rhi fixed lips and transverse ridges. zome segment terminated by 3-6 leaves. Leaves The nature of the fixed lip may not be critical with rugose sheaths, narrowed above the artic in some species. The lip is fixed through the ulation; blades 3-9 cm X 2-4 mID, coriaceous fusion of the base of the lateral lobes with the and terete, the apex acute. Inflorescences 1 or column, which may be minimal. Fusion of the possibly more per foliaceous sheath axil, ca. 2 lip with column is most extreme in Maxillaria cm long with the flower well exerted; ovary with fuZgens (Rchb. f.) L.a. Williams. Number of pedicel ca. 6.5 mID, floral bract less than 1 mID, flowers analyzed: 4. acute. Flowers with lateral sepals spread and the dorsal sepal and petals more or less appressed Paratype. ECUADOR: Provo Loja: 4 June to the column, green with reddish petals and lip 1976, Brenner 78 (SEL). with gray spots according to collector's notes. Maxillaria condorensis J.T. Atwood, sp. nov. Sepals similar, 3.5-4 X 1.2-1.8 mID, lance TYPE: Ecuador: Provo Zamora-Chinchipe: ovate, acute and thickened apically; dorsal Road Pasquisha to Mayaicu to Chinapista at somewhat concave; the lateral sepals somewhat base of Cordillera del Condor, 1250-1450 oblique. Petals 3-3.5 X 1 mID, oblong, acute, m, 20 May 1988, Hirtz 3811 (Holotype: clasping the column. Lip ca. 3.5 X 2.2 mID in RPSC). FIGURE 3. natural position, hinged to the column foot, with ATWOOD: NEW SPECIES OF MAXILLARIA 33 B FIGURE 3. Maxillaria condorensis. A. Entire flower. B. Dissected perianth; sepals and petal ventral surface. C. Lip and column profile view. Drawing based on the holotype (scale bar = 10 mm). distinct hypochile (base) less than 1.5 mm and support recognition of this species despite pau reflexed epichile (midlobe); lateral lobes mostly city of specimens. Number of flowers analyzed: fused to the canaliculate callus; epichile ca. 3 X 2 from the holotype. 2.2 mm, subquadrate when spread, with thin, un Maxillaria maldonadoensis J.T. Atwood, sp. dulate, and somewhat revolute margins; callus nov. TYPE: Ecuador: Provo Carchi: Rio 1.2 X 1.5 mm, smooth in front in the present Blanco drainage above Chical, tributary of example. Column less than 2 mm long exclud Rio San Juan, ca. 12 kID west of Maldona ing the anther, arching; foot less than 1 mm, do, 1300-1500 m elev., 25 Sep. 1979, Gen lacking a knob at the apex. Capsules unknown. try & Shupp 26575 (Rolotype: SEL; Iso Etymology. Named for the Cordillera del type: MO). FIGURE 4. C6ndor, where it is known. Known only by the holotype from Ecuador at ?Ornithidium compactum Schltr., Repert. 1250-1450 m elev. Flowering 20 May 1988. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 7: 177-178. 1920. Maxillaria condorensis is similar to M. ma TYPE: Colombia: Dept. Cauca: M. Madero (Ro piriensis (Kraenzl.) L.O. Williams but has nearly lotype: B, presumably destroyed). terete leaves, much smaller flowers with propor Species haec a Maxillaria aggregata (Kunth) Lindl. tionately shorter hypochile. It also apparently similis, sed floribus luteis, et plantis altitiIdinium in lacks pseudobulbs. These notable differences feriorium. 34 SELBYANA Volume 24(1) 2003 A c FIGURE 4. Maxillaria maldonadoensis. A. Dissected perianth; sepals and petal ventral surface. B. Column profile view. C. Lip and column profile view. Drawing based on the holotype (scale bar = 10 mm). Plant probably to at least 1 m tall. straggly, spread but somewhat conduplicate in natural po probably decumbent with long airborne rhi sition; callus connecting lateral lobes massive zomes, branched; renewal shoots each terminat forming a cavity (with nectar?) at the base. Col ed by a tuft of 5-15 distichous leaves, often umn 3-4 mm excluding the anther, cylindric, lacking a clearly defined pseudobulb, the old with indistinguishable foot passing impercepti stem apices appearing cone-like with abscised bly into the lip, with prominent transverse ridge leaf blades; rhizomes 8-20 cm; juveniles un ca. lh between foot and stigma; anther suborbic known; roots grayish, to 1.5 mm in diameter, ular, ca. 1 mm in diameter. Capsules ca. 8-10 often rather straight probably serving as prop mm long including the beak; pedicel ca. 3 mm. roots. Pseudobulbs when present 2-2.5 X 1 cm, apically 1 foliate. Leaves non-petiolate, usually Etymology. Named for the town, Maldon spreading; sheaths rugose; blades 2.5-10 cm X ado, near which the species is known. 5-8 mm, stiffly coriaceous, linear lanceolate, Known from wet premontane and lower mon apex sharply acute and remaining conduplicate. tane forests of northern Ecuador and central Co Inflorescences 2 or more per leaf axil; scapes lombia at 800-1600 m. Flower color notes from ca. 1 cm; ovary 9-10 mm, subtended by a col the Colombian population indicates "orange" or lar-like, acute, floral bract,less than 1 mm. Flow changing to reddish after pollination, possibly ers campanulate, very fleshy, bright yellow (to indicating yet a different species. Flowering at orange in Colombian populations). Sepals 6-8 least November, December, April, May, and X 3-3.5 mm, similar, ovate, obtuse; laterals September. Fruiting at least December and Jan somewhat oblique at the base. Petals 5-6.5 X 2 uary. mm, elliptic, bluntly acute. Lip 5-7 mm in nat Plants are unique in the Maxillaria aggregata ural position, without a claw, and lacking a complex in the bright yellow flowers (turning hinge at the column base, sigmoid in profile with orange in central Colombia), the very prominent the apex recurved, lightly 3-10bate on the upper transverse ridge located about a third of the dis third; lateral lobes embracing the column, tance between the foot and stigma, and prefer rounded; midlobe 1.5-2 mm, suborbicular when ence for relatively low elevations. Other yellow- ATWOOD: NEW SPECIES OF MAX/LLARIA 35 FIGURE 5. Maxillaria mexicana. A. Flower profile view. B. Dissected perianth; sepals and petal dorsal surface plus lip ventral view. C. Column and lip profile view. Drawing based on Nagel & Gonzales 726 (AMES) (scale bar = 10 mm). flowered plants are lmown from northern Co (SEL, in fruit); trail from Patlon to Gualpi Chico lombia (M. nubigena (Rchb. f.) C. Schweinf.), area of Aw:i Reservation, 1.5 km past Rio Blan but these occur at much higher elevations; their co, 0°51 'N, 78°16'W, 14 Jan. 1988 (in fruit), flowers are lighter yellow and have lips with dis Hoover et al. 2389 (MO); Maldonado-Tobar tinct claws; and their columns have less promi Donoso Trail near Pefias Blancas, 800 m, 5 Dec. nent transverse ridges. Possibly a species from 1990 (in fruit), Dodson 18568 (RPSC). (Dept.?): Venezuela with larger plants and yellow flowers Cordillera Occidental, western slope, Hoya del is undescribed. Number of flowers analyzed: 8. Rio Sanquinini, left side, La Laguna, 1250-1400 m, 10-20 Dec. 1943, Cuatrecasas 15418 Paratypes. COLOMBIA: Dept. Putumayo: (AMES). Municipio Mocoa, corregimiento de San Anto nio, vereda Alto Campucana, Eastern slope, Maxillaria mexicana J.T. Atwood, sp. nov. 1400 m, 76°38'W, l012'N, 20 April-l May TYPE: Mexico: Edo. Guerrero: Distr. Montes 1994, Betancur et al. 5026 (d., HUH). Dept. de Oca: "Vallecitos," 3 July 1937, Hinton Antioquia: Parque Nacional Natural "Las Or et al. 10554 (Holotype: MO). FIGURE 5. quideas", Sector Venados, margen derecha del Planta haec a Maxillaria varibile Bateman ex Lind!. Rio Venados, 800 m, 3 April 1988, Cogollo et similis, sed pseudobulbis fortiter rugosis differt. al. 3014 (MO); Mpio. Urrao, Zona limitrofe del Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquideas, margen Plant at least 20 em, epiphytic, creeping but izquierda del Rio Calles, 6°32'N, 76°19'W, rooted only at the base; roots to ca. 1 mm in 1450-1500 m, 30 Nov. 1993, PipoZy et al. diameter. Stems each comprised of a renewal 17399 (MO); same locality and date, Pipoly et shoot with rhizome segment to ca. 2 em at base al. 18011 (MO). ECUADOR: Provo Carchi: Be concealed by acute bracts terminated by a pseu tween Chical and Pefia Blancas, valley of Rio dobulb; pseudobulbs oblong, furrowed (deeply San Juan on Colombia border, 1100-1250 m, 24 in dried specimens), subtended only by nonfol Sep. 1979, Gentry & Shupp 26487 (MO, SEL); iaceous bracts, apex I-foliate. Leaf 3.5-17 X vicinity of Maldonado, 1600 m, 13 April 1977, 0.6-1.4 cm, linear-Ianceolate, keeled beneath, Madison 3897 (SEL); EI Paflon, ca. 45 km be thinly coriaceous, shortly petiolate; apex obtuse low Maldonado along foot path to Tobar Don to bluntly acute, mucronate. Inflorescence lat oso, 800 m, 2 Dec. 1979, Madison & Besse 7241 eral, scapes to ca. 3 cm; ovary 12 mm, cylindric, 36 SELBYANA Volume 24(1) 2003 floral bract ca. 5 mm. Flowers maroon, campan way to Acapulco, ca. 3000 ft., 20 Aug. 1948, u1ate, rather fleshy. Sepals similar, with acute to Moore & Wood 4701 (AMES); near Petaguillas obtuse and mucronate apices; dorsal 10-12.5 X S. of Chilpancingo, 99°28'W, 17°30N, ca. 1200 4-5 mm, ovate-elliptic; lateral sepals 11-12 X m, 27 Aug. 1935, Nagel 726 (AMES); Teotepec, 4 mm, lance-ovate, oblique at the base. Petals Mt. Pecineta, 100016'W, 17° 17'N, 1200 m, 5 8-11 X 3.5-4.5 mm, elliptic-oblanceolate, Nov. 1934, Nagel 1977 (AMES). Edo. Mexico: strongly recurved apically, bluntly acute and Canada de Nanchititla, 1600 m, 25-26 May mucronate. Lip 8-9 X 3.5-4.5 mm, hinged to 1954, Matuda et al. 30800 (AMES). Edo. Mi the column foot, somewhat arching, ovate or choacan: S. Naranjillo, 14 July 1939, Hinton et very lightly 3-lobate when spread, the sides al. 13945 (MO); Distr. Coa1coman: S. Naranjil- somewhat embracing the column; apex emargin 10, 14 July 1939, Hinton 13945 (AMES); Tan ate; callus on the lower half 3-4 X 1.5-2 mm, citaro, 2150 m, 16 Nov. 1940, Hinton 15699 simple, fleshy, obovate, rounded at the base and (AMES); Region of Morelia, 1700 m, 30 May apex. Column clavate, somewhat arching, 5.5- 1936, Mata 5859 (AMES); Edo. Nayarit: NW of 7.5 mm excluding the anther; with distinct foot Compostela, 104°45'W, 21°2'N, 840 m, [date not ca. 2 mm long. Capsule 2 cm, ellipsoid, lacking stated], Espinosa & Elenes 1810 (AMES). Oa a pedicel but with persistent perianth. xaca: Pacific slopes below Pluma Hidalgo to ward Huatu1co, 96°21'W, 15°53'N, 850 m, Nagel Etymology. Named for Mexico where it is 5383 (AMES). "Sinaloa to Durango: from Pa endemic. cific coasts to Sta. Lucia," 900 m, 25 May 1936, Endemic to deciduous forests 800-1700 m of Nagel 5163 (AMES, MO). ?Guerrero: Distr. Te the drier western states of Guerrero, Michoacan, mascaltepec: Ypericones, 26 July 1933, Hinton and possibly Durango and Sinaloa, Mexico. Epi 4370 (AMES, 2 sheets); Ypericones 1500 m, 4 phytic at least on oaks. Flowering at least May May 1933, Hinton 3890 (AMES); "near Temas and July; fruiting in July. caltepec," ca. 1800, 8 April 1932, Hinton 2855 Maxillaria variabilis Bateman ex LindL is (AMES); Ixtapan, 1000 m, 24 March 1933, Hin known from at least Mexico (Veracruz) to Pan ton 3648 (AMES). ama, and it may represent two or more species. Maxillaria mexicana has been long known as M. MaxiUaria oxapampensis J.T. Atwood, sp. nov. variabilis from which it is distinguished princi 'TYPE: Peru: Cordillera Yanachaga, 14 km E. pally by the strongly furrowed pseudobulbs, per of main Oxapampa-Villa Rica road, stunted haps an adaptive response to the dry habitat. cloud forest, 10035'S, 75°15'W, 2450 m, 2 Floral notes indicate a consistently dark flower. March 1982, Gentry & Smith 35969 (Ho Some populations of M. variabilis also exhibit lotype: MO; Isotypes: SEL, USM). maroon flowers, but these are believed to be nat FIGURE 6. ural hybrids with another species (M.A. Soto Planta foliis crassis, floribus campanulatis pustulatis Arenas pers. comm.), possibly with M. hout luteis. Ex affinitate Maxillariae deuteropastensis P. Or teana Rchb. f. It also is possible that M. mexi tiz, sed foliis angustioribus, floribus rninoribus differt. cana is the stabilized result of an ancient hybrid. Species haec a M. alticola C. Schweinf. sirnilis, sed The furrowed pseudobulbs, reflecting a dry hab ovariis teretibus differt. itat as well as geography, are consistent with rec Plant probably at least 50 cm, terrestrial (and ognition as a new species. Flowers analyzed: 3. probably epiphytic), adult shoots monopodial Paratypes. MEXICO: Edo. Colima: Foot of (neither the lower adult plant nor juveniles Volcan Colima, 103°45W, 19°26'N, 900 m, 8 known). Stems ca. 1 cm in diameter, concealed April 1932, Hinton 3648 (AMES); Barranca by sheaths, the branches forming acute angles Delgado, SW of Hacienda San Antonio, with the main stem. Leaves coriaceous; sheaths 103°46'W, 19°24'N, 800 m, 22 Sept. 1934, Na rugose, with broad hyaline margins; blades gel 4059 (AMES). Edo. Guerrero: Barranca de sharply reflexed near the articulation, 4-9 cm X Joveritos, km 353 rd. Mexico-Acalpulco, 7-10 mm, linear-elliptic, bluntly acute, the mar 99°31'W, 17°21'N, 1500 m, 6 Dec. 1933 (in gins serrulate apically. Inflorescences 2 or more fruit), Juan G. & O. Nagel 3323 (AMES); near per leaf sheath; scapes ca. 2-3 cm; ovary in Petaquillas, S. or Chilpancingo, km 320 rd Mex cluding pedicel 9-12 mm, pustulose, floral bract ico-Acalpu1co, 99°28'W, 17°30'N, 1400 m, 16 minute, under 1 mm. Flowers very fleshy, yel June 1932, Juan G. 740 (AMES); near Joveritos, low, campanulate. Sepals 7.5 X 4-4.5 mm, con km 353, Acapulco, 99°31'N, 17°21'N, ca. 1000 cave, pustulose, ovate, the apex obtuse to round m, 19 Aug. 1932, Ostlund 1134 (AMES); 25 ed, with a broad, thick apicule, the laterals miles S. of Chilpancingo, 16 Aug. 1947, Rowell somewhat oblique. Petals 6-7 X 3-3.5 mm, el & Barkley 777 (AMES); at km 339-340 be liptic, apex obtuse and apiculate. Lip 5-5.5 X tween Acahuizotla and Agua de Obispo on high- 2-2.5 mm in natural position, probably a bit ATWOOD: NEW SPECIES OF MAX/LLARIA 37 FIGURE 6. Maxillaria Dxapampensis. A. Entire flower. B. Dissected perianth; sepals and petal dorsal surface plus lip ventral view. C. Lip and column profile view. D. Column profile view. E. Anther and column showing substigmatic plate. Drawing based on the holotype (scale bar = 10 mm). flexible but not hinged to the column foot and relatively smooth flowers with distinctly hinged forming an acute angle with it, obscurely 3-10- lips and longer ovaries. Maxillaria deuteropas bate; claw ca. 2 mm, cuneate, canaliculate; lat tensis P. Ortiz has larger flowers, broader leaves eral lobes broadly rounded and embracing the and ranges from northern Ecuador to Central column, midlobe squarrose, with a sharp apicule Colombia. Also it is probably closely related to ca. 0.75 mm beneath the apex; margins crisped M. haemathodes (Ruiz & Pavon) Garay from apically; callus massive connecting the lateral farther south, which has much broader leaves, lobes and forming a deep cavity at the base, ex and larger flowers ranging from blue to lavender. tending onto the midlobe. Column 3-3.5 mm Maxillaria alticola C. Schweinf., ranging from excluding the anther, stout, somewhat arching, Venezuela into Peru, also has superficially sim with a broadly elliptic plate on the lower half; ilar yellow flowers; but its leaves are thinner, the foot ca. 1-1.5 mm; anther ca. 1.25 mm in di ovaries are trigonous, the lip is distinctly fixed ameter. Capsules unknown. and continuous with the column foot, and the distinct oval midlobe is broad and flat. Number Etymology. Named for the Peruvian prov of flowers analyzed: 3 (from two collections). ince, Oxapampa, where the type was collected. Known only from Dept. Pasco in elfin forests Paratype. PERU: Dept. Pasco: border Provo at 2450-2700 m. Flowering March. Oxapampa and Pasco, San Cotardo, 2700 m, 7 Maxillaria oxampampensis is easily distin March 1986, van der Werft et aZ. 8545 (MO). guished in the region by the thick short leaves and bright yellow flowers. It is closely related to Maxillaria patella J.T. Atwood, sp. nov. TYPE: M. patella J.T. Atwood (see below) from Dept. Peru: Dept. Amazonas: Provo Luya: Cam Amazonas with broader leaves, somewhat larger porredonda, leaving Tullanga on road to 38 SELBYANA Volume 24( 1) 2003 FIGURE 7. Maxillaria patella. A. Oblique view of flower. B. Dissected periantb; sepals and petal dorsal surface. C. Lip and column profile view. D. Column profile showing substigmatic plate (see arrow) and ventral views. Drawing based on tbe holotype (scale bar = 10 mm). Cerro Huicsocunga or Condorpuna between at the articulation, coriaceous, acute. Inflores Paseana "La Palma" and the base of the cences 2 or more per leaf sheath; scapes ca. 2- mountain, 2700-3000 m, 6 Sep. 1989, Dfaz 3 cm; ovary with pedicel 1.8 cm, clavate; floral & Campos 3744 (Holotype: MO; Isotype: bract minute, less than 2 mm. Flowers fleshy, USM). FIGURE 7. yellow. Sepals similar, 9-11 X 4-4.5 mm, ob long-Ianceolate, the apex bluntly acute and with Species haec a Maxillaria deuteropastensi P. Ortiz a thick apicule. Petals elliptic to lanceolate, 7- similis, sed floribus minoribus differt. 8.5 X ca. 3 mm, obtuse, apiculate. Lip ca. 6 X Plant habit terrestrial (and epiphytic?), erect 3 mm in natural position, 7 X 6 mm when or decumbent, to 60 cm, the adults monopodial; spread, hinged with the column foot, somewhat juveniles unknown; roots to 2.5 mm in diameter. 3-lobate on the upper third; claw 1.5-2 mm, cu Stems to ca. 1 cm in diameter, concealed by leaf neate; lateral lobes embracing the column, sheaths, branches forming an acute angle with broadly rounded; midlobe squarrose; margins the main stem. Leaves distichous; the sheaths thin, crenulate; callus thick, connecting the lat rugose and with broad hyaline margins; blades erallobes and forming a cavity at the base, con to 6 X 1.8 cm in the present examples, reflexed tinuing apically onto the midlobe. Column 4.5-

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