Minutes of the 12th Meeting of the Focus Group on MTR South Island Line Scheme, Southern District Council (2008-2011) Date : 16 December 2010 Time : 10:00 a.m. Venue : SDC Conference Room Present: Mr CHU Ching-hong, JP (Chairman) Ms MAR Yuet-har, BBS, MH (Chairlady of SDC) Mr AU Lap-sing Mr CHAI Man-hon Mr CHAN Fu-ming Mrs CHAN LEE Pui-ying Ms CHEUNG Sik-yung Mr CHEUNG Siu-keung Mr FUNG Se-goun, Fergus Mr LAM Kai-fai, MH Ms LAM Yuk-chun, MH Mr LEUNG Ho-kwan, MH Mr MAK Chi-yan Mrs MAK TSE How-ling, Ada Mr TSUI Yuen-wa Mr WONG Che-ngai Mr WONG Ling-sun, Vincent Mr Paul ZIMMERMAN Mr CHOW Seung-man Mr CHEUNG Hon-fan Dr MUI Heung-fu, Dennis Mr PANG Siu-kei Mr PUK Kwan-kin Absent with Apologies: Ir CHAN Lee-shing William, JP Mr FUNG Wai-kwong 1 Dr YANG Mo, PhD Dr TANG Chi-wai, Sydney Secretary: Mr CHENG Wai-man, Raymond Executive Assistant (District Council)1, Southern District Office, Home Affairs Department In Attendance: Mr WONG Yin-fun, Alex, JP District Officer (Southern), Home Affairs Department Miss LEUNG Tsz-ying, Almaz Assistant District Officer (Southern), Home Affairs Department Miss LIN Ming Senior Executive Officer (District Council), Southern District Office, Home Affairs Department Mr HO Kwok-fai, Godfrey Assistant Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport) 7C, Transport and Housing Bureau Mr NG Tak-wing Chief Engineer/Railway Development 1-1, Highways Department Mr Vitus NG Senior Engineer/South Island Line 1, Highways Department Mr CHAN Gin-wing, David Senior Engineer/Priority Railway, Transport Department Ms LEE Yim-fong, Stella Chief Transport Officer/Bus & Railway, Transport Department Mr WONG Kin-wai, Ken Construction Manager - SIL Civil, MTR Corporation Limited Mr Bernard WONG Senior Liaison Engineer, MTR Corporation Limited Mr Jimmy POON Senior Construction Engineer - Civil, MTR Corporation Limited Ms TAM Zi-yuen, Jennifer Assistant Public Relations Manager - Projects & Property, MTR Corporation Limited Opening Remarks: The Chairman welcomed Members and representatives of the following government departments and MTR Corporation Limited (MTR) to the 12th meeting of the Focus Group on South Island Line Scheme (Focus Group) under the Southern District Council (SDC): (a) Mr HO Kwok-fai, Assistant Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport) 7C, Transport and Housing Bureau; (b) Mr NG Tak-wing, Chief Engineer/Railway Development 1-1, Highways Department; (c) Mr Vitus NG, Senior Engineer/South Island Line 1, Highways Department; 2 (d) Mr CHAN Gin-wing, Senior Engineer/Priority Railway, Transport Department; (e) Ms LEE Yim-fong, Chief Transport Officer/Bus & Railway, Transport Department; (f) Mr Ken WONG, Construction Manager - South Island Line Civil, MTR Corporation Limited; (g) Mr Bernard WONG, Senior Liaison Engineer, MTR Corporation Limited; (h) Mr Jimmy POON, Senior Construction Engineer - Civil, MTR Corporation Limited; and (i) Ms Jennifer TAM, Assistant Public Relations Manager - Projects & Property, MTR Corporation Limited. 2. The Chairman also welcomed representatives of the local and residents’ organisations in attendance. The Chairman advised that prior to the meeting, Dr YANG Mo, PhD had notified the Secretariat of his absence because of other engagement. (Ir CHAN Lee-shing, JP, Mr FUNG Wai-kwong and Dr TANG Chi-wai were absent from the meeting but the Secretariat had not been notified beforehand.) 3. The Chairman stated that according to the established arrangement, each Member be allotted a maximum of two three-minute slots to speak in respect of each agenda item. (Mr WONG Ling-sun, Mr Paul ZIMMERMAN and Mr FUNG Se-goun joined the meeting at 10:10 a.m., 10:10 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. respectively.) Agenda Item 1: Confirmation of the Draft Minutes of the 11th SIL Focus Group Meeting Held on 8 September 2010 4. The Chairman said that the draft minutes of the 11th meeting had been faxed to Members for perusal and hitherto no proposals for amendments had been received. The Focus Group confirmed the minutes of the 11th meeting. 5. Mr Paul ZIMMERMAN commented that since he had just received the English version of the draft minutes, he would like to reserve the right to propose amendments. 3 6. The Chairman advised Mr Paul ZIMMERMAN to contact the Secretariat after the meeting for any amendment proposals. He continued that if Members agreed to confirm the Chinese version of the draft minutes first. 7. The Focus Group confirmed the Chinese version of the draft minutes. (Post-meeting Note: Mr Paul ZIMMERMAN proposed some amendments on the English version of the draft minutes.) (Mr CHAN Fu-ming, Mr TSUI Yuen-wa and Mrs CHAN LEE Pui-ying joined the meeting at 10:20 a.m., 10:20 a.m. and 10:35 a.m. respectively.) Agenda Item 2: Latest Development of the South Island Line (East) Scheme 8. The Chairman said that Mr Paul ZIMMERMAN had submitted enquiries to the Transport and Housing Bureau (THB), MTR and the Focus Group through the Secretariat. The reply of THB was tabled for Members’ reference. 9. The Chairman advised that, the Executive Council (ExCo) authorised, under the Railways Ordinance, the implementation of the South Island Line (East) Scheme (SIL (East)) in November 2010. 10. The Chairman invited Mr HO Kwok-fai to brief Members on the latest developments of SIL (East). 11. Mr HO Kwok-fai advised that the Chief Executive (CE) in Council had authorised the SIL (East) on 30 November 2010. With the support of SDC, the Government would seek funding approval from the Finance Committee (FC) under the Legislative Council (LegCo) for the Essential Public Infrastructure Works (EPIW) of the SIL (East), so that the project could commence as soon as possible to meet the expectation of the public. With the ExCo’s authorization, the next step would be to confirm its financial arrangement and property development. After the consultation of SDC in mid-2010, the statutory procedure for the application to rezone the ex-Wong Chuk Hang Estate site commenced. It was expected that the Town Planning Board (TPB), having consulted the public, would make a decision on the review of the related application in early 2011. Upon the approval of TPB, the 4 construction works of the railway project would commence. 12. The Chairman asked whether Members had any enquiries on the latest developments of the SIL (East). 13. Mr CHAI Man-hon requested to know whether only parts of the project items were required to submit to FC while the some other parts were not, and what were the parts needed to submit to FC. He also wanted to know when the non-railway items (such as construction of footbridge) would be submitted to FC for approval. 14. Mr HO Kwok-fai gave a reply as follows: (a) The Government would seek support from the Subcommittee on Matters Relating to Railways of the Panel on Transport (the Subcommittee) under the LegCo on the EPIW in the afternoon on the meeting day (16 December). It was expected the funding application of EPIW would be submitted to the Public Works Subcommittee (PWSC) for vetting in January 2011, and funding approval from FC would be sought in February 2011; (b) When the CE in Council decided to proceed with further planning and design of the SIL (East) in 2007, the Wong Chuk Hang Estate site was reserved for the railway depot with above-depot private property development, and the site to the north of the Ocean Park Station was reserved for private property development with associated park and ride facilities, both subject to rezoning approval. However, considering that the vicinity of Ocean Park Station mainly comprised low to medium density residential development and tourism facilities, the Government, after discussion with MTR, subsequently proposed that the property development should be concentrated in the ex-Wong Chuk Hang Estate site; and (c) In May 2010, SDC supported the proposal to concentrate property development in the ex-Wong Chuk Hang Estate site. TPB started vetting the application for rezoning the said site from “Residential” to “Comprehensive Development Area” in mid-2010, and the result was expected to be available in early 2011. If the result was positive, the application would then be submitted to the CE in Council for authorization under the Town Planning Ordinance. In other words, the construction works of the SIL (East) could be commenced after the funding application of the EPIW of the SIL (East) was approved by the FC and the rezoning 5 application was vetted by the TPB and authorized by the CE in Council. 15. Mr CHAI Man-hon said that the consultation on the EPIW of the railway project (such as footbridge design) had yet to be completed, and it was only two months to go for submission to the PWSC and the FC. He asked how the Government would deal with it. 16. Mr HO Kwok-fai responded that THB had briefed Members on the seven items of the EPIW at the SDC meeting dated 8 September 2010, and had gained the support for their implementation to tie in with the commissioning of the SIL (East). 17. The Chairman said that the detailed design of the EPIW had been discussed in the last meeting and the Focus Group was basically in support of the related proposal. At that time, a Member had asked whether additional funding could be applied for more ancillary facilities, but so far the Secretariat had not received any new proposals. Therefore, the Government submitted the said EPIW proposal to the Subcommittee on 16 December 2010, and then through PWSC to FC for funding approval. If Members had further comments on the EPIW, they might raise it via the Secretariat. 18. Mr Paul ZIMMERMAN asked about the present status of the Wong Chuk Hang Master Layout Plan. 19. Mr HO Kwok-fai replied that further planning and design could not be started until the Government had completed the application for rezoning the ex-Wong Chuk Hang Estate site and handed over the site to MTR. MTR would then submit its proposal to TPB. After the vetting by TPB had completed, the Government would surrender the work site and property development right to MTR to fill the funding gap of the railway project. Afterwards, MTR would carry out further planning and design to complete the Wong Chuk Hang Master Layout Plan. The Government would then consult SDC and the public on the Master Layout Plan. 20. The Chairman invited MTR representatives to brief Members on the latest developments of the various aspects of the project and suggested Members to raise enquiries on and discuss each item separately. 21. Mr Bernard WONG said that MTR had commissioned an independent professional surveying company to conduct a survey to record the current condition of 6 buildings in close proximity to the alignment of the railway before the project works commenced. In the survey, visual inspection would be conducted on all common areas and individual premises and photographs would be taken for record. The professional surveyor company would notify the property owners concerned by mail beforehand and to make appointments for the inspection with residents at their convenience. 22. Ms Jennifer TAM briefed Members on the structure of Community Liaison Groups (CLGs) by PowerPoint presentation (Supplementary Information). Details were summarised as follows: - The purposes of establishing CLGs were to provide a direct communication channel between MTR and local residents to facilitate public understanding on the progress of project works and traffic diversion arrangements during the construction period, and to understand the concern of local community on the project; - It was suggested that six CLGs would be formed according to six sub-districts, namely Admiralty, Ocean Park and Chung Hom Shan, Wong Chuk Hang, Lei Tung, South Horizons and Telegraph Bay. Each CLG would comprise DC Member(s) of local constituencies, the related government department representatives and the representatives from organisations and schools, owners’ corporations/owners’ committees and management offices in the areas affected by the railway alignment; - CLGs would convene meeting regularly, which would be scheduled according to the progress of construction works. It was expected that the CLGs would meet on a quarterly basis; and - The issues addressed by the respective CLGs were as follows: Admiralty (a) The expansion of Admiralty Station; and (b) The construction of a tunnel from Admiralty to Nam Fung Path. Ocean Park and Chung Hom Shan (a) The construction of a viaduct for the section of Nam Fung Path to Ocean Park; (b) The construction of Ocean Park Station; and (c) Matters related to the temporary magazine site at Chung Hom Shan. 7 Wong Chuk Hang (a) The construction of a viaduct from Wong Chuk Hang Station to Aberdeen Channel; (b) The construction of Wong Chuk Hang Station; and (c) The provision of Wong Chuk Hang Depot. Lei Tung (a) The construction of a tunnel in Ap Lei Chau; and (b) The construction of Lei Tung Station. South Horizons (a) The construction of South Horizons Station; and (b) Matters related to the temporary barging point at Lee Nam Road. Telegraph Bay (a) Matters related to the temporary barging point at Telegraph Bay. 23. Mr Jimmy POON briefed Members on the proposed Temporary Traffic Management Schemes (TTMS) in Wong Chuk Hang area by PowerPoint presentation (Supplementary Information). Locations included: (a) the vicinity of the access points of Aberdeen Tunnel; (b) the vicinity of Heung Yip Road and Wong Chuk Hang Road; (c) Ocean Park Road; (d) the vicinity of Nam Long Shan Road and Police School Road; and (d) the area near Kwun Hoi Path. An overview on TTMS was provided in the following paragraphs. MTR would submit the detailed arrangements, such as the provision of road signage, to the Site Liaison Group for approval. 24. Mr Ken WONG briefed Members on TTMS for the construction of South Horizons Station and Lei Tung Station by PowerPoint presentation (Supplementary Information). 25. The Chairman emphasized that the TTMS presented just then was only overall framework. Members could give their views on the overall direction and the detailed arrangements would be followed up by the Traffic and Transport Committee (TTC). 26. The Chairman asked Members to comment on the various aspects of the project separately. 8 Pre-construction Condition Survey 27. Eight Members, namely the Chairman, Ms MAR Yuet-har, BBS, MH, Mr CHEUNG Siu-keung, Ms CHEUNG Sik-yung, Mr LAM Kai-fai, MH, Mrs CHAN LEE Pui-ying, Mr WONG Che-ngai, and Mr Paul ZIMMERMAN spoke and raised enquiries on this item. Details were as follows: (a) MTR should carry out survey on the estates near the exits of various stations. Considering that some of the buildings in the district were built more than 50 years ago, some Members were concerned with the impact of construction works on such buildings; (b) In the earlier consultation, many residents expressed concern on the impact of construction works on building structure. Therefore, MTR should supply detailed information on the pre-construction condition survey, including the criteria of survey coverage, the number of monitoring points, the number of property owners to be notified, whether each unit would be notified in writing individually, the progress of survey and timetable; (c) It was requested to know the purpose for the pre-construction condition survey and residents had grave concern about the impact of construction works on building structure; (d) It was doubtful that visual inspection was objective enough; (e) A Member wished to know whether MTR would only carry out survey on buildings in the proximity of the railway; and whether the rights of those residents, whose premises had been surveyed, would be protected; (f) It was necessary to carry out the survey and believed that it could relieve the concern of residents and Members effectively; (g) MTR should provide the detailed survey data, including the information on individual premises and common area. MTR should also more closely liaise with owners’ corporations and management offices so as to relieve residents’ concern on the construction works. Since it was necessary to enter private premises to conduct the survey, it should have a very good reason or the residents might not be happy about it, which would cause troubles in the course of the survey; (h) It was suggested that a construction notice should be posted in the lobby area and related locations of the premises concerned to let residents know that MTR had already notified the owner’s committees and the management companies. In doing so, residents would be more receptive to individual notification afterwards and as a result, public concern or objection would be 9 minimised; (i) MTR should announce the timetable of the survey as soon as possible. Moreover, Members should also be notified as early as possible so that they could facilitate the communication with residents; and (j) A Member opined that MTR should consult SDC first, so that DC Members of local constituencies would have a proper understanding of the arrangements before they wrote to the owners’ committees on the subject. 28. Mr Bernard WONG, Mr Ken WONG and Ms Jennifer TAM gave a consolidated reply as follows: (a) It was a common practice for major works to commission an independent surveyor to carry out pre-construction condition survey. The surveyor and his professional team would record the pre-construction condition of buildings by visual inspection and photo-taking. MTR had already assessed the impact of construction works on building structure, and the survey mainly aimed at recording the pre-construction condition of buildings. For the time being, some of the property owners had already received notification by mail, and MTR would notify the owner of the premises and management offices in writing in phases. It was expected that the survey would be completed within two to three months; (b) The survey on common area would be recorded by photo-taking. MTR would also set up monitoring points during project period to safeguard the rights of owners; (c) MTR had assessed the impact on building structure and the areas affected during project design stage. Since part of Lei Tung Estate was outside the area of the construction works and was a bit far away from the work site, there was no need to carry out the survey. As for the vicinity of Main Street, Ap Lei Chau, apart from the two buildings near the slope which might be affected and needed to be covered by the survey, the rest of the buildings nearby would not be affected and so no survey would be needed. MTR would determine the locations in the affected area where survey was needed, and a list of buildings covered in the survey would be provided for reference; (d) MTR would provide measures to monitor the situation to make sure that the impact of construction works on the neighborhood buildings would be minimised; (e) The survey of buildings did not cover only the area above the railway. 10