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Minimum spanning trees on random networks ∗ R. Dobrin and P.M. Duxbury Dept. of Physics/Ast. and Center for Fundamental Materials Research, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. 1 We show that the geometry of minimum spanning trees (MST) on random graphs is universal. 0 Due to this geometric universality, we are able to characterise the energy of MST using a scaling 0 distribution (P(ǫ))found usinguniform disorder. Weshow that theMST energyfor otherdisorder 2 distributions is simply related to P(ǫ). We discuss the relationship to invasion percolation (IP), n to the directed polymer in a random media (DPRM) and the implications for the broader issue of a universality in disordered systems. J 2 2 ] Universality is an unproven hypothesis in disordered community. This problem is also one of the most funda- h c systems, though it has been widely assumed in the de- mental problems in combinatorial optimisation and has e velopment of theories for the random-field Ising model beenintensively studied inthe computer science andap- m and for spin glasses [1]. The hope has been that scaling plied math communities [12]. The physics community - exponents in disordered systems should not depend on has been less aware of this problem, with notable excep- t a thenatureofthedisorder,provideditisuncorrelatedand tions[13–15],thoughithascloseconnectionstotheprob- t thedisorderdistributionisnottoobroad. Percolation[2] lem of a fluid invading a porous medium, as modeled by s . and the directed polymer in a randommedium (DPRM) the invasion percolation(IP) process. However invasion t a [3] reassure us that universality does hold. However,the percolation is a dynamic process which grows minimum m randomfieldIsingmodel(RFIM)hasrecentlyprovideda spanning trees, whereas the MST itself is a global mini- - counter example [4–6]. In particular we showed that the mumofacostfunction. TheMSTmustvisiteverysitein d mean-field RFIM is non-universalin the ground state as the graph and so corresponds to continuing the invasion n the order parameter exponent can depend continuously process until every site in a finite graphis reached. This o on the details of the disorder [6]. In contrast we show is not usually studied in invasion percolation, in which c [ herethattheMSTissuperuniversalinthesensethatthe the steady state regime in a very large lattice is of most MST geometry is unaltered even if the distribution of interest [16,17]. 1 disorderismadeverybroad. Duetothisfact,theenergy v We concentrate on two aspects of minimal spanning of a MST can be found from a universal function, for a 0 trees on random graphs: the geometry of the paths on 4 given graph topology. The MST geometry is important the minimum spanning tree; and the cost of the minimal 3 in the strong disorder limit [7,8], for example as a model spanning tree. First we show that the geometry of mini- 1 forspinglasses[9]andforhoppingtransportatlowtem- mum spanning trees is universal even when the disorder 0 peratures [7,10,11]. As we shall discuss below, the paths 1 is broad. on the minimum spanning tree are those on which the 0 energy barrier is smallest and for this reasonMST paths To demonstrate the universality of MST, it is useful / t dominate the kinetics at low temperatures [7,10,11]. to first describe how MST’s are found in practice. For a m Perhapsthesimplestnon-trivialoptimisationproblem, simplicity,considersquareandcubiclatticeswhoseedges the minimum spanning tree(MST) is a tree which visits are assigned costs (energies) drawn from a uniform dis- - d every site in a graph so that the sum of the costs of the tribution on the interval [0,1]. In order to find the min- n edgesinthetreeisminimal(seeFig. 1). Inphysicstermi- imal spanning tree on such graphs, we use Prim’s al- o nology each edge, (ij) has an energy, ǫ , and the total gorithm which is a greedy algorithm (in physics these (ij) c energyisthesumoftheenergiesofthebondswhichmake arecalledgrowth,invasionorextremalalgorithms)which : v up the minimum spanning tree, ie. choosesthebestsiteforadvanceateachtimestep. Inthe i computer science literature [12]Prim’s method starts by X E = ǫ . (1) choosingthecheapestbondinthewholegraph,andthen r MST (ij) X by growing outward to the cheapest bond which is adja- a (ij) in tree cent to the starting bond. Each bond which is invaded Due to its practicalapplications in a variety of contexts, is added to the growing cluster and the process is iter- including image analysis, transportation networks etc, ated until every site has been reached. Bonds can only thisproblemhasbeenheavilystudiedbythe engineering be invaded if they do not produce a cycle, so that the ∗ email: dobrin@pa.msu.edu 1 tree structure is maintained. However it is not essential Numerical calculationof the geometry of the paths on to start from the cheapest bond as growthstarting from aMSTiscarriedoutasillustratedinFig. 1. Thenumber any site leads to the same MST. This latter process is of bonds, n, which lie on a MST path between two sites identical to bond invasion percolation, which then finds which are separated by Euclidean distance l, is found to the MST exactly. Intuitively, invasion algorithm finds scale as ly, where y = 1.22±0.01 (square lattice) and the exact minimum spanning tree because each site in a y = 1.42±0.02 (cubic lattice)(see Fig. 2). The strands MST must be visited at least once and the IP algorithm in invasion percolation [8] give exactly the same scaling. selects the best way to make this choice at each site. It In fact the paths on MST scale with the same fractaldi- is a standard exercise in algorithm theory to prove this mension throughout the Prim growth process and only rigorously [12]. the form of the scaling distribution changes (see Figs. ThepropertywhichmakestheMSTgeometryuniversal 2a and 2b). A more detailed study of the form of these isthattoproduceauniqueMSTinagraphweneedonly scaling distributions will be discussed elsewhere. specify a unique ordering of the bonds of the graph, ac- Having proven that the geometry of MST is fractal cording to their energies. It does not matter if the bond anduniversal,wenowshowthatitispossibletofindthe energiesarenearlythe sameorwildlydifferent,itisonly energy of MST from one universal function, for a given the ordering of the energies that matters. This can be graph topology. Numerical results for the appropriate intuitively understood by making a list of the bonds or- universal function are presented in Figs. 3a,b for mini- dered from the smallest in energy to the largest. Now mum spanning trees on square and cubic lattices. The sequentially remove bonds, starting with the largest in function we plot is the probability, P(ǫ) that a bond of energy,howeverwiththe rulethatthe removalofabond cost ǫ for a uniform distribution(on the interval [0,1]), cannot disconnect the graph into two pieces(this ensures lies on the minimum spanning tree. The dashed lines in thatweendupwithaspanningtree). Continuethispro- Fig. 3 are the cost distributions for the MST. The solid cess until no bonds can be removed. This final state is linesareforinvasionpercolation. Ininvasionpercolation the minimum spanningtree andis verysimilarto the al- P(ǫ) is the acceptance function for the case of bond in- gorithm suggested by Cieplak et al. for this problem [7] vasion. In this case, it has the interesting property that (the invasionmethodismuchmoreefficientthough). All in the scaling limit P(ǫ) → 0 for ǫ > p (p is the bond c c that matters for this bond removal process is the order- percolation threshold). However, the MST must reach ing of the bond energies, and hence the geometry of the every site of the graph, in which case it is necessary to final tree so formed only depends on that ordering. include bonds which have ǫ>p (see the dashed lines in c Giventhe fact thataMST onlydepends onthe order- Figs. 3a,b). ing of the bond energies, any transformation ǫ → f(ǫ) FromtheacceptanceprobabilityP(ǫ),thetotalenergy which preserves the ordering of the bond energies (eg. of the minimum spanning tree with bonds drawn from a thebondwhichhasthefiftiethlargestenergyisthesame uniform distribuiton is simply (in the scaling limit), before and after the transformation)leaves the MST ge- ometry unaltered. Now note that if f(ǫ) is any non- 1 decreasing function of ǫ, the ordering of a set {ǫ ...ǫ } E = ǫP(ǫ)dǫ. (3) 1 n Z is unalteredunder the transformationto {f(ǫ )...f(ǫ )}. 0 1 n This observation is germane to the issue of universality Asshownabove,thegeometryoftheminimumspanning due to the fact that we can use the uniform distribution treeisunalteredifwemakeatransformationǫ→f(ǫ)of to sample according to a general distribution F(x), by the bond costs providedf(ǫ) is a nondecreasing function assigning F(x)dx = dy which transforms the interval dy of the bond costs. After making this transformation the of the uniform distribution to the interval F(x)dx of the energy is simply E = 1f(ǫ)P(ǫ)dǫ. In addition, using generaldistribution. Thusifwerandomlychooseanum- 0 theargumentsgivenabRovewemaygeneralisetothe case ber y from the uniform distribution, the corresponding ofanarbitrarydistributionF(ǫ),inwhichcase(fromEq. random number from the distribution F(x) is (2)) x x=G−1(y) where G(x)= F(x′)dx′. (2) 1 Z0 EF =Z G−1(ǫ)P(ǫ)dǫ, (4) 0 Now note that G(x) is a non-decreasing function of x because F(x) is a probability and so is positive which for any disorder distribution F(x). implies that G−1(y) is also a non-decreasing function of Asstatedabove,pathsontheMSTarethoseonwhich y(provided G is invertible). Thus the transformation(2) the bond of maximum energy is minimal. In physical preserves the ordering of the bond costs and hence the terms MST paths are those on which the barrier is min- geometry of MST is the same for any probability distri- imal. The barrier on such a path is the largest cost bond bution. This is one of the few non-trivial problems for which lies on that path. In the steady state limit which universality to disorder can be explicitly demon- strated. ǫ →p , (5) barrier c 2 that is, the barrier on invasion percolation(IP) paths, in this barrierapproachesp for a uniform distributionand c a graph with edge costs drawn from a uniform distribu- G−1(p )foranarbitrarydistribution(whereGisgivenin c tion, takes on a value equal to the percolation threshold Eq. (2)). The MST geometry underlies physics in the on that graph. For other distributions of disorder, the strongdisorderlimit, implying that inthat limit there is barrier on IP paths becomes ǫ = G−1(p ) (from a strong universality. barrier c Eq.(2)). However the barrier on typical MST paths have Thisworkhasbeensupportedbythe DOEunder con- ǫ > p for l → ∞, and it is only on the fractal IP tract DE-FG02-90ER45418. barrier c subset of paths on which Eq. (5) holds. Thus hopping transport at low temperatures will typically occur on IP paths,whichjustifiestheuseofpercolationmodelsinthe calculation of diffusivity and conductivity in the strong disorder limit [10,11]. It is interesting to compare the behavior of paths on [1] Spin Glasses and Random Fields, ed. A. P. Young, the MST, with the behavior of the directed polymer in (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997). a random medium (DPRM) [3]. The DPRM, and the [2] D. Stauffer and A. Aharony, Introduction to Percolation associated Kardar-Parisi-Zhanggrowth process [19], has Theory (Taylor and Francis, London 1995). become a paradigm in the study of disordered systems. [3] T. Halpin-Healy and Y.-C. Zhang, Phys. Rep. 254, 215 MorerecentlyithasbeennotedthatDPRMisasubsetof (1995). the shortest path(SP) problem in computer science and [4] M.R. Swift, A.J. Bray, A.Maritan, M. Cieplak and J.R. engineering [12,18,20]. 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The total cost of the shortest path (2000). treeis the sumofthe costsofallofthe pathsinthe tree. [12] T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, Introduction Note however that in this sum it is inevitable that some to algorithms, MIT press (Cambridge,1990). of the bond costs will appear more than once. In fact [13] J. Chayes, L. Chayes and C.M. Newman, Commun. bonds near the source site will be counted many times. Math. Phys.101, 383 (1985). TheSPproblemisintheDPRMuniversalityclassexcept [14] A.L. Barabasi, Phys. Rev.Lett. 76, 3750 (1996). for the limit of strong disorder when it approaches the [15] M. Aizenman, A. Burchard, C.M. Newman and D.B. Newman, Rand.Struct.Alg. 15, 319 (1999). MST problem [8,21]. The crossover to the strong disor- [16] D. Wilkinson, Phys. Rev. A34, 1380 (1986). der limitcanbe analysedexplicitly using the generalised energy, ǫm instead of Eq. (6). In the limit m → ∞ [17] A.P. Sheppard, M.A. Knackstedt, W.V. Pinczewski and (ij) M. Sahimi, J. Phys. 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This universality enabled us to find a universal cost function for the uniform distribution (see Fig. 3) which can be used to calculate the cost of min- imum spanning trees, on the same graph, for any other distribution(usingEq. (4)). PathsontheMSTarethose with minimal barrier and in the steady state IP process 3 FIG. 2. The scaled distributions of pathlengths, g(s), on minimum spanning trees on a) square and b) cubic lattices. The scaling variable is s = n/lDf where n is the number of bondsintheMSTpath,listheEuclideandistanceandD is f the scaling dimension (D =1.22±0.01 (square lattice) and f D =1.42±0.02(cubic lattice)). Thedottedlineinthesefig- f ures is the scaling distribution on the MST. For comparison wealso givethescaling distribution for thesteady statedur- inggrowthoftheMST,ie. invasionpercolation(solidline). In bothcasesthepathsscalewiththesamefractaldimension,in factthisholdsatallstagesofgrowthoftheMST.Theresults are found from averaging over 2000 realisations of 401×401 square lattices and over 1500 realisations of 101×101×101 cubiclattices. FIG. 1. The minimum spanning tree(MST) for a 30×30 square lattice. Each edge in the square lattice is assigned an energy drawn from the uniform distribution on the inter- 1 val [0,1]. Only the bonds on the minimum spanning tree are a drawn in the figure. The wandering heavy line is one path 0.8 on theMST,startingat thecenterofthesquarelattice. The Euclidean distance between the two ends of this path is also 0.6 indicated. P(x) 0.4 0.2 a 0 0.001 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x g(s) 0.248 1 0.0001 b 0.8 1e-05 0.6 1 10 s P(x) 0.4 0.2 b 0.001 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x g(s) FIG.3. The probability, P(x), that a bond with energy x 0.0001 liesontheminimumspanningtreefora)squareandb)cubic lattices. Thecase considered hereistheuniform distribution of bond disorder. The curving dashed lines are for the MST 1e-05 whilethesolid linesareforthesteadystateduringgrowth of 1 10 theMST,ie. invasionpercolation. Theresultsarefoundfrom s averaging over 1000 realisations of 401×401 square lattices and over 1000 realisations of 101×101×101 cubic lattices. 4

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