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1 Minimum Bias Legacy of Search Results G. D’Agostinia∗ aUniversit`a di Roma “La Sapienza” and Sezione INFN di Roma1, Roma, Italy P.le A. Moro 2, I-00185 Roma, Italy 2 http://www-zeus.roma1.infn.it/˜agostini. 0 0 Theend of LEPand SLCis agood moment toreview theway tosummarize search results in orderto exploit 2 atbest,in futureanalyses andspeculations, thepiecesof information comingfrom all experiments. Someknown n problemswiththeusualwayofreportingresultsinterms“CLlimits”areshortlyrecalled,andapleaisformulated a topublish just parametrized likelihoods, possibly rescaled to the asymptotic insensitivity limit level. J 0 1 1. INTRODUCTION AND RATIONALE troversial cases, there could be no hint at all, as 1 v it usually happens in most searches. But there This contribution starts from an observation 0 could be the case in which there are some indi- which I hope is shared by many other particle 7 cations. The scientists are then in the doubt of 0 phycisists, and scientists in general. Science, and making the claim, thus risking their reputation, 1 particle physics in the specific case, should be or keeping quite, thus loosing the chance. “The 0 considered a global activity, with individuals co- experiment was inconclusive, and we had to use 2 operatingatdifferentlevels. Certainly,thosewho 0 statistics”,saidoneonce. Butstatisticalmethods haveplayedrelevantroleintheresearchshouldbe / are “inconclusive” by definition, if one interprets h acknowledged and, in special exceptional cases, p them rigorously: even 100 observed events over rewarded. Buttheoutcomeoftheresearchshould - 1 expected background does not necesseraly im- p be considered,finally,intellectualpropertyofthe plies that they are due to signal, though we all e community which has allowed the research. This h tend to believe so.... Therefore, it is important point of view implies that a resultshould be pre- : todistinguishbetweenwhatwerationallybelieve v sented in such a way that the pieces of informa- from what the empirical facts teach us. i X tion provided by an experiment should be pos- Besides personal preference for prudence or to sibly exploited at best by other scientists. This r risk,itisamatteroffactthatthethreesituations a does not mean that I agree with populistic “do sketched above (discovery, no effect and dubious it yourself analysis”, of which I have heard, as hints) are not sharply separated. It is, therefore, only those who know in depth detector perfor- important to understand what is the “optimal mance and phenomenology can provide sensible presentation”, following some desiderata which results. Therefore, the problem is only that of can be summarised saying that the information making the result public in such a way that the containedintheexperimentaldatashouldbepre- data summaries can be used later in the most ef- sented in the most powerful and unbiased way. ficient way. As far as searches are concerned, the experi- The result should not depend on whether • ment could report a spectacular effect which fits one believes thatthere is no effect(i.e. giv- easily in the rest of the knowledge (“the net of ing a limit), or that something has been beliefs”) and all members of the physics commu- found(aclaimwithanassociatede.g. mass, nity believe to a discovery. In other, not con- cross-section,etc). ∗Talk given at the Seventh Topical Seminar on “The The pieces of evidence coming from differ- • legacyofLEPandSLC”,Siena,Italy,8-11October2001. ent experiments should be combined in the 2 most efficient way: havingthe higherresolutionpowerforthatchan- nel. – If many independent data sets each providealittleevidenceinfavorofthe 2.1. Costraining Λ to infinity searched-forsignal,thecombinationof Inacontactinteractionanalysis,noeffectisob- all data should enhance that hypothe- tainedwhenthescaleΛisinfinity. Therefore,one sis. looks in the data for a compatibility of the mea- suredΛwithinfinity,thusprovidingalowerlimit. – If the indications are incoherent, their Needless to say, a MINUIT minimization around combinationshouldprovideastronger infinity is not trivial at all, not to speak about constraint against that hypothesis. the interpretation of results. As a consequence, I found that, at that times, there was much of These desiderata are not satisfied by the usual kitchen to get a number to quote as lower limit wayofreportingresultsofsearcheswith“CLlim- outofthe MINUIT printout. The worstcasewas its”. There are also other kinds of problems with an experiment which had got an upper limit of “CL limits”, some of which will be illustrated in 1.3 TeV for a Λ in a certain coupling (this was next section. In particular, there is a problem the number I gotreanalysingtheir data,due to a ofinterpretation,whichis the maincauseoffalse overfluctuation),butpublishedexactlythatnum- alarmsinthepastandofthespreadofmisleading ber as lower limit. information to the general public (consequently This technical problem can be overcome work- throwing bad shadowsto the reputationof parti- ing with the conjugate quantity ǫ =1/Λ2, which cle physicists). should come about zero in case of no effect. The choice of the second power of Λ is due to 2. PROBLEMS WITH LIMITS. EXAM- the observation that the new terms in the cross- PLESFROMTHECONTACTINTER- sectioncomewiththatweigth. Asaconsequence, ACTION SEARCHES anyadditive“noise”makeǫGaussiandistributed around the “true” value. Reporting the result The first time I was confronted with the prob- on ǫ is certainly a good empirical practice, also lemsofstatinglimitswasinoccasionofanoverall because the results can be, in most cases, eas- analysis of results on electron compositeness.[1] ily combinedwith the standardweightedaverage AnalysingallresultsavailableatthattimeIfound formula. Moreover, the standard deviation of ǫ the situation not really satisfactory. In many is an intrinsic property of the experiment, a kind cases the operative procedure used to evaluate of“resolutionpower”dependingonqualityofthe limits was not described, and sometimes the nu- detector,luminosity,sensitivitytoaparticularre- merical values of published limits seemed to dis- action and level of background. And, in fact, my agreewithdifferentialcross-sectiontowhichthey referred. Iconsideredthisproblemparticularyse- proposal[1] was to use simply σǫ as measure of the resolution power of an individual experiment rious because the procedure which I understood or of a combination of experiments. hadmostconsensusatthattimehadtechnicalin- The problem remains if we insist to report a trinsicproblemsinabout10%oftheresults,asit willbeexplainedinawhile. Butoutofthe many CL limit. Calling ǫ◦ the best fit value, and σǫ the standard deviation (the latter is related to douzens of results (many reactions many cou- × the curvature - “width” - of the χ2 parabola)the pling manyexperiments),notechnicalanomaly × standard 95% lower limit for Λ± is given by was reported. Otherbadfeature wasthe difficulty (or impos- 1 ± sibility) to combine consistently the limits, with Λ = . (1) √1.64σǫ ǫ◦ the consequent attitude to quote only the larger ± limit, that often was nothing but the largest sta- This implies that, if ǫ◦ is approximately equal | | tisticalfluctuation,andnotduetotheexperiment to 1.64σǫ, then either limit becomes very large. 3 If ǫ◦ > 1.64σǫ (10% of cases) there are prob- genuine inferential point of view – which is what | | lems with the standard procedure, including the matters in Science [5] – frequentistic CL’s have fact that for either sign of coupling there should no meaning,2 and only in some case, under some be an evidence, yielding anupper limit for Λ. As hidden hypotheses, they can be related to sensi- a matter of fact, unwanted results are tamed us- ble probabilistic statements. This is the reason ing“prescriptions”,including“Bayesianprescrip- why I insist in my position that “the solution to tions” – a contradiction in terms, in my view. the problem of confidence limits begins with re- Besidesthedetailsofprocedures,itisclearthat moving the expression itself”.[7] this kind of approach can produce large limits just as statistical fluctuations, limits which have 4. BAYESIAN WAY OUT nothing to do with the effective resolution power In my opinion, the solution is not to propose of the experiment for a particular channel. It is a new prescription with the hope that it will be alsoamatteroffactthatthedifficultytocombine adopted by some influential friends, but rather limitsobtainedinsuchawayresultedinageneral to change radically the attitude. This means tendencytobelievethatalargerlimitwouldmake we should review critically how our beliefs about the lower ones obsolete, though the latter might physics quantities or laws of nature are modified result from higher resolution experiments. by empirical observation and, once we have un- derstoodthis scheme,we shouldstick to it, using 3. MISINTERPRETATION OF “C.L. logic instead of tradition and/or authority. The RESULTS” most powerful tool to learn from data is – and this is not merely my opinion– a theorem, which Asecondproblemwithstandard“C.L.”istheir states how our beliefs must be updated by new interpretation,asitresultedfromasurveyImade piecesofinformation. Thisistheundiscussedrole in1998[2]. Itcameout,infact,thatmostparticle of Bayes’ theorem, on which there is agreement physicists believed that, e.g., a 95% C.L. lower also by those who disagree on the use of beliefs boundontheHiggsmassmeantthat“themassof in physics (but this is a different story, on which the Higgs,provideditexisted,has95%chanceto there is little to discuss, since Science is nothing be above the limit, and 5% chance to be below”. butacollectionofbeliefsbasedonempiricalfacts So,theproblemis: doweunderstandeachother? and intellectual constructions...). Do we communicate the correct information to Referring to a physics quantity of unknown the general public of tax payer which financed value µ, the Bayes’ theorem can be shortly ex- our research? pressed as Nowadaysit is quite understood by many peo- ple that such probabilistic statements are erro- f(µ data,I) f(data µ,I) f◦(µ I), (2) neous and misleading, but there are still people | ∝ | × | which use such wrong statements based on fre- wherethe threeingredientsoftheBayesianinfer- quentistic C.L.’s to report the results to the gen- ence are, from left to right, final pdf, likelihood eralpublic.[3] So, for example, the 2000hint of a andprior. Notethatf()stands,inthisapproach, 115 GeV Higgs was reported by a spokesperson for the the pdf expressing the relative beliefs. of the LEP experiments saying that “It is a 2.6 Itisself-evidentthatthelikelihoodhastherole sigma effect. So there’s still a 6 in 1000 chance of re-shaping (re-weighting)the beliefs. This is a that what we are seeing are background events, fundamental ingredient of inference, but not the rather than the Higgs”[4]. So, basically the prob- 2Here is the most recent example I know of the series of lem persists, since also those who agree on what misleading press releases in which frequentistic numbers CL’s should not mean, but still stick on the fre- (i.e. withoutapreciseinferentialmeaning)aretranslated quentistic approach, have difficulty in explaining into probabilistic statements: “The experimenters re- ported athree-sigmadiscrepancy insin2qW,whichtrans- what those results do mean. In my opinion, the lates to a 99.75 percent probability that the neutrinos are very reason of this matter of fact is that, from a not behaving like other particles.”[6] 4 only one. Usually it is considered “more objec- regionselectedbyotherexperimenthavingclosed tive” than priors, because it is easier to agree on likelihood). For example, in the Higgs search of the response of a detector than on purely spec- the kind performedat LEP,aninfinite mass pro- ulative values of µ. Nevertheless, f(data µ,I) is ducesanonzeropdfofobservingwhatwedoob- | a probability too, and, as such, tells how much serve. This “bad” feature is due to background: we believe that some data could be observed, for whatever we observe, we are never certain that every hypothesis on µ. it is not due to background alone. If this is the Atthispoint,theusualobjectionisthat“there case,weareneverabletonormalizethefinalpdf, are the priors”. In my opinion, there is no real unlessweforcethenormalizationwithaprior(or problem if we understand on the logically cru- otherempiricalevidence,likeradiativecorrection cial, often practically irrelevant role of priors. inthespecificproblemoftheHiggs[8],whichfor- Without them, it would be impossible to make bids (or stronglyinhibits) highmasses. Itfollows the“probabilisticinversion”fromf(data µ,I)to that the sensitivity to the prioris usually so crit- | f(µ data,I), which is the essence of the prob- ical (for an extensive, introductory discussion of | abilistic inference. As far as its practical role, problem andproposedsolution, see Ref. [9]) that it depends on the different problems, and, more oneshouldrefrainfrompublishing,andspreadto specifically, on the shape of the likelihood. This the general public, probabilistic limits, or limit is the reason why I like to classify the inferential which are usually mis-interpreted as such (this is problems into closed and open likelihood. what happens practically always with CL’s lim- its). 4.1. Closed likelihood In the case of open likelihood, only the likeli- The easy case is when, for a given set of data, hood itself should be reported. This information the likelihood function, (µ) = f(data µ,I) is can be easily combined with that coming from L | closed in both sides, i.e. (µ) 0 when µ tends other experiments, and satisfies the desiderata of L → totheextremesofitsphysicalregionofdefinition Section1. Alternatively,onecouldreportthelog- (usually < µ < + or 0 < µ < + ). The likelihood or the rescaled R function proposed in −∞ ∞ ∞ best understood example of this case is a Gaus- Refs. [9,8]. This functions can be parametrized sianresponseoftheapparatus. Underthiscondi- inasuitableway,andperhapsstoredinwebsites tionand,inparticular,whenthewidthof (µ)is in the case of searches having the likelihood de- L narrow with respect to any rational prior knowl- pendingofseveralquantities. Anexampleofpub- edge (the so Savage’s “precise experiment” situ- lishedparametrizedlog-likelihoodcanbefoundin ation), the conclusions do not depend practically Ref. [10]. (inthesensehowtheresultisperceived)fromany An alternative to probabilistic, or CL bounds, reasonable model of the prior. Obviously, there toquantifywithasinglenumber(orwithcontour could be someone who has a pure mathemati- lines in the case of multidimensional analysis) is cal approachto the problemandpropose a fancy to report the sensitivity bound. This quantity mathematical expression for the prior. But I do shouldgive,thoughroughly,the edgeafterwhich not think this is a problem for physicists (and, the experiment looses sensitivity to the search anyhow, I am very curious to meet a defender of [9,7]. such fancy prior to check how ready he/she is to defenditwithasuitablecombinationofbets...). 5. CONCLUSION: A PLEA FROM A EU TAX PAYER 4.2. Open likelihood Thequestionbecomesreallyproblematicwhen In conclusion, my plea to LEP and SLC col- thelikelihoodisopenineitherside,i.e. (µ)goes leagues,as wellas to all other physicists involved L toaconstantattheedgesofthephysicalregion(if insearches,istoreportlikelihoodsforallsearched it is open in both sides the experiment has little channel, so that the effort of all community can relevance, unless it helps in enhancing a certain be used at best for all future analyses. 5 I would like to remember that publishing like- OPEN-2000-205(alsoinCERNReport2000- lihoods was, actually, a point about which there 005, May 2000, pp. 81–99). was unanimous agreement in the January 2000 4. C. Tully in an interview to Physics workshop on confidence limits held at CERN, as Web, September 2000: “Higgs bo- explicitlyaskedbyMassimoCorradiandrecorded son on the horizon”, by V. Jamieson, byLouisLyons[11]. Itwas,indeed,theonlygen- http://PhysicsWeb.org/article/news/4/9 erally agreed conclusion of the workshop. 3 /2/1. On the light of the well known properties of 5. P. Clifford, CERN Report 2000-005, May the likelihood and on the agreement during that 2000, pp. 157–165. meeting, attended by representative by all ma- 6. FNAL, Press Pass November 7, 2001, “Neu- jor experiments, it is surprising to realize that trinoMeasurementSurprisesFermilabPhysi- reporting likelihoods has not become the stan- cists”, http://www.fnal.gov/pub/ dardyet. SomesaythatI amtoona¨ıve,andthat presspass/press releases/NuTeV.html thiswillneverhappen,essentiallyfortworeasons. 7. G. D’Agostini, hep-ex/0002055 (also in First, publishing a likelihood is much more com- CERN Report 2000-005, May 2000, pp. 3– mitting than just giving a single “95% CL limit” 23). intheregionwhereotherexperimentsreportsim- 8. G.D’AgostiniandG.Degrassi,Eur. Phys. J. ilarlimits. Second,therearepeoplespecializedin C10 (1999) 633. combination of results which do use likelihoods, 9. P. Astone and G. D’Agostini, hep- but are afraid to loose this privileged position if ex/9909047. likelihoodsareavailabletoanystudent. I hope it 10. ZEUS Collaboration, Eur. Phys. J. C14 is not so, and that it is only due to some inertia. (2000) 239. Therefore I am still optimistic (or na¨ıve). 11. M. Corradi, L. Lyons et al., CERN Report 2000-005,May 2000, pag. 279. REFERENCES 1. G. D’Agostini, Proceedings of the XXVth Rencontre de Moriond on “Z◦ Physics”, Les Arcs (France), March4-11,1990,p. 229(also DESY-90-093). 2. G. D’Agostini, Proc. XVIII International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Garching (Germany), July 1998, V. Dose, W. von der Linden, R. Fischer, and R. Preuss, eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1999, physics/9811046. 3. See,asindependentvoice,A.L.Read,CERN- 3In my point of view there were also another objective, though implicit, conclusion of that workshop. The fact itself that many “specialists”, all educated on the same booksofstatistics, meettotrytosolveself-evidentprob- lems,absurditiesandcontradictionsoriginatedbytheap- proachfollowedbythosebooks,meansthatthebasiccon- cepts of those books should be critically reviewed, and that the gurus of that school of thought, responsible of such confusion, should simply keep silent for the rest of theirlife.

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