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Minimal weight in union-closed families Victor Falgas–Ravry∗ January 14, 2011 1 1 0 2 n Abstract a J Let Ω be a finite set and let (Ω) be a set system on Ω. For S ⊆ P 3 x Ω, we denote by dS(x) the number of members of containing x. 1 ∈ S Along-standingconjectureofFrankl[6]statesthatif isunion-closed 1 S ] then there is some x Ω with dS(x) 2 . O ∈ ≥ |S| We consider a related question. Define the weight of a family C S to be w( ) := A. Suppose is union-closed. How small can A∈S . S | | S h w( ) be? Reimer [11] showed S P t a 1 m w( ) log2 , S ≥ 2|S| |S| [ and that this inequality is tight. In this paper we show how Reimer’s 1 bound maybe improvedifwe havesomeadditionalinformationabout v 9 the domain Ω of : if separates the points of its domain, then S S 8 5 Ω 2 w( ) | | . S ≥ 2 . (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 0 This is stronger than Reimer’s Theorem when Ω > log2 . In 1 |S| |S| addition we construct a family of examples showing the combined 1 p : bound on w( ) is tight except in the region Ω = Θ( log2 ), v S | | |S| |S| where it may be off by a multiplicative factor of 2. i p X Our proofalso gives a lower bound on the averagedegree: if is a S r point-separating union-closed family on Ω, then a 1 1 dS(x) log2 +O(1), Ω ≥ 2 |S| |S| | |x∈Ω X p and this is best possible except for a multiplicative factor of 2. ∗SchoolofMathematicalSciences,QueenMary,UniversityofLondon,LondonE14NS, England 1 1 Introduction LetΩbeafiniteset. Wemay identifyX Ωwithitscharacteristic function ⊆ and consider a collection of subsets of Ω as a family of functions from Ω into 0,1 . For such a family (Ω), we refer to Ω = Ω(S) as the domain of { } S ⊆ P . Note that the domain of a set system is not uniquely determined by S S knowledge . Therefore when we speak of ‘a set system ’, we shall in fact S S mean ‘a pair ( ,Ω), where (Ω)’ so that the domain of is implicitly S S ⊆ P S specified. We also let V(S) := A be the set of all elements x Ω which A∈S ∈ appear as a member of at least one set A . For x Ω we denote by S ∈ S ∈ d (x) the number of members of containing x. We call d (x) the degree S S S of x in . S A set system is union-closed if it is closed underpairwise unions. This S is essentially thesameas beingclosed underarbitrary unionsexcept thatwe donotrequire tocontain theemptyset. In1979, Frankl[6]madeasimple- S sounding conjecture on the maximal degree in a union-closed family. This remains open and has become known as the Union-closed sets conjecture: Conjecture 1 (Union-closed sets conjecture). Let be a set system on S some finite set Ω. Then there is an element x Ω which is contained in at ∈ least half of the members of . S (An equivalent lattice-theoretic version also exists. See for example Abe and Nakano, Poonen or Stanley [1, 10, 13].) Very little progress has been made on Conjecture 1. A simple argument due to Knill [7] establishes that for any union-closed family with = m, S |S| therealways existssomexcontained inatleast m membersof . W´ojcik log2m S [14]improvedthisbyamultiplicativeconstant. Theconjectureisalsoknown to hold if < 40 (see [9, 12]) or V( ) < 11 (see [8, 2]), if > 5 2|V(S)| |S| | S | |S| 8× (see [3, 4, 5]), or if contains some very specific collections of small sets S (see [8, 2]). In a different direction, Reimer [11] found a beautiful shifting argument to obtain a sharp lower bound on the average set size of as a function of S . We state his result here. |S| Theorem (Reimer’s Average Set Size Theorem). Let be a union-closed S family. Then 1 log A 2|S| | | ≥ 2 |S| A∈S X with equality if and only if is a powerset. S 2 Define the weight of a family to be S w( ) := A S | | A∈S X = d (x). S x∈Ω X We shall think of Reimer’s Theorem as a lower bound for the smallest possible weight of a union-closed family of a given size. Let be a union- S closed family. In this form, Reimer’s Theorem states that log w( ) |S| 2|S| S ≥ 2 with equality if and only if is a powerset. The purpose of this paper is to S show how we may improve this inequality if we have some additional infor- mation about Ω( ). As a corollary, we also give asymptotically tight (up to S a constant) lower bounds on the average degree over Ω, 1 d (x). |Ω| x∈Ω S As we remarked earlier, Ω( ) is not uniquely specified by . For ex- S P S ample, Ω( ) could contain many elements which do not appear in . This S S would bring the average degree in Ω arbitrarily close to 0. Restricting our attention to V( ) does not entirely resolve this problem: pick x V( ). S ∈ S Replacing every instance of x in a member of by a set x ,x ,...x for 1 2 M S some arbitrarily large M gives us a new union-closed family ′ with the S same structure as but with average degree over V( ′) arbitrarily close to S S d (x). S Thustosayanythinginterestingaboutaveragedegree,weneedtoimpose a restriction on and its domain. In particular we want to make sure that S no element of Ω( ) is ‘cloned’ many times over. We make therefore the S following natural definition. Definition. A family separates a pair (i,j) of elements of Ω( ) if there S S exists A such that A contains exactly one of i and j. is separating if ∈ S S it separates every pair of distinct elements of Ω( ). If Ω(S) = n and is S | | S separating, we say that is n-separating. S Recalling our identification of sets with their characteristic functions, S is separating if and only if it separates the points of Ω( ) as a family of S functions Ω 0,1 . → { } Trivially, a family of size = m can be at most 2m-separating. S |S| In Section 2, we make use of certain heredity properties of union-closed families to prove that if in addition is union-closed it can be at most S (m+1)-separating. The main result of that section, Theorem 3, establishes that for any n there is a unique (up to relabelling of vertices) n-separating union-closed family of minimal weight. 3 In the third section, we use Theorem 3 together with Reimer’s Theorem to obtain lower bounds on the weight of n-separating union-closed families of size m for every realisable pair (m,n). We construct families of examples showing these boundsare sharp up to a multiplicative factor of 2+O 1 . log2m In the final section we consid(cid:16)er a ge(cid:17)neralisation of our original problem. We define the l-fold weight of a family to be S A w ( ) := | | . l S l A∈S(cid:18) (cid:19) X The 0-fold weight of is just the size of , while the 1-fold weight is the S S weightw( )weintroducedearlier. Similarlytothel = 1case, wecanbound S w below for l 2 when is separating using a combination of Reimer’s l ≥ S Theorem and Theorem 3 together with some elementary arguments. Again we provide constructions showing our bounds are the best possible up to a multiplicative factor of 2+O(1/log m). As instant corollaries to our re- 2 sults in sections 3 and 4, we have for any l 1 sharp (up to a multiplicative ≥ constant) lower bounds on the expected number of sets in containing a S randomly selected l-tuple from Ω( ). These results are related to a gener- S alisation of the union-closed sets conjecture. 2 Separation In this section we use our definition of separation to prove some results about separating union-closed families. We begin with an item of notation. Let be a family with domain Ω. Given X Ω, we will denote by [X] S ⊆ S the family induced by X on , S [X] := A X A X,A . S { \ | ⊇ ∈ S} We shall consider [X] as a family with domain Ω( ) X. In a slight abuse S S \ of notation we shall usually write [x] for [ x ]. Note that [x] = d (x). S S S { } |S | Recall that separates a pair (i,j) of elements of Ω( ) if there exists S S A such that A contains exactly oneof i and j. is said to beseparating ∈ S S if it separates every pair of distinct elements of Ω( ). We introduce an S equivalence relation = on its domain Ω( ) by setting x = y if does not ∼S S ∼S S separate x from y. Quotienting Ω by = in the obvious way, we obtain a ∼S reduced family ′ = / = S S ∼S on a newdomain Ω′ consisting of the= equivalence classes on Ω. It follows ∼S from the definition of = that ′ is separating and uniquely determined by ∼S S the knowledge of and Ω. We shall refer to ′ as the reduction of . S S S 4 Union-closure is clearly preserved by our quotienting operation. Every union-closed family S may thus be reduced to a unique separating union- closed family in this way. Such separating union-closed families will be the main object we study in this paper. Before proving anything about them, let us give a few examples. For n 2, we define the staircase of height n to be the union-closed ≥ family T = n , n 1,n , n 2,n 1,n ,... 2,3,...n n {{ } { − } { − − } { }} with domain Ω(T ) = 1,2,3......n . Note that T is n-separating, has n n { } size n 1 and that V(T ) = Ω(T ), since the element 1 is not contained in n n − 6 any set of T . For completeness, we define T to be the empty family with n 1 domain Ω(T ) = 1 and size 0. Recall that T [X] is the subfamily of T 1 n n { } induced by X. T has the property that T [ n ] = T . n n n−1 { } ∪{∅} We shall prove that T is an n-separating union-closed family of least n weight. For n 2, the plateau of width n is the n-separating union-closed family ≥ U = 1,2,...n 1 , 1,2,...n 2,n ,... 1,3,4...n , 2,3,...n ,[n] . n {{ − } { − } { } { } } with domain Ω(U ) = [n] and size n+1. For completeness we let E be the n 1 family , 1 withdomain 1 . ItiseasytoseethatU isthen-separating n {∅ { }} { } union-closed family of sizen+1 withmaximal weight. Ithasweight roughly twice that of T , and the additional property that for every pair i,j [n] n { } ⊆ there is a set in U containing i and not j as well as a set containing j and n not i. Finally, or n 1, the powerset of [n], P = [n] is, of course, a n- n ≥ P separating union-closed family with domain Ω(P ) = V(P ) = [n]. Note n n that P [ n ] = P , and that P is thelargest n-separating family in every n n−1 n { } sense of the word, having both the maximum size and the maximum weight possible. Let us now turn to the main purpose of this section. We begin with a trivial lemma. Lemma 1. Let be a separating family on Ω = [n] with elements labelled S in order of increasing degree. Then if 1 i< j n there exists A with ≤ ≤ ∈ S j A, i / A. ∈ ∈ Proof. Since is separating, there is some A in containing one but not S S both of i, j. But we also know that d (i) d (j), so at least one such A S S ≤ contains j and not i. Repeated applications of Lemma 1 yield the following: 5 Lemma 2. Let be a separating union-closed family with Ω( ) = [n] and S S elements of Ω labelled in order of increasing degree. Then for every i ∈ [n 1], contains a set A = ([n] [i]) X , where X [i 1]. These n 1 i i i − S \ ∪ ⊆ − − sets are distinct. Proof. Pick i [n 1]. By Lemma 1, for each j > i there exists B j ∈ − ∈ S containing j and not i. Let A = B . By union-closure, A . A is i j>i j i ∈ S i clearly of the form i+1,i+2,...n X , where X is a subset of [i 1]. { S }∪ i i − Moreover if i< j we have A = A since j A , j / A . i j i j 6 ∈ ∈ The main result of this section follows easily. Theorem 3. Let be a separating union-closed family on Ω( )= [n] with S S elements labelled in order of increasing degree. Then d (i) i 1 for all S ≥ − i [n]. In particular, n 1, and the weight of satisfies : ∈ |S|≥ − S n w( ) . S ≥ 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) Moreover, w( ) = n if and only if is one of T or T , where T is S 2 S n n∪{∅} n the staircase of height n introduced earlier. (cid:0) (cid:1) Proof. ByLemma2, containsn 1distinctsetsA ,A ,...A suchthat 1 2 n−1 S − [n] [i] A . It follows in particular that n 1 and that d (i) i 1 i S \ ⊆ |S|≥ − ≥ − for all i [n]. Moreover ∈ w( ) A i S ≥ | | i∈[n−1] X n (n i) = ≥ − 2 i∈[n−1] (cid:18) (cid:19) X withequality ifandonlyifA = [n] [i]foreveryiandinaddition contains i \ S no nonempty set other than the A . Thus w( ) = n if and only if is one i S 2 S of T or T , as claimed. n n∪{∅} (cid:0) (cid:1) 3 Minimal weight InthissectionweuseReimer’sTheoremandTheorem3togethertoobtaina lower bound on the weight of an n-separating union-closed family of size m. We then give constructions in the entire range of possible n, log m n 2 ≤ ≤ m+1, showing our bounds are asymptotically sharp except in the region n = Θ mlog m (where they are differ by a multiplicative factor of at 2 (cid:0)p (cid:1) 6 most 2). As a corollary, we obtain a lower bound on the average degree in a separating union-closed family. Let be an n-separating union-closed family with = m. Recall that S |S| the weight of , w( ) is S S w( ) = A = d (x). S S | | A∈S x∈Ω(S) X X We know from Reimer’s Theorem that mlog m w( ) 2 . S ≥ 2 We have another bound for w( ) coming from our separation result, Theo- S rem 3: n(n 1) w( ) − . S ≥ 2 If n 1 1+ 1+4mlog m = mlog m+O(1), the ‘bound in m’ from ≤ 2 2 2 Reimer’sTheoremisstronger;ifontheotherhandn 1 1+ 1+4mlog m , (cid:0) p (cid:1) p ≥ 2 2 the ‘bound in n’ from Theorem 3 is sharper. (cid:0) p (cid:1) For the bound in m, equality occurs if and only if is a powerset, S that is if and only n = log m. For the bound in n, equality occurs if and 2 only if is a staircase (with possibly the empty set added in). This can S only occur if n = m or n = m + 1. Remarkably the combined bound is asymptotically sharp everywhere except in the region n = Θ mlog m , 2 where it is only asymptotically sharp up to a constant. We shall show (cid:0)p (cid:1) this by constructing intermediate families between powersets and staircases. Roughly speakingthese intermediary families will look like staircases sitting on top of a powerset-like bases. This will allow Reimer’s Theorem and Theorem 3 to give us reasonably tight bounds. Some technicalities arise to make this work for all all possible (m,n). We call apair of integers (n,m)satisfiable if thereexists an n-separating union-closed family of size m – in particular n and m must satisfy n 1 − ≤ m 2n. Of course for m = 2n the powerset P is the only n-separating n ≤ family of the right size. By Theorem 3 we know already how to construct n-separating union-closed families of sizes m = n 1or m = n withminimal − weight. Alsoifm = n+1,itiseasytoseethatthefamilyT n 1 n ∪{∅}∪{{ − }} has minimal weight, so for our purposes we may as well assume 2n > m > n+1 in what follows. Given asatisfiablepair(m,n)with2n > m > n+1,thereexists aunique integer b such that 2b b m n < 2b+1 (b+1). Our aim is to take for − ≤ − − our powerset-like base a suitable family of m (n b 1) subsets of [b+1], − − − and to place on top of it a staircase of height n (b+1), thus obtaining a − separating union-closed family with the right size and domain. For such a b we have 2b+1 m n+b+1 2b+1. Write out the binary ≤ − ≤ expansion of m n+b+1 as 2b1+2b2+...2bt with 0 b < b < ... < b , t t−1 1 − ≤ 7 and note b b b + 1. We shall build the base of our intermediate 1 ≤ ≤ B family by adding up certain subcubes of [b+1]. P First of all if b = b+ 1, we shall just let be the whole of [b +1]. 1 B P This is the “nontechnical case” of our construction. If on the other hand b = b, we let Q denote theb -dimensional subcube X b+1 X [b] , 1 1 1 { ∪{ } | ⊆ } and for every i : 2 i t we let Q be the b -dimensional subcube i i ≤ ≤ X b X [b ] . We then set = Q . { ∪{ i−1}| ⊆ i } B i i It is easy to see that the Q are disjoint. Indeed write b for b+1 and i 0 S suppose i < j; for every X Q , b is the largest element in X whereas i i−1 ∈ for every X′ Q , b < b is the largest element contained in X′, so j j−1 i−1 ∈ that X = X′. 6 Claim. is a (b+1)-separating union-closed family. B Proof. Q is (b+1)-separating since it contains the singleton b +1 and 1 { } the pairs i,b+1 for every i < b+1. Thus is (b+1)-separating also. { } B Clearly each of the Q is closed under pairwise unions. Now consider i 1 i< j (or alternatively b > b > b ) and take X Q , Y Q . Then 0 i j i j ≤ ∈ ∈ Y [b ] b j j−1 ⊆ ∪{ } [b ], i ⊆ from which it follows that X Y [b ] b , and hence that X Y Q . i i−1 i ∪ ⊆ ∪{ } ∪ ∈ Thus = Q is closed under pairwise unions, as claimed. B i i We nowSturn to the staircase-like top of our family, , which we set to T be = [b+2],[b+3],...[n] . T { } Our intermediate family will then be: = S B∪T It is easy to see from our construction that is union-closed, n-separating S and has size + = (m n+b+1)+(n b 1) = m. |B| |T| − − − Wedonotclaim that isann-separatingunion-closedfamily ofsizemwith S minimal weight; however as we shall see w( ) is quite close to minimal. S Lemma 4. log w( ) < |B| 2|B| + . B 2 |B| 8 Proof. Inthe“non-technicalcase”where = [b+1]ourassertionistrivial. B P We turn therefore to the “technical case” where = 2b1+2b2+2b3+...2bt |B| with b = b > b > ... > b 0: 1 2 t ≥ b w( ) = 2bi i +1 B 2 i:Xbi6=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) b b b+2 = 2bi + 2bi i− 2 2 i:Xbi6=0 i:Xbi6=0 b |B| +2b1 +2b2/2 ≤ 2 log < |B| 2|B| + . 2 |B| n(n+1) Now m, and the weight of is clearly less than . Thus it |B| ≤ T 2 follows that mlog m n(n+1) w( ) < 2 + +m. S 2 2 On the other hand we already know from Reimer’s theorem and Theo- rem 3 that mlog m n(n 1) w( ) max 2 , − , S ≥ 2 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) whichisasymptotically thesameexceptwhenn2 mlog mwhenthelower ∼ 2 and upper bounds may diverge by a multiplicative factor of at most 2. We have thus proved the following theorem. Theorem 5. Let (n,m) be a satisfiable pair of integers. Suppose is an S n-separating union-closed family of size m with minimal weight. Then mlog m n(n 1) mlog m n(n+1) max 2 , − w( ) 2 + +m. 2 2 ≤ S ≤ 2 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) In particular if (nm,m)m∈N is a sequence of satisfiable pairs and m a se- S quenceofn -separating union-closedfamiliesofsizemwithminimalweight, m we have the following: If n /√mlogm 0 as m then m • → → ∞ mlog m lim w( )/( 2 ) = 1. m m→∞ S 2 If n /√mlogm as m then m • → ∞ → ∞ n2 lim w( )/( ) = 1. m m→∞ S 2 9 Otherwise • n2 mlog m 1 lim w( )/max( , 2 ), and m ≤ S 2 2 n2 mlog m lim w( )/max( , 2 ) 2 m S 2 2 ≤ As a corollary to Theorems 3, 5 and Reimer’s Theorem we have the following result regarding average degree. Corollary 6. Let be a separating union-closed family. Then, S 1 log d (x) |S| 2|S| +O(1). S Ω( ) ≥ 2 | S |x∈Ω(S) p X Moreover there exist arbitrarily large separating union-closed families with 1 d (x) log +O( /log ), Ω( ) S ≤ |S| 2|S| |S| 2|S| | S | x∈Ω(S) X p p so our bound is asymptotically sharp except for a multiplicative factor of at most 2. Proof. The average degree in a separating family is S 1 w( ) d (x)= S . S Ω( ) Ω( ) | S | x∈Ω(S) | S | X If is an n-separating union-closed family of size m, we get two lower S bounds on w( ) from Reimer’s Theorem and Theorem 3. Dividing through S by Ω( ) = n and optimising yields | S | 1 log 1 d (x) |S| 2|S| . S Ω( ) ≥ 2 − 4 | S | x∈Ω(S) p X The constructions from the proof of Theorem 5 then give us for each satisfiable pair (n,m) examples of n-separating families of size m with close to minimal average degree. In particular, take m = 2r and n= √2rr : the ⌈ ⌉ correspondingfamilyweconstructedhasweight2rr+O(2r). Ithastherefore average degree √r2r +O( 2r/r) = mlog m+O( m/log m). 2 2 We believe our boundps are in fapct asymptoticallypsharp, and that the constructions we gave in the proof of Theorem 5 are essentially the best possible. We conjecture to that effect. 10

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