MiniBooNE Oscillation Results 2011 Zelimir Djurcic Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439, USA 2 E-mail: [email protected] 1 0 Abstract. The MiniBooNE neutrino oscillation search experiment at Fermilab has recently 2 updated results from a search for ν¯ → ν¯ oscillations, using a data sample corresponding to µ e n 8.58×1020 protons on target in anti-neutrino mode. This high statistics result represent an a increase in statistics of 52% compared to result published in 2010. An excess of 57.7 ± 28.5 J events is observed in the energy range 200 MeV <E < 3000 MeV. The data favor LSND-like ν 6 ν¯ →ν¯ oscillations over a background only hypothesis at 91.1% confidence level in the energy µ e range 475 <Eν <3000 MeV. ] x e - p e h 1. Introduction [ Motivated by the LSND observation of an excess of observed ν¯ events above background e prediction in a ν¯ beam [1], the MiniBooNE experiment was designed to test the neutrino 1 µ v oscillation interpretation of the LSND signal in both neutrino and anti-neutrino modes. The 9 MiniBooNE collaboration has performed a search for ν → ν oscillations with 6.486 × 1020 µ e 1 protons on target (POT), the results of which showed no evidence of an excess of ν events 5 e 1 for neutrino energies above 475 MeV [2]. Despite having observed no evidence for oscillations . above 475 MeV, the MiniBooNE ν → ν search observed an excess of 128.8±43.4 events at 1 µ e 0 low energy, between 200-475 MeV [3]. Although the excess is incompatible with LSND-type 2 oscillations within the simple two neutrino oscillation framework, several hypotheses, including 1 sterileneutrinooscillationswithCPviolation, anomaly-mediatedneutrino-photoncoupling, and : v many others, have been proposed that provide a possible explanation for the excess itself [4]. i X In some cases, these theories offer the possibility of reconciling the MiniBooNE ν excess with e r the LSND ν¯e excess. A search in antineutrino mode provides a more direct test of the LSND a signal, which was observed with antineutrinos. The MiniBooNE collaboration has published a search for ν¯ → ν¯ oscillations with 5.66×1020 POT, the results of which showed an evidence µ e of an excess of ν¯ events for neutrino energies above 475 MeV [6]. The allowed regions from e the fit, shown in Fig. 1, are consistent with ν¯ → ν¯ oscillations in the 0.1 to 1 eV2 ∆m2 range µ e and consistent with the allowed region reported by the LSND experiment [1]. The data show an excess of 43.2±22.5 events: 277 electron-like events have been observed in 200 < E < 3000 ν MeV reconstructed energy range, compared to an expectation of 233.8±15.3(stat)±16.5(syst) events [6]. In the energy range 475 < E < 1250 MeV, the observed ν¯ events, when constrained ν e by the ν¯ data events, have a χ2/DF = 18.5/6 and a probability of 0.5% for a background-only µ hypothesis. VV Events/MeEvents/Me0000....4646 Fit Region νννπ∆0eee → m&&& iNνννsγeeeid fffrrrooommm µKK++0/-/- 102 699809%%% CCCLLL dirt KARMEN2 90% CL other 10 BUGEY 90% CL Constr. Syst. Error 00..22 Best Fit (E>475MeV) 4)c 2/V MeV0.3 2| (em 1 ents/0.2 DBaetsat -F eitxpected background Δ| Ev0.1 ssiinn2222θθ==00..00034, ∆, ∆mm2=2=0.13.e0VeV22 10-1 LSND 90% CL 0.0 LSND 99% CL 10-2 -0.10.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.63.0 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 EQνE (GeV) sin2(2θ) Figure 1. Results obtained with 5.66 × 1020 POT exposure. Top Left: Reconstructed E ν distribution of ν¯ CCQE candidates in MiniBooNE anti-neutrino running. Bottom Left: The e difference between the data and predicted backgrounds as a function of reconstructed neutrino energy. The error bars include both statistical and systematic components. Also shown in the figure are expectations from the best oscillation fit with E > 475 MeV, (∆m2,sin22θ) = (0.064 ν eV2, 0.96) where the fit is extrapolated below 475 MeV and from other neutrino oscillation parameter sets in the LSND allowed region. Right: MiniBooNE 68%, 90%, and 99% C.L. allowed regions for events with E > 475 MeV within a two neutrino ν¯ → ν¯ oscillation model, ν µ e obtained with 5.66×1020 POT exposure [6]. The shaded areas show the 90% and 99% C.L. LSND allowed regions. The black dot shows the best fit point. 2. New ν¯ → ν¯ Result µ e In this report we describe the latest unpublished results that the MiniBooNE collaboration updated in the search for ν¯ → ν¯ oscillations, using a data sample corresponding to 8.58×1020 µ e POTexposure. Theanalysistechniqueusedherewasalreadydescribed[3,5,6]andassumesonly ν¯ → ν¯ oscillations with no ν¯ disappearance and no ν oscillations. The signature of ν¯ → ν¯ µ e µ µ µ e oscillations is an excess of ν¯ -induced charged-current quasi-elastic (CCQE) events. Fig. 2 (top e left) shows the reconstructed E distribution of observed ν¯ CCQE candidates and background ν e expectation. The data show an excess of 57.7 ± 28.5 events: 412 electron-like events have been Table 1. The number of data, fitted background, and excess events in the ν¯ appearance e analysis for different E ranges. The uncertainties include both statistical and constrained ν systematic errors. All known systematic errors are included in the systematic error estimate. Eν range[MeV] Data Background EventExcess 200-475 189 150.4±12.3±13.9 38.6±18.5 475-675 80 58.3±7.6±5.5 21.7±9.4 475-1250 168 151.7±12.3±15.0 16.3±19.4 475-3000 223 203.9±14.3±20.2 19.1±24.7 200-3000 412 354.3±18.8±21.4 57.7±28.5 observed in 200 < E < 3000 MeV reconstructed energy range, compared to an expectation of ν 354.3±18.8(stat)±21.4(syst) events (see also Table 1). Fig. 2 (bottom left) shows the event 2 V1.0 Events/Me Fit RPRegEiLoInMINARY (cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:47)(cid:54)0eee (cid:65) m&&& iN(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:105)s(cid:97)eeeid fffrrrooommm µKK++0/-/- 102 69998059%%%% CCCCLLLL 0.5 doitrhter 10 KBAURGMEYE N920 %90 C%L CL Constr. Syst. Error Best Fit (E>475MeV) 4)c 2/V nts/MeV0.3 PRELIMINARY Data - expected background 2| (em|(cid:54) 1 Excess Eve00..21 Bssiienns2222t (cid:101)(cid:101)F==it00..020, (cid:54)4m, (cid:54)2m=02=.11e.V0e2V2 10-1 PRELLSNIMDI N90A%R CYL 0.0 LSND 99% CL 10-2 -0.10.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.63.0 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 EQE (GeV) sin2(2(cid:101)) (cid:105) Figure 2. TopLeft: ReconstructedE distributionofν¯ CCQEcandidatesinMiniBooNEanti- ν e neutrino running. Bottom Left: The difference between the data and predicted backgrounds as a function of reconstructed neutrino energy. The error bars include both statistical and systematic components. Also shown in the figure are expectations from the best oscillation fit with E > 475 MeV, (∆m2,sin22θ) = (4.64 eV2, 0.00337) where the fit is extrapolated below ν 475 MeV and from other neutrino oscillation parameter sets in the LSND allowed region. Right: MiniBooNE 68%, 90%, and 99% C.L. allowed regions for events with E > 475 MeV within a ν two neutrino ν¯ → ν¯ oscillation model. The black dot shows the best fit point. µ e excess as a function of E . Using a likelihood-ratio technique, the best MiniBooNE oscillation ν fit for 475 < E < 3000 MeV occurs at (∆m2, sin22θ) = (4.64 eV2, 0.00337). The energy ν range E > 475 MeV has been chosen for the fit as this is the energy range MiniBooNE used ν for searching for oscillations in neutrino mode. Also, this energy range avoids the region of the unexplained low-energy excess in neutrino mode [3]. The χ2 for the best-fit point in the energy range of 475 < E < 1250 MeV is 4.3 for 4 DF, corresponding to a χ2-probability of 36%. The ν probability of the background-only fit relative to the best oscillation fit is 8.9%. Fig. 2 (right) shows the MiniBooNE 68%, 90%, and 99% C.L. closed contours for ν¯ → ν¯ oscillations in the µ e 475 < E < 3000 MeV energy range. Both the old and updated results are consistent with ν the LSND oscillation region although the updated result has a much reduced significance for LSND-like oscillation signal. The updated results shown an excess of 38.6 ± 18.5 events in the low energy region 200 < E < 475 MeV, more prominent than in the previous result. Part of ν this excess may be attributed to the neutrino-mode low energy excess [3], given 22% neutrino contributiontothebeaminantineutrino-mode. Withtheoscillationfitregionextendeddownto 200 MeV, the MiniBooNE closed contours for ν¯ → ν¯ oscillations are similar as shown in Fig 3 µ e (left). Fig 3 (right) shows the fit with the subtraction of 17 events expected assuming the low energyexcessscaleswithneutrinocomponentofthebeam. Thebestoscillationfitpointwithout and with this subtraction correspond to (∆m2,sin22θ) = (4.64 eV2, 0.0045) and (∆m2,sin22θ) = (4.64 eV2, 0.0037), respectively. 3. Conclusion and Next Steps The MiniBooNE experiment observes an excess of 57.7 ± 28.5 events in the full energy range 200 MeV < E < 3000 MeV for a data sample corresponding to 8.58×1020 POT. The allowed ν regions from the fit, shown in Fig. 2, are consistent with ν¯ → ν¯ oscillations in the 0.1 to 1 eV2 µ e ∆m2 range. The data favor LSND-like oscillations over a background only hypothesis at 91.1% 3 102 102 68% CL 68% CL 90% CL 90% CL 95% CL 95% CL 99% CL 99% CL 10 KARMEN2 90% CL 10 KARMEN2 90% CL BUGEY 90% CL BUGEY 90% CL 4)c 4)c 2/V 2/V 2| (em 1 2| (em 1 (cid:54) (cid:54) | | 10-1 PRELIMINARY 10-1 PRELIMINARY LSND 90% CL LSND 90% CL LSND 99% CL LSND 99% CL 10-2 10-2 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 sin2(2(cid:101)) sin2(2(cid:101)) Figure 3. Left: MiniBooNE 90% and 99% C.L. allowed regions for events with E > 200 MeV ν within a two neutrino ν¯ → ν¯ oscillation model. The shaded areas show the 90% and 99% µ e C.L. LSND allowed regions. Right: MiniBooNE 90% and 99% C.L. allowed regions for events with E > 200 MeV within a two neutrino ν¯ → ν¯ oscillation model, with the subtraction of ν µ e the expected 17 event excess in the 200 < E < 475 MeV low-energy region from the neutrino ν component of the beam. confidencelevel. Withnewdataupdateexcessisindicatedatlowenergy, aswithneutrinos. The MiniBooNE antineutrino results are statistically limited and a larger data sample will be needed tomakemoredefinitivestatements. MiniBooNE’srequestedadditionalrunningtoreachcloseto 15×1020 POTandsignificantlyincreasethecurrentdatastatisticsbeforeanticipatedaccelerator shutdownatFermilabexpectedinSpring2012. Inthenextstepacombinedν¯ → ν¯ andν → ν µ e µ e analysis will be performed. In addition, several proposed short-baseline experiments [7] will be sensitive to ν¯ → ν¯ oscillations in the 0.1 to 1 eV2 ∆m2 range. µ e 3.1. 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