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ACTA UNIVERSITATIS SZEGEDIENSIS Search ACTA MINERALOGICA-PETROGRAPHICA ABSTRACT SERIES Volume 6 2010 IMA2010 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association 21–27 August, 2010 Budapest, Hungary Published by the Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged ACTA MINERALOGICA-PETROGRAPHICA established in 1922 ABSTRACT SERIES HU ISSN 0324-6523 HU ISSN 1589-4835 Editor-In-Chief Elemér Pál-Molnár University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary E-mail: [email protected] EDITORIAL BOARD Péter Árkai, György Buda, István Dódony, Tamás Fancsik, János Földessy, Szabolcs Harangi, Magdolna Hetényi, Balázs Koroknai, Tivadar M. Tóth, Gábor Papp, Mihály Pósfai, Péter Rózsa, Péter Sipos, Csaba Szabó, Sándor Szakáll, Tibor Szederkényi, István Viczián, Tibor Zelenka Abbreviated title: Acta Mineral. Petrogr. Abstr. Ser., Szeged This volume was published for the 375thanniversary of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. The publication was co-sponsored by the National Office for Research and Technology, Budapest. IMA2010 (www.ima2010.hu) is organised in the frame of the ELTE375 scientific celebration activities. IMA2010 PUBLICATION SUBCOMMITEE Chairman: Gábor Papp, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest (HU) Members: Vladislav Bermanec, University of Zagreb (HR), Igor Broska, Geological Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK), Volker Höck, University of Salzburg (AT), Gheorghe Ilinca, University of Bucharest (RO), Milan Novák, Masaryk University, Brno (CZ), Zbigniew Sawłowicz, Jagellonian University in Kraków (PL), Simona Skobe, University of Ljubljana (SI), Strashimir Borisov Strashimirov, University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” (BG), Nada Vasković, University of Belgrade (RS) OFFICERS OF THE IMA2010 ORGANISING COMMITTEE Chairman:Tamás G. Weiszburg, Budapest, Hungary, Secretary General:Dana Pop, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Editorial Office Manager Anikó Batki University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary E-mail: [email protected] Editorial Address H-6701 Szeged, Hungary P.O. Box 651 E-mail: [email protected] The Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica is published by the Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary © Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged On the cover: Map of the Carpathian region with type localities of new mineral species, rocks, fossil resins and hydrocarbons discovered in (first described from) the area, including both valid and discredited species. See the last page for the locality names corresponding to numbers. Map plotted by Ferenc Mádai from the data of Gábor Papp for the exhibition of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, entitled “There is something new under the earth”, organised on the occasion of IMA2010. IMA2010 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association 21–27 August, 2010 Budapest, Hungary ABSTRACTS Edited by Luminiţa Zaharia Annamária Kis Boglárka Topa Gábor Papp Tamás G. Weiszburg MAIN SCIENTIFIC SPONSORS Organising societies Min eralogi Mineralogical Society of Austria c l M a a l Croatian Geological Society onI A As s i o Czech Geological Society tanretnI n oitais Hungarian Geological Society, International Mineralogical Association Mineralogical-Geochemical Branch Mineralogical Society of Poland Mineralogical Society of Romania Geological Society of Slovakia, Mineralogical-Geochemical Branch Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Supporting societies MAIN FINANCIAL SPONSOR Bulgarian Mineralogical Society Serbian Geological Society, Mineralogical-Petrological Section Slovenian Geological Society, Mineralogical Branch National Office forResearch and Technology (NKTH), Budapest 2010 Szeged, Hungary IMA2010 abstracts were revised by the session convenors, formatted by the editors with the help of Ramona Bălc, Evelyn Dömötör, Rodica Filipescu, Anamaria Mihăilă Abstract index was prepared by the editors, with the help of Evelyn Dömötör, Melinda Jánosi, Ferenc Kristály, Erzsébet Tóth Further scientific sponsors National scientific academies and their research institutes in the organising countries Universities from the organising countries Museums of the organising countries European Mineralogical Union and several mineralogical societies of Europe Sister societies of IMA IUGS Hungarian National Committee International Organising Committee Scientific Programme Committee Tamás G. Weiszburg, Chairman (Hungary) Ekkehart Tillmanns, Chairman (Austria) Dana Pop, Secretary General (Romania) Georges Calas, Vice-Chairman (France) Luminiţa Zaharia, Abstract István Kovács, Executive Co-ordinator (Romania) Scientific Secretary (Hungary) Ekkehart Tillmanns (ex officio) (Austria) Tamás G. Weiszburg (ex officio) (Hungary) Vladimir Bermanec (Croatia) Péter Árkai (Hungary) Károly Brezsnyánszky (Hungary) Vladimir Bermanec (Croatia) Igor Broska (Slovakia) Michael A. Carpenter (UK) Georgios Christofides (Greece) Martin Chovan (Slovakia) Attila Demény (Hungary) Anne M. Hofmeister (USA) Mickey Gunter (USA) Georg Hoinkes (Austria) Szabolcs Harangi (Hungary) Gheorghe Ilinca (Romania) Imbarak S. Hassen (Egypt) Peter Komadel (Slovakia) Volker Höck (Austria) Anhuai Lu (China) Corina Ionescu (Romania) Juraj Majzlan (Germany) Gabriella Kiss (Hungary) Marek Michalik (Poland) Friedrich Koller (Austria) Annibale Mottana (Italy) Veselin Kovachev (Bulgaria) Milan Novák (Czech Republic) István Kovács (Hungary) Bogdan P. Onac (Romania/USA) György A. Lovas (Hungary) Herbert Palme (Germany) Ferenc Mádai (Hungary) Mihály Pósfai (Hungary) István Márton (Romania) Dmitry Yu. Pushcharovsky (Russia) Ferenc Molnár (Hungary) Milan Rieder (Czech Republic) Daniel R. Neuville (France) Tsutomu Sato (Japan) Milan Novák (Czech Republic) Bjoern Winkler (Germany) Ladislav Palinkaš (Croatia) Gábor Papp (Hungary) Zbigniew Sawłowicz (Poland) Publication Subcommittee Simona Skobe (Slovenia) Gábor Papp, Chairman (Hungary) Tsveta Stanimirova (Bulgaria) (see the inside of the front cover for members) Csaba Szabó (Hungary) Sándor Szakáll (Hungary) Géza Szendrei (Hungary) Field trip Subcommittee Veronika Szilágyi (Hungary) Friedrich Koller, Co-Chairman (Austria) Darko Tibljaš (Croatia) Ferenc Molnár, Co-Chairman (Hungary Erzsébet Tóth (Hungary) (see the inside of the front cover of the field trip Pavel Uher (Slovakia) guides, Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Field Guide Nada Vasković (Serbia) Series, Vol. 1–29, for members) Sabine Verryn (South Africa) CONTENTS PLENARY TALKS Hazen, R.M.: Mineralogical co-evolution of the geosphere and biosphere.......................................................................v Buseck, P.R.: 40 years of nanomineralogy.........................................................................................................................v Griffin, W.L. & O’Reilly, S.Y.: Composition and evolution of the SCLM, and the origin of its diamonds....................vi Sigmarsson, O.: Mineralogical and glass compositional variations during the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland.....vi Lloyd, J.R.: The mineral-microbe interface and its defining role in controlling contaminant mobility in the subsurface......vii Hawthorne, F.C.: Toward theoretical mineralogy: the bond-topological basis of structure stability and mineral energetics..vii Wilke, M.: X-ray spectroscopy on geomaterials using synchrotron radiation.................................................................viii ELEMENTS 5 TALKS Valsami-Jones, E., Oelkers, E.H., Skartsila, K. & Klasa, J.: Phosphate mineral reactivity: from nano to global scales.........ix Ewing, R.C.: The nuclear fuel cycle: role of mineralogy and geochemistry in the safe management of nuclear waste...........ix Kelly, N.M.: Zircon – more than just a chronometer..........................................................................................................x Pósfai, M., Kasama, T., Simpson, E.T., Faivre, D., Schüler, D. & Dunin-Borkowski, R.E.: Biomineral attractions: magnets in organisms..............................................................................................................................x Sahai, N., Zhang, N., Murphy, W.L., Molenda, J., Yang Y. & Cui Q.: Mechanisms of cellular and biomacromolecular interactions with minerals in humans.....................................................................................................xi Waychunas, G.A.: Mineralogy and geochemistry at lower dimensionality: mineral-water interfaces and nanoparticles.......xi 1. APPLIED MINERALOGY, MATERIALS SCIENCE AM10G Applied mineralogy, Materials science (general session)................................................................................1 AM11 Gem materials: Origins, properties, and new analytical challenges..............................................................21 AM12 Structure and properties of silicate glasses and melts: From laboratory to volcanic activities......................35 AM14 Zeolites and porous materials........................................................................................................................47 AM15 Gas storage in minerals: Experimental and field studies...............................................................................57 AM16 Chemical degradation kinetics of cementitious materials: Application to the durability of hydrated cement and concrete..........................................................................................................................................65 AM17 Corrosion: From biofouling to mineral weathering.......................................................................................71 AM18C2 Colloidal properties and surface chemistry of clays......................................................................................75 AM19C5 Interfacial phenomena of clay minerals: Adsorption, intercalation and nanohybrid materials......................87 2. CLAY SCIENCE (co-sponsored by the Mid-European Clay Conference) C20G Clay Science (general session)......................................................................................................................97 3. CULTURAL HERITAGE CH30G Archaeometry (general session): Composition, technology and provenance of archaeological artifacts....103 CH31 Mineralogical aspects of monument preservation.......................................................................................127 4. DEEP EARTH DE41 Mineralogy of the Deep Earth.....................................................................................................................141 DE42 Planetary cores.............................................................................................................................................161 DE43 “Water” in nominally anhydrous minerals: Analytical and experimental contributions.............................169 DE44 Diamond crystallization under natural and experimental conditions...........................................................177 DE45 Fluids in the Earth.......................................................................................................................................189 DE46 Frontiers of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism and deep subduction: From atomic scales to mountain building.....207 5. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY/MINERALOGY EG50G Economic geology (metallic and non-metallic ore deposits) (general session)...........................................221 EG51 Crustal fluids and gold.................................................................................................................................245 EG52 Platinum-group minerals in the new millennium.........................................................................................263 EG53 Geo-metallurgy and Process mineralogy.....................................................................................................275 EG54 Mineral deposits in terrestrial volcanic-hydrothermal systems...................................................................285 EG55 Mineral deposits of Africa...........................................................................................................................301 EG56C4 Industrial clay deposits: From the field to the industry...............................................................................307 EG57C14 Clays in oil and gas industry........................................................................................................................313 6. ENVIRONMENTAL MINERALOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY, BIOMINERALOGY, HEALTH EM60G Environmental mineralogy and geochemistry, Biomineralogy, Health (general session)...........................319 EM61 Mineralogy of mine wastes and contaminated soil......................................................................................335 EM62 Contaminated land and sustainable remediation..........................................................................................353 EM63 Mineralogy and geochemistry of the nuclear fuel cycle..............................................................................361 EM64 Biominerals and biomaterials: The interface between geosciences and life sciences..................................367 EM65 Interactions between microorganisms and minerals: From cell to environmental systems.........................379 iv EM66C6 Clays related to environment and health......................................................................................................393 EM67C13 Clay minerals and bio-molecules: From the origin of life to advanced biomedical applications................409 7. GENERAL AND SPECIFIC MINERALOGY GM70G General and specific mineralogy (general session)......................................................................................415 GM71 From the protoplanetary disc to lower mantle: Celebrating 170 years of perovskite research (session dedicated to Roger H. Mitchell)............................................................................................441 GM72 Accessory minerals: Tracers of magmatic and metamorphic evolution......................................................447 GM73 Cave minerals..............................................................................................................................................465 GM74 Boron minerals, geochemistry and isotopes: What do they tell us about geologic processes?....................473 GM75 New minerals, nomenclature and classification...........................................................................................487 GM76C9 Non-phyllosilicate clays..............................................................................................................................503 8. GEOCHEMISTRY AND PETROLOGY GP80G Geochemistry and Petrology (general session)............................................................................................505 GP81 Volcanoes: The mineral factory...................................................................................................................537 GP82 Alkaline rocks/kimberlites/carbonatites.......................................................................................................551 GP83 Ophiolites: From spreading to emplacement...............................................................................................581 GP84 Decoding P-T-t-d evolution in mountain belts: Significance for geodynamics...........................................591 GP85 Jadeitites and their record of subduction zone processes.............................................................................597 GP86 From gemstones to cell phones: The importance of pegmatites to society..................................................603 GP87C3 Geology of clays..........................................................................................................................................621 GP88C8 Weathering, soils and paleosol clays...........................................................................................................639 9. METHODS AND APPLICATIONS MA91 Advanced transmission electron microscopy methods................................................................................649 MA92 Mineral spectroscopy: Advanced spectroscopic methods applied to minerals and related inorganic materials......655 MA93 Application of synchrotron radiation in earth and planetary sciences.........................................................669 MA94 Advances in neutron techniques in earth and environmental sciences........................................................679 MA95 Breakthroughs in geochronology and thermochronology and applications to tectonic problems...............683 MA96 Advances in imaging techniques, and their application in the Earth sciences.............................................687 MA97C10 Advanced instrumental techniques in clay science......................................................................................695 10. MINERALOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY MC100G Mineralogical crystallography (general session).........................................................................................705 MC101 Bond topology in complex structures..........................................................................................................731 MC102 Modularity and modulation in minerals.......................................................................................................737 MC103C1 Crystal chemistry and structure of clay minerals and layered minerals.......................................................747 11. MINERAL MUSEUMS AND HISTORICAL MINERALOGY MH110G Mineral museums and Historical mineralogy (general session)..................................................................761 MH111 History of mineralogy: The role of the Carpathian region in the 18th century............................................771 MH112 The scientific value of mineral beauty.........................................................................................................775 12. PLANETARY MINERALOGY PL121 Planetary mineralogy: Meteorites, shock metamorphism, and more...........................................................777 PL122/124 Minerals in meteorites / First solids in the solar system..............................................................................787 PL123 Cometary and stellar mineralogy.................................................................................................................791 PL125 Terrestrial and extra-terrestrial nanodiamonds: Recent progress in the occurrences, structures and uses...797 13. THERMODYNAMICS, KINETICS AND MINERAL PHYSICS TH131 Influence of reaction kinetics on rock microstructure, texture and micro-chemistry: Assessing the petrogenetic record..............................................................................................................................799 TH132 Thermodynamic behaviour of Earth materials............................................................................................807 TH134 Structure-property relations of minerals from atomistic models.................................................................815 TH135 Interactions between solids and aqueous solutions from theory and experiment........................................821 TH136 Mineral growth and interface processes......................................................................................................831 TH137 Nanoparticles: Structure, properties, reactivity............................................................................................843 TH138C11 Physical properties of clays at non-ambient conditions...............................................................................849 TH139C12 Fabric anisotropy and its influence on physical properties of clay-rich rocks.............................................855 14. TEACHING AND OPEN SESSION TM141G Teaching of mineral sciences.......................................................................................................................859 XO150G Open session: Mineral sciences-related other subjects................................................................................867 Addendum to GP87C3 – Geology of clays.....................................................................................................................872 Authors’ index...............................................................................................................................................................873 Plenary talks v Mineralogical co-evolution of the geosphere and 40 years of nanomineralogy biosphere Buseck, P.R. Hazen, R.M. School of Earth & Space Exploration and Dept. of Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution, Washington DC, Chemistry/Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA ([email protected]) USA ([email protected]) The mineralogy of terrestrial planets evolves as a consequence The warm feelings conveyed by Figure 1 reflect the substantial of varied physical, chemical and biological processes [1]. Initial progress that has occurred in the study of crystalline materials, evolutionary stages include the transition from ~12 nano-scale including minerals, during the last four decades. That figure, mineral phases in pre-stellar dense molecular clouds, to ~60 lacking the Valentine Day embellishments, appeared 30 years primary chondrite minerals, to ~250 different minerals in ago. It followed developments that transformed transmission altered chondrites, achondrites and differentiated asteroids. electron microscopy from a technique used primarily by Earth’s subsequent prebiotic mineral evolution depended on a biologists to one routinely utilized by solid-state scientists, sequence of geochemical and petrologic processes, including including mineralogists. The changes became possible through volcanism and degassing, fractional crystallization, crystal the availability of new, highly stable microscopes for producing settling, assimilation reactions, regional and contact high-resolution images and new theory for interpreting the metamorphism, plate tectonics and associated large-scale fluid- results. This combination facilitated the study of defects and rock interactions. These processes resulted in perhaps 1500 other irregularities in crystalline and, eventually, non-crystalline different mineral species. solids. Additional developments continue to this day. Biological processes began to affect Earth’s surface mineralogy by the Eoarchean, when large-scale surface mineral deposits, including carbonates and banded iron formations, were precipitated under the influences of changing atmospheric and ocean chemistry. The Paleoproterozoic “Great Oxidation Event” and Neoproterozoic increases in atmospheric O transformed 2 Earth’s surface mineralogy and are responsible, directly or indirectly, for most of Earth’s 4300 known mineral species. Mineral evolution arises from three primary mechanisms: (1) progressive separation and concentration of elements from their original relatively uniform distribution; (2) an increase in range of intensive variables such as pressure, temperature, and the activities of HO, CO and O; and (3) generation of far- 2 2 2 from-equilibrium conditions by living systems. The sequential Fig. 1: Slightly edited HRTEM image of defects in biopyriboles; evolution of Earth’s mineralogy from chondritic simplicity to modified (by Sue Selkirk) from Fig. 1c in Veblen and Buseck [1]. Phanerozoic complexity introduces the dimension of geologic time to mineralogy and thus provides a dynamic alternate High-resolution images of solids allowed the first direct approach to framing the mineral sciences. visualization of structural irregularities in crystals. One no longer had to infer the crystal defects that permitted solid-state [1] Hazen, R.M. et al. (2008) Am. Mineral., 93, 1693-1720. reactions to occur. Instead, it became possible to actually observe the reaction pathways through transitions and reactions “frozen” before completion. Such new information helped reconstruct processes that previously could only be inferred. Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) can be used to measure the crystalline structures and compositions of minerals at the micrometer to sub-nanometer scale. For particles, such as occur in the atmosphere and comprise an area of increasing interest for mineralogists, they can also be used to determine their sizes, 2D and 3D shapes, intergrowths, and coatings, all of which are of interest for atmospheric and climate studies. The various nanoscale modes of modern TEMs include high-resolution imaging (HRTEM); energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) to determine compositions of inorganic species; electron energy-loss spectrometry (EELS) to measure the abundances of elements heavier than Li, their oxidation states, and chemical speciation; energy-filtered TEM (EFTEM) to show the distributions of elements within substances; selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) to determine crystallographic structures; environmental-TEM (ETEM) to measure hygroscopic properties, volatilities, and reactions at high temperature; electron holography (EH) for magnetic studies; and electron tomography (ET) to determine 3D shapes. Mineral studies at elevated temperatures are almost routine, and we are currently trying to develop the use of TEMs to study minerals at high pressure. Examples will be provided of a range of problems addressed by studying minerals on a level ranging down to the nanoscale. [1] Veblen, D.R. & Buseck, P.R. (1980) Am. Mineral., 65, 599- 623. vi Plenary talks Composition and evolution of the SCLM, and the Mineralogical and glass compositional origin of its diamonds variations during the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland Griffin, W.L.* & O’Reilly, S.Y. GEMOC, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University, Sigmarsson, O. Sydney, NSW, Australia (*[email protected]) Inst. of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland ([email protected]) and Recent developments in seismic tomography and the integrated Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, CNRS - Université Blaise modeling of geophysical and petrological data have stimulated a Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France major re-evaluation of the original composition and present extent of Archean subcontinental lithospheric mantle (A- After three months of magma injection beneath Eyjafjallajökull SCLM). Analyses of seismic and gravity data, and volcano, and corresponding inflation of the volcano, a lateral consideration of relationships in exposed Archean peridotite eruption started March 20 at the Fimmvörðuháls pass. massifs, suggest that the primitive A-SCLM probably was a Relatively primitive olivine and plagioclase bearing basalt was highly depleted, moderately oxidised dunite-harzburgite, produced from ca. 500 m long fissure. After the first two days, formed by high-degree melting at high T and P. Seismic the activity was concentrated in a single strombolian crater until tomography of cratons at regional and local scales shows March 31 when a new eruption fissure opened orthogonal to the “knobs” of high-Vs material that can be modeled as primitive first one. Last lava-forming activity was observed March 12. A-SCLM, surrounded by zones of lower Vs. Kimberlites The basalt composition has a restricted whole-rock preferentially intrude these low-Vs belts, bringing up xenolith compositional range (8-9% MgO) from 3% Hy-normative at the suites dominated by garnet lherzolites. By analogy with beginning to 3% Ne-normative composition at the end. The Archean peridotite massifs, these less-depleted rocks are euhedral phenocrysts assemblage is composed of Cr-rich spinel interpreted as the result of metasomatic refertilisation, with (picotite), olivine in the range Fo79-71 (with four crystals of progressive addition of cpx and garnet, and lowering of Mg#, in Fo86), and a bytownite plagioclase (An81-76). Abundant the peridotites. Within individual kimberlite fields, there is a vesicules and microlites characterize the groundmass, direct correlation between this refertilisation process and the suggesting degassing-related crystallization. The interstitial presence of diamonds of the peridotitic paragenesis [1]. A glass composition is similar to the evolved FeTi-basalts of the strong correlation between subcalcic garnets and diamonds neighbouring Katla volcano (MgO: 4.5-5.0%). During the suggests a model in which diamonds are deposited as CH4-rich historical period Katla has erupted twice per century; it last fluids are oxidized by the SCLM, producing carbonate-rich, erupted in 1918. hydrous fluids. On April 14 an explosive summit eruption started beneath EMP and FTIR analyses of µm-sized fluid inclusions in an ice-cap with an eruption column occasionally rising as high “fibrous” diamonds have identified a more complex suite of as 8-10 km. Very fine-grained tephra of trachy-andesitic high-density fluids (HDF), ranging from carbonatitic melts to composition was produced and dispersed to the east and later to “hydrosilicic” fluids and super-saline brines. LAM-ICPMS the south covering the neighbouring area with a few cm thick analysis of such diamonds [2] yields trace-element patterns tephra layer. Finest part of this tephra was ejected to significant similar to kimberlites and carbonatites, with high LREE/HREE, heights in the atmosphere where it sojourned for several days, and high contents of alkali elements (Na, K, Rb, Cs, Ba) and and was brought over continental Europe by prevailing HFSE (Ti, Zr, Nb…). Within single localities, carbonatitic, northeast wind directions. The fine grain-size of the tephra is hydro-silicic and saline fluids have broadly similar trace- not only due to rapid quenching caused by ice-magma element patterns. The different types of HDF may reflect interaction but also by fragmentation caused by rapid strain of a complex interactions between low-volume (mostly carbonatitic) relatively viscous melt. The trachy-andesite produced during the melts, saline brines and different wall rocks (peridotitic vs first five days result from a binary mixing between fractionated eclogitic, refractory vs metasomatised). basalt (similar in composition to those of Katla volcano) and a In contrast to the fibrous diamonds, most monocrystalline dacitic melt, possibly left-over from the penultimate eruption at diamonds have REE patterns that are either are essentially flat, Eyjafjallajökull (the 1821 dacite), and a consequent rapid or are depleted in LREE relative to HREE. They also are magma ascent. The magma mixing is reflected by linear depleted in the alkali elements relative to the LREE, and many correlations on element-element plots between major- and trace- show strong negative anomalies in Y and Sr. These fluids and element concentrations obtained on whole-rock samples and in- those that form fibrous diamonds may be related through situ by EMPA and LA-ICP-MS methods applied to primitive carbonate/silicate melt immiscibility; the transition between melt-inclusions, groundmass glasses and tephra fragments from them has been observed in single stones. In the Diavik mines, the 1821 eruption. Three glass types are observed in the early some monocrystalline diamonds and their fibrous/granular coats tephra with SiO concentrations of 49-51%, 60-61% and 69- 2 appear to have grown from the same type(s) of fluid. 70% that illustrates a mechanical magma mingling without If most peridotitic diamonds are related to the metasomatic enough time for homogenization before eruption. This results in modification of the dunitic Archean SCLM, then progressive complex mineralogical zonation with Fo64-50, An69-9 and Mg- metasomatism of the SCLM through time should decrease its number of clinopyroxene in the range 72-26. On May 4 a deep overall prospectivity for diamonds. However, in seismic swarm (over 20 km deep) occurred with consequent tectonothermally younger terrains, diamonds are commonly higher magma output as measured from the height of the May 5 hosted primarily in eclogites. In the absence of oxidized dunites, eruption column. The tephra produced that day is comprised of these mafic rocks may provide the redox environment required well-mixed glass with SiO of 62-63% but has 50μm zoned- 2 to deposit diamonds. Metasomatism is an ongoing process, and olivines with 10 μm tick rim of Fo . The core has Fo , a 48-50 80 it is not obvious that diamonds necessarily are ancient; some composition similar to the olivines of the Fimmvörðuháls may be quite „modern.” basalts. These results indicate a direct link between the arrival of primitive basalts, deep seismicity, increased magma pressure [1] Malkovets, V. et al. (2007) Geology, 35, 339-342. [2] Rege, in the plumbing system, and higher magma output rate. Taken S. et al. (2005) J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 20, 601-611. together, the explosive phase of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption was caused by dynamic magma mixing of mantle- derived basalt with older silicic intrusion remobilized by the crystallizing primitive basalt. Plenary talks vii The mineral-microbe interface and its defining Toward theoretical mineralogy: the bond- role in controlling contaminant mobility in the topological basis of structure stability and subsurface mineral energetics Lloyd, J.R. Hawthorne, F.C. School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, The University of Manchester, UK Winnipeg, Canada ([email protected]) ([email protected]) The electronic properties of the constituent atoms of a structure Recent advances in mineralogy and microbiology have led to a may be represented as the diagonal elements of a square matrix, molecular-scale understanding of the critical role of the and the interactions between these atoms may be represented by mineral-microbe interface in controlling contaminant mobility the off-diagonal terms of this matrix. The form of this matrix is in the subsurface. Of particular note are respiratory processes, identical to that of the adjacency matrix of the weighted mediated by specialist bacteria and archaea, and coupled chromatic digraph of the bond network. The electronic energy directly to the redox transformations of minerals. These density-of-states can be derived using the method of moments effectively control the mobility of both inorganic and organic [1], where the trace of the diagonalized Hamiltonian matrix (of species in a wide range of environments and, if harnessed, may the usual secular determinant equation) has a topological offer the basis of a wide range of innovative biotechnological interpretation in terms of closed paths in the graph of the processes. These applications include the bioremediation of constituent orbitals. The energy difference between two metal contaminated land and water, the oxidation of xenobiotics structures depends primarily on the first few disparate moments under anaerobic conditions, metal recovery in combination with of their respective energy density-of-states [2]. Consider what the formation of novel functional bionanominerals, and even the this means: (1) zero-order moments are >walks in place= and generation of electricity from anoxic sediments. Under certain define chemical composition; (2) second-order moments define conditions, however, microbial redox transformations of coordination number; (3) fourth- and sixth-order moments minerals can also mobilise toxic metals and metalloids with define local connectivity of coordination polyhedra; energy potentially calamitous effects on human health. differences between structures are dependent on these features. Focusing on “dissimilatory” mineral reduction processes, I Open-system behaviour changes zero-order moments, closed will discuss recent advances in the understanding of the system behaviour does not change zero-order moments. Within mechanisms of anoxic Fe redox cycling in the subsurface, and this framework, we may divide mineral reactions into two the impact of Fe mineral biotransformations on sediment types: (1) those where bond topology is conserved; (2) those biogeochemistry and the mobility of trace metals, metalloids where bond topology is not conserved. Conservation of Bond and radionuclides. The biotechnological application of mineral- Topology: The edge set of the digraph is conserved but the transforming metal-reducing bacteria for the generation of weights may vary depending on local changes in the vertex set. commercially useful bionanominerals will also be discussed, Thus the energetically most important changes involve variation alongside their use in a range of innovative ex situ applications. in patterns of Short-Range Order (SRO). In order to conserve The dramatic impact of advanced imaging, synchrotron bond topology with varying T and P, thermal expansion and spectroscopy and genomics-enabled techniques in dissecting the elastic compression must be accompanied by element mineral-microbe interface will be highlighted alongside current substitutions that accord with the short-range version [3] of the challenges in this rapidly developing area of multidisciplinary valence-sum rule of bond-valence theory [4]. Thus variation in science. SRO is an integral part of continuous mineral reactions and drives compositional change. Non-conservation of Bond Topology: In a closed system, zero moments are fixed and the lowest-order changes involve second-order moments, i.e., changes in coordination number. Many reactions of geological interest involve conservation of cation-coordination number, and such reactions are driven primarily by changes in anion- coordination number. The correspondence principle of Lewis acidity – Lewis basicity [5] may be used to explain the structural and chemical complexity of many surficial minerals. Where data are available, species in aqueous solution follow the valence-sum rule, and their Lewis basicities scale with the pH values of the solution at maximum abundance of the species in solution. The complex species in aqueous solution actually form the building blocks of the crystallizing minerals, and in principle, the structures thus retain a record of the pH of the nascent solutions from which they crystallized. This general approach has an atomistic basis and yet is sufficiently simple that complex problems can be addressed in a transparent yet quantitative manner. [1] Burdett, J.K. et al. (1984) Croatia Chem. Acta, 57, 1193- 1216. [2] Burdett, J.K. & Lee, S. (1985) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 107, 3063-3082. [3] Hawthorne, F.C. (1997) Can. Mineral., 35, 201-216. [4] Brown, I.D. (2002) The Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry. The Bond Valence Model. Oxford University Press. [5] Hawthorne, F.C. & Schindler, M. (2008) Z. Kristallogr., 223, 41-68. viii Plenary talks X-ray spectroscopy on geomaterials using synchrotron radiation Wilke, M. Helmholtzzentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany ([email protected]) In the last two decades, synchrotron radiation (SR) has become an indispensable tool for studying geomaterials using X-ray spectroscopic techniques. The continuous spectrum and the high brilliance produced by a SR source not only enable the acquisition of high quality data in short time, but also provide the possibility to focus the SR beam into small spots with very high photon flux. Particularly the latter feature is a prerequisite for many applications in Earth sciences. In this lecture, a sequence of examples using X-ray spectroscopic techniques is discussed, which highlight the versatile applicability to many materials of geological interest at the relevant geological conditions. One very important application using the fine structure observed at the X-ray absorption edge (XANES) represents the investigation of redox processes. For Fe, the pre-edge region provides an almost direct way of quantifying the oxidation state in many crystalline and non-crystalline compounds [1], even with microscopic spatial resolution, e.g. [2]. XANES at the S K- edge may be used to study S-redox equilibria in melts, e.g. [3]. E.g., new XANES derived data show a much narrower transition from sulfide to sulfate with oxygen fugacity than previously determined with the electron microprobe. This may have considerable implications for the sulfur behaviour in subduction-related magmas [4]. Time-resolved XANES may even be used to determine the progress and mechanism of redox reactions. E.g., this was nicely shown for the case of oxidation of Mn(II) by bacteria [5]. Due to the rather low absorption of hard X-rays by matter, SR opens up the possibility to perform measurements in high- pressure or reaction cells. SR micro-XRF is used for obtaining trace element concentrations in aqueous fluids in-situ at high P and T using an XRF-optimized diamond anvil cell, with detection limits in the lower ppm range [6,7], even for low Z elements such as Ti [8]. A particular advantage over any quench technique is the possibility to study directly the kinetics of equilibration [9]. Furthermore, the high-pressure setup is used to investigate the element complexation in aqueous fluids by acquiring X-ray absorption spectra at conditions of the Earth’s crust, e.g. REE in model fluid compositions [10]. XANES on Fe in hydrous melt at P & T provides evidence for non-quenchable structural re-organizations in the Fe environment during the cooling to a hydrous glass [11]. These valuable insights cannot be achieved on quenched samples at all and show the importance of these studies particularly for the understanding of processes at high P and T. The soon dedication of new and upgraded SR sources for hard X-rays, will make sure that the conditions for such studies will improve and will certainly open up possibilities for new experiments to provide access to parameters not accessible so far. [1] Wilke, M. et al. (2001) Am. Mineral., 86, 714-730. [2] Schmid, R. et al. (2003) Lithos, 70, 381-392. [3] Wilke, M. et al. (2008) Am. Mineral., 93, 235-240. [4] Jugo, P.J. et al. (2010) Geophys. Res. Abstr., 12, EGU2010-7075. [5] Bargar, J.R. et al. (2000) Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac., 64, 2775-2778. [6] Schmidt, C. & Rickers, K. (2003) Am. Mineral., 88, 288-292 [7] Schmidt, C. et al. (2007) Lithos, 95, 87-102, [8] Manning, C.E. et al. (2008) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 272, 730-737. [9] Borchert, M. et al. (2009) Chem. Geol., 259, 39-47. [10] Mayanovic, R.A. et al. (2009) Chem. Geol., 259, 30-38. [11] Wilke, M. et al. (2006) Chem. Geol., 229, 144-161.

Volume 6. 2010. ACTA. MINERALOGICA-PETROGRAPHICA. ABSTRACT SERIES Page 2 Abstract index was prepared by the editors, with the help of Evelyn Dömötör . Gas storage in minerals: Experimental and field studies Economic geology (metallic and non-metallic ore deposits) (general
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