OXFORD COGNITIVE SCIENCE SERIES GenerEadli tors MARTIND AVIESJ,A MESH IGGINBOTHAPMH,I LIJPO HNSON-LAIRD, CHRISTOPHER PEACOKCIKME P,L UNKETT Publiisnth hesede ries ReferaennCdco en sciousness JohCna mpebll ConpctesW:h erCeo gniStciiveeWn ecnWet ro ng JerAr.Fy o dor WayosfS eeing PieJrarceao nbMd a rJce annerod ContaenxCdto ntent RoberStt aCkl.en ra SeeiRnega son: DainaLdga ranmgsu aignL eesa rnitnoTgh i nk KeiStethn ning Facea nMdi ndTh:eS cieonfFc acee P ercteipon AndYyou ng MIND READING AnI ntegArcactooeufPdn r te tence, Self-Awaarnedn ess, UndersgtO atnhMdeiirnn ds SHAUNN ICHOLS and STEPHENP .S TICH CLARENDNO PRES·SO XFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITPYR ESS GreCalta renSdtorneO extf,oo rxd26 DP OxfoUrndi verPsrieitssaysd epartmoeftn htUe n iverosfOi xtfyo rd. Itfu rtthheUern si verosbjietcyt'oisfev xec ellienrn ecsee asrcchho,l arship, ande ducabtyip ounb liswhoirnlgdw iind e OxfoNrde wY ork AucklaBnadn gkBouke nAoisr eCasp Teo wnC hennai Dare sS alaaDme lhHio nKgo ngI stanKbaurla cKhoil kata KualLau mpuMra driMde lbouMrneex iCciot Myu mbaNia irobi SaoP aulSoh angThaiaip eTio kyToor onto Oxfoirsadr egisttrearmdeaedr okf O xfoUrndi verPsrietsys int hUeK andi nc ertaoitnh ceoru ntries Publiisnht ehUedn itSetda tes byO xfoUrndi verPsrieItscnys. N,e wY ork © ShauNni chaonldSs t ephPe.n S2ti0c0h3, Them orarli gohftt sha eu thhoarvsbe e eans serted Databraisgeh t OxfordP rUen(simsva ekresri)t y Firpsutb li2s00h3e d All rriegshetrsNv oep da.ro tft hpiusb licmaatybi eor ne produced, storienadr etriseyvsatloe rmt ,r ansmiinta tnefydo ,ro mrb ya nym eans, withtohupetr ipoerr misisnwi roint oifOn xgf oUrndi verPsrietsys , ora se xprepsesrlmyi btytl eadwo ,ru ndteerr amgsr eedt hwaeip tphr opriate repropghriracisg ohrtsg anizEantqiuoincr.oi necse rrneipdnrugoc tion outstihdseec oopfet haeb ovseh oublesd e nttot hRei ghDtesp artment, OxfoUrndi verPsrietsaystt , h aed draebsosv e Youm usnto cti rculabtoeo iknta hniyo st hbeirn doirnc go ver andy oum usitm potshesi asm ceo ndiotnia onnya cquirer BritiLsihb rCaartya loigunPi unbcgla itiDoant a Dataav ailable LibroafrC yo ngrCeastsa loignPi unbgl ication Data Dataav ailable ISB0N-1 9-823609-3 ISB0N-1 9-832601-(7p bk.) 1 3 5 1078 96 4 2 TypesbeytN ewgeInm agiSnygs te(mPLs)td .C,h ennIanid,i a PrinitnGe rde at Britain ona cifdr-epea pbeyr T.JI.n ternaLttidPo.an,da slt Coowr,n wall ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Web egwaonkir ngo nt hbioso k1 99i5,na nidtn h ien teenrivynega wrehs a ve beneedfif trotmh ceo mmeanntcdso nverosfam tainpoyen o pilnec luding LucBaon a,tP teitCearur trh,eG rrsegCourryer ,Mi artDiavni eCsat,h erine DrsicoLlulFc,a ucherF,o dJoTerrsr,ihr Fayol dse-nBneCthtsro,tip hFerri th, GarGyae tsR,o chGeell mTainmG, e rm,aA nlvGionl dmAalsnio,Gn o pnik, RobeGrotr dPoanu,Hl a rsr,Ci hrJirasor ldB,ar baLraan dAaluna,L eslie, AngelLiinrledlB ,air naL oaRro,nM alloDno,m inMiucrp Jhoy,sP eefm er, PhliiRpo bbinRsi,cr hdSa amueslB,ri aSnc hoElrliS,cc hzwgibeteJlo,n athan Weibneragn,d RWooboeolrtlf Oku.wr a rtmh antkoa slo lft hefsreein dasn d colglueseaN.o d outbhte arreoe t hwehrsos houbleod n oluirbsu tat,r 'ent becaouusmree morairaeelst l of ola liWbelh eo.pt eh ewyia lclc oeuptrth anks anomnoyusly. Worok nt hbeo owka ss uoprptbeyda NatioEnnadlo wmfeontrth e HumaniFtelileosw fsohUrin pi veTreascihte(yrF sA3 -33-4945t)oS etphen StiacN ha,t iRoensaela SrecrhvA iwcaerP do stdoFcetlwolsrohafilrp o tmh e NatiIosnntailto ufHt eeaslt toSh ha uNni ch(oPlHsS2 TM3H19975a)sw elals byi ntegrnraalan tRt ust gUenrisv earnsaditt t hye CoolfCl hrealgoeens T.th e RutgUenriesvr tsyCi enertf oCro ginviSetc eincper ioevddN ichwoihlt s a homaew afyr ohmo mfeo trw yoe a,ar nspdr ovibdoetodhfu sw iht sat imu latainncdgo ngeennivailr onmaelonlftt h.si usFp oprwo era tr,e gvrearutyle .f Sompeo rtoifo nbtsoh oeak r der awfnro wmo rwke p uibhslewdh itlhee boowka esv voilnCgh.a pt2ae nr4dsa reex panadnesddu basnttiraelvliys ed veirosnosfp rieovupsulibyhsl eadtr ic(lNeisc ahnoSdlt si 2c0h0 2000,2 .) We'ev ablosror obwiehtdes r aen tdh efrreo m ao tfhaeerwrt i(cNliecsh ols 20012,0 0S2t;i acnhNd i ch2o0l0)s3W. e a rger atteotf hupelu bslhiefrosr pemrisstiouo snte h miast ae.lWr eia raesl og ratteoRf ounlaR leds nfiocprek r misstiouo snie ma gefsr omc hhaiens-g blindedmnoenssst irnfia gtui3ro.en2 . Sevyeena irassl ontgi mteo bweo roaknta b ook-laol to ntghearwn e thouigwtho tu tladkw eh ewneb egaanna,dl olto ntgheaornu p ru blibsahrer gained for. Btuitmo eude rud riiPtneogtrM e,oar ml tlc hthihaligsosr ff e,e ted thdee lwaiytseh n couraagneadmp elnotTm hbna.k Pse,t Weerh .o pyeo sut ill thiinwtka wso trht hwea itfionrg. Fin,aa lnladyb voe ,aw elw loulldie k thoa notku frma il-iHeesat her, Sraaahn,Jd u lainaJd,u dJeo,n aahnB,dec cIait.hs a rtdoi magidnoei tnhgi s worakta lwlih toutth eliorvs eu,p paonrtpd,a e tnicWee.d edtietc hawiosr k to thewmih,tg ratiatnaudffde eco tni. CONTENTS 1.In troduction 2.A CoginviTeth eoorfPy r etence 16 3.P ieocfeM sin dA: T heoorfTy h iredr-sMPoinn dreading 60 4.R eadOinn'egOs w nM ind 105 5.O bjcetisoR,ne ipleasn,Pd h iloslIo mpphliticicaoans 200 Rfeerences 214 Index 231 1 Introduction [Io]ctc urrteomd et hIac to uilmdp rmoyvp ea rents'o fmo epb iyun siionng my n[ewt elepfaautclhttiyoch ]e lp woiutmthy s choolwosrhko-ritn, Ib egtaonc heianct l sasT.h aitts o s aIyt ,u nientd o t hien nveori coefms y schooltaenaadcl hsoeofrm syc levcelraesrs maantde sp,i cked information outt hoefmii nrd sI.f ou ntdh vaetr fye owf m ym astceorussl edatt ewsitt h ourte heartshieid negaa nls wiernts h emiirn ds-Iak nnde wt,oo t,h aotn thorsaer e ocwchaestnih otene sa cwhaespr r eoccbuyp ioettdhh ei.rn g.s. thseo lutcioounalsld w abyefs ou nid nt hper ecioocupsr,o digmiionoudfs oucrl agsensi uCsy,r us-thMey-m garrekast .b teoig mapnr ove dramat icallyn-oobtvu etr sloby,e caIut soeoc ka rteom akmey v ersions different from tshteoiloreir ng ilnsea;v en wIth eenl epatchriicbaablneel dny t ire Engleissshfra oym C yrus,Ia ddeadn umboefrm ediotcoruec ohfem sy own. pMuyr posteoa vwoasisud s piIcd iinodon bt;u, t e sIc adpiesdc overy. UndeErmi Zla gal'lsfou oruisi,n terroegyaeItsr i enmga iinnendo cently seracp;bhe inetahteh bemhuesaedd-n,sg hp aekirploefMx irTt.ay n dtohne EnglmiasshtI we orr kmeydtr eachiensr iyl ence-kntohwtaihtne wygo uld nobte litehvteer uthi feb,yvc ehna nocrfe ol lIys ,p iltlhbeeed a n(sS.a lman RushdMiinedg,ih 'tCsh ild1r96e)n , InS almaRnu sh'dMsii endgih'tCsh ildtrhemena ,ic nah racStaleereS,mn i ai, disvceortsht ha e craenao dt hpeerpo l'emsi ndIsnt. ih sp asgseSa,al eem recohuonwth see xpeldoh iimtsi nrdeadaibinlgi ttoii mepsr hoivpsee rform anciens coh.loB utth earrerea e ltlwyeo x traorkdiinondfmas irn yd reading goionngh e.rO eneo f ttheelme,p iast heyx,t raordiiitnss a urpye rbecause natuarnamdly h ti;tc hoet hkeirno dfm inrdeadiiesnx gt raorbdeicnaiautrs ye isso p earsvipvoew,eu rlaf,n idm poritnra enlateilt f hiaittts a keng rfaonrt ed. Rushldeiaeud sts om arvaetSl la ee'mssu pernaatbiuilertsaiBl.ut vae rnya tu raaln qdu odtinias oorftm indrdeiang apnel qauylasyil mporrtoailnentt h is passSaalgeee.bm e gtaocn h ebaetc ahuews aen tteomd a khei psa rehnatvse ah ighoepirn ioofhn i mH.er aeleidtz hahtec ou'lctdon phyi pse ers too perfeocrht iltsye ,a cwhoeurklsnd o twh saotm heitnwga asm isHse.d etects fury int he offoa ncteee acahneadrm usemaenpndet prl exiintty h gee usrtes ofa notAhnedhr ef. u rthseurrs metish at iehfve e nce osnshfeiadsbi i lttyoh is tecahehrists,e acwhoeurls'd btne liheivmIe.ti sth kiisn odfm entsatla te atbturotinip,r iecdtainoednx ,p lantahtwaietwo ilnel xloprei nt ihvso ulme. 2 Itnrocdution Int hbeu rgeolniitnegro antt hucera ep aocfio tryd ipneaorpytl oue n der statnhdme i n'dmi,n ddrienahgab'se coamf esa hniaobllaebf eolr atbihlyii.st Wee mbratchfeesa hifoontr w qo ueid tifferreesnaotn Fsi.r tshtte,e rims theorenteiuctiarnala nlil ym porwtaayAn.stw ew islelie nd uceo urmsaen,y morter aditteirolmniesak' lof lpks hyocl'og',oyr ltea k'ia,nn gd'h teoorfy minodf't ceranr wyi ht thesmu basnttitvheee otcriaclo mmittmsFe.on r isntanacdev,o coaftt heiesn flu'ehtnetotirhayel 'o a rcycooufmn itnr deading sometuism'eeoc sm mosnenpsysec ho'l'o,ofg lypks ych'oa,lno 'dght yeory of minadsl' a bfeolarst he-oilrkbyeo dyi noffo rmtahtsaietor nav se sb tahsei s fooru urn denrdsitonafgt hmei nwdh,i tlheo wsheod efetnhdse i umltaion theosroym etuism'eeor sl tekia n'ga sa l baeflo arp orcewshsi cohnt, h eir accouunndtle,ir oeusar b iltioat tyt rmiebnuttseate las tO.u ru soef ' mind redai'ni gsm eanttob ei ncluaslilvoewf,io tnrhg pe o ssyit bhiaultndi etr standindge pmeinndedsis t sohineum rlt aion-psrctoeysloserei sn formation basoerbs o,t (hna do thpercroe sassew sel la)sw, e s hailnfl a acrtg ue. Thsee corneda swoehn a voep tfeod'r mi ndrnegai'dts ih tahtae s stoicoina witthe lepianutfshetysh t ee rwmih t aanu roafm ystiaqnuwdee t, h itnhke capatcoui ntdye rmsitnaddnedss etrovb eers e garwdietadch e rtain amount ofa we.I ndeoeudmr,i nradedicnagp iatciaerisen m anwya ymsu cmho re impersvsei aponwde rtfhuatlnht ee lepcaatcphiaitpcior ecsil meadb ym ysitcs. Wee ngaignme i nrdeadfiomnrug n dacnheeo srl,i tkriey ntgofi guoruewt h ta thbea bwya ntwsh,ay to upre ebreslv iea ebout woyroauknr,wd h ayto ur spouwsield loi fy oaurri vheo mleta .eM inedarndgii sa lsiom pltieicdna lofetnideer avloiutkrreisy n tgog lneD aesrcta'erssae sofnostr h intkhiantg maniyd easi ntan.eraS eop ervaissti hvreeo loefm inrdeadiinon uglr i ves thJaetr ry hFaorsde moarr tkheiadtft h oer dipnearr'syuso nn denrdsitonafg thmei nsdh outludmo uttob es eiroumsilasykt einwt,o ubled'h teg reatest inetlleccattuaaslti rnto hhpeih osert oyf sopuceri e(sF'o d1o89r7x :i i). 1.1T.h eM ultairfiouResa sonfso rS tudyiMnign dreading Thper eoccuwpiatmthii nodnr eiaasdp ipnagtr hernotu cgihivoziualtt firoonm, GilgaamneHdse hr odtooDt aussh Hiaemlmlea tnDtda vLiodd .gB euotn liyn thlea thtaelrft htoewf e ntcieenttdhui rmdyin dreabdeicnogtm heoe jb cet ofs sutaisnceide nattittfiei.cnoO nne tohgfeo aolfs i tsbho oikst o h arvest somoeft hferi utosft haattt oennB.tef oirwee b egtiocn o nesrti hdsec ientific piucrtoef m indrdeianwge,w oulddow eltloc onesriw hdy theo fs tudy mindrehaadbsil snoogsm ietdnos ucath rh ivairneogafr eseTahrecirhsew., e thinnoks ,i nrgeloaens M.i ndrehaadcsia npgt irveasteeadrf crhosmee rvse ral differefienltd asn,dt hmeo ttiivoafnossr t uidnymgin drdeianvga rbyy discipline.