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Mindfulness Yoga: The Awakened Union of Breath, Body, and Mind PDF

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HEALTH / YOGA m “It’s about time somebody wrote this!” i jon kabat-zinn, author of Wherever You Go, There You Are n This groundbreaking book introduces an entirely new integration of yoga and meditation: Mindfulness Yoga. Mindfulness Yoga emphasizes the spiritual side of yoga practice, a dimension too d Mindfulness often overlooked. In a manner unlike any book before it, Mindfulness Yoga presents the two disci- plines as a single practice that enlivens the body, liberates the spirit, and awakens compassion, equa- nimity, and joy. f Whether you’re a beginner or have been practicing for years, Mindfulness Yoga is for you. User-friendly, easy- u to-follow sequences are laid out with over 100 accompanying photos in this innovative presentation of mind- fulness meditation and yoga. Special lay-flat binding makes this book even more useful as a practice aid. l “I highly recommend this book. Boccio’s exposition of the basic principles of MindfulnessYoga is elegant, lucid, astonishingly comprehensive, and thoroughly accessible. And the sections on n practice are designed—refreshingly—for real human beings!There is something here for Mi ndfulness Yoga everyone, from beginning students to more advanced practitioners alike. Bravo!” e —stephen cope, psychotherapist, senior KripaluYoga teacher, and author of Yoga and the Quest for theTrue Self s “In MindfulnessYoga, Frank Boccio inspires us to the integrated path of yoga and mindfulness with a true teacher’s voice of clarity, compassion, and common sense.” s the awakened union of breath, body, and mind —cyndi lee, author of OMYoga and founder of OMYoga Center y “The author invites practitioners of yoga and meditation to experience yoga’s poses as occasions for mindfulness.This relationship is both novel and logical…a welcome and ambitious synthesis.” o —PublishersWeekly “This is one cool book. This is the kind of book I like to make available to my colleagues, who g will surely find it not only interesting but valuable as a desk reference.” —phil catalfo, Senior Editor, Yoga Journal a “Clear, intelligent, and much-needed. I’m delighted that Frank Jude Boccio wrote this book— I now have something to recommend to my students.” —larry rosenberg, Founder of the Cambridge Insight Meditation Center and author of Breath by Breath b o FRANK JUDE BOCCIO is an interfaith minister and longtime student of Thich Nhat Hanh who integrates the practice and philosophies of yoga, Buddhism, and Ayurveda. His background includes a 700-hour training program under the guidance c “This book should be read by every aspiring oftherenownedteacherGeorgFeuerstein,andheiscurrentlyaseniorstudentinDharmaTeacherTrainingundertheguid- anceofSamuSunim.Boccioisacertifiedyogateacher/therapistthroughtheBatemanInstituteinNewYorkCity,andteach- c yoga practitioner.”—from the by FOREWORD es yoga in Brooklyn and New Paltz, New York, as well as regularly leading Mindfulness Yoga sessions at Zen Mountain i Monastery and other spiritual retreat centers. He lives in Tillson, New York. Georg Feuerstein, author of The Yoga Tradition o GEORG FEUERSTEIN, PH.D., isfounderandpresidentofYogaResearchandEducationCenterandtheauthorofoverthirtybooks. Frank Jude Boccio ISBN0-86171-335-4 US$19.95 wisdom publications Boston wisdompubs.org wisdom m i n d f u l n e s s y o g a m i n d f u l n e s s y o g a the awakened union of breath, body, and mind Frank Jude Boccio Foreword by Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D. WISDOM PUBLICATIONS • BOSTON WisdomPublications 199ElmStreet Somerville,MA02144USA www.wisdompubs.org ©2004FrankJudeBoccio Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthisbookmaybereproducedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechan- ical,includingphotocopying,recording,orbyanyinformationstorageandretrievalsystemor technologiesnowknownorlaterdeveloped,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationDataavailable Boccio,FrankJude. Mindfulnessyoga:theawakenedunionofbreath,bodyandmind/Frank JudeBoccio;forewordbyGeorgFeuerstein. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferences. ISBN0-86171-335-4(pbk:alk.paper) 1. Meditation--Buddhism.2. Yoga,Hatha. I.Title. BQ5612.B622004 294.3'4436--dc22 2003025228 FirstEdition 13 12 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 PhotographyprojectmanagementbyPiemontePhotography,DavidPiemonteand TerryDelPercio,Gloucester,Massachusetts.www.dpiemonte.com PhotographybyDavidStotzer,CapeAnnPhotography,Gloucester,Massachusetts. www.capeannphotography.com ModelingbyGabrielleLongandRobbieGemmel CoverdesignbyKatyaPapova InteriordesignbyGopa&Ted2,Inc.SetinSouvenir10/17.1 ThetranslationoftheAnapanasatiSuttaisbaseduponthetranslationfromBreathe!YouAre Alive: Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing (1988) by Thich Nhat Hanh with permissionofParallaxPress,Berkeley,California,www.parallax.org The Five Mindfulness Trainings reprinted from For A Future To Be Possible (1993) by ThichNhatHanhwithpermissionofParallaxPress,Berkeley,California,www.parallax.org WisdomPublications’booksareprintedonacid-freepaperandmeettheguidelinesforper- manenceanddurabilityoftheCommitteeonProductionGuidelinesforBookLongevityofthe CouncilonLibraryResources. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Withbreath,body,andmind Isendmyheartalongwiththesewords. Mayallwhoreadthemawakenfrom forgetfulness,and, realizingthetruenatureofnoseparateself, transcendthepathoffear, sorrow,andanxiety. Mayallbeingsbefree. Publisher’s Acknowledgment ThePublishergratefullyacknowledgesthegeneroushelpofthe HersheyFamilyFoundationinsponsoringthepublicationofthisbook. vi Contents Foreword ix Acknowledgments xiv Howto UseThisBook xviii SomeWordsabouttheAsanas xix AWordaboutWords xxi Introduction 1 PartOne:PuttingItinContext ChapterOne:TheBuddha’sYoga 13 ChapterTwo:TheYogaPracticeoftheFourNobleTruths 25 ChapterThree:The EightfoldPaths 33 PartTwo:Cultivating Mindfulness:RememberingthePresent ChapterFour:WhatIsMindfulness? 57 ChapterFive:Beginning MindfulnessMeditation 67 ChapterSix:AnIntroductiontotheSutras 77 PartThree:ThePracticeofMindfulness Yoga ChapterSeven:BodyasBody 85 MindfulnessYoga: SequenceOne 93 ChapterEight:Feelings asFeelings 137 MindfulnessYoga: SequenceTwo 145 ChapterNine:MindfullyAware oftheMind 187 MindfulnessYoga: SequenceThree 200 ChapterTen:Awareness ofObjectsofMind:DharmasintheDharmas 251 MindfulnessYoga: SequenceFour 263 AppendixA:TheSeven FactorsofAwakening 309 AppendixB:TextofSutra ontheFullAwarenessofBreathing 314 AppendixC:EstablishingYourSeat:SeatedPosturesforMeditation 321 AppendixD:Alphabetical ListofPoses 324 Notes 326 SuggestedResources 330 Index 335 foreword I LIKE TO KEEP INFORMEDaboutmyvariousfieldsofinterest,especiallytheyogatra- dition, but few of hundreds of publications that cross my desk each year succeed in holding my attention for long. Now and then, however, the weekly influx of books and manuscripts includes a work that is truly worthwhile and captivates me. Frank JudeBoccio’sMindfulnessYogaissuchawork. Iamhappyaboutthisfortworeasons.First,thisbookaddressesasubjectmatterthatis important and timely, and second, I have had the pleasure of Frank Jude’s recent participa- tion in the first seven-hundred-hour teacher-training program offered by Yoga Research and Education Center. His quiet presence, unobtrusive service, and thoughtful observations con- tributed significantly to the quality of our program, and I have since come to value him as a heartfeltDharmabrother.Whenheaskedmetowritethisforeword,Ihappilyagreedtodoso. Itmakessenseinaforewordtoabooksuchasthistobeginwithsomepersonalremarks. When, at the age of fourteen, I discovered the incredibly rich world of yoga, I knew I had foundmyspiritualhome.Threeorfouryearslater,itbecameobvioustomethatIshouldand ix indeedwoulddedicatemypersonalandprofessionallifetoexploringyoga’sancientheritage. I wrote my first book—on yoga, of course—at the age of nineteen, and since then have authoredmanymoreonthisandrelatedsubjects.Atthattime,IalsoencounteredBuddhism for the first time and was impressed with the formidable clarity and perceptiveness of the

Whether you have no background in meditation or yoga or have been practicing for years, Mindfulness Yoga is for you. This groundbreaking book introduces an entirely new form of yoga,Mindfulness Yoga, which seamlessly integrates the Buddha's teachings on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness with tradi
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