"'-- Forst ~ished 2013 2 Park SQuare. Milton Park. A.bio'9dOO. Oxoo. 0)(14 4RN "'-- SimJI\aneous/)' published in the USA and CaF\ada 711 thin:! A-....., New YOlk, NY 10017 Routledge is WI /np1rI1 of the T8)'Ior" FrWlds Group. an " (QhJle bu$irle$$ 0 2013 Taylor" Frareis TNs book is a rlIpI'OducIion of eooIM'P"""f BucJdInm: All Inrerdisclpl/nafy JoomaI, voIumfI 12. IMue 1. The PIblsIw Ilq>8SIS 10 !hoM att!hors whQ may I>!I dting ttWs book 10 SUlft, al"", the bibllograpNcaI o:Ietais "'the spociaI issue on wroch Ihft book was based. All o\gIlt3 ~. No part 01 this book may boo mprinted or reproduced or utilised in DOl Iorm or by any IIMIctronic, mechanical, or oltler moatlS, now known or ~ invented. Including phot<><X>PYIng aoo recon:Ii'>g, or In any information storage or retrieval system. wilhou1: pe<mI$$ion In wrtting In)m thft po.t>hhers_ T~ notice: Pmducl or ""'PO' ate""""," may I>!I tmdemar1<s or registered lrademar1<5, and Bre used <:rii tor Ide<1l11lcalion and e><pIanatlor1 withoot ;"Ient 10 infringe. BIitWJ l.ibrwy calquing ill PtJbIic8Iion Deta A cataI<>gI» record lor this book Is available from Ifle Britilh Li>rary I$BN13: 97lH}-41!H3096--2 (I'bkl ISBN13: 97lH}-415-63647-6 (pb~ T)'P8S8I in Hetvelica by Taylor" FmncI!I Books Publisher'. Ko,- The po..C>Iisl>er WOUld Wke to make readora aware that the cl\aptln in this book may I>!I rektrmd to as articles a. they are idenlicat to the articles pubIishod in tile special -.-. The po..C>Iisher aceepts rMpOrI!IblWty tor any Inoot"I3Isl"-";"" that ""'I' have atISM in the COIM1Ie 01 prepatIng!hls YOIume lor pMt. Introduction by J. Mark G. Williams & Jon Kabat‐Zinn 1 ‐18 What does mindfulness really mean? A canonical perspective by Bhikkhu Bodhi 19‐39 Is mindfulness present‐centred and non‐judgmental? A discussion of the cognitive dimensions of mindfulness by Georges Dreyfus 41‐54 The construction of mindfulness by Andrew Olendzki 55‐70 Toward an understanding of non‐dual mindfulness by John Dunne 71‐88 How does mindfulness transform suffering? I: the nature and origins of dukkha by John D. Teasdale & Michael Chaskalson (Kulananda) 89‐102 How does mindfulness transform suffering? II: the transformation of dukkha by John D. Teasdale & Michael Chaskalson (Kulananda) 103‐124 Mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy: culture clash or creative fusion? by Melanie Fennell & Zindel Segal 125‐142 Compassion in the landscape of suffering by Christina Feldman & Willem Kuyken 143‐155 Meditation and mindfulness by Martine Batchelor 157‐164 The Buddhist roots of mindfulness training: a practitioners view by Edel Maex 165‐175 Mindfulness and loving‐kindness by Sharon Salzberg 177‐182 Mindfulness in higher education by Mirabai Bush 183‐197 ‘Enjoy your death’: leadership lessons forged in the crucible of organizational death and rebirth infused with mindfulness and mastery by Saki F. Santorelli 199‐217 Mindfulness, by any other name…: trials and tribulations of sati in western psychology and science by Paul Grossman & Nicholas T. Van Dam 219‐239 Measuring mindfulness by Ruth A. Baer 241‐261 On some definitions of mindfulness by Rupert Gethin 263‐279 Some reflections on the origins of MBSR, skillful means, and the trouble with maps by Jon Kabat‐Zinn 281‐306 Notes on Contributors Ruth A. Baer, Department of PsyChology, University of Kentucky. Lexington, USA Martine Batchelor, Buddhist leacher and author, South West France , Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, Chuang Yen MonastefY. New Vork, USA Mirabal Bush, Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, Williamsburg, USA Michael Chaskal800 (Kulanaodaj. Centre for Mindfulness ReseaJ"ch and Practice, School of Psychology. Bangor University, UK Georges Dreyfus, Department of Religion, Williams College, Williamstown, USA John Dunne, Department of Religion, Emory University, USA Christina Feldman, Co-founder and Guiding Teacher, Gala House Meditation Retreat Centre, Devon, UK Melanie Fennell, Oxford Mindfulness Centre, University 01 Oxford Department of Psychiatry, Wameford Hospital, UK Rupert Gethin, Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bristol, UK Paul Grossman, Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine, University of Basel Hospital, Switzerland Jon Kabat-Zinn, Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA WlIIem Kuyken, Mood Disorders Centre, School of Psychology, Univefsity of Exeter, UK Ed&! Maex, Psychiatrist, Ziekenhuls Netwerk Antwerpen, Belgium Andrew Olendzkl, Executive Director and Senior Scholar, Barre Center for Bud dhist Studies, Massachusetts, USA Sharon Salzberg, Insight Meditation Society, Massachusetts, USA Saki F. Santorelli, Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Gare and Society, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA Zlndel Segal, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada John Teasdale, retired scholar; formerly Research Scientist, Medical Research Council's Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK J. Mark G. Williams, Oxford Mindfulness Centm, University of Oxford Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, UK Nicholas T. Van Dam, Department of Psychology, University at Albany, SUNY, New York, USA I NTRODUCTION MINDFULNESS: DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES ON ITS MEANING, ORIGINS, AND MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS AT THE INTERSECTION OF SCIENCE AND DHARMA J. Mark G. Williams and Jon Kabat-Zinn TheguesteditorsintroducethisspecialissueonMindfulness,explainingitsrationale, aims, and intentions. Integrating mindfulness-based approaches into medicine, psychology, neuroscience, healthcare, education, business leadership, and other majorsocietalinstitutionshasbecomeaburgeoningfield.Theveryrapidityofsuch growth of interest in mainstream contemporary applications of ancient meditative practicestraditionallyassociatedwithspecificculturalandphilosophicalperspectives andpurposes,raisesconcernsaboutwhethertheveryessenceofsuchpracticesand perspectives might be unwittingly denatured out of ignorance and/or misappre- hendedandpotentiallyexploitedininappropriateandultimatelyunwiseways.The authors suggest that this is a point in the development of this new field, which is emerging from a confluence of two powerful and potentially synergistic epistemologies, where it may be particularly fruitful to pause and take stock. The contributors to this special issue, all experts in the fields of Buddhist scholarship, scientificresearch,ortheimplementationofmindfulnessinhealthcareoreducational settings,haverisentothechallengeofidentifyingthemostsalientareasforpotential synergyandforpotentialdisjunction.Ourhopeisthatoutoftheseinterchangesand reflections and collective conversations may come new understandings and emergencesthatwillprovidebothdirectionandbenefittothispromisingfield. WearedelightedtointroducethisspecialissueofContemporaryBuddhism, whichisdevotedexclusivelytoinvitedcontributionsfromBuddhistteachersand contemplative scholars, together with mindfulness-based professionals on both ContemporaryBuddhism,Vol.12,No.1,May2011 ISSN1463-9947print/1476-7953online/11/010001-18 q2011Taylor&Francis DOI:10.1080/14639947.2011.564811 2 J.MARKG.WILLIAMSANDJONKABAT-ZINN theclinicalandresearchsides,writingonthebroadtopicofmindfulnessandthe various issues that arise from its increasing popularity and integration into the mainstreamofmedicine,education,psychologyandthewidersociety.Thattwo scientist/clinicians,neitherofwhomidentifieshimselfasaBuddhist,andneitherof whom is a Buddhist scholar, have been invited to be guest editors, is itself an eventworthyofnote,andasignofthegoodwillandspaciousnessofviewofthe journal’s outgoing editor, John Peacocke. We thank him for the profound opportunity,andthefaithhehasplacedinus. Formanyyears,fromtheearly1980suntilthelate1990s,thefieldwemight call mindfulness-based applications went along at a very modest level, at first undertheaegisofbehaviouralmedicine.Thenumberofpapersperyearcoming outfollowedalineartrajectorywithaverylowslope.Someplaceinthelate1990s, therisebegantogoexponential,andthatexponentialratecontinues(Figure1). Interestandactivityisnolongerlimitedtothedisciplineofbehaviouralmedicine, or mind/body medicine, or even medicine. Major developments are now occurringinclinicalandhealthpsychology,cognitivetherapy,andneuroscience, andincreasingly,thereisgrowinginterest,althoughpresentlyatalowerlevel,in primary and secondary education, higher education, the law, business, and leadership. Indeed, in the UK, the National Health Service (NHS) has mandated mindfulness-based cognitive therapy as the treatment of choice for specific patientpopulationssufferingfrommajordepressivedisorder.Whatismore,ata FIGURE 1 Results obtained from a search of the term ‘mindfulness’ in the abstract and keywordsoftheISIWebofKnowledgedatabaseonFebruary5,2011.Thesearch was limited to publications with English language abstracts. Figure prepared by David S. Black, Institute for Prevention Research, Keck School of Medicine, UniversityofSouthernCalifornia MINDFULNESS 3 scientific meeting on mindfulness research within neuroscience and clinical medicine and psychology in Madison in October 2010,1 delegates from the National Institute of Health reported that NIH alone funded more than 150 research projects in mindfulness over the preceding five years. The growth of interest in mindfulness in the past 10 years has been huge, and in many ways extraordinary. From the perspective of 1979, when mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) came into being in the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester, Massachusetts, the idea that mindfulness meditation would become integrated into mainstream medicine andsciencetotheextentthatitalreadyhas,thattheNIHwouldfundmindfulness research at the levels that it has, as well as hold a day long symposium on its campus inMay of 2004 entitledMindfulness Meditation and Health, and thatthe NHS in the UK would mandate a therapy based on mindfulness nationwide, is nothingshort of astonishing. This interest isnot confined to North America and theUK.Itisoccurringworldwide. Indeed,giventhezeitgeist ofthelate1970s,theprobability thatBuddhist meditation practices and perspectives would become integrated into the mainstreamofscienceandmedicineandthewidersocietytotheextentthatthey already have at this juncture, and in so many different ways that are now perceivedaspotentiallyusefulandimportanttoinvestigate,seemedatthetime to be somewhat lower than the likelihood that the cosmic expansion of the universeshouldallofasuddencometoahaltandbeginfallingbackinonitselfin areversebig-bang... inotherwords,infinitesimal.Andyet,improbableasitmay have been, it has already happened, and the unfolding of this phenomenon continuesonmanydifferentfronts.Inthelarge,itsignalstheconvergenceoftwo different epistemologies and cultures, namely that of science and that of the contemplativedisciplines,andinparticularmeditation,andevenmorespecifically, Buddhist forms of meditation and the framework associated with their deployment and practice. Since Buddhist meditative practices are concerned with embodied awareness and the cultivation of clarity, emotional balance (equanimity)andcompassion,andsinceallofthesecapacitiescanberefinedand developed via the honing and intentional deployment of attention, the roots of Buddhistmeditationpracticesaredefactouniversal.Thus,asKabat-Zinnarguesin the closing contribution, it is therefore appropriate to introduce them into mainstreamsecularsettingsintheserviceofhelpingtoreducesufferingandthe attendantmind-statesandbehavioursthatcompoundit,andtodosoinwaysthat neither disregard nor disrespect the highly sophisticated and beautiful epistemological framework within which it is nested, but on the contrary make profounduseofthatframeworkinnon-parochialwaysconsistentwithitsessence. The emergence within science and medicine of interest in Buddhist meditativepracticesandtheirpotentialapplicationsrepresentsaconvergenceof twodifferentwaysofknowing,thatofwesternempiricalscience,andthatofthe empiricism of the meditative or consciousness disciplines and their attendant 4 J.MARKG.WILLIAMSANDJONKABAT-ZINN frameworks, developed over millennia. The world can only benefit from such a convergenceandintermixingofstreams,aslongasthehigheststandardsofrigor andempiricismnativetoeachstreamarerespectedandfollowed.Thepromiseof deepened insights and novel approaches to theoretical and practical issues is greatwhendifferentlensescanbehelduptooldandintractableissues. At the same time, such a confluence of streams and the sudden rise in interest and enthusiasm carries with it a range of possible problems, some of which might actually seriously undermine and impede the deepest and most creativepotentialofthisemergentfieldandhamperitsfullestdevelopment.Itisin this context that we hope this special issue will spark ongoing dialogue and conversationacrossdisciplinesthatusuallydonotcommunicatewitheachother, andequally,willsparkanintrospectiveinquiryamongallconcernedregardingthe interface between what has come to be called ‘first person experience’ and the ‘thirdperson’perspectiveofscientistsstudyingaspectsofhumanexperiencefrom a more traditional vantage point (Varela and Shear 1999). The promise of the convergenceandcross-fertilizationofthesetwowaysofunderstandingtheworld and human experience is large. It is presently becoming a leading current of thought and investigation in cognitive science (Varela, Thompson and Roach 1991; Thompson 2007) and affective neuroscience (Lutz, Dunne and Davidson 2007).Inaparallelandoverlappingemergencedatingbackto1987,theMindand Life Institute has been conducting dialogues between the Dalai Lama and scientistsandclinicians,alongwithBuddhistscholarsandphilosophersonarange oftopicsrelatedtotheconfluenceofthesestreams(seeKabat-ZinnandDavidson 2011;www.mindandlife.org). If increasing interest and popularity in regard to mindfulness and its expressions in professional disciplines might inevitably bring a unique set of challenges and even potential problems—the stress of ‘success,’ so to speak— then questions to ponder at this juncture might be: Are there intrinsic dangers thatneedtobekeptinmind?Istherethepotentialforsomethingpricelesstobe lost through secular applications of aspects of a larger culture which has a long and venerable, dare we say sacred tradition of its own? What are the potential negativeeffectsoftheconfluenceofthesedifferentepistemologiesatthispointin time?Doweneedtobeconcernedthatyoungprofessionalsmightbeincreasingly drawn to mindfulness (or expected by their senior colleagues to use or study a mindfulness-based intervention) because it may be perceived as a fashionable field in which to work rather than from a motivation more associated with its intrinsic essence and transformative potential? Can it be exploited or mis- appropriatedinwaysthatmightleadtoharmofsomekind,eitherbyomissionor commission?Mightthereevenbeelementsofbereavementandlossonthepart ofsome,mixedinwiththeexhilarationofanyapparent‘success’,asoftenhappens whensuccesscomesrapidlyandunexpectedly? Ifwecanasksuchsometimeshardorevenuncomfortablequestions,andif wecandiscernelementsofbothpossibledangerandpromisethatwehavenot thoughtofbefore,andifwecanstayinconversationandperhapscollaboration MINDFULNESS 5 acrossdomainswheretraditionallytherehasbeenlittleornodiscourse,perhaps this confluence of streams will give rise to its maximal promise while remaining mindful of the potential dangers associated with ignoring the existence of or disregardingsomeoftheprofoundconcernsandperspectivesexpressedbythe contributorstothisspecialissue.Theveryfactthatascholarlyjournaldevotedto Buddhism would host this kind of cross disciplinary conversation is itself diagnosticofthedissolvingofbarriersbetween,untilrecently,veryseparateareas ofscholarshipandinquiry. This special issue thus offers a unique opportunity for all involved in this field, as well as those coming to it for the first time, to step back at this critical moment in history and reflect on how this intersection of classical Buddhist teachingsandWesterncultureisfaring,andhowitmightbebroughttothenext level of flourishing while engendering the least harm and thegreatest potential benefit. Our first task as Editors was to draw together an international team to contributeoriginalessays,includingauthorswhomightraiseissuesofwhichsome of us may not even be aware either from the scholarly or cultural perspective, issues that might shed some light on how this field could be enriched and deepened.Tothatend,weinvitedscholarsofBuddhism,scientists,cliniciansand teacherswhowethoughtwouldbeabletospeakdeeplytotwoaudiences:first,to thoseintheBuddhistcommunitywhomaynotbesofamiliarwiththecurrentuse and growinginfluence of mindfulnessin professional settings,or who maybe a littlepuzzledoranxiousaboutit;second,toteachersandresearcherswithinthe Westernmedical,scientific,psychotherapeutic,educationalorcorporatesettings, who would like to be more informed about current areas of debate within Buddhistscholarship. Withthisaiminmind,wehaveorganizedtheessaysinacertainsequence, starting from scholars of Buddhism who can help us situate the contemporary debateinanhistoricalcontext,thenmovingtoteachersandclinicians/scientists fortheirperspective,beforefinallycomingbacktothehistoricalcontextandthe question of how best to honour the traditions out of which the most refined articulation of mindfulness and its potential value arose, yet at the same time, makingitaccessibletothosewhowouldnotseekitoutwithinaBuddhistcontext. From Abhidharma to psychological science In the first essay, Bhikkhu Bodhi examines the etymology and use of the term sati in the foundational texts to help convey the breadth and depth of mindfulness. He explores the differences in treatment of sati pointing out how thosesystemsthatgivegreateremphasistomindfulnessasremembrancerequire re-interpretationinthelightofthosethatplacegreateremphasisonwhathecalls ‘lucid awareness.’ He examines passages from Nyanaponika Thera to show the dangers of using ‘bare attention’ as an adequate account of sati. Against this background,hisarticlefocusesonboththebeautyandthechallengesinherentin