The Craving Mind: why we get hooked and how we can break habits Judson Brewer MD PhD Director of Research Center for Mindfulness Associate Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry [email protected] “Deaths from overdoses are reaching levels similar to the H.I.V. epidemic at its peak” -NY Times (2016) For our consideration • Why Facebook is like heroin • Why McDonald’s has served over 250 Billion • How Lolo Jones could have won the Olympic gold medal • How we can become a Buddha in nine minutes (and quit smoking too!) Talking about ourselves is rewarding! Talking about ourselves is rewarding! Nucleus Accumbens Tamir PNAS (2012) Meshi Front Hum (2013) Adolescents’ Own Images Many Likes > Few Likes • Viewed simulated “Instagram” feed • Brain activation was compared during viewing own images with many > few likes: – NAcc – PCC/precuneus Sherman et al (2016) Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) POSI = Preference for Online Social Interaction Lee et al (2012)