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Mind-blowing modular origami: the art of polyhedral paper folding PDF

99 Pages·2016·54.823 MB·English
by  LoperByriah
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Preview Mind-blowing modular origami: the art of polyhedral paper folding

L CCreate incredible geometric shapes with simple folded paper O P Modular origami M I N D - B L O W I N G E consists of multiple pieces of folded R paper that are woven together into M O D U L A R a single model. Th ese composite Event forms range from starkly geometric 16 TRIANGLES GALAXY BOREALIS THE ALPHABET M Horizon models that are little more than paper representations of polyhedra, to bristling I O R I G A M I N buckyballs reminiscent of sea urchins, Discover the beautifully complex D to ornately embellished fl oral spheres. world of polyhedral modular origami! Each unit is held to the others strictly - B by the tension of the folded forms—a The easy-to-follow diagrams and L wonderful testimony to the remarkable O the art of polyhedr al PAPER FOLDING hidden strength of paper. Byriah Loper is a young step-by-step instructions in this book COSMOS DARK MATTER SATURN W origami artist best known for his CUBE show you how to fold and assemble Modular origami models called “wire I stunning modular works and pleated N frames” comprise some of the most tessellations. His interest in origami a variety of polyhedral and “wire frame” G complex and exciting forms in origami art began several years ago with the models. Assembling each model is an today. Mind-Blowing Modular Origami discovery of a paper airplane calendar, M is the fi rst book devoted primarily to which inspired him to try more exciting challenge, which results in an O the explanation of these intersecting, complicated folding projects. Loper EXCELSIOR interlocking and interwoven creations. soon discovered modular origami incredible paper sculpture that is D Assembling these pieces is always K5 and has since folded and designed ATMOSPHERE U well worth the effort. exciting and challenging, and the hundreds of original works. He was L fi nished work is a visually stimulating a featured artist in the 2014 Surface A piece that is well worth the eff ort. to Structure exhibition at the Cooper R Union school in New York and has O been a guest instructor at the annual OrigamiUSA convention. Loper’s R nebula signature models are his “wire frames” I G composed of complex interlocking VORTEX AURORA polyhedral structures, featured in INTERSTELLAR CURLED SPHERE DARK ENERGY MODULE A M detail in this book. I ISBN 978-4-8053-1309-1 9<HTPILF=dbdajb>:q;W;r;u;v excalibur T U T B Y R I A H L O P E R US $16.95 T www.tuttlepublishing.com L E TRIAKIS TUTTLE tuttlepublishing.com tuttlepublishing.com Printed in Singapore MMiinndd--BBlloowwiinngg MMoodduullaarr OOrriiggaammii__ccoovveerr..iinndddd 11 Spine 8mm 1st Proof Title:Mind-Blowing Modular Origami: Berkeley 11//66//1166 11::3344 ppmm Job No: D0215-9 / Alice L CCreate incredible geometric shapes with simple folded paper O P Modular origami M I N D - B L O W I N G E consists of multiple pieces of folded R paper that are woven together into M O D U L A R a single model. Th ese composite Event forms range from starkly geometric 16 TRIANGLES GALAXY BOREALIS THE ALPHABET M Horizon models that are little more than paper representations of polyhedra, to bristling I O R I G A M I N buckyballs reminiscent of sea urchins, Discover the beautifully complex D to ornately embellished fl oral spheres. world of polyhedral modular origami! Each unit is held to the others strictly - B by the tension of the folded forms—a The easy-to-follow diagrams and L wonderful testimony to the remarkable O the art of polyhedr al PAPER FOLDING hidden strength of paper. Byriah Loper is a young step-by-step instructions in this book COSMOS DARK MATTER SATURN W origami artist best known for his CUBE show you how to fold and assemble Modular origami models called “wire I stunning modular works and pleated N frames” comprise some of the most tessellations. His interest in origami a variety of polyhedral and “wire frame” G complex and exciting forms in origami art began several years ago with the models. Assembling each model is an today. Mind-Blowing Modular Origami discovery of a paper airplane calendar, M is the fi rst book devoted primarily to which inspired him to try more exciting challenge, which results in an O the explanation of these intersecting, complicated folding projects. Loper EXCELSIOR interlocking and interwoven creations. soon discovered modular origami incredible paper sculpture that is D Assembling these pieces is always K5 and has since folded and designed ATMOSPHERE U well worth the effort. exciting and challenging, and the hundreds of original works. He was L fi nished work is a visually stimulating a featured artist in the 2014 Surface A piece that is well worth the eff ort. to Structure exhibition at the Cooper R Union school in New York and has O been a guest instructor at the annual OrigamiUSA convention. Loper’s R nebula signature models are his “wire frames” I G composed of complex interlocking VORTEX AURORA polyhedral structures, featured in INTERSTELLAR CURLED SPHERE DARK ENERGY MODULE A M detail in this book. I ISBN 978-4-8053-1309-1 9<HTPILF=dbdajb>:q;W;r;u;v excalibur T U T B Y R I A H L O P E R US $16.95 T www.tuttlepublishing.com L E TRIAKIS TUTTLE tuttlepublishing.com tuttlepublishing.com Printed in Singapore MMiinndd--BBlloowwiinngg MMoodduullaarr OOrriiggaammii__ccoovveerr..iinndddd 11 Spine 8mm 1st Proof Title:Mind-Blowing Modular Origami: Berkeley 11//66//1166 11::3344 ppmm Job No: D0215-9 / Alice M I N D - B L O W I N G M O D U L A R O R I G A M I the a r t of p o ly h e d r a l PA P E R F O L D I N G B Y R I A H L O P E R TUTTLE Publishing Tokyo Rutland, Vermont Singapore MMiinndd--BBlloowwiinngg__IINNTT..iinndddd 11 3300//55//1166 77::3311 ppmm C O N T E N T S 4 PREFACE 6 MATERIALS 7 TIPS AND TECHNIQUES 11 ORIGAMI SYMBOLS 14 PLATONIC SOLIDS 15 INTRODUCTION TO DECORATIVE MODULARS 34 INTRODUCTION TO WIRE FRAMES 96 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TRIAKIS VVOORRTTEEXX EExxccaalliibbuurr EExxcceellssiioorr MODULE MODULE Kusudama Kusudama 16 18 20 22 MMiinndd--BBlloowwiinngg__IINNTT..iinndddd 22 3300//55//1166 77::3311 ppmm Borealis CURLED Saturn 1166 Kusudama SPHERE Cube TRIANGLES 24 27 30 36 CCOOSSMMOOSS NNEEBBUULLAA AATTMMOOSSPPHHEERREE K5 41 46 51 56 GGAALLAAXXYY IInntteerrsstteellllaarr DDaarrkk DDaarrkk 59 63 Matter ENERGY 68 74 Aurora Event The AlphabeT 79 Horizon 89 84 MMiinndd--BBlloowwiinngg__IINNTT..iinndddd 33 3300//55//1166 77::3311 ppmm P R E F A C E Origami, Kwan and many others designed the Asian art of paper folding, increasingly sophisticated construc- tions; the complexity, innovation and has long been seen as an expressive, artistry of modular forms has contin- ued to grow. There are thousands of representative art focused on modeling real- models in existence now, with new designs appearing regularly. life objects in paper. Modular origami isn’t limited to polyhe- From simple airplanes and frogs is often regarded as being fl imsy. As dra—fl at stars, coasters, tessellated to highly detailed, lifelike insects if by magic, hundreds of pieces of quilts and even representative models and dragons, origami has expanded this seemingly weak material can be have been made with more than one greatly in the past half-century. transformed through folding in such a piece of paper—but it was the poly- New techniques have led to greater way as to create magnifi cent three- hedral modulars that fi rst caught my complexity, detail, and technical dimensional structures wwiitthhoouutt ttthhee aatttteennnttiioonn wwhheenn II bbeeggaann ffoollddiinngg sseevveenn design. During that time, the boundaries use of any adhesives or ccuuttttiinngg.. TTThhee yyeeaarrrss aaggoo.. FFrroomm ssttaarrkkkllyy ggeeoommeettrriicc of origami have expanded into new resulting forms can be ssuurrpprriissiinngggllyy mmooddeellss tthhaatt aarrreee concepts, including modular origami. strong, lasting for years. hhhaaarrrddddlllyyy MODULAR ORIGAMI has most of the Like traditional representaattttiiivvveee dddeeessssiiigggnnnnsss,, same rules as traditional origami, modular origami began vveeerrryyy ssiiimmmmpppllllyyy.. but comprises the folding of mul- In the 1970s, Mitsunobuu SSSooonnnooobbbeee’’’ssss tiple pieces of paper into individual development of the Sonnoooobbbeee uuunniiittt units or modules, which are then as- expanded origami to neewww hhhooo-- sembled together to make a single rizons. This simple univvveeerrrssaalll model, generally without the use of unit, capable of being asssseemm-- any adhesives. Each unit is held to bled into a number of bbaaassiicc the others strictly by the tension of geometric polyhedra, paavvveedd the paper, and the resulting models the way for numerous vaarrriiaa-- cannot be replicated with just a single tions and new designs oovvveerr piece of paper. Modular origami is a the next decades. Tommookkkoo wonderful testimony to the remark- Fuse, Tom Hull, Robert Neeaalleee,, able hidden strength of paper, which Miyuki Kawamura, Danniieeell MMiinndd--BBlloowwiinngg__IINNTT..iinndddd 44 3300//55//1166 77::3322 ppmm 5 more than paper representations it as an occasionn ttoo hheeellpp sshhaarree of polyhedra to embellished fl oral and explain theessee gggeeoommeett-- spheres so ornate that they seem to ric origami constrruuccttiiooonnss iinn aa have no mathematical basis what- way that could be mmoosstt eeaassiillyy soever, the symmetry and form that understood. they held attracted me. The repetition of folding the individual units may be While a basic understaanndddiinngg ooff tedious, but I have always held that geometry is helpful, vveerrryy lliitt-- the satisfaction found in the assembly tle knowledge is neceesssssaarryy process makes the labor worthwhile. to begin. With knowledggggee ooff I might never have pursued modular the diff erent types of pooollyy-- origami beyond a minor hobby, how- hedra and polygons, allooonngg ever, had I not discovered the larger with a little experience, yyyooouu origami community online, and with should be able to create aallllll tthhee it, a particular type of modular gen- models in this book, anndd ppeerrhhaapppss erally referred to as a Wire Frame. even some variations ooff yyyoouurr oowwnn.. II This category, which includes the selected seven simplerr,, mmooorree eemmmbbeell-- most complex and exciting models in lished modular creationnss ttooo sseerrvvvee aass modular origami, gave me a renewed a basis for the twelve mmoorreee ccoommmppllii-- interest in this art that has remained cated Wire Frames thatt ffoolllloowww.. IIff yyoouu II hhaavvee ffoollddeedd aanndd with me ever since, and as such, is the aren’t familiar with moodduullaarr ooorriigggaammii,, ddeessiiggnneedd aallll kkiinnddss ooff focus of this book. I suggest starting with tthhee mmoorrreee bbbaaasssiiiccc oorriigggaammii,, bbuutt hhaavvee aallwwwaayyyss rree-- models and getting praccttiiccee wwiitthh tthheemm ttuurrnneedd ttoo mmoodduullaarr oorriiggaammii,, aass iitt iiss mmyyy Though I will defi ne it in greater de- until you have gained eennoouugghh cccoonnfifi - ffaavvoorriittee ssttyyllee. II hhooppeee tthhaatt tthhiiss bbooookkk tail later in the book, the term “Wire dence to try the more complicated gives you a greater appreciation for Frame” describes any intersecting, constructions. the stark geometric beauty and dyna- interlocking or interwoven origami mism of modular origami. ccoommppoouunndd,, oorrr any model based on I enjoy designing Wire Frames, and tttthhheeee bbaassiicc ““eeddgggee unit” which is nearly consider them to be the pinnacle of aaaalllwwwwaayyss uusseedd tttoo form the edges of a technical modular evolution. With ex- pppooolllyyyyhheeddrroonn.. WWWith these models, the tremely simple units, some remarkably ffooollldddiinngg ooff tthhee iinndividual units is invari- diffi cult and complicated structures aaabbblllyyyy mmuucchh eeaasssier than the assembly can be made with only paper and the pppprrrooocccceessss.. OOnncccee I discovered Wire use of your hands. The weaving process FFrrraaammmmeess,, II ffoolldddeed all that I could fi nd is always exciting and challenging. The aaannnddd tttthheenn ssttaarrttteed designing my own. fi nished work is a visually stimulating SSiinncccee tthheenn,, III have designed a great piece that requires more than a pass- nnuummbbeerr ooff tthhese models, and have ing glance to appreciate. Wire Frame ooffttteenn bbeeeennn asked to explain how models are akin to geometric puzzles tthhheeyy wweerrree made. While several that you must create and then solve oottthheerrss hhaave diagrammed Wire using only folded pieces of paper. Like FFrrraammeess bbefore, there is no vol- the more complicated representative uuummee ddeeevvoted primarily to the models, Wire Frames may take more eeexxppllaannaaation of these mod- time to assemble than some regular eeellss.. SSoo when the opportunity decorative modulars, but the extra ef- aaarroossee ttoo write a book, I took fort is apparent in the result. MMiinndd--BBlloowwiinngg__IINNTT..iinndddd 55 3300//55//1166 77::3322 ppmm M A T E R I A L S you should keep a variety of materials A pencil and ruler will be needed to measure and lightly handy for making the models in this book. mark the specifi cally proportioned rectangles of paper to be cut for Paper is, obviously, the most STARDREAM is a higher-quality paper most Wire Frame modular units. necessary item to procure. Nearly that is excellent for Wire Frames. It Frame-holders any paper can be used for origami. I can work for decorative modulars, but can be used have used many diff erent types, but its thickness makes it less suitable for to hold the Wire Frame elements, some are better suited for modular some of them. which can be a challenge to keep origami than others. The following in place during construction. While are several of my favorites. ELEPHANT HIDE is a very high-quality not required, frame-holders will Paper thickness is generally weighed paper that generally comes in muted give your model added stability in grams per square meter (gsm). colors. It is tremendously strong and until it is complete, at which point Generally, modulars are best folded thick, but creases superbly. It’s excel- they should be removed. Metal wire with a middle- or heavier-weight lent for all Wire Frames, and good for (22-gauge fl oral wire) is my frame- paper between 70 and 130 gsm. most decorative modulars as well. holder of choice, but it's not the only possibility. Feel free to experiment. A bone folder COPY PAPER is cheap, colorful, very is a piece of bone, A protractor easy to fi nd, and excellent for Wire plastic or wood used to fold creases is not required, but Frame modulars. Go for a 24-lb weight. strongly. While not necessary, it is useful for checking the angles of can help make sharp creases on the the unit’s pockets and other angular KAMI, the standard origami paper, is center vertices of Wire Frame struts. details. excellent for all of the decorative mod- Scissors A calculator ulars in this book. While a bit fl imsy, or a paper cutter will be is useful for it can be used for most Wire Frames. needed to cut the rectangular paper converting the paper proportions for used for Wire Frame struts. the Wire Frames quickly and easily. MEMO PAPER only comes in ~3.5" squares, so it is not generally useful for Wire Frames. However, it is cheap, colorful, and (without a sticky strip), it works very well for decorative models. TANT is a higher-quality paper that works well for most of the decorative modulars and Wire Frames. SKYTONE is a higher-quality parch- ment paper that bears a visual resemblance to Elephant Hide paper, but comes in a greater variety of col- ors. It is much thinner than Elephant Hide, and isn’t as strong. MMiinndd--BBlloowwiinngg__IINNTT..iinndddd 66 3300//55//1166 77::3322 ppmm N D T I P S A T E C H N I Q U E S While many modular origami projects proportions are listed as 1.25:5, and you want the width of each unit to be can indeed be challenging, keeping a few decreased to .875 in order to make a smaller model, you fi rst convert the important things in mind ahead of time will 1.25:5 back to a 1:X ratio. To do this, divide both numbers by the width. make everything go easier. 1.25/1.25=1, and 5/1.25=4, so the pro- portions have been converted to 1:4. Before you begin, it is important to be small, which would then make it quite You must now multiply both numbers prepared. You should have all the pa- diffi cult to fold. Scale the paper pro- by the new width to get the fi nal pro- per that you will need for the project, portions up or down to determine an portion: 1x.875=.875, and 4x.875=3.5. as well as any tools you might need. appropriate size. Therefore, your fi nal proportions are Be careful to choose an appropriate .875:3.5. These rectangles will have size for the starting papers, as they Paper proportions are the length- the same height-to-width ratio as the will determine the size of your fi nal to-width ratio of the paper for Wire proportions listed in the directions, model. This is especially true for the Frames. In some cases, you may only scaled down. The same procedure Wire Frames—it is very natural for want to change the dimensions list- can be used to increase the propor- beginners to want to expand the size ed. Fortunately, this is easy. You just tions; simply reverse the process to of the units, but if you aren’t careful, have to convert them to their origi- increase the proportions. you can easily end up with a model nal 1:X ratio (if necessary), and then several feet in diameter. Conversely, multiply both numbers by the desired Once all of the preparations are you might decide to make a model very width. Here’s an example: if the paper made, cutting and folding the units is A batch of units for The Alphabet (page 89), just begun. The complete collection of units for The Alphabet. MMiinndd--BBlloowwiinngg__IINNTT..iinndddd 77 3300//55//1166 77::3322 ppmm 8 generally very straightforward, espe- units interact with each other: if it is diffi cult to assemble—especially the cially for the Wire Frames. However, near 180 degrees, the unit will be close solid, ball-like models that off er no if you have diffi culty with a step, look to fl at; if it is near 0 degrees, the unit way to manipulate the paper into place ahead to the next step to see the re- will be narrow, and the two halves will from underneath once they are near sult of the fold. The folding of the units be pressed against each other. Unless completion. Be patient and deliberate can be tedious, but you can fold small a special eff ect is desired, the optimal as you slowly ease the units into place. “batches” of them and then assemble angle is around 90 degrees. (It is pos- them later. And the more eff ort you put sible for edge units to have a dihedral For Wire Frames, it is important to into the units, the more rewarding the angle greater than 180 degrees, but know where to place any frame- fi nished model will be. that is a subject for another volume.) holding pieces to ease assembly. The areas of each unit that press against The Wire Frame units themselves The assembly of the units is usu- other units in the assembled model, are surprisingly simple, as they have ally the most diffi cult—and the most and which hold the model together, a standard design pattern. The nature exciting—part of making modular ori- are referred to as the limiting factors. of their design is somewhat redun- gami. Various types of locks may be dant, to the point that after having used the hold the units together, but folded several diff erent models, you the standard method involves sliding will probably be able to infer an ap- a tab of paper into a pocket. Diff erent proximate folding sequence even paper types each have their own pros before reading the diagrams. This will and cons in assembly. Thinner paper make variations and new concepts has the advantage of being more fl ex- easier for you to explore on your own. ible, and will have fewer gaps where Probably the most important thing to the units come together. It is useful keep in mind when folding the units, in assembly where mobility is limited. aside from the proportions and pocket Thicker paper is stronger, and is less Limiting factors angles, is the dihedral angle of each likely to crumple, bend or rip during unit. This is the interior angle between the assembly. It can make the com- These determine the proportions of the two halves of a completed edge pleted model more rigid as well. The the starting paper. If frame holders unit. This angle will determine how the last units in a modular will be the most are used during assembly, it is impor- tant to put them in a place where they will maintain the model’s stability, but not interfere with the construction process. The limiting factors are usu- ally the best areas to place any wire, string, etc. that you are planning to use as frame holders. In addition, the weaving pattern has to be taken into account when assem- bling the units of the Wire Frames. Getting all of the units woven around each other in the proper pattern so that the model is symmetrical on all sides is a fun puzzle to fi gure out. To start, having an understanding of ba- sic geometry, especially polyhedra, is absolutely critical to understand the weaving of a Wire Frame. This is because the weaving pattern for any given model will almost always "Neighborhoods" of weaving patterns follow the symmetry of a regular MMiinndd--BBlloowwiinngg__IINNTT..iinndddd 88 3300//55//1166 77::3322 ppmm

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