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Millions Now Living Will Never Die - 1920 PDF

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PREFATORY Badge FF Rulberord, Tiroklym, N.Y Deus "The advance anon? pags of your brochure, “Ailions [Nos Lining Wal Siew Hie? which you kindy allowed de to ven fase proved to be eran more interesting then Dyed for, and T embrace ken ealy opportunity 2 supremo you mhy dncre appcistit of the woth, "The sdiable way fn shiek you have mused ‘he eayingt of fh Tord Jom, of the apoatien, ao of the prophe’s of old ane scoporied than by abundant ‘euler evidence all going to ebow that » time would ‘ome when talioas thea lve would wer fleand at we are now Fs i Hat ti we apie Bape ‘nd condense ix the mind of every bones truths feaking rede. Af ie ou by Ud the neo pring of spmdl cating Pirtor Baredl"s xin im ¢hosopits of Hee papers in many lands, Twas novzlly eerie to baow how you would eat the prophecise 2 ufen refered to iy Pastor Basel sermons. Lam pled, indeed, to nao ‘hal yom tne the wjer po of your eideacefrna the standpoint of rifled wroghncy. For oun, T sm glad ‘at you gutharod auch in remy ef evidenne to Rabe ‘eatine your ine adr stow ths poop, a5 2 8e for anorthosite lope, Low they may lite for ev He wl net bo ueoowtny for angone to colder your statements an 8 roe “Aten ting you and wiihing yo rich ternal bteasngs fe gruel of love, 1 eoveribe eye ae "Youre in Usa Tost of bot, GG. Duacoxe TABLE of CONTENTS Msue Wlpory Dives tin Then wee Foun F ‘Ta af the Datos fr Lert Testimony be ethno Tues Bale for lean 2 Alte, 1s Det ae ia ptr Pant to Cutene Eset he Lanse of Sa esis! Renily foe Tey When "nye Disin Kors nd Pla Redemetn Wnt 1 Meson to be 9 en alicote Perewaton fro the Saunt Sa eran Jui Seam a Eee uF te a Begin of lrortrton Work a the ee Oster How tn Use Fest. —— a Aprat to he Cre: Millions Now Living Will Never Die TPE juppeie smsonerent iat sions ‘pow living oa eax will never die rons sua pecsumiptuons 40 auny peoples iat when thee. lence 12 envefllyeonvidired T Welieze that mont every 3air mind wil cononde Shae Bho conslusion fe a reazovable one. For neatly nineteen ltusdred years Christiana have Boon looking forward to 2 Limo coming svhen life everlasting wil bo ofuced to all the peoples of earth, Thr expectations and Lopos Eave toon ered pox the combined IasLimnoy. of Se inspired proplets of old—from Sfasen to {Tohme—apon the nefiznony of Teoma of Nanazat, ‘he Son of the livieg God, and upon the tentic, roy of his inspired apostice. “About 4000 jars ago God made a promise 4o Abreham ia Which In end Gite sould bess Apsalam uel Gurcueh ie wad all Uso Eales af tue earth should be Ulead. Kal only did he wake thie promise, bus be lund ie with bis oath and Bt Paul plainly tells us that these to things, God's word and osth, aro undhango- alo, and Wiot his promises must be Palled, Based npon that oathbound promive and sie sequent like promises made 10-09 effspring of ‘Afshin, devout Jeve of ths world have ston Tpokad forward ta the Gime coming wn eae 6 Vv ngs of fe and happiness eternal will be offered to mankind, ‘Tantuy the eyes of arthodos Tews of earth are Saed apon Palestine, They are looking up and iftins up their heada gre ihe hope in springing inlo muilhiona of hearts that the time iv at ard for the regatkering of the Jews tm Palestine sani the ostablishrent thove ata state or governs ment of the Jews and for the Jews, aording to the divine arrangement. Sinee the time of Abrahara they have Jooked for the Bessiah, but heve uot yet diseorned who eonatitates the Messiah. Life evarlasting in a stala of happiness in tha greatest dasiro of all wen Whether men havo faith or not im the divine promises, each one ‘weal br gla te know for a certainty that there “waa before him Jife everdarting im a happy tate. In view of this strong desire, und of the eumala- tive evidence given by tho holy men of ofd eon corning such coming blessings, it acoms strange hat moro people have not tried to inform Hheat- ‘eelven upon fhe subject, The tendon as aged bby the Apostlo Pal, is thet he’ pod uf thig ‘world [Batan, the invintMe ruler uf the present social order of things] hath blinded the minds ‘of thoso who are perishing, lest the glorious @lad tidings of Christ Jonoa, sha fa the image (of God, should chine into thelr hearts".—2 Cor- Swthiane 424. ‘Many meu of alility in the past pentorioe bare entored the CBiisliun mizistey, The great cS Aions Now 2heg WH Hover he 2 adversary, knowing their volnerable points, has ‘weed others to fitter and eajalu thom and to tum their minds (award worldly things, and Dy far tho greater number of wnowo elorgymen, yielding to the bauefal and aedurtive influence Of the pdvoreny, have Ghemselves turzed away from the Bible, and have blindly led the people in the wrong direction, ‘They scam to have lost sight entirely of the fact thar God haa a grost plan which he is causing to work out in an orderly, majestic memner, Bat the hour hee struck ‘whea the pucple shall know the truth, and they thot laow dhe trath shall be made free from the bondage of ignerauee and superstition and their minds shal) he toraed into the channels Keading te mending, joy. Tris the purpose of the writer to try to tam ‘tha minds of the people to a earoful aud prayer. fal eousideration of the divine paumives, IL is ta be duoply regretted thot the dergemen would oppose an alfurt Ww lauch the proc the Bible Arathns neverthelans, we find rinch oppnsicion everywhere,and many elergymen vill atbempt t revent the poople from reading whit ir here ‘written, We, therefore, assure the rearer that ‘wo have no ulterior motiva in pniting oat dus message. “Tt ie not propaganda, Thieew in no dative nor effort to induer the reader tu jin anything. The motive for this publication ty ‘wholly uneelich, ‘The wsin has but ane desire and thet ia to indnce the people to read and rely ‘upon the divine promises and hus fix thelr ene . Uttinr Wve Fey UE Moc De hearts and minds in thin hoor of distrear npon puankind jt comfort thase that mera and point ther tha better dag wshich ie near at hand, ‘We shonld have in mind thet the great, all. swite Crestor haa hen now for moro than 4,000 ‘years dealing with certain penple, proparatary {o bringing to every man an opportunity for life everlasting. If he whose wislom is perfoot ‘would devote eo auch time and energy (0 the ontworking of a great plaa, then surely it ‘worthy of the earefal ond palnstaking exam ination and consideration of every mary, widhout regard to bis caved, rljgionn training, or his abltieal siew. Since the days of Abraham many mon of ‘rail intllect not only have diligently utndiod {hs divine plan, but have devoted thelr tives to having a part in making it knows fo others. ‘There wars Lventy-four holy prophels, whaso ameseages are recorded In the Bie. All of these forctnid a coming tin of grast Blessings to the naman race, ‘Their uttersncen were not thelr ‘ov, but they spake at the spirit of Jehovah moved upon them, It was impossible for a ‘hum mind to look down through the corridors of the ages and to foretell what the futare would bring forth; but theen varions pruphele, quded ty the all-viee Creator who knew the ene From the beginning, wrote and spales merely an the instinments of God. God never failed in one ‘af his promiaos, He enye. “Por am the Lord, Tchause not” (Afatachi 6:4) “There hath not ations Wow Hsing WH Never Dis ° failed one fall his good promnise:” (1 Wings 8:56) AN students of the sible que fiat Lhe tine ret come when every promige af Sehovah will be FulfHled. Iehovah does overs ‘hing ovdevly and on tse ave avaetly ie is avon duc fimo, and.aot man's due tne. Oy dy with hhimis o¢ 4 fhousuiud years wad w Qousand years ‘ae one day and what night sete fo soa a lung Avlerred falfUlmene of a prumive would be to Gd omly a questi a¥ vers hrief spar of Hime ‘All afugemts of the Bible alkn agree thar it haw pleased detovah to divide the metal order of ‘hings existing Ztosn ihe beginning of tho ward into epoehs, ‘hich upcelis we eall world, and IWhieh uk Loed wpouls of as worlds--eneb & uee oY the word “world” ameuliyg social ordar of things weisting wilbi a givias pexiou of tues Fur weary siuetven eantatien suuliste of divi prophecy have expartnd az Jonked firth waelt {Agend Revamse oroa tanght irwould evd, Many Chufation men, however, falling 20. rocognise tho distinction botwoen the aymbotic and literal phrases of che Biblc, have been couftised con- coming uve cea of the warld, Wer inslanee, che great Joka Calvin taught thal upon the happen ing of that event Jesus, souppoaciay near thu wurth, wuld ems fire Ua be povuted from he loa, setting the exrth aflame and tally destroying it and everything on it’ TTo Reinga dargyman of great renown was euppos| fo ave based hla oonehisions upon prafer interpretation of the Bible, aud great maimbe » 2Mtnona ow Lieag Wt over Ble Iblieved his toachings and for this reason, with fear and tropidation, many have looker forward tn the ending of tho ‘world, ‘Reasan ‘would Send us to tho conclusion that cheval would not ercate a wonderful earth Be ths, pevanit man lo bring it (0 high atate of enltivation ia macy’ places, asd thon come plotely destruy it, Buch le whlly out of hor mony With his ckuruotes, Likewine such ia ‘wholly oul of hariuony with fhe plain teachings of his Word, which anya: “The earth abideth Hocever”. (Ieeasinnten 124) "Por thos saith the Lord that erented the heavens; (ed himaalé ‘that formed the earth and trade its ho hath established it, he ercated Htmot in vain, he forme ditto he inkabited.” (Isaiah 45:78) When the Bible sponks of tha ward eating it does nat seas the Iteral early Unt it dovs efor to aa ‘epoch vr dispuuvation of time uring which a certain arraugement of (ings or social onlee fexivla. In prvol of this the Beripluree diselasa ‘ast There yas a “world” whieh existed [ruin tha ‘ime of Fiden util the gret deluge: “Whereby ke world that then was, being overflowed with ‘water, perished. (2 Polor 3:6) At the wud of the fod a new “world” began, and the prouains ig made by tho ame Scriptntal ‘writer thal i shall end. ‘The period of that worl is from tha ‘ood unit the coming of Mossiah’s kingdom, and his Hugi is £0 mark the beginning of annther new world or new order of things. "The fest world, then, began with dhe creation

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