^~y B. JOHNA.SEAVERNS : MILITARY EQUITATION OR, A METHOD OF BREAKING HORSES, AND TEACHING SOLDIERS TO RIDE. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF THE ARMY. BY HENRY EARL OF PEMBROKE, l£c, ^c. l^c. Scientia, Sc Patientia. Equitem docuere fub armis Infultare folo, et greffus glomerare fuperbos. Virg. Vis coniili expers mole ruit fua. Hor. — — .^i^i^—— II THE FOURTH EDITION, WITH PLATES. LONDON: PRINTED FOR G. AND T. WILKIE, NO. 57, PATER-NOSTER-ROW | AND E. AND J. EASTON, SALISBURY, MDCCXCIII, TO king. The SIR, WHEN the firft regiment of light dragoons was raifed under the corrimand of my friend Gene- ral George Augustus Eliott, we had frequent occa-t fion to lament together the wretched fyftem of Horse- ARMY: A manship, that at preferit prevails in the fyftem difgraceful in itfelf, and produ(5bive in its confe- quences of the mofl fatal evils For troops in their own : nature mofl excellent and brave have been frequently rendered inferior to lefs powerful ones, both in men and horfes, for want of proper inftruftions and intelligence in this Art, Thefe ferious confiderations (for indeed they are very much fo) induced me to write down and make public the following Leflons, calculated for the life of the Cavalry : They are fuch as I have always prac^ tifed DEDICATION. tifed myfelf and taught both in the above-mentioTicd i rfegirnent and felfewherfe, with conftant fuccefs. Incited by thefe reafons, I thus prefume to lay at your Majefty's feet this little work, the outlines only of a more exten- iive, general one, which I intend to make public here- aftetj fhould I fir^d time to finifli it : And I am. the more encouraged to it from the honour You have often done me of talking to me upon Horsemanship, as alfo from this confidence^ that if what I here recomiilend, be deemed in any wife likely to be ufcful, (as I flatter my- felf it may, if candidly examined^ andjudicioufly prac- tifed) it will not fail of receiving Your MAJESTY'S 1R.oyal Approbation and Support. I am. Sir, Your MAJESTY^s 'MOST DUTIFUL SUBJliCT> AND 'DEVOTED SERVANT, M % P E B R O K |*EMBROKS-HoUSEj, Fes. 15, '76«.