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Open Access Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal RAMBAM GRAND ROUNDS Milestones in the Evolution of Hepatic Surgery Henri Bismuth, M.D., F.A.C.S. (Hon)1*, Rony Eshkenazy, M.D.2, and Arie Arish, M.D.2 1Hepatobiliary Institute, Paul Brousse Hospital, Paris, France , and 2Hepato-Biliary Surgery Service, Department of General Surgery, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel ABSTRACT This paper describes the rapid evolution of modern liver surgery, starting in the middle of the twentieth century. Claude Couinaud studied and described the segmental anatomy of the liver, Thomas Starzl per- formed the first liver transplantations, and Henri Bismuth introduced the concept of anatomical resec- tions. Hepatic surgery has developed significantly since those early days. To date, innovative techniques are applied, using cutting-edge technologies: Intraoperative ultrasound, techniques of vascular exclu- sion of the liver, new devices for performing homeostasis and dissection, laparoscopy for resections, and new drugs that allow the resection of previously unresectable tumors. The next stage in liver surgery will probably be the implementation of a multidisciplinary holistic approach to the liver-diseased pa- tient that will ensure the best and most efficient treatments in the future. KEY WORDS: Surgery, liver, transplantation, transection The adult liver, the largest organ in the body, ac- then subdivided into sectorial and segmental counts for 2%–3% of overall body weight. Richly branches. Blood pressure in the main portal vein vascularized, the liver has an inflow carried is usually low, with a portocaval gradient (i.e. por- through the portal vein and the hepatic artery and tal vein pressure minus central venous pressure) an outflow draining through the main and acces- of less than 5 mmHg. In chronic liver disease, es- sory hepatic veins. The main portal vein drains the pecially cirrhosis, the portocaval gradient may in- splanchnic territory and carries 70%–80% of the crease to the point of portal hypertension. overall hepatic inflow. It divides into two branches, the right and left portal veins, which are In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Abbreviations: IOC, intraoperative cholangiography; IOUS, intraoperative ultrasound; PVE, portal vein embolization. Citation: Bismuth H, Eshkenazy R, Arish A. Milestones in the evolution of hepatic surgery. RMMJ 2011;2(1):e0021. doi:10.5041/RMMJ.10021 Copyright: © 2011 Bismuth et al. This is an open-access article. All its content, except where otherwise noted, is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conflict of interest: No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] RMMJ|www.rmmj.org.il 1 January 2011 w Volume 2 w Issue 1 w e0021 Milestones in the Evolution of Hepatic Surgery liver resections were carried out on trauma victims the liver, published his book, The liver – anatomi- with a range of injuries occurring as a result of calstudies and surgical studies. He showed that, military combat. The first liver resections in a according to the distribution of the portal blood, non-emergency setting resulted in uncontrolled the liver contains four parts that are subdivided by bleeding and death. the hepatic veins into eight segments. He coined the segment numbers as follows: one for the cen- tral segment and two through eight for the seven HISTORY OF MODERN LIVER SURGERY other segments in a clock-wise fashion. This seg- The German surgeon Carl Johann August Lan- mental division of the liver is the basis of modern genbuch performed the first successful hepatic functional and surgical liver anatomy. resection in 1888 (he was the first to perform cho- Despite the anatomical discoveries of the lecystectomy in 1882). 1 He resected a part of the 1950s, their application in surgical practice was left lobe of the liver after ligating the vascular pe- limited. No clinical methods existed that could dicles. The pathologic examination of the speci- detect the existence of small liver tumors that men revealed normal liver. might have required segmental resections. Physi- The first steps leading to modern liver surgery cians made their diagnoses based on physical began in the late 1950s. Scattered publications symptoms (pain or a palpable tumor), at which point it was usually already too late for surgery. from the United States describing a limited series of liver resections that had met with some success Only large liver resections could be performed. were published. The technique of liver resection at The introduction of ultrasound in the early that time was ill defined.2,3 1980s7,8 into common clinical practice allowed the Concomitantly, in 1952 in France Lortat Jacob clinician to diagnose asymptomatic small liver published a manuscript on his experiences per- tumors of 2 and 3 cm and paved the way to rapid forming anatomical liver resections: right hepa- development of liver surgery. In fact, modern liver tectomy after vascular control of the right liver.4 In surgery began when functional liver anatomy dis- 1956, Claude Couinaud, 5,6 after studying casts of covered 30 years earlier was applied, enabling Figure 1. The transparent liver showing the main arteries (in red), portal vein (in white), hepatic veins (in blue), and main parts of the biliary system (in green). Liver segments are numbered, and the round ligament is designated in yellow. Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal 2 January 2011 w Volume 2 w Issue 1 w e0021 MMiilleessttoonneess iinn tthhee EEvvoolluuttiioonn ooff HHeeppaattiicc SSuurrggeerryy segmental liver surgery. looking ffoorr aa ttuummoorr,, tthhee ssuurrggeeoonn ccoouulldd eessttaabblliisshh tthhee rreellaattiioonnss aammoonngg tthhee ppoorrttaall eelleemmeennttss,, tthhee hh e- TThhee ppaappeerr wwiitthh tthhee ssoommeewwhhaatt pprroovvooccaattiivvee ttiittllee ppaattiicc vveeiinnss,, tthhee hheeppaattiicc ppaarreenncchhyymmaa,, aanndd tthhee tt u- ooff ““SSuurrggiiccaall aannaattoommyy aanndd aannaattoommiiccaall ssuurrggeerryy ooff mmoorr,, aanndd tthheenn ddeecciiddee wwhhaatt kkiinndd ooff aannaattoommiiccaall rr e- the liver”9 ppuubblliisshheedd iinn 11998822 wwaass aa ttuurrnniinngg -point section needed to be carried out – “Hepatectomie iinn tthhee pprraaccttiiccee ooff lliivveerr ssuurrggeerryy.. NNaavviiggaattiinngg ssuurrggeerryy à la carte” for each indiivviidduuaall ppaattiieenntt.. on the basis of aannaattoommyy eelliimmiinnaatteedd tthhee uussee ooff CCoonnttrrooll ooff bblleeeeddiinngg dduurriinngg lliivveerr rreesseeccttiioonn iiss aa “atypical” or “non- aannaattoommiiccaall”” rreesseeccttiioonnss ooff tthhee mmaajjoorr cchhaalllleennggee ffoorr tthhee ssuurrggeeoonn.. IItt iiss ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy lliivveerr wwhhiicchh hhaadd rreessuulltteedd iinn bblleeeeddiinngg,, iinnccrreeaasseedd ddiiffffiiccuulltt iinn cciirrrrhhoottiicc lliivveerr dduuee ttoo tthhee ffiibbrroottiicc nnaattuurree mmoorrbbiiddiittyy,, aanndd mmoorrttaalliittyy ssoommeettiimmeess aass aa rreessuulltt ooff ooff tthhee lliivveerr ttiissssuuee.. TThhee iinnddiiccaattiioonn,, aass wweellll aass tthhee lliivveerr nneeccrroossiiss.. LLiivveerr rreesseeccttiioonnss bbaasseedd oonn aannaattoommyy type of clamping, depends main llyy oonn tthhee ssiizzee aanndd gained popularity and evolved iinnttoo bbllooooddlleessss ssuur- llooccaattiioonn ooff tthhee lleessiioonnss ttoo bbee rreesseecctteedd,, tthhee qquuaalliittyy ooff ggeerryy tthhaatt rreemmoovveedd iinnddeeppeennddeenntt sseeggmmeennttss oorr tthhee lliivveerr ppaarreenncchhyymmaa,, tthhee ssuurrggeeoonn’’ss pprreeffeerreenncceess,, groups of two or more segments. aanndd uunneexxppeecctteedd ooppeerraattiivvee eevveennttss.. IInn 11995588 LLiinn ii n- IInn 11998844,, iinnttrraaooppeerraattiivvee uullttrraassoouunndd ((IIOOUUSS)) wwaass ttrroodduucceedd tthhee ffiinnggeerr ffrraaccttuurree tteecchhnniiqquuee,, wwhhiicchh ii n- introduced into practice. 10–14 TThhee tteecchhnniiqquuee aa l- vvoollvveess ccrruusshhiinngg ooff lliivveerr ppaarreenncchhyymmaa bbyy the surge- lloowweedd tthhee ssuurrggeeoonn ttoo uunnddeerrssttaanndd lliivveerr vvaassccuullaattuurree oonn’’ss ffiinnggeerrss uunnddeerr iinnffllooww oocccclluussiioonn ssoo aass ttoo iissoollaattee aanndd bbiilliiaarryy dduucctt aannaattoommyy aanndd rreennddeerreedd tthhee lliivveerr vessels and bile ducts for ligation.16 This technique transparent (Figure 1). IInn ffaacctt,, tthhee iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn ooff wwaass ssuubbsseeqquueennttllyy iimmpprroovveedd tthhrroouugghh tthhee uussee ooff IIOOUUSS iinnttoo lliivveerr ssuurrggeerryy hhaadd tthhee ssaammee iimmppaacctt aass ssuurrggiiccaall iinnssttrruummeennttss ssuucchh aass aa ssmmaallll KKeellllyy ccllaammpp tthhee iinncclluussiioonn ooff iinnttrraaooppeerraattiivvee cchhoollaannggiiooggrraapphhyy ffoorr bblluunntt ddiisssseeccttiioonn ((ccllaammpp ccrruusshhiinngg oorr ““KKeellll ycla- ((IIOOCC)) ffiiffttyy yyeeaarrss eeaarrlliieerr iinn bbiilliiaarryy ssuurrggeerryy.. 15 By sia”).9,17,18 ffiinnddiinngg tthhee lliivveerr’’ss lliinneess ooff ddiivviissiioonn wwiitthh IIOOUUSS aanndd Figure 2. GGlliissssoonniiaann ppeeddiiccllee eelleemmeennttss:: ppoorrttaall vveeiinn ((iinn bblluuee)),, hheeppaattiicc aarrtteerryy ((iinn rreedd)), aanndd tthhee bbiillee dduuccttss ((iinn ggrreeeenn)).. HHeeppaattiicc iinnffllooww oocccclluussiioonn:: AA)) SSeelleeccttiivvee oo cccclluussiioonn ooff sseeggmmeennttaall ppoorrttaall vveeiinn bbyy aa bbaalllloooonn ii n- tttrrroooddduuuccceeeddd uuunnndddeeerrr uuullltttrrraaasssooonnnooogggrrraaappphhhiiiccc ggguuuiiidddaaannnccceee... TTThhheee aaarrrrrrooowwwsss ssshhhooowww ttthhheee dddiiiffffffeeerrreeennnttt sssiiittteeesss ooofff GGGllliiissssssooonnniiiaaannn ccclllaaammm p- iiinnnggg... BBB))) SSSuuuppprrraaahhhiiilllaaarrr ccclllaaammmpppiiinnnggg ooofff ooonnneee ssseeeccctttooorrr ooofff ttthhheee rrriiiggghhhttt llliiivvveeerrr;;; CCC aaannnddd DDD))) hhhiiilllaaarrr ssseeellleeeccctttiiivvveee ccclllaaammmpppiiinnnggg tttooo ttthhheee right liivveerr;; EE)) ttoottaall ppeeddiiccuullaarr ccllaammppiinngg ((PPrriinnggllee mmaanneeuuvveerr)).. Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal 3 January 2011 w Volume 2 ww Issue 1 w e0021 Milestones in the Evolution of Hepatic Surgery Figure 4. Total vascular exclusion of the liver with hypothermia as described by Fortner et al. 40 The liver is excluded (as in Figure 3). Veno-venous by- pass of the liver is performed (red lines), and hypo- Figure 3. Total vascular exclusion of the liver by thermic solution is infused into the portal vein (in clamping the infrahepatic and suprahepatic infe- blue). rior vena cava and the hepatoduodenal ligament. The majority of liver resections can be done with no clamping at all. 30,31 In some patients total In many centers, ultrasonic dissection using hepatic vascular isolation is needed. This isolation the Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA; can be partial (meaning occlusion of the inflow Tyco Healthcare, Mansfield, MA, USA) has be- and only one hepatic vein 32,33) or total (meaning come the standard technique for liver parenchyma occlusion of the inflow). Outflow occlusion is ob- dissection. With this technology, the liver tissue is tained by occluding the vena cava above and below fragmented with ultrasonic energy and aspirated, the hepatic veins 34–37 (Figure 3). In cases of a thus exposing small vascular and ductal structures small tumor adherent to a hepatic vein, isolation that can be ligated or clipped with titanium he- of the corresponding liver by clamping the inflow moclips.19 The water jet dissector employs a pres- and the hepatic vein can facilitate and render sur- surized jet of water instead of ultrasonic energy, in gery safe if the lesion is resected with the adherent order to fragment the liver parenchyma tissue and vein. When a large tumor is found to have entered expose the vascular and ductal structures. 20 How- the vena cava, this technique enables bloodless ever, this technique has not become as popular as resection of the involved vena cava and safe recon- ultrasonic dissection. struction of its continuity. 38,39 Total vascular ex- clusion (TVE) of the liver can be applied safely for To reduce blood loss during liver resection, as long as 60 minutes. This can be extended to 8 intermittent inflow occlusion by clamping of the hours by using hypothermia (Figure 4), as is done portal triad (Pringle maneuver) is frequently in liver transplantation. The liver resection can be used.21,22 However, there is a limit to how long the done in situin vivo as first described by Fortner et Pringle maneuver can be applied. Prolonged in- al.,40–42ex situ in vivo as described by Hannoun et flow occlusion (over 120 minutes) may have dele- al.,42–45 or ex situ ex vivo as described by Pichl- terious effects on liver functions. 23 Hepatic inflow mayr et al.46 (Figure 5, next page). This innovative occlusion can be directed to one side or to a seg- approach to liver resection has a high rate of com- ment by clamping the Glissonian pedicle at the plication and even mortality. hilum or inside the liver parenchyma (Figure 2).9,24–29 Another concept in liver surgery that guides Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal 4 January 2011 w Volume 2 w Issue 1 w e0021 Milestones in the Evolution of Hepatic Surgery Figure 5. Total vascular exclusion for complex liver resections. A) The ex-situex-vivo technique de- scribed by Pichlmayr et al.46 B) The ex-situin-vivo technique described by Hannoun et al.43 surgeons toward safe surgery is that “the liver is tween 0% and 2%.63,64 Trained liver surgery teams parenchyma tissue with blood vessels inside”. The can achieve less than 1% mortality. This is a great rationale behind this concept is to dissect this pa- advance in comparison to the mortality in liver renchyma tissue while ensuring hemostasis. The surgery in early reports, which reached a mortality concept was popularized following the develop- rate as high as 20%.65 ment of new devices that enabled such dissection, e.g. the harmonic scalpel,47–49 LigaSure,50–52 tissue link,53 radiofrequency, 54,55 and the “Habib sea- ler”.56,57 These devices allow the parenchyma to be LIVER SURGERY – A NEW SPECIALTY cut without having to clamp the pedicle. Neverthe- less, the clamp crushing technique is still widely In medicine and surgery, the use of special tech- used.58–61 nologies and knowledge has facilitated the devel- opment of subspecialties. Cardiac surgery, for ex- The main indication for liver resection today is ample, emerged as a specialty of surgery because liver metastasis resulting from advanced cancers of the use of special machines and instruments. of the colon and rectum. Apart from liver surgery This was not the case for liver surgery. for trauma or hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhot- ic patients where the mortality is high, 62 the over- When it began, liver surgery used nothing but all operative mortality in liver resections is be- the instruments of general surgery. Today, with Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal 5 January 2011 w Volume 2 w Issue 1 w e0021 Milestones in the Evolution of Hepatic Surgery the exploitation of special technology and instru- size through chemotherapy or changing the re- mentation such as operative ultrasound, ultrason- maining liver size by performing portal vein em- ic dissectors, argon coagulators, cryotherapy, ra- bolization.75–80 diofrequency, and extracorporeal circulation, liver In cases of multiple, bilateral, unresectable co- surgery has become a subspecialty of general sur- lorectal liver metastases, the strategy must be gery, or more precisely, a hyper-specialty. multimodal, starting with neoadjuvant chemothe- One step on the way to liver surgery becoming rapy. In patients with a normal liver, portal vein a specialty was the advent of liver transplantation. embolization (PVE) is indicated when the future When liver surgeons began performing transplan- liver remnant volume is predicted to be <30%.81–95 tation, liver resection was a step in the procedure. PVE may also be useful in patients who have evi- Surgery on the graft itself or on the recipient, dence of chemotherapy-related liver injury. If which may have meant heterotopic liver trans- there is a positive response to chemotherapy, then plantation and reducing the size of the graft, 66,67 surgery should follow. Limited resection of the operating on the living donor, 68 performing a do- colorectal liver metastases in one lobe can be per- mino transplantation,69,70 or a split liver proce- formed as the first stage combined with radio fre- dure,71–74 were all done by liver surgeons doing quency ablation of other lesions and PVE of the liver transplantation. contralateral portal vein. Alternatively, ligation and alcoholization of the portal vein can be per- Liver surgery is now a specialty, as one of the formed intraoperatively. PVE, ligation, and/or three branches of gastro-intestinal (GI) surgery. alcoholization produce, on the one hand, essential These are upper GI, colorectal, and hepato-bilio- atrophy of the implicated lobe and, on the other pancreatic surgery. Moreover, it is not a narrow hand, significant hypertrophy of the contralateral field of surgery. Today’s liver surgeons need to lobe. This strategy enhances the volume of the fu- master a variety of techniques and tactics: open ture liver remnant. Studies have shown an approx- liver surgery, laparoscopic surgery, endoscopic imately 10%–25% increase in the size of the liver surgery, and percutaneous surgeries (minimal remnant after PVE. 81–95 The hypertrophy is com- access surgery). plete by the third week. In a second stage, a major The two branches, liver surgery and liver resection of the contralateral liver can be carried transplantation, overlap: out safely.96–98 Usually, patients undergoing these procedures receive postoperative chemotherapy. • Techniques of liver transplantation in liver With this approach, currently there are no limits surgery: External bypass in extensive resec- to the resection other than those imposed by the tions, cooling (topical, hypothermia, ex-situ re- volume and function of the liver remnant. sections). Is laparoscopic liver surgery an abdominal ap- • Techniques of liver surgery in liver transplan- proach or a technical improvement? It is too early tation: Reduced size graft, split liver, living do- to compare laparoscopic and open surgery since nor. there are much fewer laparoscopic liver resections reported99,100 than open liver resections. Many Today’s liver surgeon needs to be familiar with thousands of open liver resections are performed anatomy, echography, vascular surgery, microsur- every year. Laparoscopic liver surgery is feasible gery, immunology, hepatology, and oncology. and safe for certain indications, e.g. left lateral segmentectomy for benign or malignant dis- ease.101–106 Harvesting of the left lateral segment for living related transplantation is done by lapa- roscopy by some expert surgeons (experts in liver THE PRESENT surgery, liver transplantation, and laparosco- py)with excellent results.107 Improving the technique of liver resection and increasing the number of patients eligible for liver There are some reports on robotic liver resec- resection are the main objectives because the only tions, though these are still preliminary descrip- way to cure a patient, in cases of liver tumors, is to tions.108 offer him or her the chance of a liver resection. 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